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Pre Partition.

) Critically evaluate the evolution of Muslim Separate identity in the

Subcontinent? Css 2021.

) Discuss the role and efforts of muslim religious leaders for the establishment
muslim society in the subcontinent.(2020)


Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi.

) How the reform movement of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi influenced the history of
Muslim India? Css 2020.

Shah Waliullah.

) Describe the services of Shah Waliullah for the renaissance of Muslims in India.?
( 2015)

) Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did he save the
Indian Muslims from political annihilation and religious degeneration? Css 2016.

Faraizi Movement.

) Discuss the main events of the Faraizi Movement. In what way did it arouse
awareness amongst the Muslims of Bengal?(2015)

Examine the services rendered by the Ulema and Mushaik in the freedom
movement? (2015)
What was the contribution of the Muslim press in the struggle for creation of
Pakistan? Examine the role of prominent Muslim journalists in this regard. (2019)


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

) Give an account of the services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan for the education and
social uplift of the Muslims of the sub-continent (2017)

) Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim nation and
helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuses 2020)

) The Aligarh Movement was a pure educational venture but it had deep impacts
on Indian politics. Discuss. Css 2016.

Partition of Bengal in 1905.

What circumstances led to the partition of bengal in 1905? how it affected the
hindu --- British and Hindu muslim Relations? Discuss.2014.

Separate electorate.

why did the muslim of india demanded the right of separate electorate? Discuss
in details. 2014

Lucknow Pact 1916.
Discuss the circumstances which led to the conclusion of Lucknow Pact 1916?

)Lucknow Pact 1916 is considered the culmination of Hindu-Muslim Unity? What

circumstances led to this historic pact? (2016)

Allama iqbal.

Allama Iqbal's Presidential Address 1930 at Allahabad paved the way for creation
of Pakistan. Discuss. (2016 )

Examine Allama iqbal concept of muslim nationalism in the light of allahabad

address (2020)

) Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbal’s concept of Muslim

separatism in the context of Indo-Pak Subcontinent? Css 2018.
Congress Ministries of 1937.

) “The policies of Indian National Congress between 1937 to 1947 were such as to
make the partition of India inevitable”. Discuss (2019)

) Critically examine Congress Ministries of 1937. How far it is correct to suggest

that it paved the way for a separate Muslim homeland in India? Css 2019.

) Critically analyze the elections of 1937 and the sufferings and grievances of the
Muslims under the Congress rule in the provinces (1937-1939). How much did it
help in popularizing the idea of a separate Muslim state in India? Css 2016.
) The congress rule in the province during 1937-1939 proivded an oportunity to all
indian muslim league to re orgainze and reactive. Discuss the congress rule in the
province and its impact on all india muslim league.?

Pakistan resolution 1940 and Two Nation theory.

) Discuss the background, text and importance of Pakistan resolution 1940?


) Jinnah in his Presidential Address to the annual session of All India Muslim
League in March 1940 said, “The problem in India is not of an inter-communal
character, but manifestly of an international one, and it must be treated as such.”
Write note on the Two Nation Theory and the Lahore Resolution of March 1940 in
the light of this statement. Css 2016.

Simla Conference 1945.

) Simla Conference 1945 failed to achieve anything and to break the deadlock
between Congress and All India Muslim League." Critically analyze:(2015)

Cabinet mission plan 1946.

Critically examine the cabinet mission plan 1946 and its proposals.2014

3rd June Plan or Mountbatten Plan.
) Discuss the 3rd June Plan or Mountbatten Plan and also describe how it was
implemented? Css 2018.

Partition of the Punjab in 1947.

) How did the Partition of the Punjab in 1947 affect the communal harmony?


Quaid-i-Azam was a great Constitutionalist." Elucidate.(2015)

How do you substantiate that the speech of Quaid-i-Azam on 11 August 1947 was
a great vision that designed the futuristic political and social structure of Pakistan.


Post partition

Examine the difficulties in the establishment of an Islamic order in Pakistan after

independence. 2014

Discuss economic, political, and linguistics problems of Pakistan, which the

government of Pakistan had to face after independence. 2014
The initial years of Pakistan were very crucial for its existence." Discuss. (2016)

The objective resolution of Pakistan satisfied both orthodox and modernists by

combining the western and Islamic concept of democracy.?(2020)

)Give a brief account of constitutional and political developments in Pakistan from

1947 to 1956. (2016)

) Compare and contrast the Islamic provisions of the 1956, 1962 and 1973
constitution? (2017)

) Separation of East Pakistan, though a tragic part of History of Pakistan, was not
the negation Two-Nations Theory." Discuss. (2016)

Discuss the importance of the strategic location of Pakistan.(2015)

Analyze the main determinants of the Foreign Policy of Pakistan.(2015)


Discuss the obstacles in the way of good governance in pakistan. In your view
what steps can be taken to achieve the goal of good governance in Pakistan?

What are the agricultural problems of Pakistan and what steps have been taken
by the government to overcome these problems? (2017)

Explain the economic challenges being faced by Pakistan. (2019)


access the growing impact of information technology on Pakistan socio economic

and education complexion.(2020)


what do you know about the Punjab protection of women against violence Act
2016. write in detail about the different court orders which can provide relief to
women under this Act.? (2017)


Write detail on ECO.? (2017)

Write detail National security challenges for Pakistan? (2017)

Write detail Maulvi Tamezo din? (2017)

SAARC (2016)
)Give recommendation to make saarc an effective organization at regional level
keeping in view success of European Union. (2020)

Kashmir Dispute. (2016)

Discuss the important developments and events which shaped the Kashmir
Liberation Movement during last one decade. (2019)

Pakistan's Role in the United Nations. (2016)

a) 18th Constitutional Amendment

b) National Action Plan

c) Diamer Bhasha Dam

Problems of educational system of Pakistan.(2020)

Unemployment in Pakistan. (2020)

Water crisis in Pakistan. (2020)

Pakistan is a rich country where poor people live. 2012


Discuss Pakistan-China relations, highlighting the economic and strategic importance of China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC). (2016)

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