Organizational Behavior Individual Assignment Le Huu Hung Thanh hs140455 Fall 2019

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Organizational Behavior Individual Assignment - Le Huu Hung

Thanh - HS140455 - Fall 2019
Organizational Behavior (FPT University)

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Organizational Behaviour
Individual Assignment

Le Huu Hung Thanh | HS140455 | Fall 2019

Teacher – La Thi Cam Tu

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Table of Contents
I. Introduction 1
II. Analysis and Findings 1
Situation 1
Literature review 2
Recommendations 2
III. Conclusion 2
IV. References 2
V. Appendices 2

I. Introduction
the II. Analysis and Findings


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There is once when I luckily had a chance to observe as well as experience a
situation which is the predicament in my club at university. As a chair of the club, I was so
awkward and confused when I received information that our project has been closely
ruining because of a conflict between a member and a leader of that project.

The conflict happened when the leader divides the task into members of our
group. A couple of lovers want to work together and they cannot stand the idea which
being separated. The leader of our group personally thinks they cannot work with high
concentrate and effort when they are in a team because it would have a lot of distraction.
On the other hand, the couple thinks in an entirely different perspective that working
together brings to them the best result.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one of the most popular and well-known
theories of motivation.1 Maslow’s hierarchy demonstrates five essential needs that every
human being cannot be without them

This five-stage model can be divided into deficiency needs (D-needs) and growth
needs or being needs (B-needs). Maslow (1943) indicated that people must satisfy lower
deficit needs before moving to meet higher growth requirements. He later clarified,
however, that fulfilling a need is not an "all-or-none" phenomenon, acknowledging that his
earlier statements may have provided " the false impression that a need must be satisfied
100 percent before the next need emerges” (Mcleod, 2018).2

Maslow separated the five needs of human beings in order, from lower to higher.
The most necessary need is physiological and then safety. Belonging, esteem, and self
-actualism is described as higher-order needs.

Applying to the situation that I experience, we can easily recognize that a couple of
lovers did not satisfy the idea of being separated, which means they did not satisfy with
the second need of hierarchy- Safety. The reason why I believed that their safety, as well as
security in the working environment, has been under threat is that they cannot be
together, and that makes them feel insecure and unsafe because of unreasonable reasons.
A couple of lovers working together does not mean they cannot work and produce quality
results. As I experience, many couples of lovers make a huge success. A very example is
Marie Curie and her husband – Pierre Curie.

Self-Efficiency Theory


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Self-efficacy can be defined that the belief we have in our abilities, specifically our ability
to meet the challenges ahead of us and complete a task completely and successfully
(Akhtar, 2008)3. General self-efficacy refers to our overall belief in our ability to succeed,
but there are many more specific forms of self-efficiency as well. However, this assignment
will only mention self-efficiency and motivation, and confidence.

Self-efficacy and motivation are knitted, they are also two separate constructs. Self-efficacy
is based on an individual’s belief in their abilities, while motivation is based on the
individual’s desire to achieve. Similarity with Self-efficacy and motivation, Self-efficacy and
confidence can work in a positive cycle: the more confident a person is in his abilities, the
more likely he is to succeed, which provides him with experiences to develop his
self-efficacy (Ackerman, 2019)4

In this situation, it is safe to say that, a couple of lovers in this story has enormous
confidence. They believed in themselves that they would complete tasks successfully and
even more, they believed in each other in this job, not because of the simple reason that
they in love. However, the leader seemed to not understand how much it was meant to
that couple when they can produce great results while being together. Being together is
also a motivation to courage them to be better.

Instead of keeping that idea from the first place, the leader of that project absolutely can
adjust the task assignment list a little to make the process easier. It will be a win-win for
both sides of conflict. For a couple of lovers, their desire which complete tasks with each
other can be an extremely positive response, and for the leader, he can take that like giving
to members of a group a challenge to authenticate members’ capabilities and recognize
potentials. Moreover, the conflict will be scratched out immediately and relationships
between members and leaders can be shaped and develop based on trust and faith.

III. Conclusion
To summarize, this assignment indicates how Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Theory and Self-Efficiency Theory can be applied in the actual situation in real life. From
that, the manager can decide how to adjust work or give a positive treatment to increase
motivation as well as members’ feelings about the the quality of the job.

IV. References
1. Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4),


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2. McLeod, S. (2019). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Simply Psychology. Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2019].

3. Akhtar, M. (2008). What is self-efficacy? Bandura’s 4 sources of efficacy beliefs. Positive

Psychology UK. Retrieved from

4. Ackerman, C. (2019). What is Self-Efficacy Theory in Psychology? - [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2019].


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