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The Second Stage: A New Phase of Islamic Action:

Al-Hudaibiyah Truce marked a new phase in the process of Islamic action and life of the Muslims.
Quraish, a bitter enemy of Islam, now withdraws from the war arena and embraces a peaceful
settlement with the Muslims, thus the third support of a tripartite enemy (Quraish, Ghatfan and the
Jews) is broken, and being the holder of the banner of paganism in Arabia, the other pagans’ aggressive
feelings towards Islam considerably subsided. Ghatfan Tribe no longer constituted any remarkable
threat, and their provocative deeds were mainly Jewish-instigated actions. The Jews, after being
banished from Madinah, resorted to Khaibar to change it into a hot bed of intrigues against the Prophet

The Prophet’s Plans to spread the Message of Islam beyond Arabia

Post-Hudaibiyah Hostilities:

Dhu Qarad Invasion

It was in fact not a battle but rather a skirmish carried out against a platoon of Bani Fazarah. The place
by which it was fought is known as Dhu Qarad, a reservoir of water at a day’s journey from Madinah.
According to the majority of scholars, this incident took place three days before the battle of Khaibar.


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