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Name: October 10, 2022



Digestive System

I. Base on the video that you have watch, fill in the needed information. (Berdasarkan video
yang telah Anda tonton, isi informasi yang dibutuhkan.)

Organs Major functions

Mouth chewing and stirring food with saliva

Pharynx As a digestive tract that carries food from the oral

cavity to the esophagus.
Esophagus carry the bolus from the pharynx to the stomach.

Stomach The bolus is mashed and bound until it becomes

Chunks. The food is dissolved and broken down
using acids from the stomach and enzymes.
Small intestine Dissolves the fats floating in the slurry of chyme into
fatty acids and glycerol. Breaks proteins into amino
acids, carbohydrates into glucose
Accessory organs: Produce Digestive juices and bile (yellowish-green
Liver liquid). Sends bile to gallbladder
Break down food using an array of special juices.
Pancreas Produce Digestive juices which are used to break
down sugar, fat, and starch. Pancreas also made
Gallbladder hormones.
Break down food using an array of special juices. To
store, thicken, and remove bile sap into the small
Large intestine Break down food using an array of special juices.
Drain most of the remaining fluid through. Bring the
remaining absorption results into the punch called
the rectum

II. Explain the following terms briefly. (Jelaskan istilah-istilah berikut secara singkat.)
Peristalsis is a series of defined muscular contractions which functions to propel the bolus
from the esophagus to the stomach.

Bulos is a food that is chewed in the mouth and has been mixed with enzymes. Bulos called
moist lump

Chyme is the bolus that has been mashed by the stomach and has broken down its protein

Segmentation is relaxation and repeated contractions in a place.

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