BCA 5th Sem Dec 2018

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^ (i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code : 0

Exam. Code: 0 0

Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester

Paper: BCA-16-501
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :-r- Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. 9

(Unit-V) which is compulsory and selecting one question
each from Units I-IV.
1. (a) Describe the classification of Networks based on Scale.
(b) Explain the OSI Reference Model with functioning of each
layer. 6,7
2. (a) Write a detailed note on following transmission media:
(i) Twisted pair
(ii) Co-axial cable
(b) Expl ain in detail:
(i) Circuit Switching
(ii) Message switching. 6,7
3. (a) What are the functions of data link layer ? Explain the design
issues related to services provided to network layer.

0947/EPY-10670 1 [Turn over

(b) What is framing ? Explain the various methods of framing and,
what are the problems associated with each method.

4. Explain the following Error Detection and Correction codes:

(i) Hamming Code
(ii) Cyclic Redundancy Code. 13
5. What are the functions of Network Layer ? Explain the Design
issues associated with network layer. 13
6. (a) Explain the Shortest Path routing algorithm. Illustrate with
(b) What are Principles of Congestion Control ? Explain Leaky
Bucket Algorithm. 6,7
7. (a) Describe the Architecture of Email System.
(b) How is information found on World Wide Web.? 6,7
8. (a) Write a note on Domain name System.
(b) Explain the Encyption Model and methods of encryption
used in it, 6,7
UNIT—V (Compulsory Question)
9. (a) List the factors why companies opt for networks.
(b) List advantages of fibre over copper wire.
(c) Distinguish between Broadcast and Point-to-Point networks.
(d) What is the function of Internal Layer of TCP/IP Reference
Model ?
(e) What is Hamming Distance ?
(f) Draw Internet Protocol Header. 13

0947/EPY-10670 2 4500
(i) Printed Pages: 4 Roll No.
(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code : 0 8
Exam. Code : 0 0
Bachelor of Computer Applications 5lh Semester
Paper: BCA-16-502

Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :— Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question
from each unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions
carry equal marks.
1. (i) What is the number of subsets of a set having n elements ?
Write down all the proper subsets of the set {1, 2, 3}.
(ii) Write the generating function of the sequence :
Sn = 2n[3 + 2(-l)n]. 2
(iii) Does there exist a graph with 24 edges, 3 vertices of
degree 4 and all other vertices of degree 3 ? If so, find
the number of vertices. 3
(iv) Find the number of regions defined by a connected planar
graph with 4 nodes and 8 edges. 2
(v) For the words u - a2bab2 and v - bab2 find (a) uv,
(b) u X v. 2
(vi) Show that f(x) = 5.5x2 + 7x is 0(x2). 2

0948/EPY-12356 1 [Turn over

2. (i) State and prove De1 Morgan's Laws for two sets.
(ii) In a survey of 60 people; it was found that 25 read
Newsweek magazine, 26 read Times, 26 read Fortune, 9
read both Newsweek and Fbrtune, 1 1 read both Newsweek
and Times, 8 read both Times and Fortune and 3 read all
the three magazines. Find :
(a) The number of people who read at least one of the
three magazines.
(b) The number of people who read Newsweek only,
Times only and Fortune magazine only.
(c) The number of people who read exactly one magazine.
3. (i) Define relation for sets A and B. If A = (a, b, c, d},
B = (p, q, r, s}. Then which of the following are relations
from A to B ?
(a) R, = {(a, q), (b, s), (c, d), (d, r)}
(b) R^ = {(a, r), (c, p), (b, q)}. Justify your answer with
(ii) Is the function f(x) = - invertible in its domain ? If
so, find f~'(x) and its domain and range. Also evaluate
fof-1. 6,7
4. (i) Solve the recurrence relation :

ao = ' ai ^
(ii) Write the sequence whose generating function is
3-5z 6,7

(i) For the recurrence relation sn - 6sn-1. + 8sn-2, = 0, n > 2

and SQ = 10, s, - 25. Find generating function and also
the sequence which satisfies it.
(ii) Solve :
o = 10s - 9s s — 3 s — 11 XS
Sn 1U Vl yV2> bO J > bl °'-)
(i) Consider the graph in figure. Justify the following
statements :

(a) Is it a complete graph ?

(b) Is the graph connected and regular ?
(c) Is it a planar graph ? If true, find the number of
regions using Euler's formula.
(ii) For the given graph :

(a) Find the adjacency matrix.

(b) Find the incidence matrix. 7,6
0948/EPY-12356 3 [Turn over

7. (i) Find the shortest path between a and z in the graph shown
in figure using Dijkstra's Algorithm.

d 4 f
(ii) A connected graph has 9 vertices having degrees 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3,4,4 and 5. How many edges are there ? How many
faces are there ? 7,6
8. (i) Let A = {a, b}. Construct an automation M which will
accept the language L(M) = {arbs; r > 0, s > 0}.
(ii) Construct the state transition table of the finite state machine
whose diagraph is given in figure. 7,6


9. (i) Determine whether the automation M in figure accepts the

words (a) w = bbaba, (b) w = baab, (c) w = w,

(ii) Prove that f(x) = 8x3 + 5x2 + 7 is H(g(x)) where g(x) = x\6

0948/EPY-12356 4500
7. (i) Find the shortest path between a and z in the graph shown
in figure using Dijkstra's Algorithm.

d 4 f
(ii) A connected graph has 9 vertices having degrees 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3,4,4 and 5. How many edges are there ? How many
faces are there ? 7,6
8. (i) Let A = {a, b}. Construct an automation M which will
accept the language L(M) = {arbs; r > 0, s > 0}.
(ii) Construct the state transition table of the finite state machine
whose diagraph is given in figure. 7,6

9. (i) Determine whether the automation VI in figure accepts the

words (a) w = bbaba, (b) w = baab, (c) w - w.

(ii) Prove that f(x) = 8x3 + 5x2 + 7 is Q(g(x)) where g(x) = x3<

0948/EPY-12356 4500
Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code:0

Exam. Code: 0 0

Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester


Time Allowed: 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :- Attempt any one question each from Unit I-IV. Unit V is
: ' <
• •
1. (a) Write notes on the following: Byte code, Java Virtual Machine
and Java development Kit. 6
(b) Discuss the structure of Java Program and the steps to
execute it. 7
2. What is inheritance ? What are various type of inheritance methods
supported in Java ? How do you implement inheritance in Java
Program ? How can you initialise base class data members via
derived class constructors ? Discuss with help of Java code.
3. (a) Write a Java Program to get the values of 3><3 matrix and
find its transpose. 7
(b) What are packages ? What are their types ? How do you
use them in Java Program ? 6
0949/EPY-12357 1 [Turn over
4. (a) Differentiate among String and StringBuffer class. 5 -v
(b) What are the various pre-defined streams in Java ? Discuss
each one of them briefly. 4
(c) What are interfaces ? How are they implemented in Java?

5. (a) Discuss the Java Thread model. 7
(b) What are the various ways to create a thread in Java ?
Explain. 6
6. Write a Java Applet to draw various shapes like lines, rectangles,
circles and ellipses. Write the steps to execute this applet. 13
7. What are Layout managers ? What is the benefit of using them?
Discuss the various Layout managers supported by Java.
8. Discuss the JDBC architecture in detail. Write a Java program to
create a connection with the database. Explain the various classes
used in this program. 13
(Compulsory Question)
9. (a) Why Java is considered a secure language ? 2
(b) What is the use of Final Keyword ? 2
(c) What is difference between interface and abstract class ?
(d) How do you create user defined exception ? 2
(e) Give some applications of Applet. 2
(f) What is delegation event model ? 3

0949/EPY-12357 2 4500
(i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code : 0 0

Exam. Code: 0 0

Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester

Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :— Attempt five questions in all by selecting one question from

each Section. Entire Question Number IX is compulsory.
I. (a) Explain the difference between Client Side Scripting and
Server Side Scripting. Also name the software used for them.
(b) Explain the difference between Static and Dynamic Websites.
II. (a) Explain the syntax and usage of'for' loop used in PHP Also •
create a script using 'for' loop to add all the integers between
0 and 10 and display the total.
(b) Describe the data types used in PHP. 7,6
HI. (a) How are functions used in PHP ? Write a PHP function that
checks whether a given number N is positive or negative.
(b) What is Recursion ? Also write a function in PHP that calculates
factorial of a number N using Recursion. 7,6
IV (a) Write code in PHP which accepts two strings from the user
and displays them after concatenation. Also write two string

0950/EPY-12635 1 [Turn over

(b) Explain the syntax and usage of Multidimensional Arrays in
PHP. Give examples.. 7,6
V. Write code to create HTML Form which accepts user name and
password from the user and checks its validity with the data stored
in a database and provides suitable messages to show whether data
is valid or in valid. 13
VI. How is a form connected to a database ? How can the data in
the result set of database using PHP be retrieved and edited ?
Consider any suitable example. 13
VII. (a) What are Cookies ? How are they created, used and deleted
in PHP ? Give examples.
(b) What is a Session ? How are session variables encoded and
decoded in PHP ? Give examples. 7,6
VIII. (a) Describe PHP file permissions. Also explain the functions
which are used to open and close a file in PHP.
(b) Describe any three file system and directory functions. 7,6
(Compulsory Question)
IX. Write short answers :—
(i) Describe echo statement used in PHP.
(ii) Write rules to name a variable in PHP.
(iii) Explain the role of current(), next() functions.
(iv) What are super global variables ?
(v) How to get the value of current session id ?
(vi) What is the importance of "method" attribute in an html
(vii) WhatisPHP.INI? 6x2+1

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