Arabic 2

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[From CY 2020 to AY 2020 - CY 2021]

First Year


Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70

PART - A (3 x 3 = 9 Marks)

Answer any THREE questions out of Five Questions in 100 words.

1. Write the Arabic equivalents of the following Colours: White – Green – Black.

2. Write about the father of Ibrahim (Pbuh).

3. How the well ‘Zamzam’ was created?

4. Explain the Preposition ‘Inda’ with examples.

5. Describe the interrogative particle ‘Kaifa’.

PART - B (3 x 7 = 21 Marks)

Answer any THREE questions out of Five Questions in 200 words.

6. Answer the following Questions in Arabic.

‫ أفي الوبء سوك كثيس؟‬.‫ث‬ ‫ هل أنج ولد هسلن؟‬.‫ة‬ ‫ هل الشتبء فصل ببزد؟‬.‫أ‬
7. Why Ibrahim (Pbuh) broke all the idols? Describe in detail.

8. Explain how ‘Kaabah’ was built.

9. Describe the Adjective in Arabic with suitable examples.

10. Elucidate the attached pronouns with examples.

1 UG-C-1107
PART - C (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)

Answer any FOUR questions out of Seven Questions in 500 words.

11. Translate the following sentences into English:

‫ هل اهتحبنه قبل العطلت؟‬.4‫ هن هع ذلك الولد؟‬.3 ‫ فوق الطبولت كتبة وقلن السصبص‬.2 ‫ أي شئي أهبم الولد؟‬.1
‫ ذلك الولد هشغول ببلقساءة‬.5
12. Write the gist of the lesson “‫”هن فعل هرا‬.

13. Elucidate the dream seen by Ibrahim (Pbuh).

14. Describe the Nominal Sentence in Arabic with suitable examples.

15. Explain the perfect tense verb with examples.

16. Describe the interrogative particles in detail.

17. Elucidate the conjunctions in Arabic.

2 UG-C-1107

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