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Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Using Biogeography-

Based Optimization Algorithm

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery · February 2015

DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2406114


150 243

3 authors:

Fadhel Albasri Ali R. Al-Roomi

University of Bahrain Dalhousie University


Jawad Talaq
University of Bahrain


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Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent

Relays Using Biogeography-Based
Optimization Algorithms
Fadhel A. Albasri, Member, IEEE, Ali R. Alroomi, Member, IEEE, and Jawad H. Talaq, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Optimal coordination of directional overcurrent re- engineer to solve it analytically, where all faults, system con-
lays (DOCRs) is a highly constrained and nonlinear optimization tingencies, and abnormalities are analyzed and predetermined.
problem. The operating time of each relay depends on two inde- Alternatively, it can be solved easily by using optimization
pendent variables called plug setting and time multiplier setting.
As the network becomes larger and more complex, the number of methods [4]. The objective of the optimal coordination of
relays will increase and, thus, finding the optimal solution becomes DOCRs is to find the values of PS and TMS of all relays
very hard. In this paper, a new population-based evolutionary algo- that minimize the sum of their operating times when they act
rithm called biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is proposed as primary relays and all of the coordination constraints are
and the performance of ten types of constraint-handling techniques satisfied [5].
is evaluated. In addition, a new hybrid BBO with linear program-
ming (BBO-LP) is proposed to enhance the performance of the
conventional BBO algorithm. The performance of the proposed A. Literature Review
BBO-based algorithms is evaluated by using five test systems. The
results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algo- Solving the coordination problem of DOCRs is an old tedious
rithms compared with the performance of the other optimization task. In the past, the optimal coordination was impossible based
methods presented in the literature. on the availability of techniques and technologies. Instead, an
Index Terms—Biogeography-based optimization (BBO), direc- acceptable nonoptimal coordination was implemented to meet
tional overcurrent relay, evolutionary algorithms, linear program- the protection requirements for the simple electrical networks
ming, optimal coordination, penalty functions. that existed at that time.
There are different approaches to solve the coordination
problem of DOCRs. They can be classified as: Topological
methods (graph theory and functional dependencies) and opti-
mization methods (including adaptive techniques), which are

D IRECTIONAL overcurrent relays (DOCRs) are applied

to multiloop systems, ring feeder systems, double-end fed
power systems, or even single-end fed power systems of parallel
summarized in [6].
In the 1960s, the computer was used to overcome this labo-
rious calculation [7]–[10]. It was assumed that the relative se-
feeders. DOCRs can be used as primary relays for intercon- quence of computation of DOCRs settings was predetermined.
nected subtransmission and distribution systems, and as local A trial-and-error approach is considered in [9]. However, it has
backup relays for transmission systems [1]–[3]. a low convergence rate since it requires a large number of iter-
The coordination of DOCRs is a very important stage for any ations to reach a suitable relay setting [11]. Knable [12] is the
protection design. Correct relay coordination involves selecting first one who considered both parts of the coordination problem;
the suitable relay setting that ensures faults in the protected zone namely, the relay settings computation and the relative sequence
are cleared first by the corresponding primary relays and if they of that computation by using the heuristic scheme. Dwarakanath
fail, the corresponding backup relays act after a coordination et al. [13] used the concept of linear graph theory to determine
time delay. The relays have two settings, namely; “plug setting” the relative sequence in a multiloop network based on a min-
(PS) and “time multiplier setting” (TMS). The operating time of imal breakpoint set (BPS). Jenkins et al. [14] used the concept
each relay is a function of these two settings. of functional dependency as a flexible and powerful alterna-
The coordination problem is a highly constrained mixed-in- tive to identify the minimal BPS. Although these methods have
teger nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem, where TMS reduced the number of iterations needed for the coordination
is continuous and PS is discrete. It requires an expert protection process, they suffer from a relatively high time dial setting [11].
In 1988, the Gauss–Seidel iterative technique was success-
Manuscript received June 17, 2014; revised September 30, 2014 and De- fully used by Urdaneta et al. [5]. However, because the coordi-
cember 11, 2014; accepted January 23, 2015. Date of publication February 24,
nation of DOCRs is a nonlinear problem, predetermined values
2015; date of current version July 21, 2015. Paper no. TPWRD-00715-2014.
F. A. Albasri and J. H. Talaq are with the Department of Electrical of PS are considered in order to convert it to a linear problem.
and Electronics Engineering, University of Bahrain, Bahrain (e-mail: Although this assumption reduces the CPU time and makes the;
problem easier to solve, it needs an expert protection engineer
A. R. Alroomi is with the Department of Electricity Production, Bahrain Elec-
tricity and Water Authority, Bahrain (e-mail: for setting the initial PS. Moreover, there is no guarantee for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2406114 converging to the global optima.

0885-8977 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Linear-programming (LP) techniques, including simplex, C. Paper Organization

two-phase simplex, and dual simplex, are commonly used if This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the
the coordination problem is constructed in a linear form [15]. formulation of the optimal coordination problem. An overview
However, when PS and TMS are considered as variables, the of BBO is covered in Section II-C. Then, Section III presents
problem becomes nonlinear and, hence, nonlinear program- the proposed modifications on the BBO algorithm, and fol-
ming (NLP) is used. Also, in order to increase the chance lowed by the performance comparisons and discussions in
for finding feasible solutions, the values of PS are taken as a Section IV. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions are pre-
continuous and then rounded off at the end of the program for sented in Section V.
obtaining a discretized PS vector. As a result, the final solution
may drift away from its previous optimum state. LP is a fast II. FORMULATION OF THE COORDINATION PROBLEM
and simple algorithm, but it is highly vulnerable to be trapped
in local minima. In contrast, NLP gives better performance, Based on the time–current characteristic curves (TCCCs),
but it may converge to local minima, especially with wrong overcurrent relays (OCRs) can be categorized into three main
selected initial values of PS and TMS. In addition, it is more types: 1) instantaneous; 2) definite time; and 3) inverse time. In
complex and consumes more CPU time. this paper, only the inverse time DOCR is considered.
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), such as ant colony optimiza-
A. Objective Function
tion (ACO), bee colony optimization (BCO), genetic algorithm
(GA), differential evolution (DE), particle swarm optimization If an electrical network contains relays, then the operating
(PSO), teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO), harmony time of the th relay for a fault at location is computed as
search algorithm, firefly algorithm, black hole algorithm, etc,
have been successfully applied to solve the optimal coordina- (1)
tion problem [16]–[21]. EAs are multipoint search techniques
where is a fault current seen by the relay for a fault at
and can be used to ensure reaching the area of global optimum,
location . can be modeled using the standard IEC or ANSI/
but their convergence speed is slow and requires high CPU time.
IEEE characteristics [24], [25]. In general, it can be expressed
Hybrid techniques have been considered to overcome the draw-
as [2]
backs of the previous optimization algorithms. However, these
algorithms become more complex for implementation [4], [22].
Based on the preceding conducted studies, the performance (2)
of the constraint-handling techniques is not extensively covered.
Moreover, achieving feasible and optimal solution is a chal-
lenging task for complicated systems, where the speed and sim- For the sake of presenting a fair comparison with the perfor-
plicity of any proposed algorithm are very important issues that mance of the other methods presented in the literature, the IEC
have to be considered. Furthermore, most of the EAs require a inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic is selected
high number of population and generations, which would affect in this paper, where the constants and are set equal to
their convergence speed. In this paper, all of these issues will be 0.02, 0.14, and 0, respectively.
addressed by using a new EA called biogeography-based opti- The objective is to find the values of and of each
mization (BBO). Although the BBO algorithm was presented DOCR (at predetermined of all relays and fault locations
by Dan Simon in 2008 [23] as a new EA and proved to be a from fault analysis), so the weighted sum of the operating times,
very competitive and fast method compared to the other EAs, it when relays work as primary, is minimized as
has not yet been applied in the area of optimal coordination of
protective relays. (3)

B. Contributions where represents the probability of a given fault that may

occur in each location of the protective zones. All of the weights
The following points summarize the contributions of this in (3) are considered to be one [5]. If only one location is con-
paper as follows. sidered as a fault point for each line, (3) is reduced to
1) The BBO algorithm is applied to solve the optimal coor-
dination problem of DOCRs, and its performance is eval-
uated and compared for ten different constraint-handling
2) A new preprocessing subalgorithm is proposed to avoid the Optimization of the objective function is subjected to the fol-
infeasible solutions. lowing constraints:
3) A hybridization of BBO with LP is proposed to improve 1) Coordination Criteria: If the primary relay fails to iso-
the convergence speed by reducing the required number of late the fault at location , one or more backup relays in the
iterations and, hence, reduces the CPU time. upstream should initiate the trip signal after waiting, at least,
The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated the operating time of the primary relay plus the coordination
using five different test systems and is compared with the time interval (CTI). This sequence will create a discrimination
performance of the other proposed methods in the literature. margin between the primary-backup (P/B) pair which satisfies

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the selectivity criteria and prevents maloperation. Thus, the op-

erating time of the backup relay for a given fault at lo-
cation is subjected to the following constraint:


where is given as


where is a fault current at location that is seen by the

Fig. 1. Simplified equilibrium model of a biota of a single island.
backup relay . The value of CTI varies between 0.2 and 0.5
s depending on the relay type, circuit breaker (CB) operating
time, and security margin [2], [26]. The transient topologies
B. Assumptions
occur when only one relay of a protected zone has operated [5].
If these conditions are considered, then the optimal coordination It is important to note that this paper takes into account the
problem should satisfy this constraint, which can be formulated same assumptions that have been considered in the other studies
as reported in the literature in order to have a fair comparison be-
tween the performance of the proposed algorithm and the other
(7) reported algorithms. The assumptions are as follows [4], [22],
where and are the operating times of the P/B relay pairs • Networks' signals are not affected by decaying dc compo-
under the transient condition. nents, harmonics, and/or current-transformer saturation.
2) Side Constraint on the Relay Operating Time: The oper- • Thermal limits of transmission/subtransmission lines are
ating time of relays is practically bounded by two limits, which not considered.
can be expressed as • Networks' topologies are fixed, except for the three-bus
system which considers the transient condition.
• Time-current characteristics are limited to the IDMT
where and are the minimum and maximum oper- curve, except for test case 5.
ating times of for a fault at location , respectively.
C. Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO)
depends on the relay manufacturer, whereas depends on
the critical clearing time required to prevent equipment damage Biogeography is a branch of biology, and island biogeog-
and preserve system stability. raphy is a special field within biogeography science [28]. This
3) Side Constraint on the Time Multiplier Setting: The TMS field was initially started by the ecologists Robert H. MacArthur
is bounded by the available range of settings provided by the and Edward O. Wilson between 1960 and 1963 with their pub-
relay manufacturer, which can be expressed as lished paper [29], and the study continued until 1967 with their
final achievement [30].
(9) The equilibrium theory of island biogeography proposes that
the number of inhabited species on an island is based on the
where and are the minimum and maximum dynamic equilibrium between new immigrated species onto an
values of of the relay . island and the extinct species out from that island [31]. Thus, the
4) Side Constraint on the Plug Setting: Practically, the PS of migration behavior of a biota on a single island can be presented
the relay should be set higher than the circuit nominal current in a simplified linear model as shown in Fig. 1.
and lower than minimum fault current which can be expressed and are the maximum immigration and emigration rates,
as respectively. If the simplified model is chosen, then . is
the number of species at the equilibrium point, is the species
turnover rate at that point, and is the maximum number
These two bounds can be calculated as of species on that island [23], [29], [30], shown in (17), at the
bottom of the next page.
(11) Now, suppose that the island contains species with proba-
bility at time , and and are, respectively, the immi-
(12) gration and emigration rates presented in . Then, the variation
from to can be described as [23]
where is the nominal current rating of the circuit protected
by relay . OLF is the overload factor, CTR is the CT ratio,
and is the minimum fault current that should be detected
by relay [2]. (13)

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From the curves of Fig. 1, and can be expressed as is low, and the solution is considered poor; while is lo-
cated after , where is low, is high, and the solution
(14) is considered good. Thus, and are used as indications of
poor and good solutions, respectively. In the migration process,
(15) the high ISI islands share their features to modify the low ISI
islands, where the islands of both sides are probabilistically se-
For (13), to have species at time , one of the fol- lected. The high ISI islands become the source of modification,
lowing three conditions should hold [29], [30]: while the low ISI islands become the recipients of those emi-
1) species at time , and no immigration or emigration took grated species. With this process, the poor islands are enhanced
place during the interval ; in each generation.
2) species at time , and one species immigrated; E. Mutation
3) species at time , and one species emigrated.
As approaches 0, the ratio approaches The features available on an island can be changed
dramatically due to random events called mutations, which
forces to deviate from its equilibrium value. Most observed
mutations are harmful, such as predators from other islands,
tsunamis, diseases, or earthquakes. On the other hand, there
are some useful events that can improve those SIV to give
(16) better solutions, such as flotsams or wind-carrying seeds. In
BBO, this mutation process is modeled as SIV mutation, where
By considering the previous conditions, (16) becomes (17), the mutation rate can be determined as a function of species
as shown at the bottom of the page. count probabilities as follows:
Thus, using the known values and , the value of
in (13) can be approximated as (20)
(18) where is a user-defined maximum mutation rate that
Equation (18) is the final form that has to be used for calcu- can reach and .
lating in the BBO program. From (20), is inversely proportional to , where it reaches
In BBO, the general problem solution means the natural dis- the minimum value “zero” at the maximum value of , and
tribution of species [23]. Each island represents one candidate vice-versa. The objective of using the mutation rate is to keep
solution. If the island has many features (trees, water, light, the individuals at the equilibrium point not affected by the mu-
area, etc), then it will attract more species from the mainland or tation process. In contrast, the low and high ISI individuals are
other islands. Each feature is called the suitability index variable likely to mutate, which gives them the ability to enhance their
(SIV), and represents an independent variable of such a problem results [32].
in BBO. On the other hand, the island suitability index (ISI) rep- F. Elitism
resents the dependent variable and depends on the availability
of these features on an island [31]. Thus, if a problem has -in- It is an optional process that can be used in BBO for saving
dependent variables and -islands or individuals, then it can be the required best solutions for the next generations [32].
expressed as G. Clear Duplication
(19) This optional process is embedded in BBO for increasing the
diversity of the solutions by clearing any duplicated .
The algorithm of BBO consists of two main subalgorithms:,
migration (immigration and emigration) and mutation. H. BBO Variations and Forms
Many variations have been proposed in the literature to the
D. Migration basic BBO algorithm. From the preceding studies reported
Considering (19), the high ISI for island represents a good in the literature on BBO, the performance evaluation among
solution, and high ISI means a large number of available species the four original forms of the BBO algorithms found that the
on that island, which forces the immigration rate to be low first presented model in [23], which is known as the partial
and emigration rate to be high; and vice-versa for a poor so- migration based BBO (PMB-BBO), gives the best results as
lution. In Fig. 1, is located before , where is high, the complexity, side constraints and/or dimensions of a given

if (17)

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problem increase and as the number of islands or population researchers to put more effort in studying the sources of that
size decrease. However, it is the slowest algorithm which problem in order to overcome that infeasibility issue.
requires around 42.30% more CPU time than that of the fastest In [37], the selectivity constraints are extensively investi-
algorithm [31]. The associated weaknesses in its migration and gated, and the infeasibility range of each P/B relays pair is
mutation subalgorithms are solved in [33] by using pseudo- identified by dividing the overall range into four categories:
random integers for the SIV selection process, and keeping 1) nonvalid; 2) preobtained; 3) redundant; and 4) valid. Based
nonmutated islands away from the clear duplication process. on that, the total number of constraints is reduced and, hence,
This enhanced BBO version can save about 32.32% of its total the chance to obtain feasible solutions is increased. In addition,
CPU time with better performance. Thus, the modified PMB when an infeasible solution is detected, a search for a feasible
model given in [33] is used in this paper. solution is carried out through a while loop unit where either
the relays TCCCs or their PS values are changed randomly
III. PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS until a feasible solution is found. However, this technique
cannot be applied if the DOCRs are modeled with only IDMT
A. Constraint-Handling Techniques characteristics. Although there are other proposed techniques,
Various techniques have been proposed to handle and such as [38], they are either complicated to implement or fail
satisfy the constraints of the coordination problem, such as to reach a feasible solution.
Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) [5] and death penalty function Consequently, this paper proposes some enhancements to the
[18], [22]. In addition, this issue is either not mentioned at all technique proposed in [37]. In this paper, PS and TMS are ran-
in some papers, or insufficient details are given such as the domly generated through the while loop unit, which is shown
unknown exterior penalty function that was reported in [4] and in Fig. 2 as the preprocessing unit. This proposed preprocessing
[27]. Therefore, it is important to further carry investigations unit is incorporated within the conventional BBO (as well as
on this issue because it directly affects the performance of within the hybrid BBO-LP algorithm) to solve very complex and
the optimization algorithm in terms of the overall cost and nonconvex problems, and gives feasible solutions even within
convergence speed (CPU time) [34]. few generations which were not achieved in [4] and [22].
The penalty functions are often used, because the other ap-
proaches are hard to model and/or need derivations [34]. In ad- C. Hybridization With Linear Programming
dition, the exterior penalty function (EPF) is preferred in con- Unlike gradient-based algorithms, EAs are probabilistic-
strained EAs, because the interior penalty function (IPF) re- based multipoint search techniques. The fact that makes them
quires feasible individuals which, in turn, complicates the solu- very slow convergent and time-consuming algorithms. Thus,
tion of the MINLP problems using EAs. As a result, this paper many researchers prefer to use only LP and NLP techniques,
will focus mainly on the EPF methods and the classical random while the others hybridized them with EAs [4], [22].
search method, which is classified as one of the direct search In order to accelerate the convergence speed and accuracy, a
methods. The ten methods that will be investigated in this paper hybrid BBO with LP is proposed in this paper as shown in Fig. 2.
are as follows: LP is selected instead of NLP for the sake of speed and sim-
1) random search method; plicity. The LP algorithm can be constructed by considering the
2) death penalty function (infinite barrier penalty); objective function of the DOCRs coordination problem given by
3) binary static penalty function; (4) and the corresponding constraints given by (5)–(10). First,
4) superiority of feasible points—type I; the BBO algorithm is executed normally, and the fitness per gen-
5) superiority of feasible points—type II; eration is selected. From that fitness, the obtained TMS values
6) eclectic evolutionary algorithm. are set as initial points to the LP subalgorithm, while PS values
7) typical dynamic penalty function; are set as a predetermined setting. Based on that, in (2) and
8) exponential dynamic penalty function; in (6) become constants and, hence, (2) and (6) are lin-
9) adaptive multiplication penalty function; earized during the LP stage.
10) self-adaptive penalty function. The overall flowchart of the proposed BBO-LP algorithm
The full description of these constraint-handling techniques is shown in Fig. 2, which includes all of the preceding pro-
can be found in [34]–[36]. posed modifications. It should be noted that the clear duplication
process covers only the TMS (if PS is discrete) in order to avoid
B. Avoiding the Infeasibility Condition
infinite loops.
It is very hard to find an optimal and feasible solution of the
coordination problem because it is a highly constrained MINLP
problem. Some researchers obtained good results but with some
few constraint violations, as in [4] and [22]. The performance of the BBO algorithm with and without hy-
The nature of this infeasibility condition comes from the com- bridization is evaluated for five different test systems. The algo-
plexity of the network or/and the lack of diversity of PS values. rithm's parameters for each system are listed in Table I.
If the network is large and PS is provided with a limited number For a fair comparison with the work done in [4] and [27], the
of discrete values, then finding a solution that satisfies all of algorithms are coded using MATLAB R2011a and the simula-
the selectivity constraints of P/B DOCR pairs becomes very tion is carried out using Pentium IV, 3.06 GHz, and 512 MB
difficult and requires a high number of generations. This led RAM with the 32-b Windows XP SP3 operating system.

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Fig. 3. Single-line diagram of the three-bus system.


A. Test Case 1: Three-Bus System

The system is shown in Fig. 3. In this test case, the transient
selectivity constraints are considered. All of the CT ratios, the
listed P/B relay pairs, and the corresponding currents for the
three-phase fault at the middle of each line are given in
[27]. The PS is considered discrete in uniform steps of 0.5 A.
The effect of the ten constraint-handling techniques on the
performance of the conventional BBO is evaluated based on 50
Monte-Carlo simulations as shown in Table II. In Table II, the
“Best” and “Worst” stand for the best and the worst solutions,
the “Mean” and “StdDev” stand for the mean and the standard
deviation of all 50 trials, and the “CPU” stands for the average
normalized CPU time. It can be clearly seen that the binary static
penalty outperforms the others, and achieved the third fastest
method. The binary static penalty used in this study has only
one element of the penalty multiplier vector, which can be tuned
easily and quickly. Adaptive and self-adaptive penalties show
competitive results. However, their speed performance, which
is a very important factor in protective relaying, is not good.
The same performance results are obtained for other simulated
larger systems.
As stated before, EAs are slow convergent techniques and,
Fig. 2. Flowchart of the BBO-LP algorithm.
hence, the conventional BBO needs a greater number of gen-
erations [4], [22]. As a result, the hybrid BBO-LP is proposed.

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Fig. 4. Single-line diagram of the four-bus system.




where and represent the time of the th primary relay

for near-end and far-end faults, respectively.
Table III shows that the performance of the proposed BBO-LP
Table VI shows the performance comparison between BBO
is better than the performance of the conventional BBO with and BBO-LP for this test case. The result shows that the BBO
respect to all performance criteria. Similarly, the proposed and BBO-LP achieved feasible solutions without any violation.
BBO-LP achieved better performance compared to the Seeker Table VII shows the performance of the proposed algorithms in
algorithm [27] as shown in Table IV. It can be clearly seen from comparison with the modified DE (MDE) [17] and TLBO [18].
Table IV that the BBO-LP has similar PS and more tuned TMS Although the MDE obtained slightly lower objective function
than the Seeker algorithm and, as a result, obtained a slightly compared to BBO-LP, it failed to achieve a feasible solution as
better feasible solution. For a fair comparison with the PSO there are some cases of selectivity constraints violations, which
algorithm [39], the simulation is carried for same population is also mentioned in [18].
size, and the result is shown in Table V. The result shows that
the BBO-LP gives better performance compared with BBO and C. Test Case 3: Eight-Bus System
The network of this test case is shown in Fig. 5, where
the near-end fault is considered. The CT ratios and the
B. Test Case 2: Four-Bus System
short-circuit current for each P/B pair of relays are avail-
The network consists of 4 buses, 4 branches and 8 DOCRs, as able in [4] and [27], where the discretized PS is set as
shown in Fig. 4. Both PS and TMS are considered continuous. A.
The full system data are available in [17] and [18]. The performance comparison between BBO and BBO-LP is
In this case study, both near-end and far-end fault locations shown in Table VIII, and the comparison with other algorithms
are considered. Thus, the objective function of (4) is modified presented in the literature (PSO, GA and GA-LP) is shown in
for this test case as follows: Table IX. These two tables show that the hybrid BBO-LP gives
the best results, while the comparison between the conventional
(21) EAs shows that the BBO algorithm performs better compared
with GA and PSO. Moreover, BBO-LP requires just 6.79 s to

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Fig. 5. Single-line diagram of the eight-bus system.

Fig. 7. Single-line diagram of the nine-bus system.



Fig. 6. Fitness log-log curves of the BBO and BBO-LP for the eight-bus

COMPARISON BETWEEN BBO AND BBO-LP FOR TEST CASE 3 without first solving the associated infeasibility conditions.
Thus, both BBO and BBO-LP outperform GA and GA-LP,
respectively, in all criteria (feasibility, fitness, and processing
speed); and they require less population size and generations
for converging to a feasible near optimal solution.

D. Test Case 4: Nine-Bus System

A nine-bus interconnected distribution system with one
single end fed and equal impedances for all of the lines is con-
sidered, as shown in Fig. 7. All of the DOCRs are considered
to be numerical, where PS and TMS are continuous, and PS
limits are calculated using (11) and (12) with 1.25.
In addition, relays are assumed with no
backup and a fault at the midpoint of each line is considered.
All of the CT ratios are 500:1 and the minimum operating times
TABLE IX are 0.2 s. The remaining data of this test system can be found
It can be obviously seen from Tables X and XI that BBO and
BBO-LP outperform GA and GA-NLP. In addition, the pro-
posed algorithms give optimized feasible solutions and require
fewer populations. This can be graphically illustrated in Fig. 8
for 100 trials of simulation runs.

settle on the near optimal solution, which is very fast as shown E. Test Case 5: 42-Bus System
in the fitness curves of Fig. 6. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed BBO-LP algo-
As mentioned in Section IV, the highly constrained network rithm, its performance has to be evaluated on a larger system.
with a limited number of discretized PS cannot be solved easily The 42-bus IEEE Standard 399-1997 system [41] is selected

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CASE B: 40 250 AND CASE C: 60 AND 1000)

variables increase, higher population and generations are re-

quired to achieve better solution quality. However, the BBO-LP
algorithm requires much lower parameters compared with the
conventional EAs.

F. Further Discussions
The proposed modifications on the original form of BBO
have enhanced their performance and satisfied all of the design
criteria, such as the feasibility, optimality, simplicity, and pro-
cessing speed. The proposed hybrid BBO-LP achieved better
performance compared with the other proposed algorithms in
Fig. 8. Best obtained solutions through 100 trials, test case 4. the literature, such as Seeker, PSO, MPSO, MDE, TLBO, GA,
GA-LP, and GA-NLP.
Each optimization algorithm has some disadvantages. As a
for this task. The system is protected using 97 directional and common problem with the hybrid algorithms, BBO-LP will be-
nondirectional OCRs. This means that the optimization algo- come a slow algorithm if it is initialized with a similar number of
rithm will deal with a highly constrained problem that consists populations and generations as the nonhybrid algorithms. How-
of 194 variables ( OCRs) and 114 selectivity constraints ever, BBO-LP does not require high values of initialization pa-
if only IDMT TCCC is considered for all of the relays. More- rameters (such as the number of generations), as was shown pre-
over, the complexity of this problem can be further increased viously in Fig. 6.
by expanding its dimension when different TCCCs are consid- This study focused on how to solve the optimal coordination
ered. Since each TCCC has three variables according of DOCRs for fixed configuration networks. Practically, there is
to (2), and each OCR requires two variable settings (TMS, PS), no system that can operate continuously on a steady-state con-
the total number of variables of this system will increase to 485 dition, because the status of the available elements of the gen-
( OCRs). For this scenario, all of the standard TCCCs [2], eration, transmission, and utilization parts can change at any
[24], [25] are considered. time. Therefore, when adaptive optimization is required for the
The proposed algorithm is evaluated with three different pop- network with dynamic configurations, the optimality and online
ulation sizes and number of generations, which are indicated in processing speed are very important factors that should be con-
Table XII as cases A, B, and C. In addition, three structures of sidered in the field of power system protection.
the proposed algorithm are evaluated; namely, the BBO without
feasibility checker (FC) and LP, BBO with only FC, and BBO V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
with FC and LP. The BBO and BBO-LP algorithms are proposed in this
The results reveal that the BBO without any sub-algorithm paper to solve the optimal coordination of DOCRs. The results
does not show any feasible solution. It can be noted that show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms compared to
these violations increased when the number of generations various EAs, such as the Seeker, PSO, MPSO, MDE, TLBO,
and population size decrease as well as when the problem GA, GA-LP, and GA-NLP algorithms. The new embedded pre-
dimension increases. It can be also observed that when the FC processing unit in both BBO versions solved the infeasibility
subalgorithm is enabled, the violations are eliminated for all problem and achieved feasible solutions within few iterations.
of the simulated scenarios. However, the addition of the FC In addition, the effect of the constraint-handling technique on
subalgorithm resulted in more CPU time compared to the BBO the solution quality, speed, and simplicity has been extensively
without FC. Moreover, when the BBO algorithm is hybridized covered and it was found that the binary static exterior penalty
with the FC and LP subalgorithms, the solution quality is function can compromise between these criteria. Moreover,
significantly enhanced. Although extra CPU time is required if the hybridization proves that the required number of popula-
it is initialized with similar parameters as in other BBOs, the tions and generations has significantly decreased with better
proposed BBO-LP achieved the best solutions even with the optimized fitness and required lower CPU time. Thus, the
lowest parameters (that is, case A for both scenarios). It can proposed hybrid BBO-LP algorithm can be considered in the
also be observed that as the system size and the optimization development of future adaptive optimal coordination software.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Dalhousie University. Downloaded on July 04,2020 at 14:40:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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Fadhel A. Albasri (M’95) received the B.Sc. and
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University of Bahrain, Bahrain, in 1992 and 1997,
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in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Environment Elect. Eng., May 2010, pp. engineering from the University of Western Ontario,
321–324. Canada, in 2007.
[20] R. Benabid, M. Zellagui, A. Chaghi, and M. Boudour, “Application of He was an Electrical Engineer with the Ministry of
firefly algorithm for optimal directional overcurrent relays coordination Electricity and Water, Bahrain, from 1993 to 1994.
in the presence of IFCL,” Int. J. Intell. Syst. Appl., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. In 1994, he joined the University of Bahrain as a
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[21] N. Ghaffarzadeh and S. Heydari, “Optimal coordination of digital over- Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical
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Ali R. Alroomi (M’13) received the B.Sc. degree Jawad H. Talaq (M’93) received the B.Sc. degree in
in process instrumentation and control engineering electrical engineering from the University of Tech-
from the University of Bahrain, Bahrain, in 2006. nology, Baghdad, Iraq, in 1981, the M.Sc. degree in
After he received the B.Sc. degree, he was a electrical engineering from the University of Strath-
Project Engineer with Moore Control & Engineering clyde, Glasgow, U.K., in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree
“MCE Middle East” until the middle of 2007, when in electrical engineering from Technical University
he joined Yokogawa Middle East as a DCS Subsys- of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS, Canada, in 1993.
tems Engineer. From 2008 to 2012, he worked in He worked in Ministry of Electricity and Water,
Aluminum Bahrain “ALBA” as an Instrumentation Bahrain, as a Graduate Engineer with Riffa Power
and Control Engineer in its power plants, covering Station from 1981 to 1985, and as a Shift Charge En-
the generation and auxiliary maintenance sections. gineer from 1985 to 1989, when he moved from the
From 2009 to 2014, he covered the required electrical courses of the B.Sc. industrial field to the academic field. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in
program in electrical engineering, followed by the M.Sc. degree from the the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bahrain. His teaching
same department. Currently, he is an Instrumentation, Control and Electrical covers power systems operation and control, power systems dynamics, and ad-
Protection Engineer with Bahrain Electricity and Water Authority (Riffa Power vanced power systems analysis. His research topics include power systems op-
Station). His research interests are evolutionary computation as well as power eration, control and dynamics, and applied soft computing.
systems operation and protection.

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