Organisation Behaviour

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significant role to play in the choice of

Q1.Process Of stimuli by an individual. In reality, a
Perception In perceptual input is not a part of the
process of perception but it is needed
Organisational to start the process of perception.

(B) Perceptual Throughputs
Process of Perception – Under the
process of perception a person Perceptual throughputs is in reality the
chooses information from his process of perception. Under it
surrounding environment, organises perceptual inputs are converted into
this information and then interprets it. perceptual outputs. In other words,
As a result of it ideas, view point, under it during perceptual inputs the
values, feelings and behaviour are information received is processed to
formed. The process of perception has obtain outputs. The following three
been shown in the following: Input- factors are included under the
throughput output model in the perceptual throughput:
following diagram:
 Selection of Stimuli: There are
numerous stimuli in the environment.
Our sensory organs are not capable
enough to absorb all the stimuli. We
get attracted to only those stimuli
which are related to us. The remaining
stimuli are simply ignored by us. In this
way, at this stage some stimuli out of
a large number are selected. (Note:
The choice of stimuli is influenced by
many factors which are detailed ahead
in this chapter).
 Organization of Stimuli: After selecting
the stimuli, they are organized so that
they can be made meaningful. For
example, if we want to draw meanings
of an incomplete picture, first of all we
(A) Perceptual Inputs shall have to complete the picture
itself. Making the incomplete picture
Perception input means the stimuli complete is called organising. With the
available in the environment. These help of his cognitive power an
stimuli include objects, events and individual visualises the complete
picture with his perception. Here we
people. When a person comes in
have a diagram. Immediately, on
contact with the stimuli in the
seeing this diagram the image of a
environment, the process of perception triangle emerges in our mind. Some
starts. Characteristics of stimuli, other person can look at this diagram
characteristics of the perceiver as only three lines instead of a
himself and the situation have a triangle. With the help of his sensory
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Q2. What is
system a man can the information
received by doing some plus-minus
exercise and makes the whole thing
meaningful. This is what we call the
organisation of stimuli. This is what
we call the organisation of
stimuli.Note: Various methods of
organising the stimuli are given ahead

in this chapter).
Interpretation of Stimuli: After
Values defined in
selecting and organising stimuli from
the environment an individual
Organizational Behavior as the
interprets them. In the diagram given
under point (ii) the moment an
collective conceptions of what
individuals looked at the three lines, is considered good, desirable,
he immediately organised it. After
organising these lines, he immediately and proper or bad,
thought that it was a triangle. It should
be kept in mind that every individual undesirable, and improper in a
interprets in a particular manner. If the
perceiver is not intelligent his culture.
interpretation can be wrong. If the
wrong interpretation happens to be
favourable to him, he will not shirk in
doing a wrong interpretation. In the
According to M. Haralambos, “A
present example, let us say that the value is a belief that something is
onlooker wants to present it as a
triangle but if the perceiver’s interest
good and desirable”.
lies in seeing them as three lines, then
he will see only three lines and not a
triangle. According to R.K. Mukherjee,
(C) Perceptual Outputs “Values are socially approved
desires and goals that are
When the perceptual inputs go through
the process of perceptual throughputs, internalized through the process
perceptual outputs start appearing. In of conditioning, learning or
other words, at this stage the results socialization and that become
of the perception process can be seen.
These results are in tune with the
subjective preferences, standards,
individual’s opinions, attitudes, values, and aspirations”.
feelings, etc. The results of this
perception process influences the
behaviour of an individual along with
some other factors.
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The characteristics of media and other sources

within the society.
values are:
 Values are loaded with
effective thoughts about
 These are extremely
ideas, objects, behavior,
practical, and valuation
requires not just
 They contain a
techniques but also an
judgmental element in
understanding of the
that they carry an
strategic context.
individual’s ideas as to
 These can provide
what is right, good, or
standards of competence
and morality.
 Values can differ from
 These can go beyond
culture to culture and
specific situations or
even person to person.
 Values play a significant
 Personal values can be
role in the integration
influenced by culture,
and fulfillment of man’s
tradition, and a
basic impulses and desire
combination of internal
stably and consistently
and external factors.
appropriate for his living.
 These are relatively
 They are generic
experiences in social
 These are more central to
action made up of both
the core of a person.
individual and social
 Most of our core values
responses and attitudes.
are learned early in life
 They build up societies,
from family, friends,
integrate social relations.
neighborhood school,
 They mold the ideal
the mass print, visual
dimensions of
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personality and depth of

(Q)What is Leadership?
 They influence people’s
Leadership refers to the art
behavior and serve as
of motivating people in an
criteria for evaluating the
organization to work towards
actions of others.
a common goal. It is based on
 They have a great role to ideas which can be a person’s
play in the conduct of own or inspired by other
social life. They help in leaders.
creating norms to guide
day-to-day behavior. Leadership is also an art of
communicating these ideas
effectively to others and
encouraging them to take up
responsibilities and grow
personally besides leading
the company towards
growth. Effective leadership
is not only inspirational for
the self but also for others.
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Different Types of Leadership 3. Laissez-faire Leadership

1. Democratic Leadership-This is as Laissez-fire means “let them

clear as its name. In do”. This style is the least
democratic leadership, the intrusive and leaders with
this approach ensure that the
leaders make or break
authority lies with the
decisions democratically, employees. While this
based on their team’s leadership style can
opinion and feedback. empower, it may also limit
Although it is the leader development, therefore, must
who makes the final call, be kept in check.
every opinion counts. This 4. Strategic Leadership
is easily one of the most
effective leadership styles Strategic leadership acts as a
since it allows employees bridge between the senior
team and the employees.
to have a voice.
Leaders adopting this style
2. Autocratic Leadership
ensure that both executive
interests and working
conditions for the team are
This is exactly the opposite of
stable when a decision is
democratic leadership
wherein the opinions of
employees are not 5. Transformational Leadership
considered. Leaders with this
style expect others to adhere This kind of leadership
to the decisions they take, always aims at transforming
which is not a sustainable and improving functions and
approach in the long term. capabilities. There may be
tasks and schedules assigned
and leaders following this
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style may ask employees to 8. Bureaucratic Leadership

push their boundaries

constantly. Most growth- This kind of leadership style
minded companies tend to goes by the books. Although
adopt this kind of a leaders with this approach do
leadership style. listen to employees and their
opinions, they may negate or
6. Transactional Leadership
reject it, in case they go
against the company’s ethos
This is a very common or policy.
leadership style today based
on the action-and-reward
concept. For instance, an
employee or team may political behaviour in
receive an incentive or bonus organisation behavior
for achieving a target set by Political behaviour consists
the company. of influence attempts that are
7. Coach-Style Leadership
informal in nature. Formal
influence attempts that are
This leadership style focuses part of one's role in the
on larger growth while organization arc excluded
encouraging individual team from such behaviour. PB is an
members to focus on their informal influence attempt that
strengths and talent. Though is discretion- ary
this is similar to strategic and
democratic leadership styles, Politics is a fact of life in
the focus here is more on the organizations. People who ignore
individual. this fact of life do so at their own
peril. But why, who may wonder,
must politics exist? Isn’t it possible
for an organization to be politics-
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It’s possible but most  What is a good

unlikely. Organizations are made performance?
up of individuals and groups with  What’s an adequate
different values, goals, and improvement?
interests. This sets up the potential  What constitutes an
for conflict over resources. unsatisfactory job?
Departmental budgets, space One person’s view that an act is a
allocations, project responsibilities, “self-effort to benefit the
and salary adjustments are just a organization” is seen by another as
few examples of the resources a “blatant attempt to further one’s
about whose allocation interest.” Most managerial
organizational members will decisions take place in the large
discharge. and ambiguous middle ground of
Resources in organizations are organizational life.
also limited, which often turns Finally, because most decisions
potential conflict into real conflict. have to be made in a climate of
If resources were abundant, then ambiguity, people within
all the various-constituencies organizations will use whatever
within the organization could influence they can to taint the
satisfy their goals. facts to support their goals and
But because they are limited, not interests. These are activities we
everyone’s. Interests can be call politicking.
provided for. These forces create Therefore, to answer the earlier
competition among members of questions of whether it is possible
the organization’s limited for an organization to be politics-
resources. free, we can say: “Yes”, if all
Maybe the most important factor members of that organization hold
leading to politics within the same goals and interests, if
organizations is the realization organizational resources are not
that most of the “facts” that are scarce, and if performance
used to allocate the limited outcomes are completely clear and
resources are open to objective.
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But that doesn’t describe the team well enough to decide

organizational world the most of which approaches work best
us live in. for critiquing them. The
Politics is in the Eye of the following are some general
Beholder. ways in which project
A behavior that one-person labels managers are successfully
as “organizational politics” are very measuring team
likely to be characterized as an effectiveness:
instance of “effective
management” by another. The fact  Creating Objectives
is not that effective management
is necessarily political, although in Determining the success of a
some cases it might be. project is one thing, but
Rather, a person’s reference point measuring an employee’s
determines what he or she individual output is another.
classifies as organizational politics. Managing by objectives is a
Take a look at the following labels method for measuring
used to describe the same effectiveness in which a
phenomenon. These suggest that project manager assesses an
politics, like beauty, is in the eye of employee’s particular output
the beholder. and how it contributes to the
company strategy and
How to Measure the
Ongoing In order for this method to
Effectiveness of Your work, every team member
Team must be given set goals at the
beginning of the project so
Measuring team effectiveness that there’s a standard to be
may make sense in gauged against. Annual or 6-
quantitative means for some month evaluations should help
projects, whereas establishing you align project goals with
a level of trust works better on individual skills and
other tasks. A project experience. You should
manager should know their also meet regularly with your
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team members to discuss member produces. This is not

progress and address any applicable for every type of
issues as they arise. project and thus there are
more arbitrary means of
 Foundational Trust measuring team performance.

Team members that Measuring sales and service

demonstrate consistent and is another way in which a
reliable behavior are project manager can
guaranteed to rate at a higher determine the productivity of a
level of effectiveness for the team member. Profit is yet
team. The more a team trusts another useful metric when
their project manager the evaluating productivity. Every
more comfortable they will feel 6-12 months a PM should be
with immediately admitting reassessing the baseline for
and correcting mistakes. This goals that accurately consider
will lead to a higher level of the current market and
productivity. Errors can be business operating conditions.
corrected faster because a
deep level of trust has been  Time Management
established. In fact, statistics
show that high-trust This is one of the tried and
organizations out-perform low- true means by which project
trust companies by 286%. managers measure team
member productivity. There
 Measuring Productivity are many software programs
available for tracking the time
There are quite a few ways to it takes to accomplish certain
measure actual tasks and objectives within a
productivity depending upon project.
what you wish to accomplish.
The quantitative method of Accurate measurement will
measuring productivity reveal how much time is spent
establishes how much accomplishing duties as well
products or services a team as how much off time is spent
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and where (i.e. illness, can be a very effective

vacation, social media, etc.). method for measuring a
Although this technique can team’s ongoing effectiveness.
be highly effective, it is
typically harder to track team
performance as it grows
(Q)Techniques of
 360-Degree Feedback Organisation
One of the best ways to truly
assess a team member is to 1. Survey Feedback:
ask the other members of the Information is collected
team. This is generally called through survey method. This
the 360-degree-feedback is the most popular and
method and uses the widely used method of data
comments and opinions of collection. The managers use
other employees to measure this information collected
an individual’s productivity. It through survey for making
is best to use this method in decisions. The wide range of
conjunction with another data is collected regarding
objective process that you can working conditions, quality of
practice outside of the team, work, working hours, wages
but it is great data to have in and salaries, attitude of
terms of assessing a team employees relating to above.
member’s contributions.
2. Team Building:
The best way to use the 360- Team Building is another
method of organisation
degree-feedback technique is
development. This method is
to ensure employees have
specifically designed to make
training prior to giving
improvement in the ability of
critiques so they understand
employees and motivating
what is considered well-
them to work together. It is
balanced and partial input.
the organisation development
Once bias is removed, this
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technique which emphasizes “Under this technique the

on team building or forming different groups of employees
work groups in order to are allowed to mix up with
improve organisational each other and communicate
effectiveness. freely and build up
interpersonal relationship.
These teams consist of They learn the reflection of
employees of the same rank their behaviour and try to
and a supervisor. This improve it. In the words of
technique is an application of Chris Argyris, “sensitivity
sensitivity training to the training is a group experience
teams of different designed to provide maximum
departments. The teams or possible opportunity for the
work groups are pretty small individuals to expose their
consisting of 10 to 15 persons. behaviour, give and receive
They undergo group feedback, experiment with
discussion under the new behaviour and develop
supervision of an expert awareness of self and of
trainer usually a supervisor. others.”
The trainer only guides but
does not participate in the 4. Managerial Grid:
group discussion. This technique is developed
by industrial psychologists
3. Sensitivity Training: duo Robert Blake and Jane
It is quite popular OD Mouton. The concept of
intervention. It is also known managerial grid identifies two
as laboratory training. Under major dimensions of
this technique the employees management behaviour. They
in groups are asked to are people oriented and
interact. The aim of sensitivity production oriented
training is to help people behaviours. Attempts are
understand each other and made to pay increased
gain insight so that they feel attention to both the
free and become fearless. variables.
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5. Management by to develop creativity in

Objectives (MBO): thinking. It gives rise to new
MBO is a technique of ideas. The principle involves
management development in it is that any idea, thought
which was put forward for the or plan put forward in a
first time by Peter Drucker in meeting must be critically
1954. It is a method of evaluated. The participants
achieving organisational are asked to come forward
objectives and a technique of with novel ideas generated in
evaluation and review of their mind. It works on a
performance. Under this premise that everyone has a
method objectives of the creative mind and capability
organisation are fixed and to generate new ideas.
responsibility to achieve them
lie on the managers and 7. Process Consultation:
results are expected from The technique of process
them. consultation is an
improvement over the method
Achievement of organisational of sensitivity training or T
objectives is considered as the Group in the sense that both
joint and individual are based on the similar
responsibility of all managers. premise of improving
It also provides a perfect organisational effectiveness
appraisal system. through dealing with
Performance of the managers interpersonal problems but
is measured against the process consultation is more
specific objectives. It is result tasks oriented than sensitivity
oriented technique. training.
6. Brain Storming: 8. Quality Circles:
It is a technique where a Under this system a group of 5
group of five to eight to 12 come together at their
managers come together and own free will during working
find a solution to a problem. hours once in a week and
As the name suggests it discuss out the problems and
involves storming of the brain
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suggests solution to the (Q)WHAT ARE THE

management for
implementation. The
supervisors remain present TRADITIONAL,
during the meeting. Quality INTERACTIONIST, AND
Circles have their origin in
Japan in nineteen sixties MANAGED-CONFLICT VIEWS
which improved the quality, OF CONFLICT?
reduced cost and heightened There are many differences between
the morale of the workers. The people in every organization. Every
success was due to workers’
person has a different personality,
participation. Total quality
and they may also have different
management or TQM is the
recent development. This opinions, views and values. When
concept was adopted by the these different opinions, views, and
USA in 1980. values conflict with each other, the
result is organizational conflict.
9. Transactional According to Examples of Conflicts &
Analysis: Resolutions in the Workplace,
Transactional analysis helps “conflict is inevitable in workplace
people to understand each settings, and conflicts can arise
other better. It is a useful tool
between co-workers, supervisors and
for organisational
subordinates or between employees
development but it has diverse
applications in training, and external stakeholders, such as
counselling, interpersonal customers, suppliers and regulatory
communication and making agencies.” (Ingram, para 5).
analysis of group dynamics. Organizational conflict has three
Nowadays, it is widely used as kinds: traditional, interactionist, and
OD technique. It helps in managed conflict. Traditional conflict
developing more adult ego identifies poor communication,
states among people of the disagreement, lack of trust among
organisation. It is also used in individuals and the failure of
process consultation and team managers to be responsive to their
employees’ needs as the main causes
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andreasons of organizational conflict a) system of interconnected parts

(Meer, 2013). This means that that work together in harmony to
traditional conflict is about maintain a state of balance and social
disagreements between managers equilibrium for the whole.” (Mooney,
and employees, which reflect Knox, & Schacht, 2007). In other
conflicts. For example, when a words, an interactionist conflict is
manager thinks negatively, does not based on having balance and
listen to others’ opinions or views, equalization between each other in
and solve problems by his or her self, the organization. Lastly, managed
this shows that this manager is having conflict is the process of limiting the
internal conflict. Interactionist negative aspects of conflict while
conflict can either be dysfunctional or increasing the positive aspects of
functional in nature. For example, conflict. This will aim to enhance
some of the managers could have an learning, group outcomes, including
argument over who gets the one effectiveness by working inpairs or as
corner office. This situation is a group to find a win-win solution to
dysfunctional conflict because the the problem. “well-managed conflict
fighting results in a win-lose situation is an investment in the future. People
with only one manager benefiting. trust each other more, feel more
Unlike the dysfunctional conflict, the powerful, efficacious, and believe
goal of the functional conflict is to their joint efforts will pay off.” (Dreu,
support the goals of the group and its Vlier, 1997). There are five basic
attendance within the organization modes of managing conflict that
this improves performance in the result from having different opinions,
organization. Functional conflict is if views, and values: Avoiding, which is
all of the managers have a discussion the best way to move forward the
about how to share this corner office conflict; Competing, the competing
to create a win-win positive outcome. mode is appropriate when you need
In addition, managers could have a to protect yourself, stand up for
lottery or rotate use of the office to important principles, or make quick
resolve the conflict. According to The decisions; Collaborating, focus is on
Three Main Sociological Perspectives, merging the perspectives of the
“functionalism, (defines) society (as parties, integrating solutions, and
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building relationships; Compromising, involving the harassment of a

which means that if a manager give person due to their sex or gender
up from something the other must identity. Actions may include
give up also, and this situation could unwelcome sexual advances,
be use when managers need requests for sexual favors, verbal
temporary solution. Accommodating; or physical harassment of a
is when managers show sexual nature, and the creation of
a hostile environment. Sexual
reasonableness and want to keep the
harassment often involves
peace (Conley, 2012). These five
bullying or coercion, and the
modes further elaborate on how to
harassers often have a certain
managed conflict in any business degree of social or economic
setting. power over the victim.

3) Abuse of power is a form of

Sexism, sexual systematic wrongdoing in a
harassment and abuse professional context, which
affects the performance of
of power professional duties negatively.
1) Sexism is prejudice or Abuse of power can also mean a
discrimination based on a person using the power they have
person’s sex or gender identity. for their own personal gain.
Sexism can affect anyone, but it
is particularly documented as
affecting women and girls. It has
been linked to stereotyping and
may include the belief that one
sex or gender is intrinsically
superior to another. Sexism
appears in different forms and
degrees. It ranges from small
verbal comments to global issues
of wage inequality.

2) Sexual harassment is
described as a range of actions
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Abuse of power is a type of objection, as in saying ‘no’, is

oppression strongly defined by made impossible and so on. It is
hierarchical relationships, and it important to notice that abuse of
is often linked to precarious power is not always necessarily
working conditions, such as a linked to sexual harassment or
non-standard employment sexism. It can also be linked to
characterized by low payment, any other type of discrimination
insecurity, exploitation and lack or attempt of crossing boundaries
of legal protection. These without the victim’s consent.
conditions might help to establish
a culture of silence. When people This brings us to the crucial
are afraid to lose their job, they intersectional approach of
remain silent and so enable the different systems of oppression
abuse of power to be normalized and abuse. In this view people
and continued. These dynamics “experience oppression in
and environments are often varying configurations and in
described as ‘toxic’ and are held varying degrees of intensity.
up via bystanders whose Cultural patterns of oppression
complicit behaviors both enable are not only interrelated, but are
and protect the abuser’s bound together and influenced by
behavior. While people who the intersectional systems of
abuse their power might use society. Examples of this include
sexual harassment or sexism to race, gender, sexuality, class,
control certain individuals, they ability, and ethnicity.” (
might also apply other methods Kimberlé Crenshaw, 1989)
of reinforcing their positions of
Discrimination and harassment
power, and do so repeatedly,
form a solid base for the abuse of
which is referred to as ‘patterns
power. Even if not always
of abuse’. Examples include
directly utilized, these are always
making people dependent on
present in the hierarchical
them, setting up situations where
constellation of power.
people feel forced into loyalty,
using manipulation or Like any other form of
intimidation to control, creating discrimination, sexism is
an environment where any
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omnipresent in our culture. It is The act of harassment often

structurally practiced and coincides with destructive
manifests itself through subtle behavior such as coercion,
and less subtle ways of exclusion bullying, violence, humiliation or
and oppression, which affirm the intimidation justified by a
existence of an underlying positive inclination on the side of
misogynistic culture. Sexism is the perpetrator.
deeply intertwined with our lives
and could be seen as a web of If sexism is rooted in a set of
presumptions or a set of strong negative or denigrating ideas
beliefs to which we pay little to concerning a person’s sex or
no attention. This lack of gender identity, then sexual
awareness makes it possible for harassment can be seen as its
many people, both victims and logical counterpart. In other
perpetrators, to understand and words, it could be said that if
experience sexism as ‘normal’, sexism affords harmful attitudes
i.e. “nothing out of the ordinary”. towards a gendered group to
happen, sexual harassment
Sexual harassment, on the other supports or even affirms the solid
hand, comes down to the cultural position of sexism.
crossing or the pushing of
someone’s physical or By focusing on one specific
psychological boundaries in a professional field, as in the field
sexualised manner without or of the arts, it is easier to
against their consent. The notion recognize similar scenarios and
of consent, which is the mutual see how an experience of
permission or agreement for discrimination supports
something to happen, is harassment and abuse of power,
especially complex when seen in even if one doesn’t experiences
the context of abuse of power. A all of these acts directly.
person may outwardly appear to
Listening to people’s personal
consent or agree to the act of
experiences of sexism (or
abuse and may even be, or
thinking of something you have
appear to be, maintaining a
experienced yourself), you will
relationship with the abuser.
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notice how these notions overlap 4. Managing Workforce

and coexist. However, the visual Diversity.
aid that was suggested does not
5. Responding to
aim to measure harm by making
hierarchical distinctions between Globalization.
different experiences or placing 6. Empowering People.
them on a scale. This is why the 7. Coping with
diagram suggests a rotating Temporariness.
triangle, so that we can think of 8. Stimulating Innovation
these entwining relations as and Change.
something that can alter
9. Emergence of E-
depending on the situation and
someone’s personal experience. Organization & E-
(Q) Challenges and 10. Improving Ethical
Opportunities of 11. Improving
Organizational Customer Service.
12. Helping Employees
Behavior Balance Work-Life
Main challenges and 13. Flattening World.
opportunities of
organizational behavior

1. Improving Peoples’ Skills.

2. Improving Quality and
3. Total Quality
Management (TQM).
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 Educational and
Religious Institutions.
 Physical Factors.
An attitude is a positive,
 Economic Status and
negative, or mixed evaluation
of an object expressed at
some level of intensity. It is an Social Factors
Every society has the majority of
expression of a favorable or
people who prefer to lead a
unfavorable evaluation of a harmonious life. They try to avoid
person, place, thing, or event. unnecessary friction of conflicts
with people.
These are fundamental
Naturally, they are inclined to
determinants of our develop positive attitudes towards
perceptions of and actions most of the people and issues.
toward all aspects of our Our attitudes may facilitate and
maintain our relationships with
social environment. Attitudes members of positively valued
involve a complex groups. Social roles and social
organization of evaluative norms can have a strong influence
on attitudes.
beliefs, feelings, and Social roles relate to how people
tendencies toward certain are expected to behave in a
actions. These are the factors particular role or context. Social
norms involve society’s rules for
influencing attitude; what behaviors are considered
 Social Factors.
 Direct Instruction. Direct Instruction
 Family.
 Prejudices. In general, the individual being
 Personal Experience. conformist or the direction of the
 Media. attitude of the people it deems
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important. Sometimes direct Personal Experience

instruction can influence attitude In order to be the basis of
formation. For example, somebody attitudes, personal experiences
gives information about the have left a strong impression.
usefulness of some fruition the Therefore, the attitude will be
basis of this information, we more easily formed when personal
can develop a positive or negative experience involves emotional
attitude about that fruit. factors.
Family In situations involving emotions,
The family is the most powerful appreciation will be more in-depth
source for the formation of experience and longer trace.
attitudes. The parents, elder Media
brother or sister provide As a means of communication,
information about various things. mass media such as television,
Attitudes developed by an radio, has a major influence in
individual, whether positive or shaping people’s opinions and
negative are the result of family beliefs.
influence, which is very powerful There is new information on
and difficult to change. something that provides the
Prejudices foundation for the emergence of
An attitude may involve a new cognitive attitudes towards it.
prejudice, in which we prejudge an Educational and Religious
issue without giving unbiased
consideration to all the evidence.
As a system, educational and
Prejudices are preconceived ideas
religious institutions have a strong
or judgments where one develops
influence in shaping attitudes
some attitudes toward other
because they lay the foundation of
people, objects, etc.If we are
understanding and moral concepts
prejudiced against a person, who
within the individual.
is, accused of a crime, we may
Understanding the good and the
regard him as guilty regardless of
bad, the dividing line between
the evidence. We can also be
something that can and cannot do
prejudiced in favor of something.
is obtained from the center of the
Rakshak kona

educational and religious Attitudes are important in the

institutions. study of social psychology
Physical Factors because they influence the
amount of attention and the type
of judgment an individual may
Clinical psychologists have
give to a specific subject.
generally recognized that physical,
health and vitality are important
factors in determining adjustment, (Q)Advantages of Reward
and frequently it has been found
that malnutrition or disease or System for Employees
accidents have interfered so 1. Increased productivity:
seriously with normal Employers can motivate their
development that serious staff to do better by offering
behavioral disturbances have incentives. A rise in output
followed. follows as a result of this
Economic Status and development.
2. Higher profit margins:
Occupations Inevitably, a company’s earnings
Our economic and occupational rise as output goes up after the
positions also contribute to employees are recognized. As a
attitude formation. result, the firm saves money on
They determine, in part, our each unit sold (for example), so
attitudes towards unions and the selling price remains low,
management and our belief that leading to higher profit levels.
certain laws are ‘good’ or ‘bad’. 3. Improved productivity:
Our socio-economic background When employees lack enough
influences our present and future incentives, they are more likely
attitudes. to idle away their time in a
Attitudes reflect more than just company.
positive or negative evaluations: On the other hand, your
they include other characteristics, workforce becomes more time-
such as importance, certainty, conscious when given
accessibility, and associated appropriate incentives: So less
knowledge. time is spent by the employees
Rakshak kona

being idle, leading to more 7. Employee turnover may

productivity, improved decline:
performance, and better results. Your workforce may not feel
4. No issue with supervision: dissatisfied if appropriate
Workers become more incentives are given to them.
conscientious about their The probability of your
responsibilities when offered employees staying with the
appropriate incentives. As a company may also increase due
result, there’s no reason or to job satisfaction. As a result,
need for their close workforce turnover (voluntary)
surveillance. will be at a minimum.
5. Efficient workers can earn 8. Reduced number of
better: grievances and complaints:
High-performing employees Employees may not have a
might earn more through reason to be dissatisfied as long
performance bonuses, as the company provides them
increased commissions, and so with appropriate incentives. So,
forth. there are a few instances of
6. Easy of ineffective employee dissatisfaction.
If an employee is only earning FIVE BIG PERSONALITY TRAITS
the minimum pay despite a CREATION OF ORGANISATIONAL
reward system in place, this
may suggest that they are only
barely performing in their job.
So it becomes clear which
employee needs to be retained
at all costs. Also, involuntary
employee turnover may be
considered resultantly (as a last
Rakshak kona


organizational heroes
Ways Employees Learn Culture
in an Organization 6 – Establish cultural
7 – Use a consistent tone
of voice
8 – Organize team-
building activities
9 – Offer mentorship
10 – Allow mobile

Explain the link

between perception
and decision making
Perception is the process of
gathering, organizing, and
interpreting of sensory
information in order to represent
and understand the presented
information or the environment.
1 – Train your employees Decision making is the process
2 – Reinforce spaced of identifying and choosing
repetition alternatives based on the
3 – Talk about values, performance, and beliefs
organizational stories of the decision maker.
4 – Set rituals and Every individual face a point
ceremonies where he expected to make an
important decision from Avast
Rakshak kona

array of alternatives. An making These modules describe

individual is required to go how individuals should behave
through all the alternatives and in order to maximize some
make a rational decision. But outcomes this module assume
people cannot process all the that best decision maker is
information and scrutinize every rational.
single problem. As a result, they Assumptions of this modules
make a habit deciding on the
• The decision maker can easily
basis of perception so we can
analysis the problem
argue that there is a link
• Performance clearly constant
between perception and
and stable.
decision making.
• The decision maker has
On the basis of perception,
complete information.
individuals make decisions
• The decision maker is capable
towards continuations or
to find out best alternatives
termination makes decisions
solution and choosing the best
towards continuation or
termination, make behavior
pattern at the workplace and
with supervisors managers and
team member, Thus, the
perception theories are much
useful in organizational decision
making. Decisions are
influenced in most of the cases
by individuals behavior,
perception effects on behavior.
Therefore perception is closely
associated with individuals'
decision-making process. There
are three theories of individual
decision making.
I) classical or rational decision
Rakshak kona

Five Stage Model of Orientation (Forming

Group Development Stage)
The first stage of group
development is the forming stage.
This stage presents a time where
the group is just starting to come
together and is described with
anxiety and uncertainty.
Members are discreet with their
behavior, which is driven by their
desire to be accepted by all
members of the group. Conflict,
controversy, misunderstanding
A team cannot be expected to
and personal opinions are avoided
perform well right from the even though members are starting
time it is formed. Forming a to form impressions of each other
team is just like maintaining a and gain an understanding of what
relationship. It takes time, the group will do together.
patience, requires support, Typical consequences of the
efforts and members often go forming stage include achieving an
through recognizable stages understanding of the group's
as they change from being a purpose, determining how the
collection of strangers to a team is going to be organized and
who will be responsible for what,
united group with common
discussion of major milestones or
goals. phases of the group's goal that
Bruce Tuckman presented a includes a rough project schedule,
model of five stages Forming, outlining general group rules that
includes when they will meet and
Storming, Norming, and
discovery of what resources will
Performing in order to develop be available for the group to use.
as a group.
At this stage, group members are
learning what to do, how the group
is going to operate, what is
expected, and what is acceptable.
Rakshak kona

Power Struggle communication, bonding, and

mutual respect.
(Storming Stage) If there is a dispute or disruption,
The second stage of group it’s comparatively easy to be
development is the storming resolved and the group gets back
stage. The storming stage is on track.
where dispute and competition are Group leadership is very
at its greatest because now group important, but the facilitator can
members have an understanding step back a little and let group
of the work and a general feel of members take the initiative and
belongingness towards the group move forward together.
as well as the group members.
This is the stage where the Synergy (Performing
dominating group members Stage)
emerge, while the less
confrontational members stay in Once a group is clear about its
their comfort zone. needs, it can move forward to the
Questions around leadership, third stage of group development,
authority, rules, policies, norms, the norming stage. This is the time
responsibilities, structure, where the group becomes really
evaluation criteria and reward united.
systems tend to arise during the At this stage, the morale is high as
storming stage. Such questions group members actively
need to be answered so that the acknowledge the talents, skills and
group can move further on to the experience that each member
next stage. brings to the group. A sense of
belongingness is established and
Cooperation and the group remains focused on the
group's purpose and goal.
Integration (Norming
Members are flexible,
Stage) interdependent, and trust each
In this stage, the group becomes other. Leadership is distributive
fun and enjoyable. Group and members are willing to adapt
interaction are lot more easier, according to the needs of the
more cooperative, and productive, group.
with weighed give and take, open
Rakshak kona

Closure (Adjourning
This stage of a group can be
confusing and is usually reached
when the task is successfully
completed. At this stage, the
project is coming to an end and
the team members are moving off
in different directions.
This stage looks at the team from
the perspective of the well-being
of the team instead of the
perspective of handling a team
through the original four
stages of team growth.
Rakshak kona

1 marks typically characterized by

parties working together to
1. What Is Organizational resolve the conflict in a
Behavior (OB)? constructive way
Organizational behavior is the
academic study of how people
interact within groups. The 4. What is social
principles of the study of
organizational behavior are
applied primarily in attempts to Social loafing is the
make businesses operate more perceived psychological
effectively. phenomenon that team
members do less in a group
2. Transactional setting. The social loafing
Analysis effect states that individuals
don't pull their own weight
The Transactional
when they're judged as part of
Analysis refers to the a group.
psychoanalytic process 5. Impression
wherein the interpersonal Management in
behaviors are studied. In other
words, a social psychological Organizations
model that talks about the Impression management(also
personal growth and personal called self-presentation
change, i.e., identifying the ego involves the processes by
states of each individual to which people control how they
understand their behaviors and
are perceived by others.
altering them to solve the
emotional problems. People are more motivated to
control how others perceived
them when they believe that
3. what is functional their public images are
conflict-Functional conflict relevant to the attainment of
is a type of conflict that is desired goals, the goals for
characterized by the parties' which their impressions are
efforts to achieve mutually relevant are valuable, and a
beneficial outcomes. It is discrepancy exists between
Rakshak kona

how they want to be perceived ownership, and

and how other people independence in the
perceive them. workplace.
6. Meaning of Locus of Transformational leaders
Control: are change agents in the
business, who can identify
Locus of control refers to
innovative and shifting
one’s assumption about
trends in technology, and
responsibility for good and
then help the organization
bad events. Every person
embrace that change.
during his lifetime comes
across some good and
some had outcomes. While 8. Authority, in simple
he acts to maximize the words, is the right way of
possibility of good commanding subordinates,
outcomes and enjoys the issuing orders and
success of his life, he tries instructions, and exacting
to minimize the possibility obedience from the team. It
of bad outcomes. is also the right of the
manager to make
7. What is transformational decisions. Also, to act or
leadership? not to act depends on how
The transformational he perceives the objectives
leadership approach of the organization.
encourages, inspires, and
motivates employees to
innovate and create the 9. Type A and type B are
change necessary to shape two main personality
the future success of the categories. People with
company. This is type A personalities may
accomplished by setting an be ambitious, competitive,
example at the executive and aggressive. People
level through authenticity, a
strong sense of corporate
with type B personalities
culture, employee may be patient, flexible,
Rakshak kona

and laid-back. Personality

refers to the pattern of 12. What do you mean
emotions, thoughts, and by personality?
behaviors that make each Personality refers to the
individual who they are.
enduring characteristics
and behavior that
10. “Workforce comprise a person's
diversity is concerned unique adjustment to
with the similarities and life, including major
differences in such traits, interests, drives,
characteristics as age, values, self-concept,
gender, ethnic heritage, abilities, and emotional
physical abilities and patterns.
disabilities, race, and
sexual orientation, 13. Components of
among the employees of Attitude
organisations.”  Cognitive Component:
Your thoughts and
11. What is horn effect in beliefs about the
organisational behavior- subject.
The horn effect is a  Affective Component:
cognitive process in
which we immediately
How the object, person,
ascribe negative issue, or event makes
attitudes or behaviours you feel.
to someone based on  Behavioral Component:
one aspect of their How attitude influences
appearance or your behavior.
Rakshak kona

14. What Is Synergy? 16, what is Extinction -

Synergy is the concept Extinction refers to a
that the combined value procedure used in Applied
and performance of two Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
companies will be greater in which reinforcement that
than the sum of the is provided for problem
separate individual parts. behavior (often
Synergy is a term that is unintentionally) is
most commonly used in discontinued in order to
the context of mergers and decrease or eliminate
acquisitions (M&A). occurrences of these types
Synergy, or the potential of negative (or problem)
financial benefit achieved behaviors.
through the combining of
companies, is often
17. What do you mean
a driving force behind a
merger. by personality?
15. what is perception Personality refers to the
enduring characteristics
Perception is an intellectual
process of transforming
and behavior that
sensory stimuli to meaningful comprise a person's
information. It is the process unique adjustment to
of interpreting something life, including major
that we see or hear in our
mind and use it later to
traits, interests, drives,
judge and give a verdict on values, self-concept,
a situation, person, group abilities, and emotional
etc. patterns.
Rakshak kona

18.Two types of 19. What is Group

dynamics in
values are;
organizational behavior
1. Terminal Values.
2. Instrumental Values. Group dynamics deals with
the attitudes and
Terminal Values
These are values that we think
behavioral patterns of a
are most important or most group. It can be used as a
desirable. means for problem-solving,
These refer to desirable end-
teamwork, and to become
states of existence, the goals a
person would like to achieve more innovative and
during his or her lifetime. productive as an
They include happiness, self-
respect, recognition, inner
harmony, leading a 20. what is power ?
prosperous life, and Power is the ability to
professional excellence. influence the behaviour of
Instrumental Values others to get what you want. It
Instrumental values deal with is often visible to others within
views on acceptable modes of organizations. Conformity
conductor means of achieving manifests itself in several
the terminal values. ways, and research shows
These include being honest, that individuals will defer to a
sincere, ethical, and being group even when they may
ambitious. These values are know that what they are doing
more focused on personality is inaccurate or unethical.
traits and character.
Rakshak kona

21. Different Types 23. What is organizational

of Teams
Organizational culture is
 Functional teams. the collection of values,
Functional teams expectations, and
include members of the practices that guide and
inform the actions of all
same department.
team members. Think of it
 Cross-functional teams as the collection of traits
 Self-managed teams that make your company
what it is. A great
 Troubleshooting teams.
culture exemplifies positive
 Project team. traits that lead to improved
 Task-force teams. performance, while a
dysfunctional company
22. Distributive culture brings out qualities
bargaining? that can hinder even the
Distributive bargaining most successful
is a competitive organizations.
bargaining strategy in .
which one party gains
only if the other party
loses something. It is
used as a negotiation
strategy to distribute
fixed resources such as
money, resources,
assets, etc. between
both the parties
Rakshak kona

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