T CPD 1668436200 How To Teach Design and Technology in Key Stage 2 Research and Develop Design Criteria - Ver - 1

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How to Teach Design and Technology in Key

Stage 2: Research and Develop Design Criteria

“In key stage 2, children should research and Teaching and Learning Points:
develop design criteria to inform the design of • Ensure that children understand what a design
innovative, functional, appealing products.” criteria is, look through one carefully and pick
National curriculum statement out the key expectations, features and audience
for the product.
Throughout key stage 1, children will have learnt • Use information technology to research what is
what is meant by a design criteria. They will have currently on the market (similar to the product
looked at design criteria in depth and commented being designed) and gather information and
on their own successes and failures in meeting ideas around what works already.
design criteria. In key stage 2, children are • Use research to create a moodboard of ideas to
expected to use research to inform these design fit the style, colours, materials, aesthetic etc of
choices, developing and creating innovative, the design brief and criteria.
appealing and functional products for a variety of
• Discuss how the design can be innovative,
purposes and target audiences.
functional and appealing, creating a class
Key Vocabulary collection of ideas following on from your
product, design, criteria, innovative, functional, research.
appealing, develop, research • Draw up a number of designs containing
different elements of the design research,
Common Misconceptions and Errors adapting and altering it to fulfil the design
Children may need support to develop their own criteria.
concepts around a design idea or set of criteria.
Children are likely to feel more comfortable
copying or adapting a product that is already on
the market. They should, however, be encouraged
to use research to create new and innovative ideas
to match a set of design criteria.

Bringing Art & Design to Life

Children should use information technology to
gather ideas around a design criteria. This could
be by sharing ideas as a class or they could set up
a moodboard to gather and share ideas. This will
clearly show the thought process and attention to
each area of the criteria.

Example Questions to Develop

• What is a design criteria? Money Containers Research and
• How can I use research to inform my design Design Powerpoint
• What is a moodboard? Disclaimer: This resource is provided for informational and
educational purposes only. You must ensure that an adequate risk
• How can I use design features to make my assessment is carried out prior to using this resource. It is your
product more appealing? responsibility to ensure that the information/activity this resource
contains are safe and appropriate to use in your situation.

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