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Funda 3  Rapid, shallow respirations and dyspnea

 Increased restlessness or light-

Uppermost Respiratory Structure:  Flaring of the nares
 Substernal or intercostal retractions
Nasal Cavity
 Cyanosis
Restlessness, Agitation, Tachycardia, tachypnea
Tactile fremitus- assessed through palpation
Lower Respiratory Tract:

Primary Bronchi

Right lung- 3
Left lung- 2
 The exchange of gases occurs in the Yellow-green- indicate bacterial infection of the
lungs lungs
 The respiratory center is found in the Clear white- a viral infection
medulla oblongata and pons Pink Frothy- pulmonary edema with congestion
 Inspiration and expiration ratio is 1:2 Red rust- malignancy
 AP: transverse diameter ratio is 1:2
 L:S ratio is 2:1
 The epiglottis closes during swallowing Tidal volume- the volume of air inhaled and
to avoid aspiration exhaled during normal quiet breathing

Process of Respiration: Inspiratory reserved volume- the maximum

amount of air that can be inhaled after normal
Ventilation- alveolar gas exchange- transport of inspiration
oxygen and carbon dioxide- Systemic Diffusion
Expiratory reserved volume- the maximum
amount of air exhaled after a normal expiration

Residual volume- the volume of air that is left in

the lung

Albuterol- beta- 2 adrenergic agonists;

sympathomimetic; common side effect includes
Fluticasone- glucocorticosteroid; well absorbed
from the respiratory tract; suppress
Signs of hypoxia: - Rinse mouth after using ICS

 Rapid pulse
Oxygen therapy:
- Very low liter flows do not require a
- Oxygen facilitates combustion
- In regulating the flow meter to the
prescribed level, the line for the
prescribed flow rate should be in the
middle of the ball of the flow meter
- Excessive amounts of oxygen can lead to
pulmonary tissue damage

Most convenient- Nasal cannula

Highest oxygen concentration- Nonrebreather
Most precise- Venturi

Oropharyngeal Tube:
Suctioning the pt.:

Adequate oxygenation is essential for cerebral

functioning. The cerebral cortex can tolerate
hypoxia for only 3-5 mins before permanent
damage occurs

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