Civil Law FAQs 2021

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San Beda College Alabang School of Law

Centralized Bar Operations

Frequently Asked Questions






Dr. Ulpiano P. Sarmiento III

Dean and Adviser

Atty. Anna Marie Melanie B. Trinidad

Vice Dean

Atty. Carlo D. Busmente

Prefect of Student Affairs

Atty. Roben B. Cadugo Jr.

Administrative Officer

Centralized Bar Operations 2021



Christian Boy Benedict R. Tiangco

Overall Chairperson

Maria Angela Alexandria Albotra

Chairperson for Operations

Fiona Criscelle Federico

Chairperson for Academics

Angelica Felise Manalo

Jolykha Toa L. Sanchez
Deputy for Academics

Joseph Librojo
Chairperson for Academics Operation

Ma. Veronica Malabanan

Chairperson for Secretariat

Maria Concepcion Bañas

Chairperson for Finance

Kate Capulong
Chairperson for Logistics

Marie Czel Ongtangco

Chairperson for Recruitment and Membership

John Argie Mortel

Chairperson for Electronic Data Processing

Kurt Jairus Tañada

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Anna Akiko Abad

Chairperson for Bar Mentoring Program

Louie Ann Someros

Chairperson for Bar Matters

Centralized Bar Operations 2021


John Paul D. Maramot

Subject Head

Randa D. Malinao
Assistant Subject Head

Ablang, Rohanne Karolle D.
Bautista, Angelica P.
Belarmino, Anna Katrina A.
Cabrera, Lisa Mae M.
Clemena, Ej R.
Dy Bunteng, Joanne D.
Estrosas, Eden Claire L.
Enriquez, Darla Claire T.
Garcia, Jorgette Ruth M.
Lee, Patrica Dominique P.
Lucero, Kristine Grace F.
Miraflor, Hanz Christian I.
Navelgas, Alejandro Roman B.
Oasan, Wendy Louise M.
Regaspi, Rachel Jane B.
Taban-Ud, Aika T.

I. IN GENERAL law, it shall be valid and respected in the

QUESTION: Juan is a Filipino citizen residing in Tokyo,
PH and LV are HK Chinese. Their parents Japan. State what laws govern:
are now Filipino citizens who live in 1. His capacity to contract marriage is
Manila. While still students in MNS State, Japan,
they got married although they are first 2. His successional rights as regards his
cousins. It appears that both in HK and in deceased Filipino father’s property in
MNS State first cousins could marry Texas, U.S.A.
legally. They plan to reside and set up 3. The extrinsic validity of the last will and
business in the Philippines. But they have testament which Juan executed while
been informed, however, that the sojourning in Switzerland.
marriage of first cousins here is 4. The intrinsic validity of said will. (1998
considered void from the beginning by Bar Question)
reason of public policy. They are in a
dilemma. They don’t want to break SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Philippine law, much less their marriage (1) Juan’s capacity to contract
vow. They seek your advice on whether marriage is governed by
their civil status will be adversely Philippine law pursuant to Art. 15,
affected by Philippine domestic law? Civil Code, which provides that
What is your advice? (2004 Bar Question) our laws relating to, among
others, legal capacity of persons
SUGGESTED ANSWER: are binding upon citizens of the
I will advise PH and LV that their civil Philippines even though living
status will not be adversely affected by abroad.
Philippine law because they are not
Filipino citizens. Pursuant to Article 15 of (2) By way of exception to the
the Civil Code and the Nationality general rule of lex rei sitae
Principle, citizenship is the basis for prescribed by the first paragraph
determining the personal law of a person of Art. 16, Civil Code, a person’s
which covers family rights and duties, or successional rights are governed
the status, condition, and legal capacity. by the national law of the
decedent (2nd paragraph, Art.
Being foreigners, their status, conditions
16). Since Juan’s deceased father
and legal capacity in the Philippines are
was a Filipino citizen, Philippine
governed by the law of Hong Kong, the
law governs Juan’s successional
country of which they are citizens. Since
their marriage is valid under Hong Kong
(3) The extrinsic validity of Juan’s will is
governed by (a) Swiss law, it being
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

the law where the will was made capacity to act, being his
(Art. 17 1st par. Civil Code), or (b) personal law from the standpoint
Philippine law, by implication from of both his nationality and his
the provisions of Art. 816, Civil domicile. He was, therefore, a
Code, which allows even an alien minor at the time he entered into
who is abroad to make a will in the contract.
conformity with our Civil Code.
(4) The intrinsic validity of his will is ANOTHER ANSWER:
governed by Philippine law, it
(1) Yes, the suit will prosper. Article 17
being his national law. (Art. 16,
of the Civil Code provides that the
Civil Code)
forms and solemnities of
contracts, wills and other public
instruments shall be governed by
Francis Albert, a citizen and resident of
the laws of the country in which
New Jersey, U.S.A, under whose law he
they are executed.
was still a minor, being only 20 years of
age, was hired by ABC Corporation of Since the contract of employment
Manila to serve for two years as its chief was executed in Manila,
computer programmer. But after serving Philippine law should govern.
for only four months, he resigned to join Being over 18 years old and no
XYZ Corporation, which enticed him by longer a minor according to
offering more advantageous terms. His Philippine Law, Francis Albert can
first employer sues him in Manila for be sued. Thus, the suit of ABC
damages arising from the breach of his Corporation against him for
contract of employment. He sets up his damages will prosper.
minority as a defense and asks for
annulment of the contract on that
ground. The plaintiff disputes this by
alleging that since the contract was II. PERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS
executed in the Philippines under whose
law the age of majority is 18 years, he PERSONS
was no longer a minor at the time of
perfection of the contract. ● Capacity to Act
1. Will the suit prosper?
(1998 Bar Question) Elated that her sister who had been
married for five years was pregnant for
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the first time, Alma donated P100,000.00
(1) No, the suit will not prosper under to the unborn child. Unfortunately, the
Article 15, Civil Code. New Jersey baby died one hour after delivery. May
Law governs Francis Albert’s Alma recover the P100,000.00 that she
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

had donated to said baby before it was the marriage of Facundo and Querica,
born considering that the baby died? grounded on the absence of a valid
Stated otherwise, is the donation valid marriage license. Querica contends that
and binding? Explain. (1999 Bar there was no need for a marriage license
Question) in view of her having lived continuously
with Facundo for five years before their
SUGGESTED ANSWER: marriage and that Sotero has no legal
Yes. The donation is valid and binding. personality to seek a declaration of
Pursuant to Article 41 of the Civil Code, nullity of the marriage since Facundo is
for civil purposes the fetus is considered now deceased. Is the marriage of
born if it is alive at the time it is completely Facundo and Querica valid, despite the
delivered from the mother’s womb. absence of a marriage license? (2002
In this case, being an act favourable to Bar Question)
the unborn child, and provided there
was due acceptance of the donation by SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the proper person representing said child No, the marriage of Facundo with
as provided by law, the donation is valid Querica is void. The exemption from the
and binding. requirement of a marriage license under
Art, 34, Family Code, requires that the
man and woman must have lived
MARRIAGE together as husband and wife for at least
five years and without any legal
● Requisites impediment to marry each other during
those five years. The cohabitation of
QUESTION: Facundo and Querica for six years from
1990 to July 1, 1996 when Petra died was
On May 1, 1975, Facundo married Petra,
one with a legal impediment hence, not
by whom he had a son, Sotero. Petra
in compliance with the requirement of
died on July 1, 1996, while Facundo died
law. On other hand, the cohabitation
on January 1, 2002. Before his demise,
thereafter until the marriage on July 1,
Facundo had married, on July 1, 2000,
2000, although free from legal
Querica. Having lived together as
impediment, did not meet the 5-year
husband and wife since July 1, 1990,
cohabitation requirement.
Facundo and Querica did not secure a
marriage license but executed the ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
requisite affidavit for the purpose.
The marriage of Facundo and Quercia is
To ensure that his inheritance rights are valid. The second marriage was
not adversely affected by his father’s solemnized on July 1, 2000, when the
second marriage, Sotero now brings a Family code was already effective.
suit to seek a declaration of the nullity of Under the Family Code, no marriage

Centralized Bar Operations 2021


license is required if the parties have secretary then told them to wait, and
been cohabiting for the period of five went out to look for the Mayor who was
years and there is no legal impediment. attending a wedding in a neighboring
There must be no legal impediment municipality. When the secretary caught
ONLY AT THE TIME OF THE SOLEMNIZATION up with the Mayor at the wedding
OF THE MARRIAGE, and not the whole reception, she showed him the marriage
five years period. This is clearly the intent contract forms and told him that the
of the code framers (see Minutes of the couple and their witnesses were waiting
150th joint Civil Code of the Family Law in his office. The Mayor forthwith signed
Committees held on August 9, 1986). all the copies of the marriage contract,
Also, in Manzano V. Sanchez, AM NO. MT gave them to the secretary who returned
–00-129, March 8, 2001, the Supreme to the Mayor’s office. She then gave
Court said that, as one of the requisites copies of the marriage contract to the
for the exception to apply, there must be parties, and told Michael and Anna that
no legal impediment at the time of the they were already married. Thereafter,
marriage. The Supreme Court did not say the couple lived together as husband
that the legal impediment must exist all and wife, and had three sons.
throughout the five-year period. A. Is the marriage of Michael and
Anna valid, voidable, or void?
This case is different from the case of Explain your answer.
Ninal v. Bayadog. In the said case, the xxx
situation occurred during the Relations of (2009 Bar Question)
the new Civil Code where Article 76
thereof clearly provides that during the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
five-year cohabitation, the parties must A. The marriage is void. Article 3 of
be unmarried. This is not so anymore in the Family Code provides for the
the Family Code. The Change in the formal requisites of marriage and
Family Code is significant. If the second one of which is a marriage
marriage occurred before the effectivity ceremony. Article 4 also provides
of the Family Code, the answer would be that in the absence of any of the
that the marriage is void. formal requisites shall render the
marriage void ab initio. In this
QUESTION: case, the formal requisite of
In December 2000, Michael and Anna, marriage ceremony was absent
after obtaining a valid marriage license, therefore the marriage is void.
went to the Office of the Mayor of
Urbano, Bulacan, to get married. The ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
Mayor was not there, but the Mayor’s The marriage is void because an
secretary asked Michael and Anna and essential requisite was absent: consent of
their witnesses to fill up and sign the the parties freely given in the presence of
required marriage contract forms. The the solemnizing officer (Art .2, FC).
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

QUESTION: be considered as a marriage of

Roderick and Faye were high school exceptional character, because there
sweethearts. When Roderick was 18 and were 2 legal impediments during their
Faye, 16 years old, they started to live cohabitation: minority on the part of
together as husband and wife without the Faye, during the first two years of
benefit of marriage. When Faye reached cohabitation; and, lack of legal
18 years of age, her parents forcibly took capacity, since Faye married Brad at the
her back and arranged for her marriage age of 18. The absence of a marriage
to Brad. Although Faye lived with Brad license made the marriage of Faye and
after the marriage, Roderick continued Roderick void ab initio.
to regularly visit Faye while Brad was
away at work. During their marriage, ● Foreign divorce
Faye gave birth to a baby girl, Laica.
When Faye was 25 years old, Brad QUESTION:
discovered her continued liaison with Romeo and Juliet, both Filipinos, got
Roderick and in one of their heated married. After a few years, Juliet got word
arguments, Faye shot Brad to death. She from her mother that she can go to the
lost no time in marrying her true love United States for naturalization. Juliet
Roderick, without a marriage license, promised she will be back the moment
claiming that they have been she becomes an American. After
continuously cohabiting for more than 5 sometime, Romeo learned from a friend
years. (A). Was the marriage of Roderick that Juliet already became a US citizen
and Faye valid? (2008 Bar Question) and even divorced him to marry a
wealthy American businessman. Romeo
SUGGESTED ANSWER: filed a petition before the Regional Trial
No. The marriage of Roderick and Faye is Court praying that an order be issued
not valid. Art. 4, FC provides that the authorizing him to remarry pursuant to
absence of any of the essential or formal Article 26 of the Family Code. Decide the
requisites renders the marriage void ab petition with reasons. (2016 Bar Question)
initio. However, no license shall be
necessary for the marriage of a man and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
a woman who have lived together as If the time of Juliet’s acquisition of U.S.
husband and wife for at least 5 years and citizenship preceded the time when she
without any legal impediment to marry obtained the divorce decree, then the
each other. In Republic v. Dayot, G.R. divorce decree can be given effect in
No. 175581, 28 March 2008, reiterating the Philippines, and consequently,
the doctrine in Niñal v. Bayadog, G.R. Romeo will be capacitated to remarry
No. 133778, 14 March 2000, this five year under Philippine law. On the other hand,
period is characterized by exclusivity and if Juliet obtained the divorce decree
continuity. In the present case, the before she acquired U.S. citizenship, then
marriage of Roderick and Faye cannot the foreign divorce decree cannot be
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

recognized by Philippine courts. Article case, no evidence was adduced to

26, paragraph 2 of the Family Code prove the divorce between Romeo and
provides that where a marriage Juliet and the validity of the same under
between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner U.S. law.
is validly celebrated and a divorce is
thereafter validly obtained abroad by QUESTION:
the alien spouse capacitating him or her In 1985, Sonny and Lulu, both Filipino
to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have citizens, were married in the Philippines.
capacity to remarry under Philippine law. In 1987, they separated, and Sonny went
In Republic v. Orbecido (472 SCRA 114 to Canada, where he obtained a divorce
[2005]) the Supreme Court ruled that in the same year. He then married
Article 26, paragraph 2 should be another Filipina, Auring, in Canada on
interpreted to include cases involving January 1, 1988. They had two sons,
parties who, at the time of the James and John. In 1990, after failing to
celebration of the marriage were Filipino hear from Sonny, Lulu married Tirso, by
citizens, but later on, one of them whom she had a daughter, Verna. In
becomes naturalized as a foreign citizen 1991, Sonny visited the Philippines where
and obtains a divorce decree. The he succumbed to heart attack.
reckoning point is not their citizenship at a) Discuss the effect of the divorce
the time of celebration of marriage, but obtained by Sonny and Lulu in Canada.
their citizenship at the time the divorce
decree is obtained abroad by the alien b) Explain the status of the marriage
spouse capacitating him/her to remarry. between Sonny and Auring.

ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: c) Explain the status of the marriage

The petition should not be granted. A between Lulu and Tirso. (2005 Bar
divorce obtained abroad by an alien Question)
may be recognized in our jurisdiction, xxx
provided such decree is valid according
to the national law of the foreigner.
However, the divorce decree and the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
governing personal law of the alien (a) The divorce is not valid. Philippine law
spouse who obtained the divorce must does not provide for absolute divorce.
be proven. Our courts do not take Philippine courts cannot grant it. A
judicial notice of foreign laws and marriage between two (2) Filipinos
judgments; hence, like any other cannot be dissolved by a divorce
evidentiary facts, both the divorce obtained abroad. (Garcia v. Redo, G.R.
decree and the national law of the alien No. 138322, October 2,2001). Philippine
must be alleged and proven according laws apply to Sonny and Lulu. Under
to our law on evidence (Republic v. Article 15 of the New Civil Code, laws
Orbecido, 366 SCRA 437 (20011). In this relating to family rights and duties, status,
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

and capacity of persons are binding married Joseph. A year thereafter, Wilma
upon citizens of the Philippines wherever and Joseph returned and established
they may be. Thus, the marriage of Sonny permanent residence in the Philippines.
and Lulu is still valid and subsisting.
(A). Is the divorce obtained by Wilma
(b) Since the decree of divorce obtained from Harry recognized in the Philippines?
by Lulu and Sony in Canada is not Explain your answer.
recognized here in the Philippines, the
marriage between Sonny and Auring (B). If Harry hires you as his lawyer, what
is void. Under Art. 35 Family Code, any legal recourse would you advise him to
marriage subsequently contracted take? Why?
during the lifetime of the first spouse shall
be illegal and void, subject only to the (C). Harry tells you that he has fallen in
exception in the cases of absence or love with another woman, Elizabeth, and
where the prior marriage was dissolved wants to marry her because, after all,
or annulled. (Ninal v. Bayadog, G.R. No. Wilma is already married to Joseph. Can
133778, March 14, 2000) The marriage of Harry legally marry Elizabeth? Explain.
Sonny and Auring does not fall within the (2008 Bar Question)
exception. Thus, the said marriage is
(A) Yes, the divorce obtained by Wilma is
(c) The marriage of Lulu and Tirso is also recognized as valid in the Philippines.
void. Mere absence of the spouse does Based on precedents established by the
not give rise to a right of the present Supreme Court (Bayot v. CA, 570 SCRA
spouse to remarry. Article 41 of the Family 472 [2008]), divorce obtained by a
Code provides for a valid bigamous foreigner is recognized in the Philippines
marriage only where a spouse has been if validly obtained in accordance with his
absent for four consecutive years or her national law.
before the second marriage and the
present spouse had a well-founded In this case at the time Wilma got the
belief that the absent spouse is already divorce, she was already a foreign
dead. (Republic v. Nolasco, G.R. No. national having been naturalized as a
94053, March 17, 1993). citizen of that “small country in Europe.”
Therefore the divorce obtained by her is
QUESTION: valid in the Philippines.
Harry married Wilma, a very wealthy
woman. Barely five (5) years into the (B) I will advice Harry to: (1) Dissolve and
marriage, Wilma fell in love with Joseph. liquidate his property relations with Wilma
Thus, Wilma went to a small country in ; and (2) If he will remarry, file a petition
Europe, became a naturalized citizen of for the recognition and enforcement of
that country, divorced Harry, and
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

the foreign judgment of divorced (Rule later naturalized as an American citizen?

39,Rules of Court) Explain. (2012 Bar Question)

(C) Yes, he can validly marry Elizabeth, SUGGESTED ANSWER:

applying the doctrine laid down by the Yes, he is capacitated to remarry. While
Supreme Court in Republic v. Orbecido the second paragraph of Art 26 of the
(427 SCRA 114 [2005]). Under the second Family Code is applicable only to a
paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Filipino who married a foreigner at the
Code, for the Filipino spouse to have time of marriage, the Supreme Court
capacity to remarry, the law expressly ruled in the case of Republic v.
requires the spouse who obtained the Orbecido, G.R. No. 154380, 5 Oct, 2005,
divorce to be a foreigner at the time of that the said provision equally applies to
the marriage. Applying this requirement a Filipino who married another Filipino at
to the case of Harry it would seem that the time of the marriage, but who was
he is not given the capacity to remarry. already a foreigner when the divorce
This is because Wilma was a Filipino at the was obtained
time of her marriage to Harry. In Republic
v. Orbecido, however, the Supreme ● Void marriages
Court ruled that a Filipino spouse is given
the capacity to remarry even though the QUESTION:
spouse who obtained the divorce was a Despite several relationships with
Filipino at the time of the marriage, if the different women, Andrew remained
latter was already a foreigner when the unmarried. His first relationship with
divorce was already obtained abroad. Brenda produced a daughter, Amy, now
According to the court, to rule otherwise 30 years old. His second, with Carla,
will violate the equal protection clause of produced two sons: Jon and Ryan. His
the Constitution. third, with Donna, bore him no children
although Elena has a daughter Jane,
QUESTION: from a previous relationship. His last, with
Cipriano and Lady Miros married each Fe, produced no biological children but
other. Lady Miros then left for the US and they informally adopted without court
there, she obtained American proceedings, Sandy's now 13 years old,
citizenship. Cipriano later learned all whom they consider as their own. Sandy
about this including the fact that Lady was orphaned as a baby and was
Miros has divorced him in America and entrusted to them by the midwife who
that she had remarried there. He then attended to Sandy's birth. All the
filed a petition for authority to remarry, children, including Amy, now live with
invoking Par. 2, Art. 26 of the Family Andrew in his house.
Code. Is Cipriano capacitated to re-
marry by virtue of the divorce decree xxx
obtained by his Filipino spouse who was
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

(D) Can Jon and Jane legally marry? provided that: (a) his prior spouse in the
(2008 Bar Question) first marriage had been absent for four
consecutive years; (b) that the spouse
SUGGESTED ANSWER: present has a well-founded belief that
Yes. Jon and Jane can marry each other; the absent spouse was already dead,
Jon is an illegitimate child of Andrew and (C) present spouse instituted a
while Jane is a child of Elena from a summary proceeding for the declaration
previous relationship. Thus, their marriage of the presumptive death of absent
is not one of the prohibited marriages spouse. Otherwise, the second marriage
enumerated under Art. 38 of the FC. shall be null and void. In the instant case,
the husband of Ana was among the
QUESTION: passengers on board a commercial jet
Ana Rivera had a husband, a Filipino plane which crashed in the Atlantic
citizen like her, who was among the Ocean. The body of the deceased
passengers on board a commercial jet husband was not recovered to confirm
plane which crashed in the Atlantic his death. Thus, following Art. 41, Ana
Ocean ten (10) years earlier and had should have first secured a judicial
never been heard of ever since. declaration of his presumptive death
Believing that her husband had died, before she married Adolf. The absence
Ana married Adolf Cruz Staedtler, a of the said judicial declaration
divorced German national born of a incapacitated Ana from contracting her
German father and a Filipino mother second marriage, making it void ab
residing in Stuttgart. To avoid being initio.
required to submit the required
certificate of capacity to marry from the QUESTION:
German Embassy in Manila, Adolf stated Kardo met Glenda as a young lieutenant
in the application for marriage license and after a whirlwind courtship, they
that he was a Filipino citizen. With the were married. In the early part of his
marriage license stating that Adolf was a military career, Kardo was assigned to
Filipino, the couple got married in a different places all over the country but
ceremony officiated by the Parish Priest Glenda refused to accompany him as
of Calamba, Laguna in a beach in she preferred to live in her hometown.
Nasugbu, Batangas, as the local parish They did not live together until the 12th
priest refused to solemnize marriages year of their marriage when Kardo had
except in his church. Is the marriage risen up the ranks and was given his own
valid? Explain fully. (2008 Bar Question) command. They moved to living quarters
SUGGESTED ANSWER: in Fort Gregorio. One day, while Kardo
No. The marriage is not valid. Art. 41 FC was away on official business, one of his
allows the present spouse to contract a military aides caught Glenda having sex
subsequent marriage during the with the corporal assigned as Kardo's
subsistence of his previous marriage driver. The aide immediately reported
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

the matter to Kardo who rushed home to rooted in the history of the party alleged
confront his wife. Glenda readily to be psychologically incapacitated.
admitted the affair and Kardo sent away
her in anger. Kardo would later come to Also, in Marcos v. Marcos, 343 SCRA 755
know the true extent of Glenda's the Court held that the finding of
unfaithfulness from his aides, his psychological incapacity cannot be
household staff, and former neighbors based on the interviews conducted by
who informed him that Glenda has had the clinical psychologist on the husband
intimate relations with various men or his witnesses and the person alleged
throughout their marriage whenever to be psychologically incapacitated
Kardo was away on assignment. Kardo must be personally examined to arrive at
filed a petition for declaration of nullity of such declaration. In this case, the finding
marriage under Article 36. Based on of psychological incapacity of Glenda is
interviews from Kardo, his aide, and the only based on interviews from Kardo, his
housekeeper, a psychologist testified aide, and the housekeeper. Thus, the
that Glenda's habitual infidelity was due petition for declaration of nullity of
to her affliction with Histrionic Personality marriage filed by Kardo under Article36 is
Disorder, an illness characterized by not valid.
excessive emotionalism and
uncontrollable attention-seeking QUESTION:
behavior rooted in Glenda's Brad and Angelina had a secret
abandonment as a child by her father. marriage before a pastor whose office is
Kardo himself, his aide, and his located in Arroceros Street, City of
housekeeper also testified in court. The Manila. They paid money to the pastor
RTC granted the petition, relying on the who took care of all the documentation.
liberality espoused by Te v. Te and When Angelina wanted to go to the U.S.,
Azcueta v. Republic. However, the OSG she found out that there was no marriage
filed an appeal, arguing that sexual license issued to them before their
infidelity was only a ground for legal marriage. Since their marriage was
separation and that the RTC failed to solemnized in 1995 after the effectivity of
abide by the guidelines laid down in the the Family Code, Angelina filed a petition
Molina case. How would you decide the for judicial declaration of nullity on the
appeal? (2015 Bar Question) strength of a certification by the Civil
Registrar of Manila that, after a diligent
SUGGESTED ANSWER: and exhaustive search, the alleged
The appeal filed by the OSG shall marriage license indicated in the
prosper. In the case of Dedel v. Dedel, marriage certificate does not appear in
(G.R. No. 151867 January 29, 2004) The the records and cannot be found.
court said that it was not shown that the [a] Decide the case and explain.
sexual infidelity was a product of a [b] In case the marriage was solemnized
disordered personality and that it was in 1980 before the effectivity of the Family
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Code, is it required that a judicial petition

be filed to declare the marriage null and [b] No, it is not required that a judicial
void? Explain. (2016 Bar Question) petition be filed to declare the marriage
null and void when said marriage was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: solemnized before the effectivity of the
[a] The petition for judicial declaration of Family Code. As stated in the cases of
nullity filed by Angelina on the ground People v. Mendoza, 95 Phil. 845 (1954/
that there is a lack of a marriage license and People v. Aragon, 100 Phil. 1033
shall be granted. Article 3 of the Family (1957/^ the old rule is that where a
Code provides that one of the formal marriage is illegal and void from its
requisites of marriage is a valid marriage performance, no judicial is necessary to
license and Article 4 of the same Code establish its invalidity.
states that absence of any of the
essential or formal requisites shall render
the marriage void ab initio. PROPERTY RELATIONS OF THE SPOUSES

In Abbas v. Abbas, (689 SCRA 646 ● Absolute community of property

12013/), the Supreme Court declared the
marriage as void ab initio because there QUESTION:
is proof of lack of record of marriage Marco and Gina were married in 1989.
license. The certification by the Civil Ten years later, or in 1999, Gina left
Registrar of Manila that, after a diligent Marco and lived with another man,
and exhaustive search, the alleged leaving their two children of school age
marriage license indicated in the with Marco. When Marco needed money
marriage certificate does not appear in for their children's education he sold a
the records and cannot be found proves parcel of land registered in his name,
that the marriage of Brad and Angelina without Gina's consent, which he
was solemnized without the requisite purchased before his marriage. Is the
marriage license and is therefore void ab sale by Marco valid, void or voidable?
initio. The absence of the marriage Explain with legal basis. (2015 Bar
license was certified to by the local civil Question)
registrar who is the official custodian of
these documents and who is in the best SUGGESTED ANSWER:
position to certify as to the existence of The sale made by Marco is considered
these records. Also, there is a void. Pursuant to Article 91 of the Family
presumption of regularity in the Code, in the absence of a marriage
performance of official duty (Republic v. settlement, the parties shall be governed
CA and Castro, 236 SCRA 257 /1994/). by an absolute community of property
Thus, in the absence of marriage license whereby all the properties owned by the
in this case, the petition or judicial spouses at the time of the celebration of
declaration of nullity shall prosper. the marriage as well as whatever they
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

may acquire during the marriage shall

form part of the absolute community. Note: The rule on reverse accession is
Under Article 96 of the Family Code, applicable only to the regime of
neither spouse can sell or encumber conjugal partnership of gains in both the
property belonging to the ACP without Family Code and the New Civil Code.
the consent of the other. Any sale or The foregoing answer assumes that CPG
encumbrance made by one spouse is the regime of the property relations of
without the consent of the other shall be the spouses.
void although it is considered as a
continuing offer on the part of the QUESTION:
consenting spouse upon authority of the As finance officer of K and Co., Victorino
court or written consent of the other arranged a loan of P5 Million from PNB for
spouse. Thus, the sale made byMarco is the corporation. However, he was
void. required by the bank to sign a Continuing
Surety Agreement to secure the
● Conjugal partnership of gains repayment of the loan. The corporation
failed to pay the loan, and the bank
QUESTION: obtained a judgment against it and
Maria, wife of Pedro, withdrew P 5 Million Victorino, jointly and severally. To
from their conjugal funds. With this enforce the judgment, the sheriff levied
money, she constructed a building on a on a farm owned by the conjugal
lot which she inherited from her father. Is partnership of Victorino and his wife Elsa.
the building conjugal or paraphernal? Is the levy proper or not? (2000 Bar
Reasons. (2012 Bar Question) Question)


It depends. If the value of the building is The levy is not proper, there being no
more than the value of the land, the showing that the surety agreement
building is conjugal and the land executed by the husband redounded to
becomes conjugal property under Art. the benefit of the family. An obligation
120 of the Family Code. This is a case of contracted by the husband alone is
reverse accession, where the building is chargeable against the conjugal
considered as the principal and the land, partnership only when it was contracted
the accessory. If, on the other hand, the for the benefit of the family. When the
value of the land is more than the value obligation was contracted on behalf of
of the building, then the ordinary rule of the family business the law presumes that
accession applies where the land is the such obligation will redound to the
principal and the building, the benefit of the family.
accessory. In such case, the land
remains paraphernal property and the
building becomes paraphernal property.
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However, when the obligation was to Since the marriage was declared void
guarantee the debt of a third party, as in ab initio in 2001, no absolute community
the problem, the obligation is presumed or conjugal partnership was ever
for the benefit of the third party, not the established between B and G. Their
family. Hence, for the obligation under property relation is governed by a
the surety agreement to be chargeable “special co-ownership” under Article 147
against the partnership it must be proven of the Family Code because they were
that the family benefited and that the capacitated to marry each other.
benefit was a direct result of such
agreement. (Ayala Investment v. Ching, Under Article 147, wages and salaries of
286 SCRA 272) the “former spouses” earned during their
cohabitation shall be owned by them in
● Property regime of unions without equal shares while properties acquired
marriage thru their work for industry shall be owned
by them in proportion to their respective
QUESTION: contributions. Care and maintenance of
G and B were married on July 3, 1989. On the family is recognized as a valuable
March 4, 2001, the marriage, which bore contribution. In the absence of proof as
no offspring, was declared void ab to the value of their respective
initio under Article 36 of the Family Code. contributions, they shall share equally.
At the time of the dissolution of the
marriage, the couple possessed the If ownership of the house and lot was
following properties: acquired by B on August 3, 1988 at the
(1) a house and lot acquired by B on time he bought it on installment before
August 3, 1988, one third (1/3) of the he got married, he shall remain owner of
purchase price (representing the house and lot but he must reimburse
downpayment) of which he paid; G for all the amounts she advanced to
one third (1/3) was paid by G on pay the purchase price and for one-half
February 14, 1990 out of a cash gift share in the last payment from their joint
given to her by her parents on her income. In such case, the house and lot
graduation on April 6, 1989; and the were not acquired during their
balance was paid out of the spouses’ cohabitation, hence, are not co-owned
joint income; and by B and G.
(2) an apartment unit donated to B by an
uncle on June 19, 1987. As to the apartment, it is owned
exclusively by B because he acquired it
a. Who owns the foregoing before their cohabitation. Even if he
properties? Explain. acquired it during their cohabitation, it
will still be his exclusive property because
SUGGESTED ANSWER: it did not come from his wage or salary,

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or from his work or industry. It was relationship produced one offspring,

acquired gratuitously from his uncle. Venus. The couple acquired a residential
lot in Parañaque. After four (4) years or in
b. If G and B had married on July 3, 2001, G having completed her 4-year
1987 and their marriage was college degree as a fulltime student, she
dissolved in 2007, who owns the and B contracted marriage without a
properties? Explain. (2010 Bar license.
Question) The marriage of B and G was, two years
later, declared null and void due to the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: absence of a marriage license.
The answer is the same as in letter A.
Since the parties to the marriage which a. If you were the judge who
was later declared void ab initio were declared the nullity of the
capacitated to marry each other, the marriage, to whom would you
applicable law under the New Civil award the lot? Explain briefly.
Code was Article 144.This Article is
substantially the same as Article 147 of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the Family Code. I would award the lot to both B and G as
co-owners of the said property. Since the
Hence, the determination of ownership marriage was null and void, no Absolute
will remain the same as in question A. Community or Conjugal Partnership was
Even assuming that the two provisions established between B and G. Their
are not the same, Article 147 of the properties are governed by the “special
Family Code is still the law that will govern co-ownership” provision of Article 147 of
the property relations of B and G the Family Code because both B and G
because under Article 256, the Family were capacitated to marry each other.
Code has retroactive effect insofar as it The said Article provides that when a
does not prejudice or impair vested or man and a woman who are
acquired rights under the new Civil Code capacitated to marry each other, live
or other laws. Applying Article 147 exclusively with each other as husband
retroactively to the case of G and B will and wife without the benefit of marriage,
not impair any vested right. Until the or under a void marriage:
declaration of nullity of the marriage 1. their wages and salaries shall be
under the Family Code, B and G have owned by them in equal shares;
not as yet acquired any vested right over and
the properties acquired during their 2. property acquired by both of
cohabitation. them through their work or industry
shall be governed by the rules on
QUESTION: co-ownership.
In 1997, B and G started living together In co-ownership, the parties are co-
without the benefit of marriage. The owners if they contributed something of
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

value in the acquisition of the property. legitimated by the subsequent marriage

Their share is in proportion to their of her parents, such legitimation was
respective contributions. In an ordinary rendered ineffective when the said
co-ownership the care and marriage was later on declared null and
maintenance of the family is not void due to absence of a marriage
recognized as a valuable contribution for license.
the acquisition of a property. In the
Article 147 “special co ownership”, Under Article 178 of the Family Code,
however, care and maintenance is “legitimation shall take place by a
recognized as a valuable contribution subsequent valid marriage between
which will entitle the contributor to half of parents. The annulment of a voidable
the property acquired. marriage shall not affect the
legitimation.” The inclusion of the
Having been acquired during their underscored portion in the Article
cohabitation, the residential lot is necessarily implies that the Article's
presumed acquired through their joint application is limited to voidable
work and industry under Art. 147, hence marriages. It follows that when the
B and G are co-owners of the said subsequent marriage is null or void, the
property in equal shares. legitimation must also be null and void. In
the present problem, the marriage
Art. 147 also provides that when a party between B and G was not voidable but
to the void marriage was in bad faith, he void. Hence, Venus has remained an
forfeits his share in the co-ownership in illegitimate child.
favor of the common children or
descendants. In default of children or QUESTION:
descendants, the forfeited share shall For five years since 1989, Tony, a bank
belong to the innocent party. In the Vice-president, and Susan, an
foregoing problem, there is no showing entertainer, lived together as husband
that one party was in bad faith. Hence, and wife without the benefit of marriage
both shall be presumed in good faith and although they were capacitated to
no forfeiture shall take place. marry each other. Since Tony's salary
was more than enough for their needs,
b. Is Venus legitimate, illegitimate, or Susan stopped working and merely "kept
legitimated? Explain briefly. (2010 house". During that period, Tony was able
Bar Question) to buy a lot and house in a plush
subdivision. However, after five years,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Tony and Susan decided to separate.
Venus is an illegitimate child. She was (2000 Bar Question)
conceived and born outside a valid
marriage. Thus, she is considered a) Who will be entitled to the house and
illegitimate (Art 165, FC). While Venus was lot?
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Tony and Susan are entitled to the house
and lot as co-owners in equal shares. ● Legitimate children
Under Article 147 of the Family Code,
when a man and a woman who are QUESTION:
capacitated to marry each other lived After finding out that his girlfriend Sandy
exclusively with each other as husband was four months pregnant, Sancho
and wife, the property acquired during married Sandy. Both were single and had
their cohabitation are presumed to have never been in any serious relationship in
been obtained by their joint efforts, work the past. Prior to the marriage, they
or industry and shall be owned by them agreed in a marriage settlement that the
in equal shares. This is true even though regime of conjugal partnership of gains
the efforts of one of them consisted shall govern their property relations
merely in his or her care and during marriage. Shortly after the
maintenance of the family and of the marriage, their daughter, Shalimar, was
household. born.

b) Would it make any difference if Tony Before they met and got married, Sancho
could not marry Susan because he was purchased a parcel of land on
previously married to Alice from whom installment, under a Contract of Sale, with
he is legally separated? the full purchase price payable in equal
annual amortizations over a period of ten
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (10) years, with no down payment, and
Yes, it would make a difference. Under secured by a mortgage on the land. The
Article 148 of the Family Code, when the full purchase price was PHP 1million, with
parties to the cohabitation could not interest at the rate of 6% per annum. After
marry each other because of an paying the fourth (4th) annual
impediment, only those properties installment, Sancho and Sandy got
acquired by both of them through their married, and Sancho completed the
actual joint contribution of money, payments in the subsequent years from
property, or Industry shall be owned by his salary as an accountant. The previous
them in common in proportion to their payments were also paid out of his
respective contributions. The efforts of salary. During their marriage, Sandy also
one of the parties in maintaining the won Php 1million in the lottery and used
family and household are not considered it to purchase jewelry. When things didn’t
adequate contributions in the work out for the couple, they filed an
acquisition of the properties. action for declaration of nullity of their
marriage based on the psychological
Susan did not contribute to the incapacity of both of them. When the
acquisition of the house and lot, thus, she petition was granted, the parcel of land
has no share therein. and the jewelry bought by Sandy were
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

found to be the only properties of the three hundred days after the termination
couple. of the former marriage.

(a) What is the filiation status of Shalimar? QUESTION:

(2018 Bar Question) Nestor is the illegitimate son of Dr. Perez.
When Dr. Perez died, Nestor intervened in
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the settlement of his father’s estate,
Shalimar is a legitimate child. Children claiming that he is the illegitimate son of
conceived or born before the judgment said deceased, but the legitimate family
of absolute nullity of the marriage of Dr. Perez is denying Nestor’s claim.
because of psychological incapacity What evidence or evidences should
under Article 36 has become final and Nestor present so that he may receive his
executory shall be considered legitimate rightful share in his father’s estate? (1999
(Article 54, Family Code). Since Shalimar Bar Question)
was born before the judgment granting
the petition for declaration of absolute SUGGESTED ANSWER:
nullity of marriage of Sancho and Sandy To be able to inherit, the illegitimate
under Art. 36 became final and filiation of Nestor must have been
executory. Shalimar is a legitimate child. admitted by his father in any of the
QUESTION: 1. The record of birth appearing in
Two (2) months after the death of her the civil register,
husband who was shot by unknown 2. A final judgment,
criminal elements on his way home from 3. A public document signed by the
office, Rose married her childhood father, or
boyfriend, and seven (7) months after 4. A private handwritten document
said marriage, she delivered a baby. In signed by the father (Article 17S in
the absence of any evidence from Rose relation to Article 172 of the Family
as to who is her child’s father, what status Code)
does the law give to said child? Explain.
(1999 Bar Question) ● Proof of filiation


The child is legitimate of the second Julie had a relationship with a married
marriage under Article169(2) of the man who had legitimate children. A son
Family Code which provides that a “child was born out of that illicit relationship in
born after one hundred eighty days 1981. Although the putative father did not
following the celebration of the recognize the child in his certificate of
subsequent marriage is considered to birth, he nevertheless provided the child
have been conceived during such all the support he needed and spent time
marriage, even though it be born within regularly with the child and his mother.
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When the man died in 2000, the child was during the lifetime of the putative
already 18 years old so he filed a petition father. The provision of Article 285
to be recognized as an illegitimate child of the Civil Code allowing the
of the putative father and sought to be child to file the action for
given a share in his putative father's recognition even after the death
estate. The legitimate family opposed, of the father will not apply
saying that under the Family Code his because in the case presented,
action cannot prosper because he did the child was no longer a minor at
not bring the action for recognition the time of death of the putative
during the lifetime of his putative father. father.
a) If you were the judge in this
case, how would you rule? b. No, I will not approve the
compromise agreement because
b) Wishing to keep the peace, the filiation is a matter to be decided
child during the pendency of the by law. It is not for the parties to
case decides to compromise with stipulate whether a person is a
his putative father's family by legitimate or illegitimate child of
abandoning his petition in another. (De Jesus v. Estate of
exchange for Yi of what he would Dizon 366 SCRA 499) In all cases of
have received as inheritance if he illegitimate children, their filiation
were recognized as an must be duly proved. (Article 887,
illegitimate child. As the judge, Civil Code)
would you approve such a
(2015 Bar Question) Yes, I would approve the compromise
because it is no longer considered future
SUGGESTED ANSWER: inheritance. What the law prohibits is a
a. If I were the judge, I would not compromise with respect to future
allow the action for recognition legitime. In this case, the father is already
filed after the death of the dead so the compromise is considered
putative father. Under the Family valid.
Code, an illegitimate child who
has not been recognized by the ● Action to impugn legitimacy
father in the record of birth, or in a
private handwritten instrument, or QUESTION:
in a public document and may Spouses B and G begot two offspring.
prove his filiation based on open Albeit they had serious personality
and continuous possession of the differences, the spouses continued to live
status of an illegitimate child but under one roof. B begot a son by another
pursuant to Article 175, he or she woman. G also begot a daughter by
must file the action for recognition another man.
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

a. If G gives the surname of B to her QUESTION:

daughter by another man, what Gianna was born to Andy and Aimee,
can B do to protect their who at the time of Gianna's birth were not
legitimate children's interests? married to each other. While Andy was
Explain. single at the time, Aimee was still in the
b. If B acquiesces to the use of his process of securing a judicial
surname by G’s daughter by declaration of nullity on her marriage to
another man, what is/are the her ex-husband. Gianna's birth
consequence/s? Explain. (2010 certificate, which was signed by both
Bar Question) Andy and Aimee, registered the status of
Gianna as "legitimate", her surname
SUGGESTED ANSWER: carrying that of Andy's and that her
a. B can impugn the status of G's parents were married to each other.
daughter by another man as his
legitimate daughter on the Assuming that Aimee is successful in
ground that for biological reasons declaring her former marriage void, and
he could not have been the Andy and Aimee subsequently married
father of the child, a fact that may each other, would Gianna be
be proven by the DNA test. legitimated? (2008 Bar Question)
Having been born during the
marriage between B and G, G's SUGGESTED ANSWER:
daughter by another man is No, Gianna cannot be legitimated by
presumed as the child of B under the subsequent marriage of Andy and
Article 164 of the Family Code. In Aimee. Art. 177 of the Family Code
the same action to impugn, B can provides that "only children conceived
pray for the correction of the and born outside of the wedlock of
status of the said daughter in her parents who, at the time of the
record of birth. conception of the former, were not
disqualified by any impediment to marry
b. If B acquiesces and does not file each other may be legitimated." In the
the action to impugn the present case, a legal impediment was
legitimacy of the child within the existing at the time of the conception of
prescriptive period, for doing so Gianna. Her mother, Aimee, was still alive
under Article 170 of the Family in the process of securing judicial
Code, G's daughter by another declaration of nullity on her marriage to
man shall be conclusively her ex-husband.
presumed as the legitimate
daughter of B by G.

● Legitimated children

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My answer will still be the same.
● Domestic Adoption Law Paragraph 3(a) of Article 184 of the
Family Code does not make any
QUESTION: distinction. The provision states that an
In 1984, Eva, a Filipina, went to work as a alien who is a former Filipino citizen is
nurse in the USA. There, she met and fell qualified to adopt a relative by
in love with Paul, an American citizen, consanguinity.
and they got married in 1985. Eva
acquired American citizenship in 1987. c) Supposing that they filed the petition
During their sojourn in the Philippines in to adopt Vicky in the year 2000, will your
1990, they filed a joint petition for the answer be the same? Explain. (2005 Bar
adoption of Vicky, a 7-year-old daughter Question)
of Eva’s sister. The government, through
the Office of the Solicitor General, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
opposed the petition on the ground that Yes, my answer will still be the same.
the petitioners, being both foreigners, are Under Sec. 7(b), Art. III of the New
disqualified to adopt Vicky. Domestic Adoption Act, an alien who
possesses all the qualifications of a
a) Is the government’s opposition Filipino national who is qualified to adopt
tenable? Explain. may already adopt provided that his
country has diplomatic relations with the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Philippines, that he has been living in the
The government’s position is untenable. Philippines for at least three (3)
Under paragraph 3, Article 184 of the continuous years prior to the filing of the
Family Code, an alien, as a general rule application for adoption and maintains
cannot adopt. However, an alien who is such residence until the adoption
a former Filipino citizen and who seeks to decree is entered, that he has been
adopt a relative by consanguinity is certified by his diplomatic or consular
qualified to adopt, (par. 3[a], Art. 184, office or any appropriate government
Family Code). agency that he has the legal capacity to
adopt in his country, and that his
In the given problem, Eva, a naturalized government allows the adoptee to enter
American citizen, would like to adopt his country as his adopted child.
Vicky, a 7-year old daughter of her sister.
Thus, under the above-cited provision, QUESTION:
Eva is qualified to adopt Vicky. A Filipino couple, Mr. And Mrs. BM, Jr.,
decided to adopt YV, an orphan from St.
b) Would your answer be the same if they Claire's orphanage In New York City.
sought to adopt Eva’s illegitimate They loved and treated her like a
daughter? Explain. legitimate child for they have none of
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

their very own. However, BM, Jr., died In A German couple filed a petition for
an accident at sea, followed to the grave adoption of a minor Filipino child with the
a year later by his sick father, BM, Sr. Regional Trial Court of Makati under the
Each left a sizable estate consisting of provisions of the Child and Youth Welfare
bank deposits, lands and buildings in Code which allowed aliens to adopt.
Manila. May the adopted child, YV, Before the petition could be heard, the
inherit from BM, Jr.? May she also inherit Family Code, which repealed the Child
from BM. Sr.? Is there a difference? Why? and Youth Welfare Code, came into
Explain. (2004 Bar Question) effect. Consequently, the Solicitor
General filed a motion to dismiss the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: petition, on the ground that the Family
YV can inherit from BM, Jr. the succession Code prohibits aliens from adopting. If
to the estate of BM, Jr. is governed by you were the judge, how would you rule
Philippine law because he was a Filipino on the motion? (2001 Bar Question)
when he died (Article 16, Civil Code).
Under Article 1039 of the Civil Code, the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
capacity of the heir to succeed is The motion to dismiss the petition for
governed by the national law of the adoption should be denied. The law that
decedent and not by the national law of should govern the action is the law in
the heir. Hence, whether or not YV can force at the time of filing of the petition.
inherit from BM, Jr. is determined by At that time, it was the Child and Youth
Philippine law. Under Philippine law, the Welfare Code that was in effect, not the
adopted inherits from the adopter as a Family Code. Petitioners have already
legitimate child of the adopter. acquired a vested right on their
qualification to adopt which cannot be
YV, however, cannot inherit, in his own taken away by the Family Code.
right, from the father of the adopter, BM, (Republic v. Miller G.R. No. 125932, April
Sr., because he is not a legal heir of BM, 21, 1999, citing Republic v. Court of
Sr. The legal fiction of adoption exists only Appeals, 205 SCRA 356)
between the adopted and the adopter.
(Teotico v. Del Val 13 SCRA 406 [1965]). QUESTION:
Neither may he inherit from BM, Sr. by Sometime in 1990, Sarah, born a Filipino
representing BM, Jr. because in but by then a naturalized American
representation, the representative must citizen, and her American husband Tom,
be a legal heir not only of the person he filed a petition in the Regional Trial Court
is representing but also of the decedent of Makati, for the adoption of the minor
from whom the represented was child of her sister, a Filipina. Can the
supposed to inherit (Article 973, Civil petition be granted? (2000 Bar Question)

Centralized Bar Operations 2021

SUGGESTED ANSWER: c. that he has been certified by his

It depends. Rules on Adoption effective diplomatic or consular office or
August 22, 2002 provides the following; any appropriate government
SEC. 4. Who may adopt. – The following agency to have the legal
may adopt: capacity to adopt in his country,
Any Filipino Citizen d. and that his government allows
a. of legal age, the adoptee to enter his country
b. in possession of full civil as his adopted child.
capacity and legal rights,
c. of good moral character, Provided, further, That the requirements
d. has not been convicted of any on residency and certification of the
crime involving moral turpitude; alien’s qualification to adopt in his
e. who is emotionally and country may be waived for the following:
psychologically capable of a. a former Filipino citizen who seeks
caring for children, to adopt a relative within the
f. at least sixteen (16) years older fourth (4th) degree of
than the adoptee, consanguinity or affinity; or
g. and who is in a position to b. one who seeks to adopt the
support and care for his children in legitimate child of his Filipino
keeping with the means of the spouse; or
family. c. one who is married to a Filipino
The requirement of a 16-year difference citizen and seeks to adopt jointly
between the age of the adopter and with his spouse a relative within
adoptee may be waived when the the fourth (4th) degree of
adopter is the biological parent of the consanguinity or affinity of the
adoptee or is the spouse of the Filipino spouse.
adoptee’s parent;
Any Alien possessing the same Spouses Rex and Lea bore two children
qualifications as above-stated for Filipino now aged 14 and 8. During the
nationals: Provided, subsistence of their marriage, Rex begot
a. That his country has diplomatic a child by another woman. He is now 10
relations with the Republic of the years of age.
b. that he has been living in the On Lea’s discovery of Rex’s fathering a
Philippines for at least three (3) child by another woman, she filed a
continuous years prior to the filing petition for legal separation which was
of the petition for adoption and granted.
maintains such residence until the
adoption decree is entered, Rex now wants to adopt his illegitimate
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

a. Whose consent is needed for Rex’s cannot come to the Philippines to adopt
adoption of his illegitimate child? Magno although they possess all the
qualifications as adoptive parents.
The consent of the 14-year-old legitimate Is there a possibility for them to adopt
child, of the 10- year-old illegitimate child Magno? How should they go about it?
and of the biological mother of the (2005 Bar Question)
illegitimate child are needed for the
adoption. This is pursuant to Sec. 7 and 9 SUGGESTED ANSWER:
of RA 8552. The consent of Lea is no Yes, it is possible for Hans and Rhoda to
longer required because there was adopt Magno. Republic Act No. 8043 or
already a final decree of legal the Inter-Country Adoption Act, allows
separation. aliens or Filipinos permanently residing
abroad to apply for inter-country
b. If there was no legal separation, adoption of a Filipino child. However, the
can Rex still adopt his illegitimate law further requires that (1) only legally
child? Explain. (2010 Bar free child, or one who has been
Question) voluntarily or involuntarily committed to
the DSWD or any of its accredited
SUGGESTED ANSWER: agencies, may be subject to inter-
Yes, he can still adopt his illegitimate country adoption; (2) that aside from
child. Pursuant to Sec. 7 and 9 or RA 8552 possessing all the qualifications, the
the consent of his spouse, of his 14-year- adoptive parents must come from a
old legitimate child, of the illegitimate country where the Philippines has
child, and of the biological mother of the diplomatic relations, and that the
illegitimate child is necessary. government maintains a similarly
accredited agency and that adoption is
allowed under the national law of the
● Law on Inter-Country Adoption alien; and (3) that it must be further
shown that all possibilities for a domestic
QUESTION: adoption have been exhausted and the
Hans Herber, a German national, and his inter-country adoption is best for the
Filipino wife, Rhoda, are permanent interest of the child.
residents of Canada. They desire so Hans and Rhoda have to file an
much to adopt Magno, an 8-year-old application to adopt Magno, either with
orphaned boy and a baptismal godson the Regional Trial Court having
of Rhoda. Since the accidental death of jurisdiction over Magno or with the
Magno’s parents in 2004, he has been Inter-Country Adoption Board in
staying with his aunt who, however, Canada. Hans and Rhoda will then
could hardly afford to feed her own undergo trial custody for six (6) months
family. Unfortunately, Hans and Rhoda from the time of placement. It is only
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after the lapse of the trial custody that adoptee. Since, Sam is the spouse of
the decree of adoption can be issued. Selena, who is the parent by nature of
Suri, Sam may adopt Suri even if he is
below twenty-seven years of age and is
QUESTION: not at least sixteen years older than the
Selena was a single 18-year old when
she got pregnant and gave birth to Suri. [NOTE: The Inter-Country Adoption Act of
She then left to work as a caregiver in 1995 requires that only a child who is
Canada, leaving Suri with her parents in below 15 years of age and is voluntarily
the Philippines. Selena, now 34 years old or involuntarily committed to the
and a permanent resident in Canada, Department of Social Work and Services
met and married Sam who is a 24-year (DSWD) may be adopted under the
old Canadian citizen who works as a inter-country adoption law, and the
movie star in Canada. Sam’s parents are adopter must be at least 27 years of age
of Filipino ancestry but had become and at least 16 years older than the child
Canadian citizens before Sam was born. to be adopted at the time of application
Wanting Suri to have all the advantages unless the adopter is the natural parent
of a legitimate child, Selena and Sam of the child to be adopted or the spouse
decided to adopt her. Sam’s parents, of such parent.]
already opposed to the marriage of their
son to someone significantly older, QUESTION:
vehemently objected to the adoption.
They Argued that Sam was not old Lina, a former Filipina who became an
enough and that the requisite age gap American citizen shortly after her
required by the Inter-Country Adoption marriage to an American husband,
Act between Sam as adopter and Suri as would like to adopt in the Philippines,
adoptee was not met. jointly with her husband, one of her minor
brothers. Assuming that all the required
Are Sam’s parents correct? (2018 Bar consents have been obtained, could the
Question) contemplated joint adoption in the
Philippines prosper? Explain. (2003 Bar

No, Sam’s parents are incorrect. Under SUGGESTED ANSWER:

Section 9 of Republic Act No. 8043 or the
Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995, the Yes, Lina and her American husband
requirement that the adopter must be at can jointly adopt a minor brother of Lina
least twenty-seven years of age and at because she and her husband are both
least sixteen years older than the qualified to adopt. Lina, as a former
adoptee does not apply if the adopter is Filipino citizen, can adopt her minor
the spouse of the parent by nature of the brother under Sec. 7(b)(i) of RA 8552
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

(Domestic Adoption Act of 1998), or (A). In his old age, can Andrew be legally
under Art. 184 (3)(1) of the Family Code. entitled to claim support from Amy, Jon,
The alien husband can now adopt under Ryan, Vina, Wilma, and Sandy assuming
Sec. 7(b) of RA8552. The Supreme Court that all of them have the means to
has held in several cases that when support him?
husband and wife are required to adopt
jointly, each one of them must be (B). Can Amy, Jon, Ryan, Vina, Wilma,
qualified to adopt in his or her own right and Sandy legally claim support from
(Republic v. Toledano, 233 SCRA 9 each other?
(1994). However, the American husband
must comply with the requirements of the (C). Can Amy, Jon, Ryan, Vina, Wilma,
law including the residency requirement and Sandy legally claim support from
of three (3) years. Otherwise, the each other? (2008 Bar Question)
adoption will not be allowed.

SUPPORT (A) No, Andrew, in his old age, cannot be
legally entitled to claim support because
● Who are obliged to give support Art. 195, par 2 of the Family Code limits
the giving of support to "legitimate
QUESTION: ascendants and descendants." His
Despite several relationships with children, although living together with
different women, Andrew remained him, are illegitimate. Therefore, Andrew
unmarried. His first relationship with cannot be legally entitled to support
Brenda produced a daughter, Amy, now from them.
30 years old. His second, with Carla,
produced two sons: Jon and Ryan. His (B). No. Amy, Jon, Ryan, Vina, Wilma and
third, with Donna, bore him no children Sandy cannot legally claim support from
although Elena has a daughter Jane, each other because Art. 195, par 5 limits
from a previous relationship. His last, with the giving of support to "legitimate
Fe, produced no biological children but brothers and sisters, whether full or half
they informally adopted without court blood."
proceedings, Sandy's now 13 years old,
whom they consider as their own. Sandy (C) No, Amy, Jon, Ryan, Vina, Wilma and
was orphaned as a baby and was Sandy cannot legally claim support from
entrusted to them by the midwife who each other because Art. 195, par 5 limits
attended to Sandy's birth. All the the giving of support to "legitimate
children, including Amy, now live with brothers and sisters, whether full or half
Andrew in his house. blood."

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PARENTAL AUTHORITY from “Cruz” to “Reyes,” At that time, C

was only ten (10) years old.
● General provisions
(a) Should Mr. Reyes be granted custody
of C? Explain. (2019 Bar Question)
Under Article 213 of the Family Code, no
No, Mr. Reyes should not be granted
child under 7 years of age shall be
custody because C is an illegitimate
separated from the mother unless the
child, who shall be under the parental
court finds compelling reasons to order
authority of his mother (Article 176, Family
otherwise. Explain the rationale of this
provision (2006 Bar Question)

SUGGESTED ANSWER: The Family Code provides that children

conceived and born outside a valid
The rationale of the provision is that a marriage are illegitimate (Article 165). In
child below 7 years older needs love and this case, C was conceived and born out
care which only its mother can give and of the illicit relationship of Mr. Reyes and
which presumably, a father cannot give Ms. Cruz who are not married; thus, C is
in equal measure (Espiritu, et al v. CA, et an illegitimate child of Mr. Reyes. The
al., G.R. No. 115640, March 15, 1995) and Court has held that the recognition of an
The welfare of the child is given the illegitimate child by the father could be
highest priority and the interest of the a ground for ordering the latter to give
child prevails over procedural rules. support to, but not custody of the child.
The Court has further declared that since
QUESTION: the law explicitly confers to the mother
Mr. Reyes is legally married to Mrs. Reyes. sole parental authority over an
During the subsistence of their marriage, illegitimate child, it follows that only if she
Mr. Reyes cohabited with another defaults can the father assume custody
woman, Ms. Cruz. Out of Mr. Reyes and and authority over the minor and that
Ms. Cruz’s illicit relationship, a child only the most compelling of reasons,
named C was born. In C’s birth such as the mother’s unfitness to exercise
certificate. “Cruz” appears as the child’s sole parental authority, shall justify her
surname, although Mr. Reyes expressly deprivation of parental authority and the
acknowledged C as his child. award of custody to someone else
(Briones y Miguel, G.R. No. 156343,
In 2018. Mr. Reyes and Ms. Cruz ended October 18, 2004). There is no showing
their relationship. Mr. Reyes thereafter that Ms. Cruz, C’s mother was unfit to
lodged a petition in court for parental exercise sole parental authority over C;
custody and change or correction of C’s therefore, she cannot be deprived of C’s
surname in the child’s birth certificate custody.
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

QUESTION: detention for which habeas

Gigolo entered into an agreement with corpus is the proper remedy.
Majorette for her to carry in her womb his b. No, he cannot. Both he and
baby via in vitro fertilization. Gigolo Majorette are guilty of violating
undertook to underwrite Majorette’s pre- the provision of the Anti-Child
natal expenses as well as those Abuse Law (RA7610) on child
attendant to her delivery. Gigolo would trafficking. Being in pari delicto,
thereafter pay Majorette P2 million and, the parties shall be left where they
in return, she would give custody of the are and Gigolo cannot demand
baby to him. the return of what he paid.
After Majorette gives birth and delivers c. Majorette, the mother of the child
the baby to Gigolo following her receipt that was born out of wedlock, has
of P2 million, she engages your services exclusive parental authority over
as her lawyer to regain custody of the the child.
baby. d. If Gigolo voluntarily recognized
a. What legal action can you file on the child as his illegitimate child in
behalf of Majorette? Explain. accordance with Article 175 in
b. Can Gigolo demand from relation to Article 172 of the Family
Majorette the return of the P2 Code, the child is entitled to
million if he returns the baby? support and inheritance from
Explain. Gigolo.
c. Who of the two can exercise
parental authority over the child? ● Special parental authority
d. Is the child entitled to support and QUESTION:
inheritance from Gigolo? Explain. If during class hours, while the teacher
(2010 Bar Question) was chatting with other teachers in
school corridor, a 7-year-old male pupil
SUGGESTED ANSWER: stabs the eye of another boy with a
a. As her lawyer, I can file a petition ballpen during a fight, causing
for habeas corpus on behalf of permanent blindness to the victim, who
Majorette to recover custody of could be liable for damages for the boy’s
her child. Since she is the mother injury: the teacher, the school authorities,
of the child that was born out of or the guilty boy’s parents? Explain. (2003
wedlock, she has exclusive Bar Question)
parental authority and custody
over the child. Gigolo, therefore, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
has no right to have custody of Yes. The school, its administrators, and
the child and his refusal to give up teachers have special parental authority
custody will constitute illegal and responsibility over the minor child
while under their supervision, instruction,
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

or custody (Article 218, FC). They are b. How about the damage to the
principally and solidarily liable for the jeepney? Explain.
damages caused by the acts or c. Under the same facts, except the
omissions of the unemancipated minor date of occurrence of the
unless they exercised the proper incident, this time in mid-1994,
diligence required under the what would be your answer?
circumstances (Article 219, FC). In the Explain. (2010 Bar Question)
problem, the teacher and the school
authorities are liable for the blindness of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the victim, because the student who A and B. The school, its administrators,
caused it was under their special and his teacher are liable for the death
parental authority and they were and injuries of Rozanno’s classmates, as
negligent. They were negligent because well as the damage to the jeepney. At
they were chatting in the corridor during the time the incident occurred in May
the class period when the stabbing 1989, Rozanno was still a minor and as
incident occurred. The incident could such, Art. 218 of the Family Code applies.
have been prevented had the teacher Pursuant to Art. 218, the school, its
been inside the classroom at that time. administrators and teachers shall be
The guilty boy’s parents are subsidiarily liable for the acts of minor Rozanno
liable under Article 219 of the Family because of the special parental
Code. authority and responsibility that they
exercise over him. The authority applies
QUESTION: to all authorized activities, whether inside
On May 5, 1989, 16-year old Rozanno, or outside the premises of the school,
who was issued a student permit, drove entity or institution. The field trip on which
to school a car, a gift from his parents. On occasion Rozanno drove the car, was an
even date, as his class was scheduled to authorized activity, and, thus, covered
go on a field trip, his teacher requested by the provision. Furthermore, the
him to accommodate in his car, as he parents of Rozanno are subsidiarily liable
did, four (4) of his classmates because pursuant to Art. 219 (FC), and principally
the van rented by the school was too liable under Art. 221 (FC), if they are
crowded. On the way to a museum negligent.
which the students were scheduled to
visit, Rozanno made a wrong maneuver, C. Since Rozanno was 16 years old in
causing a collision with a jeepney. One 1989, if the incident happened sometime
of his classmates died. He and the three in the middle of 1994, Rozanno would
(3) others were badly injured. have been 21 years old at the time.
a. Who is liable for the death of Hence, he was already of legal age. The
Rozanno’s classmate and the law reducing the age of majority to 18
injuries suffered by Rozanno and years took effect in December 1989.
his 3 other classmates? Explain.
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Being of legal age, Arts. 218, 219, and

221(FC), are no longer applicable. In The law is silent as to what middle name
such a case, only Rozanno will be an adoptee may use. In case of In re:
personally responsible for all the Adoption of Stephanie Nathy Astorga
consequences of his act unless his school Garcia, G.R. No. 148311, March 31, 2005,
or his parents were themselves also the Supreme Court ruled that the
negligent and such negligence adopted child may use the surname of
contributed to the happening of the the natural mother as his middle name
incident. In that event, the school or his because there is no prohibition in the law
parents are not liable under Art. 218, 218 against it. Moreover, it will also be for the
or 221 (FC), but will be liable under benefit of the adopted child who shall
general provision on the Civil Code on preserve his lineage on his mother’s side
quasi-delict. and reinforce his right to inherit from his
mother and her family. The same will
● USE OF SURNAMES make the adopted child conform with
the time-honored Filipino tradition of
QUESTION: carrying the mother’s surname as the
Honorato filed a petition to adopt his person’s middle name. Therefore, the
minor illegitimate child Stephanie, court was incorrect in denying Hororato’s
alleging that Stephanie’s mother is request.
Gemma Astorga Garcia; that Stephanie
has been using her mother’s middle
name and surname; and that he is now a ABSENCE
widower and qualified to be her
adopting parent. He prayed that ● Presumption of death
Stephanie’s middle name be changed
from "Astorga" to "Garcia," which is her QUESTION:
mother’s surname and that her surname Cristy and her late husband Luis had two
"Garcia" be changed to "Catindig," children, Rose and Patrick. One summer,
which is his surname. This the trial court her mother-in-law, aged 70, took the two
denied. Was the trial court correct in children, then aged 10 and 12, with her
denying Hororato’s request for on a boat trip to Cebu. Unfortunately, the
Stephanie’s use of her mother’s surname vessel sank en route, and the bodies of
as her middle name? Explain. (2012 Bar the three were never found. None of the
Question) survivors ever saw them on the water. On
the settlement of her mother-in-law's
SUGGESTED ANSWER: estate, Cristy files a claim for a share of
No, the trial court was not correct. There her estate on the ground that the same
is no law prohibiting an illegitimate child was inherited by her children from their
adopted by his natural father to use as grandmother in representation of their
middle name his mother’s surname. father, and she inherited the same from
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

them. Will her action prosper? (2000 Bar Liz demanding that she vacate the
Question) property. Liz did not vacate despite
demand. Jacob comes to enlist your
SUGGESTED ANSWER: legal assistance to bring an action
No, her action will not prosper. Under against Liz to recover the possession of
Article 43 of the New Civil Code, in as the property. What remedies are
much as there is no proof as to who died available to Jacob to recover possession
first, all the three are presumed to have of his property under the circumstances?
died at the same time and there could Explain your answer. (2006 Bar Question)
be no transmission of rights among them.
Her children not having inherited from SUGGESTED ANSWER:
their grandmother, Cristy has no right to The remedy available to Jacob is accion
share in her mother-in-law's estate. She publiciana, or an action for the recovery
also cannot share in her own right as she of the better right of possession or
is not a legal heir of her mother-in-law. possession as a real right. It also refers to
The survivorship provision of Rule 131 of an ejectment suit filed after the
the Rules of Court does not apply to the expiration of one year from accrual of
problem. It applies only to those cases the cause of action or from the unlawful
where the issue involved is not withholding of possession of the realty.
succession. Therefore, Cristy’s action will
not prosper. Since the entry made by Liz is through
stealth, Jacob could have filed an action
for forcible entry. Ordinarily, the one-year
period within which to bring an action for
III. PROPERTY forcible entry is generally counted from
the date of actual entry on the land,
OWNERSHIP except that when the entry is through
stealth, the one-year period is counted
● Limitations of ownership from the time the plaintiff learned
thereof. Here, since more than year had
QUESTION: elapsed since Jacob learned of the entry
Jacob owned a farm land in Ramos, made by Liz through stealth, the action
Tarlac. In 2012, Liz surreptitiously entered that may be filed by Jacob is no longer
and cultivated the property. In 2014, forcible entry, but an accion publiciana
Jacob discovered Liz’s presence in and [Canlas v. Tubil, G.R. No. 184285 (2009);
cultivation of the property. Due to his Valdez v. CA, G.R. No. 132424 (2006)].
being busy attending to his business in
Cebu, he tolerated Liz’s cultivation of the ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
property. Subsequently, in December Jacob can file an action for unlawful
2016, Jacob wanted to regain possession detainer against Liz to regain possession
of the property; hence, he sent a letter to of the property. An action for unlawful
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

detainer is proper when the defendant’s SUGGESTED ANSWER:

initial right to possession of the property a.) Plutarco's legal basis for owning the
has terminated but he unlawfully increase in area would be by accretion
withholds possession thereof. It has to be under Article 457 of the New Civil Code,
filed within one year from the termination which says that the accretion of soil
of his right to possession. Although Liz which is gradually received from the
surreptitiously entered in 2012, her effects of the current of the waters
possession became lawful when Jacob belongs to the owners of land adjoining
discovered it and allowed her to the banks of the river. The requisites in
continue possession by tolerance in 2014. order that the riparian owner will own the
Liz’ right to possession terminated in alluvion deposited through the process
December 2016 when Jacob of accretion are as follows: the deposit
demanded her to vacate the property. should be gradual and imperceptible,
Since today is November 2017, it is still the cause of the accretion is the current
within one year from the termination of of the river and is not artificial or man-
Liz’ right to possession. Therefore, Jacob made, and the land where the accretion
can file an action for unlawful detainer. takes place is adjacent to the river bank.
In Plutarco's case, all three requisites are
met, as the accretion took place over
ACCESSION several years, was caused by the action
of the river, and the land he owned
● Rules of accession borders a riven therefore, he owns the
increase In area by virtue of accretion.
For immovables
(b)Rivers and their natural beds, being of
QUESTION: public dominion (Article 502(1) Civil
Plutarco owned land that borders on a Code), are not subject to appropriation
river. After several years the action of the or accretion. The dried-up riverbed
water of the river caused the deposit of remains to be of public dominion and
soil, and increased the area of Plutarco's Plutarco cannot validly claim a right
property by 200 square meters. ownership over it (Republic v. Santos,
a) If Plutarco wants to own the G.R. No. 160453)
increase in area, what will be his
legal basis for doing so? Explain QUESTION:
your answer. Benjamin is the owner of a titled lot which
b) On the other hand, if the river dries is bounded on the north by the
up, may Plutarco validly claim a Maragondon River. An alluvial deposit of
right of ownership of the dried-up two (2) hectares was added to the
river bed? Explain your answer. registered area. Daniel took possession
(2017 Bar Question) of the portion formed by accretion and
claims that he has been in open,
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continuous and undisturbed possession that if she bought Lot E, he would give her
of said portion since 1923 as shown by a a right of way in Lot C.
tax declaration. In 1958, Benjamin filed a Convinced, Ava bought Lot E and, as
Complaint for Quieting of Title and promised, Franz gave her a right of way
contends that the alluvium belongs to in Lot C. Ava cultivated Lot E and used
him as the riparian owner and that since the right of way granted by Franz.
the alluvium is, by law, part and parcel of
the registered property, the same may Ava later found gainful employment
be considered as registered property. abroad. On her return after more than 10
Decide the case and explain. (2016 Bar years, the right of way was no longer
Question) available to her because Franz had in the
meantime sold Lot C to Julia who had it
I will decide in favor of Daniel and dismiss a. Does Ava have a right to demand
the action to quiet title filed by Benjamin. from Julia the activation of her
Under Article 457 of the Civil Code, the right of way? Explain.
owner of lands adjoining the banks of b. Assuming Ava opts to demand a
rivers belong the accretion which they right of way from any of the
gradually receive from the effects of the owners of Lots A, B, and D, can she
current of the waters. The accretion do that? Explain. (2010 Bar
however, does not automatically Question)
become registered land. It must be
brought under the Torrens system of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
registration by Benjamin, the riparian a.) Yes. Ava has the right to demand
owner. Since he did not, the then from Julia the activation of the right of
increment, not being registered land, way, for the following reasons:
was open to acquisition through 1. The easement of the right of way
prescription by third persons, like Daniel is a real right which attaches to,
(Grande v. Court of Appeals, 5 SCRA 524 and is inseparable from, the
[1962]; Cureg v. Intermediate Appellate estate to which it belongs.
Court, 177 SCRA 313) 2. The sale of the property includes
the easement or servitude, even if
the deed of sale is silent on the
3. The vendee of the property in
● Characteristics which a servitude or easement
exists cannot close or put
QUESTION: obstructions thereon to prevent
Franz was the owner of Lot E which was the dominant estate from using it.
surrounded by four (4) lots one of which – 4. Ava’s working abroad for more
Lot C – he also owned. He promised Ava than ten (10) years should not be
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

construed as non-user, because it failure to annotate the easement upon

cannot be implied from the fact the title of the servient estate is not
that she or those she left behind to among the grounds for extinguishing an
cultivate the lot no longer use the easement under Art. 631 of the Civil
right of way. Code. Under Article 617, easements are
5. Renunciation or waiver of an inseparable from the estate to which
easement must be specific, clear, they actively or passively belong. Once it
express and made in a public attaches, it can only be extinguished
instrument in accordance with under Art. 631, and they exist even if they
Art. 1358 of the NCC. are not stated or annotated as an
b.) Yes. Ava has the option to demand a encumbrance on the Torrens title of the
right of way on any of the remaining lots servient estate. (II Tolentino 326, 1987 ed.)
of Franz more so after Franz sold lot C to
Julia. The essential elements of a legal QUESTION:
right of way under Art. 649 and 650 of the The coconut farm of Federico is
NCC are complied with. surrounded by the lands of Romulo.
Federico seeks a right of way through a
● Rights and obligations of the portion of the land of Romulo to bring his
owners of the dominant and coconut products to the market. He has
servient estates chosen a point where he will pass
through a housing project of Romulo. The
QUESTION: latter wants him to pass another way
Emma bought a parcel of land from which is one kilometer longer. Who
Equitable-PCI Bank, which acquired the should prevail? (2000 Bar Question)
same from Felisa, the original owner.
Thereafter, Emma discovered that Felisa SUGGESTED ANSWER:
had granted a right of way over the land Romulo will prevail. Under Article 650 of
in favor of the land of Georgina, which the New Civil Code, the easement of
had no outlet to a public highway, but right of way shall be established at the
the easement was not annotated when point least prejudicial to the servient
the servient estate was registered under estate and where the distance from the
the Torrens system. Emma then filed a dominant estate to a public highway is
complaint for cancellation of the right of the shortest. In case of conflict, the
way, on the ground that it had been criterion of least prejudice prevails over
extinguished by such failure to annotate. the criterion of shortest distance. Since
How would you decide the controversy? the route chosen by Federico will
(2001 Bar Question) prejudice the housing project of Romulo,
Romulo has the right to demand that
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Federico pass another way even though
The complaint for cancellation of it will be longer.
easement of right of way must fail. The
Centralized Bar Operations 2021


Yes, Maria can be made to reconvey the
● Donation property. The law provides that no
person may give or receive by way of
QUESTION donation more than what he may give or
Jose, single, donated a house and lot to receive by will. On the assumption that
his only niece, Maria, who was of legal the property donated to Maria is the only
age and who accepted the donation. property of Jose, the legitime of his
The donation and Maria's acceptance illegitimate child would be impaired if
thereof were evidenced by a Deed of Maria would be allowed to keep the
Donation. Maria then lived in the house entire property. After taking into account
and lot donated to her, religiously paying the value of the property, Maria can be
real estate taxes thereon. Twelve years made to reconvey the property to the
later, when Jose had already passed extent necessary to satisfy the legitime of
away, a woman claiming to be an Jose’s illegitimate daughter provided
illegitimate daughter of Jose filed a that the woman claiming to be Jose’s
complaint against Maria. Claiming rights child can prove her filiation to the
as an heir, the woman prayed that Maria deceased. Maria can set up the defense
be ordered to reconvey the house and that the action has prescribed. An action
lot to Jose's estate. In her complaint she for revocation of the donation on the
alleged that the notary public who ground that it impaired the legitime of a
notarized the Deed of Donation had an compulsory heir may only be filed within
expired notarial commission when the ten (10) years from the time the cause of
Deed of Donation was executed by Jose. action accrues which is at the time of the
Can Maria be made to reconvey the death of Jose. The facts are not clear as
property? What can she put up as a to when Jose died but on the assumption
defense? (2015 Bar Question) that he died ten years prior to the filing of
the action, then the same has clearly
No. Maria cannot be compelled to
reconvey the property. The Deed of QUESTION:
Donation was void because it was not Ricky donated P 1 Million to the unborn
considered a public document. child of his pregnant girlfriend, which she
However, a void donation can trigger accepted. After six (6) months of
acquisitive prescription. (Solis v. CA 176 pregnancy, the fetus was born and
SCRA 678; Doliendo v. Biarnesa 7 Phil. baptized as Angela. However, Angela
232) The void donation has a quality of died 20 hours after birth. Ricky sought to
titulo colorado enough for acquisitive recover the P 1 Million. Is Ricky entitled to
prescription especially since 12 years recover? Explain. (2012 Bar Question)
had lapsed from the deed of donation.

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SUGGESTED ANSWER: recover the property, alleging that the

Yes, Ricky is entitled to recover the donation was void as it did not comply
P1,000,000.00. The NCC considers a fetus with the formalities of a will. Will the suit
a person for purposes favorable to it prosper? (1998 Bar Question)
provided it is born later in accordance
with the provision of the NCC. While the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
donation is favorable to the fetus, the Yes, the suit will prosper as the donation
donation did not take effect because did not comply with the formalities of a
the fetus was not born in accordance will. In this instance, the fact that the
with the NCC. To be considered born, donor did not intend to transfer
the fetus that had an intrauterine life of ownership or possession of the donated
less than seven (7) months should live for property to the done until the donor’s
24 hours from its complete delivery from death, would result in a donation mortis
the mother’s womb. Since Angela had causa and in this kind of disposition, the
an intrauterine life of less than seven (7) formalities of a will should be complied
months but did not live for 24 hours, she with, otherwise, the donation is void. In
was not considered born and, therefore, this instance, donation mortis cause
did not become a person. Not being a embodied only in a public instrument
person, she has no juridical capacity to without the formalities of a will could not
be a donee, hence, the donation to her have transferred ownership of disputed
did not take effect. The donation not property to another.
being effective, the amount donated
may be recovered. To retain it will be
unjust enrichment.


Ernesto donated in a public instrument a
parcel of land to Demetrio, who TYPES OF PRESCRIPTION
accepted it in the same document. It is
there declared that the donation shall ● Acquisitive
take effect immediately, with the donee
having the right to take possession of the QUESTION:
land and receive its fruits but not to In 1955, Ramon and his sister Rosario
dispose of the land while Ernesto is alive inherited a parcel of land in Albay from
as well as for ten years following his their parents. Since Rosario was gainfully
death. Moreover, Ernesto also reserved in employed in Manila, she left Ramon
the same deed his right to sell the alone to possess and cultivate the land.
property should he decide to dispose of However, Ramon never shared the
it at any time – a right which he did not harvest with Rosario and was even able
exercise at all. After his death, Ernesto’s to sell one-half of the land in 1985 by
heirs seasonably brought an action to claiming to be the sole heir of his parents.
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Having reached retirement age in 1990 in vindicating the right, standing alone,
Rosario returned to the province and does not constitute laches
upon learning what had transpired,
demanded that the remaining half of the • Extraordinary
land be given to her as her share. Ramon
opposed, asserting that he has already QUESTION:
acquired ownership of the land by In 1965, Renren bought from Robyn a
prescription, and that Rosario is barred parcel of registered land evidenced by a
by laches from demanding partition and duly executed deed of sale. The owner
reconveyance. Decide the conflicting presented the deed of sale and the
claims. (2000 Bar Question) owner’s certificate of title to the Register
of Deeds. The entry was made in the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: daybook and corresponding fees were
Ramon is wrong in his contention about paid as evidenced by official receipt.
prescription and laches. His possession as However, no transfer of certificate of title
co-owner did not give rise to acquisitive was issued to Renren because the
prescription. An action to demand original certificate of title in Robyn’s
partition is imprescriptible or cannot be name was temporarily misplaced after
barred by laches (Del Banco vs. IAC, 156 fire partly gutted the Office of the Register
SCRA 57). Possession by a co-owner is of Deeds. Meanwhile, the land had been
deemed not adverse to the other co- possessed by Robyn’s distant cousin,
owners but is, on the contrary, deemed Mikaelo, openly, adversely and
beneficial to them (Pongon v. GA, 166 continuously in the concept of owner
SCRA 375). Ramon's possession will since 1960. It was only in April 1998 that
become adverse only when he has Renren sued Mikaelo to recover
repudiated the co-ownership and such possession. Mikaelo invoked a)
repudiation was made known to Rosario. acquisitive prescription and b) laches,
Assuming that the sale in 1985 where asking that he be declared owner of the
Ramon claimed he was the sole heir of land. Decide the case by evaluating
his parents amounted to a repudiation of these defenses. (1998 Bar Question)
the co-ownership, the prescriptive period
began to run only from that time. Not SUGGESTED ANSWER:
more than 30 years having lapsed since a) Renren’s action to recover possession of
then, the claim of Rosario has not yet the land will prosper. In 1965, after buying
prescribed. the land from Robyn, he submitted the
Deed of Sale to the Registry of Deeds for
The claim of laches is not also meritorious. registration together with the owner’s
Until the repudiation of the co-ownership duplicate copy of the title, and paid the
was made known to the other co- corresponding registration fees. Under
owners, no right has been violated for the Section 56 of P.D. No. 1529, the Deed of
said co-owners to vindicate. Mere delay Sale to Renren is considered registered
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

from the time the sale was entered in the

Day Book (now called the Primary Entry Mikaelo’s claim of laches, however, is
Book). weak insofar as the element of equity is
concerned, there being no showing in
For all legal intents and purposes, Renren the facts how he entered into the
is considered the registered owner of the ownership and possession of the land.
land. After all, it was not his fault that the
Registry of Deeds could not issue the
corresponding transfer certificate of title.
Mikaelo’s defense of prescription cannot
be sustained. A Torrens title is TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION
imprescriptible. No title to registered land
in derogation of the title of the registered ● Wills
owner shall be acquired by prescription
or adverse possession. (Section 47, P.D. QUESTION:
No. 1529) Manuel, a Filipino, and his American wife
Eleanor, executed a Joint Will in Boston,
The right to recover possession of Massachusetts when they were residing
registered land likewise does not in said city. The law of Massachusetts
prescribe because possession is just a allows the execution of joint wills. Shortly
necessary incident of ownership. thereafter, Eleanor died. Can the said Will
be probated in the Philippines for the
b) Mikaelo’s defense of laches, however, settlement of her estate? (2000 Bar
appears to be more sustainable. Renren Question)
bought the land and had the sale
registered way back in 1965. From the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
facts, it appears that it was only in 1998 Yes, the will may be probated in the
or after an inexplicable delay of 33 years Philippines insofar as the estate of
that he took the first step asserting his Eleanor is concerned. While Article 818 of
right to the land. It was not even an the Civil Code prohibits the execution of
action to recover ownership but only Joint wills here and abroad, such
possession of the land. By ordinary prohibition applies only to Filipinos.
standards, 33 years of neglect or inaction Hence, the joint will which is valid where
is too long and maybe considered executed is valid in the Philippines but
unreasonable. As often held by the only with respect to Eleanor. Under
Supreme Court, the principle of Article 819, it is void with respect to
imprescriptibility sometimes has to yield Manuel whose joint will remains void in
to the equitable principle of laches the Philippines despite being valid where
which can convert even a registered executed.
land owner’s claim into a stale demand.
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: cancellation is valid revocation of the will

The will cannot be probated in the and does not require authentication by
Philippines, even though valid where the full signature of the testator to be
executed, because it is prohibited under effective. However, if the cancellation of
Article 818 of the Civil Code and Rosa’s name was not done by the
declared void under Article 819, The testator himself, such cancellation shall
prohibition should apply even to the not be effective and the will in its original
American wife because the Joint will is tenor shall remain valid. The
offensive to public policy. Moreover, it is effectiveness of the holographic will
a single juridical act which cannot be cannot be left to the mercy of
valid as to one testator and void as to the unscrupulous third parties. The writing of
other. Gregorio’s name as sole heir was
ineffective, even though written by the
QUESTION: testator himself, because such is an
Natividad’s holographic will, which had alteration that requires authentication by
only one (1) substantial provision, as first the full signature of the testator to be
written, named Rosa as her sole heir. valid and effective. Not having
However, when Gregorio presented it for authenticated, the designation of
probate, it already contained an Gregorio as an heir was ineffective,
alteration, naming Gregorio, instead of (Kalaw v. Relova, G.R. No. L-40207, Sept
Rosa, as sole heir, but without 28, 1984).
authentication by Natividad’s signature.
Rosa opposes the probate alleging such ● Legitime
lack of proper authentication. She claims
that the unaltered form of the will should QUESTION:
be given effect. Whose claim should be The spouses Peter and Paula had three
granted? Explain. (2012 Bar Question) (3) children. Paula later obtained a
judgment of nullity of marriage. Their
SUGGESTED ANSWER: absolute community of property having
It depends. Article 814 provides that in been dissolved, they delivered P1 million
case of any insertion, cancellation, to each of their 3 children as their
erasure or alteration in a holographic will, presumptive legitimes.
the testator must authenticate the same
by his full signature. If the cancellation of Peter later re-married and had two (2)
Rosa’s name in the will was done by the children by his second wife Marie. Peter
testator himself, Rosa’s claimed that the and Marie, having successfully engaged
holographic will in its original tenor should in business, acquired real properties.
be given effect must be denied. The said Peter later died intestate.
cancellation has revoked the entire will a. Who are Peter’s legal heirs and
as nothing remains of the will after the how will his estate be divided
name of Rosa was cancelled. Such among them?
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b. What is the effect of the receipt by illegitimate children suffer the

Peter’s 3 children by his first reduction.
marriage of their presumptive
legitimes on their right to inherit Computation:
following Peter’s death? (2010 Bar (A) If the ground of nullity is psychological
Question) incapacity:
3 children by first 1/6 of the estate
SUGGESTED ANSWER: marriage for each
a. The legal heirs of Peter are his 2 children by 1/6 of the estate
children by the first and second second marriage for each
marriages and his surviving Surviving second 1/6 of the estate
second wife. spouse
Their shares in the estate of Peter
will depend, however, on the (B) If the ground of nullity is not
cause of the nullity of the first psychological capacity:
marriage. If the nullity of the first 2 legitimate 1⁄4 of the estate for
marriage was psychological children each of second
incapacity of one or both marriage
spouses, the three children of that Surviving second 1⁄4 of the estate
void marriage are legitimate and spouse
all of the legal heirs shall share the 3 illegitimate 1/12 of estate for
estate of Peter in equal shares. If children each of first
the judgment of nullity was for marriage
other causes, the three children
are illegitimate and the estate NOTE: The legitime of an illegitimate child
shall be distributed such that an is supposed to be 1⁄2 the legitime of a
illegitimate child of the first legitimate child or 1/8 of the estate. But
marriage shall receive half of the the estate will not be sufficient to pay the
share of a legitimate child of the said legitime of the 3 illegitimate children,
second marriage, and the second because only 1⁄4 of the estate is left after
wife will inherit a share equal to paying the legitime of the surviving
that of a legitimate child. In no spouse which is preferred.
case may the two legitimate
children of the second marriage Hence, the remaining 1⁄4 of the estate
receive a share less than one-half shall be divided among the 3 illegitimate
of the estate which is their children.
legitime. When the estate is not
sufficient to pay all the legitimes of b. In the distribution of Peter’s estate,
the compulsory heirs, the legitime 1⁄2 of the presumptive legitime
of the spouse is preferred and the received by the 3 children of the

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first marriage shall be collated to brother of his father. How will you resolve
Peter’s estate and shall be the motion? (2000 Bar Question)
imputed as an advance of their
respective inheritance from Peter SUGGESTED ANSWER:
pursuant to Article 1061 of the Civil The motion to dismiss should be denied.
Code. Only half of the Article 992 does not apply. Antero is not
presumptive legitime is collated to claiming any inheritance from Eugenio.
the estate of Peter because the He is claiming his share in the inheritance
other half shall be collated to the from his father consisting of his father's
estate of his first wife. share in the inheritance from Eugenio.
The Supreme Court ruled that, Article 992
of the New Civil Code is not applicable
LEGAL OR INTESTATE SUCCESSION because involved here is not a situation
where an illegitimate child would inherit
● General provisions ab intestato from a legitimate brother of
his father, which is prohibited by the
Relationship aforesaid provision of law. Rather, it is a
scenario where an illegitimate child
QUESTION: inherits from his father, the latter's share in
Eugenio died without issue, leaving or portion of, what the latter already
several parcels of land in Bataan. He was inherited from the deceased. (Dela
survived by Antonio, his legitimate Merced v. Dela Merced, Gr No. 126707,
brother; Martina, the only daughter of his 25 February 1999)
predeceased sister Mercedes; and five
legitimate children of Joaquin, another ● Order of intestate succession
predeceased brother. Shortly after
Eugenio's death, Antonio also died, QUESTION:
leaving three legitimate children. Tessie died and survived by her husband,
Subsequently, Martina, the children of Mario, and two nieces, Michelle and
Joaquin and the children of Antonio Jorelle, who are the legitimate children of
executed an extrajudicial settlement of an elder sister who had predeceased
the estate of Eugenio, dividing it among her. The only property she left behind was
themselves. The succeeding year, a a house and lot worth two million pesos,
petition to annul the extrajudicial which Tessie and her husband had
settlement was filed by Antero, an acquired with the use of Mario’s savings
illegitimate son of Antonio, who claims from his income as a doctor. How much
he is entitled to share in the estate of the property or its value, if any, may
Eugenio. The defendants filed a motion to Michelle and Jorelle claim as their
dismiss on the ground that Antero is hereditary shares? (1998 Bar Question)
barred by Article 992 of the Civil Code
from inheriting from the legitimate SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Article 1001 of the Civil Code provides, SUGGESTED ANSWER:

“Should brothers and sisters or their No, his opposition is not correct. Arnel
children survive with the widow or cannot inherit from Ricky in the
widower, the latter shall be entitled to representation of his father Franco. In
one-half of the inheritance and the representation, the representative must
brothers and sisters or their children to the not only be a legal heir of the person he
other half.” is representing, he must also be a legal
heir of the decedent he seeks to inherit
Tessie’s gross estate consists of a house from.
and lot acquired during her marriage,
making it part of the community While Arnel is a legal heir of Franco, he is
property. Thus, one-half of the said not a legal heir of Ricky because under
property would have to be set aside as Art 992 of the NCC, an illegitimate child
Mario’s conjugal share from the has no right to inherit ab intestato from
community property. The other half, the legitimate children and relatives of
amounting to one million pesos, is her his father or mother. Arnel is disqualified
conjugal share (net estate), and should to inherit from Ricky because Arnel is an
be distributed to her intestate heirs. illegitimate child of Franco and Ricky is a
Applying the above provision of law, legitimate relative of Franco
Michelle and Jorelle, Tessie’s nieces, are
entitled to one-half of her conjugal share
worth one million pesos, or 500,000 pesos, PROVISIONS COMMON TO TESTATE AND
while the other one-half amounting to INTESTATE SUCCESSION
P500,000 will go to Mario, Tessie’s
surviving spouse. Michelle and Jorelle are ● Partition and distribution of estate
then entitled to P250,000 pesos each as
their hereditary share. QUESTION:
TRUE OR FALSE. X, a widower, died
QUESTION: leaving a will stating that the house and
Ricky and Arlene are married. They lot where he lived cannot be partitioned
begot Franco during their marriage. for as long as the youngest of his four
Franco had an illicit relationship with children desires to stay there. As co heirs
Audrey and out of which, they begot and co-owners, the other three may
Arnel. Frnaco predeceased Ricky, demand partition anytime. (2010 Bar
Arlene and Arnel. Before Ricky died, he Question)
executed a will which when submitted to
probate was opposed by Arnel on the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
ground that he should be given the share FALSE, The other three co–heirs may not
of his father, Franco. Is the opposition of anytime demand the partition of the
Arnel correct? Why? (2012 Bar Question) house and lot since it was expressly
provided by the decedent in his will that
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

the same cannot be partitioned while his Tessie died and survived by her husband,
youngest child desires to stay there. Mario, and two nieces, Michelle and
However, under Article 1093 of the Civil Jorelle, who are the legitimate children of
Code, the period of indivision that the an elder sister who had predeceased
testator may provide shall not exceed her. The only property she left behind was
twenty years as provided in Article 949. a house and lot worth two million pesos,
Hence, the three co-heir can demand its which Tessie and her husband had
partition only after 20 years from the acquired with the use of Mario’s savings
death of their father. from his income as a doctor. How much
the property or its value, if any, may
QUESTION: Michelle and Jorelle claim as their
Mr. Palma, widower, has three daughters, hereditary shares? (1998 Bar Question)
D, D-1 and D-2. He executes a will
disinheriting D because she married a SUGGESTED ANSWER:
man he did not like, and instituting Article 1001 of the Civil Code provides,
daughters D-1 and D-2 as his heirs to his “Should brothers and sisters or their
entire estate of P1,000,000.00. Upon Mr. children survive with the widow or
Palma’s death, how should his estate be widower, the latter shall be entitled to
divided? Explain. (1999 Bar Question) one-half of the inheritance and the
brothers and sisters or their children to the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: other half.”
Therefore, the institution of D-1 and D-2 Tessie’s gross estate consists of a house
shall be annulled insofar as it prejudices and lot acquired during her marriage,
the legitime of D, and the institution of D- making it part of the community
1 and D-2 shall only apply on the free property. Thus, one-half of the said
portion in the amount of P500,000.00. property would have to be set aside as
Under Article 919 of the Civil Code, Mario’s conjugal share from the
marrying a man that the father did not community property. The other half,
approve of is not a ground for amounting to one million pesos, is her
disinheriting. Therefore, D, D-1 and D-2 conjugal share (net estate), and should
will get their legitimes of P500,000.00 be distributed to her intestate heirs.
divided into three equal parts and D-1 Applying the above provision of law,
and D-2 will get a reduced testamentary Michelle and Jorelle, Tessie’s nieces, are
disposition of P250,000.00 each. Hence entitled to one-half of her conjugal share
the shares will be: worth one million pesos, or 500,000 pesos,
D = P166,666.66 while the other one-half amounting to
D-1 = P166,666.66 + 250,000.00 P500,000 will go to Mario, Tessie’s
D-2 = P166,666.66 + 250,000.00 surviving spouse. Michelle and Jorelle are
then entitled to P250,000 pesos each as
QUESTION: their hereditary share.

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Mr. Luna died, leaving an estate of Ten When Mrs. Luna died, she was survived
Million pesos (P10,000,000.00). His widow by her parents as her only heirs. Her
gave birth to a child four months after Mr. parents will inherit her estate consisting of
Luna’s death, but the child died five hours the 5 Million pesos she inherited from Mr.
after birth. Two days after the child’s Luna. The other 5 million she inherited
death, the widow of Mr. Luna also died from her child will be delivered to the
because she had suffered from difficult parents of Mr. Luna as beneficiaries of
childbirth. The estate of Mr. Luna is now the reserved property.
being claimed by his parents, and the In sum, 5 million pesos of Mr. Luna’s estate
parents of his widow. Who is entitled to will go to the parents of Mrs. Luna, while
Mr. Luna’s estate and why? (1999 Bar the other 5 million pesos will go to the
Question) parents of Mr. Luna as reservatarios.


Half of the estate of Mr. Luna will go to Mr. Cruz, widower, has three legitimate
the parents of Mrs. Luna as their children, A, B and C. He executed a will
inheritance from Mrs. Luna, while the instituting as his heirs to his estate of One
other half will be inherited by the parents Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) his two
of MR. Luna as the reservatarios of the children, A and B, and his friend F. Upon
reserved property inherited by Mrs. Luna his death, how should Mr. Cruz’s estate
from her child. be divided? Explain.
When Mr. Luna died, his heirs were his A. In the preceding question, suppose
wife and the unborn child. The unborn Mr. Cruz instituted his two children A
child inherited because the inheritance and B as his heirs in his will, but gave
was favourable to it and was born alive a legacy of P100,000.00 to his friend
later though it lived only for five hours. F. How should the estate of Mr. Cruz
Mrs. Luna inherited half of the 10 Million be divided upon his death? Explain.
Peso estate while the unborn child (1999 Bar Question)
inherited the other half. When the child
died, it was survived by its mother, Mrs. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Luna. As the only heir, Mrs. Luna inherited, A. Assuming that the institution of A, B
by operation of law, the estate of the and F were to the entire estate, there
child consisting of its 5 Million Peso was preterition of C since C is a
inheritance from Mr. Luna, what she compulsory heir in the direct line. The
inherited from her child was subject to preterition will result in the total
reserva troncal for the benefit of the annulment of the institution of heirs
relatives of the child within the third (Article 854, Civil Code). Therefore,
degree of consanguinity and who the institution of A, B and F will be set
belong to the family of Mr. Luna, the line aside and Mr. Cruz’s estate will be
where the property came from. divided, as in intestacy, equally
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among, A, B and C as follows: A = SUGGESTED ANSWER:

P333,333.33; B = 333,333.33; and C = There was an error in the amount of
333,333.33. change given by RRA. Art. 2154, Civil
B. On the same assumption as letter (a), Code states that, if something is received
there was preterition of C. Under when there is no right to demand it, and
Article 804 of the Civil Code provides it was unduly delivered through mistake,
that preterition of the compulsory the obligation to return it arises. This is a
heirs in the direct line shall annul the case of solutio indebiti in that DPO
institution of heir but devises and received something that is not due him.
legacies shall be valid insofar as they He has the obligation to return the
are not inofficious. Therefore, the P100.00; otherwise, he will unjustly enrich
institution of A and B is annulled but himself at the expense of RRA.
the legacy of P100,000.00 to F shall
be respected for not being ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
inofficious. DPO has the duty to return to RRA the
excess P100 as trustee under Article 1456
of the Civil Code which provides: If
property is acquired through mistake or
VI. OBLIGATIONS fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force
of law, considered a trustee of an implied
GENERAL PROVISIONS trust for the benefit of the person from
whom the property comes. There is, in this
case, an implied or constructive trust in
● Sources of obligations favor of RRA.


DPO went to a store to buy a pack of
cigarettes worth P225.00 only. He gave ● Remedies available to creditor in
the vendor, RRA, a P500-peso bill. The cases of breach
vendor gave him the pack plus P375.00
change. Was there a discount, an QUESTION:
oversight, or an error in the amount Mr. ZY lost P100,000 in a card game
given? called Russian poker, but he had no
more cash to pay in full the winner at the
What would be DPO’s duty, if any, in case time the session ended. He promised to
of an excess in the amount of change pay PX, the winner, two weeks thereafter.
given by the vendor? How is this But he failed to do so despite the lapse of
situational relationship between DPO and two months, so PX filed in court a suit to
RRA denominated? Explain. (2004 Bar collect the amount of P50.000 that he
Question) won but remained unpaid. Will the
collection suit against ZY prosper? Could
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Mrs. ZY file in turn a suit against PX to

recover the P 100,000 that her husband SUGGESTED ANSWER:
lost? Reason. (2004 Bar Question) No, he is not correct. First of all, the
condition is not purely potestative,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: because it does not depend on the sole
The suit by PX to collect the balance of will of one of the parties. Secondly, even
what he won from ZY will not prosper. if it were, it would be valid because it
Under Article 2014 of the Civil Code, no depends on the sole will of the creditor
action can be maintained by the winner (the donee) and not of the debtor (the
for the collection of what he has won in donor).
a game of chance. Although poker may
depend in part on ability, it is QUESTION
fundamentally a game of chance. In 1997, Manuel bound himself to sell Eva
a house and lot which is being rented by
If the money paid by ZY to PX was another person, if Eva passes the 1998
conjugal or community property, the bar examinations. Luckily for Eva, she
wife of ZY could sue to recover it passed said examinations.
because Article 117(7) of the Family (a) Suppose Manuel had sold the same
Code provides that losses in gambling or house and lot to another before Eva
betting are borne exclusively by the passed the 1998 bar examinations, is
loser-spouse. Hence, conjugal or such sale valid? Why?
community funds may not be used to (b) Assuming that it is Eva who is entitled
pay for such losses. If the money were to buy said house and lot, is she entitled
exclusive property of ZY, his wife may also to the rentals collected by Manuel before
sue to recover it under Article 2016 of the she passed the 1998 bar examinations?
Civil Code if she and the family needed Why? (1999 Bar Question)
the money for support.
KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS (a) Yes, the sale to the other person is
valid. However, the buyer acquired the
● Conditional property subject to a suspensive
condition of Eva passing the 1998 Bar
QUESTION: Examinations. When the suspensive
Pedro promised to give his grandson a condition has been fulfilled the
car if the latter will pass the bar obligation arises or becomes effective
examinations. When his grandson (Jurado, Civil Law Reviewer, 2019, pp.
passed the said examinations, Pedro 773). Hence, upon Eva’s passing the Bar,
refused to give the car on the ground that the rights of the other buyer terminated
the condition was a purely potestative and Eva acquired ownership of the
one. Is he correct or not? (2000 Bar property.
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(b) No, she is not entitled to the rentals SUGGESTED ANSWER:
collected by Manuel because at the The fourth student is correct. His liability is
time they accrued and were collected, only joint, hence, pro rata. There is
Eva was not yet the owner of the solidary liability only when the obligation
property. expressly so states or when the law or
nature of the obligation requires solidarity
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: (Art. 1207, Civil Code). The contract of
Assuming that Eva is the one entitled to lease in the problem does not, in any
buy the house and lot, she is not entitled way, stipulate solidarity. Therefore,
to the rentals collected by Manuel absent express stipulation that the
before she passed the bar examinations. obligation is solidary, he is only liable for
Whether it is a contract of sale or a the 1/4 share.
contract to sell, reciprocal prestations
are deemed imposed. As for the seller to QUESTION:
deliver the object sold and for the buyer Joey, Jovy and Jojo are solidary debtors
to pay the price. Before the happening under a loan obligation of P300,000.00
of the condition, the fruits of the thing which has fallen due. The creditor has,
and the interest on the money are however, condoned Jojo’s entire share in
deemed to have been mutually the debt. Since Jovy has become
compensated under Article 1187 of the insolvent, the creditor makes a demand
Civil Code. on Joey to pay the debt.
1. How much, if any, may Joey be
● Joint and solidary obligations compelled to pay?
2. To what extent, if at all, can Jojo be
QUESTION: compelled by Joey to contribute to such
Four foreign medical students rented the payments? (1998 Bar Question)
apartment of Thelma for a period of one
year. After one semester, three of them SUGGESTED ANSWER:
returned to their home country and the 1. Joey can be compelled to pay only
fourth transferred to a boarding house. the remaining balance of P200,000.00, in
Thelma discovered that they left unpaid view of the remission of Jojo’s share by
telephone bills in the total amount of the creditor. Under Article 1215 of the
P80,000.00. The lease contract provided Civil Code, it provides that, novation,
that the lessees shall pay for the compensation, remission of debt made
telephone services in the leased by any of the solidary creditors, shall
premises. Thelma demanded that the extinguish the obligation. Thus, Joey is
fourth student pay the entire amount of liable to pay his share of 100, 000 and the
the unpaid telephone bills, but the latter 100,000 share of Jovy, the insolvent co-
is willing to pay only one fourth of it. Who debtor.
is correct? Why? (2001 Bar Question)
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

2. Joey can compel Jojo to contribute by the loss or destruction of the thing, it is
P50,000. Article 1217, paragraph 3, Civil essential that the following requisites
Code provides, “When one of the must concur: (1) The thing which is lost is
solidary debtors cannot, because of his determinate; (2) The thing is lost without
insolvency, reimburse his share to the any fault of the debtor. If the thing is lost
debtor paying the obligation, such share through the fault of the debtor, the
shall be borne by all his co-debtors, in obligation is transformed into an
proportion to the debt of each.” Hence, obligation to indemnify the obligee or
Jojo as solidary debtor can be creditor for damages;(3) The thing is lost
compelled to give a share of 50,000. before the debtor has incurred in delay.

Since the defendant was already in

EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATIONS default not having delivered the ring
when delivery was demanded by
● Loss of determinate thing due or plaintiff at due date, the defendant is
impossibility or difficulty of liable for the loss of the thing and even
Performance when the loss was due to force majeure.

● Condonation or remission of debt

Kristina brought her diamond ring to a
jewelry shop for cleaning. The jewelry
Arturo borrowed P500,000.00 from his
shop undertook to return the ring by
father. After he had paid P300,000.00, his
February 1, 1999." When the said date
father died. When the administrator of his
arrived, the jewelry shop informed
father's estate requested payment of the
Kristina that the Job was not yet finished.
balance of P200,000.00. Arturo replied
They asked her to return five days later.
that the same had been condoned by his
On February 6, 1999, Kristina went to the
father as evidenced by a notation at the
shop to claim the ring, but she was
back of his check payment for the
informed that the same was stolen by a
P300,000.00 reading: "In full payment of
thief who entered the shop the night
the loan". Will this be a valid defense in
before. Kristina filed an action for
an action for collection? (2000 Bar
damages against the jewelry shop which
put up the defense of force majeure. Will
the action prosper or not? (2000 Bar
It depends. If the notation "in full
payment of the loan" was written by
Arturo's father, there was an implied
Yes, the action will prosper. Under
condonation of the balance that
Article 1262 of the Civil Code, in order discharges the obligation. In such case,
that an obligation shall be extinguished
the notation is an act of the father from

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which condonation may be inferred. The Eduardo was granted a loan by XYZ Bank
condonation being implied, it need not for the purpose of improving a building
comply with the formalities of a donation which XYZ leased from him. Eduardo,
to be effective. The defense of full executed the promissory note ("PN") in
payment will, therefore, be valid. favor of the bank, with his friend Recardo
as co-signatory. In the PN, they both
However, when the notation was written acknowledged that they are
by Arturo himself. It merely proves his "individually and collectively" liable and
intention in making that payment but in waived the need for prior demand. To
no way does it bind his father (Yam v. CA, secure the PN, Recardo executed a real
G.R No. 104726. 11 February 1999). In estate mortgage on his own property.
such case, the notation was not the act When Eduardo defaulted on the PN, XYZ
of his father from which condonation stopped payment of rentals on the
may be inferred. There being no building on the ground that legal
condonation at all the defense of full compensation had set in. Since there
payment will not be valid. was still a balance due on the PN after
applying the rentals, XYZ foreclosed the
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: real estate mortgage over Recardo's
If the notation was written by Arturo's property. Recardo opposed the
father, it amounted to an express foreclosure on the ground that he is only
condonation of the balance which must a co-signatory; that no demand was
comply with the formalities of a donation made upon him for payment, and
to be valid under the 2nd paragraph of assuming he is liable, his liability should
Article 1270 of the New Civil Code. not go beyond half the balance of the
loan. Further, Recardo said that when the
Since the amount of the balance is more bank invoked compensation between
than 5,000 pesos, the acceptance by the rentals and the amount of the loan, it
Arturo of the condonation must also be amounted to a new contract or novation,
in writing under Article 748. There being and had the effect of extinguishing the
no acceptance in writing by Arturo, the security since he did not give his consent
condonation is void and the obligation (as owner of the property under the real
to pay the balance subsists. The defense estate mortgage) thereto.
of full payment is, therefore, not valid. In
case the notation was not written by Can XYZ Bank validly assert legal
Arturo's father, the answer is the same as compensation? (2008 Bar Question)
the answers above.
● Compensation Yes, XYZ Bank can validly assert legal
compensation. In the present case, all of
QUESTION: the elements of legal compensation are
present: (1) XYZ Bank is the creditor of
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Eduardo while Eduardo is the lessor of not go beyond half the balance of the
XYZ Bank; (2) both debts consist in a sum loan. Further, Recardo said that when the
of money, or if the things due are bank invoked compensation between
consumable, they be of the same kind, the rentals and the amount of the loan, it
and also of the same quality if the latter amounted to a new contract or novation,
has been stated; (3) the two debts be and had the effect of extinguishing the
due; (4) they be liquidated and security since he did not give his consent
demandable, and (5) over neither of (as owner of the property under the real
them there be any retention or estate mortgage) thereto.
controversy, commenced by third
persons and communicated in due time Does Recardo have basis under the Civil
to the debtor (Art. 1279, Civil Code). Code for claiming that the original
Hence, as debtors and creditors of each contract was novated? (2008 Bar
other there can be legal compensation. Question)


No. Recardo has no basis for claiming
QUESTION: novation of the original contract when
Eduardo was granted a loan by XYZ Bank the bank invoked compensation
for the purpose of improving a building because there was simply partial
which XYZ leased from him. Eduardo, compensation (Art. 1290, Civil Code)
executed the promissory note ("PN") in and this would not bar the bank from
favor of the bank, with his friend Recardo recovering the remaining balance of the
as co-signatory. In the PN, they both obligation.
acknowledged that they are
"individually and collectively" liable and ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
waived the need for prior demand. To No. Under Art. 1292 of the Civil Code, In
secure the PN, Recardo executed a real order that an obligation may be
estate mortgage on his own property. extinguished by another, it is imperative
When Eduardo defaulted on the PN, XYZ that it be so declared in unequivocal
stopped payment of rentals on the terms, or that the old and new
building on the ground that legal obligations be on every point
compensation had set in. Since there incompatible with each other. Novation
was still a balance due on the PN after is never presumed.
applying the rentals, XYZ foreclosed the
real estate mortgage over Recardo's QUESTION:
property. Recardo opposed the The sugarcane planters of Batangas
foreclosure on the ground that he is only entered into a long- term milling contract
a co-signatory; that no demand was with the Central Azucarera de Don
made upon him for payment, and Pedro Inc. Ten years later, the Central
assuming he is liable, his liability should assigned its rights to the said milling
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

contract to a Taiwanese group which ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:

would take over the operations of the The assignment is valid because there is
sugar mill. The planters filed an action to absolute freedom to transfer the credit
annul the said assignment on the ground and the creditor need not get the
that the Taiwanese group was not consent of the debtor. He only needs to
registered with the Board of Investments. notify him.
Will the action prosper or not? Explain
briefly. (Note: The question presupposes
knowledge and requires the application
of the provisions of the Omnibus VII. SPECIAL CONTRACTS
Investment Code, which properly
belongs to Commercial law) (2001 Bar SALES
● General provisions
The action will prosper not on the ground QUESTION:
invoked, but on the ground that the On July 14, 2004, Pedro executed in favor
farmers have not given their consent to of Juan a Deed of Absolute Sale over a
the assignment. The milling contract parcel of land covered by TCT No. 6245.
imposes reciprocal obligations on the It appears in the Deed of Sale that Pedro
parties. The Sugar Central has the received from Juan P120,000.00 as
obligation to mill the sugar cane of the purchase price. However, Pedro retained
farmers while the latter have the the owner’s duplicate of said title.
obligation to deliver their sugar cane to Thereafter, Juan, as lessor, and Pedro, as
the sugar central. As to the obligation to lessee, executed a contract of lease
mill the sugar cane, the sugar central is a over the property for a period of one (1)
debtor of the farmers. In assigning its year with a monthly rental of P1,000.00.
rights under the contract, the sugar Pedro, as lessee, was also obligated to
central will also transfer to the Taiwanese pay the realty taxes on the property
its obligation to mill the sugar cane of the during the period of lease.
farmers. This will amount to a novation of
the contract by substituting the debtor Subsequently, Pedro filed a complaint
with a third party. Under Article 1293 of against Juan for the reformation of the
the Civil Code, such substitution cannot Deed of Absolute Sale, alleging that the
take effect without the consent of the transaction covered by the deed was an
creditor. The farmers, who are creditors equitable mortgage. In his verified
as far as the obligation to mill their sugar answer to the complaint, Juan alleged
cane is concerned, may annul such that the property was sold to him under
assignment for not having given their the Deed of Absolute Sale, and
consent thereto. interposed counterclaims to recover
possession of the property and to compel
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Pedro to turn over to him the owner’s Article 1604 states that “the provisions of
duplicate of title. Resolve the case with article 1602 shall also apply to a contract
reasons. (2005 Bar Question) purporting to be an absolute sale.”

SUGGESTED ANSWER: For Articles 1602 and 1604 to apply, two

The complaint filed by Pedro against requisites must concur: 1) the parties
Juan should be dismissed. The instances entered into a contract denominated as
when a contract — regardless of its a contract of sale; and 2) their intention
nomenclature — may be presumed to was to secure an existing debt by way of
be an equitable mortgage are mortgage (Heirs of Balite v. Lim, G.R. No.
enumerated in Article 1602 of the Civil 152168, December 10, 2004).
Code: “Art. 1602. The contract shall be
presumed to be an equitable In the given case, although Pedro
mortgage, in any of the following cases: retained possession of the property as
1. When the price of a sale with right lessee after the execution of the Deed of
to repurchase is unusually Sale, there is no showing that the
inadequate: intention of the parties was to secure an
2. When the vendor remains in existing debt by way of mortgage.
possession as lessee or otherwise; Hence, the complaint of Pedro should be
3. When upon or after the expiration dismissed.
of the right to repurchase another
instrument extending the period QUESTION:
of redemption or granting a new Mr. and Mrs. X migrated to the US with all
period is executed; their children. As they had no intention of
4. When the purchaser retains for coming back, they offered their house
himself a part of the purchase and lot for sale to their neighbors, Mr. and
price; Mrs. A (the buyers) who agreed to buy
5. When the vendor binds himself to the property for 128 Million. Because Mr.
pay the taxes on the thing sold; and Mrs. A needed to obtain a loan from
6. In any other case where it may be a bank first, and since the sellers were in
fairly inferred that the real a hurry to migrate, the latter told the
intention of the parties is that the buyers that they could already occupy
transaction shall secure the the house, renovate it as it was already in
payment of a debt or the a state of disrepair, and pay only when
performance of any other their loan is approved and released.
obligation. While waiting for the loan approval, the
“In any of the foregoing cases, any buyers spent 1 Million in repairing the
money, fruits, or other benefit to be house. A month later, a person carrying
received by the vendee as rent or an authenticated special power of
otherwise shall be considered as interest attorney from the sellers demanded that
which shall be subject to the usury laws.” the buyers either immediately pay for the
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

property in full now or vacate it and pay offer, there was already a meeting of the
damages for having made minds between the parties resulting in
improvements on the property without a the perfection of the contract of sale.
sale having been perfected.
a) What are the buyers' options or QUESTION:
legal rights with respect to the A contract to sell is the same as a
expenses incurred in improving conditional contract of sale. Do you
the property under agree? Explain your answer. (2012 Bar
circumstances? Question)
b) Can the buyers be made to
immediately vacate on the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
ground that the sale was not No. A contract to sell is a species of
perfected? Explain briefly. (2015 conditional sale. The contract to sell does
Bar Question) not sell a thing or property; it sells the right
to buy property. A conditional sale is a
SUGGESTED ANSWER: sale subject to the happening or
a) The buyers here may be deemed performance of a condition, such as
possessors or builders in good faith payment of the full purchase price, or the
because they were made to believe that performance of other prestation to give,
they were allowed to make repairs or to do or not to do. Compliance with the
renovation by the sellers themselves. As condition automatically gives the right to
builders in good faith, they have the right the vendee to demand the delivery of
to seek reimbursement for the value of the object of the sale. In a contract to
the improvements in case the owner sell, however, the compliance with the
decides to appropriate them. They condition does not automatically sell the
cannot be asked to remove the property to the vendee. It merely gives
improvements because that is not one of the vendee the right to compel the
the options given by law to the vendor to execute the deed of absolute
landowner in case the builder is in good sale.
b) No, the buyers cannot be made to Sergio is the registered owner of a 500-
vacate because there is already a square meter land. His friend, Marcelo,
who has long been interested in the
perfected contract of sale. A contract
property, succeeded in persuading
of sale is consensual and is perfected by Sergio to sell it to him. On June 2, 2012,
mere consent (Article 1315, Civil Code). they agreed on the purchase price of
In this case, there was an agreement to P600,000 and that Sergio would give
deliver a determinate thing for a price Marcelo up to June30, 2012 within which
certain in money. When the owners to raise the amount. Marcelo, in a light
made an offer to sell their property to Mr. tone usual between them, said that they
should seal their agreement through a
and Mrs. A and the latter accepted the
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

case of Jack Daniels Black and P5,000 consideration, as something paid

"pulutan" money which he immediately or promised. An accepted
handed to Sergio and which the latter unilateral promise to buy or sell a
accepted. The friends then sat down and
determinate thing for a price
drank the first bottle from the case of
bourbon. certain is binding upon him if the
promise is supported by a
On June 15, 2013, Sergio learned of consideration distinct from the
another buyer, Roberto, who was offering price (Art. 1479).
P800,000 in ready cash for the land.
When Roberto confirmed that he could Consideration in an option
pay in cash as soon as Sergio could get
contract may be anything of
the documentation ready, Sergio
decided to withdraw his offer to Marcelo, value,, unlike in sale where it must
hoping to just explain matters to his be the price certain in money or
friend. Marcelo, however, objected its equivalent (San Miguel
when the withdrawal was Properties Inc. v. Spouses Huang,
communicated to him, taking the G.R. No. 137290, July 31, 2000).
position that they have a firm and
binding agreement that Sergio cannot
Here, the case of Jack Daniels
simply walk away from because he has
an option to buy that is duly supported by Black and the P5,000.00 “pulutan”
a duly accepted valuable consideration. money was a consideration to
A) Does Marcelo have a cause of “seal their agreement,” an
action against Sergio? agreement that Marcelo is given
B) Can Sergio claim that whatever until June 30, 2012 to buy the
they might have agreed upon parcel of land. There is also no
cannot be enforced because any showing that such consideration
agreement relating to the sale of will be considered part of the
real property must be supported purchase price. Thus, Sergio’s
by evidence in writing and they unilateral withdrawal of the offer
never reduced their agreement to violated the Option Contract
writing? (2013 Bar Question) between him and Marcelo.


A) Yes. Marcelo has a cause of B) No. Sergio’s claim has no legal
action against Sergio. Under Art. basis. The contract at issue in the
1324 of the NCC, when the offeror present case is the option
has allowed the offeree a certain contract, not the contract of sale
period to accept, the offer may for the real property. Therefore,
be withdrawn at any time before Article 1403 of the Civil Code does
acceptance by communicating not apply. The Statute of Frauds
such withdrawal, except when covers an agreement for the sale
the option is founded upon of real property or of an interest
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

therein. Such agreement is As a buyer, ownership passed to B upon

unenforceable by action, unless delivery and, under Article 1504 of the
the same, or some note or Civil Code, the thing perishes for the
memorandum, thereof, be in owner. Hence, B must still pay the price.
writing, (Art. 1403 (e), Civil Code).
Here, Marcelo and Sergio merely ● Extinguishment
entered into an Option Contract,
which refers to a unilateral QUESTION:
promise to buy or sell, which need Eulalia was engaged in the business of
not be in writing to be buying and selling large cattle. In order
enforceable (Sanchez v. Rigos, to secure the financial capital, she
G.R. No. L-25494, June 14, 1972, advanced for her employees
citing Atkins, Kroll and Co. Inc. v. (biyaheros). She required them to
Cua Hian Tek and Southwestern surrender TCT of their properties and to
Sugar & Molasses Co. v. Atlantic execute the corresponding Deeds of
Gulf & Pacific Co.). Sale in her favor. Domeng Bandong was
not required to post any security but
● Transfer of ownership when Eulalia discovered that he incurred
shortage in cattle procurement
QUESTION: operation, he was required to execute a
A granted B the exclusive right to sell his Deed of Sale over a parcel of land in
brand of Maong pants in Isabela, the favor of Eulalia. She sold the property to
price for his merchandise payable within her grandniece Jocelyn who thereafter
60 days from delivery, and promising B a instituted an action for ejectment against
commission of 20% on all sales. After the the Spouses Bandong.
delivery of the merchandise to B but
before he could sell any of them, B’s store To assert their right, Spouses Bandong
in Isabela was completely burned filed an action for annulment of sale
without his fault, together with all of A’s against Eulalia and Jocelyn alleging that
pants. Must B pay A for his lost pants? there was no sale intended but only
Why? (1999 Bar Question) equitable mortgage for the purpose of
securing the shortage incurred by
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Domeng in the amount of P 70, 000.00
Yes. The contract between A and B is a while employed as "biyahero" by Eulalia.
sale not an agency to sell because the Was the Deed of Sale between Domeng
price is payable by B upon 60 days from and Eulalia a contract of sale or an
delivery even if B is unable to resell it. If B equitable mortgage? Explain. (2012 Bar
were an agent, he is not bound to pay Question)
the price if he is unable to resell it.

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SUGGESTED ANSWER: 30-day period for the exercise by Betty of

The contract between Domeng her right of redemption had not even
Bandong and Eulalia was an equitable begun to run because no notice in
mortgage rather than a contract of sale. writing of the sale appears to have been
The purported deed of sale was actually given to her by Lydia.
intended to merely secure the payment
of the shortage incurred by Domeng in
the conduct of the cattle-buying TRUSTS
operations. Under Art 1602, Civil Code,
the contract shall be presumed to be an QUESTION:
equitable mortgage when it may be Juan and his sister, Juana, inherited from
fairly inferred that the real intention of the their mother two parcels of farmland with
parties is simply to secure the payment of exactly the same areas. For
a debt or the performance of any other convenience, the Torrens certificates of
obligation. The present transaction was title covering both lots were place in
clearly intended to just secure the Juan’s name alone. In 1996, Juan sold to
shortage incurred by Eulalia because an innocent purchaser one parcel in its
Bandung remained in possession of the entirety without the knowledge and
property in spite of the execution of the consent of Juana, and wrongfully kept for
sale. himself the entire price paid.
1. What rights of action, if any, does
QUESTION: Juana have against and/or the buyer?
Betty and Lydia were co-owners of a 2. Since the two lots have the same area,
parcel of land. Last January 31, 2001, suppose Juana flies a complaint to have
when she paid her real estate tax, Betty herself declared sole owner of the entire
discovered that Lydia had sold her share remaining second lot, contending that
to Emma on November 10, 2000. The her brother had forfeited his share thereof
following day, Betty offered to redeem by wrongfully disposing of her undivided
her share from Emma, but the latter share in the first lot. Will the suit prosper?
replied that Betty's right to redeem has (1998 Bar Question)
already prescribed. Is Emma correct or
not? Why? (2001 Bar Question) SUGGESTED ANSWER:
1. When, for convenience, the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Torrens title to the two parcels of
No. Emma, the buyer, is not correct. Betty land were placed in Joan’s name
can still enforce her right of legal alone, there was created an
redemption as a co-owner. Article 1623 implied trust (a resulting trust) for
of the Civil Code gives a co-owner 30 the benefit of Juana with Juan as
days from written notice of the sale by trustee of one-half undivided or
the vendor to exercise his right of legal ideal portion of each of the two
redemption. In the present problem, the lots. Therefore, Juana can file an
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action for damages against Joan rule that the rights of an innocent
for having fraudulently sold one of purchaser for value must be
the two parcels which he partly respected and protected
held in trust for Juana’s benefit. notwithstanding the fraud
Juana may claim damages. employed by the seller in securing
Juana has no cause of action his title. (Eduarte vs. CA, 253 SCRA
against the buyer who acquired 39)
the land for value and in good
faith, relying on the transfer SUGGESTED ANSWER:
certificate of title showing that 2. No. Juana’s suit to have herself
Juan is the registered owner of the declared as sole owner of the
land. entire remaining area will not
prosper because while Juan’s act
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: in selling the other lot was
1. Under Article 476 of the Civil wrongful. It did not have the legal
Code, Juana can file an action effect of forfeiting his share in the
for quieting of title as there is a remaining lot. However, Juana
cloud in the title to the subject real can file an action against Juan for
property. Second, Juana can also partition or termination of the co-
file an action for damages against ownership with a prayer that the
Juan, because the settled rule is lot sold be adjudicated to Juan,
that the proper course of the true and the remaining lot be
owner of the property who was adjudicated and reconveyed to
prejudiced and fraudulently her.
dispossessed of the same is to
bring an action for damages ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
against those who caused or The suit will prosper, applying the ruling in
employed the same. Third, since Imperial vs. CA. Both law and equity
Juana had the right to her share in authorize such a result, said the Supreme
the property by way of Court. Strictly speaking, Juana’s
inheritance, she can demand the contention that her brother had forfeited
partition of the thing owned in his share in the second lot is incorrect.
common, under Article 494 of the Even if the two lots have the same area,
Civil Code, and ask that the title to it does not follow that they have the
the remaining property be same value. Since the sale of the first lot
declared as exclusively hers. on the Torrens title in the name of Juan
However, since the farmland was was valid, all that Juana may recover is
sold to an innocent purchaser for the value of her undivided interest
value, then Juana has no cause of therein, plus damages. In addition, she
action against the buyer can ask for partition or reconveyance of
consistent with the established her undivided interest in the second lot,
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

without prejudice to any agreement sub-agent and if he does, what are the
between them that in lieu of the effects of such appointment? (1998 Bar
payment of the value of Juana’s share in Question)
the first lot and damages, the second lot
be reconveyed to her. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Yes, the agent may appoint to substitute
or sub-agent if the principal has not
prohibited him from doing so, but he shall
AGENCY be responsible for the acts of the
QUESTION: (1) When he was not given the power to
Richard sold a large parcel of land in appoint one;
Cebu to Leo for P100 million payable in (2) When he was given the power to
annual installments over a period of ten appoint one; the person, and the person
years, but title will remain with Richard appointed was notoriously incompetent
until the purchase price is fully paid. To or insolvent.
enable Leo to pay the price, Richard
gave him a power-of-attorney
authorizing him to subdivide the land, sell
the individual lots, and deliver the LOAN
proceeds to Richard, to be applied to the
purchase price. Five years later, Richard ● Loan
revoked the power of attorney and took
over the sale of the subdivision lots QUESTION:
himself. Is the revocation valid or not? Samuel borrowed P300,000.00 housing
Why? (2001 Bar Question) loan from the bank at 18% per annum
interest. However, the promissory note
SUGGESTED ANSWER: contained a proviso that the bank
The revocation is not valid. The power of "reserves the right to increase interest
attorney given to the buyer is irrevocable within the limits allowed by law," By virtue
because it is coupled with an interest: the of such proviso, over the objections of
agency is the means of fulfilling the Samuel, the bank increased the interest
obligation of the buyer to pay the price rate periodically until it reached 48% per
of the land (Article 1927, CC). In other annum. Finally, Samuel filed an action
words, a bilateral contract (contract to questioning the right of the bank to
buy and sell the land) is dependent on increase the interest rate up to 48%. The
the agency. bank raised the defense that the Central
Bank of the Philippines had already
QUESTION: suspended the Usury Law. Will the action
X appoints Y as his agent to sell his prosper or not? Why? (2001 Bar Question)
products in Cebu City. Can Y appoint a
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

SUGGESTED ANSWER: mortgages were in public or private

The action will prosper. PD No. 1684 and instruments? (2013 Bar Question)
CB Circular No. 905 merely allow
contracting parties to stipulate freely on SUGGESTED ANSWER:
any adjustment in the interest rate on a Yes, it would be legally significant for
loan or forbearance of money but do not validity and enforceability if the loan and
authorize a unilateral increase of the the mortgages were in public or private
interest rate by one party without the instruments. As for the loan, there is no
other's consent (PNB v. CA, 238 SCRA 2O legal significance except when interest
[1994]). Escalation Clause must have a was charged on the loan, in which case,
de-escalation clause. An escalation the charging of interest must be in
clause can be valid only if it also includes writing. Thus, a contract of loan is valid
a de-escalation clause or a stipulation and enforceable even if it is neither in a
that the rate of interest agreed upon private nor in a public document. As a
shall be reduced in the event that the rule, contracts shall be obligatory in
maximum rate of interest is reduced by whatever form they may have been
law or by the Monetary Board (PNB vs. entered into provided all the essential
IAC, G.R. No. 75223 [1990]). To say requisites for their validity are present (Art
otherwise will violate the principle of 1934, Civil Code).
mutuality of contracts under Article 1308
of the Civil Code. To be valid, therefore, With regard to its enforceability, a
any change of interest must be mutually contract of loan is not among those
agreed upon by the parties (Dizon v, enumerated under Art. 1403 (2) of the
Magsaysay, 57 SCRA 25O [1974]). In the Civil Code, which are covered by the
present problem, the debtor not having Statute of Frauds. It is important to note
given his consent to the increase in that under Art. 1358 of the Civil Code, all
interest, the increase is void therefore, the other contracts where the amount
the action may prosper. involved exceeds Five Hundred pesos
(P500.00) must appear in writing, even in
QUESTION: private one. However, the requirement is
Lito obtained a loan of P1,000,000 from not for validity of the contract, but only
Ferdie, payable within one year. To for its greater efficacy.
secure payment, Lito executed a chattel
mortgage on a Toyota Avanza and a real With regard to the chattel mortgage, Art.
estate mortgage on a 200-square meter 1508, the Chattel Mortgage Law,
piece of property. requires an affidavit of good faith stating
that the chattel mortgage is supposed to
(A) Would it be legally significant - from stand as security of the loan; thus, for the
the point of view of validity and validity of the chattel mortgage, it must
enforceability - if the loan and the be in a public document and recorded
in the Chattel Mortgage Register in the
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Register of Deeds. No valid mortgage is LEASE

constituted where the alleged deed of
mortgage is a mere private document QUESTION:
and, therefore, is not registered. If the On January 1, 1980, Nestor leased the
mortgage is a purely private document fishpond of Mario for a period of three
the creditor may recover the loan, years at a monthly rental of P1,000.00,
although the mortgage document with an option to purchase the same
evidencing the loan was non registrable during the period of the lease for the
being a purely private document. He has price of P500,000.00. After the expiration
the right to compel the debtor to of the three-year period, Mario allowed
execute a contract in a public Nestor to remain in the leased premises
instrument (Henchanova v Adil, G.R. No. at the same rental rate. On June 15, 1983,
L-49940 [1986]). Nestor tendered the amount of
P500,000.00 to Mario and demanded that
A real estate mortgage, under the the latter execute a deed of absolute
provisions of Art. 2125 of the Civil Code, sale of the fishpond in his favor. Mario
requires that in order that a mortgage refused, on the ground that Nestor no
may be validly constituted the longer had an option to buy the fishpond.
document in which it appears to be Nestor filed an action for specific
recorded. If the instrument is not performance. Will the action prosper or
recorded, the mortgage is nevertheless not? Why? (2001 Bar Question)
valid and binding between the parties.
Hence, for validity of both chattel and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
real estate mortgages, they must appear No, the action will not prosper. The
in a public instrument. But for the purpose implied renewal of the lease on a month-
of enforceability, it is submitted that the to-month basis did not have the effect of
form of the contract, whether in a public extending the life of the option to
or private document, would be purchase which expired at the end of
immaterial (Mobil Oil v. Diocaresa, 29 the original lease period. The lessor is
SCRA 656, 1969). correct in refusing to sell on the ground
that the option had expired.
Also, under Art 1358, acts and contracts
which have for their object the creation QUESTION:
or transmission of real rights over In 1995, Mark leased the rice land of
immovable property must be in a public Narding in Nueva Ecija for an annual
document for greater efficacy and a rental of P1,000.00 per hectare. In 1998,
real estate mortgage is a real right over due to the El Nino phenomenon, the rice
immovable property. harvest fell to only 40% of the average
harvest for the previous years. Mark
asked Narding for a reduction of the
rental to P500.00 per hectare for that year
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

but the latter refused. Is Mark legally VIII. TORTS

entitled to such reduction? (2000 Bar

SUGGESTED ANSWER: ● Acts contrary to morals

No, Mark is not entitled to a reduction.
Under Article 1680 of the Civil Code, the QUESTION
lessee of a rural land is entitled to a A Gallant driven by John and owned by
reduction of the rent only in case of loss Art, and a Corolla driven by its owner,
of more than ½ of the fruits through Gina, collided somewhere along
extraordinary and unforeseen fortuitous Adriatico Street. As a result of the
events. While the drought brought about accident, Gina had a concussion.
by the "El Nino" phenomenon may be Subsequently, Gina brought an action for
classified as extraordinary, it is not damages against John and Art. There is
considered as unforeseen. no doubt that the collision is due to John’s
negligence. Can Art, who was in the
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: vehicle at the time of the accident, be
Yes, Mark is entitled to a reduction of the held solidary liable with his driver, John?
rent. His loss was more than 1/2 of the (1998 Bar Question)
fruits and the loss was due to an
extraordinary and unforeseen fortuitous SUGGESTED ANSWER:
event. The "El Nino" phenomenon is Yes. Art may be held solidary liable with
extraordinary because it is uncommon; it John, if it was proven that the former
does not occur with regularity. And could have prevented the misfortune
neither could the parties have foreseen with the use of due diligence. Article
its occurrence. The event should be 2184 of the Civil Code states, “In motor
foreseeable by the parties so that the mishaps, the owner is solidary liable with
lessee can change the time for his his driver, if the former, who was in the
planting, or refrain from planting, or take vehicle, could have, by the use of due
steps to avoid the loss. To be diligence, prevented the misfortune,
foreseeable, the time and the place of
the occurrence, as well as the
magnitude of the adverse effects of the THE TORTFEASOR
fortuitous event must be capable of
being predicted. Since the exact place, QUESTION:
the exact time, and the exact Define quasi tort. Who are the persons
magnitude of the adverse effects of the liable under quasi torts and what are the
"El Nino" phenomenon are still defenses available to them? (2010 Bar
unpredictable despite the advances in Question)
science, the phenomenon is considered
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

SUGGESTED ANSWER: equivalent of the common law tort. In

Quasi-tort is considered as the equivalent fact, in a number of Supreme Court
of quasi-delict. Hence the rules of the decisions, the two terms have been
latter pertaining to persons who can be considered synonymous. In reality,
held liable and their defenses would also however, the common law tort is much
apply. broader in scope than the civil law quasi-
Those liable for quasi-delict include: delict. In recent developments in
1. Those tortfeasor or the person common law, the concept of “quasi
causing damage to another torts” can be considered as the closest
through fault or negligence (Art. common law equivalent of the civil law
2176); and concept of quasi-delict. This is because it
2. Persons vicariously liable under is argued that the growing recognition of
Art. 2180. quasi torts as a source of obligation is
The defenses available include: hinged on the acceptance at common
a. That the defendant was not law of the civil law principles of quasi-
negligent or that he exercised delict
due diligence (Art. 2176);
b. That although the defendant is
negligent his negligence is not the NEGLIGENCE
proximate cause of the injury (Art.
2179); ● Good father of a family or
c. That the plaintiff's own negligence reasonably prudent person
was the immediate and
proximate cause of his injury (Art. QUESTION:
2179); A van owned by Orlando and driven by
d. That the person vicariously liable Diego, while negotiating a downhill slope
has observed all the diligence of of a city road, suddenly gained speed,
a good father of a family to obviously beyond the authorized limit in
prevent damage (Art. 2180); and the area, bumped a car in front of it,
e. That the cause of action has causing severed damage to the car and
prescribed after the lapse (Art. serious injuries to its passengers. Orlando
2179). was not in the car at the time of the
f. The fact that the plaintiff had incident. The car owner and the injured
committed contributory passenger sued Orlando and Diego for
negligence is a partial defense damages caused by Diego’s
(Art. 2179). negligence. In their defense, Diego
claims that the downhill slope caused the
NOTE: The term quasi-tort is not part of van to gain speed and that, as he
legal developments in civil law. In stepped on the brakes to check the
Philippine legal tradition, quasi-delict has acceleration, the brakes locked,
been treated as the closest civil law causing the van to go even faster and
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

eventually to hit the car in front of it. ● Animals; possessor and user of an
Orlando and Diego contend that the animal
sudden malfunction of the van’s brake
system is a fortuitous event and that, QUESTION:
therefore, they are exempt from any Primo owns a pet iguana which he keeps
liability. in a man-made pond enclosed by a
fence situated in his residential lot. A
A. Is this contention tenable? typhoon knocked down the fence of the
Explain. (2002 Bar Question) pond and the iguana crawled out of the
gate of Primo’s residence. N, a neighbor
SUGGESTED ANSWER: who was passing by, started throwing
No. mechanical defects of a motor stones at the iguana, drawing the iguana
vehicle do not constitute fortuitous to move toward him. N panicked and ran
event, since the presence of such but tripped on something and suffered a
defects would have been readily broken leg.
detected by diligent maintenance
check. The failure to maintain the vehicle Is anyone liable for N’s injuries? Explain.
in safe running condition constitutes (2010 Bar Question)
B. Does the presence of the owner No one is liable. The possessor of an
inside the vehicle causing animal or whoever may make use of the
damage to a third party affect his same is responsible for the damage it
liability for his driver’s negligence? may cause, although it may escape or
Explain. be lost. This responsibility shall cease only
in case the damage should come from
SUGGESTED ANSWER: force majeure or from the fault of the
In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is person who has suffered damage (Art.
made solidarily liable with his driver if he 2183)
(the owner) was in the vehicle and could
have, by the use of due diligence,
prevented the mishap. (Caedo v. Yu Khe
Thai), 26 SCRA 410 ([1968]). However, this IX. DAMAGES
question has no factual basis in the
problem given, in view of the express GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
given fact that “Orlando was not in the
car at the time of the incident”. ● Kinds of damages

Actual and Compensatory

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Simeon was returning to Manila after If the action, however, is anchored under
spending a weekend with his parents in quasi-delict, SBL will be liable for actual
Sariaya, Quezon. He boarded a bus and moral damages. As a common
operated by the Sabbit Bus Line (SBL) on carrier, it is required to exercise
August 30, 2013. In the middle of the extraordinary diligence. Moral damages
journey, the bus collided with a truck also may be awarded under Article 2219
coming from the opposite direction, if the plaintiff suffered physical injuries as
which was overtaking the vehicle in front a result of a quasi-delictual act.
of the truck. Though the driver of the SBL
bus tried to avoid the truck, a mishap QUESTION:
occurred as the truck hit the left side of In January 2018, Mrs. A, a married
the bus. As a result of the accident, woman on her sixth (6) month of
Simeon suffered a fractured leg and was pregnancy, was crossing a street when
unable to report for work for one week. she was suddenly hit by a car being
He sued SBL for actual and moral recklessly driven by Mr. X. As a result,
damages. SBL raised the defense that it Mrs. A sustained serious injuries and
was the driver of the truck who was at further, suffered an unintentional
fault, and that it exercised the diligence abortion. Mrs. A was hospitalized for two
of a good father of a family in the (2) months, during which she incurred
selection and supervision of its driver. P400.000.00 in medical fees. Her
(a) Is SBL liable for actual damages? expenses were all duly substantiated by
Moral damages? (2018 Bar Question) official receipts. During the two (2)-month
period of her confinement, she was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: unable to report for work and earn any
It depends on what the source of salary, which was established at the rate
obligation the action is based. of P50,000.00 per month. Mrs. A then filed
a civil case for damages against Mr. X.
If based on contract, SBL will be liable for
actual damages, but not moral xxx
damages. As a common carrier, SBL is
required to observe extraordinary (b) May Mrs. A claim actual damages
diligence, and the law expressly provides from Mr. X? If so, how much can Mrs. A
that its liability does not cease upon claim? Explain. (2019 Bar Question)
proof that it exercised the diligence of a
good father of a family in selecting and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
supervising its driver. It is not liable, As provided by law or by stipulation, one
however, for moral damages as Art. 2220 is entitled to actual or compensatory
requires it to have acted fraudulently or damages only for such pecuniary loss
in bad faith, which is not provided by the suffered by him as he has duly proved.
facts. The medical fees totaling P400,000 were
duly substantiated by official receipts,
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

Article 2200 of the Civil Code also therefore modifies the Geluz v. Court of
provides that indemnification for Appeals ruling.
damages shall comprehend not only the
value of the loss suffered, but also that of ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
the profits which the obligee failed to Yes, Mrs. A can claim damages on
obtain. The rate of her salary was behalf of her unborn baby. The Court has
established at P50,000 per month; thus, held that a conceived child, although
her inability to report for work and earn yet unborn, is given by law a provisional
salary for two months entitled her to a personality of its own for all purposes
total of P100,000. Mrs. A, therefore, can favorable to it, as explicitly provided in
claim her expenses for medical fees and Art. 40 of the New Civil Code, which
two months’ worth of salary the total of includes being a recipient of donations
which is P500.000. under Art. 742 of the New Civil Code, as
well as support. A claim for damages in
(c) May Mrs. A claim damages on behalf favor of the unborn child should also
of her unborn baby? Explain. prosper [Quimiguing v. leao, G.R.
No. 26795. July 31, 1970].
No, Mrs. A cannot claim damages on (d) What must Mrs. A prove if she wants
behalf of her unborn baby. Birth to recover moral damages from Mr. X?
determines personality. The Court has
held that an action for pecuniary SUGGESTED ANSWER:
damages on account of personal injury Mrs. A must prove that she suffered
or death pertains primarily to the one physical suffering, mental anguish, fright,
injured, and if no action for such serious anxiety, besmirched reputation,
damages could be instituted on behalf wounded feelings, moral shock, social
of the unborn child on account of the humiliation, or similar injury. She must also
injuries it received, no such right of action prove that Mr. X’s reckless driving
could derivatively accrue to its parents or produced the physical injury in natural
heirs (Geluz v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. and continuous sequence, unbroken by
L-16439, July 20, 1961). any efficient intervening cause,
produces injury, without which she would
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: not have suffered the same, that is the
Yes, Mrs. A can claim damages on reckless driving is the proximate cause of
behalf of her unborn baby. Under Art. Il the injury, Moral damages may be
Sec. 12 of the 1987 Constitution, the State recovered in quasi-delicts causing
is obliged to protect equally the life of physical injuries (Article 2219 of the
the mother and the life of the unborn Civil Code).
from conception. This provision should be
applied in favor of the unborn child, and ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:

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Mrs. A must prove the following: (1) that negligence of the bus driver, may she
she suffered physical injuries; (2) that Mr.X and her husband claim damages from
committed a culpable act or omission; the bus company for the death of their
(3) that the wrongful act or omission of unborn child? Explain. (2003 Bar
Mr. X is the proximate cause of the Question)
damages she sustained; and (4) that X’s
act or omission is either a criminal offense SUGGESTED ANSWER:
resulting to physical injuries or a quasi- No. The spouses cannot recover actual
delict causing physical injuries damages in the form of indemnity for the
(Mendoza v. Gomez, G.R. No. 160110. loss of life of the unborn child. This is
June 18, 2014). because the unborn child is not yet
considered a person and the law allows
(e) Assuming that Mrs. A is awarded indemnity only for loss of life of persons.
actual and moral damages by the trial The mother, however, may recover
court, may she also claim interest if the damages for the bodily injury she
final and executory judgment award suffered from the loss of the fetus which is
remains unpaid by Mr. X? If so, when considered part of her internal organs.
should the interest be reckoned and The parents may also recover damages
what is the rate of interest? Explain. for injuries that are inflicted directly upon
them, e.g., moral damages for mental
SUGGESTED ANSWER: anguish that attended the loss of the
Yes, Mrs. A may also claim interest. The unborn child. Since there is gross
interest should be 6% per annum from the negligence, exemplary damages can
finality of judgment until its satisfaction. also be recovered. (Geluz v. CA, 2 SCRA
The Court held in Nacur v. Gallery Frames 801 [1961]).
(G. R. No. 189871, August 13, 2013),
interpreting BSP MB Circular No. 799, that ● When damages may be
when the judgment of the court recovered
awarding a sum of money becomes final
and executory, the rate of legal shall be QUESTION:
6% per annum from such finality until its Village H and Village L are adjoining
satisfaction, this interim period being residential villages in a mountainous
deemed to be the equivalent to a portion of Antipolo City, Rizal, with Village
forbearance of credit. L being lower in elevation than Village 11.
In an effort to beautify Village H. its
• Exemplary developer, X, Inc., constructed a
clubhouse which included an Olympic-
QUESTION: sized swimming pool and an artificial
If a pregnant woman passenger of a bus lagoon on a portion of land overlooking
were to suffer an abortion following a Village L.
vehicular accident due to the gross
Centralized Bar Operations 2021

During the monsoon season, the If a pregnant woman passenger of a bus

continuous heavy rains caused Village were to suffer an abortion following a
II’s swimming pool and artificial lagoon vehicular accident due to the gross
to overflow, resulting into a massive negligence of the bus driver, may she
spillover that damaged various and her husband claim damages from
properties in Village L. Aggrieved, the the bus company for the death of their
homeowners of Village L filed a unborn child? Explain. (2003 Bar
complaint for damages against X, Inc. In Question)
defense, X, Inc. contended that pursuant
to the Civil Code, Village L, as the lower SUGGESTED ANSWER:
estate, was obliged to receive the waters No. The spouses cannot recover actual
descending from Village H. the higher damages in the form of indemnity for the
estate. Hence, it cannot be held liable for loss of life of the unborn child. This is
damages. Is X. Inc.’s position tenable? because the unborn child is not yet
Explain. (2019 Bar Question) considered a person and the law allows
indemnity only for loss of life of persons.
SUGGESTED ANSWERS: The mother, however, may recover
No, X Inc.’s position is not tenable. The damages for the bodily injury she
Water Code provides that lower estates suffered from the loss of the fetus which is
are only obliged to receive waters which considered part of her internal organs.
naturally and without intervention of The parents may also recover damages
man descend from higher estates (Art. for injuries that are inflicted directly upon
50, Water Code of the Philippines). The them, e.g., moral damages for mental
Code also provides that the owner of the anguish that attended the loss of the
higher estate cannot make works which unborn child. Since there is gross
will increase the natural flow. Therefore, negligence, exemplary damages can
Village L, as the lower estate, was only also be recovered. (Geluz v. CA, 2 SCRA
obliged to receive the waters which 801 [1961]).
naturally and without intervention of
man descend from higher estates and
not those which are due to the massive
spillover from constructions made by X,
Inc. (Article 537 of the Civil Code). X, Inc,
therefore, is liable for damages.



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