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Q1. Why do we have have representative govt in most democracies?
Q2. What is the mechanism by which people can choose their representative
and change them if they wish to ? What are By Elections?
Q3. How are voters choices fulfilled by elections?
Q4. How can political parties contribute in a condition to democratic elections?
Q5. What kind of competition is offered to the people for elections?
Q6. Give any two demerits of Electoral competition.
Q7. How can political parties be made accountable to the people?
Q8. How are general elections held in India?
Q9. What are electoral constituencies? What is an elected representative from a
constituency called?
Q10. How many seats are reserved for women at local bodies? What is the
principle of Universal Adult Franchise?
Q11. What is the Election photo Identity Card system?
Q12. What is party ticket? What are the legal declaration of a party candidate?
Q13. Why has personal information of a candidate to be made public?
Q14.What is ballot paper and EVM?
Q15. What is the time period of campaigning for elections?
Q16. How is a vote caste on EVM?
Q17. What do you know about Election Commission?
Q18. What is booth capturing?
Q19. Give any two merits of Electoral Competition?
Q20. Why are election campaigns needed?
Q21. How do general elections differ from By elections?
Q22. What does ‘Booth capturing’ and ‘rigging’ mean in the elections?
Q23. Do you think elections promote Democracy?
Q24. How far it is good to have political Competition? Give reasons.
Q25. You visited an electoral booth and viewed malpractices being used to win
the elections. Can these malpractices be stopped?
Q25. Why do common people in India attach a lot of importance to elections?
Give any one challenge of Indian elections.
( 3 MARKS)
Q1. What is the outcome of free and fair elections held in India?
Q2. Mention any three powers and functions of the Election Commission of
Q3. In what manner does the Election Commission monitor the Election
Q4. How can you say that elections in India are free, fair and democratic?
Q5. What does voter turnout during an election signify?
Q6. What legal declaration is required to be submitted by each candidate who
wishes to contest an election?
Q1. How does the principle of Universal Adult Franchise work in Indian
Q2. What are the merits and demerits of Electoral Competition?
Q3. How was the system of reserved constituency introduced? SC and ST
Q4. What are the challenges for free and fair elections in India?
Q5. What is modern code of conduct in Indian electoral system? Mention its
chief elements.
(2 MKS)
Q1. What do you know about Mandal Commission?
Q2. What is the role of President in India? Why are government functionary
called the Executive?
Q3. How can a judge be removed?
Q4 Why is parliamentary democracy in most countries often known as Cabinet
form of govt?
Q5. What is Judicial Review?
Q6. What is the role of Parliament in law making?
Q1. How does Lok Sabha exercise many powers?
Q2. What is the need for political institution?
Q3. In what ways does Lok sabha exercise more power than Rajya Sabha ?
Q4. What do you know about Public Interest Litigation(PIL)?
Q5. What development took place after the recommendation of Mandal
( 5 MARKS)
Q1 What are the powers and functions of Prime Minister of India?
Q2. Who resolved the dispute of Mandal Commission? How did it materialise
Q3. Explain any 5 powers of Supreme court of India.
Q4. Describe the functions and powers of Parliament of India.
Q1. What happened when Germany refused to pay war compensation?
Q2. Why did the value of German currency Mark fall?
Q3. Who was Hitler?
Q4. What was Enabling Act?
Q5. Who was considered undesirable by Hitler?
Q6. How did common people react to Nazism?
Q7. What was Nazism? How did Nazi propject Hitler?
Q8. Who was Hitler’s propaganda minister ? What happened to Hitler at the end
of Second World War?
Q1. Why did Kulaks need to be eliminated?
Q2. What was Duma? How far was it successful?
Q3. Who were greens and whites?
Q4. Name the countries that formed allied powers and central power blocks in
World War I.
Q5.Who were Liberals and Radicals?
Q6. What does Kalkhoz mean?
Q1. Describe the vision of Robert Owen and Louis Blanc.
Q2. What was the impact of World War I on the Russian economy?
Q3. Why did Stalin’s policy of collectivisation yield immediate results? Explain
with reasons.
Q4. 1905 Revolution proved to be dress rehearsal for the revolution that took
place in 1917 in Russia? Give 3 arguments in support of India.
Q1. Describe how the poverty line is estimated in India.
Q2. Do you think that present methodology of poverty estimation is
Q3. Discuss the major reasons of poverty in India.
Q4. Identify the social and Economic groups which are most vulnerable to
poverty in India.
Q5. Identify the Social and Economic groups which are most vulnerable to
poverty in India.
( 2 MARKS )
Q1. What kind of people in India are considered poor? How is vulnerability to
poverty determined?
Q2. Has India the largest single concentration of the poor in the world?
Q3. What is the concept of social exclusion?
Q4. What is the vulnerability of poverty?
Q5. When is a person considered poor? What is the poverty line?
Q6. How is the food requirement estimated in poverty line?
Q7. What is the accepted average calorie requirement in India?
Q8. Why is the calorie requirement of rural areas more than that in urban areas?
Q9. How much amount is needed to fulfill minimum calorie requirement in
rural and urban areas?
Q10. How much amount is needed to fulfill minimum calorie requirement in
rural and urban areas?
Q11. How is poverty line estimated periodically?
Q12. How has poverty reduced in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil nadu?
Q13. How are women, children and old people the poorest of the poor?
Q14. Which social groups are most vulnerable to poverty? Which states of India
are the poorest?
Q15. How are China and South east asian countries able to control poverty?
Q16. How did unemployment lead to poverty?
Q17. How is economic growth linked with poverty reduction in India?
Q18. What does PMRI stand for?
Q19. What is the full form of MGNREGA?
Q20. What were the targets of SGSY?
Q21. What was PMGY?
Q22. What is the rural employment generation programme?
Q1. How is poverty line determined in India?
Q2. What challenges are ahead of India with respect to poverty alleviation?
Q3. What are the main features of the Mahatma Gandhi national rural
employment guarantee act,2005?
Q4. What are the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the poverty alleviation
Q1. Which states report a significant decline in poverty?
Q2. Mention some anti- poverty programmes undertaken by the government?
Q3. State the various poverty alleviation programmes introduced by the
government to remove poverty?

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