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Inglés IV

Homework units 7 and 8

Complete the following exercises in your notebook, take photos and upload it to the platform in a PDF
document. Realizar los siguientes ejercicios en su cuaderno, tomarles fotos y subirlos a la plataforma en
formato PDF.

I- Passive voice present tense. Unscramble the sentences. Organiza las oraciones en la voz
pasiva del presente simple.

1. Is Murano glass-in- made- Italy_____________________________________

2. As- given- is-jewelry-a- gift—often__________________________________
3. Waste- food-a lot of – is- every day_________________________________
4. Many- are-in- China- built-cars_____________________________________
5. Safe- in- valuable-kept-Items-are-a__________________________________

II- Complete each sentence with passive voice form of the verbs. Complete cada oración con la
voz pasiva de los verbos.
Make- need- use- visit- watch

1. Every day the museum___________________ by thousands of people.

2. Millions of online purchases_______________ _every week.
3. Credit cards_________________ in stores, restaurants, and hotels all over the world.
4. The tv show ________________by millions of people every week.
5. Your username and password _________________ every time you log in.

III- Match the condition and the result to form real conditionals. Conecte la condición y el
resultado para formar oración de real conditional.

1. If people don’t protect some species ____ a- they will learn to care about the environment.
2. If scientist learn more about climate change _____ b-some resources will be saved.
3. If children watch nature shows _____c- they will become extinct.
4. If people use energy carefully ______d-there will not be enough food.
5. If the population continues to grow quickly ______e- maybe it can be stopped.

IV- Match the sentences. Conecte las oraciones.

1. There was a lot of food at the party ________ a- there is always a lot of traffic.
2. There were a few people I knew ________ b- I ate too much.
3. There are too many cars on the road ________ c- do you want some.
4. Angela wears a lot of perfume _______ d- and there wear a lot of people I didn’t know.
5. I bought too many potatoes ________ e- yes, she uses too much.

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