August 1

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SINCE 1985

PSC Bulletin, Official Publication of Kerala Public Service Commission

Vol. 26 Issue 23 Fortnightly August 1, 2015 Page 24 `5

ssSw- tS_nƒ-

C‚¿-hyq- t{]m-{Kmw-
BKkv‰- v- - 2015

Nn-¥n-°p-hm-\pw- kz-]\
v- w-Im-Wp-hm-\pw kz-]\v- km-£m-XI
v- m-cØn-\m-bn- {]bXv\
- n-°p-h
- m-\pw-
]co-£m- Ie≠¿ AXp-hgn- Dbc߃- Io-gS°p-hm-\pw- C¥y≥- bp-hXz-sØ {]tNm-Zn-∏n-® ap≥- cm-jv{- S]Xn-
sk]v-‰w-_¿- 2015 F ]n- sP A_vZ- pƒ- Iem-an-\v- BZcm-RvP - en-Iƒ-

GP≥kn-Iƒ hym]n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈
{]h¿Ø\w Du¿Pn-X-am-°n
]nFkvkn _p≈-‰n≥ DtZym-Km¿Yn-Iƒ°v _p≤n-ap-´p-Iq-SmsX hmßp- ]ªnIv dnte- j ≥kv hn`m- K - Ø n¬ \n∂v
∂-Xn\v kuI-cy-sam-cp-°p-∂-Xn-\p-th≠n IqSp-X¬ ÿe-ß-fn-te°v e`yamb ]gb e°-߃ hmßp-∂-Xn\pw
GP≥kn-Iƒ hym]n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ {]h¿Ø\w Du¿Pn-X-am-°n. {Iao-Ic
- W
- t- a¿s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v.
\nc-h[n hnZym`ymk ÿm]-\-߃ ]pXp-Xmbn GP≥kn-sb-SpØv
hnZym¿Yn-Iƒ°v _p≈-‰n≥ e`y-am-°p-∂p-≠v. ap-∂q-dv cq]-bmWv
GP≥kn A\p-hZ- n-°p-∂X - n-\p≈ an\naw Unt∏m-kn-‰v. GP≥kn hyh-
ÿ-Iƒ efn-Xa - m-°p-Ibpw \S-]S- n-{I-aß
- ƒ eLq-Ic
- n-°p-Ibpw sNbvX-
Xp-hgn IqSp-X¬ GP‚p-amsc kwÿm-\-Øns‚ hnhn[ `mK-ß-fn¬
\ntbm-Kn-°m≥ Ign-™n-´p-≠v. ÿm]-\-߃°p-]p-dta DtZym-Km¿Yn-
I-fpsS Iq´m-bva-Ifpw GP≥kn-sb-SpØv _p≈-‰n≥ {]N-cn-∏n-°p-∂-
Xn-\p≈ DZy-a-ß-fn¬ kl-I-cn-®phcp∂p-≠v. Bÿm\ Hm^o-knse

website: E-mail: Call Centre: 0471-2554000

kwi-b-߃°v adp--]Sn
Iym≥-kem-b- ]n-Fk
- vk
- n- dm-¶v- en-Ãv
t]cpw- Iym≥-kem-b- ]n-F-kv-kn- dm-¶v- en-Ãn¬-\n-∂v- \n-b-a-\-in-]m¿-i- In-´n-b-h¿- k¿-ho-kn¬-
t^m-t´m-FSp-Ø Xo-bXn-bpw- {]-th-in-°m-sX- h-cp-tºmƒ- B- (F≥-sP-Un)- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- {]-kv-XpX- dm-¶v- en-Ãn¬-\-n-∂p-
X-s∂- \n-I-Øp-tam?
H‰ØhW cPn-kvt-{Sj≥- C-√.- F≥-sP-U-n- H-gn-hp-I-fm-sW-¶n-epw- H-cp- dm-¶v- en-Ãn-s‚- Im-em-h-[n-°p-ti-j-am-Wv- dn-
t^m-t´m- kw-_\v-[n-® \n¿-t±i߃- t∏m¿-´v- sN-ø-s∏-Sp-∂-sX-¶n¬- B- en-Ãn¬-\n-∂pw- \n-b-a-\-i-n-]m¿-i- \¬-Ip-I-bn-√.- B-
1.-1.-2012 ap-X¬- {]m-_-ey-Øn-ep-≈- h-¨-˛-ssSw- c-Pn-kv-t{S-j- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- {]-kv-Xp-X- X-kv-X-n-I-b-n-te-°v- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-∂- A-Sp-Ø- dm-¶v-en-Ãn¬-\n-
≥,- I- Ω o- j - s ‚- Hu- t Zym- K n- I - sh- _ v- s sk- ‰ m- b ∂pw- \n-I-Øpw.- hgn- \SØn-btijam-Wv- DtZym-Km¿-
∞n-Iƒ- hn-hn-[ Xkv-Xn-I Iƒ-°m-bn- At]£ ka¿-∏n-
t°≠Xv.- t^m-t´m- A]vt- em-Uv- sNøp-tºmƒ- ]co-£m¿-XY v- n- s]m-Xp-dm-¶v-en-kv-‰v
Iƒ- Xm-sg ]dbp-∂ Im-cy-߃- {]tXy-Iw- {i≤n-t°≠Xm-Wv.-
1.- t^m-t´m-bn¬- DtZym-Km¿-XvY - n-bp-sS t]cpw- t^m-t´m FSp-
1.- ]n-Fk - vk
- n- km-[m-cW - a- m-bn- Hm-tcm- X-kvX - n-Ib- v°- pw- Hm-tcm- dm-¶ve - n-kv‰
- v- {]-kn-≤o-Ic - n-
Ø Xo-bXn-bpw- ]Xn-®n-cn-°Ww. °p-Ib - m-Wt- √m- ]-Xn-hv.- F-∂m¬- Nn-e- X-kvX - n-II- ƒ-°v- s]m-Xp-dm-¶ve - n-kv‰
- v- {]-kn-≤o-Ic- n-
2. - IΩo-j≥- ]p-ds∏Sp-hn-°p-∂ hn-⁄m-]\߃- {]Im- ®v- H-∂n-te-sd- X-kvX - n-II - ƒ-°v- H-cp- dm-¶ve- n-kv‰ - n¬-\n-∂pw- \n-ba - \- w- \-SØ - m-dp-≠t- √m.- D-Zm-
cw- DtZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- At]£ ka¿-∏n-°p-tºmƒ- A]v-
tem-Uv- sNøp-∂ t^m-t´mbv-°v- 10 h¿-jtØbv-°v- {]m- l-cW - Ø - n-\v- ]n-Fk - vk
- n-/sk-{It´dn-b‰ - v- A-kn-kv‰ - ≥-dv- X-kvX- n-Ib - n-te-°pw- tem-°¬- ^-
_ey-ap-≠m-bn-cn-°pw.-- - ≠v- Hm-Un-‰v- h-Ip-∏n¬- Hm-Un-‰¿- X-kvX - n-Ib - n-te-°pw- H-tc- dm-¶ve - n-kv‰- n¬- \n-∂m-Wt- √m- \n-
3. ]co-£m¿-XvYn-bp-sS ap-Jhpw- tXm-fp-Ifp-sS ap-Iƒ-`m-Khpw- b-a\- w- \-SØ - p-∂X- v.- Nn-e- X-kvX - n-II
- ƒ-°v- C-{]-Im-cw- \n-ba - \- w- \-SØ - m≥- Im-cW - s- a-¥v?-
hy-IX v- am-bn- ]Xn-™n-cn-°Ø° hn-[Øn-ep-≈ ]m-ktv- ]m¿-
´v- sskkn-ep-≈ If¿-/ªm-°v- & ssh‰v- t^m-t´m-bm-bn-cn- 2.- C-{]-Im-cw- sN-øp-tºmƒ- D-tZym-Km¿-Yn- B-{K-ln-°p-∂- h-Ip-∏n¬- \n-b-a-\w- e-`n-
°Ww.- °m≥- F-s¥-¶n-epw- A-h-k-c-ap-t≠m?-
4. -shfp-ØtXm- Cfw- \n-dØn-tem- D≈ ]iv-Nm-ØeØn¬-
Cfw- \n-dØn-ep-≈ hkv-{Xw- [cn-®v- FSp-Ø t^m-t´m-bm-
1.- \n-iv-Nn-X- tbm-Ky-X-bn-epw- tk-h-\-th-X-\- L-S-\-bn-epw- Xp-ey-X-bp-≈- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fn-
bn-cn-°Ww.- te-°m-Wv- s]m-Xp-dm-¶v-en-kv-‰n¬-\n-∂pw- \n-b-a-\w- \-S-Øp-∂-Xv.-
5.- ap-Jw- t\scbpw- ]q¿-Æam-bpw- t^m-t´m-bp-sS a≤y-`m-KØv- 2.- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- dn-t∏m¿-´v- sN-øp-∂- ap-d-bv-°v- sdm-t´-j≥- Nm¿-´n-se- tS-Wp-Iƒ- {]-Im-cw-
6.- IÆp-Iƒ- hy-IvX - am-bn- Im-WØ° hn-[Øn-em-bn-cn-°Ww.- kw-h-c-W-X-Ø-z-߃- ]m-en-®m-Wv- dm-¶v-en-kv-‰n¬-\n-∂pw- D-tZym-Km¿-Yn-Iƒ-°v- \n-b-a-\-in-
7.- A]v-tem-Uv- sNøp-∂ t^m-t´m-Iƒ- 200 ]n-Iv-sk¬- h x 150 ]m¿-i- \¬-Ip-∂-Xv.- H-cp- {]-tXy-I- h-Ip-∏n¬- H-cmƒ-°v- \n-b-a-\-in-]m¿-i- \¬-Im≥- hy-h-
]n-Iv-sk¬- w D≈Xpw- JPG t^m¿-am-‰n-ep-≈Xpw- 30 KB kv-Y-bn-√.
^b¬ sskkn¬- A[n-Icn-°m-ØXp-am-bn-cn-°Ww.-
8.- k¨-•m-kv,- sXm-∏n- F∂n-h [cn-®v- FSp-ØXpw- ap-JØn-
s≥-d Hcp- hiw- am-{Xw- Im-WØ°hn-[ap-≈Xpw- ap-Jw- hy-
an\naw am¿-°v-
Iv-Xa√m-ØXp-am-b t^m-t´m-Iƒ- kzo-Im-cy-a√. dm-¶v-en-kv-‰n¬- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn-\v- F-{X- am¿-°v- e-`n-°-Ww?-
9.- ""aXm-Nm-cØn-s≥-d `m-Kam-bn- sXm-∏n-/in-tcm-hkv-{Xw- [cn-
®v- FSp-Ø t^m-t´m- a‰v- \n¿-t±ißf\p-kcn-®m-sW¶n¬- Hm-tcm- sk-eI - vj
- \ - pw- {]-Xo-£n-°p-∂- H-gn-hp-Iƒ,-- ]-co-£bn¬- D-tZym-Km¿-Yn-Iƒ- t\-Sp-∂-
am¿-°n-s≥d- G-‰° - p-d® - n-ep-Iƒ- F-∂n-hb - v°
- \ - p-kc - n-®v- an\naw am¿-°n-\v- hy-Xym-kw-h-
cmw.- A-Xm-bX - v- [m-cm-fw- D-tZym-Km¿-Yn-Iƒ- Db¿-∂- am¿-°v- t\-Sp-Ib - m-sW-¶n¬- an\naw
hcn°mcpsS {i≤bv°v am¿-°v- Iq-Sp-Xe- m- b- n-cn-°pw.- D-tZym-Km¿-Yn-If
ep-am-sW-¶n-¬- Iq-Sp-X¬- D-tZym-Km¿-Yn-Is
- p-sS- {]-IS- \
- f- en-kv‰
- w- i-cm-ic
- n-bp-w- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- Iq-Sp-X-
- n¬- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠n-hc - p-sa-∂X
- n-\m¬-
77348 hscbp≈ hcn°mcpsS Imemh[n BKkv-‰v- 1 an\naw- am¿-°pw- A-Xn- \ - \ - p-kc- n-®v- Ip-db - p-∂p.- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- ]-cn-an-Xa - m-sW-¶n-¬- a-dn-®pw- k-w-
e-°tØmsSbmWv Ahkm\n°p∂Xv `-hn-°mw.- Hm-tcm- sX-cs - ™-Sp-∏n-\pw- hn-hn-[- km-[y-XI - ƒ- ]-cn-KW - n-®t- i-jw- IΩn-j\ - m-
hcnkwJy (\qdpcq]) Wv- an\naw- am¿-°v- \n-ivN - b- n-°p-∂X - v.-
aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn Abt°≠ hnemkw:
]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥-kv- Hm-^o-k¿,-
tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-ho-kv- IΩnj≥,-
]´w- ]m-ekv- ]n.-H., Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw-˛695004
h-cn-°m¿- _p-≈-‰n-≥ kw-_-‘n-®v- I-sØ-gp-Xp-tºm-gpw- Pqsse 1 e°w _p≈‰n-\n¬ Ggmw t]Pn¬ C¥y≥ kwÿm-\-߃ F∂
t^m-¨- sN-øp-tºm-gpw- _p-≈-‰n-\n-s‚- te-_-en-ep-≈- ]w‡n-bn¬ Acp-Wm-N¬ {]tZ-ins\ kw_-‘n® hnh-c-ß-fn¬ C¥y-bn¬
k-_v-kv-ss{I-_¿- \-º¿- Ir-Xy-am-bn- kq-Nn-∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ Imew apJy-a{- ¥n-]Zw hln® t\Xm-hmWv ]h≥Ip-am¿ NmwenMv
F∂pw At±lw tPymXn _kp-hns‚ sdt°m¿Uv ]n∂n-em-°n-sb∂pw D≠m-bn-
]{Xm[n]kanXn cp-∂p. ]h≥Ip-am¿ NmwenMv apJy-a-{¥n-ÿm\w hln-°p-∂Xv kn°n-an-em-Wv.
tPymXn _kp 1977 apX¬ 2000 hsc 23 h¿jamWv ]›na _wKm-fn¬ apJy-
{io.- Atim-I≥- Ncp-hn¬ ˛ sNb¿-am≥
saº¿-, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ a{¥n ÿm\w hln-®n-cp-∂Xv. -1994 Unkw-_¿ 12˛\mWv ]h≥Ip-am¿ NmwenMv
tUm.- sI Dj ÿm\-ta-‰-Xv Hcp {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-Øn¬ hmbn-®p. Aß-s\-bm-sW-¶n¬ At±lw
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ 23 h¿jw ]n∂n-Sp-∂n-√. icn-bmb hn-hcw F¥mWv?
{io.- ]n- in-hZm-k≥-
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ _Ko-jv, IqØp-]dºv
{io-aXn.- kn-an- tdm-kv-s_¬- tPm¨- 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014 h¿j-ß-fnse Xncs™Sp∏p-I-fn¬ hnP-bn®v kn°n-
saº¿, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥
AUz.- C cho-{µ\m-Y≥- an¬ apJy-a-{¥n-bmb ]h≥Ip-am¿ NmwenMv, ]›na _wKm-fn¬ A©p-{]m-hiyw
saº¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩo-j≥ apJy-a-{¥n-bmb tPymXn _kp-hns‚ sdt°m¿Un-s\m∏saØn (FÆw-). G‰hpw
IqSp-X¬ Imew apJy-a{- ¥n-bmbXns‚ sdt°m¿Uv Ct∏mgpw tPymXn _kp-hns‚
]ªnIv dntej≥kv Hm^ok¿ t]cn¬Ø-s∂-bm-Wv.
{io.- {]Zo-]-v Ip-am¿.- _n-.- Pn--, t^m¨ : 0471 2546368 OR 9446412483
k¿°ptej≥ (]n.B¿.bqWn‰v): 0471 2546270

2 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

]co-£m- Ie≠¿- ˛
- 2015
2013 sk]v-Xw-_¿-
* Examination Time includes half an hour as preparation time for the verification of Admission Tickets and original ID of the Candidates appearing for the
{Ia Xo-bXn- XkvX- n-Ibpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- kvY
- m-]\w-

1 02/09/2015 SECURITY GUARD HEALTH SERVICES (HEALTH Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday 448/2014 TRANSPORT CENTRAL Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* TVM WORKSHOP) Part II : General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 19/08/2015
2 02/09/2015 RESEARCH OFFICER ECONOMICS & STATISTICS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday 208/2013 Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Statistics Part II : Questions based on Economics
07.30 AM* Further Details regarding Main Part III: Questions based on Mathematics Part IV: General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
to 09.15 AM Topics are available on the Website Renaissance in Kerala
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 19/08/2015
3 03/09/2015 JUNIOR ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST KERALA LIVESTOCK Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Thursday 465/2013 DEVELOPMENT BOARD Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* LIMITED Part II : Typing, Document Formatting & Computer Word Processing
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 20/08/2015
4 03/09/2015 STENOGRAPHER GRADE IV AUTOKAST LIMITED Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Thursday 341/2014 Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* Part II : Typing, Document Formatting & Computer Word Processing
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 20/08/2015
5 03/09/2015 STENOGRAPHER THE PHARMACEUTICAL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Thursday 135/2015 CORPORATION (IM) KERALA Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* LTD Part II : Typing, Document Formatting & Computer Word Processing
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 20/08/2015
6 04/09/2015 CHEMIST (CATTLE FEED PLANT) (PART I – GENERAL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday 162/2013 CATEGORY) Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on qualification prescribed Part II : General Knowledge,
07.30 AM* Further Details regarding Main KERALA CO-OPERATIVE Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM Topics are available on the Website MILK MARKETING (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
FEDERATION LIMITED Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 21/08/2015
7 04/09/2015 DRIVER CUM VEHICLE CLEANER TRACO CABLE COMPANY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday GRADE III LIMITED Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Driving Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
07.30 AM* 282/2014 Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 21/08/2015
8 08/09/2015 LIBRARIAN GRADE III STATE CENTRAL LIBRARY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday 418/2014 Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Degree in Library & Information Science
07.30 AM* Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 25/08/2015
9 08/09/2015 LECTURER IN FOOD SCIENCE COLLEGIATE EDUCATION Syllabus: For Detailed Syllabus please visit our website
Tuesday 621/2012 Mode of Examination:
07.30 AM* An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post
to 09.15 AM Maximum Marks : 100 Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 25/08/2015
10 09/09/2015 LOWER DIVISION TYPIST KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (JUNIOR FAIR COPY ASSISTANT) BOARD Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 462/2013 Part II : Typing, Document Formatting & Computer Word Processing
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
11 09/09/2015 LOWER DIVISION TYPIST KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (JUNIOR FAIR COPY ASSISTANT) BOARD Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* (BY TRANSFER) Part II : Typing, Document Formatting & Computer Word Processing

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 3

{{Ia Xo-bXn- XkvX- n-Ibpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- kvY
- m-]\w-
to 09.15 AM 463/2013 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
12 10/09/2015 TRACER TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Thursday 516/2013 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
07.30 AM* Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
to 09.15 AM in the Website from 26/08/2015
13 11/09/2015 CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT GRADE II KERALA WATER AUTHORITY Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday 350/2012 Main Topics:- Part I a: Typing, Document Formatting & Computer Word Processing
07.30 AM* Part I b: Questions based on Office Automation Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
to 09.15 AM Renaissance in Kerala
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
14 12/09/2015 SUB INSPECTOR OF POLICE POLICE (KERALA CIVIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) POLICE) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (OPEN MARKET) Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM 161/2015 Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Further Details regarding Main programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Topics are available on the Website (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
15 12/09/2015 SUB INSPECTOR OF POLICE POLICE (KERALA CIVIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) POLICE) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (From among the Graduate Ministerial Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM Staff of Police & Vigilance Department, Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Finger Print Experts, Finger Print programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Searchers of the Finger Print Bureau) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
162/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Further Details regarding Main in the Website from 26/08/2015
Topics are available on the Website
16 12/09/2015 SUB INSPECTOR OF POLICE POLICE (KERALA CIVIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) POLICE) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (From among the Graduate Police Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM Constables, Head Constables and Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Officers of corresponding rank in Police programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
& Vigilance Department) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
163/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Further Details regarding Main in the Website from 26/08/2015
Topics are available on the Website
17 12/09/2015 SUB INSPECTOR OF POLICE POLICE (KERALA CIVIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) POLICE) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (From among the Non-Graduate SC/ Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM ST candidates) Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
164/2015 programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Further Details regarding Main (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Topics are available on the Website Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
18 12/09/2015 ARMED POLICE SUB INSPECTOR POLICE (ARMED POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (OPEN MARKET) Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM 165/2015 Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Further Details regarding Main programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Topics are available on the Website (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
19 12/09/2015 ARMED POLICE SUB INSPECTOR POLICE (ARMED POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (From among the Graduate Head Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM Constables, Police Constables and Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Officers of corresponding rank in Police programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
& Vigilance Department) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
166/2015 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Further Details regarding Main in the Website from 26/08/2015
Topics are available on the Website
20 12/09/2015 ARMED POLICE SUB INSPECTOR POLICE (ARMED POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (TRAINEE) BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (From among the Non-Graduate SC/ Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM ST candidates) Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
167/2015 programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Further Details regarding Main (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Topics are available on the Website Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015

4 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

{Ia Xo-bXn- XkvX- n-Ibpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- kvY
- m-]\w-

21 12/09/2015 ASSISTANT JAILER GRADE I/ JAIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday SUPERINTENDENT, SUB JAIL ETC. Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (Direct Recruitment) Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM 168/2015 Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Further Details regarding Main programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
Topics are available on the Website (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
22 12/09/2015 ASSISTANT JAILER GRADE I/ JAIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday SUPERINTENDENT, SUB JAIL ETC. Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (By Direct Recruitment from qualified Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM Ministerial Staff, working in the Jails Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Department) programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
169/2015 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Further Details regarding Main Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Topics are available on the Website in the Website from 26/08/2015
23 12/09/2015 ASSISTANT JAILER GRADE I/ JAIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday SUPERINTENDENT, SUB JAIL ETC. Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* (By Direct Recruitment from qualified Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM Executive Staff, working in the Jails Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
Department) programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
170/2015 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Further Details regarding Main Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Topics are available on the Website in the Website from 26/08/2015
24 12/09/2015 EXCISE INSPECTOR EXCISE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday 171/2015 Main Topics:- Part I : Quantitative Aptitude Part II : Mental Ability & Reasoning Part III: General
01.30 PM* Further Details regarding Main Science Part IV: Current Affairs Part V : Facts About India Part VI: Facts About Kerala
to 03.15 PM Topics are available on the Website Part VII: Constitution of India and Civil Rights Part VIII: General English Part IX: Social Welfare
programmes and legislations Part X: Information Technology and Cyber Laws
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 26/08/2015
25 15/09/2015 AYAH VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday 24/2014 Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala Part II : General
07.30 AM* TVM, KLM, PTA, ALP, KTM, IDK, EKM Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM TSR, PKD, MPM, WYD, KNR, KGD (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/ Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 01/09/2015
26 16/09/2015 LOWER DIVISION ACCOUNTANT KERALA SMALL INDUSTRIES Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday 342/2014 DEVELOPMENT CORPORA Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on B.Com. with emphasis on Special Accounts & Audit
07.30 AM* TION LIMITED Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 02/09/2015
27 17/09/2015 COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICER COMMERCIAL TAXES Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Thursday (SR FOR SC/ST ONLY) Main Topics:- Part I : Accountancy and Financial Management Part II : Law Part III a : Salient
07.30 AM* 689/2014 features of Indian Constitution III b : Social welfare programmes and legislations Part IV a :
to 09.15 AM Further Details regarding Main Renaissance in Kerala IV b : General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Topics are available on the Website (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 03/09/2015
28 18/09/2015 SURVEYOR GRADE II SURVEY & LAND RECORDS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (SR FOR SC/ST) Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Technical Qualification Part II : General Knowledge,
07.30 AM* 451/2014 Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
29 18/09/2015 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 515/2014 Part II : Questions based on Driving
to 09.15 AM KTM - ST , PKD - ST (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
30 18/09/2015 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 518/2014 Part II : Questions based on Driving
to 09.15 AM ALP - SIUC N (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 5

{Ia Xo-bXn- XkvX- n-Ibpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- kvY
- m-]\w-

31 18/09/2015 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) VARIOUS Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 519/2014 Part II : Questions based on Driving
to 09.15 AM KKD - HN (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
32 18/09/2015 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) VARIOUS (EXCEPT NCC, Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) TOUR ISM, EXCISE, POLICE Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 775/2014 & TRANSPORT) Part II : Questions based on Driving
to 09.15 AM PTA - OX (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
33 18/09/2015 DRIVER GRADE II (HDV) EXCISE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 517/2014 Part II : Questions based on Driving
to 09.15 AM IDK - V (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
34 19/09/2015 LIFT OPERATOR DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART I – DIRECT RECRUITMENT) BANK Main Topics:-Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 305/2013 Part II : General Science Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM KTM, PKD (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
35 19/09/2015 LIFT OPERATOR DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (PART II – SOCIETY QUOTA) BANK Main Topics:-Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 306/2013 Part II : General Science Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM KTM, PKD (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 04/09/2015
36 23/09/2015 INSTRUCTOR IN ENGINEERING/ TECHNICAL EDUCATION Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday DRAFTSMAN GRADE I Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Technical Qualification Part II: General Knowledge,
07.30 AM* (SR FOR SC/ST) Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM 221/2013 Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 09/09/2015
37 23/09/2015 TRADESMAN (CARPENTRY) TECHNICAL EDUCATION Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Technical Qualification Part II: General Knowledge,
07.30 AM* 616/2013 Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM KNR - M Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 09/09/2015
38 23/09/2015 FOREST GUARD FOREST Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 280/2013 Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM KTM - HN , PKD - HN Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Further Details regarding Main (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Topics are available on the Website Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 09/09/2015
39 23/09/2015 FOREST GUARD FOREST Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 281/2013 Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM TSR - SIUC N Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Further Details regarding Main (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Topics are available on the Website Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 09/09/2015
40 23/09/2015 MALE WARDER JAIL Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 30/2015 Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM TVM - OX Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Further Details regarding Main (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Topics are available on the Website Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 09/09/2015
COMMON TEST FOR SL. Nos. 38, 39 & 40 ABOVE

6 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

{Ia Xo-bXn- XkvX- n-Ibpw- hIp-∏v/- kn-e_kv-
\w- kabw- Im-‰Kdn- \ºdpw- kvY
- m-]\w-
41 26/09/2015 POLICE CONSTABLE POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (ARMED POLICE BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 12/2015 Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM, PTA, IDK, EKM, TSR, MPM, KGD Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Further Details regarding Main Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Topics are available on the Website in the Website from 11/09/2015
42 26/09/2015 POLICE CONSTABLE POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (ARMED POLICE BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 13/2015 Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM TVM, PTA, IDK, EKM, TSR, MPM, KGD Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Further Details regarding Main Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Topics are available on the Website in the Website from 11/09/2015
43 26/09/2015 WOMEN POLICE CONSTABLE POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (ARMED POLICE BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* 198/2015 Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Further Details regarding Main Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Topics are available on the Website in the Website from 11/09/2015
44 26/09/2015 WOMEN POLICE CONSTABLE POLICE Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (ARMED POLICE BATTALION) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
01.30 PM* (FROM SSLC FAILED CANDIDATES Part II: General English Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 03.15 PM BELONGING TO SC/ST COMMUNITY) Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
199/2015 (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Further Details regarding Main Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
Topics are available on the Website in the Website from 11/09/2015
45 29/09/2015 AYURVEDA THERAPIST INDIAN SYSTEMS OF Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Tuesday 14/2015 MEDICINE Main Topics:- Part I : Questions based on Ayurveda Therapist course Part II: General
07.30 AM* MPM Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to 09.15 AM (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) (Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 15/09/2015
46 30/09/2015 ATTENDER (NON TECHNICAL) TECHNICAL EDUCATION Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Wednesday (SR FOR SC/ST) Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
07.30 AM* 220/2014 Part II: General Science Part III: Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
to 09.15 AM Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
(Medium of Questions: Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Registration Profile
in the Website from 16/09/2015

C≥-d¿-hyq- t{]m-{Kmw- BKkv-Xv- 2015

sI]n-Fkv-kn- Bkv-Ym-\ B^o-kv,- Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw- sl. category Name of Post & Dept. Date
sl. category Name of Post & Dept. Date No No 2015 Aug.
No No 2015 Aug.
3. 616/12 Pharmacist Gr.II (Ayurveda) - NCA -SC, ISM/IMS/Ayurveda Colleges 20
1. 710/14 Lecturer in Sanskrit (Special Sahithya) Ist NCA Muslim, Collegiate Education Department 05
2. 313/10 Non Vocational Teacher Chemistry (B/T from HSA), Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education 05 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Xr-»q¿-
3. 501/11 Assistant Marine Surveyor (SR for SC/ST)- Port Department (Hydrographic Survey) 05 1. 66/11 Treatment Organizer Gr.II, Health Services 19,20
4. 443/09 Junior Manager (Information Management), Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. 05,06,07,13 2. 572/13 Tradesman (Hydraulics/Plumbing) (S.R for ST only) -Technical Education 20
5. 719/14 Lecturer in Chemistry (NCA-OX), Collegiate Education Department 05
3. 247/14 PTJLT (Arabic) LPS (II nd NCA Viswakarma) - Education Department 20
6. 580/14 HSST Commerce (SR for ST only)-Higher Secondary Education 05
7. 576/14 HSST Economics (SR for ST only)-Higher Secondary Education 05 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv-
8. 313/10 Non Vocational Teacher Chemistry (B/T from HSA), Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education 05
9. 501/11 Assistant Marine Surveyor (SR for SC/ST), Port (Hydrographic Survey) Department 05 1. 94/11 Vocational Instructor in Medical Lab Technician- Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education 19,20,21
10. 31/14 Assistant Surgeon - II NCA - OX , Health Services Department 06 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- hb\m-Sv-
11. 315/10 Non Vocational Teacher Chemistry (B/T from LP/UP Asst), Kerala Vocational
12. 199/10 Assistant Engineer (Civil), Kerala Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. 06,07 1. 439/12 Laboratory Technician -Homeopathy Department 19
13. 29/14 Assistant Surgeon - II NCA - Hindu Nadar, Health Services Department 06 2. 69/11 Skilled Assistant Gr.II Electrical Inspectorate 20
14. 714/12 Junior Consultant (General Medicine) NCA - SC - Health Services Department 06 3. 102/12 Staff Nurse Gr.II (NCA-Dheevara), Health Services Department 20
15. 715/12 Junior Consultant (General Medicine) NCA - Muslim/Mappila, Health Services Department 06
16. 716/12 Junior Consultant (General Medicine) I NCA - Viswakarma, Health Services Department 06 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- IÆq¿-
17. 712/12 Junior Consultant (General Medicine) NCA - LC/AI - Health Services Department 06 1. 66/11 Treatment Organizer Gr.II, Health Services 19
18. 700/12 Junior Consultant (Anaesthesia) I NCA Ezhava/ Thiyya/Billava, Health Services Department 07
2. 213/14 Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS - B/T - Education 20
19. 647/13 Plumber (Differently Abled), Kerala Water Authority 07
3. 284/13 Pharmacist Gr. II (Ayurveda) (NCA-M) ISM/IMS/Ayurveda Colleges 20
20. 704/12 Junior Consultant (General Surgery) NCA-LC/AI, Health Services Department 07
21. 688/14 Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) SR for ST only, Irrigation Department 07 4. 616/12 Pharmacist Gr.II (Ayurveda) - NCA -SC, ISM/IMS/Ayurveda Colleges 20
22. 708/12 Junior Consultant (Respiratory Medicine/TB & Chest disease) NCA-Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava, 5. 336/13 Pharmacist Gr. II (Ayurveda) ISM/IMS/Ayurveda Colleges 20
Health Services Department 07
23. 452/14 Assistant Engineer/Head Draughtsman (Civil) (SR for ST only)-Irrigation Department 07
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Im-k¿-tKm-Uv-
24. 450/14 HSST (Jr) Malayalam (SR for ST only), Kerala Higher Secondary Education 07 1. 213/14 Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS - B/T - Education 19
25. 296/11 Chief General Manager, Apex Societies of Cooperative Sector in Kerala 12 2. 240/14 Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS -II NCA-O.X - Education 19
26. 297/11 Chief General Manager, Kerala State Cooperative Bank Limited 12 3. 776 & Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS,
27. 136/11 Receptionist/PBX Operator (General Category), Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited 13 777/14 NCA - LC/AI & OBC, Education 19
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- tIm-´bw- 4. 336/13 Pharmacist Gr. II (Ayurveda) ISM/IMS/Ayurveda Colleges 19
5. 198/13 Pharmacist Gr.II (Homeo) Homeopathy 19
1. 439/12 Laboratory Technician -Homeopathy Department 19
2. 645/12 Last Grade Servants (Ex.Servicemen only) P.H Backlog -NCC/Sainik Welfare 20 6. 19/12 Junior Health Inspector Gr II (SR for SC/ST) Health Services Department 20

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 7

Un-∏m¿-´v-sa≥-d¬- sSkv-‰v-
KERALA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IV. Candidates shall not use in the examination hall private publications other than those specifically mentioned in the
notification to answer the question paper that can be answered by referring to books.
NOTIFICATION V. Candidates shall bring with them their own text books for answering the papers for which the use of books is
No. DEI (1) 1541/2015/EW Thiruvananthapuram,
allowed. No candidates will be allowed to share books with or give books to or take books from any other
Dated: 4. 6 .2015.
The Departmental Tests notified in extra ordinary Kerala Gazette No. 940 dated 28.4.2015 will be held from candidate during the course of examination.
30.07.2015 to 19.08.2015 at the places shown below in accordance with the Time-table appended to this notification. VI. Candidates are not allowed to bring and use calculators, Mobile Phones and other electronic equipments inside
The tests will be objective type (OMR valuation) except the tests for the IInd class Language Test in Malayalam/Tamil/ the examination hall.
Kannada, Minority Language Test in Kannada and Tamil.
VII. Any candidate who does not behave properly towards the Chief Superintendents or Assistant Superintendents or
1. Thiruvananthapuram 30. Thrissur
Additional Chief Superintendents of the examination or is found to have had recourse to malpractice of any kind in
2. Nedumangad 31. Kunnamkulam
3. Neyyattinkara 32. Irinjalakuda the examination hall, will be ejected from the examination hall. The answer script of such candidates are liable to
4. Attingal 33. Chalakudy be invalidated. He/she is liable to be debarred from appearing again for the Departmental Tests of such time as
5. Kollam 34. Palakkad the Commission may decide. The matter may also be reported to the Heads of Departments and Director of
6. Kottarakkara 35. Mannarkad Vigilance Department, for further action. The same penalty will be imposed on any candidate who attempts to
7. Karunagappally 36. Ottapalam canvass or influence the Examiner or a Member of the Commission or their staff in connection with the examina-
8. Pathanamthitta 37. Alathoor tion or on whose behalf such attempt is made by any other person.
9. Adoor 38. Chittoor Note: -1 It is the responsibility of the candidates to see by referring to the heading on the question paper that they get
10. Thiruvalla 39. Malappuram
the question paper meant for the test for which they have applied and to write their Register Number on the
11. Mavelikara 40. Nilambur
top of the question paper booklets.
12. Chengannur 41. Manjeri
13. Alappuzha 42. Ponnani 2The admission tickets of the Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test-II Paper and Kerala Jail Officers Test III
14. Haripad 43. Thirur Paper (practical test) will be issued separately.
15. Thakazhi 44. Tenhipalam 3Candidates who wish to change their Centre of examination owing to transfer from one station to another
16. Cherthala 45. Kozhikode
may apply for the same on or before 17.07.2015 showing the reason for the change of centre to the Joint
17. Kottayam 46. Quilandy
Secretary, Departmental Tests, Kerala Public Service Commission, Thiruvananthapuram - 4
18. Pala 47. Vadakara
19. North Paravur 48. Kalpetta 4 Pointed attention of the candidates is also invited to the revised instructions on the admission tickets. Can-
20. Thodupuzha 49 Sulthanbathery didates should hand over to the Assistant Superintendents their Identification Certificates duly attested by
21. Peerumedu 50. Mananthavady the Head of the Office or Institution where they are working along with original chalan receipts remitting
22. Udumbanchola 51. Thalassery examination fee.
23. Painavu 52. Kannur
5 The candidate should sign against his/her name in the list of candidates at the time of examination, failure to
24. Ernakulam 53. Thaliparamba
25. Kattappana 54 Payyannur which will result in the invalidation of his/her answer script.
26. Thrippoonithura 55. Iritty 6 Answer scripts containing any mark of identification will be invalidated. Candidates should not write their
27. Moovattupuzha 56 Kanhangad register numbers anywhere in the answer books except in the space provided for the purpose.
28. Perumbavur 57.Kasargod
VIII (A) Answer scripts of candidates are liable to be invalidated for violation of instructions such as
29. Vaikkom 58. Kavarathi Islands
II. Admission Tickets can be downloaded from PSC Website. ( (1) Writing admission tickets number, name or anything else intended to give a clue to the identity of the
III. The question papers that can be answered by referring to books in the examination hall have been indicated in the candidates on any part of the answer sheet other than the space specifically provided for writing the admis-
Time-table with the words “With Books”. Candidates will be allowed to use only the text books prescribed in the sion ticket number.
respective subjects which are published by Government. The use of the books containing notes or commentaries (2) Failure to write and bubble or failure to write and bubble correctly and distinctly the admission ticket number
and guides, digest, summaries etc. is prohibited. Acts and Rules by Government amending the codes prescribed
& paper code number in the space provided.
in the reference books will however be permitted in the examination hall for paper that can be answered “With
Books”. (3) Failure or refusal to sign on the proper space against the name of the candidate in the subject-wise list
The following publications are permitted for reference. presented to him/her by the invigilator at the time of examination for obtaining the signature:
Papers Name of Books Editor/Publication (4) Attending a test for which the candidate had not applied for and not been admitted vide admission tickets:
Account Test (Higher) The constitution of India (Bare Act) Any private publication (5) Appearing for test at a centre other than the one to which the candidate is admitted without obtaining
Part II – Paper I (should not be a guide or treatise) specific sanction from the Joint Secretary;
(6) Bringing unauthorized books into the examination hall irrespective of the fact whether the candidate has
Motor Vehicles Law of Motor Vehicles in Kerala Sri.A.Gangadharan BA, BL referred to it or not.
Department Test I Law of Motor Vehicles in Kerala Sri. G.Suresh for AG Publications,
(7) Bringing calculators, Mobile phones and other electronic equipments inside the examination hall irrespec-
Paper Cochin
tive of the fact whether the candidate has used it or not;
Sri. A. K. Avirah, Advocate,
Motor Vehicles Law of Taxes on Motor Vehicles Ernakulam and (8) Failure to produce Identification Certificate and Admission Tickets duly attested.
Department Test II Sri. Parameswaran Moothath, B.A. B.L. (9) Producing Identification Certificate and Admission Ticket bearing no PSC emblem.
Paper The Kerala Motor Vehicles Sri. Sugathan, Advocate, Ernakulam (10) Failure to produce original chalan receipt of remitting Examination Fee.
Taxation Act, 1976
(11) Producing Admission Ticket instead of Identification Certificate.
Panchayat Tests Kerala Panchayat Manual Published by the Law Times, Cochin-11
(B) In the following cases of malpractices reported the answer script of the candidate will be invalidated and the
(Act and Rules) or Cochin 31
candidate will be debarred for a minimum period of two years from appearing for Departmental Test:-
Civil Judicial TestI Published by the Kerala Law Times Cochin-11,
Paper Code of Civil Procedure or Cochin 31 Swami Law House Ernakulam 1. Answering from unauthorized reference books, notes, digests etc.
& Law Books Centre Ernakulam 2. Copying down answers from another candidates script or allowing or aiding or conniving in
Village Officers Test Kerala Village Manual Government Publication only copying by another.
Excise Test Part - A The Kerala Abkari Act B.G.Harindranath, Swamy Law House, 3. Using reference books with guide sheets, notes etc. stitched in between folios of the reference books
I & II Papers Ernakulam.
Revenue Test Paper LAWS ON LAND Sri.Gangadharan
I,II&III LAWS ON LAND Sri. G.Suresh 4. Making appeals etc. abusing malignantly institution or person which are irrelevant to the question.
LAWS ON LAND IN KERALA Sri.George Johnson and Sri. Dominic Johnson 5. Using calculators, Mobile phones and other electronic equipments inside the examination hall.
Revenue Test KERALA LAND REFORMS ACT Sri.Sugathan, Advocate, Ernakulam (C) If a candidate makes any unauthorized correction of the entries regarding names of centre, subjects etc. in the
Paper – III LAW OF LAND REFORMS IN KERALA Sri.George Johnson and Sri. Dominic Johnson admission tickets, the answer script of the candidate will be invalidated and he or she will be debarred from
Revenue Test KERALA VILLAGE MANUAL Edited by S. Seetharaman Potty and published appearing for Departmental Test for a minimum period of three years.
Paper – IV by Sas Publications, Ernakulam allowed upto (D) For misbehaving towards the Chief Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents or any other Inspecting Officers
January 2016 or till the publication of Govt. of the Commission or for committing any other irregularity or improper action not covered by any of the item
Book whichever is earlier.
mentioned in ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ above, the answer script will be invalidated and the candidate will be awarded such
1) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 Universal Publications, Law Publishing other punishment as deemed fit by the Commission depending upon the gravity of the irregularity or offence, as
Kerala Head 2) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Company Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi (should not the case may be.
Load Workers Rules 3) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 be a guide or treatise) allowed upto January
I Paper 4) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 2016 or till the publication of Govt. Sd/
5) The Employees Compensation Book whichever is earlier. Office of the Kerala Public Service Commission, saju George
Act,1923 Thiruvananthapuram - 4 Secretary

8 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

DEPARTMENTAL TEST - JULY 2015 (Lower – I Paper) (a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules

TIME TABLE thereunder.

(c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and the
Rules thereunder.
Running Sl. No.for Test Syllabus
Sl. No. each day (d) Other Enactments:
(i) The Charitable Endowments Act and the Rules
(1) (2) (3) (4)
I. THURSDAY 30.07.2015 (7.00 a.m to 9.00 a.m) 2 hours (ii) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable
Endowments Act and the Rules thereunder.
1 1 Account Test (Lower) – I Paper
(iii) The Travancore - Cochin Hindu Religious
Institutions Act.
2 Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial Kerala Service Rules (with books)
Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal
& Executive Staff of KSEB – I Paper Common Paper
Corporation Manual published by Government can
3 Kerala Municipal Test – I Paper
be used as reference books as per G.O.(Ms.)
II. FRIDAY 31.07.2015 (7.00 a.m to 08. 30 a.m) 1.30 hours No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984.
2 1 Account Test (Lower) II Paper 20 9 Kerala Municipal Test- II Paper Kerala Financial Code Vol.I & II Kerala Account
Kerala Financial Code Vol. I & II and Kerala Code/Vols. I and II and Kerala Budget Manual (with
2 Account Test (L) for the Ministerial and Budget Manual (with books) (Common Paper) books)
Executive Staff of KSEB - II Paper-KFC 21 10 Panchayat Test-I Paper Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Rules (with
Books) excluding subject specified under Paper III
09.00 a.m to 09.45 a.m (45 minutes)
with specific reference to citizens charter,
3 3 Second Class Language Test in Ombudsman, Tribunal for LSGI’s etc.
Malayalam (Part A Written) Translation from Tamil to Malayalam Note:- Allowed to use Kerala Panchayath Manual
4 Second Class Language Test in (Act & Rules) Published by Kerala Law Times,
Malayalam (Part A Written) Translation from Kannada to Malayalam Cochin-11 or Cochin 31
III. SATURDAY 01.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08:30 a.m) 1.30 hours 22 11 Test on Kerala Police Manual
12 Departmental Test for the Ministerial Kerala Police Manual (with books) (Common Paper)
4 1 Account Test (Lower) III Paper Kerala Account Code Vol.I (with books) and
Staff of the Vigilance - I Paper
Introduction to the Indian Government Account and
23 13 Kerala Registration Test Part I – The Indian Registration Act, The Kerala Registration
Audit V Edition except chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 & 29
I Paper Rules and the Table of Fees as prescribed by the
(without books)
Kerala Govt. (with books)
5 2 Account Test for Executive Officers - Kerala Financial Code Vol. I and II Kerala Account
24 14 Revenue Test – I Paper 1. Land Acquisition Act – 1894
I Paper Code Vol.I & Kerala Budget Manual Chapter I to IV,
(with books) 2. Kerala Land Relinquishment Act –1958
VI & VII (with books)
3. Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act-1961
IV. MONDAY 03.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 8.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 4. Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures Act 1968
6 1 Account Test (Lower) IV Paper Kerala Treasury Code Vol.I & II and Kerala Account 5. Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968
Code Vol.II (with books) 6. Kerala Requisitioning and Acquisition of Property
Act 1981
07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours)
7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001
7 2 Account Test for Executive Officers- 8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order – 1967
II Paper Kerala Service Rules (with books) 9. Kerala protection of Paddy Land and Wet Land
V. TUESDAY 04.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours Act – 2008
10. National Highway Act – 1956
8 1 Account Test (H) Part I- II Paper Kerala Financial Code Vols. I & II and Kerala Note:- Village Manual is permitted for Revenue
(Common Test for those working in budget Manual (with books) Test IV th paper only
PWD and KSEB also)
07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours)
VI. WEDNESDAY 05.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08. 30 a.m) 1.30 hours
25 15 Excise Test Part “A” – I Paper Abkari Act and Rules and Notification (with books)
9 1 Account Test (Higher) Part II- I paper Introduction to the Indian Govt. Accounts and Audit
(Common Test for those working in V Edition, except Chapters 12, 26, 27, 28 & 29 X. TUESDAY 11.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
PWD and KSEB also) (without books) the Constitution of India (with 26 1 District Office Manual Test District Office Manual
books) and Kerala Account Code Vol.I (with books) 27 2 Deptl Test for the Staff of the K.P.S.C. The K.P.S.C. Office Manual
VII. THURSDAY 06.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 28 3 Manual of Office Procedure Test
10 1 Account Test (Higher) Part II – II Paper Kerala Treasury Code Vol.I & II and Kerala Account 4 Deptl Test for the Ministerial Staff of Manual of Office Procedure for use in Offices other
(Common Test for those working in Code Vol.II (with books) Vigilance Division – II Paper than Secretariat (Common Paper)
PWD and KSEB also) 5 Deptl Test for the Ministerial Staff of
VIII. FRIDAY 07.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m) 2 hours KSEB IV Paper
11 1 Account Test (H) Part II- III Paper Kerala Service Rules (with books) 29 6 Secretariat Manual Test The Kerala Secretariat Office Manual
(Common Test for those working in XI. WEDNESDAY 12.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
PWD and KSEB also) 30 1 Agri. Income Tax and Sales Tax – Agricultural Income Tax Act and the Rules
IX. MONDAY 10.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m ) 1.30 hours II Paper thereunder (with books)
12 1 Account Test (Higher) Part I – I Paper Kerala Public Works Account Code and 31 2 Civil Judicial Test- II Paper Indian Limitation Act, The Kerala Civil Court Act, The
(For those working in PWD and KSEB Kerala Account Code Vol.III (with books) Kerala Court Fee and Suit Valuation Act and Kerala
only) Stamp Act (with books)
13 2 Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Tax Kerala General Sales Tax Act 1963 and Rules there 32 3 Forest Test ( for Clerical and Law - The Kerala Forest Act and Rules thereunder
Test – I Paper under Central sales Tax Act 1956 etc. (with books) Protective Staff) - II Paper (with books) Gaz.No.44/2005/DTP
14 3 Civil Judicial Test – I Paper Indian Civil Procedure Code and the kerala Civil Rules 33 4 Kerala State Probation Test Part I- Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974)
of Practice (with books) (See instruction III above) II Paper Security Section (Chapter VIII – Sections 106 to
15 4 Forest Test for Clerical and Protective 124) Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility
Staff – I Paper The Kerala Forest Code (with books) (Chapter X Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA and
16 5 Kerala Jail Officers Test – I Paper a) Indian Penal Code – Chapters 2,3,4,9 and SWD dated 5-1-1976)
Sections 135, 136, 138, 220 to 225 A, 225 B and 227. 34 5 Departmental Test on Laws relating to Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1976 and Rules
b) Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974) Motor Vehicle-II Paper (For Kerala made thereunder (with books) (see instruction III
Chapters I, II, III, VIII, XXV, XXXII and XXXIII Transport Service, and Kerala Transport above).
c)Travancore Cochin Prisons Act (XVIII of 1950) and Subordinate Service and Ministerial
the Kerala Prisons Rules Staff) of Motor Vehicles Department
d) Lunacy Act (Central ) (with books) 35 6 Local Fund Audit Department Test General Knowledge, Precis and Drafting .
17 6 Kerala State Probation Test Part I (Lower)-II Paper (a) Office Procedure in Local Fund Audit
– I Paper Indian Penal Code Office including Precis and Draft writing.
18 7 Departmental Test on Laws Relating Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and Central Motor (b) Principles and Procedure of Audit of Fund Accounts.
to Motor Vehicles – I Paper ( for Vehicles Rules 1989 and the Kerala 36 7 Panchayat Test - II Paper Allied Acts and Rules including KMBR Registration &
members of the Kerala Transport Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 (with books) Birth & Death Act 1969, Hindu Marriage Act 1955,
Services, Kerala Transport Subordinate (see instruction III above) Local Fund Audit Act 1994, Registration of marriages
Service and Ministerial Staff of the (common) Rules 2008, Cinema Registration Act
Motor Vehicles Department) 1958, Local Bodies Entertainment Tax Act 1961,
Public Health Act 1955, (T.C.), Public Health Act
19 8 Local Fund Audit Department Test 1. Acts and Rules (with Books).
1939 (Madras) (with books)

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 9

Note:- Allowed to use Kerala Panchayath Manual thereunder.
(Act & Rules) Published by Kerala Law Times, (p)The Kerala University Act and the Statutes
Cochin-11 or Cochin 31 thereunder.
37 8 Kerala Public Works Department (q) The Cochin University Act and the Statutes
Test-I Paper Kerala Public Works Department Code, (with books) thereunder.
9 Departmental Test for the Ministerial (common paper) (r) The Calicut University Act and the Statutes
Staff of KSEB-I Paper thereunder.
10 Departmental Test for the Executive (s) The Kerala Agricultural University Act and the
Staff of KSEB – I Paper Statutes thereunder.
38 11 Kerala Registration Test Part I-II Paper Kerala Registration Manual and Circular Order (t) The Kerala State Housing Board Act and the
(with books) Rules thereunder.
39 12 Revenue Test – II Paper 1.Kerala Government Land Assignment Act – 1960 Note:- Panchayat Manual and the Kerala Municipal
(with books) 2. Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and Restoration Corporation Manual published by Government can
of Lands to Scheduled Tribes Act – 1999 be used as reference books as per G.O.(Ms.)
3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe (Restoration on Transfer No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984.
of Lands and Restoration of Alienated Land Act – 1975) 44 4 Departmental Test on Code of Criminal Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974)
4. Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957 Procedure and Kerala Manual of Office Chapters I to VII, XII, XIII, XV, XVI, XVII, XIX, XX,
5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964 Procedure for Motor Vehicles Inspectors XXI, XXIII A, XXIII B, XXIV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII and
6. Kerala Land Development Corporation Limited in the Kerala Transport Service. XXXVII and Kerala Manual of Office Procedure (with
(Special Powers) Act – 1974 books)
7.Kerala Service Inam Lands (Vesting and 45 5 Panchayath Test –III Paper Acts, Rules, Manuals, Government Orders/Circulars
Enfranchisement) Act – 1981 in respect of Accounts, Audit (LF, AG, Social)
8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999 Budgeting, Store Purchasing, Public Works
9.Kerala Protection of River Bank’s and Regulation Governing the PRIs and functions transferred to
of Removal of Sand Act – 2001 PRIs. (with books)
10. Kerala Stay of eviction proceedings Act – 2001 Note:- Allowed to use Kerala Panchayath Manual
11.Kerala Private Forest (Vesting and Assignment) (Act & Rules) Published by Kerala Law Times,
Act – 1971 Cochin-11 or Cochin 31)
12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands (Vesting and 46 6 Kerala Public Works Department
Enfranchisement) Act – 1971 Test- II Paper
13.Sreepadam Lands Enfranchisement Act – 1969 7 Departmental test for the Ministerial Kerala Public Works Account Code (with books)
14.Malabar Land Registration Act – 1895 Staff of KSEB – II Paper (Common Paper)
15.Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of Lands) Act – 8 Departmental test for the Executive
1971 Staff of KSEB- II Paper
16. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest 47 9 Kerala Registration Test Part II Kerala Stamp Act and Rules there under and Indian
Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 Stamp Act in respect of documents specified in
07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours) entry 91 of list I (Union List of the VII schedule of
the constitution of India and Rules relating to those
40 13 Excise Test Part “A” – II Paper Prohibition Act and Rules, Medicinal and Toilet documents) (with books)
Preparation Act and Rules, the narcotics Drugs and 48 10 Revenue Test – III Paper 1. Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963
Psychotropic Substance Act 1985 and the Rules (with books) 2. Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961
made thereunder by the Government of India and 3. Kerala Revenue Recovery Act – 1964
Government of Kerala, Spirituous Preparations, 4. Kerala Public Accountants Act – 1963
Interstate Trade and Commerce Control Act and 5. Kerala Board of Revenue Abolition Act – 1996
Rules (with books) 6. Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966
XII. THURSDAY 13.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 7. Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960
41 1 Criminal Judicial Test-I Paper Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974) and 8. Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975
the Travancore Kochi Criminal Rules of Practices 9. Kerala Building (Leases and Rent Control) Act – 1965
(with books) 10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959
42 2 Kerala State Probation Test (a) Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 Central and 49 11 Forest Test (for Executive and General Law
Part II-I paper the Kerala Probation of Offenders Rules, 1960 Controlling Staff)-I Paper a. Kerala Forest Act and Rules thereunder
(b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1986 and the b. The Kerala Land Acquisition Act
Rules framed thereunder. c. The Boundary Act
(c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and the Rules framed d. The Cattle Trespass Act
thereunder and e. Indian Penal Code Chapters 1 to 5, 9 to 11, 17,
(d) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of 18, 23 and
Children) Act 2000 (Central Act) f. The Indian Criminal Procedure Code 1973,
(e) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27 & 30
Children) Rules 2003 (State Rules) 50 12 Labour Department Test Part I Plantation Labour Act 1961. Minimum Wages Act
(f) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) 1948 etc. and Rules thereunder administered by
Amendment Act 2006 (Central Act) Labour Department (with books)
(g) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of 07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours)
Children) Rules 2007 (Central Model Rules 2007) 51 13 Excise Test Part B (Criminal Law) Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974),
43 3 Local Fund Audit Department Test Acts and Rules as described hereunder (with Evidence Act and Indian Penal Code (with books)
(Higher)-I Paper books).
(a) Constitution of India. XIII. MONDAY- 17.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
(b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules 52 1 Account Test Lower for the Ministerial Elements of Commercial Accounts. Book Keeping-
thereunder. and Executive Staff of KSEB-III Paper All chapters except chapters 13 and 15 dealing in
(c) The Court of Wards Act and Rules thereunder. Partnership Accounts and Company Accounts
(d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder. respectively of the books. Double Entry Book
(e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994. Keeping by Jamshed R Batliboi.
(f)The Kerala Local Authorities Entertainment Tax 53 2 Criminal Judicial Test – II Paper The Indian Penal Code (with books)
Act and the Rules thereunder. 54 3 Kerala Jail Officers Test – II Paper Sociology, Penology and Criminology
(g) The Kerala Local Authorities Loans Act and 55 4 Local Fund Audit Department Test Finances of Local Bodies and Principles of Local
Rules thereunder. (Higher)- II Paper Fund Audit, Principles and Procedure in the Indian
(h) The Kerala Places of Public Resort Act and the Audit Code and Audit Manual with special reference
Rules thereunder. to Local Fund Account. (with book)
(i) The Public Health Act and the Rules thereunder. 56 5 Panchayat Test – IV Paper Constitution 73rd, 74th Amendments, Provisions of
(j) The Food Adulteration Act and the Rules Writ Jurisdiction
thereunder. Cr.PC 1973 – Chapter VI (of process to compel
(k) The Town Planning Act and the Rules appearance)
thereunder. Chapter VII (of process to compel production of
(l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act and the Rules documents)
thereunder. Chapter X (Public nuisances)
(m) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to 20,60,79,80 and order
Endowments Act and Rules thereunder. XVI, XXI
(n) The Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious RTI Act – 2005, Disaster Management, Centrally
Institutions Act. Sponsored Schemes viz, NREGS, RInF, SGSY,
(o) The Charitable Endowments Acts and Rules PMGSY etc. various Social Security pension, the

10 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

Person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, 68 6 Kerala Co-operative Test-I Paper Elements of Banking.
Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act – 69 7 Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test- A Hand book of Kerala Prison Rules and Kerala
1995, Decentralised Planning of PRIs, Five Year I Paper Sub Jail Rules.
Plan with reference to the functions specified under 70 8 Local Fund Audit Department Test Book keeping and Accountancy
Schedule III, IV, V of Kerala Panchayat Raj Act (Higher)-III Paper
1994. Betta service deliver, Front Office system, 71 9 Kerala Municipal Test III Paper Act and Rules Special Service Rules and Standing
Good Governance, Civil registration online, Hospital 10 Municipal Departmental Test Orders etc (with Books) (Common Paper)
Kiosks, Environmental Protection Act 1986. (with books)
Note:- Allowed to use Kerala Panchayath Manual 72 11 Canal Rules Test Canal Rules and Regulations (Travancore &
(Act & Rules) Published by Kerala Law Times, Cochin)
Cochin-11 or Cochin 31) 73 12 Kerala State Housing Board Act and Kerala State Housing Board Act 1971 (19 of 1971)
57 6 Kerala Port Department Test 1. The Kerala Port Department Manual Rules. Kerala State Housing Board Establishment
(with books) 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act XV of 1908) Regulations 1977, Kerala State Housing Board
3. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (Act XLIV of 1958) (Maintenance of Accounts). Rules 1984, Kerala
4 . The Indian Light House Act State Housing Board Allotment Regulation (with book)
5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbor Crafts Rules,1953
74 13 Animal Husbandry Department Test Animal Husbandry Department Manual (with books)
6. Port Conservancy Rules, Port Pier Rules
75 14 SC Development Department Test Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare Department (with
governing the Warehousing of goods in the
(One Paper) Books).
Government sheds and godowns at the Port of
76 15 Labour Department Test Part III The Contract Labour Act 1970. The payment of
Travancore-Cochin, Port Cargo Boats Rules and
Gratuity Act 1972 etc. Administered by the Labour
Rules for the working of Tugs “Alappuzha” and
Department (with books)
“Venad” issued in Notification No. PWC 4-3496/55
77 16 Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Book Keeping Theory and Practice.
PWC dated 18/10/1955 amended from time to time.
Tax Test-III Paper
7. Note for the guidance of Officers in Common
Wealth Countries Overseas, Territories and the Irish 7.00 a.m to 9.00 a.m (2 hours)
Republic (British Merchant Shipping and Seaman 78 17 Minority Language Test in Kannada Translation from English to Kannada and Translation
Revised). Issued by the Ministry of Transport 1963. (Written Test) from Kannada to English.
(i) The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Sailing 79 18 Minority Language Test in Tamil Translation from English to Tamil and Translation
Vessels) Rules, 1960. (Written Test) from Tamil to English
(ii) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage fee
XV. WEDNESDAY 19.08.2015 (7.00 a.m to 8.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
Measurement of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960.
(iii) The Sailing Vessels (Assignment of Free 80 1 Account Test (Lower) for the Ministerial Kerala Account Code Vol. I and Kerala Treasury
Board) Rules, 1960. and Executive Staff of KSEB-IV Paper Code Volume I (with Books)
(iv) The Sailing Vessels (Statement of Crew) 81 2 Departmental Test for the Assistant 1.Kerala State Electricity Duty Act and Rules 1963
Rules, 1960 and the Sailing Vessels (Inspection) Electrical Inspector in the Electrical 2.Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board Rules 1973
Rules, 1962. Inspectorate – II Paper (with books) 3. Kerala Cinema (Regulations) Act 1958 and
(v) The Indian Merchant Shipping (Life Savings 4. Kerala Cinema (Regulations) Rules 1988
Appliances) Rules, 1956 82 3 Departmental Tests for Employment Special Scheme and General Instructions (this will
(vi) Merchant Shipping (Distressed Seamen) Rules 1960 Exchange Procedure-II Paper cover special schemes like vocational guidance
(vii) Merchant Shipping (Continuous Discharge Employment counseling occupational research etc.)
Certificates) Rules, 1960. and Chapters on
(viii) Mercantile Marine Circulars issued by the (i) Study and development of the employment
Government of India from time to time Opportunities
(ix) Sea Rescue Operations (ii) Public Relations and publicity
(x) The Inland Vessels Act 1917 as amended by the (iii) Various general instruction and Inspection and
Inland vessels Act 2007 technical evaluation of employment exchange
(xi) Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010 based on the following chapters in Part I and III of
(xii) International Maritime Organization structure NESM Vol.I and II with connected EE minutes
and functions notes/amendments and etc. issued from time to
(xiii) UN Conventions and Protocols on maritime time Chapters I to IV, XIV, XV and XVII of Part I and
law and regulations all chapters of Part III. NESM (Vol. I with relevant
(xiv) Coastal Zone Regulation Rules portion of NESM Vol. II)
(xv) Dock workers Safety Rules 83 4 Kerala Co/operative Test-II Paper Principles of Co-operation and the Co-operative-
(xvi) Marine pollution and oil slicks. Societies Act and Rules issued thereunder.
58 7 Kerala Registration Test Part III Miscellaneous Acts etc. (with books) 84 5 Kerala Jail Officers Test-IV Paper First Aid, Personal Hygiene and General Sanitation.
59 8 Forest Test (for Executive and Law-The Kerala Forest Act and Rules thereunder 85 6 Test on Manual of Office Procedure
Controlling Staff)-II Paper (with books) (Police) Manual of Office Procedure (Police)
60 9 Kerala State Probation Test Part II – Principles of the Probation System
86 7 PWD Manual Test The Kerala PWD Manual and Additions/ Amend
II Paper (Probation and related measures – A publication
ments to it from time to time (with books)
issued by the United Nations)
87 8 Departmental Test on Kerala Head 1.Minimum Wages Act, 1948
61 10 Labour Department Test – Part II Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Indian Trade Union
Load Workers Rules (with Books) 2. Payment of wages Act, 1936
Act and the Rules thereunder administered by the
3. Workmen compensation Act, 1923
Labour Department (with books)
4. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
62 11 Test in Kerala Education Act and Rules Kerala Education Act and Rules.
5. Kerala Head Load Worker (Regulation of
XIV. TUESDAY 18.08.2015 (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours Employment and welfare) Scheme, 1983
63 1 Department Test for the Assistant 1. Electricity Act 2003 6. Kerala Head Load Worker Act, 1978
Electrical Inspectors in the Electrical 2.Supply codes approved by the Kerala State 7. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
Inspectorate – I Paper (with books) Electricity Regulating Commission 8. Kerala Head load worker Welfare Board Staff
3. Indian Electricity Rules 1956 and (Appointment, Service conditions, Code and
4.Codes prescribed by BIS Conduct) Rules, 2002.
64 2 Department Test for the Executive Electricity (Supply) Act. Electricity Act and Rules, 88 9 Revenue test - IV Paper Unified Village Manual
Staff of KSEB- III Paper Stores Accounting Rules, Tariffs and Revenue (Unified Village Manual Test) (with books)
Accounting Rules. 89 10 Test in Weight and Measures Act and 1. Standards of Weights and Measures Act 1976.
65 3 Department Test for the Ministerial Electricity (Supply) Act-Chapter I to IV & VI), Rules 2. Standards of Weights and Measures (PC) Rules
Staff of KSEB-III Paper Stores, Accounting Rules, Tariffs and Revenue 1977.
Accounting Rules. 3. Standards of Weights and Measures (General)
66 4 Department Test for the Employment Placement work (this will cover placement work Rules 1987.
Exchange Procedure-I Paper including placement of physically handicapped) and 4.Standards of Weights and Measures (Approval of
collections of employment market information Models) Rules 1987.
based on the following chapters in Parts I, II and IV 5. Standards of Weights and Measures (Interstate
of the National Employment Service Manual Vol. I verification and Stamping) Rules 1987.
and II (with the connected E.E Minutes/Notes/ 6. Standards of Weights and Measures (Numeration)
Amendments etc. issued from time to time. Rules 1987.
Chapters V to XIII, XVI, and XVIII of Part I and all 7.Standards of Weights and Measures (National
chapters of Part II and Part IV, NESM (Vol.I) with Standards) Rules 1987
relevant portion of NESM Vol.II. (NESM 1984 8.Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforce
edition with subsequent changes.) ment) Act 1985
67 5 Forest Test (for Executive and Procedure-The Kerala Forest Code and Department 9.Standards of Weights and Measures Enforcement)
Controlling Staff) - III Paper Rules (with books) Act 1992

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 11

B¿.- k n.- k p- t c- j v I p- a m¿
BZyw Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-s‚bpw ]n∂oSv Xncp-sIm-®n-bp-sSbpw HSp-hn¬ tIc-
f-Øn-s‚bpw Xe-ÿm-\a- m-Im≥ tbmKw e`n® \K-ca- mWv Xncp-h\ - ¥- ] - p-cw.
A\-¥] - p-cn, `qtemI sshIpWvTw F∂o A]-c\ - m-aß
- f
- nepw Adn-bs - ∏-
Sp∂ Cu \KcØnemWv tIc-fØ - nse H´p-an° B[p-\nIkw-cw-`ß - fpw
BZy-ambn \S-∏n-em-°-s∏-´-Xv. C¥ybn-em-Zy-ambn tdm°‰v hnt£-]W
tI{µhpw _tbm-fP - n-°¬ ]m¿°pw sSIvt\m-]m¿°pw ÿm]n-Xa- m-bXv
Xncp-h\ - ¥- ]- p-cØ
- mWv F∂Xv F√m tIc-fo-b¿°pw A`n-am\w ]I-cp∂
Imcy-am-Wv. temI-ØnseXs∂ h\n-XI - f- psS F‰hpw henb kwKa-amb
B‰p-Im¬ s]m¶me Xncp-h\ - ¥
- ] - p-ct- Ø°v BtKmf-{i-≤b - m-I¿jn-°p-
∂p. kwkm-cn-°m-Øh - ¿°pw _[n-c¿°p-ambn C¥y-bn-em-Zy-ambn k¿hI-
em-ime ÿm-]n-°s - ∏Sp-∂Xpw Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ]- p-cØ
- m-W.v N´-ºn-kzm-anIsfbpw
{io\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp-hn-s\bpw h°w aue-hn-sbbpw tIcf \thm-∞m-\-
Øn\p kw`m-h\ sNbvX Xncp-h\ - ¥- ] - pcØn\v ]´w XmWp-]n-≈s - b-t∏m-
ep≈ Xe-sb-Sp-∏p≈ t\Xm-°s - fbpw kwÿm\-Øn\v \¬Im≥ Ign-™n-
´p-≠v. Ch kw_-‘a- mb hkvXp-XI - ƒ F√m-°m-ehpw a’-c∏ - c- o-£I - f - n¬
tPXm-°sf \n¿W-bn-°p-∂X - n¬ AXn-{]-[m-\a- m-b Hcp ]¶p-hl - n-®n-´p-≠v.
tIc-fØ - nse Pn√-Is - f-°p-dn-®p≈ ka-{K-am-b hnh-cß - ƒ ]¶p-hb - v°p∂
]pXn-sbmcp ]c-ºc Bcw-`n-°p-∂p.

cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬- knw-lm-k-\-ta-dn-b- B-Zy- A¥mcmjv{S hnam\Ømhfw

{]tXyIXIƒ h-\n-X-˛- dm-Wn- Ku-cn- e-£v-ao-`m-bn-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- kn-‰n- tIm¿-∏-td-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- a-g- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-®p- e-`n-°p- j-≥˛- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- (1940).-
∂- Pn-√- *- t- I-cf
- Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- ssh-Zyp-Xo-Ic - n-°-
*- -C-¥y-bn-se- \n-Xy-l-cn-X- \-K-cw- F-∂v- a- s∏-´- \-K-c-am-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw.-
lm-flm-Km-‘n- hn-ti-jn-∏n-®- \-K-cw- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-em-Zy-am-bn- tem- tIm-tf-Pv- B-cw-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- sX-t°-b-‰-Øp-≈- Pn-√- `n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv- (1874).-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ln-µp-°- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- F-©n-\o-b-dn-Mv-
fp-≈- Pn-√- tIm-tf-Pv- B-cw-`n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- sXm-gn¬-c- Wv.- B-Zyw- ]n.-Fw.-Pn.-Pw-Kv-j-\n¬- {]-h¿-
ln-X¿- D-≈- Pn-√.- Øn-®n-cp-∂- tIm-tf-Pv- ]n¬-°m-e-Øv- Ip-f-
*- tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- sd-bn¬-th- Øq¿- F-∂- ÿ-e-tØ-°v- am-‰n.-
tÃ-j-\p-Iƒ- D-≈- Pn-√- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- tIm-tf-
Pv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv- B-cw-`n-®-Xv.- h-
BZytØXv gp-X-°m-Sv- F-∂- ÿ-e-Øm-Wv- hn-a-≥kv-
* B-[p-\n-I- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tIm-tf-Pv.-
cm-Pm-hv- ˛-am¿-Øm-Wv-U-h¿-a- (`-c-W-Im-ew- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sa-Un-°¬- tIm-
1729˛-1758)- tf-Pv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv.- *- t- I-cf- Ø - n-sse- B-Zy-sØ- tlm-an-tbm- tIm- b-am-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- \n-e-bw- (1943).-
*- t- h-Wm-Sv- N-cn-{X-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- B-bp¿-th-Z- tIm- tf-Pv- Xp-S-ßn-b-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- *- t- I-cf - Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- Zq-cZ- ¿-i≥ - tI-{µw-
`-c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-˛-D-a-b-Ω- dm-Wn- (1914˛¬- a- tf-Pv- B-cw-`n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- A-[ym-]-I- ]-cn- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv- B-cw-`n-®-Xv.-
lm-I-hn- D-≈q¿- c-Nn-®- D-am-tI-c-fw- F-∂- * tIcfØnse BZysØ ss^≥ B¿Svkv io-e-\- tI-{µw- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ^v-f-bnw-Kv- ¢-∫v-
a-lm-Im-hy-Øn-s‚- {]-Xn-]m-Zyw- D-a-b-Ω-dm- tImtfPmWv Xncph\¥]pctØXv. ÿm-]n-®-Xv.- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
Wn-bp-sS- Im-e-L-´-am-Wv-)- * tIc-f-Øn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- kw-kv-Ir-X- tIm- *- t- I-cf - Ø - n-se-BZ- y-sØ- k¿-hI- e- m-im-e- ˛- *- -tI-cf - Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- d-∫d - [
- n-jvT- n-X- hy-
*- a- m¿-Øm-WU v- h- ¿-a- ÿm-]n-®- B-[p-\n-I- Xn- tf-Pv- B-cw-`n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- (1937¬- h-km-b- ÿm-]\ - a- m-b- {Sm-h≥- Iq¿- d-∫¿- h¿-
ÿm-]n-X-am-bn.- 1957˛¬- C-Xn-s‚- t]-cv- tI- Ivk- v- Xp-Sß- n-bX - v- Xn-cp-h\- ¥- ]- p-cØ- m-Wv.-
c-f- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- F-∂p-am-‰p-I-bpw- A- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- A-¥m-cm-jv-{S- hn-
[n-Im-c-]-cn-[n- a-e-_m-dn-te-°pw- hym-]n-∏n- am-\-Øm-h-fw- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-am-Wv.-
°p-I-bpw- sN-bv-Xp-)- *- h-≥In-S-\-K-c-a-√m-Ø- {]-tZ-i-Øv- \n-e-hn¬-
tIcf k¿hIemime *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- kv-t]m¿-Sv-kv- kv- h-∂ C¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- A-¥m-cm-jv-
Iq-fm-Wv- Pn.-hn.-cm-P- kv-t]m¿-Sv-kv- kv-Iqƒ.- {S- hn-am-\-Øm-h-f-am-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw.-
iw-Jp-ap-J-Øm-bn-cp-∂- kv-Iqƒ- C-t∏mƒ- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- s]m-Xp-ta-J-e-bn-
ssa-ew- F-∂- ÿ-e-tØ-°v- am-‰n- ÿm-]n- se- kn-\n-am- Xn-tb-‰-dm-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-
®n-´p-≠v.- sØ- I-em-`-h-≥.-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ayq-kn-b-am-Wv- Xn- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tIm-¨-{Io-‰v- ]m-
cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- ayp-kn-bw.- ew- \n¿-an-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- I-c-a-\-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ar-K-im-e-bm-Wv- bn-em-Wv.-
Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- ar-K-im-e.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- F-kv-I-te-‰¿-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- P-bn¬- ÿm-]n- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tdm-°-‰v- hn-t£-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- k¿-°m¿- B-ip- ]-W- tI-{µ-am-Wv- Xp-º.-
]-{Xn- Xp-S-ßn-b-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sam-ss_¬- tIm-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- hm-\- \n-co-£-W- S-Xn- Xp-S-ßn-b-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
im-e- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sN-j-b¿- tlmw-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- k¿-°m¿- {]-kv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
Xp-S-ßn-b-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- e-b-¨- k-^m-cn-
*- t- I-cf
- Ø - n-se- B-Zy-sØ- sS-et- ^m-¨- ÿm- ]m¿-°v- (s\-øm¿- Umw-)- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-
]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv- (I-h-Sn-bm¿- h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
sIm-´m-c-Øn¬-).- - *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- πm-\-t‰m-dn-bw-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- td-Un-tbm- \n-e- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-

12 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

cw-`n-®- ÿ-ew-˛-Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- (A-‘¿- K-ßf - p-am-bn- _-‘n-∏n-°s - ∏-´- tI-cf - Ø
- n-se-
sSIvt\m]m¿°v °p-≈- en-]n-bm-Wv- {_-bv-en.- B-dp- Ip-Øp- B-Zy-Ø- \-Kc - w-˛- Xn-cp-h\- ¥- ] - p-cw- (1935).-
Iƒ- D-]t- bm-Kn-®m-Wv- B-ib - - hn-\n-ab
- w- km- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- am-kn-I-
[y-am-°p-∂-Xv-)- bm-Wv- 1886˛¬- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- ]p-d-Øn-
*- X
- n-ca- m-eb
- n¬-\n-∂pw- ssh-Zyp-Xn- D-ev] - m-Zn-∏n- d-°n-b- kp-Kp-W-t_m-[n-\n.-
°p-∂- C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy- ]-≤-Xn- ÿm-]n- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- kw-tbm-Pn-X- sN-
°-s∏-´- ÿ-ew-˛-hn-gn-™w- (C-Xv- ]n¬-°m- °v-t]m-Ãv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-
e-Øv- D-]-tbm-K-£-a-√m-Xm-bn-)- Øm-Wv.-
*- t- I-cf - Ø
- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- ^n-enw- skm-ssk- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- am-Pn-Iv- A-°m-Z-
‰n-˛- Nn-{X-te-J- an- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- tKm-]n-
*- t- Im-¨{- K-kn¬- Aw-KX - z-sa-Sp-Ø- B-Zy-sØ- \m-Yv- ap-Xp-Im-Sm-Wv.-
a-e-bm-fn-˛- Pn.-]n.-]n-≈- (1889se- tIm-¨-{K- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- km-bm-”-tIm-S-
kv- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- C-t±-lw- B-Zy-am-bn- ]- Xn- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
s¶-Sp-Øp-)- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- A-Izm-´n-Iv- k-ap-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- am-\-kn-I- tcm-Km- ®-bw- ]n-c-∏-≥tIm-Sv- F-∂- ÿ-e-Øm-Wv.-
ip-]-{Xn- ÿm-]n-°-s∏-´- ÿ-ew-˛- Xn-cp-h-\- *- ]
- q¿-W- sam-ss_¬- I-WI - vS- n-hn-‰n-bp-≈- B-
¥-]p-cw- (t]-cq¿-°-S-bv-°-Sp-Øv- Du-f-ºm-d- Zy- C-¥y-≥ Pn-√- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-am-Wv.-
F-∂- ÿ-e-Øv-)- *- t- I-cf
- Ø - n-se- B-Zy-sØ- πm-\t- ‰m-dn-bw- ({]n-
*- -_n.-kn.-kn.-sF-bp-sS- ssh-kv- {]-kn-U-‚m- b-Z¿-in-\n- πm-\-t‰m-dn-bw-)- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-
b- B-Zy- tI-c-fo-b-≥˛- tKm-Z-h¿-a-cm-Pm- (Im- Øm-Wv.-
bn-I- tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- ]n-Xm-hv- F-∂- A-]-c- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sN-j-b¿- tlmw-
\m-aw- C-t±-l-Øn-\p-≠v.- hn-am-\m-]-I-S-Øn- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
em-Wv- a-c-W-a-S-™-Xv-)- *- -tI-cf- Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- F-kv.S- n.-Un.- kw-hn-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- cm-Pym-¥-c- G-I- [m-\w- (tIm-´b - h- p-am-bn- _-‘s - ∏-Sp-Øn-)- \n-
*- -tI-cf - Ø
- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- F-kv.S- n.-Un.- kw- cm-a-kzm-an- A-ø¿- Zn-hm-\pw- B-bn-cn-s°-).- Zn-\- {In-°-‰v- a¬-k-cw- \-S-∂- ÿ-ew-˛- Xn- e-hn¬-h-∂-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.-
hn-[m-\w- (tIm-´b - h - p-am-bn- _-‘s - ∏-Sp-Øn-)- X-ºm-\q¿- ap-X¬- im-kv-X-aw-K-ew- h-sc-bm- cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- bq-Wn-th-gv-kn-‰n- tÃ-Un-bw- *- -sF-F-kv-H- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- e-`n-®- tI-c-f-Øn-
*- t- I-cf- Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- ]-ªn-Iv- sl¬-Øv- bn-cp-∂p- B-Zy-sØ- _-kv- k¿-ho-kv.- (1984 H-Iv-tSm-_¿- 1)- se- B-Zy-sØ- hn-am-\-Øm-h-f-am-Wv- Xn-cp-
e-t_m-d-´-dn- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se-B-Zy-sØ- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- ˛- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- F.-Sn.-Fw.-(1992)- h-\-¥-]p-cw.-
Øm-Wv.- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- (1937¬- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- B-cw-`n-®-Xv- ˛- {_n-´o-jv- *- -tdm-bn-´¿- F-∂- hm¿-Øm- G-P-≥kn-bn¬-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- Im-cp-Wy- ^m¿-a- ÿm-]n-X-am-bn.- 1957˛¬- C-Xn-s‚- t]-cv- tI- _m-¶v- Hm-^v- an-Un¬- Cu-Ãv- (A-Xv- C-t∏mƒ- \n-∂v- t\-cn-´p- hm¿-Ø- h-cp-Øm-≥ Xp-Sß - n-b-
kn- Iu-≠¿- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ssh-am-\n-I- ]-cn-
io-e-\- tI-{µw- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-
c-Øm-Wv.- hngn™w
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- P-bn¬-
Xn-cp-h-¥-]p-cw- Pn-√-bn-em-Wv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv-
(s\-øm-‰n-≥I-cb - n¬- B-cw-`n-®p,- C-t∏mƒ- Xn-
cp-h-¥-]p-cw- \-K-c-]-cn-[n-bn-ep-≈- A-´-Ip-f-
ß-c-bn-te-°v- am-‰n-).-
*- -Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se- B-Zy-sØ- Zn-hm-≥˛-cm-
Pm- tI-i-h-Zm-kv- ([¿-a-cm-Pm-hn-s‚- Im-e-
Øv- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-bm-bn-cp-∂- tI-i-h-]n-≈-
D-Ø-tc-¥y-≥ ssi-en-bn¬- Zn-hm-≥ F-∂-
ÿm-\-t∏-cv- kzo-I-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p.- A-
t±-l-Øn-s‚- `-c-W-{]m-K-ev-`y-sØ- B-Z-cn-
°m-≥ cm-Pm- F-∂- _-lp-a-Xn- \¬-In-b-Xv-
K-h¿-W¿- P-\-d-em-bn-cp-∂- tam¿-Wnw-Kv-S-¨-
{]-`p-hm-Wv- (sh-√… - n- {]-`p-sh-∂pw- A-t±-lw-
A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂p-).- tI-i-h-]n-≈- hn-\-b-]q¿-
hw- Zm-k-≥ F-∂- hm-°p-Iq-Sn- t]-cn-s\m-∏w-
tN¿-Øv- cm-Pm- tI-i-h-Zm-k-\m-bn.-)-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sS-Iv-t\m-]m¿-°v-
F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-˛- Im-cy-h-´-w- (Harmony at
W ork BWv- sS-Iv-t\m-]m¿-°n-s‚- B-]v-X-
hm-Iyw.- C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sS-Iv-t\m- c-f- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- F-∂p-am-‰p-I-bpw- A- HSBC- Hongkong and Shanghai Bank- B-Zy- a-eb - m-f- ]-{X-am-\v- kz-tZ-im-`n-am-\n.-
]m¿-°pw- Im-cy-h-´-tØ-X-mWv) [n-Im-c-]-cn-[n- a-e-_m-dn-te-°pw- hym-]n-∏n- ing Corporation) *- -{^-≠v-kn-s‚- B-Zy- P-\-tk-h-\-tI-{µw- B-
* tIcf-Øn¬- ]-ªn-Iv- {Sm-≥kv-t]m¿-´v- kw- °p-I-bpw- sN-bv-Xp-)- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- P-bn¬-˛- cw-`n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Pn-√-bn-em-Wv-
hn-[m-\w- \-S-∏n-em-°-s∏-´- B-Zy- -\-K-c- *- -C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- _-tbm-f-Pn-°¬- s\-øm-‰n-≥I-c- (C-t∏mƒ- C-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥- (Fast Reliable Instant Efficient Net-
am-Wv- Xn-cp-h\- ¥- ] - p-cw- (1938˛¬- {io- Nn-Øn- ]m¿-°v-˛-A-K-kv-Xym¿-Iq-Sw- ]p-c-Øv- A-´-Ip-f-ß-c-bn-te-°v- am-‰n-)- work for Disbursement of Services F-
c- Xn-cp-\mƒ- cm-Pm-hpw- Zn-hm-≥ k¿- kn.-]n.- *- t- I-cf
- Ø
- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- {_-bve - n- {]-kv- B- *- t- I-cf - Ø - n-se- B-Zy-sØ- Xp-d∂ - - P-bn¬-˛- s\- ∂m-Wv- {^-≠vk - n-s‚- ]q¿-Wc - q-]w.- kw-ÿm-
´p-Im¬-tØ-cn- (s\-øm-‰n-≥I-c- Xm-eq-°v)- - \- C-≥^¿-ta-j-≥ sS-Iv-t\m-f-Pn- an-j-s‚-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tlm-an-tbm- Un- ta¬-t\m-´-Øn-em-Wv- {]-h¿-Ø-\w-)-
kv-s]-≥k-dn- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c- *- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tkm-bn¬- ayq-kn-
ayq-kn-bw- Øm-Wv.- bw- ÿm-]n-°-s∏-´-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-
*- t- I-cf - Ø - n-se- B-Zy-sØ- ÿn-cw- tem-Iv- A- Wv- (]m-tdm-´p-tIm-Ww-).-
Zm-e-Øv- {]-h¿-Ø-\-am-cw-`n-®- ÿ-ew-˛-Xn-cp- *- tI-cf- Ø - n¬- k¿-hI - e- m-im-em- ]-Zh - n- e-`n-®-
h-\-¥-]p-cw- B-Zy-sØ- Nn-In-’m-tI-{µ-am-Wv- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥- -
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ]-ªn-Iv- sse-{_- ]p-cs
- Ø- {io- Nn-{Xm- sa-Un-°¬- sk-‚¿.-
dn-˛-Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- ]-ªn-Iv- sse-{_-dn- *- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ]-©-\-£-{X-
(1829)- tlm-´-em-Wv- tIm-h-fw- A-tim-I- _o-®v- dn-
*- t- I-cf - Ø - n-se- B-Zy-sØ- A-Sn-∏m-X- (A-≠¿- tkm¿-´v.-
]m-kv-)-˛- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- (]m-f-bw- Pw-Kv-j- *- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- k-b-≥kv- B-‚ v-
\p- k-ao-]-am-Wv- \n¿-an-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv-)- sS-Itv- \m-fP - n- ayq-kn-bw- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥
- ] - p-cØ- m-
*- -X-]m¬- Ãm-ºn¬- {]-Xy-£-s∏-´- B-Zy- a-e- Wv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv.-
bm-fn-˛- {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp- * C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tkm-jy-en-Ã-v t\-Xm-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ssk-_¿- s]m-eo- hm-b- ap-Jy-a{- ¥n-bm-Wv- ]-´w- Xm-Wp-]n-≈.-
kv- tÃ-j-≥˛- ]-´w- (Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw-)- *- tI-c-f-Øn¬- Cw-•o-jp-Im¿- \n¿-an-®- B-Zy-
*- -A-\m-Y-cm-b- \-h-Pm-X- in-ip-°-sf- G-s‰-Sp- sØ- tIm-´-bm-Wv- A-©p-sX-ßp-tIm-´.- B-
°m-≥ tI-c-f-Øn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- A-Ω-sØm- ‰n-߬- dm-Wn-bm-Wv- Cu-Ãn-¥ym-°-º-\n-
´n¬- ÿm-]n-®- ÿ-ew-˛- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- bp-sS- {]-Xn-\n-[n-bm-b- tPm-¨- {_m-t_m-
(2002 \-hw-_¿- 14.- kw-ÿm-\- in-ip-t£-a- Wn-\v- tIm-´-sI-´m-≥ 1694 Pq-sse-bn¬- A-
k-an-Xn-bp-sS- B-`n-ap-Jy-Øn-em-Wv- C-Xv- {]- \p-a-Xn- \¬-In-b-Xv.-
h¿-Øn-°p-∂-Xv-).- *- tI-cf - Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- sS-e{- Km-^v- Hm-^o-
*- -C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- Un.-F-≥.-F.- _m¿- kp-Iƒ- ÿm-]n-®X - v- Xn-cp-h\
- ¥- ] - p-cw,- sIm-
tIm-Unw-Kv- tI-{µw-˛- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥- ]- p-cw- (2008)- √w,- B-e-∏p-g- F-∂o- \-K-c-ß-fn¬- 1864˛¬-
*- -hn-am-\- k¿-ho-kp-hg - n- C-¥y-bp-sS- C-Xc - `- m- B-Wv.-

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 13

A-©p-sX-ßp-tIm-´ W-Øn-\v- A-\p-tbm-Py-am-Im-≥ Im-cW - w.- -Xm-eq-°v- ˛-s\-øm-‰n-≥I-c-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- Io-S-\m-in-\n- ]-cn- *- t- I-cf- Ø- n¬- sX-t°-b‰ - Ø
- p-≈- Xp-da - p-Ja
- m-
tim-[-\m- e-t_m-d-´-dn- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h- Wv- hn-gn-™w.- C-Xv- \n¿-an-®- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-
\-¥-]p-c-Øv- sh-≈m-b-Wn-bn-em-Wv.- Iq¿- Zn-hm-\m-Wv- D-Ωn-Wn-Ø-ºn.-
*- -se-h¬- t{Im-kp-I-fn-se-√mw- Im-h¬-°m-cp- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- sX-t°-b-‰-sØ- A-
≈- C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sd-bn¬-th- Un- kw-ªn- a-WvU - e - w-˛s
- \-øm-‰n-≥I-c- (ap-ºv- Cu-
hn-j-≥ Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- sd-bn¬-th- Un-hn- {]-tXy-I-X- ]m-d-»m-e-bv-°p- kz-¥-am-bn-cp-
j-\m-Wv.- ∂p.- Uo-en-an-t‰-j-≥ I-Ωn-j-s‚- ]p-\- w-
*- -Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se- B-Zy-sØ- \n-b-a-k-`m- L-S-\-tbm-sS-bm-Wv- s\-øm-‰n-≥I-c- sX-t°-
a-µn-ca- m-Wv- hn.-sP.-Sn.-lmƒ- (hn-Ivt- Sm-dn-b- Pq- b-‰-sØ- a-Wv-U-e-am-b-Xv-).-
_n-en- Su-¨- lmƒ-).- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- P-bn¬- ˛- ]q-
*- -Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬- Pn-√m- P-Uv-Pn-bm-bn- \n- P-∏p-c- sk-≥{S¬- P-bn¬- (tI-c-f-Øn-se- a-
b-an-X-bm-b- B-Zy- h-\n-X-bm-Wv- A-∂m- ‰p- sk-≥{S¬- P-bn-ep-Iƒ- I-Æq-cn-epw- Xr-
Nm-≠n.- »q¿- Pn-√-bn-se- hn-øq-cn-ep-am-Wv-)-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- B-bp-jv- tImw-π- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sX-t°-b-‰-sØ- h-
Iv-kv- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- s\-øm-‰n-≥I-c-bn-em-Wv.- \y-Po-hn- k-t¶-Xw-˛- s\-øm¿- (C-t∏mƒ- Im-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- k-Xy-km-bn-t£- ´m-°-S- Xm-eq-°n-em-Wv-)-
{Xw- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- tXm-∂-bv-°-en-em-Wv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Ir-jn- sN-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- kn-a-‚ v- tdm-Uv- Xn- øp-∂- In-g-ßp-h¿-Kw-˛- a-c-®o-\n-
cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn¬- cm-P-`-c-W-Im-e-Øv- Zn-hm-≥ *- -Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Pn-√-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-
kn.-]n.-cm-a-kzm-an- A-ø¿- \n¿-an-®- Xn-cp-h- b- ip-≤-P-e- X-Sm-Iw-˛- sh-≈m-b-Wn-
\-¥-]p-cw-˛-I-\ym-Ip-am-cn- tdm-Uv- B-Wv.- *- -sX-°-≥ tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- sd-
*- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- Nn-{X-I-em- hn-Zym- an-{X- A-hm¿-Uv- B-Zy-am-bn- t\-Sn-b- hy-‡n- *- t- I-cf- Ø- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- kq-∏¿- kvs - ]-jym- bn¬-th- tÃ-j-≥˛- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- (Xn-cp-
e-ba - m-Wv- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥
- ]
- p-cs
- Ø- ss^-≥ B¿- kp-K-X-Ip-am-cn-bm-Wv.- en-‰n- ar-Km-ip-]-{Xn- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥- h-\-¥-]p-cw- sd-bn¬-th- Un-hn-j-s‚- B-
Sv-kv- tIm-tf-Pv.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- sF.-]n.- ]p-c-Øv- Ip-S-∏-\-°p-∂n-em-Wv.- ÿm-\w- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- ssX-°m-Sv- F-
*- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ]p-I-bn-e- ]-c-ky- F-kv.-Hm-^o-k-dm-Wv- B¿.-{io-te-J- (1987).- *- 1914˛-se- {Sm-h-≥Iq¿- sIm-®n-≥ tIm-˛-Hm-∏- ∂- ÿ-e-Øm-Wv-).-
c-ln-X- Pn-√-bm-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- lu-kn-Mv- tIm-f- td-‰o-hv- skm-ssk-‰o-kv- B-Iv-Sv- {]-Im-cw- c- *- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- Ip-´n-I-fp-sS- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b-
* tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- πm-\-t‰-dn-bw- Xn- \n-bm-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- I-h-Sn-bm-dn-ep- Pn-ÿ- sN-ø-s∏-´- B-Zy-sØ- k-l-I-c-W- D-Zym-\w-˛- B-°p-fw-
cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øm-Wv.- ≈- P-hm-l¿- \-K¿- (1954).- Cu- {]-tZ-iw- ap- skm-ssk-‰n-bm-Wv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- sk- *- -Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øp-\n-∂v- bm-{X-bm-cw-`n-°p-
*- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tdm-°-‰v- hn-t£- ºv- a-c-®o-\n-hn-f- F-∂m-Wv- A-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp- ≥{S¬- tIm-˛-Hm-∏-td-‰o-hv- _m-¶v.- ∂- G-‰-hpw- Zo¿-L-Zq-c- Xo-h-≠n-bm-Wv- Xn-
]-W- tI-{µw- (Xp-º-)- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Pn- ∂-Xv.- a-c-®o-\n-Ir-jn-tØm-´-Øn-\p-]p-d-ta- H- *- `-c-X-ap-\n-bp-sS- {]-Xn-a- C-¥y-bn-em-Zy-am-bn- cp-h\- ¥- ]- p-cw- ˛-Kp-hl- Ø
- n- F-Ivk- v{- ]-kv.- C-
√-bn-em-Wv.- cp- a-c-®o-\n- K-th-j-W-tI-{µ-hpw- C-hn-sS-bp-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- t\m-°p-Iq-en- hn- ≠m-bn-cp-∂p.-
ap-‡- \-K-cw- (2011 \-hw-_¿-)- Xn-cp-h-\-¥- *- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- k¿-°m¿- B-ip-]-{Xn-I-fn-se- {]n-bZ¿-in-\n- πm-\t‰m-dn-bw-
]p-c-am-Wv.- sXm-gn¬- h-Ip-∏m-Wv- C-Xp- kw- B-Zy-sØ- I-cƒ- am-‰n-h-bv-°¬- i-kv-{X-{In-
_-‘n-®- {]-Jym-]-\w- \-S-Øn-b-Xv.- bm- bq-Wn-‰v- ÿm-]n-°p-∂-Xn-\v- Xn-c-s™-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sk-≥{S¬- s]m- Sp-Ø-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- sa-Un-°¬- tIm-
eo-kv- Iym-‚o-≥ ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p- tf-Pn-s\-bm-Wv.-
c-Øm-Wv.- *- t- I-cf - Ø
- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- C-˛k - m-£c - X
- m- ]-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tÃ-‰v- Um-‰m- sk- ©m-b-Øm-Wv- ]-≈n-®¬- (2014).-
‚¿- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- tIm- *- -{]m-bm-[n-Iy-ap-≈-h¿-°pw- im-co-cn-I- ]-cn-an-
_m-¶v- S-th-gv-kn-em-Wv.- c-≠m-a-tØ-Xv- sS- Xn-If - p-≈h - ¿-°pw- πm-‰vt- ^m-ap-If - n¬- k-©-
Iv-t\m-]m¿-°n-se- tX-P-kzn-\n- sI-´n-S-Øn- cn-°p-∂-Xn-\v- _m-‰-dn-sIm-≠v- {]-h¿-Øn-°p-
epw.- ∂- s^-dn- Im¿-´v- kw-hn-[m-\w- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- C-˛-km-£-c-Xm- ]- b,- tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy- sd-bn¬-th- tÃ-j-
©m-b-Øm-bn- {]-Jym-]n-°-s∏-´-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\- ≥ Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-am-Wv- (2014).-
¥-]p-cw- Pn-√-bn-se- ]-≈n-®¬- (2014).- *- -C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tdm-°-‰v- hn-t£-]-
* {S-¶v- tImƒ- kw-hn-[m-\-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-b,- tI- W- tI-{µw- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xp-º-bn-em-Wv.- 1963
c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- sS-e-t^m-¨- ÿm- \-hw-_¿- 21˛-\m-Wv- Xp-º-bn¬-\n-∂v- B-Zy-
]n-Xa - m-bX- v- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- sIm-´m-cØ - n-em- sØ- tdm-°-‰v- hn-t£-]n-®-Xv.- ss\-°v- A-
Wv- (1940).- ∏m-s®- F-∂m-bn-cp-∂p- tdm-°-‰n-s‚- t]-cv.-
* tI-cf - Ø - n¬- B-Zy-sØ- ]n-Fk - k-v n- Hm-¨s - se- Xp-º-bn-se- sk-‚ v- ta-cn- a-Kv-Z-en-\- ]-≈n-
≥ ]-co-£m-tI-{µw- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥- ] - p-cØ
- m-Wv.- bm-Wv- im-kv-{X-⁄-≥am-cp-sS- {]-[m-\- Hm- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- h-´n-bq¿-°m-hn-se- Kp-cp-tKm-]n- ¥y-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- ssZ¿-Ly-ta-dn-b- Xo-h-
*- C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tkm-^v-‰v-sh-b¿- sS- ^o-km-bn- am-dn-bX - v.- _n-j∏- v- lu-kn-s\- h¿- \m-Yv- \-S-\-{Km-a-Øn-se- tZ-io-b- \r-Ø- ayq- ≠n- k¿-ho-km-b- hn-th-Iv- (Zn-{_p-K-Vv- ˛-I-
Iv-t\m-f-Pn- ]m¿-°v- ÿm-]n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥- Iv- tjm-∏m-°n-am-‰n.- tUm.- hn-{Iw- km-cm-`m- kn-b-Øn-\p- ap-∂n-em-Wv.- \ym-Ip-am-cn-)- F-Iv-kv-{]-kpw- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-
]p-c-Øm-Wv.- bn-bm-Wv- C-¥y-≥ _-ln-cm-Im-i- K-th-j-W- *- kw-km-cn-°m-Øh - ¿-°pw- _-[n-c¿-°p-am-bn- cw-h-gn- I-S-∂p-t]m-Ip-∂p.-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- t^m-Iv-tem¿- ayq- ]-≤X - n-bp-sS- ]n-Xm-hv.- Xp-º- sd-bn¬-th- tÃ- C-¥y-bn-em-Zy-am-bn- k¿-hI - e- m-im-e- ÿm-]n- *- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- F-©n-\n-
kn-bw- B-cw-`n-®-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Pn-√- j-s‚- D-ZL v- m-S\
- Ø
- n-\v- Xn-cp-h\ - ¥- ] - p-cs
- Ø- °-s∏-´X - -v Xn-cp-h\
- ¥- ]- p-cØ
- m-W.v - \m-jW - ¬- b-dnw-Kv- tIm-tf-Pp-I-fp-≈- Pn-√- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-
bn-se- s\-Sp-a-ßm-´m-Wv.- Øn-b- A-t±-lw- B-I-kv-an-I-am-bn- tIm-h-f- C-≥Ãn-‰yp-´v- Hm-^v- kv] - o-®v- B-≥Uv- ln-bd - n- ]p-c-am-Wv.-
*- t- I-cf - Ø- n¬- B-Zy-am-bn- k-©c - n-°p-∂- tIm- lm¬-kn-b-≥ sIm-´m-c-Øn¬- A-¥-cn-®p- Mn-\v- k¿-hI - e- m-im-em- ]-Zh - n- \¬-Im-≥ Xo- *- -tem-I-Øv- kv-{Xo-Iƒ- am-{Xw- ]-s¶-Sp-°p-∂-
S-Xn- F-∂- B-i-bw- \-S-∏n-em-°n-b- `-c-Wm- (1971 Un-kw-_¿- 30).- Xp-S¿-∂v- tdm-°-‰v- hn- cp-am-\n-®X- n-eq-sS-bm-Wv- C-Xv- \-S∏ - m-bX
- v.- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- t£-t{Xm¬-k-hw-˛- B-‰p-
[n-Im-cn-˛- th-ep-Ø-ºn- Z-f-h- t£-]-W-tI-{µ-Øn-\v- A-t±-l-Øn-s‚- kv-a- *- C-¥y-bn¬- hn-am-\- k¿-ho-kv- \-S∏ - n-em-°n-b- Im¬- s]m-¶m-e- (B-‰p-Im¬- t£-{X-sØ-
*- -Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bp-sS- B- c-Wm¿-Yw- hn-{Iw- km-cm-`m-bv- kvt- ]-kv- sk- B-Zy-sØ- \m-´p-cm-Pyw- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dm-Wv.- kv-{Xo-I-fp-sS- i-_-cn-a-e- F-∂p- hn-ti-jn-
Zy-sØ- t{]m-˛-ssh-kv- Nm-≥k-e¿- kn.-hn.- ‚¿- F-∂v- t]-cp-\¬-In.- `q-an-bp-sS- Im-¥n-I- *- F-kv-F-≥Un-]n- tbm-K-Øn-s‚- B-Zy- hm¿- ∏n-°p-∂p-).-
N-{µ-ti-J-c-\m-bn-cp-∂p.- a-[y-tc-Jt- bm-Sv- h-fs - c- A-Sp-Øp- ÿn-Xn-sN- jn-I- k-tΩ-f-\w- \-S-∂-Xv- s\-øm-‰n-≥I-c- *- -tem-I-Øn-se,- kv-{Xo-I-fp-sS- G-‰-hpw- h-en-
*- -tI-{µ- K-h-¨-sa-≥dv- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- hr-£- øp-∂X - n-\m-em-Wv- Xp-º- tdm-°‰ - v- hn-t£-]- Xm-eq-°n-se- A-cp-hn-∏p-d-Øm-Wv.- b- Iq-´w-˛- B-‰p-Im¬- s]m-¶m-e-
*- C-¥y-≥ {In-°‰v- So-an¬- A-c-tß-dn-b- B-Zy- *- -]-Øp-Zn-h-kw- \o-fp-∂- D-’-h-Øn-s‚- H-º-
sØ- a-e-bm-fn- _m-‰v-kv-am-\m-Wv- k-Rv-Pp- Xmw- Zn-h-k-am-Wv- B-‰p-Im¬- s]m-¶m-e.-
t^mIvtem¿ ayqknbw, s\Sp-a-ßmSv k-mw-k¨. *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sX-t°-b-‰-sØ- {Km-
aw-˛- I-fn-bn-°-hn-f-
kq∏¿te‰ohpIƒ *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- D-b-cw- Iq-Sn-b- {]-Xn-
a- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cØ - v- am¿- _-tk-en-tbm-kv-
* Xncp-h-\¥ - ]
- p-cw- Pn-√b- n-se- G-‰h - pw- D-bc- w- tIm-tf-Pv- Hm-^v- F-©n-\n-bd - n-Mv- B-≥Uv- sS-
Iq-Sn-b- sIm-Sp-ap-Sn-bm-Wv- A-Kk - vX- y-Iq-Sw.- k- Ivt- \m-fP- n-bp-sS- Im-ºk - n¬- ÿm-]n-®n-cn-°p-
- n¬-\n-∂v- 1890 ao-‰¿- D-bc - Ø- n-em-Wv- ∂- {In-kX v- p-hn-s‚- {]-Xn-ab
- m-Wv- (33.-5 A-Sn-).-
Cu- sIm-Sp-ap-Sn- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂X - v.- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- D-b-cw- Iq-Sn-b- c-≠m-
*- B
- [ - p-\n-I- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- G-‰h - pw- Iq-Sp-X¬- a-sØ- {]-Xn-a- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- tI-c-f-
Im-ew- `-cn-®- cm-Pm-hv˛- - [¿-ac- m-Pm-hv- A-Yh - m- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- B-ÿm-\-Øv- ÿm-]n-®n-
Im¿-Øn-I- Xn-cp-\mƒ- cm-a-h¿-a- (`-c-W-Im- cn-°p-∂- {io-Nn-Øn-c- Xn-cp-\mƒ- a-lm-cm-Pm-
ew- 1758˛-1798)- hn-s‚- {]-Xn-a-bm-Wv.-
*- -Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-cw- Pn-√-bn-se- c-≠m-a-sØ- h- *- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- D-b-cw-Iq-Sn-b,- {io-
en-b \-K-cw-˛- B-‰n-߬- \m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp-hn-s‚- {]-Xn-a- ÿm-]n-®n-cn-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- sX-t°-b-‰-sØ- \- °p-∂-Xv- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-Øv- ssI-X-ap-°n-
Zn-˛-s\-øm¿- em-Wv.-
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- sX-t°-b-‰-sØ -ip- *- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- _m-e-th-
≤-P-e-X-Sm-Iw-˛- sh-≈m-b-Wn-°m-b¬- e- \-S-°p-∂- Pn-√- Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]p-c-am-Wv.
*- -tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- G-‰-hpw- sX-t°-b-‰-sØ- (XpS-cpw)

14 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

Facts About Kerala
12. The place where the first Ayurvedic
Districts and Places Places-First Medical College in Kerala was
1. The season of Sabarimala: 1. The first technopark in Kerala was
(a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(a) November- January established at:
(c) Thiruvananthapuram
(b) September- December (a) Chathamangalam (d) Kochi
(c) January- March (b) Kalamassery
13. The first medical college in Kerala was
(d) March- May (c) Thiruvananthapuram
established at:
2. In which month Maramon Convention (d) Kochi (a)Alappuzha (b) Kozhikode
is conducted on the banks of Pamba? 2. The place in Kerala where telephone
(c) Thiruvananthapuram
(a)January (b) February was established for the first time in
(d) Kochi
(c) March (d) April Kerala: 14. The first news paper of Kerala was
3. Padayani is the folk arts form of the (a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
published from:
district of: (c) Thiruvananthapuram
(a)Thalassery (b) Kottayam
(a)Pathanamthitta (b) Thrissur (d) Kochi (c) Kollam (d) Kozhikode
(c) Kannur (d) Kozhikode 3. The places connected by the first
15. The venue of the first all Kerala political
4. The only railway station in railway line in Kerala:
conference organised by INC was:
Pathanamthitta district: (a) Kollam-Thirunelveli (a)Ottappalam (b) Manjeri
(a)Chengannur (b) Thiruvalla (b) Kozhikode-Mangalore
(c) Kozhikode (d) Thalassery
(c) Adoor (d) Ranni (c) Palakkad-Coimbatore
16. The place where the first Homoeo
5. The only district in South Kerala (d) Tirur- Beppur Medical College in Kerala was
without coastline: 4. The first rubberised road in Kerala
(a) Kollam (c) Akkulam lake (d) Ashatamudi connects Kottayam and......
(a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(b) Thiruvananthapuram 15. Karumadikkuttan, a statue obtained (a)Erumeli (b) Alappuzha (c) Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Alappuzha from Alappuzha district is believed to (c) Adoor (d) Kumali
(d) Kochi
(d) Pathanamthitta be related to: 5. The place in Kerala where engineering
17. The first post office in Kerala was
6. Which boat race is known as ‘Pooram (a) Islam (b) Judaism college was established for the first established at:
in Water’? (c) Buddhism (d) Jainism time:
16. The boat race which held on the (a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(b) Thiruvananthapuram
second Saturday of August every year: (c) Thiruvananthapuram (c) Alappuzha (d) Kottayam
(a)Chambakkulam (b) Payippatt (d) Kochi
18. The place where the first Museum in
(c) Aranmula (d) Nehru Trophy 6. The first church built by the Europeans
Kerala was established:
17. Thycal, where remains of of an ancient in India is.......... at Kochi. (a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
ship obtained is in the district of: (a) St.Thomas Church
(c) Thiruvananthapuram
(a)Kollam (b) Alappuzha (d) Kochi
(c) Ernakulam (d) Thrissur 19. Udaya, the first studio in Kerala was
18. The place in Kerala where rice is established at:
cultivated below sea level: (a)Alappuzha (b) Nemom
(a) Aranmula boat race (a)Varkala (b) Vatavada (c) Kozhikode (d) Kochi
(b) Nehru trophy (c) Kuttanad (d) Kundara 20. The first railway line in Travancore:
(c) Chambakkulam 19. The district in Kerala without reserve (a)Kollam-Tirunelveli
(d) Payyippat forest: (b) Thiruvananthapuram-Ernakulam
7. Which was the capital of the kingdom (a)Ernakulam (b) Kannur (c) Thiruvananthapuram- Madurai
of Chempakassery? (c) Alappuzha (d) Kollam (d) Kollam- Kayamkulam
(a)Ettumanoor (b) Changanassery 20. Which beach is the back ground of the 21. The first polio-free district in India:
(c) Kollam (d) Ambalappuzha novel ‘Chemmeen”? (a)Kottayam
8. An area in Kerala which is situated (a)Vizhinjam (b) Neendakara (b) Pathanamthitta (c) Kollam
below sea level: (c) Purakkad (d) Kappad (b) St.Francis Church (d) Thiruvananthapuram
(a)Neendakara (b) Kayamkulam 21. The temple with woman priest: (c) St.Andrews church
22. In which district is Maniyar, the first
(c) Kuttanad (d) Ottappalam (a)Ambalappuzha (b) Aranmula (d) St.Mary’s Church
private power project in Kerala?
9. Nehru Trophy Boat race is in: (c) Ochira (d) Mannarassala 7. The place in Kerala where Public (a)Idukky
(a)Ashtamudi (b) Sasthamkotta 22. Boat race related to Amabalappuzha Library was established for the first
(b) Pathanamthitta (c) Kottayam
(c) Vellayani (d) Punnamada temple: time:
(d) Palakkad
10. Andhakaranazhi connects ...... and (a)Payippat (b) Aranmula (a) Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha 23. The place where the first zoo in Kerala
Arabian sea: (c) Chambakkulam (d) Nehru trophy (c) Thiruvananthapuram
was established:
(a)Vembanad lake 23. Boat race related to Harippad temple: (d) Kochi
(a) Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(b) Sasthamkotta lake (a)Payippat (b) Aranmula 8. The first teak museum in India: (c) Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Ashtamudi lake (d) Veli lake (c) Chambakkulam (d) Nehru trophy (a) Peechi (b) Kottayam
(d) Kochi
11. The port established by Raja 24. Mannarassala temple is famous for the (c) Nilambur (d) Arippa
24. The first FM radio station in Kerala:
Kesavadas, Dewan of Travancore: worship of: 9. The place where the first under pass in (a)Kannur (b) Kochi
(a)Vizhinjam (b) Valiyathura (a)Monkeys (b) Frogs Kerala was established:
(c) Thiruvananthapuram
(c) Neendakara (d) Alappuzha (c) Snakes (d) Bull (a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(d) Devikulam
12. In which district is Thanneermukkom 25. Which temple is known as ‘the Palani (c) Thiruvananthapuram 25.The place where the first women’s
Barrage? of Kerala’? (d) Kochi
college in Kerala was established:
(a)Kollam (b) Kottayam (a)Amabalappuzha 10. The place where the first Law college in
(a)Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(c) Alappuzha (d) Ernakulam (b) Guruvayur (c) Sabarimala Kerala was established: (c) Thiruvananthapuram
13. In which district is Punnapra-Vayalar (d) Harippad (a) Kozhikode (b) Alappuzha
(d) Kochi
Memorial? (c) Thiruvananthapuram
(a)Kollam (b) Ernakulam Answers (d) Kochi
(c) Alappuzha (d) Kannur 11. India’s first gymnastic training centre
1 (a) 2(b) 3 (a) 4 (b) 5(d) 6(a) 7(d) 8(c) 9(d) was established in: 1 (c) 2(c) 3 (d) 4 (d) 5(c) 6(b) 7(c) 8(c) 9(c)
14. Thanneermukkam barrage is across :
10(a) 11(d) 12(c) 13(c) 14(a) 15(c) 16(d) 17(b) (a) Thalassery (b) Vadakara 10(c) 11(a) 12(c) 13(c) 14(a) 15(a) 16(c) 17(c)
(a)Vembanad lake (b) Veli lake
18(c) 19(c) 20(c) 21(d) 22(c) 23(a) 24(c) 25(d) (c) Beppur (d) Kottakkal 18(c) 19(a) 20(a) 21(b) 22(b) 23(c) 24(b) 25(c)

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 15

B[p-\nI C¥y-˛4
C¥y≥ \mjW¬ tIm¨{Kkv
C¥y°mcpsS {]iv\߃°v kwLSnX {]h¿Ø\ßfneqsS ]cnlmcw ImWpI F∂ Dt±iyw ap≥\n¿Øn \nch[n
kwLS\Iƒ {]mtZinIambn cq]w sIm≈pIbp≠mbn. sIm¬°Øbnse {_n´ojv C¥y≥ skmssk‰n (1843),
{_n´ojv C¥y≥ At mkntbj≥ (1851), CuÃv C¥ym Atkmkntbj≥ , F∂o {]ÿm\ßfpw ]qs\bnse
km¿hP\nIv k`(1870), a{Zmknse a{Zmkv almP\ k` (1884), t_mws_bnse {]knU≥kn Atkmkntbj≥ (1885) F∂nh
Cu {]mtZinI kwLS\Ifn¬s∏Sp∂p. Ime{IaØn¬, Hcp AJnte¥ym kwLS\bpsS Bhiyw F√mh¿°pw t_m[yambn.
1876˛¬ kptc{µ\mYv _m\¿PnbpsS t\XrXzØn¬ cq]wsIm≠ C¥y≥ At mkntbj\v AXnt‚Xmb ]cnaXnIƒ
D≠mbncp∂psh¶nepw Hcp tZiob kwLS\ F∂ \nebn¬ Ipd®pImew {]h¿Øn°m≥ km[n®p.
1885-˛¬ C¥y≥ \mjW¬ tIm¨{Kkv ÿm]nXambn.

tIm¨{Kkns‚ ]nf¿∏v˛ 1907epw

BZy ktΩf\w 1969epw
* A-e-≥ H-Iv-tS-hn-b-≥ lyqw- F-∂- dn-´- * ]©m_v- knw-l-am-bn-cp-∂p- em-em- e-
tb¿-Uv- {_n-´o-jv- kn-hn¬- k¿-ho-kv- D- Pv-]-Xv- dm-bn.- hn-]n-≥ N-{µ- ]m¬- _w-
tZym-K-ÿ-\m-Wv- C-¥y-≥ \m-j-W¬-
Kmƒ- I-Sp-h-bpw.- _m-e- Kw-Km-[-c- Xn-
tIm-¨{- K-kv- ÿm-]n-°m-≥ ap-≥ssI-sb-
e-I\ - m-Is- ´- a-dm-Øm- tI-kc - n-bpw.- Cu-
t\-Xr-{X-bw- (em¬-˛] - m¬-˛_
- m¬-)- tIm-
*- 1- 884˛¬- cq-]h - X
- vI
- c
- n-°s
- ∏-´- C-¥y-≥ \m-
j-W¬- bq-Wn-b-≥ F-∂- kw-L-S-\-bm- ¨-{K-kn-se- Xo-{h-tZ-io-b-hm-Zn-Iƒ- F-
Wv- 1885¬- C-¥y-≥ \m-j-W¬- tIm-¨- ∂m-Wv- A-h¿- A-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂-Xv.-
{K-kv- F-∂p- t]-cp-am-‰n-b-Xv.- *- -an-X-hm-Zn-Iƒ- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂- hn-
*- -a pw- s s_- b n- s e- tKm- I p¬- Z m- k v - tX- P v - `m-K-sØ- \-bn-®-Xv- tKm-]m-e-Ir-jv-W-
]m¬- kw- k v - I r- X - tIm- t f- P n- e m- W v - tKm-J-se,- ^n-tdm-kv- jm-ta-Ø- Xp-S-
1885 Un- k w- _ ¿- 28˛- 3 1 Xo- b - X n- I - f n¬- ßn-b-h-cpw.-
72 Hu- t Zym- K n- I - {]- X n- \ n- [ n- I ƒ- ]- s ¶- *- -C-¥y-≥ \m-j-W¬- tIm-¨-{K-kn-se-
Sp- Ø - B- Z y- tIm- ¨ - { K- k v - k- t Ω- f - \ w- B-Zy- ]n-f¿-∏v- 1907˛¬- B-bn-cp-∂p.-
\- S - ∂ - X v . - tUm.-dm-jv- _n-lm-cn- tLm-jv- A-
*- -tIm-¨-{K-kn-s‚- B-Zy- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- [y-£-\m-bn- 1907˛¬- kq-d-‰n¬-h-®v- \-S-
A-[y-£-X- h-ln-®-Xv- hp-ta-jv- N-{µ- _m- ∂- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- h-®v- C-cp- hn-`m-K-
\¿-Pn-bm-Wv.- kn-U-‚ v- F-∂- hn-ti-j-Ww- tPm¿-Pv- bq- *- -1905˛¬- tKm-]m-e-Ir-jv-W-tKm-J-se- A-
hpw- h-gn-]n-cn-™p.- kw-L-S-\-bp-sS- \n-
*- -F.-H.-lyq-am-bn-cp-∂p- tIm-¨-{K-kn-s‚- fn-\p- kz-¥-am-Wv.- [y-£-\m-bn- \-S-∂- _-\m-d-kv- tIm-¨-
b-{¥-Ww- an-X-hm-Zn-Iƒ-°m-bn.- *- -B-Zy- {]-kn-U-‚m-b- hp-ta-jv- N-{µ- _m- {K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬-h-®m-Wv- kz-tZ-in-
*- -1916˛¬- e-Iv-\u-hn¬- F.-kn.-a-Ppw-Zm-dp- \¿-Pn-bm-Wv- c-≠m-a-Xpw- {]-kn-U-‚m-b- F-∂- ap-{Zm-hm-Iyw- B-Zy-am-bn- D-b¿-∂-
sS- A-[y-£-X-bn¬- \-S-∂- tIm-¨-{K- B-Zy- hy-‡n- (1885,-1892).- A-Sp-Ø-Sp- Xvv.-
kv- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-em-Wv- ]n-∂o-Sv- C-cp- Øv- c-≠v- k-tΩ-f-\-ß-fn¬- A-[y-£-\m- *- -tIm-¨-{K-kv- N-cn-{X-Øn¬- Xn-c-s™-Sp-
hn-`m-K-hpw- H-cp-an-®-Xv.- kzm-X-{¥ym-\- b- B-Zy- hy-‡n- tUm.- dm-jv- _n-lm-cn- ∏n-eq-sS- A-[y-£- ]-Z-Øn-se-Øn-b- hy-
¥-cw- 1969˛-epw- tIm-¨-{K-kv- ]n-f¿-∂p.- tLm-jv- B-Wv- (1907,-1908).- ‡n-bm-Wv- kp-`m-jv- N-{µ- t_m-kv.-
C-µn-cm-Km-\v[ - n-sb- A-\p-Iq-en-°p-∂- hn- *- -tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£-\m-b- G-I- a-e-bm- *- -kp-`m-jv- N-{µ-t_m-kv- B-Zy-am-bn- tIm-
`m-Kw- tIm-¨-{K-kv- (B¿-)- F-∂pw- ap- fn- k¿- kn.-i-¶-c-≥ \m-b¿- 1897˛-se- k- ¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-b-Xv- 1938˛-se- l-cn-
Xn¿-∂- t\-Xm-°-fp-sS- hn-`m-Kw- tIm-¨- tΩ-f-\-Øn-em-Wv- A-[y-£-X- h-ln-®-Xv.- ]p-c- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-em-Wv.- 1939˛-se- {Xn-
{K-kv- (H-)- A-Y-hm- kw-L-S-\m- tIm-¨- tIm-¨-{K-kn-s‚- A-a-cm-h-Xn- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn- ]p-cn- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-s‚- A-
{K-kv- F-∂pw- A-dn-b-s∏-´p.- em-Wv- k¿- kn.-i-¶-c-≥ \m-b¿- A-[y-£- [y-£- ÿm-\-tØ-°v- \-S-∂- a¬-k-c-
*- -C-µn-cm-Km-‘n-bp-sS- hn-`m-K-am-bn-cp-∂p- \m-b-Xv.- Øn¬- Km-‘n-Pn-bpw- t\-Xm-Pn-bpw- F-
{]-_-ew.- C-e-£-≥ I-Ωn-j-≥ Aw-Ko- *- -kn.-i-¶-c-≥ \m-b¿- c-Nn-®- ]p-kv-X-I-am- Xn¿- tN-cn-I-fn-em-bn-cp-∂p.- t\-Xm-Pn-s°-
I-cn-®-Xv- Cu- hn-`m-K-sØ-bm-Wv.- sI.- Wv- Km-‘n- B-‚ v- A-\m¿-°n- (Km-‘n- Xn-sc- Km-‘n-Pn,- ]-´m-`n- ko-Xm-cm-a-ø-sb-
Im-a-cm-Pv- B-bn-cp-∂p- kw-L-S-\m- tIm- bpw- A-cm-P-I-Xz-hpw-).- a¬-k-c-Øn¬- ]n-¥p-W-®p.- t\-Xm-Pn-
¨-{K-kn-s\- \-bn-®-Xv.- ]n¬-°m-e-Øv- *- -Pm-en-b-≥ hm-em-_m-Kv- Iq-´-s°m-e-bn¬- P-bn-®p.- ]-t£,- ]n-∂o-Sv- A-t±-lw- cm-Pn-
kw-L-S-\m- tIm-¨-{K-kv- P-\-Xm-]m¿-´n- {]-Xn-tj-[n-®v- ssh-t{km-bn-bp-sS- F-Iv- h-®p.- Xp-S¿-∂v- cm-tP-{µ-{]-km-Zv- tIm-¨-
bn¬- e-b-n®p. kn-Iyp-´o-hv- Iu-¨-kn¬- Aw-K-Xzw- cm- {K-kv- A-[y-£-\m-bn.- tIm-¨-{K-kn¬-\n-
Pn-h-®-Xv- kn.-i-¶-c-≥ \m-b-cm-Wv.- ssk- ∂-I-∂- t_m-kv- t^m¿-th-Uv- tªm-Iv-
B-Zy- sk-{I-´-dn.- {]knU‚pam¿˛ a-¨- I-Ωn-j≥ - C-¥y-bn¬-h∂
t±-lw- k-l-I-cn-®p.-
- t- ∏mƒ- A- ÿm-]n-®p- (1939).-
*- t- Im-¨{- K-kn-s‚- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- N-cn-{X-Im-
*- -kw-LS- \ - b - °v- v- B- t]-cp- \n¿-t±-in-®X - v-
Zm-Zm-`m-bv- \-ht- dm-Pn-bm-Wv.- Pn.-kp-{_-a-
Hcp hnlKho£Ww *- k- zm-X{- ¥y-Øn-\p-ap-ºv- G-‰h - pw- Iq-Sp-X¬- c-≥ F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-Xv- 1948˛-se- k-tΩ-f-
Wy- A-øc - m-Wv- k-tΩ-f\ - Ø
- n¬- B-Zy- {]- * s]mXpth- A`n-`m-j-I-hr-Øn- kzo-I- Im-ew- Xp-S¿-®-bm-bn- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y- \m-[y-£-\m-bn-cp-∂- ]-´m-`n- ko-Xm-cm-a-
ta-bw- A-hX - c- n-∏n-®X
- v.- cn-®-h-cm-Wv- B-Zy- Im-e-Øv- tIm-¨-{K- £- ]-Zw- h-ln-®-Xv- au-em-\m- B-km-Zv- ø-bm-Wv.- C-t±-lw- c-Nn-®- {K-Ÿ-am-Wv- "-
*- A
- ∂ - s- Ø- ssh-t{km-bn-bm-bn-c∂ - - U-^- kn-s‚- t\-Xr-\n-c-bn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-Xv.- A- B-Wv.- C-¥y-≥ \m-j-W¬- tIm-¨-{K-kn-s‚- N-
dn-≥ {]-`p-hn-s‚- A-\p-hm-Z-tØm-sS-bm- Xp-sIm-≠p-Xs - ∂- an-°- tIm-¨{- K-kv- {]- - 1940 ap-X¬- 1946 h-sc- tIm-¨-{K-kv- cn-{Xw-'.-
Wv- k-tΩ-f-\w- kw-L-Sn-∏n-®-Xv.- ]n-∂o-Sv- kn-U-‚p-am-cpw- A-`n-`m-j-I-cm-bn-cp-∂p.- A-[y-£-≥ B-km-Zm-bn-cp-∂p.- *- -C-¥y- kz-X-{¥-am-Ip-tºmƒ- tIm-¨-{K-
F-√m- h¿-j-hpw- Un-kw-_-dn-em-Wv- tIm- *- -{_n-´o-jv- ]m¿-e-‚ n¬- Aw-K-am-b- B- *- -1998˛-ap-X¬- kw-L-S-\m-X-e-∏-Øv- Xp-S-cp- kv- A-[y-£- ]-Z-Øn¬- B-Nm-cy- Ir-]-
¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-fn-®n-cp-∂-Xv.- Zy- `m-c-Xo-b-\m-Wv- Zm-Zm-`m-bv- \htdm- ∂- tkm-Wn-b- Km-‘n-°v- tIm-¨-{K-kv- em-\n- B-bn-cp-∂p.- s\-{lp- k¿-°m-cn-
*- -]q-s\- B-bn-cp-∂p- -tIm-¨-{K-kn-s‚- B- Pn-.- Cu- {]-tXy-I-X-bp-≈- B-Zy- G-jy- N-cn-{X-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Im-ew- s\-Xn-cm-b- B-Zy- A-hn-izm-k- {]-ta-bw-
Zy-k-tΩ-f-\-th-Zn-bm-bn- \n-›-bn-®n-cp-∂- °m-c-\pw- A-t±-l-am-Wv.- G-‰-hpw- {]m- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£- ]-Zw- h-ln-®- hy- ]m¿-e-sa-‚ n¬- A-h-X-cn-∏n-®-Xv- C-t±-l-
ÿ-ew- bw- Iq-Sn-b- {]m-b-Øn¬- tIm-¨-{K-kv- ‡n- ∂- hn-ti-j-Ww- kz-¥-am-Wv.- am-Wv.-
*- -]q-s\-bn¬- tπ-Kv-tcm-Kw- ]-S¿-∂p-]n-Sn-®- A-[y-£-\m-b- hy-‡n- F-∂- hn-ti-j- *- -1915˛¬- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£-\m-b- k¿- *- e- m¬- _-lm-Zq¿- im-kv{- Xn,- C-µn-cm-Km-‘n-
Xn-\m-em-Wv- k-tΩ-f-\- th-Zn- am-t‰-≠n- W-hpw- \-h-tdm-Pn-°v- kz-¥-am-Wv.- F-kv.] - n.-kn-≥l- {_n-´o-jv- {]-`p-k` - b
- n¬- F-∂o-h-sc- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-]-Z-Øn¬- A-h-
hXv. *- A
- `- m-cX
- o-b\
- m-b- B-Zy- tIm-¨{- K-kv- {]- (lu-kv- Hm-^v- tem¿-Uv-kv-)- Aw-K-am-b- tcm-[n-°m-≥ \-S-Øn-b- {i-a-߃- sI.-Im-
B-Zy- `m-c-Xo-b-\m-Wv.- a-cm-Pn-s\- "-In-Mv-ta-°¿-'- F-∂- A-]-c-\m-

16 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

a-Øn-\p-S-a-bm-°n.- *- -kz-X{- ¥-`m-cX - Ø
- n¬- tIm-¨{- K-k-v {]-kn-U-
*- t- Im-¨{- K-kv- A-[y-£ÿ - m-\w- h-ln-°m- ‚m-b- B-Zy- h-\n-X- C-µn-cm-Km-‘n-bm-W.v -
Ø- {]-_-e- t\-Xm-°-fm-Wv- _m-e-Kw-Km- *- t- Im-¨{- K-kv- {]-kn-U‚ - m-b- h-\n-XI
- f
- n¬-
[-c- Xn-e-I-≥,- hn-]n-≥N-{µ-]m¬,- Pn.-_n.- `m-cX
- c- X
- v\
- - ]p-ck
- vI
- m-cØ
- n-\v- A¿-lb - m-
- am-dm¿-Pn- tZ-im-bn,-Pb
- {- ]-Im-iv- \m- b-Xv- C-µn-cm-Km-\v-[n- am-{X-am-Wv.-
cm-b-¨,-B-Nm-cy- \-tc-{µ-tZ-hv- F-∂n-h¿.- *- -B¿-Pn-X- C-¥y-≥ ]u-c-Xz-ap-≈- G-I-
tIm-¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚ v- tkm-Wn-b- Km-
tIm-¨-{K-kv ‘n-bm-Wv.-
F-hn-Uv-Pv- A-‚m-Wn-b- A¬-_n-\-
-{]-kn-U-‚p-am-cpw- ssa-t\m- F-∂v- b-Ym¿-Y-t]-cp-≈- A-
A-[n-Im-c-hpw- h¿- C-‰-en-bn-em-Wv- P-\n-®-Xv.- ko-Xm-dmw-
tI-k-cn-bv-°p-ti-jw- 1998˛¬- tIm-¨-{K-
* Phm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp,- C-µn-cm- Km-‘n,- kv- A-[y-£-]-Z-Øn-seØn.
cm-Po-hv- Km-‘n,- ]n.-hn.-\c - k
- nw-ld - m-hp- F-
∂o-h¿- tIm-¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚p-]-Z-hpw-
C-¥y-≥ {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-]-Z-hpw- h-ln-®-h-
cm-Wv.- {]mbhpw _meKwKm[c XneI≥ auem\m BkmZv
*- -cm-tP-{µ- {]-km-Zv,- F-≥.-k-Rv-Po-h- sd-
* G‰hpw- {]m-bw- Iq-Sn-b- {]m-bØ- n¬- tIm- sa-∂v- B-lzm-\w- sN-bv-Xp.-
Õn,- i-¶¿- Z-bm¬- i¿-a- F-∂o-h¿- ]n¬- * 1866˛¬- ÿm-]n-®- kw-LS- \ - b- m-Wv- Cu-
¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£-\m-b-Xv- Zm-Zm-`m-bv- \- *- -1936epw- 1937epw- tIm-¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-
°m-e-Øv- cm-jv-{S-]-Xn- ÿm-\-sØ-Øn.- Ãv- C-¥y- A-tkm-kn-tb-j≥ - ÿm-]n-®-
h-tdm-Pn-bm-Wv.- ‚p- ]-Zw- h-ln-®- A-t±-lw- kzm-X-{¥ym-
D-]-{]-[m-\-a-{¥n- ]-Z-Øn-se-Øn-b- tIm- Xv- Zm-Zm-`m-bn- \-ht- dm-Pn-bm-Wv.-
sIm¬-°Ø - b - n-se- c-≠mw- tIm-¨{- K-kv- k- \-¥-cw- 1951˛-54 Im-e-b-f-hn-epw- Cu- ]-
¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚p-am-cm-Wv- k¿-Zm¿- ]- *- 1- 876˛¬- kp-tc-{µ-\m-Yv- _m-\¿-Pn-bm-Wv- C-
tΩ-f-\-Øn¬-(1886)- Zm-Zm-`m-bv- \-h-tdm- Z-hn- h-ln-®p.- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- tIm-
t´-epw- P-Kv-Po-h-≥ dm-apw.- ¥y-≥ A-tkm-kn-tb-j≥ - ÿm-]n-®X - v.-
Pn- (1825˛-1917)- A-[y-£-\m-b-Xv- 61˛mw- ¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\-ß-fn¬- A-[y-£-X-
*- t- em-Ivk- `- m- kv]- o-°¿,-cm-jv{- S-]X - n- F-∂o- *- -sk¿-h-‚ v-kv- Hm-^v- C-¥y- skm-ssk-‰n-
h-b- n¬.- F-∂m¬,- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A- h-ln-®-Xv- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp-hm-Wv.-
]-Zh- n-If - n-se-Øn-b- G-I- tIm-¨{- K-kv- A- (`m-c-X- tk-hm- kw-Lw-)- ÿm-]n-®-Xv-
[y-£-\m-bn- X-s‚- aq-∂mw- Du-g-Øn-s\- *- -1938¬- kp-`m-jv-N-{µ- t_m-kv- tIm-¨-{K-
[y-£≥ - \o-ew- k-RvP - o-h- sd-Õn-bm-Wv.- tKm-]m-e-Ir-jv-W-tKm-J-se-bm-Wv.-
Øn-\v- 1906˛¬- I¬-°-´- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-b-t∏mƒ- cq-]-h¬-°-cn-®-
*- -{]-[m-\-a-{¥n- ]-Zw- h-ln-®- Z-£n-tW-¥y- *- B- \ - n- _-k‚ - v- tlmw-dqƒ- {]-ÿm-\w- B-
A-t±-lw- F-Øn-b-Xv- 81˛m-a-sØ- h-b- n- tZ-io-b- B-kq-{X-W- k-an-Xn-bp-sS- A-
°m-c-\m-b- G-I- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£- cw-`n-®-Xv- 1916˛-em-Wv.-
em-Wv.- C-¥y-bp-sS- h-µy-h-tbm-[n-I-≥ [y-£-\pw- s\-{lp- B-bn-cp-∂p.-
\m-Wv- \-c-knw-l-dm-hp.- *- -1939˛¬- tIm-¨-{K-kv- hn-´- kp-`m-jv- N-
A-t±-l-Øn-s‚- F-∂- A-]-c-\m-aw- A- *- -1942˛-se- Izn-‰n-¥ym- {]-ta-bw- X-øm-dm-°n-
*- -Xn-c-s™-Sp-∏n¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- `q- {µ- t_m-kv- cq-]w- \¬-In-b- ]m¿-´n-bm-
\z¿-Y-am-bn.- b-Xv- s\-{lp-hm-Wv.-
cn-]-£w- t\-Sn- tem-Iv-k-`mw-K-am-b- tIm-
*- -\m-W-b-Øn¬- ap-{Z-Ww- sN-ø-s∏-´- B-
¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-Wv- \-c-knw-l-dm-hp.-
Zy- tIm-¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-Wv- s\-{lp.-
*- -B-{‘m-{]-tZ-in-se- \-µym-en¬- s_-¶m-
cp- e-£v-a-Wn-s\-bm-Wv- A-t±-lw- ]-cm-
Km-‘n-Pn-bpw- tIm-¨{- K-kpw-
*- -tem-Iv-k-`-bn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ko- *- -1901˛-se- I¬-°-´- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-
‰p-Iƒ- t\-Sn- ]m¿-´n-sb- A-[n-Im-c-Øn- f-\-Øn¬- Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°-bn-se- C-¥y-
se-Øn-®- t\-Xm-hv- cm-Po-hv- Km-‘n-bm- °m-sc- kw-_-‘n-®- H-cp- {]-ta-bw- A-h-
Wv.- X-cn-∏n-°m-≥ Km-‘n-Pn-°v- sh-dpw- A-©p-
1984˛- s e- Xn- c - s ™- S p- ∏ n- e m- W v - an-\n-´v- am-{Xw- A-\p-h-Zn-°-s∏-´p.- A-t±-
tIm-¨-{K-kv- Cu- hn-P-b-w t\SnbXv. lw- ]-s¶-Sp-Ø- B-Zy- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-
tΩ-f-\-am-bn-cp-∂p- A-Xv.- Un.-C.-hm-N-bm-
hntZinIfpw h\nXIfpw bn-cp-∂p- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn-s‚- A-[y-£-≥.-
*- Z- £
- n-Wm-{^n-°b - n-se- kp-Zo¿-La- m-b- A-
* hntZio-b-cm-b- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£- `n-`m-j-I- Po-hn-X-Øn-\p-ti-jw- 1915 P-
≥am-cm-Wv- tPm¿-Pv- bqƒ-(1888),- B¬-{^- \-h-cn- 9\v- Km-‘n-Pn- C-¥y-bn¬- a-S-ßn-
Uv- sh-_v- (1889,-1894),- k¿- sl-≥dn- tIm- sb-Øn.- a-lm-tZ-hv- tKm-hn-µv- dm-\-tU-bp-
´-¨- (1904)- k¿- hn-eyw- sh-U¿-t_-¨- sS- in-jy-≥ tKm-]m-e-Ir-jv-W-tKm-J-se-
(1910)- F∂nh¿. sb- cm-jv-{So-b- Kp-cp-hm-bn- kzo-I-cn-®v- A-
* tIm¨{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-b- B-Zy- h-\n- t±-lw- C-¥y-≥ tZ-io-b- {]-ÿm-\-Øn-
X-bm-Wv- B-\n- _-k-‚ v.- te-°v- I-S-∂p.- 1917˛¬- _o-lm-dn-se- N-
1917se- sIm¬-°-sØ- k-tΩ-f-\- ºm-c-\n¬- Km-\v-[n-Pn- C-¥y-bn-se- X-s‚-
Øn-em-Wv- B-\n- _-k-‚ v- A-[y-£-X- B-Zy- k-Xym-{K-lw- \-S-Øn.-
h-ln-®-Xv.- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£-bm-b- *- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sn-b- {]m-b-Øn¬- tIm-¨-{K- *- -1920˛¬- _m-e-Kw-Km-[-c-Xn-e-I-≥ A-¥-
B-Zy- hn-tZ-i- h-\n-X-bpw- Cu- sF-dn-jv- Wv- t^m¿-th-Uv- tªm-°v.-
kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-b- h-\n-X- B-\n- _-k- cn-®-Xn-\p-ti-j-am-Wv- Km-‘n-Pn- tZ-io-b-
kz-tZ-in-\n-bm-Wv.- ln-µp- a-lm-k-`-bp-sS- ÿm-]-\-
‚m-Wv- (70).- X-e-Øn¬- {i-≤n-°-s∏-´- t\-Xm-hm-bn- D-
*- -tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£- ÿm-\-sØ-Øn- Øn-\p- t\-Xr-Xzw- \¬-In-b- t\-Xm-hm-
*- -{_n-´-s‚- h-µy-h-tbm-[n-I-≥ F-∂-dn-b- b¿-∂-Xv.-
b- B-Zy- C-¥y-≥ h-\n-X-bm-Wv- k-tcm- Wv- a-Z-≥ tam-l-≥ am-f-hy.-
s∏-´-Xv- hn-eyw- •m-Uv-kv-‰-¨.- *- -Km-‘n-Pn- tIm-¨-{K-kv- A-[y-£-\m-b-
*- -tam-Øo-em¬- s\-{lp-hpw- kn.-B¿.- Zm-
*- -B-Zy- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- (1885)- A-[y-£- h¿-j-am-Wv- 1924.-
kp-am-bn- tN¿v- cq-]w- \¬-In-b- kz-cm-Pv-
X- h-ln-°p-tºmƒ- hp-ta-jv- N-{µ- _m- I¿-Wm-S-I-Øn-se- _¬-Km-an-em-Wv- Km-\v-[n-
]m¿-´n- 1923˛¬- \n-e-hn¬-h-∂p.-
\¿-Pn-°v- (1844˛-1906)- {]m-bw- 41 h-b- v.- Pn- A-[y-£-\m-b- k-tΩ-f-\w- \-S-∂-Xv.-
*- -B-Nm-cy- Ir-]-em-\n- tIm-¨-{K-kv- hn-´v-
*- -kz-X-{¥- C-¥y-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- {]m-bw- *- -1934˛¬- Km-‘n-Pn- tIm-¨-{K-kv- hn-´p.- F-
ÿm-]n-®-Xm-Wv- I¿-j-Iv - a-kv-Zq¿- {]-Pm-
Iq-Sn-b- tIm-¨-{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚ v- ko-Xm- ∂m-epw- tIm-¨-{K-kv- Km-‘n-b-≥ \-b-
dmw- tI-k-cn-bm-Wv- (78).- ߃- Xp-S¿-∂p.- Ãm-ºn¬- ap-{Z-Ww- sN-
*- -G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-™- {]m-b-Øn¬- tIm-¨-
{K-kv- A-[y-£-\m-b-Xv- au-em-\m- A-
s\{lphpw tIm¨{Kkpw ø-s∏-´- B-Zy- tIm¨{Kkv {]knU‚ v
_pƒ- I-emw- B-km-Zv- B-Wv.- * 1912se- _-¶n-∏q¿- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-
1923˛¬- U¬-ln-bn-se- {]-tXy-I- k-tΩ-f- \-Øn-em-Wv- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp- {]- ktΩf\hpw \Kcßfpw
\-Øn-em-Wv- B-km-Zv- A-[y-£-\m-b-Xv- Xn-\n-[n-sb-∂- \n-e-bn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- kw-
_-‘n-®-Xv.- * BZy k-tΩ-f-\- th-Zn- t_mw-s_-bm-bn-
(35 h-b- v-).- d-Kp-e¿- sk-j-\n¬- G-‰-
1916˛-se- e-Iv-\u- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k- cp-∂p.- kzm-X-{¥y-Øn-\p-ap-ºv- G-‰-hpw-
hpw- Ip-d-™- {]m-b-Øn¬- A-[y-£-\m-
b-Xv- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp-hm-Wv- (40)- tΩ-f\ - Ø- n¬- P-hm-l¿-em¬- s\-{lp- B- Iq-Sp-X¬- k-tΩ-f-\-߃- \-S-∂-Xv- I¬-
Zy-am-bn- Km-‘n-Pn-sb- I-≠p.- °-´-bn¬-h-®m-Wv.-
˛- 1929se- em-tlm¿- k-tΩ-f-\-Ø-n¬.
*- -1929˛¬- A-t±-lw- B-Zy-am-bn- tIm-¨-{K- *- -tPm¿-P-v A-©m-a≥ - cm-Pm-hn-s‚- 1911˛-se-
* kzX{¥ C¥ybnse G‰hpw {]mbw
Pn-\n- \m-bn-Up (1925).- 1933˛¬- tIm-¨- Ipd™ tIm¨{Kkv {]knU‚ v kv- A-[y-£-\m-bn.- Cu- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn- {]-Jym-]\ - w- {]-Im-cw- 1912˛¬- C-¥y-bp-sS-
{K-kv- {]-kn-U-‚m-b- h-\n-X-bm-Wv- s\- em-Wv- ]q¿-W- kz-cm-Pv- {]-ta-bw- ]m-km- X-eÿ- m-\a - m-b- U¬-ln-bn¬-h® - -v B-Zy-am-
cmPohv Km‘nbmWv(40)
√n- sk-≥ Kp-]v-X.- Cw-•-≠n-se- tIw-{_n- °n-b-Xv.- 1936˛-se- tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ- bn- tIm-¨{- K-k-v k-tΩ-fn-®X - -v 1918˛-em-W.v -
Uv-Pn¬- P-\n-®- A-h¿- _w-Km-fn-bm-b- P- tIm¨{Kkv {]knU‚pam¿ f-\-Øn¬- A-[y-£-\m-b- A-t±-lw- tIm- *- -tIm-¨-{K-kv- k-tΩ-f-\w- \-S-∂- B-Zy- Z-
£n-tW-¥y-≥ \-K-cw- a-{Zm-kv- B-Wv.-
Xo-{µ-tam-l-≥ sk-≥ Kp-]v-X-sb-bm-Wv- ¨-{K-kn-s‚- e-£yw- kzm-X-{¥y-tØm-
hn-hm-lw- I-gn-®-Xv.- ÿm]n® kwLS\Iƒ sSm-∏w- "-tkm-jy-en-kw-'- B-bn-cn-°-W-

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 17

Modern India
1. ‘Prabudha Bharat’ was a paper 15. The seat of Gaekwad was: (d) Madras Presidency College shot dead:
published in English by: (a) Pune (b) Baroda 26. Which of the following events occurred (a) Michael O’Dyer (b) General Dyer
(a) Louis Vivian Derozio (c) Nagpur (d) Indore first? (c) Lord Curzon (d) Curzon Wylie
(b) G.H. Deshmukh 16. The seat of Holkar was: (a) Chinese Revolution 41. Sir William Sleeman was associated
(c) Swami Vivekanand (a) Indore (b) Pune (b) Quit India Movement with the operation against the:
(d) Swami Dayanand (c) Nagpur (d) Baroda (c) Division of Bengal (a) Sikhs (b) Rajputs
2. Brave heroine of Nagaland during the 17. The significance of the third Carnatic (d) Formation of Constituent Assembly (c) Thugs (d) Pindaris
civil disobedience movement: War: 27. Which of the following occupies the 42. The ‘Voice of India’ published extracts
(a) Begum Hazratmahal (a) Caused the defeat of Marathas most important place in the history of from Indian Press. It was started by:
(b) Rani Gaidulu (b) End of Anglo Maratha War social and religious reforms in India? (a) S.N.Bannerjee
(c)Rani Lakshmi Bhai (c) End of Political power of French in (a) Arya Samaj (b) Brahma Samaj (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Rani Parvathi Bhai India (c) Deva Samaj (d) Prarthana Samaj (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
3. During the decline of Mughal Empire, (d) Tipu Sultan was defeated 28. Which of the following was known as (d) P.Ananda Charlu
the Jats were organized into a political 18. The symbol of 1857 revolt: ‘Indian Gladstone’? 43. The author of ‘1857 The Great
force by: (a) Rose and Bread (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Rebellion’:
(a) Rajaram (b) Churaman (b) Lotus and cow (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (a) Vir Savarkar (b) Ashok Mehta
(c) Badan Singh (d) Surajmal (c) Rose and Lamp (c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Sarojini Naidu
4. The founder of ‘Mahila Rashtriya (d) Lotus and Bread (d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 44. The first Indian to be elected to the
Sangh’: 19. The treaty of Aix-la-Chappele is 29. Which organization is led by ‘Ten leadership of Communist International
(a) Lathika Ghosh (b) Sarala Devi associated with: Principles’? was:
(c) Preethi Vadekar (a) First Cartatic War (a) Buddhism (b) Jainism (a) M.N.Roy (b) P.C.Joshi
(d) Kasthurba Gandhi (b) Second Carnatic War (c) Christianity (d) Arya Samaj
5. The founder of ‘Sathysodhak Samaj’: (c) Third Cartatic War 30. Which war has been described as
(a) Ranade (b) Eswar Chandra (d) Seven Years War ‘Dupleix’s private war’?
Vidhyadsagar (c) Jotiba Phule 20. The First Anglo-Burmese War was (a) Second Carnatic War
(d) Athmaram Pandurang fought during the period: (b) Second Sikh War
6. The Indian association was established (a) 1820-22 (b) 1824-26 (c) Second Anglo-Maratha War
in 1876 in: (c) 1828-30 (d) 1834-36 (d) First Carnatic War
(a) Bombay (b) Pune 21. The First Anglo-Afghan War (also 31. Who among the British Generals
(c) Allahabad (d) Calcutta known as Auckland’s Folly) was fought defeated Peshwa Baji Rao I?
7. The leader who escaped from the between British India and Afghanistan (a) Outram (b) Malcom
custody of the British and went to from 1839 to ____ (c) Elphinstone (d) Kitchener
Germany secretly to met Hitler: (a) 1842 (b) 1840 32. Who among the following is related to
(a) Chempakaraman Pillai (c) 1841 (d) 1844 Tirunelveli Conspiracy case:
(b) Rash Behari Bose 22. The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought (a) Vanchi Iyer (c)Sohan Singh Josh (d) S.A.Dange
(c) Subhas Chandra Bose between the Sikh Empire and the (b) T.K.Madhavan 45. The first Indian to preach the gospel of
(d) None of these British East India Company between : (c) E.V.Ramaswami Naiker Swadeshi and India for Indians:
8. The Maratha Chief, Sambaji was (a) 1840 and 1841 (d) G.S.Iyer (a) WC Bannerjee
executed during the reign of: (b) 1842 and 1844 33. Who compared the Dandi March to (b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jehan (c) 1845 and 1846 Napoleon’s March to Paris from Elba? (c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy
(c) Aurangazeb (d) Mohabat Khan (d) 1848 and 1849 (a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) Lala Lajpath (d) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
9. The mutiny of 1857 failed because: 23. Under whose Chairmanship Indian Rai (c) Subhas Chandra 46. The first war of Independence in India
(a) The British have powerful arms Education Commission 1882 was Bose (d) Bal Gangadhar lasted for almost:
(b) The British outnumbered the Indians appointed? Tilak (a) Two weeks (b) Two years
(c) Of the lack of proper planning and (a) Charles Wood (b) Lord Curzon 34. Who founded Bethune College in (c) Two days (d) One year
leadership (c) W.W.Hunter (d) Lord Lytton Kolkata? 47. Who founded Dayanand Anglo Vedic
(d) It was premature 24. Which commission recommended for (a) Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar School?
10. The name of Colonel Sleeman is the adoption of a famine code for India? (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (a) Lala Hansraj (b) Bhagat Singh
associated with: (a) Campbell Commission 1868 (c) Surendra Nath Bannerjee (c) Vivekananda
(a) The Sind Campaign (b) Macdonnel Commission 1898 (d)Rabindranath Tagore (d) Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar
(b) The abolition of Thuggees (c) Strachey Commission 1880 35. Founder of Benarus Hindu University: 48. Who introduced Ryotwari system in
(c) The campaign against Pindaris (d) Lyall Commission 1901 (a) Lala Lajpath Rai Madras?
(d) None of these 25. Which is considered by academics (b) Vivekananda (a) Elphinstone (b) Alexander Reed
11. The place where the first war of abroad to be the Indian equivalent of (c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Thomas Monroe (d) Robert Clive
independence was led by Kunwar Harvard? (d) Madan Mohan Malavya 49. Who is associated with Self Respect
Singh: (a) Presidency College, Kolkata 36. In which year Numismatic Society of Movement?
(a) Bareilly (b) Faizabad (b) Christian College , Chennai India was established at Allahabad? (a) G.S.Iyer(b) Vanchi Iyer
(c) Jagdishpur (d) Kanpur (c) Ferguson College (a) 1908 (b) 1910 (c) E.V.Ramaswami Naiker
12. The Radical Democratic Party was (c) 1912 (d) 1914 (d) V.O.Chidambaram Pillai
formed in 1940 by: 37. M.A.O. College later became: 50. Who was the president of Indian
(a) N.D.Majumdar (b) S.C.Bose (a) Benarus Hindu University National Congress during Bengal
(c) B.R.Ambedkar (d) M.N.Roy (b) Aligarh Muslim University partition?
13. The repeated invasion and plundering (c)Delhi University (a) Motilal Nehru
of Nadir Shah gave a death blow to: (d) Magadh University (b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(a) Vijaya Nagar empire 38. Madras Mahajana Sabha was estab- (c) Pheroz Shah Mehta
(b)Mughal Empire (c) Maratha power lished in: (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Delhi Sultanate (a) 1884 (b) 1887
14. The resolution passed by Indian (c) 1894 (d) 1904 Answers
National Congress in ____ at its 39. Pondicherry was the main base on the
Madras Session lay down that the coromandel coast of the: 1 (c) 2(b) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5(c) 6(d) 7(c) 8(c) 9(c)
declaration of Fundamental Rights (a) English East India Company 10(b) 11(c) 12(d) 13(b) 14(a) 15(b) 16(a) 17(c)
should be the basis of future Constitu- (b) French East India Company 18(d) 19(a) 20(b)2 1 (a) 22(c) 23 (c) 24 (c)
tion of India. (c) Dutch East India Company 25(a) 26(c) 27(b) 28(b) 29(d) 30(a) 31(b) 32(a)
(a) 1927 (b) 1928 (d) Danish East India Company 33(c) 34(a) 35(d)36(b)37(b) 38(a) 39(b) 40(d)
(c) 1929 (d) 1930 40. Revolutionary youth Madanlal Dhingra 41(c) 42 (c) 43(b) 44 (a) 45(d) 46(b) 47 (a)
48(c)49(c) 50(d)

18 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

Test of Arithmetic and Mental Ability
interest will he obtain the total amount buy for Rs.100? (c) 38 (d) 36
1 of Rs.26350 at the end of 6 years? (a)20 (b) 22 13. Rahul sold an item for Rs.5625 and
1. The ratio of the income to the (a) 6% (b) 4% (c) 24 (d) 25 incurred a loss of 25%. At what price
expenditure of a family is 10:7. If the (c) 5% (d) 8% should he have sold the item to have
family’s expenses are Rs.10500, then 12. Which is different from others? Answers gained a profit of 25%?
the savings of the family is: (a) QOOM (b) WUUS (a)Rs.8250 (b) Rs.10500
(c) JIIF (d) VTTR 1 (c) 2(a) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5(d) 6(b) 7(c) 8(a) 9(d) (c) Rs.9375 (d) Cannot be
(a)Rs.4000 (b) Rs.5000
(c) 4500 (d) 15000 13. A merchant purchases a wrist watch for 10(a) 11(b) 12(c) 13(c) 14(d) 15(a ) 16(b) 17(d) determined
2. Pound: Yen :: Polo:? Rs.540 and fixes its list price in such a 18(a) 19(c) 20(a) 21(d) 22(b) 23(c) 24(a) 25(c) 14. ADBC:EHFG:: ILJK:?
(a) Hockey (b) Horse way that after allowing a discount of (a)MOPN (b) MPNO
10%, he earns a profit of 20%. Then 2 (c) ORPQ (d) MPON
the list price of the wrist watch is: 15. A man sitting in train counts the electric
1. A sum of money lent at compound
(a)Rs.500 (b) Rs.750 poles. The distance between two poles
interest amounts to Rs.1460 in 2 years
(c) Rs.600 (d) Rs.800 is 60 metre and the speed of the train is
and to Rs.1606 in 3 years. The rate of
14. Which word cannot be formed using the 42 kmph. How many poles will he
interest per annum is:
letters of the word ‘COMPREHENSION’: count in 5 hours?
(a)12% (b) 11%
(a) COMPRISE (b) PENSION (a)3501 (b) 3800
(c) 10.5% (d) 10%
(c) ONION (d) PREACH (c) 3600 (d) None of these
2. Which is different from others?
15. A number when divided by 296, gives 16. Which is different from others?
(a)11-13 (b) 11-17
75 as remainder. If the same number is (a) Navigator (b) Pilot
(c) 31-35 (d) 23-29
divided by 37 then the remainder will be: (c) Sailor (d) Narrator
3. In an examination it is required to get
(a)1 (b) 2 17. 12 workers can build a wall in 24 days.
40% of the aggregate marks to pass. A
(c) 19 (d) 31 In how many days 8 workers will build
student gets 265 marks and is declared
16. President: India:: King:? the same wall?
fail by 55 marks. What is the maximum
(a)China (b) England (a)36 days (b)16 dyas
aggregate marks a student can get?
(c) France (d) Singapore (c) 32 days (d) 30 days
(a)650 (b) 800
17. In a factory 60% of the workers are 18. Arrange the following in a meaningful
(c) 750 (d) Cannot be
above 30 years and of these 75% are order: 1.Exhaust 2. Night 3. Day
males and the rest are females. If 4.Sleep 5.Work
4. Select the odd one:
there are 1350 male workers above 30 (a)1,3,5,2,4 (b) 3,5,1,4,2
(c) Ride (d) Stick (a)When (b) Who
years, the total number of workers in (c) 3,5,1,2,4 (d) 3,5,2,1,4
3. The average of three numbers is 154. (c) Whom (d) Whose
the factory are: 19. The average of four consecutive even
The first number is twice the second 5. The sum of four consecutive even numbers A,B,C and D respectively is
and the second number is twice the (a)1500 (b) 1800 numbers A,B,C and D is 180. What is
(c) 2000 (d) 3000 37. What is the product of A and C?
third. The first number is: the sum of the set of next four (a)1520 (b) 1292
(a) 66 (b) 88 18. A man started walking west. He turned consecutive even numbers? (c) 1368 (d) 1224
(c) 132 (d) 264 right, then right again and finally turned (a)214 (b) 196 20. Which number is wrong in the given
4. ACCE: EGGI :: IKKM: ? left. Towards which direction was he (c) 204 (d) 212 series: 1,9,25,50,81
(a)MOOQ (b) NOOP walking now? 6. Step: Staircase:: Soldier:? (a)1 (b) 25
(c) MPPQ (d) NPPR (a) North (b) South (a)Army (b) Rifle (c) 81 (d) 50
5. If A and B together can complete a (c) West (d) East (c) War (d) Bravery 21. The simple and compound interests on
piece of work in 15 days and B alone in 19. The cost price of an article is 80% of its 7. A sells an article to B at 15% profit. B a sum of money for 2 years are
20 days, in how many days can A alone marked price for sale. How much sells it to C at 10% loss. If C pays Rs.8400 and 8652 respectively. The
complete the work? percent does the tradesman gain after Rs.517.50 for it then A purchased it at: rate of interest per annum is:
(a)30 (b) 40 allowing a discount of 12%? (a)Rs.1000 (b) Rs.750 (a)6% (b) 7.5%
(c) 45 (d) 60 (a)20 (b) 8 (c) Rs.500 (d) Rs.1250 (c) 9% (d) 4.5%
6. Find the odd word: (c) 10 (d) 12 8. In a certain code JUNGLE is written as 22. Find the next two letters in the given
(a)Conceal (b) Divulge 20. 285, 253,221,189,? ITMFKD. How is NORM written in that series B,C,E,H,L,?,?
(c) Cover (d) Hide (a)157 (b) 155 code? (a)X,Y (b) M,N
7. A dealer marks his goods 30% above (c) 159 (d) 167 (a)OPSN (b) MNQL (c) Q,W (d) O,P
his cost price and then allows 15% 21. A gold bracelet is sold for Rs.14,500 at (c) MPQN (d) ONSL 23. What is the difference between the
discount on it. What is the cost price of a loss of 20%. What is the cost price of 9. Rajiv donated 4% of his income to a compound interest and simple interest
an article on which he gains Rs.84? gold bracelet? charity and deposited the 10% of the on Rs.4000 at 5% per annum for 2
(a)Rs.560 (b) Rs.280 (a)Rs.16800 (b) Rs.15225 rest in a bank. If now he has Rs.8640 years?
(c) Rs.800 (d) Rs.373.33 (c) Rs.17400 (d) Rs.18125 left with him , then his income is: (a)10 (b) 11
8. BDF,EGI,HJL,KMO,? 22. Select the odd one: (a) Rs.12500 (b) Rs.12000 (c) 20 (d) 100
(a)NPR (b) PRT (a)Pistol (b) Sword (c) Rs.10000 (d) Rs.10500 24. Which is different from others?
(c) NPS (d) NQR (c) Gun (d) Rifle 10. B is twice as old as A but twice younger (a)25 (b) 37
9. The compound interest on Rs.6250 at 23. Anil earns Rs.15000 per month and than F. C is half the age of A but is (c) 49 (d) 57
12% per annum for one year spends 80% of it. Due to pay revision, twice older than D. Who is the second 25. A General , while arranging his men,
compounded half yearly is: his monthly income has increased by oldest? who were 6000 in number, in the form
(a)772 (b) 672.50 20% but due to price rise, he has to (a) B (b) F of a square, found that there were 71
(c) 672 (d) 772.50 spend 20% more. His new savings are: (c) D (d) C men left over. How many were arranged
10. Varun is older than Jayesh. Dinesh is (a)Rs.3400 (b) Rs.3000 11. Anu walks 3.36 kms. in 4 weeks by in each row?
(c) Rs.3600 (d) Rs.4000 walking an equal distance each day. (a)77 (b) 73
younger than Mahesh. Suresh is older
24.If 42 is related to 56 in the same way How many metres does she walk in (c) 87 (d) 93
than Varun but younger than Dinesh.
Who among them is the oldest? 132 is related to: each day?
(a )Mahesh (b) Dinesh (a)156 (b) 145 (a)100 (b) 80 Answers
(c) Jayesh (d) Cannot be determined (c) 110 (d) 240 (c) 140 (d) 120 1 (d) 2(c) 3 (b) 4 (a) 5(d) 6(a) 7(c) 8(b) 9(c)
11. Vijay invested an amount of Rs.21250 25. A man sold 20 apples for Rs.100 and 12. ABC=8:: KLO=? 10(a) 11(d ) 12(c) 13(c) 14(b) 15(a) 16(d) 17(a)
for 6 years. At what rate of simple gained 20%. How many apples did he (a)37 (b) 39 18(c) 19(b) 20(d) 21(a) 22(c) 23(a) 24(b) 25(a)

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 19

C¥y≥ kwÿm-\-߃-˛4
ap-Jy-a{- ¥n-bm-b- B-Zy- hy-‡n-bm-Wv- A-
{]tXyIXIƒ Pn-Xv- tPm-Kn.-
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- n-cv- e-`n-°p-∂X - v.-

Indian States Practice Test

1. The most populous island in India: (c) Krishnaraja Sagar in 1999 in the state of:
(a) Majuli (b) Kavarati (d) Hussain Sagar lake (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra
(c) Salsette 10. Dona Paula is a chief port in the state of: (c) Kerala (d) Tamil Nadu
(d) Middle Andaman (a) Orissa (b) Andhra Pradesh 16. Chitharal Hills are in the state of:
2. There is approximately ....... number of (c) Gujarat (d) Goa
districts in India: 11. The district in Jammu and Kashmir
(a) 600 (b) 500 37,555 of which is under illegal
(c) 700 (d) 800 occupation by China.
3. Where one can see ‘Amar Jawan (a) Kargil (b) Poonch
Jyothi’? (c) Ladakh (d) Anantnag
(a) Red Fort 12. The first state in India to implement Land
(b) Gateway of India(c) India Gate reforms Bill and Education Reforms Bill:
(d) Jallianwalla Bagh (a) Kerala (b) Punjab
4. The headquarters of the North East Hill (c) Assam (d) West Bengal 22. Yakshagana is the dance form of:
University (NEHU): 13. What is often called ‘Baby Taj’? (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Karnataka
(a) Guwahati (b) Dispur (a) Humayun’s Tomb (c) Karnataka (d) Goa (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Kerala
(c) Shillong (d) Kohima 17. Which one of the following is not a 23. Which state is known as the ‘Kohinoor
5. The battle which determined the fate of venue of ‘Kumbhamela’? of India’?
the French in India: (a) Nasic (b) Ujjain (a) Manipur (b) Madhya
(a) Buxar (b) Plassey (c) Haridwar (d) Varanasi Pradesh (c) Karnataka
(c) Panipat (d) Wandiwash 18. The first memorial of a sati, found at (d) Andhra Pradesh
6. The hill resort in Tamil Nadu where the Eran, is dated 510 B.C. Eran is in: 24.The first state in India to conduct
Malayalee Temple is situated: (a) Madhya Pradesh elections to Panchayat Raj Institutions
(a) Yercaud (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Maharashtra after the 73 rd amendment of the
(b) Udagamandalam (d) Bihar Constitution was brought into effect:
(c) Kodaikanal (d) Coonoor 19. Pochampad in Andhra Pradesh is (a) Rajastan (b) Andhra Pradesh
7. Who designed Mysore Palace? related to: (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Kerala
(a) George Wittet (b) Henry Irwin (a) Beginning of Panchayat Raj system 25.What percentage of the world area is
(c) Herbert Baker (d) Robert Bristo (b) Launching of Bhoodan Movement occupied by India:
8. Who designed Prince of Wales Museum (b) Mausoleum of Itmad-ud-Daulah (c) Conducting nuclear experiment (a) 7.2 (b) 6.8
in Mumbai? (c) Bibi Ki Makbara (d) Akber’s Tomb (d) Chipko Movement (c) 4.2 (d) 2.4
(a) George Wittet (b) Henry Irwin 14. India’s largest Mahayana Buddhist 20. India Gate is situated in:
(c) Herbert Baker (d) Robert Bristo Monastery is Tawang Gompa. It is in (a) Mumbai (b) Delhi Answers
9. The cities of Hyderabad and the state of: (c) Hyderabad (d) Chennai 1 (c) 2(a) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5(d) 6(a) 7(b) 8(a)
Secundarabad are seperated by: (a) Assam (b) Sikkim 21. Scotland of the East: 9(d) 10(d) 11(c) 12(a) 13(b) 14(c) 15(c)
(a) Nizam Sagar lake (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Maharashtra (a) Shimla (b) Shillong 16(b) 17(d-Allahabad is the other one) 18(a)
(b) Nagarjuna Sagar lake 15. India’s first private air port was opened (c) Dharamsala (d) Dispur 19(b) 20(b) 21(b) 22(b) 23(d) 24(c) 25(d)

20 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

temI-Pm-eIw 4 C{k-tb¬
]men-s‚-bpw- tX-\n-s‚-bpw- \m-Sm-bn-cp-∂- Im-\-≥.- Pq-X-cp-sS- ]-em-b-\-Øn-s‚-bpw- {]-hm-k-Øn-s‚-bpw- I-Y-
I-tf-sd-∏-d-bm-\p-≈- hm-Kv-Z-Ø- `q-an.- Pq-X¿-°p-am-{X-a-√,- ss{I-kv-X-h¿-°pw- ap-…n-߃-°pw- ]p-Wy-`q-an-
bm-Wv- C-{k-tb¬.- tb-ip-{In-kv-Xp- P-\n-®- s_-Xv-e-tlw,- _m-ey-Im-ew- ]n-∂n-´- \-t{k-Øv,- {Iq-in-°-s∏-´- Km-
Kp¬-Ø,-Pq-X-cpw- {In-kv-Xym-\n-I-fpw- ap-…n-ß-fpw- hn-ip-≤-\-K-c-am-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂- P-dp-k-tew,-kp-∂n- ap-
…n-ß-fp-sS- aq-∂m-a-sØ- ]-hn-{X-am-b- ÿ-e-am-b- A¬- A-Iv-km- tam-kv-Iv,- tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- ]-g-°-ap-
≈- C-…m-an-I- a-µn-c-ß-fn-sem-∂m-b- tUmw- Hm-^v- Z- tdm-°v- ˛-C-h-sb-√mw- C-{k-tb-en-\m-Wv.- B- cm-Py-sØ- kw-
_-‘n-®- {]-[m-\- hn-h-c-߃- ]-Tn-°mw.-
*- -]-›n-ta-jy-bn¬- a-[y-[-c-Wym-gn-bp-sS- c-am-Wv- P-dp-k-tew.- lo-{_p- k¿-h-I-em- bm-Wv- sam- -Zv.- ∂n-h¿-s°m-∏w- 1994˛-se- k-am-[m-\- s\m-
sX-°p-In-g° - ≥
- Xo-cØ - m-bn- ÿn-Xn-sN- im-e-bp-sS- B-ÿm-\w- C-hn-sS-bm-Wv.- *- -kv-{Xo-I-sf- \n¿-_-‘n-®v- ssk-\y-Øn¬- t_¬- ]-¶n-´- bn-k-lm-°v- d-_n-≥ B-Wv-
øp-∂- C-{k-tb¬- Pq-X-a-Xw- Hu-tZym-Kn- *- -lo-{_p-hpw- A-d-_n-bp-am-Wv- Hu-tZym-Kn- tN¿-°p-∂- cm-Py-am-Wv- C-{k-tb¬.- h-[n-°-s∏-´- G-I- C-{k-tb¬- {]-[m-\-a-
I- a-X-am-b- G-I- cm-Py-am-Wv-.- lo-{_p- I- `m-j-Iƒ.- lo-{_p- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- `m- *- -C-{k-tb-en-s‚- B-Zy-sØ- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n- {¥n.- bn-Km¬- A-ao¿- B-bn-cp-∂p- Lm-X-
hm-Wv- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- `m-j.- j-bm-bn-´p-≈- G-I- cm-Py-am-Wn-Xv.- bm-Wv- tU-hn-Uv- s_-≥ Kp-cn-tbm-¨.- I-≥.-
*- -Pq-X-≥am¿- F-Æ-Øn¬- `q-cn-]-£-am-b- *- b
- p-Wn-‰d - n- ]m¿-es - a-‚d- n- dn-∏ª - n-°m-b- C- s_-≥ Kp-cn-tbm-¨- hn-am-\-Øm-h-fw- *- -C-{k-tb-en-s‚- ssI-h-iw- h-®n-cn-°p-∂-
G-I- cm-Py-hpw- C-{k-tb-em-Wv.- {k-tb-en-s‚- \n-b-a-\n¿-am-W-k-`-bp-sS- sS¬- A-ho-hn-em-Wv.- tKm-em-≥ Ip-∂p-I-fp-sS- D-S-a-ÿm-h-Im-
*- -sa-k-s∏m-´m-an-b-bn-se- D¿- \-K-c-Øn¬- t]-cm-Wv- s\-k-‰v.- C-{k-tb-en- \yq- tj- *- C- {- k-tb¬- cm-j{v- Sw- \n-eh
- n¬- h-∂t- ∏mƒ- iw- kw-_‘ - n-®v- C-{k-tb-epw- kn-dn-bb - pw-
\n-∂v- Im-\m-≥ tZ-i-tØ-°v- tN-t°-dn- °¬- B-Wv- \m-W-bw.- {]-Y-a- cm-jv-{S-Ø-h-e-h-\m-Im-≥ £-Wn- X-Ωn¬- X¿-°-ap-≠v.-
b- F-{_-lm-an-s‚- ]n-≥ap-d-°m-cm-Wv- b- *- -K-eo-en- I-S¬- C-{k-tb-en-se- ip-≤-P-e- °-s∏-´- Pq-X-\m-b- im-kv-{X-⁄-\m-Wv- *- -C-{k-tb-en-se- tUmw- Hm-^v- Z- tdm-°v-
lq-Z¿- F-∂m-Wv- hn-izm-kw.- b-lq-Z-cp- X-Sm-I-am-Wv.- sF-≥Ão-≥.- sN-bnw- sh-bvk - va
- m-\m-Wv- C- ap-…n-ß-fp-sS- ]p-Wy-ÿ-e-am-Wv.- P-dp-k-
sS- hn-ip-≤- {K-Ÿ-am-Wv- tXm-d.- *- -]m-en-s‚-bpw- tX-\n-s‚-bpw- \m-Sv,- hm-Kv- {k-tb-en-s‚- B-Zy- {]-kn-U-‚ v.- te-an-se- sS-ºnƒ- au-≠n-em-Wn-Xv.- F.-
*- b- l- q-Z¿-°v- P-∑t- Z-iw- F-∂- kz-]\ v- w- km- Z-Ø- `q-an- F-∂n-ß-s\- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- *- -C-{k-tb¬- {]-[m-\-a-{¥n-bm-b- B-Zy- h- Un.- 691˛¬- ]-Wn- ]q¿-Øn-bm-b- C-Xv- tem-
£m-XvI - c
- n-°m-≥ cq-]h - X
- vI
- c
- n-®- {]-ÿm- Xv- C-{k-tb-em-Wv.- \n-Xb - m-Wv- tKmƒ-Um- sa-b¿- (1969˛-1974).- I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- ]-g-°-ap-≈- C-…m-an-
\-am-Wv- kn-tbm-Wn-kw.- *- -C-{k-tb-epw- A-d-_v- cm-Py-ß-fm-b- Cu- I- a-µn-c-ß-fn-sem-∂m-Wv.-
*- 1- 948˛¬- kn-tbm-Wn-Ãv- {]-ÿm-\Ø - n-s‚- Pn-]v-Xpw- kn-dn-b-bpw- X-Ωn¬- 1973˛¬- \- *- -tb-ip-{In-kv-Xp- P-\n-®- ÿ-e-am-Wv- s_-
^-e-am-bn- cq-]w-sIm-≠- cm-Py-am-Wv- C- S-∂-Xm-Wv- tbmw- In-∏¿- bp-≤w.- Xv-e-tlw.- C-{k-tb-en-se- t\m¿-Øv- Un-
{k-tb¬- (1948).- Xn-tbm-U¿- sl¿-j-em- *- -1967 Pq-Wn-em-Wv- j-Uv-Zn-\- bp-≤w- (B- kv-{Sn-Iv-Sn-em-Wn-Xv.-
Wv- kn-tbm-Wn-Ãv- {]-ÿm-\-Øn-s‚- dp-Zn-\- bp-≤w-)- \-S-∂-Xv.- aq-∂mw- A-d-_v- *- -tb-ip-{In-kv-Xp- _m-ey-Im-ew- ]n-∂n-´- ]-
ÿm-]-I-≥.- ˛-C-{k-tb-en- bp-≤w- F-∂pw- A-dn-b-s∏- ´-Wa - m-Wv- \-t{k-Øv.- C-{k-tb-en-s‚- A-
*- -C-{k-tb-en-\v- sF-Iy-cm-jv-{S-k-`-bn¬- Sp-∂- Cu- bp-≤-Øn¬- C-{k-tb-en-s\-Xn- d-_v- X-e-ÿm-\w- F-∂v- \-t{k-Øn-s\-
Aw-K-Xzw- e-`n-®-Xv- 1949˛-em-Wv.- sc- Cu-Pn-]v-Xv,- kn-dn-b,- tPm¿-Zm-≥ F- hn-ti-jn-∏n-°m-dp-≠v.-
*- -en-Jn-X- `-c-W-L-S-\-bn-√m-Ø- cm-Py-am- ∂o- cm-Py-߃- A-Wn-\n-c-∂p.- C-{k-tb- *- -Im¬-h-cn-bn-se- Km-Kp¬-Ø- a-e-\n-c-I-fn-
Wv- C-{k-tb¬.- an-Un¬- Cu-Ãn-se- G- em-Wv- hn-Pb - n-®X
- v.- Cu-Pn-]X v- n¬-\n-∂v- Km- em-Wv- tb-ip- {In-kv-Xp- {Iq-in-°-s∏-´-Xv.-
I- P-\m-[n-]-Xy- cm-Pyw- F-∂v- C-{k-tb- km- ap-\-ºpw- kn-\m-bv- D-]-Zzo-]pw,- tPm¿- *- -sh-tÃ-¨- hmƒ- A-Y-hm- sh-bv-enw-Kv-
en-s\- hn-ti-jn-∏n-°m-dp-≠v.- Zm-\n¬-\n-∂v- sh-Ãv- _m-¶pw- (In-g-°-≥ hmƒ- C-{k-tb-en-em-Wv.-
*- -hn-ip-≤-\-K-cw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- C- P-dp-k-tew- Dƒ-s∏-sS-),- kn-dn-b-bn¬-\n- *- -{]-[m-\- A-h-[n- Zn-\-ß-sfm-∂pw- C-√m-
{k-tb-en-s‚- X-e-ÿm-\-am-b- P-dp-k- ∂v- tKm-em-≥ Ip-∂p-I-fpw- C-{k-tb-en-\p- Ø- cm-Py-am-Wv- C-{k-tb¬.-
tew- B-Wv.- cm-Py-sØ- G-‰-hpw- P-\- e-`n-®p.- *- c
- ≠
- mw- tem-Ia - l
- m-bp-≤° - m-eØ - v- bq-tdm-
kw-Jy- Iq-Sn-b- ]-´-W-am-Wn-Xv.- F-∂m- *- -A¬- A-Iv-km- tam-kv-Iv- P-dp-k-te-an-em- ∏n-epw- B-{^n-°-bn-ep-am-bn- Pq-X¿- t\-
Wv- km-º-Øn-I- X-e-ÿm-\w- sS¬- A- Wv.- kp-∂n- ap-…n-ß-fp-sS- aq-∂m-a-sØ- D-{I-bn-\n-se- Io-hn¬- P-\n-®- A-h¿- tem- cn-tS-≠n-h∂ - - {Iq-c]- o-U\ - ß- ƒ- tlm-tfm-
ho-hv- B-Wv.- ]-hn-{X-am-b- ÿ-e-am-Wn-Xv- ( sa-°-bpw- I-sØ- aq-∂m-a-sØ- h-\n-Xm- {]-[m-\-a- Im-Ãv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂p.-
*- -Pq-X-cpw- {In-kv-Xym-\n-I-fpw- ap-…n-ß-fpw- a-Zo-\-bp-am-Wv- a-‰p- c-≠p- ÿ-e-߃-)- {¥n-bm-bn-cp-∂p.- *- C
- {- k-tb-en-s‚- tZ-io-bK - m-\a - m-Wv- lm-Xzn-
hn-ip-≤-\-K-c-am-bn- I-W-°m-°p-∂- \-K- *- -C-{k-tb-en-s‚- C-‚-en-P-≥kv- G-P-≥kn- *- j
- n-tam-¨- s]-ck - v,b
- m-k¿- A-dm-^Ø - v- F- Iv-hm.-

Practice Test
1. The movement that led to the formation (c) Mecca (d) Hagia Sophia (a) Christians (b) Muslims 21. Israel's main financial center is ......
of Israel: 9. The country where military service is (c) Jews (d) Parsis (a) Tel Aviv (b) Jerusalem
(a) Communism (b) Nihilism compulsory for women is......... 15. ......... is the birth place of Jesus Christ. (c) Haifa (d) Table Mount
(c) Zionist movement (d) Khmer (a) Saudi Arabia (b) Iraq (a) Vatican (b) Athens 22. Ben Gurion International Airport is at:
Rougue (c) Syria (d) Israel (c) Bethlehem (d) Calvary (a) Jerusalem (b) Haifa
2. Israel was formed in ........ 10. The official language of Israel: 16. The scientist who was invited to assume (c) Tel Aviv (d) Ashdod
(a) 1948 (b) 1947 (a) Hebrew (b) Latin charge as the first president of Israel 23. Which desert is in Israel?
(c) 1949 (d) 1950 (c) Spanish (d) Turkish when it was formed: (a) Mojave (b) Takla Makan
3. Zionism founded by ......... 11.The first prime minister of Israel. (a) Thomas Alva Edison (c) Gobi (d) Negev
(a) Weisman (b) Theodor Herzl (a) David Ben Gurion (b) Albert Einstein 24. The Israeli statesman who won
(c) Einstein (d) Golda Meir (b) Theodor Herzl (c) Weisman (c) Enrico Fermi 1994Nobel Peace Prize and was
4. Sea of Galilee is a ........ in Israel. (d) Golda Meir (d) Oppenheimer assassinated by Yigal Amir in 1995:
(a) River (b) Mountain 12. The........ is currently governed by Israel. 17. ...... is the term generally used to (a) Ariel Sharon
(c) fresh water lake (d) Waterfalls (a) Sinai Peninsula (b) Golan Heights describe the genocide of approximately (b) Yitzhak Rabin
5. The Yom Kippur war was fought (c) Asia Minor (d) Anatolia six million European Jews during World (c) Benjamin Nethanyahu
between Israel and the Arab countries 13. Jesus Christ was crucified in ........ War II: (d) Shimon Perez
of Egypt and Syria in: (a) Bethlehem (b) Calvary (a) Holocaust (b) Ghetto 25. Jerusalem is called:
(a) 1970 (b) 1971 (c) 1972 (d) 1973 (c) Rome (d) Athens (c) Exodus (d) Via Dolorosa (a) Empire city
6. The Six Day War was fought between 14. Western Wall or Wailing Wall is one of 18. The legislative body of Israel: (b) Holy land
Israel on one side and Egypt, Syria and the holiest places of: (a) Senate (b) Majlis (c) Granite city
Jordan on the other side in...... (c) Knesset (d) Storting (d) Holy city
(a) 1967 (b) 1968 (c) 1969 (d) 1970 19. The currency of Israel:
7. Dome of the Rock is a holy place to: (a) New Shekel (b) Rand Answers
(a) Christians (b) Jews (c) Pound (d) Dollar
(c) Muslims (d) Bahai sect 20. The capital of Israel: 1 (c) 2(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5(d) 6(a) 7(c) 8(b) 9(d)
8. The third holiest place of Muslims: (a) Tehran (b) Constantinople 10(a) 11(a) 12(b) 13(b) 14(c) 15(c) 16(b) 17(a)
(a) Medina (b) Al Aqsa mosque (c) Jerusalem (d) Sana 18(c) 19(a) 20(c) 21(a) 22(c) 23(d) 24(b) 25(d)

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 21

Confusing Facts
]Zhnbnencns° A¥cn® BZy- FwF¬-Fbpw a{¥nbpw
1. ]q¿hL´Ønse G‰hpw Dbcw Iq-Sn- Wv- hn-{Iw-in-e-bp-sS- ÿm-]-I-≥.- ap-≈- ]-c-am-[n-Im-c- cm-jv-{Sw- F-∂- hn- ∂-Xv- Goldman Prize. K-Wn-X-Øn-se-
b- `m-K-am-Wv- B-{‘-{]-tZ-in-e- Pn-‘- 14.- -\-f-µ- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- ]p-Xp-°n-∏-Wn- ti-j-Ww- km-≥ am-dn-t\m-bv-°v- kz-¥- s\m-t_¬- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv Abel
K-U- (1690 ao.-)- ]-›n-a- L-´-Øn-se- G- X- ]p-jy-`q-Xn- hw-i-cm-Pm-hv- l¿-j-\m- am-Wv.- F-∂m¬,- tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- Prize.
‰-hpw- D-b-cw- Iq-Sn-b- `m-K-am-Wv- tI-c-f- Wv.- _-Jv-Xn-bm¿- Jn¬-Pn-bm-Wv- ]-{¥- ]-g-°-ap-≈- cm-P-`-c-Ww- \n-e-\n¬-°p-∂- 39. ]m-Xn-cm- kq-cy-s‚- \m-Sv- F-∂- A-]-c-
Øn-se- B-\-ap-Sn- (2695 ao.-).- ≠mw- \q-‰m-≠n¬- (1193)-\-f-µ-sb- \-in- cm-Pyw- P-∏m-\m-Wv.- G-‰-hpw- ]-g-°-ap-≈- \m-a-Øn-e-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- t\m¿-th-bm-
2.- -A-Jn-em-Wv-U-a-Wv-U-ew- A-Wn-bn-s®m- ∏n-°m-≥ t\-Xr-Xzw- \¬-In-b-Xv.- knw-lm-k-\-hpw- P-∏m-\n-te-Xm-Wv.- Wv.- F-∂m¬,- D-Z-b-kq-cy-s‚- \m-Sv- P-
cp-°n- F-∂p- Xp-S-ßp-∂- Km-\w- c-Nn-®- 15.- -\-f-N-cn-Xw- B-´-°-Y- D-Æm-bn-hm-cy-cp- 26.- -\n-Xm-¥- l-cn-Xm-`-bp-sS- \m-Sv- F-∂-dn- ∏m-\m-Wv.-
Xv- ]-¥-fw- sI.-]n.-cm-a-≥]n-≈-bm-Wv.- sS- c-N-\-bm-Wv.- Ip-©-≥ \-ºym-cm-Wv- b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- t\-‰mƒ.- \n-Xy-\-K-cw- F- 40.- -]p-cm-X-\- H-fn-ºn-Iv-kn-se- B-Zy- hn-P-
ssZ-th-ta- ssI-sXm-gmw- tIƒ-°p-am-dm- \-f-N-cn-Xw- Xp-≈¬- c-Nn-®-Xv.- ∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- tdmw.- bn- sIm-tdm-_-kv.- B-[p-\n-I- H-fn-ºn-
I-Ww- F-∂- Km-\w- c-Nn-®-Xv- ]-¥-fw- 16.- -\-ho-I-c-Ww- A-Y-hm- dn-t^m¿-ta-j-\p- 27.- -\q-dmw- h-b- n¬- (1958)- `m-c-X-c-Xv-\-Øn- Iv-kn-se- B-Zy- hn-P-bn- sP.-_n.-sIm-
tI-c-f- h¿-a-bm-Wv.- Xp-S-°w- Ip-dn-®- cm-Py-am-Wv- P¿-a-\n.- \- eq-sS- B-Z-cn-°-s∏-´- t[m-Wv-tUm- tI- tWm-en.-
3.- -hn-‘ym-a-e-\n-c-I-fn-se- G-‰-hpw- D-b-cw- thm-∞m-\-Øn-\p- Xp-S-°w- Ip-dn-®-Xv- C- i-h- Im¿-sh- (1858˛-1962)- F-∂- km-aq- 41.- -]p-en-‰v-k¿- k-Ωm-\w- t\-Sn-b- B-Zy- C-
Iq-Sn-b- `m-K-am-Wv- A-a¿-Im-≠-Iv- (1048 ‰-en-bn-em-Wv.- \-thm-∞m-\-Øn-s‚- P-∑- ln-I- ]-cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hm-Wv- G-‰-hpw- Iq-
ao.-)- km-Xv-]p-c- a-e-\n-c-I-fn-se- G-‰-hpw- tZ-iw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- C-‰m-en-b-≥ \- Sn-b- {]m-b-Øn¬- `m-c-X-c-Xv-\-bv-°v- A¿-
D-bc - w- Iq-Sn-b- `m-Ka- m-Wv- [p-]vK - V- v- (1350 K-c-am-b- ^v-tfm-d-≥kn-s\- a-[y-Im-e-L- l-\m-b-Xv.- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-™- {]m-b-
ao.-).- ´-Øn-se- G-Y-≥kv- F-∂p- hn-ti-jn-∏n- Øn¬- `m-c-X-c-Xv-\-bv-°v- A¿-l-\m-b-Xv-
4.- -I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- tI-c-f-Øn-se- Pn-√-I- ®n-cp-∂p.- k-®n-≥ sS-≥Up¬-°¿- (2014).-
fn¬- G-‰-hpw- hn-kv-Xo¿-Ww- Iq-Sn-b-Xv- 17.- -\m-b¿- `r-Xy-P-\-kw-Lw- F-∂- t]-cp- 28.- -\yq-a-tdm-f-Pn- kw-Jy-I-sf-°p-dn-®p-≈- ]-
a-e-∏p-d-am-Wv- (3550 N.-In.-ao-).- F-∂m¬,- \n¿-t±-in-®-Xv- I-∏-\- I-Æ-≥ ta-t\m-\m- T-\a - m-Wv.- \yq-tdm-fP
- n- \m-Uo-hyq-ls - Ø-
I-S¬-Øo-cw- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-Æq- bn-cp-∂p.- -\m-b¿- k¿-ho-kv- skm-ssk- °p-dn-®p-≈- ]-T-\-am-Wv.-
cn-\m-Wv.- ‰n- F-∂- t]-cn-s‚- D-]-⁄m-Xm-hv- sI.- 29.- -\yq-t{Sm-¨- I-≠p-]n-Sn-®X - v- sP-bnw-kv- Nm-
5.- -_o-lm¿- Km-\v-[n- sb-∂-dn-b-s∏-´-Xv- ]-c-ap-]n-≈-bm-bn-cp-∂p.- Uvh- n-°v.- F-∂m¬,- \yq-t{Sm-¨- t_mw-_v-
tUm.- cm-tP-{µ-{]-km-Zm-Wv.- B-[p-\n-I- 18.- -\m-c-ß-bn-en-S-ßn-bn-cn-°p-∂- hn-‰m-an-\m- I-≠p-]n-Sn-®X - v- km-ap-h¬- tIm-l≥ - .-
Km-‘n- _m-_mw- Bw-sX.- b- hn-‰m-an-≥ kn-bp-sS- cm-k-\m-aw- A- 30.- -\-Zn-I-sf-°p-dn-®p-≈- ]-T-\-am-Wv- t]m-´-
6.- -a-l¿-jn- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´- `m-c-X-c-Xv-\-am- tam-f-Pn.- ]¿-h-X-ß-sf-°p-dn-®p-≈- ]-T-
Wv- Un.-sI- Im¿-th.- cm-P¿-jn- F-∂-dn- \-am-Wv- Hm-tdm-f-Pn.- ¥y-°m-c-\mWv Gobind Behari Lal
b-s∏-´-Xv- ]p-cp-tjm-Øw-Zm-kv- T-Wv-U-≥.- 31.- -]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-\-cw-K-sØ- Hm-kv-I¿- F- (1937).]pen- ‰ v k ¿ kΩm\w t\Snb
7.- -an-ssk¬- am-≥ Hm-^v- C-¥y- tUm.- F.- ∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- ]p-en-‰v-k¿- k-Ωm-\w.- (2000)- B-Zy-sØ- C-¥y-≥hw-i-P- Ppw-
]n.-sP.- A-_vZ- pƒ- I-em-am-Wv.- an-ssk¬- Im-bn-I- cw-K-sØ- Hm-kv-I¿- F-∂-dn-b- ]m- em-ln-cn-bm-Wv- .-
hn-a-≥ Hm-^v- C-¥y- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- tem-dn-b-kv- kv-t]m¿-Sv-kv- A- 42.- -]q-°-fn-se- ]p-cp-j- ssew-Kn-Im-h-b-hw-
Xv- sS- n- tXm-a-kv.- hm¿-U.v- tI-k-cw.- F-∂m¬,- kv-{Xo-ssew-Kn-Im-
8.- -Pm-Xn H-∂v,- a-Xw- H-∂v,- Ip-ew- H-∂v- ssZ- 32.- -]-®- {K-lw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- bq-dm- h-b-hw- P-\n.-
hw- H-∂v- F-∂- k-tµ-iw- \¬-In-b- km- \-km-Wv.- \o-e-{K-lw- F-∂v- `q-an-sb- 43.- -]q¿-hm¿-[-tKm-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- hn-kv-
aq-ln-I- ]-cn-jvI - ¿-Øm-hm-Wv- ssh-Ip-Wv- hn-fn-°m-≥ Im-c-Ww- P-e-Øn-s‚- km- Xo¿-Ww- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Pyw- d-jy-bm-Wv.- ]-
T-kzm-an-Iƒ.- C-¥- D-eI - n-te- H-tc- H-cp- ∂n-[yw-aq-ew- \o-e-\n-d-Øn¬- Im-W-s∏- ›n-am¿-[- tKm-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- hn-kv-
Pm-Xn- Xm-≥,- H-tc- H-cp- a-Xw- Xm-≥,- H-tc- Sp-∂-Xp-sIm-≠m-Wv.- Xo¿-Ww- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Py-am-Wv- Im-\-U.-
H-cp- I-Sh - pƒ- Xm-≥ F-∂- ssX-°m-Sv- A- 33.- -]-Ø-\w-Xn-´- Pn-√-bn-se- a-Æ-Sn-bn-em-Wv- 44.- ]- S- n-™m-td-b‰ - w- Kp-Pd - m-Øn¬- ]q¿-ht- c-
ø-bp-sS- h-N\ - Ø- n-s‚- a-eb - m-f- ]-cn-`m- th-ep-Ø-ºn- Z-f-h- B-fl-l-Xy-sN-bv-X- Jmw-iw- 6807' epw- In-g-t°-b-‰w- A-cp-
j-bm-b H-cp- Pm-Xn- H-cp- a-Xw- H-cp- ssZ- kv-tIm¿-_n-Iv- B-kn-Uv.- F-∂m¬,- \m- Xv.- F-∂m¬,- th-ep-Ø-ºn-bp-sS- ar-X- Wm-N¬- {]-tZ-in¬- 97025'- ]q¿-ht- c-Jmw-
hw {]-kn-≤a - m-°n-bX - v- {io-\m-cm-bW - K - p- c-ß-bn-ep-≈- A-æw- G-sX-∂v- tNm-Zn- i-co-cw- I-gp-hn-te-‰n-b- ÿ-ew- Xn-cp-h- i-Øn-epw- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂p.-
c-ph- m-Wv.- ®m¬- D-Ø-cw- kn-{Sn-Iv- B-kn-Uv.- \-¥-]p-c-sØ- I-Æ-Ωq-e-bm-Wv.- 45.- -]-Z-hn-bn-en-cn-s°- A-¥-cn-®,- tI-c-f-Øn-
9.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- ]-£n-{Km-aw- F-∂-dn-b- 19.- -\m-f-µ- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- ]p-\-cp-≤-cn-°- 34.- -]-£n-∏-\n- dn-t∏m¿-´v- sN-ø-s∏-´- B-Zy- se- B-Zy- Fw-F¬-F- tUm.-F.-B¿.-ta-
s∏-Sp-∂-Xv- B-e-∏p-g- Pn-√-bn-se- \q-d-\m- W-sa-∂- \n¿-t±-iw- B-Zy-am-bn- ap-t∂m- cm-Py-am-Wv- sa-Iv-kn-t°m.- F-bv-Uv-kv- t\m-\pw- a-{¥n,- hn.-sI.-th-e-∏-\p-am-Wv.-
Sv.- F-∂m¬,- ]-£n-]m-Xm-fw- h-b-\m-Sv- ´p-h-®-Xv- F.-]n.-sP.- A-_v-Zpƒ- I-emw.- tcm-Kw- B-Zy-am-bn- dn-t∏m¿-´v- sN-ø-s∏- 46.- -]-Zv-a-hn-`q-j-¨- _-lp-a-Xn-°v- A¿-l-\m-
Pn-√-bn-em-Wv.- A-Xn-\p- t\-Xr-Xzw- \¬-Im-≥ K-h-¨- ´-Xv- A-ta-cn-°≥ - sF-Iy-\m-Sp-If - n-em-Wv.- b- B-Zy-sØ- tI-c-fo-b-≥ hn.-sI.- Ir-
10.- -]p-e-b-≥ A-ø-∏-≥ F-∂p- hn-fn-°-s∏-´- sa-‚ v- \n-tbm-Kn-®-Xv- A-a¿-Xym- sk-∂n- 35.- -]-£n-Iƒ- h-gn-bp-≈- ]-cm-K-W-am-Wv- jv-W-ta-t\m-\m-Wv-(1954).-]-Zv-a-`q-j-¨-
km-aq-ln-I- ]-cn-jv-I¿-Øm-hv- k-tlm-Z- s\-bm-Wv.- Hm¿-Wn-tØm-^n-en.- F-∂m¬,- P-¥p- t\-Sn-b- B-Zy- a-eb - m-fn- h-≈t- Ømƒ- \m-
c-≥ A-ø-∏-≥.- ]p-e-b-≥ a-Øm-bn- F- 20.- \
- m-jW - ¬- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- Hm-^v- kn-≤- sN- °ƒ-h-gn-bp-≈-Xv- kq-^n-en.- cm-b-W-ta-t\m-\m-Wv- (1954).- tUm.- {]-
ss∂-bn-em-Wv.- \m-j-W¬- C-≥Ãn-‰yq- 36.- -]-√-h-≥am-cp-sS- X-e-kv-Ym-\-am-bn-cp-∂- Im-iv- h¿-Ko-kv- _-©-an-\m-Wv- ]-Zv-a-{io-
´v- Hm-^v- bp-\m-\n- sa-Un-kn-≥ _mw-•q- Xpw- ]-´p-hy-h-km-b-Øn-\p- t]-cp- tI-´- _- l p- a - X n- t\- S n- b - B- Z y- a- e - b m- f n-
cn-em-Wv.- Xp-am-b- \-K-c-am-Wv- Im-©o-]p-cw,- F- (1955).-
21.- -\m-j-W¬- s]m-eo-kv- A-°m-Z-an- ssl- ∂m¬- ]m-Wv-Uy-≥am-cp-sS- X-e-kv-Ym-\w- 47.- -]-g-ß-fp-sS- cm-Pm-hv- am-º-g-am-Wv.- F-
Z-cm-_m-Zn-em-Wv.- F-∂m¬,- C-hn-tS-°v- am- a-[p-c-bpw- tNm-f-≥am-cp-sS-Xv- X-©m-hq- ∂m¬,- ]-g-ß-fp-sS- dm-Wn-bm-Wv- am-t¶m-
‰p-∂-Xn-\p-ap-ºv- A-Xv- au-≠v- A-_p-hn- cpw- B-bn-cp-∂p.- ssÃ-≥.-
em-Wv- {]-h¿-Øn-®n-cp-∂-Xv.- 37.- -]-c-a-ho-c- N-{I-Øn-\p- k-am-\-am-bn- k- 48.- {- _n-´o-jp-Im¿- C-¥y-bn¬- ÿm-]n-®- B-
22.- - \ m- j - W ¬- U- b - d n- sU- h - e - ] v - s a- ‚ v - am-[m-\-Im-e-sØ- [o-c-X-bv-°v- cm-jv-{Sw- Zy-sØ- bq-Wn-th-gv-kn-‰n- sIm¬-°-Ø.-
t_m¿-Un-s‚- B-ÿm-\w- Kp-P-dm-Øn- \¬-Ip-∂- _-lp-a-Xn-bm-Wv- A-tim-I- {_n-´o-jv- A-[n-Im-c-Øn-\v- sh-fn-bn¬- C-
se- B-\-µv- B-Wv.- F-∂m¬,- \m-j- N-{Iw.- ¥y-bn¬- ÿm-]n-X-am-b- B-Zy- k¿-h-
∂p- hn-fn-®-Xv- Ip-am-c-Kp-cp-tZ-h-s\- (s]m- W¬- U-b-dn- dn-k¿-®v- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- l- 38.- -]-cn-ÿn-Xn- s\m-t_¬- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp- I-em-im-e- ssa-kq¿.-
bv-I-bn¬- tbm-l-∂m-≥)-bm-Wv.- cn-bm-\-bn-se- I¿-Wm-en¬- B-Wv.- 49.- -{_n-´o-jv- ]m¿-e-sa-‚w-K-am-b- B-Zy-sØ-
11.- -Pm¿-J-Wv-Un-\m-bn- \n¿-t±-in-°-s∏-´- a- 23.- -\m-j-W¬- Un-^-≥kv- tIm-tf-Pv- \yq- C-¥y-°m-c-≥ Zm-Zm-`m-bv- \-h-tdm-Pn-bm-
s‰m-cp- t]-cm-Wv- h-\m-©¬.- D-Ø-cm-J- U¬-ln-bn-em-Wv.- \m-jW - ¬- Un-^≥ - kv- Wv.-{_n-´o-jv- ]m¿-e-sa-‚w-K-am-b- c-≠m-
WvU- n-s‚- ]-gb - - t]-cm-Wv- D-Øc - m-©¬.- A-°m-Z-an- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂-Xv- a-lm-cm- a-sØ- C-¥y-°m-c-≥ Sir Mancherjee
12.- -tem-I-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- B-‚ n- sk-]v- jv-{S-bn-se- ]q-s\-bv-°-Sp-Øv- J-U-Iv-hm- Merwanjee Bhownagree (1896þ1906)
‰n-°m-Wv- ^n-t\mƒ.- B-Zy-sØ- B-‚ n- kv-e-bn-em-Wv.- BWv.-
_-tbm-´n-Iv- s]-\n-sk-en-≥.- 24.- -\m-Km¿-Pp-\-km-K¿- A-W-s°-´v- Ir-jv- 50.- -{_n-´o-jv- a-e-_m-dn-se- B-Zy-sØ- I-e-
13.- -\-f-µ- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bp-sS- ÿm-]-I- W- \-Zn-bn-em-Wv.- F-∂m¬,- Ir-jv-W- Iv-S¿- hn-eyw- a-Iv-en-tbm-Uv- B-bn-cp-∂p.-
≥ Kp-]v-X- hw-i-Øn-se- Ip-am-c- Kp-]v-X- cm-P-km-K¿- Im-th-cn-bn-em-Wv.- h-[n-°s - ∏-´- a-e_ - m¿- I-eI - vS- d
- m-Wv- sIm-
\m-Wv.- ]m-e-hw-i-Øn-se- [¿-a-]m-e-\m- 25.- -\n-e-hn-ep-≈-h-bn¬-h-®v- G-‰-hpw- ]-g-°- t\m-en.-

22 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 BKkv-‰v- 1

One Word Substitutions General English
Abbreviation A shortened form of a word or phrase Audience An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert
Abdication Voluntary renouncing throne Auditor One who makes an official examination of accounts
Abolish Do away with wholly Aurist A specialist with regard to ear
Aborigines Original inhabitants of a country Autobiography A life history written by oneself
Abridged An edition a book in which it has been condensed. Autocracy A Government by one
Accelerate To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of Autograph Getting signature of some important person in his handwriting
Accessible Which can be approached Avaricious Of a person extremely desirous of money
Acclimatize To accustom oneself in new climate Bachelorhood State of being unmarried
Accountable Liable to be called to account Bankrupt One who can’t pay the debts.
Acquaint Make oneself familiar with a person or a thing . Behead Cut off the head
Acquittal The act of freeing a person from a charge by verdict. Bellicose One who is fond of fighting
Actuary One who calculates premium Belligerents Nations engaged in war.
Adolescence The period between childhood and adulthood Bibliophile A great lover of books
Adulteration To falsify a thing by admixture or baser ingredients. Biennial Happening every second year
Aggravate To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease Bigamy Practice of having two wives or husbands
Aggressor A person who attacks first Bigot One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views
Agnostic One who doubts the existence of god Bilingual A person who speaks two languages
Alien One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen. Biography A life history written by somebody else
Alienate To turn friends in enemies Biology The science which treats with life
Alimony Allowance paid to wife on legal separation Biped Animal having two feet.
Altruist A person who loves every body Blasphemy Speaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious things.
Amateur One who does something not professionally but for pleasure Bookworm One who devotes full time in studying course books
Ambassador A person representing a state in a foreign country. Botany The branch of biology dealing with plant life
Ambidextrous Of a person who can use both hands equally well
Brittle Hard but liable to be easily broken
Ambiguous A sentence whose meaning is unclear
Bullion Gold or Silver before using for manufacturing ornaments
Ambivalent Having opposing feelings
Bureaucracy A Government by the officials
Amnesia Loss of memory
Caducity The infirmity of old age.
Amnesty General pardon
Calligraphy The art of beautiful hand writing. Elegant penmanship.
Amphibian A land animal that breeds in water
Anarchist One who is out to subvert a government Callous A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy
Anarchy Absence of government Cannibal Of a man or animal that feeds on its own species
Anniversary The yearly return of a date. Carnivorous A flesh eating animal
Anomaly Deviation from common rule Catalogue A list of books
Anonymous A book written by an unknown author Celibacy Abstinence from sex
Answerable A person liable to be called to account for his action Celibate One who is unmarried
Antedate To date before the true time Cemetery A place for burial of dead bodies.
Anthropology A study of man Centenarian A person who is above hundred years
Antidote A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine Centenary Celebration of a hundredth year, once –a-century
Antiseptic A medicine that prevents decomposing Centripetal Anything tending to move away from centre.
Antonym A word opposite in meaning to another Colleague A co-worker or a fellow-worker in the same institution
Aphasia Loss of speech Compatriot Belong to same country.
Apostate One who abandons his religious faith. Congenital Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth
Appreciate To rise in value Congregation An assembly of worshippers.
Aquarium Vessel in which fish and water plants are kept. Conscription Compulsory enlistment for military or i\other service
Aquatic Animals live in water. ContemporariesPeople living at the same time
Arbitrator A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them Contemporary Belonging to the same period of time
Archaeology A study of ancient things Convalescent One who is recovering from illness
Aristocracy A Government by the Nobles Cosmology Science of origin of universe
Armistice The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed. Cosmopolitan One who can make himself at home in all countries
Arsenal A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored Cosmopolite A citizen of the world
Ascetic One who tortures himself for the good of soul. Couplet A stanza having two lines in verse.
Atheist One who does not believe in the existence of God Credulous A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her.
Audible Sound which can be heard Cryptography Study of secret writing and coded words

Previous Questions
1. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the 8. Our country is committed to _____ peace 14. This is a holy shrine and not a place for 21. It took the dancer two hours to _____ her
word ‘REWARD’: all over the world. every Tom, Dick and ___. make up.
(a)Forfeiture (b) Demotion (a)starting (b) maintaining (a)Mary (b) Sundry (a)put over (b) put in
(c) Retribution (d) Penalty (c) encompassing (d) settle (c) Gopi (d) Harry (c) put up (d) put on
2. I went to my native village with the _____ of 9. The dacoits ___ to the police after much 15. The art of elegant speech or writing: 22. I _____ forgotten to set my alarm clock, so
starting a school for the poor. resistance. (a)Rhetoric (b) Calligraphy I was late for my train.
(a)opinion (b) intention (a)gave up (b) turned down (c) Eugenics (d) Obnoxious (a)was (b) were
(c) suggestion (d) presumption (c) gave in (d) passed away 16. Finding fault ___ others is a bad habit. (c) did (d) had
3. Which word is mis-spelt ? 10. I am not older than you, __? (a)in (b) with 23. The correct spelling is:
(a)Peninsula (b) Pilferer (a)aren’t I (b) amn’t (c) of (d) about (a)Hypocrisy (b) Hypocricy
(c) Pesimistic (d) Coronation (c) weren’t I (d) am I 17. I do not speak with Raju. I’ve fallen ___ (c) Hipocrisy (d) Hippocrisy
4. The meaning of ‘EMPHASIS’: 11. Some people ____ from voting. with him. 24. ‘Avocation’ means:
(a)Measure (b) Describe (a)denied (b) abstained (a)away (b) back (a)Profession (b) Hobby
(c) Explain (d) Stress (c) refused (d) declined (c) through (d) out (c) Remuneration (d) Intelligence
5. The past participle of ‘Ring’: 12. Epilogue is: 18. They fought ___ the last man. 25. One engaged in fighting:
(a)Ring (b) Rang (a)Introductory part of a literary work (a)to (b) in (a)Ally (b) Associate
(c) Rung (d) Ring (b) Story line of a literary work (c) on (d) by (c) Belligerent (d) Foe
6. Policy of a political party: (c) Concluding part of a literary work 19. His friends didn’t go on vacation, ___?
(c) Circular
(b) Agenda
(d) Corrigendum
(d) Synopsis of a literary work
13. ____ she had many misfortunes, she is
(a)didn’t they
(c) do they
(b) did they
(d) didn’t it
7. Fit words are better ____ fine words. always cheerful. 20. David likes _____ to music in the evening. 1 (d) 2(b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5(c) 6(a) 7(a) 8(b) 9(c) 10(d)
(a)than (b) besides (a)If (b) In spite of (a)listen (b) listens 11(b) 12(c) 13(c) 14(d) 15(a) 16(b) 17(a) 18(a)
(c) to (d) from (c) Although (d) Always (c) to listened (d) listening 19(b) 20(d)21(d) 22(d) 23(a) 24(b) 25(c)

2015 BKkv-‰v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 23

1. R.N. 44588/86 Reg. No. KL/TV (N)34/2015-17 PSC BULLETIN Rupees 5.00
2. Licence No. for posting without pre payment - KL/TV(N)/WPP/165/2015-17 Fortnightly August 1, 2015

kp-Z¿-i≥ - sj-´n-
sIm-®n- _n-\m-se- Iyp-td-‰¿
A-Sp-Ø-h¿-jw- \-S-°p-∂- sIm-®n- ap-kn-
cn-kv- _n-\m-se- aq-∂mw- F-Un-j-s‚- Iyp-
td-‰-dpw- B¿-´n-Ãn-Iv- U-b-d-Œ-dp-am-bn- kp-Z¿-
i-≥ sj-´n-sb- a-{¥n- sI.-kn.-tPm-k-^v- {]-
Jym-]n-®p.- 2012se- B-Zy- _n-\m-se-bn¬- sb- "k-µ¿-in-®p-'.- N-cn-{X-Øn¬- B-Zy-am-bm- ^n-\n-jv- sN-bv-Xm-Wv- In-co-Sw- kz-¥-am-°n-
B¿-´n-Ãm-bn-cp-∂p- aw-K-em-]p-cw- kz-tZ-in- Wv- a-\p-jy-\n¿-an-X-am-b- t]-S-Iw- πq-t´m-bv- b-Xv.- Cu- ko-k-Wn¬- 19 a-’-c-ß-fn¬- lm-
bm-b- kp-Z¿-i-≥ sj-´n.- Nn-{X,- in-ev-]-I-em- °v- A-cn-In-se-Øp-∂-Xv.- an¬-´-s‚- 11mw- In-co-S-am-Wn-Xv.- F-≥Pn-≥ X-
cw-KØ- v- {i-t≤-b\
- m-b- A-t±-lw,- H-t´-sd- A- sk-°-≥Un¬- 14 In-tem-ao-‰¿- th-K- I-cm-dm-b-Xn-s\-Øp-S¿-∂v- tdm-kv-_¿-Kv- 14m-
¥m-cm-{„- {]-Z¿-i-\-ß-fn¬- ]-s¶-Sp-Øn-´p- Øn¬- k-©-cn-°p-∂- \yq- slm-ssd-k-¨- a-\m-bn.- hn-eyw-kn¬- a-’-cn-®- s^-en-]v- am-
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- w- \n¿-an-°m-≥ \n- πq-t´m-bv-°v- 12,-500 In-tem-ao-‰¿- A-cn-In-se- t°m- lƒ-°-≥_¿-Kv- B-dpw- sk¿-Pn-tbm-
tbm-Kn-°-s∏-´- C-¥y-bn¬-\n-∂p-≈- G-I- I- Øp-∂-Xv.- 2006 P-\-h-cn- 19\m-Wv- t]-S-Iw- s]-c-kv- G-gpw- ÿm-\-߃- t\-Sn.-
em-Im-c-\m-bn-cp-∂p.- `q-an-bn¬-\n-∂v- ]p-d-s∏-´-Xv.- A-∂v- πq-t´m- K-hm-bv- 1964 ap-X¬- 1994h-sc- a-lm-cm-{„-
ku-c-bq-Y-Øn-se- H-≥]-Xm-a-sØ- {K-l-am- tZ-io-b- I-cn-b¿-k¿-ho-kv- se-Pn-t…-‰o-hv- Iu-¨-kn¬- Aw-K-am-bn.-
Fw.-Fk- v.- hn-iz-\m-Y≥
- bm-Wv- ]-cn-K-Wn-°-s∏-´n-cp-∂-Xv.- F-∂m¬,- \n-eh
- n¬-h∂- p
hn-Sh- m-ßn- t]-S-Iw- A-cn-In-se-Øp-tºmƒ- πq-t´m- {K- cm-Py-sØ- Fw-tπm-bv-sa-‚ v- F-Iv-kv-tN- C-¥y-bp-sS- kq-∏¿- {I-tbm-P\ - n-Iv-
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- w-
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S-Øn-b- \n-co-£-W-Øn-s‚- ^-e-am-bn- πq- ho-kv'- - \n-eh
- n¬-h∂ - p.- C-¥y-≥ te-_¿- tIm- °v- a-s‰m-cp- hn-P-b-Km-Y.- X-t±-io-b-am-bn- hn-
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- Ø- n¬- F-≥.-kn.-Fk - v.- t]m¿- sF.-F-kv.-B¿.-H.-bp-sS- A-Sp-Ø- X-e-ap-
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- v.- t]m¿-´¬- tØm-sS- Pn.-Fk - v.F
- ¬.-hn.-bn¬- C-Xp-]t- bm-
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H.-bp-sS- {]-Xo-£.-
[m-b-I-≥ Fw.-F-kv.- hn-iz-\m-Y-≥ hn-S-hm- ap-≥- Kh¿-W¿- {Z-ho-Ir-X- ssl-{U-P-\pw- {Z-ho-Ir-X- Hm-
ßn.- A-c-\q-‰m-≠n-te-sd-bm-bn- kw-Ko-X-tem- B¿- Fkv- Khm-bv- A¥cn-®p- Iv-kn-P-\p-am-Wv- {I-tbm- kv-t‰-Pn¬- C-‘-\-
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B-e-]n-°p-I-bpw-sN-bv-Xp.- '-e-fn-X-kw-Ko-X- W-dm-bn-cp-∂- K-hm-bn- (2006˛2008)- 2008 Pp- °m-hpw.- C-Øc - w- hn-t£-]W - - hm-l\
- ß- ƒ-
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Iw- hn-iz-\m-Y-s\- hn-ti-jn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv.- tI-c-f-Øn-s‚- ]-Xn-\-©m-a-Xv- K-h¿-Wdm-bn- F¬.-hn.-sb- B-{i-bn-t°-≠n- h-∂-Xv.-
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- n- tIm-
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¥¬- hn-ZK - v[
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- p-am-Wv- C-t±-lw.-

Views and ideas expressed in the articles published in PSC Bulletin are not, necessarily, those of the Commission. Edited and Published by Saju George, Secretary -
Kerala Public Service Commission on behalf of Kerala Public Service Commission and Printed by him at P. Krishna Pillai Memorial Printing & Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram.

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