Communication Skills and Thinking Skills

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Thinking Ashen

Thinking is the process of considering or reasoning about something. It is the action of using
ones mind to produce thoughts.
Thinking Process
As mentioned in many places in their most common sense, the terms thought and thinking
refer to conscious cognitive processes that can happen independently of sensory stimulation.
Forms of thinking can be identified as judging, reasoning, concept formation, problem solving,
and deliberation. And the other mental processes like considering an idea, memory or
imagination are also included to thinking as well.
What is thinking?
Any mental event may be understood as a form of thinking. According to some scholars in the
field, even the perception and unconscious mental processes are also considered as a part of
thinking process. But when understood in the widest and slightly different sense, the term
caught mostly refers not to the mental processes themselves, but to mental states or systems
of ideas brought about by these processes.
Thinking is a function of our humanity, being conscious and aware and proves everything we

In general,the difference between one who thinks and one who simply acts on instinct is their
ability to make decisions about right and wrong. Humans, as ethical beings, deal with how we
treat other people, animals, and our physical world. As a thinker, you have that ability to
Thinking almost involved in everything you do. For an example, sharp thinking and reasoning
processes are central to clear speaking. But most of the people are poor thinkers. Not enough
people use their thinking skills. We take our brain power for granted, or assume it is already
fully formed. In this point, Buckminster Fuller, the famous futuristic thinker, once said everyone
is born a genius, but the process of living the genius sizes most of us.
The famous book How successful People think says that at the mercy of ruthless people who
would take advantage of them or try to deceive them. Good thinkers always in demand. Good
thinkers solve problems. They never lack ideas that can build an organization, and they always
have hope for a better future.
Thinking is a skill. Thinking is perhaps one of the simplest things to improve that can improve
your overall impact. And Microsoft, most of the employees are being trained in strategic
thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. In each of these
trainings, they learn new lenses, models and techniques to improve their thinking. What do you
need to keep in mind is you don't have to be the smartest apple in the barrel. Instead, now the
right tool for the job. And went to follow says in his book titled Tactics, The Art and Science of
Success, that Learning, Thinking is a skill is more important than raw talent. The essence of that
book can be summarized in these point. But he's not what you got, it's how you use it. You're
more limited by a lack of skill than a lack of IQ. Scaling wins over natural talent. The way I like to
think of it is.In a bar fight, who do you bet on, the boxer or the brawler? Natural talent takes
you so far. Skills take you further. Thinking is not the same as IQ. Rather than think in terms of
IQ, think in terms of thinking skills. This means you can acquire and learn new skills to improve
your thinking. Thinking can be developed through training and deliberate effort. It's not what
you got, it's how you use it. Honest says like this. I like to think of intelligence as being
equivalent to the horsepower of a car. The skin of thinking is then the skin of the driver. There
may be a powerful car, driven badly in the humble car, driven well. Indeed. A powerful car may
be particularly dangerous because it demands a high degree of driving skill. I believe the
thinking skill like driving skill can be developed through training and deliberate effort.
Learn ability over raw talent
Somebody who is naturally good at math would still be less effective than somebody who is
trained in math. I know, right? If we tested the raw natural mathematical abilities of a group of
people. But even the best people would probably fall far behind someone who had learned the
notations, methods, and systems that have developed for the operation of mathematics. Skill in
thinking is more important than genetic element skills make the difference. To follow rights.
Because we have made so very little effort to train thinking deliberately as a skill, we have to
rely on untreated natural ability. When we start to treat thinking like a skill and to train it. We
may find that skill in thinking is more important than genetic endowment in this area, within
certain limits. For example, the use of the random word is a deliberate creative technique can
yield a higher output of ideas than an effort without such a technic.
A change in thinking doesn't happen on its own. Good ideas rarely go out and find someone. If
you want to find a good idea, you must search for it. If you want to become a better thinker,
you need to work at it. And once you begin to become a better thinker, the good ideas keep
coming. In fact, the amount of good thinking you can do at anytime depends primarily on the
amount of good thinking you're already doing.
Those lines tap out. Stock markets crash. Real estate investments can go sour. But a human
mind with the ability to think well is like a diamond mine that never runs out. It's priceless.
Thinking skills
Practice and develop thinking skills. Thinking is worth the investment, author Napoleon Hill
observed. More gold has been mined from the thoughts of man than has ever been taken from
the Earth. When you take the time to learn how to change your thinking and become a better
thinker, you are investing in yourself.
Develop your thinking skills

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