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Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol…, No….

, Month and Year of Publication

Guidelines on Writing of Journal Article

Article Title, about 15 Words, Giving the Research Description (Trajan Pro 12, Bold,
Line Spacing 1, Spacing After 6 Pt)
The First Author’s Name1, The Second Author’s Name2 and so on3
(Garamond 12, Bold, Line spacing 1)
University Affiliate and E-mail Address (Garamond 10, Italic, line spacing 1)
University Affiliate and E-mail Addresses

©2020 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License-(CC-BY-SA) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.30983/islam_realitas.v6i2.3695

Submission: date, month, Revised: date, month, year Published: date, month, year

Abstract (Garamond 12, Bold, Line Spacing 1, Spacing before 6 pt, Spacing
after 2 pt)
Write down here your paper’s abstract in one paragraph and no more than 200 words. Abstract
should contain: (1) the main question and the background of the discussed issue; (2) the research
novelty; (3) how the question is discussed in the paper or methodology; and (4) the main result of
the discussion. Other important matters discussed in the paper that significantly contribute to the
final result of the research may be noted here, but you have to consider, however, the limited space
of the abstract. The abstract is written in two languages; English and Bahasa Indonesia, typing uses
line spacing 1 or single, font size 10, font Garamond with the margins narrower than the right and
left margins of the main text. The keywords need to be included to reflect the problem context of
the research and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the research. The keywords can
be one word or compound words. The number of keywords is 3-5 words.
Keywords: Content, Formatting, Article.
Tuliskan di sini abstrak makalah anda dalam satu paragraf dan tidak lebih dari 200 kata. Abstrak
harus berisi: (1) pertanyaan utama dan latar belakang masalah yang dibahas; (2) kebaruan
penelitian; (3) bagaimana pertanyaan dibahas dalam makalah atau metodologi; dan (4) hasil
utama diskusi. Hal-hal penting lain yang dibahas dalam makalah ini yang secara signifikan
berkontribusi pada hasil akhir penelitian dapat dicatat di sini, tetapi anda harus
mempertimbangkan penulisannya dalam ruang abstrak yang terbatas. Abstrak ditulis dalam dua
bahasa; Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, pengetikan abstrak dilakukan dengan spasi 1
front 10 jenis huruf Garamond dengan margin yang lebih sempit dari margin kanan dan kiri teks
utama. Kata kunci perlu dicantumkan untuk menggambarkan ranah masalah yang diteliti dan
istilah-istilah pokok yang mendasari pelaksanaan penelitian. Kata-kata kunci dapat berupa kata
tunggal atau gabungan kata. Jumlah kata-kata kunci 3-5 kata.
Kata Kunci: Isi, Format, Artikel..

Background (Garamond 12, Bold, Line suggestions of the research

Spacing 1.15) findings.
The background includes The template for this article
mainly: (1) background of the format was created in MS Word
research; (2) concept and 2007, and then saved in doc
problem-solving plan; (3) format. The file of this template
research methodology; and (4) can be downloaded at
research formulation and research https://www.ejournal.iainbukittin
purpose. In this section, ggi.ac.id/index.php/islamt/index.
sometimes, there are some This template helps the article
recommendations and

The Author’s Name (Book Antique 10, Italic) 1 Part of Title … (Book Antique 10 Italic)
Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol…, No…., Month and Year of Publication

writers to write the articles in interpret the findings; (4) relate

accordance with the rules the findings with established
relatively, quickly and accurately, theoretical structure and
especially for the needs of knowledge; and (5) bring up new
electronic articles to be published theories or modify the existing
in Islam Transformatif: Journal theories.
of Islamic Studies published by The research findings in the
the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) field are integrated/linked with
of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, the results of previous research or
Indonesia. with existing theories. The
The body of the text uses the interpretation of the findings is
font: Garamond 12, regular, line carried out using logic, related
spacing 1.15, space before 0 pt, theories, and relevant research.
after 0 pt. the first line of the For this purpose, there must be
paragraph should be indented by journal references from the
pressing the tab key so that relevant research consisting of a
between the paragraphs, there is recommended 80% of all
1 space. The length of the article references made in the article.
is around 5000-8000 words.
Quotation and References
One feature of a scientific
Article Content
article is that it presents the ideas
This section is the main part
of others to strengthen and enrich
of the research findings and is
the writer’s ideas. The ideas that
usually the longest part of an
have been previously expressed
article. The research findings
are referred to, and their
presented in this section are
references are later included in
“clean” results. In the
the bibliography. Reference is the
subheadings of this section, there
mention of the source of ideas
are detailed parts in the form of
written in the text as (1)
sub-topics without number
acknowledgment to the owner of
format. In this article there are no
the idea that the writer has
subheadings such as “the
“borrowed” not plagiarized, and
research findings,” “the research
(2) notification to the reader
methodology,” but the
regarding the original source of
subheadings are in the form of
the idea.
topics and the direct discussion
Quotation of other people’s
based on the research topic. As a
ideas in the article can be done
result, the writers are free to
indirectly and directly. The ideas
make subheadings based on their
that are quoted indirectly
research findings.
generally come from textbooks,
The discussion in this article
journals, papers, articles,
aims to: (1) answer the problem
websites, etc. Quotation is in the
formulation and the research
form of paraphrasing, which is
questions; (2) show how the
placed in the body of the article
findings were arrived at; (3)

The Author’s Name (Book Antique 10, Italic) 2 Part of Title … (Book Antique 10 Italic)
Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol…, No…., Month and Year of Publication

and at the end of the paragraph For textbooks which are not
reference is made using the more than five years after
footnote system, for example: published, the writing of the
According to Oman Faturrahman, footnote is as the following:
the Syattariyah tarekat teachers usually Author, Title (the place of
adhere to the principle of ru’yat Al- publication: the name of
hilâl (seeing the moon) to establish the publisher, the date of
beginning of Ramadan. Using this publication), page number. The
method results in a later determination font for this footnote is
of the holy day, around one or two days Garamond 10 and Tab 1.5, for
after the determination of the examplee:
Naqshbandiyyah tarekat teachers1. Elly M. Setiadi dan Usman Kolip,
Pengantar Sosiologi Pemahaman Fakta
The direct quotation is used dan Gejala Permasalahan Sosial; Teori,
to quote interview and Aplikasi dan Pemecahannya (Jakarta:
observation notes. The paragraph Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2011), 20.
of quotation is in the body of the While reference to the same
article with left and right margins article, just write the name of the
that are narrower than the writer, full stop mark and page
margins of the main article with 1 number, for example:
inch left and 0.8 inch right and Setiadi, Pengantar Sosiologi

Pemahaman Fakta dan Gejala

typed using line spacing 1. The Permasalahan Sosial; Teori, Aplikasi
authors can also make a quotation dan Pemecahannya, 21
in the footnote if they want. The For scientific journals, the
example of an interview format is: Author’s name, “Title
quotation is: of Article,” Title of Journal,
“My cousin’s brother came to number, Volume (year of
Singapore for work. He did a course publication): page number and
and got a job here. So, I wanted to
come here in Singapore. I have seen DOI number if available.
Ulin Masruri, ”Pelestarian
my neighbor’s eldest son coming here Lingkungan dalam Perspektif Sunnah,”
and making a lot of money which he At-Taqaddum 6, no. 2
used to send home.” (2014):411,http://journal.walisongo.ac.id/i
ndex.php/attaqaddum/issue/view/ 2014.
In general, the Islam
Transformatif uses the Mendeley For quoting the same journal
reference manager with a article, just write the name of the
reference style based on the writer with a full stop mark and
Chicago Manual of Style 17th page number, for example:
edition (full note). Because there
Masruri, ”Pelestarian
Lingkungan dalam Perspektif
are several kinds of references, Sunnah,” 412
the following are the details of
Quotations from online
sources are written as follow:
Author’s name, ‘Title of the
Oman Fahurrahman, Tarekat Syatariyah di Article’, Title of complete
Minangkabau: Teks dan Konteks (Jakarta: Prenada resource <site address> {date at
Media, 2008), 20.

The Author’s Name (Book Antique 10, Italic) 3 Part of Title … (Book Antique 10 Italic)
Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol…, No…., Month and Year of Publication

which the resource was the format as above with 16pt

accessed}, p. page number, for Traditional Arabic Font and
example: Spacing 1.
Asep Rosadi, “Syarat Kredit
KUR BRI,” Ekonomi Today
<www.blogaseprosidi.html> {accsessed Figures and Tables
10 February 2014}, 20. Tables, figures and graphs
For quotations from theses can be used to clarify the
and dissertations: Name, “Title,” presentation of the research
{unpublished thesis, university, findings in writing. The writers
year}, page number, for example: must comment or discuss the
R. J. Ingram, “Historical Drama tables and graphs. Place the table
in Great Britain from 1935 to the label above the table, while the
Present,” {unpublished doctoral thesis,
University of London, Birkbeck College,
figure label below it. Write down
1988}, 12. the tables specifically, for
Quotations from newspapers example Table 1, name of the
or magazines are written as table, (font size 11, bold) while
follow; Name, ‘Title of the table columns with font size 10.
Article,’ The Name of Newspaper Table 1. Table Format
or Magazine, date, month, year. Heading
Heading of ColumnTable
Michael Schmidt, “Tragedy of Subheading of Subheading of
of table
Three Star-Crossed Lovers,” Daily ColumnTable ColumnTable
Telegraph, 1 February 1990. Content Content of table Content of table
Quotations of the direct Source: BPS Data 2012 of Bukittinggi
interviews and observations: As for a chart or figure, the
Name of the informant, (the presentation is different from the
informant identity) Interview, table based on the following
date, month, year, for example: example:
Sinaga Sinangguli, (Leader
community) Interview, 16 February 2016. TPS Garbage TPA

Transliteration and Writing of Arabic Trash TPS/ Garbage

Transliteration Guidelines container

refer to (SKB) the Minister of Chart 1. Waste Service System

Religion and the Minister of
The conclusion provides the
Education and Culture of the
answers for the formulation of the
Republic of Indonesia. Number:
problem or the research questions
158 of 1987 and Number:
that are explicitly stated in the
0543b/U/1987. Especially for the
introduction and described in the
article (Al) it does not follow the
content section. The conclusion
sound of the direct letter that
must be clear, concrete and
follows it. The article is written
explicit. In the conclusion, it is
separately from the word that
suggested to include the relevance
follows it and is connected by a
and the development of new ideas
horizontal line (-). For example:
which are the essence of the
Al-Qur'an, Al-Shams. Whereas
research findings.
for writing (Ayat) or Hadith or
Quotes in Arabic, it is written in

The Author’s Name (Book Antique 10, Italic) 4 Part of Title … (Book Antique 10 Italic)
Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol…, No…., Month and Year of Publication

References must be complete Book
and in accordance with the Setiadi, Elly M., dan Usman Kolip.
references presented in the body Pengantar Sosiologi Pemahaman
Fakta dan Gejala Permasalahan
of the article. All references
Sosial; Teori, Aplikasi dan
mentioned in the body of the Pemecahannya. Jakarta: Kencana
article must be included in the Prenada Media Group. 2011.
bibliography. To indicate the
quality of the scientific articles,
Masruri, Ulin. “Pelestarian Lingkungan
the sources from scholarly dalam Perspektif Sunnah.” At-
journals must be 80% of sources Taqaddum 6, no. 2
cited. Our journal recommends (2014):411<http://journal.walison
references of approximately 20- go.ac.id/index.php/attaqaddum/iss
30 sources, whether from ue/view/ 2014>
books, journals and other Thesis and Disertation
sources. Journal references are Ingram, R. J. “Historical Drama in Great
arranged alphabetically and are Britain from 1935 to the Present.”
grouped based on the type of unpublished doctoral thesis, University
of London, Birkbeck College. 1988.
references, such as textbooks,
scientific journals, papers and Articles in Nespapers and Magazines
articles, interviews and online Schmidt, Michael. “Tragedy of Three
Star-Crossed Lovers.” Daily
sources. Reference writing style
Telegraph. 1 February 1990
uses Mendely reference manager,
with the Chicago Manual of Style Online database
Bach, Kent. “Performatives.” in Routledge
17th edition (full note). The Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Garamond font size is 12 with top <http://www.rep.routledge.com>
margin 0 inch and bottom margin {accessed 3 October 2001}
1.75 inches, line spacing 1, space Digital and social media
before 6 pt, and space after 6 pt. Dominato, Gabriel. Morceaux de
The author’s last name is put in conversation avec Jean-Luc Godard,
the beginning of references. Since online video recording, YouTube, 10
the settings for writing the books January 2013,
and the journals in the Mendeley
v=_XcuHub-S8o> {accessed 10
application system is automatic, October 2017}
only specific sections need to be
explained as follows:
Sinangguli, Sinaga (Leader community),
Interview, Sunday, 16 Februari 2017

The Author’s Name (Book Antique 10, Italic) 5 Part of Title … (Book Antique 10 Italic)
Islam Transformatif: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol…, No…., Month and Year of Publication

The Author’s Name (Book Antique 10, Italic) 6 Part of Title … (Book Antique 10 Italic)

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