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Assignment solution of Zoo 403.

Student Name: Mehreen Yaseen.

Student I’d: bc210206017
Role Of Nervous System In shaping behavior.
Nearly all of your actions, thoughts, words, and emotions are controlled by your nerve system. It
manages complex functions like memory, cognition, and movement. Additionally, it is crucial
for bodily functions like breathing, blushing, and blinking that occur automatically.
Social interaction plays a significant role in much of human behaviour. Even if the entire brain
Certain regions of the cerebral hemispheres are particularly involved in social activities. The
Cutting through the white matter that connects several frontal lobes during a leucotomy surgery.
Disturbs this component of behaviour, along with the thalamus. The Spanish government
suggested this method.
Egas Moniz, a neurologist, used to treat people with severe depression or obsessive-compulsive
disorders. After

The treatment, patients appeared to lack the socially expected inhibitionsa.

The Defense Reaction:
A person either turns hostile or flees when particular hypothalamic neurons are stimulated. All
vertebrates have a repertoire of these two opposing behaviours, collectively known as the
defensive reaction or the fight-or-flight response. Along with the defence response,
Powerful sympathetic response. The production of violence is also influenced by it.
The hormone androgen.
The anterior hypothalamus and the nearby septal area are where the entire act of copulation is
organised. This region, which is close to the region that regulates urination in men, organises the
erection of the penis and the ejaculation of semen. Under typical
The neurons that control mating behaviour only do so when they receive crucial
Hormones are present in their blood. However, if aware individuals are electrically shocked in
the septal area
Patients experience and think about sexual things.
The central nervous system’s nuclei show clear differences between the sexes.
System that is involved in reproduction. These variations represent a type of sexual dimorphism.

Eating and Drinking:

Although such fundamental components of life concern the whole of the brain, the eating and
drinking centres reside in the lateral and ventromedial regions of the hypothalamus. The animal
consumes less food or stops eating entirely if the lateral region is artificially damaged; if the
It consumes massively and destroys the ventromedial area. When lateral region neurons are
A monkey will feed when electrically stimulated, and when the ventromedial region is
stimulated, the
Monkey halts his meal. When the monkey looks, the activity of these neurons increases.
Only when it is hungry does it eat. The lateral region’s receptors are involved in blood sugar
Only triggered when blood sugar levels are low; fullness prevents their response.

Urination and Drinking:

The anterior section of the cat’s hypothalamus and areas nearby can be electrically stimulated to
cause the behaviour of retaining or releasing urine and faeces. The cat stops what it’s doing and
acts as though it’s in pain when radio waves stimulate electrodes placed in these areas.
Is about to urinate or poop. It engages in its routine behaviour of excavating a hole, squatting,
Assuming the proper stance, after which it exhales urine or excrement. Even its last stages
include its
Common practise of concealing its waste.

Temperature Regulation:
Heat production and heat loss must be in balance in order to sustain equilibrium. The
sympathetic and somatomotor systems work together to accomplish this. Moving into the
appropriate surroundings is the most behaviorally clear technique to maintain heat or coolness. In
order to balance heat, the body’s posture is also used.
Both heat generation and loss. The body expands out when one is hot; specifically,
Expands, exposing a big surface to the surrounding air and dissipating heat. If one is chilly, the
The body flexes, or curls up, in physiological terms, exposing the least area to the
The outside temperature.
The most crucial component of the nervous system for body control is the sympathetic system.
Temperature. When the weather is chilly for an extended period of time, the sympathetic system
generates heat.

Reward and Punishment:

A crucial finding was made in 1954 by Canadian scientists James Olds and Peter Milner, who
discovered that stimulating particular areas of the rat’s brain served as a reward for teaching the
animals to navigate mazes and solve problems. These experiments have led to the conclusion
Animals find stimulation enjoyable. Additionally, the discovery has been verified in people.
Pleasure or reward centres are geographical areas. In the septal area is one significant centre, and
Reward centres can be found in the cerebral hemispheres’ hypothalamus and temporal lobes.
And also When conscious individuals having neurosurgery have the septal area activated, they
Feelings of pleasure, euphoria, optimism, and contentment.

Circadian rhythm:
Study the bunker experiment to comprehend the biological clock of humans.
Unavoidably, humans have adjusted to the regular rhythms of the cosmos. The term “circadian
rhythms” comes from the Latin words circa, which mean “around,” and dies, which means
“day.” They fundamentally are
Internal to the central nerve system; endogenous. Sleeping and other circadian activities incluar
Waking, sleeping, and doing things, consuming liquids, producing urine, regulating body
temperature, and cardiac output,
Oxygen uptake, cell division, and endocrine gland secretion are all related. Rhythm is
Disturbed by shift work and hurried time zone switching. A long voyage rrequire
The endogenous rhythm generator takes many days to synchronise to the local time.

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