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VM BATCH Provisioning FLOW

Prepare the batch files and put it on DSU unit (/tmp): (file should include all the list of the new users
and the COS where should be provisioned)
                               c <sub_id> SubscriberCosName=<COS Name>

In order to run the batch file prepared please perform the following:
1a.            Batch transfer
                               Login to dsu1a ( which currently hold the SpmAgent resource group )
hastatus -sum | grep -i spmagent | grep ONLI
B SpmAgent dsu1b Y N ONLINE

1b. Create a dat file with the list of numbers/mailboxes to be added.

File should contain for e.g. c 18767749524 SubscriberCosName=20…

1c. Using WinSCP log on to user: root and pwd : Adm1Cmv4$
then SFTP dat file to the DSU with SpmAgent ONLINE… folder var/tmp

1d. On the DSU go to cd /var/tmp and verify that file is present….

Then copy file to cd /data/spm/Default\ domain/input

Then type:
                          cp JamPstnBatch1.dat /data/spm/Default\ domain/input
cd /data/spm/Default\ domain/input
                               chmod 777 *.dat
Note that for more than one file add * to file name e.g. testdoc*.dat
2.            Batch run
                               Login to OMU and type for each batch you want to run:
                               [root@omu-au1 ~]# su - compas
                               (omu-au1@compas)~$ io
                               HST> :

                copy/paste the xml below – pay attention to the file name field, which should match the
batch file name you would like to run: only file can be activated per script

<Provisioning xmlns:xsi="">
<Identifier Type="SystemName" Value="JAMCOMVMS"/>
<DomainName>Default domain</DomainName>

                you should expect the response below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Provisioning><Response><Header><EntityName>Batch</
ComponentName="SpmAgent"><Code>35051000</Code><Description>SpmAgent got request to
start batch file(s) co

To see the file being executed go to DSU : cd /data/spm/Default\ domain/input.

Then do ls –lrt

To check the output file

cd /data/spm/Default\ domain/output
ls –lrt

To list top of file being process…..

head JamPstnBatch1.dat.out
to count success of failure
grep 'ERROR: 11005009' JamPstnBatch1.dat.out| wc –l <# of failure>
grep 'ERROR: 0' JamPstnBatch1.dat.out| wc –l <# of success>

3.            Monitor
                               a.            spm agent - /var/cti/logs/spmagent/SPMAgent_Debug.log
                               b.            batch output files - /data/spm/Default
                               c.            batch processed files - /data/spm/Default
                               d.            check disk space on the DSUs every few hours< df –h>

grep 'ERROR: 11005009' JamPstnBatch1.dat.out’ | wc –l

grep 'ERROR: 0' JamPstnBatch1.dat.out | wc -l

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