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A 1. When the load on a thermal unit is increased, fuel input

A. increased C. decreased
B. does not changed D. slightly decreased

A 2. When the generating units are loaded to equal incrementalcost:

A. minimum fuelcost result C. fuelcost not affected
B. fuelcost at a ma>timum D. effieiency decreased

A 3. ln a power system using both hydro and thermal generation, the proportion of hydro generation can be
increased by
A. increasing the price of water
B. reducing the price of water
C. increasing the field cunent of hydro generators

C 4. lArlrich of the following methods of generating electric porerfrom the sea is more advantageous?
A. Water power B. Ocean po,yer C. Tidal power

13 5. The efficiency of thermal power plant improves with

A. increase of quantity of coal burnt C. lower load on the plant
B. use of high steam prcssure D. largerquantity of water used

b 6. A gas turbine works on

A. Carnot cycle B. Brayton cycle C. Dual cycle D. Rankine cycle

c- pr r{e*rxfurLr,"?
A Air standard efficiency of a diesel engine depends on
A. compression ratio B. speed C. fuel D. torque

A 8. Most of the heat generated in internal combustion engine depends on

A. cooling water B. exhaust gas C. lubricating oil D. radiation

C L Capital cost per MWHR is highest in case of

A. Steam C. Nuclear power plant
B. Dieselengine D. Hydoelectric

10. A diesel power plant is best suited as

A. stand by power plant B. base load plant c. peak road plant D. general

A 11. A Nuclear Power plant is invariably used as a

A. base load plant B. peak load plant C. stand by plant D. splnning reserve plant

C 12. A diesel power station has a fuel consumption of 0.28 kg per IMIHR, the calorific value being 10,000
kCal per kg. Calculate
A. The overall efficiency
A.1o/o 8.760/o C.31o/o D.27o/o

D B. Engine efficiency if the alternator efficiency is g5%

A.52o/o 8.3$"5% c.43.10/o D" 32.30/o

Powet System
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