Essay Topics

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Ref, Class Discussion

1 POLITICAL, 2014 Siandardize t^s''; 2000 me2s2

SCVAtiois, politirs ai1
2001 h a t have 20i5
gaincd trOm our demociatic
"T-up? 13. StTISather to nakea nan r e ciever
2002 Responsibility of media in a democracy. dev
2003 e Aiasks of New 2017
How ar has
lmperial1sm Destinv of a natinn is ped in:ts
denocracy 11 indi a deliverecd C1SSt n0iris
gonds>P 2017 We1y brave human lais Cannot
ow siould a ciVil servant conduct himsel?
2004 resistatural laws.
Judicial Activism and indian
aier Resources Shou!d BeDemocracy.
Under the
Controi of the Central Government. SOCIAL AND CONTEMPORARY ISSESnkemndead
National identity and Patritism. 1997 Judicial activisn.
2008 Roie of Media in Good Urbanization is a blessing in disguise.
2009 Governance.
ATe we a 'soft state? 1998 The language problem in India: its past,
2010 Creation of smaller states preser.i ard prospects.
and and
Consequent administrativc, economic the 2000 The country's need for a bcttr disäster

implication. :anagement system.
the Indian context both human Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical
ntelligence and technical
1nteligence values.
Crucial in combating terrorism. are2005 Terrorism and world peace.
2014 Was it the 2008
policy paralysis the paralysis
or Urbanization and its hazards.
G implementation which slowed tlie growth 2009 "The focus of heaith care is
oi our country?
getting skewed towvards tite hares of our
2016 Water disputes between states in federal SOCiet
India Good ences make
2019 good neighibours."
Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality 2014 Is the growing level of competiziuri good ior
2017 Impact of the new economic measures on the youth?
fisca! tics between 2017
in india.
the union and states Social media is inherently a seliish
Poverty ar.ywhere is a thrcat prosperity
WOMENN everywnere.
2611 a a e d Madia- afaalthseat+o demouay
1997 Greater political power alone will not
in:prove women's plight. INDIA'S FUTURE/ INDIAN ETHOS
1998 Women is God's best creation. 1997 What r e have not lean1t
1999 during :ity years
Women's empoerment: Chalienges and of Independence.

Prospects. 1998 The

ni$interpretation and 13use ci
Empowerment cannot help women. treedom in India.
2004 Whither Women's Einancipatoi 1998 The wor!d of the
2005 !i women ruled the worli. 2000
twenty-!irst centtury
h should we be proud c: being ndnns"
2006 Women's Reservation Bili Wouli Usher in2007 is autn0:ny the best
ari sWer : 0mbat
Enpowerment for women in India balkanization.
2012 Managing work and home - is the Indian2018 Is the Colonial
mental1ty h.der:m; lndia's
Working women getting a ur deal? SICCss?
2016 iI developnent is not engendered, it is 2014 lds in Oiympics. Ca: tiiis
- reality
Gndangered 1or ind.?
2017 Fiu'llment of 'new vo:nan n lidia is a 2014 Turis:n: Can this be the
Ln. inaia
nei tcr
2015 CiSis aced in lndia - !rnor. or t l o n i c .
2015 Drear: which should no: let Iin sleep
1999 EDUCATION 2018 Alterntive technologies tor limate
V e-based sCience and tiatio
2001 Cang resilient India.
mpowerment aione diliii cið úur

2002 Prvatisation of Higher Educatou in lIndia. CULTURE

2005 What is real 1998
education he composite cu!tiire o! !ndia
ducation for All" Campaign in lndia Myth 1999 Mass edin and culture ir1vasio.
Reaiity. 1999 Treyouth culture today.
2007 2000
ir.1ependent thinking hould be i n u!ture today: a inI or rality?
encouragcd right fiom the hlhoad. Moderrisin and our traditior1ai soci-ethical
2008 Is an bgalitarian society possible by values
cducating the masses? 2003 As civiliztion advances cu!ture
2011 Credir-based higher eiuration sysiem 2004 Giobalaliu: and its impact ar !ndian
status, opportunities and challenes Ciulturc.
KSG 011-4555 2607/8, 2713 0786, 97173 80832
MaNh Is,
2011- KAge td accept ae
o19Valuts eugnt to b e
dedicaiou +o'Mpro ut nuat
ase 1keis to
o11Best fet an ivdiv net
h e 1s the Sou
FOR MEMERS ONLY (Not for sdle
2006 Quick but steady wins thc
icrasing Coniputerization ould lead to 2015 in
tiie Cieation of a
Dehumnized Society 2015 Character of an institution is rellected
2007 lHow has Saicllte
tele.sio brought about ihe lcader increases lt
Cultural 016
2016 Nccd brings greri, if grecd
change n the Inman mindsct spoils breed
Mass mcdia and culnial invasion.
deerminant o:
2010 From lraditional lndian philanthropy to tihe 2016 Innovation is the key
and social welfare
Gates-Buffctt model - a natural CConomic growth
or a paradigm siift. progress10n2016 Cyberspace and internct: Blessing or cursc
2011 Does Indian cinema to the human civiization in the long run
shape our popuiar | 2017 Joy is thr simplest iorm ot gratitude.
culture or nerely reflect it? A people that values its privileges above
Customary mo:a!ity cannot be a guide to 2018 its principles loses bo'h
modern lifc.
2018 Reality does not conlorm to the ideal, but
confirms it.
2018 A good life is one inspired by love and guided
The cybernvorld: Its charms and by knowledge.
challengers. The Past is a permanent dimension ot
The Lure of Space. 2018
2007 human consciousness and valuesS.
How has satellite television brought about
cultural change in the indian mindset. do1a wisd g inds tnv H
he'nahm 2013 Science and Technology is the panacea for
he growth and security of the nation. 1998 India's contribution to world wisdom
2015 l'echnology cannot replace manpower. The implications of globalization for India.
2019 Rioeq,M- 5 UPeál20 My vision of an ideal sworld order.
2004 India's role in promoting ASEAN Co-
TOPIC operatiopn.
1997 True religion cannot be misused.
2005 Terrorism and world peace.
The modern doctor and
Soluio) e
patients. 2006 Importance of Indo-U.S. Nuclear
The march of science and the erosion o
o sbeus.
M u iP deus
human values.
2010 Preparedness of our society for India's
The pursuit of excellence. global leadership role.
2002 Modern Technologicai Education and| 2017 Has the Non- Alignment Movement{NAM)
Human values. lost its relevance in a mult1polar world.
Searcih íur Truth can only be a spiritual 2018 Management of Indian bordur disputes a
C r ( o r a l u e )

problem. cornplex task. neqasud, Hae

If youth kne», if age could. S u k h Atiansoc aae n o a n
Sintt,auraond_ plura
so 2011
The paths of glory lead but to the grave. P u a d idenhhes
2003 There is nothing either good or bad but ECONOMIC
1999 Resource management in the Indian
thinking makes.
context .
Spirituality and scientific temper
2004 Water Resources Should Be Under the
2006 Increasing Computeization would lead to
Controi of the Centrai Governmcnt.
the Creation of a Dehumanized Society.
2005 Food security for sustainable national
2007 Independent thinking should be |
encouraged right from the childhood.
2006 Globalization Would Finish Small scale
Attitude makes habit, habit makes Industries in India.
character and character makes a man.
2007 BPO boom in India
2008 Discipline means success, anarchy means 2008 Special Economic Zone: Boon or Bane
2009 Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to
2009 'Globalism' Vs. 'Nationalism'.
a slow death?
2010 Geography may remain the same; history 20 10 Should a moratoriu:n be imposed on all
need not. fresh mining in tribal areas of the country?
2012 In the context of Gandhji's views on the 2012 Is the criticism that the 'Pubiic Private
maller explore, dn an cvolutionary scale, Partnership' (PPP) modcl for development
the terms 'Swadhinata'. 'Swaraj' and is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian
Dharmarajya'. Critica!ly comment on their
context, justified??
Con'emparary reievaIICe to Indiän
2013 GDP 1Gross Domestic Piuiuctj aiong witih
GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would
Scieice ud sticism; Are they be the right indices for jidging the weli
compatible? being of a country.
Be the clhange yoi: want to see in others Can capitalism bring inclusive growth?
2013 2015
Gandhiji 2016 Near jobless growWth in lndiä: An anomaly
With greater power comes greater or an outcome of economic retorms
2016 economy: A ieveller or a source of
responsibility. Digital
Words are siarpei tiiàn the two edged eronomic inequality
sword. 2017 Farining has lost the ability to be a source
Is sting operatio2 an invasion on privacy? of subsistcncc for majority of farmers in
hands to someone s veiter than
2015 Lending india.
giving a duie.

KSG-011-4555 2607/8, 2713 0786, 97173 80832

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