(Group 2) Paper Extended School

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Completed by :

Anggi Milfa Nersya Simamora (0304193205)

Nur Ade Erma Nia (0304193230)

Witya Chairinda Sitorus (0304193204)


Lecturer :

Vieny Nazrillah Siregar,M.Hum





Thanks to Allah SWT for all the grace and bless who has given us , we were able to complete
the task of this paper.Shalawat and salam , writer also confey to the lord of all us, the prophet
Muhammad SAW multi playing shalawat may we get interaction in of the day . This paper
poured to fulfil task , that given by Vieny Nazrillah Siregar,M.Hum lecturer of the Extended
School Education.
In arranging this paper review the writer realized there are still many mistakes in process
of writing . If there are still error , short comings in mistakes , writer is really hope the leader
can provide constructive criticsm i order to improve shortage of this paper. Then, I am say
thank you to all individual who have in the process of writing this paper .

Hopefully through the explanation in this paper, readers can gain insight. We also hope
that this article is able to describe the learning distance method precisely and clearly. If there are
mistakes and shortcomings, we are ready to receive input from readers.


Group 2



1.1 Background of the study

In the era of information globalization, there are several trends in the field of
telecommunications, namely it is time to apply them in the learning process. The use of
information technology in the learning system, especially in distance learning, is intended to
increase the independence, individualization and autonomy of learning participants in the
learning process in accordance with the characteristics of distance learning itself. The current
condition is that the existing learning system in distance education is not yet flexible and is still
a reflection of centralized learning. Along with the rapid development of information
technology, distance learning systems can actually be in the form of being an interactive
system, can involve groups without reducing the individuality of each student, on the other
hand can also be very private where students can be controlled in all situations without being
limited by time and space.

Distance education or can also be referred to as distance learning, may have begun to be
glimpsed by education actors to be one of the solutions to many educational problems. More
precisely, it began to become a "trend-center" in our education world. Actually, the term has
long been echoed and even applied by educators and students in a learning process which
incidentally in this case is mostly done separately outside the classroom. Separately here means
that educators and students are not in the same room and even the time can be different. The
interaction of educators and students is carried out directly or indirectly, for example by
chatting via an internet connection (directly) or by sending emails to simply collect assignments
(indirectly). Of course, a learning process like this also has shortcomings in its application.
Therefore, it is necessary for the ingenuity of educators to minimize existing deficiencies. Of
course, taking into account the economic, social, cultural conditions, as well as the learning
characteristics of each target to be addressed (students). Is learning theory suitable to be applied
in this kind of learning and what is it easy for students to catch the material presented.

1.2 Problem Formulation
There are problem formulaton that will be discussed in this paper :
a) What the meaning of distance learning method?

b) What are the principles of distance learning method?

c) What are the characteristics of distance learning method?

d) What are the types of distance learning method?

e) How to practice distance learning method in online course?

f) What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning method?

1.3 Purpose of the Paper

The purpose of this paper is to know what the influence and impact also advantages and
disadvantages when we use distance learning method to teach online course.


A. The Definition of Distance Learning

The terms “distance education” or “distance learning” have been applied
interchangeably by many different researchers to a great variety of programs, providers,
audiences, and media. Its hallmarks are the separation of teacher and learner in space and/or
time (Perraton, 1988), the volitional control of learning by the student rather than the distant
instructor (Jonassen, 1992), and non-contiguous communication between student and
teacher, mediated by print or some form of technology (Keegan, 1986; Garrison & Shale,
Several experts expressed the notion of distance learning, including G. Dogmen, G.
Mackenzie, E. Christensen, and P. Rigby, O. Peter, M. Moore, B. Holmeberg (Aristorahadi,
2008). According to Dogmen, the characteristics of distance learning are the existence of an
organization that regulates independent learning, learning materials are delivered through
the media, and there is no direct contact between the teacher and the learner. Mackenzie,
Christensen, and Rigby said distance education is a learning method that uses
correspondence as a tool to communicate between learners and teachers. One form of
distance education is the Correspondence School. Correspondence is a learning method
using correspondence as a tool to communicate between learners and teachers. Its
characteristics include that learners and teachers work separately, but both are united by
correspondence. Correspondence is needed so that there is interaction between the learner
and the teacher. According to them, the characteristics of distance learning are that learners
and teachers work separately, learners and teachers are united through correspondence, and
there is a need for interaction between learners and teachers. Distance education is a form of
education that provides opportunities for students to study separately from their teachers.
However, it is possible for the meeting between the teacher and the students to be held only
if there is a special event or to carry out certain tasks. Correspondence is needed so that
there is interaction between the learner and the teacher. According to them, the
characteristics of distance learning are that learners and teachers work separately, learners
and teachers are united through correspondence, and there is a need for interaction between

learners and teachers. Distance education is a form of education that provides opportunities
for students to study separately from their teachers. However, it is possible for the meeting
between the teacher and the students to be held only if there is a special event or to carry out
certain tasks. Correspondence is needed so that there is interaction between the learner and
the teacher.
According to them, the characteristics of distance learning are that learners and teachers
work separately, learners and teachers are united through correspondence, and there is a
need for interaction between learners and teachers. Distance education is a form of
education that provides opportunities for students to study separately from their teachers.
However, it is possible for the meeting between the teacher and the students to be held only
if there is a special event or to carry out certain tasks. learners and teachers are united
through correspondence, and there is a need for interaction between learners and teachers.
Distance education is a form of education that provides opportunities for students to study
separately from their teachers. However, it is possible for the meeting between the teacher
and the students

B. Distance Learning Principles

Distance learning includes the efforts taken by learners to realize a lifelong education
system, with the principles of freedom, independence, flexibility, currentness, conformity,
mobility, and efficiency. These principles form the basis for decision makers in the field of
education to provide various distance learning facilities. The principles of distance learning
are as follows:
 The principle of freedom means that the education system is democratic because it is
designed so that it can be freely followed by anyone. Moreover, learners are
heterogeneous in terms of conditions or characteristics which include motivation,
intelligence, educational background, opportunities and time to learn. Therefore, the
content of the educational program, the way the program is presented, and the learning
process are specially designed, which is not limited to pre-determined learning materials,
place, distance, time, age, gender and other non-academic requirements.
 The principle of independence is realized by the existence of a curriculum or educational
program that can be studied independently (independent learning), individual learning or

group learning. The teacher only acts as a facilitator who provides assistance or
convenience to the learner to learn, so that the assistance provided by the teacher is
minimal or not dominant according to the learner's circumstances. Learning materials are
also designed so that learners can learn independently, such as the provision of learning
packages that can be studied on their own, tutorial programs to provide guidance, and
exam designs with a mastery learning approach.The role of learning materials in the
distance learning process is very important, it is necessary to develop good learning
materials in quality and quantity. Therefore, a study or evaluation of the learning
material should be carried out so that it has the same standard. The results of this study
serve as input for improvements in the development of new learning materials.
 The principle of flexibility allows students to flexibly manage study schedules and
activities, take exams or assessments of learning progress, and access learning resources
according to the learner's abilities.
 The principle of conformity refers to learning programs that are relevant to the learner's
own needs, job demands, developments in science and technology, or developments
occurring in society. Learners learn according to their own desires, interests, abilities,
and experiences.
 The principle of mobility allows students to learn by moving from place to place
according to circumstances that allow for the learning process to occur. Learners can also
study with equivalent types, pathways, and levels or can continue their education to a
higher level in accordance with applicable requirements. The principle of efficiency is to
empower various kinds of resources, such as human resources or available technology as
optimally as possible so that students can learn.

C. The Characteristics of Distance Learning

Keegan’s definition is based inter alia on an analysis of the definitions proposed by
Holmberg (1977), Peters (1973), and Moore (1973). Keegan (1986: 49-50) identifies seven
principal characteristics which he regards as being essential for any comprehensive
 Separation of teacher and student The separation in space and time of teaching and
learning is a basic feature of distance education. It is worth stressing that this separation

is not the exclusive prerogative of distance education systems. Some proportion of
learning activities in conventional systems takes place apart from the presence of a
teacher, increasingly so as one passes up the scale from school to university education,
while many distance education systems include elements of face-to-face contact with
teachers. What is particular to distance education practice in this respect is that the
overall design of a system is premised on this separation, and that therefore the role of
the teacher, and the nature of the transactions between teacher and learner, are
completely changed.
 The role of the institution Distance education needs to be differentiated not only from
conventional classroom based education but also from private study at home. People
learn a great deal through their own efforts. What distinguishes distance teaching is that
there is an institution that is consciously teaching its students. Use of technical media
The use of ‘technical ‘ communications media in an integrated manner to provide the
basic teaching elements is the factor which has perhaps most marked the recent growth
of distance education. If the mass media can be used successfully as a principal vehicle
for teaching, and as a substitute for a classroom teacher, then considerable economics of
scale are theoretically possible. it can be used effectively for educational purposes:
potential learners need to be capable of studying independently and to know how best to
use these media for learning.
 Two-way communication (between individual students and mentors) Two-way.
communication between the individual student and his or her mentor (e.g. tutor or
counsellor) is thus regarded as an essential component of a distance education system.
Students may communicate with their tutors or counsellors in writing, by telephone and
two-way radio, or in individual face-to-face meetings. In some instances, these contacts
may be public – for example television or radio phone-in programmes which enable
students to speak with the teachers responsible for the design of a course (as opposed to
local tutors who may not have been associated with its development). Generally,
however, they are moreprivate, involving discussions of assignment work that the
student is submitting for evaluation or personal difficulties encountered in studying at a

 Group learning Learning in groups is a feature of many distance education systems. In
his 1980 definition Keegan argued that ‘the possibility of occasional seminars’ was a
defining characteristic of distance education. At the very minimum, this would imply
the organisation of regular face-to-face meetings of students in a particular area, with or
without the presence of a tutor, counsellor, or ‘animateurs’, or occasional longer
seminars or workshops (such as the contact programmes run by many of the Indian
universities’ Correspondence Directorates, or the British Open University’s residential
summer schools).
 An industrialized form of education. Privatisation Keegan’s last defining characteristic,
which is really connected with the fifth, is the essential "privatisation" of learning
process with he identifies as being present in distance education, by which he means that
‘a distance system takes , the student from the learning group and places him/her in a
more private situation’ (Keegan, J 986: 49). Distance education, he says, is
‘characterised by the privatisation of institutional learning’.

D. The Types of Distance Learning

1) Synchronous distance learning
As we all know, 'synchronous' means‘at the same time’. In this context, it is learning
that involve live communication through either chatting online, sitting in a classroom,
or even teleconferencing.
2) Asynchronous distance learning
Again, 'asynchronous' typically means‘not at the same time’. In this regard, it is a type
of learning that has a strict set of deadlines, often a weekly time limit; however, it
allows learners to learn at their own pace. It is also one of the most popular distance
learning types because students can communicate with each other seamlessly through
online notice/bulletin boards. Programs and courses with plenty of project and
assignment work drive well in this format because it provides learners with enough
duration to focus on the assigned work.
3) Hybrid distance learning
As the name suggests, hybrid distance learning combines asynchronous and
synchronous learning to form a structure where learners are required to meet at a

particular time in an internet chat-room or a classroom. With this platform though,
students are required to complete their work at their own pace. Hybrid courses are often
offered when learning institutions lack enough space to accommodate all their program
course loads.

E. How to Practice Distance Learning

Media to facilitate interaction between and among learners, teachers, and content
increases the opportunity for in-depth and meaningful learning (Gibson, 1997).The following
are things that need to be considered in implementing distance learning in online courses:
Student & Teacher Requirements
 Both students and teachers can use any device that supports an internet browser
(smartphones, tablets, computers, Chromebooks,zoom meet).
 Both students and teachers require access to the Internet – either via WiFi or mobile
carrier network.
Preeparation and Implemetation
 Choose your lecturing format: synchronous vs. asynchronous
In distance learning you have basically two ways to deliver your teaching:
asynchronously or synchronously (live session). Analyse carefully your regular face to
face outline.After having analysed carefully your outline, decide whether to prepare a
fully synchronous lecture or a lecture mixing a synchronous time and some asynchronous
 Share your teaching material (PDFs, PPT, Classtime Assessments, YouTube videos, etc.)
on Microsoft Teams, Google Drive or your school’s own Learning Management System
 Teacher provides environment, materials, and guidance for collaborative learning,
interactive discussion groups, individual learning, and research.
 Students are self-responsible for their own learning. They should decide what they want
to learn, establish their goal, research and develop their subject.
 Teacher provides prompt and accurate feedback to students to facilitate learning.
 Classtime assessments can be integrated for self-practice. Learners do not even have to
enter a name and can practice and repeat your tasks as often as they would like to. Create

homework with Classtime by yourself or use existing content. The questions can then be
shared with links via email or your school’s LMS.

F. Advantages and Disadvantages Distance Learning

Scientists identify the following advantages and disadvantages of distance learning:
1. The advantages of distance learning:
2. The student chooses the time and place of study;
3. Access to educational materials via the Internet from anywhere in our country;
4. Study will not interfere with work;
5. Flexible training periods;
6. Helps reduce travel costs to and from the place of study;
7. You can conduct training for many people.

The disadvantages of distance learning:

1. There is no person nearby who could emotionally color knowledge, this is a significant
minus for the learning process;
2. The need for a personal computer and Internet access; Sometimes students are
constrained by poor internet/network access so that it can hinder learning
3. One of the problems of training remains the problem of establishing the identity of the
user in the verification of knowledge. It is impossible to predict who completed the work;
4. For distance learning self-discipline is necessary;
5. Reduced interaction with the teacher resulting in a lack of understanding of the material


As in the discussion above, it is explained that distance learning is learning that is

characterized by independence. Distance learning is an alternative to overcome a problem in
learning. For example, it provides convenience for students who have difficulty accessing
learning because of the long distance, especially when Covid-19 hit last year. In practice,
distance learning has several characteristics, principles and types that need to be considered in
order to run properly. After implementing this distance learning method in online classes, of
course we find that there are advantages and disadvantages that we can compare with offline
classes. So that in the future we can explore to apply which method is better for students in class.


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