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Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’


A Research Paper Presented to Senior High School

Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Related to their Academic Track – Accountancy, Business, and Management


Danica Marie B. Escarez

Ana Rose G. Gayon

Mark Sherwin A. Gonzales

Kate Ashley O. Mesias

Menchie A. Seña

Jerome Kim A. Sigue

March 2020
Name of School: Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus
Address: Tramo Street, Barangay 57, Pasay City
Author/s: Danica Marie B. Escarez
Ana Rose G. Gayon
Mark Sherwin A. Gonzales
Kate Ashley O. Mesias
Menchie A. Seña
Jerome Kim A. Sigue
Adviser: Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D.
Strand: Accountancy, Business and Management
Date of Completion: March 2020

The relationship between customer and seller must be sustained by the help of not
only the economic and legal considerations, but also the ethical ones (Mabaquiao
Jr., 2007). Therefore, business decisions and behaviors must be guided by the use
of ethics.

Explanatory Sequential Mixed-Method and Correlational Design was used in this

research study. The questionnaire has four parts: letter to respondents, informed
consent, demographic profile and survey statements. The research made instrument
has undergone validation and reliability test with a Cronbach Alpha score of 0.712.
Purposive sampling method was used in gathering the potential respondents and
used Slovin’s Formula, samples of 44. Simple Random Sampling was used in
selecting the respondents for survey. For research questions 1 and 2, weighted
mean score was used. For research question 3, Pearson’s r was used.

Majority of respondents were 16-20 years old, Roman Catholic, grades ranging
between 85-89, price-sensitive, and equal number of male and female. Statement 26
attained highest rank while statement 11 got lowest rank. The researchers conclude
that there is a significant relationship between buyers and sellers practicing business
ethics. Themes rapport, practicality, safeguarding, satisfaction, affordability, good
impression, effectiveness, commitment and security emerged based from the ABM
students’ response.
The findings reveal that buyers examine products from its effectiveness to make sure
that products can be used for a long time and observed that employees practice
business ethics by being respectful for a better business environment and
relationship to buyers. This is recommended for: students, business person and
future researchers.

Title Page......................................................................................................................i

Recommendation Letter...............................................................................................ii

Approval Sheet............................................................................................................iii


Table of Contents.........................................................................................................v

List of

List of Figures.............................................................................................................vii

List of Appendices......................................................................................................viii


Background of the study……………………………………………………………1

Research Question…...…………………………………………………………….3


Significance of the Study …….…………………………………………………….5

Scope and Limitation……....….……………………………………………………6


Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………….7
Conceptual Paradigm………………………………………………………………8

Constitutive Definition of Terms………………………………………………….10

Operational Definition of Terms………………………………………………….11


Research Method………………………………………………………………….12

Research Design…………………………………………………………………..13

Research Locale……………………………………………………………….….14

Research Instrument………………………………………………………….…..16

Population and Sampling Data Sources…………………………………….…..18

Data Gathering Procedure (Pilot Study)...………………………………………21

Data Gathering Procedure (Actual Survey)……………………………………..22

Data Gathering Procedure (Interview)…………………………………………..24

Ethical Considerations..…………………………………………………………..25

Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………………26



Results and Discussions………………………………………………….………27







Table no. Table Title Page no.

1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM 27

Students-Respondents in terms of their Age

2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM 28

Students-Respondents in terms of their Gender

3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM 29

Students-Responses in terms of their Religion

4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM 30

Students-Respondents in terms of Grades

5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM 31

Students-Respondents in terms of their Buying Behavior

6 Weighted Mean and Rank among ABM Students’ 32

Perceptions for Buyers

7 Weighted Mean and Rank among ABM Students’ 34

Perceptions for Sellers

8 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 36

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 1: “I mostly
buy things that I want”

9 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 37

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 2: “I always
spend my money for necessary expenses”

10 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 38

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 3: “I am
afraid to ask questions to the salesman”

11 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 39

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 5: “I always
consider the benefits of the purchased products”

12 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 40

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 7: “I am
gladly take surveys from any business enterprise”
13 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the ABM 41
Students’ Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement
9: “I can control my temper when an employee of a
business enterprise made a sudden mistake”

14 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 42

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 10: "I
always reply when a salesperson greets or approaches

15 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 43

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 12: "I
approach a salesperson nicely"

16 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 44

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 13: "I ask
for the warranty of the purchased products"

17 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 45

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 14: "I
always check first if the product is safe"

18 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 46

Responses for Buyers to the Survey Statement 15: "I
always check first if the product is reliable"

19 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 47

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 16: "I
always greet my customers"

20 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 48

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 17: “I
always follow the principles of communication when I am
dealing with the customers"

21 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 49

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 19: “I
handle my employees/colleagues very well"

22 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 50

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 20: “I am
responsive to the needs of the customers"
23 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 51
Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 21: “I
always smile to the customers"

24 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 52

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 22: “I have
a good relationship between my colleagues/employees"

25 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 53

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 23: “I can
control my emotions towards a customer"

26 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 54

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 24: “I value
the feedback of the customer”

27 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 55

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 25: “I am
punctual on work"

28 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 56

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 26: “I have
a respect towards my superior"

29 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 57

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 27: “I
always prioritize the customer's safety"

30 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 58

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 28: “I make
sure to be always accessible to the customers"

31 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 59

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 29: “I
sometimes accidentally make my customer

32 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ 60

Responses for Sellers to the Survey Statement 30: “I
assure that every customers are well-accommodated"

33 Relationship between the ABM Students’ Perceptions for 61

Buyers and Sellers in Business Ethics

34 ABM Students’ Perception about Business Ethics 62

35 ABM Students’ Observation for Buyers Practicing Business 63

36 ABM Students’ Observation for Sellers Practicing Business 64


37 ABM Students practicing Business Ethics as a Buyer 65

38 ABM Students practicing Business Ethics as a Seller 66


Figure no. Figure Title Page no.

1 The Model of Business Ethics by Svensson and Wood 7


2 Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and 8

the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions

Appendices Title Page no.

A Letter of Approval from the Principal

B Letter to Core Respondent (Pilot Study)

C Informed Consent

D Research Instrument

E Raw Data (Pilot Study)

F Research Validation Tool

G Documentation (Pilot Study)

H Reliability Test Result (Cronbach Alpha)

I Letter to Respondents (Actual Survey)

J Informed Consent (Actual Survey)

K Research Instrument (Revised after Reliability Test)

L Raw Data (Actual Survey)

M Documentation (Actual Survey)

N SPSS (Actual Survey)

O Latent Codes

P Interview Transcript

Q Informed Consent: Qualitative Interview

R Documentation: Interview

S Curriculum Vitae

Background of the Study

Business is one of the most pervasive components of the society. The

relationship between the customer and seller must be sustained by the help of not only

the economic and legal considerations, but also the ethical ones. Following what is

right can be a pathway for a successful business enterprise (Mabaquiao Jr., 2007).

Moral issues can be subtle into some business, but these actions can lead to dark

transactions. Therefore, business decisions and behaviors must be guided by the use

of ethics.

As one of the ABM students, some businesses are not conscious enough to

apply ethics in their business. Some businesses are successful but lacks moral

considerations. Some refutes the view that ethical business can never be possible

since the business motive of profit-making, being innately selfish that is opposing to

selfless ethical motive of benevolence; they are not wealth-creating venture that will

benefit the both business and its customers. Working inside a business enterprise has

some of the conflicts: can be personal and unfair distribution of salary and wages.

Business should be evaluated in order to improve its service and preserve


The researchers want to find out the ABM students’ perceptions pertaining to

business ethics between the buyer and the seller. They have knowledge on how they

should manage a business and relationship among employees. ABM students’

observation in some business can be beneficial to accurately evaluate their business

performance. In order to judge a business, it should be a wealth-creating venture that

both customer and seller to console each other. As a result, some business can

improve its performance by applying business ethics.

Research Questions

This study shall seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the ABM students’ perceptions for buyers in business ethics?

2. What is the ABM students’ perceptions for sellers in business ethics?

3. Is there a significant relationship in ABM students’ perceptions between the

buyers and the sellers in business ethics?

4. How do ABM students feel about the lack of ethics in a business enterprise?

5. What type of application program will be formulated based from the findings

of this research?


Ho. There is no significant relationship in ABM students’ perceptions between the

buyers and the sellers in business ethics.

Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to all ABM students in Pasay City North High School

– Tramo Campus during the school year 2019-2020. The research was conducted on

June 2019 and was finished by March 2020. This study is limited to only ABM students

in PCNHS-TC namely Grade 11 and Grade 12 students who experienced and

observed different stores and business establishments. First, the ABM students’

perceptions for buyers in business ethics. Second, the ABM students’ perceptions for

sellers in business ethics.

Significance of the Study

This research study will help students to be a wise buyer when it comes to

buying certain products and to improve the relationship between the buyer and seller.

This may help:

Students – Who come and encounter everyday stores and businesses. This may help

them to be aware of ethical practices and we respectful at the services of the company.

Business Person – Who daily practices ethics and should meet the customers

satisfaction. This can help them to encourage the future business person to enhance

their manners towards the customers' needs and wants.

Future Researchers – Who can use this research study as their basis of their

research in business ethics. This may help them to support their ideas about the

importance of business ethics and other related business issues between buyers and

sellers in ABM students' perception.


Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. The Model of Business Ethics by Svensson and Wood (2008)

This research study is entitled Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions is anchored to the theory of

Svensson and Wood (2008), "The Model of Business Ethics", wherein it shows the

connection of society according to the values, beliefs, and norms of a business

enterprise to evalute the expectation of society. It signifies the relationship between

the buyer and seller in a business environment.

Conceptual Paradigm

ABM students’ perceptions ABM students’ perceptions

for buyers in business ethics for sellers in business ethics

ABM students’ sensitivity

about business ethics

Application program for ABM

students (blogging and
reviewing a business ethically)

Figure 2. Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’

Figure 2 shows the different variables of the research that is entitled,

‘Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’

Perceptions’. The first box at the upper left contains the ABM students’ perceptions for

the buyers in business ethics and that goes also for the second box but focuses on


To show the significant relationship of the first and second box, the researchers

put a double-headed arrow. The double-headed arrow shows the significance of the

two variables that are dependent to each other and their connectivity.

Adjacent to the first and second box is the third box that contains a qualitative

statement that which is ABM students’ sensitivity about business ethics can help to

elaborate the data. The three boxes are enclosed with a big box to show the overall

significance of each variable. The box below the big box is the research output that is

an application program for ABM students for blogging and reviewing a business

ethically. To show the connection between the two boxes, the researchers put a single-

headed arrow to show what will be the output or product of the data that is inside the

big box which is an application program.

Constitutive Definition of Terms

Application Program- n. is a computer software package that performs a specific

function directly for an end user or, in some cases, for another application.

Business- n. a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.

Business Ethics- n. is the study of appropriate business policies and practices

regarding potentially controversial subjects including corporate governance, insider

trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility, and fiduciary


Ethics- n. moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an


Perception- n. the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the


Sensitivity- n. the quality or condition of being sensitive.

Operational Definition of Terms

Application Program- it is described as a digital instrument to do something

depending to the works that should be done in a faster way than doing it manually.

Business- it is described as an activity to make profit by producing or buying and

selling of existing goods and services.

Business Ethics- it is described as an examination of moral principles and moral

problems that can arise in a business environment.

Ethics- it is described alike to morality, wherein as a distinction to what is right and

wrong that drives a person to do something acceptable.

Perception- it is described as having thoughts based on the observation of an

individual based on his/her five senses: sense of sight, sense of sound, sense of smell,

sense of touch, and sense of taste.

Sensitivity- it is described as an ability of being aware and behaving appropriately in

a certain situation.

Research Method

The researchers initially used quantitative research method by conducting a

survey and then used qualitative research method in drawing the conclusion. Aliaga

and Gunderson (2002) have described the quantitative research methods very well.

According to them “Quantitative research is an inquiry into a social problem, explain

phenomena by gathering numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically

based methods e.g. in particular statistics”. According to several prominent qualitative

scholars (Creswell 2002; Pope & Mays 1995; Denzin & Lincoln, 1994) Qualitative

Research is intended to deeply explore, understand and interpret social phenomena

within its natural setting. By using a qualitative researcher methodology, researchers

want to collect richer information and get more detailed picture of issues, cases or

events (Arora and Stoner 2009).

Research Design

The researchers used Mixed-Method in data collection, specifically the

Explanatory Sequential Mixed-Method Design. An Explanatory Sequential Mixed-

Method Design according to Plano Clark (2011) consists of first collecting quantitative

data and then collecting qualitative data to help explain or elaborate on the quantitative

results. The rational for this approach is that the quantitative data and results provide

a general picture of the research problem; more analysis, specifically through

qualitative data collection is needed to refine, extend or explain the general picture.

The goal for this kind of design is to strengthen the conclusion of the study. In all

studies, the use of mixed methods should contribute to answering one’s research

questions (Schoonenboom, 2017).

The researchers also used the Correlational Research Design in conducting

the research study in order to determine the Importance of Business Ethics Between

the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions. The objective of this type of

research is to determine the significant relationship between the buyers and sellers in

a business enterprise based from ABM students’ perceptions. Correlational research

is used to explore co-varying relationships between two or more variables. A simple

definition of a co-varying relationship is as one variable change so does the other

variable(s) (Picciano, n.d.).

Research Locale

The research study was conducted in Pasay City North High School – Tramo

Campus, EDSES building. Pasay City North High School was formerly known as The

Philippine Air Force College of Aeronautics (PAFCA) High School Department which

was located in Nichols Air Base, recently known as Villamor Air Base Pasay, Metro


In 1996, Basa Air Base Community College with its High School Department

was first existed in Florida Blanca, Pampanga. It was a semi-private institution catering

military dependents and personnel.

In 1968, it was converted to Basa Air Base College. From there, it extended in

Villamor Air Base-Pasay, Mactan Air Base, City of Cebu and Sangley Point-Cavite and

Fernando Air Base in Lipa City.

In 1998, PAFCA-High School Department was integrated to National Roll-

DECS by virtue of RA 6655.

In 1990, the school was renamed Pasay City North High School; Main Campus

that is located at M. Dela Cruz Campus Pasay City. This school has three annexes:

1. PCNHS – Basa Annex, Basa Air Base, Florida Blanca, Pampanga

2. PCNHS – Mactan Annex, Mactan Air Base, Cebu City

3. PCNHS – Tramo Street, Pasay City

The Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus is located at Tramo St.,

Pasay City. It is bounded by different barangays, on north – Brgy. 54; on the south

and east – Brgy. 57; on the west – Brgy. 56.

source: Google Maps

One of the nearest landmarks of Pasay City North High School – Tramo

Campus (PCNHS-TC) is the Epifanio Delos Santos Elementary School (EDSES) that

is essentially surrounded by sari-sari stores. EDSES is only one meter from PCNHS-

TC where the research was conducted. Moreover, the school is also 1.6 kilometers

away to the Pasay City Hall in Pasay City.

Research Instrument

The Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) researchers used a

research-made instrument which is survey to answer the quantitative part of the

research. The research questionnaire is composed of four parts used in the pilot study

and actual survey: Firstly, the letter for the respondents; Secondly, the informed

consent; Thirdly, the questionnaire containing the demographic profile particularly the

age, gender, religion, range of grades (for Grade 11 students, Business Math Subject

and for Grade 12 students, Entrepreneurship Subject), and buying behavior (Price or

Brand Sensitive); Lastly, the 30 survey statements with two sub-sections (for buyers

and sellers). In addition, the researcher used Likert Scale on the last part of 30 survey

statements with the following range: (1) Strongly Agree, (2) Agree, (3) Disagree, and

(4) Strongly Disagree.

This research made instrument has undergone validation among experts in the

field of Research and English subject, particularly Professor Zaide Valdez.

Moreover, this research made instrument has undergone the reliability test to

determine internal consistency using Cronbach Alpha based on the pilot study.

Cronbach's alpha is a statistic that measures the internal consistency among a set of

survey items that (a) a researcher believes all measure the same construct, (b) are

therefore correlated with each other, and (c) thus could be formed into some type of

scale. It belongs to a wide range of reliability measures (Lavrakas, 2008). The survey

statements got a Cronbach Alpha score of 0.712 which result to the reliability of the

statements from the pilot study. Consequently, the researchers have to remove the

statement 4 which was ‘I always get nervous when I take an order to a restaurant’;

statement 6 which was ‘I once make a "scene" inside a marketplace’; statement 8

which was ‘I am very straightforward to salesman to give feedbacks’; statement 11

which was ‘I just ask questions to a salesperson for fun’; and statement 18 which was

‘I always get rude to my customers’.

As a result, the researchers had to remove the said statements and ended up

to 25 survey statements for the actual survey. On the other hand, the other parts of

the survey remained the same.

The following were used to interpret the weighted mean score for the Likert

Scale: 3.6-4.0 (Don’t Agree), 2.6-3.5 (Somewhat Disagree), 1.6-2.5 (Somewhat

Agree), 1.0-1.5 (Highly Agree).

Population and Sampling Data Sources

The target participants of the researchers are the ABM students who are in

grade 11 and 12. The criteria for selecting the respondents are: (1) Should have an

experience whether in buying or selling a product; (2) Should at least know how the

business works ethically; (3) Can judge a business enterprise according to what is

right based from their perception. On the contrary, the respondents should not be from

other strand in Senior High School since the target participants are ABM students to

obtain an accurate data. This sampling method is called Purposive Sampling.

Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a

form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when

choosing members of the population to participate in their study (Foley, 2018).

Demographically, the age of the respondents is the basis of the researchers to

determine their variety of experiences when dealing from situations in a business

enterprise. In terms of respondents’ religion, it can signify their differences from other

denominations like their practices, customs, rituals, etc. In addition, the gender of the

participants can indicate based from what they feel as an individual in regards with

their gender identity. Within qualitative research choice of research participants is,

invariably, constrained by what is practicable. Whilst in an ideal world that may wish

to collect data from participants in a particular organization or a number of

organizations, the abilities to do this are dependent upon gaining access to these

organizations and our intended participants, as well as being granted permission to

collect the data that the research require (Saunders, 2012).

The researchers used Simple Random Sampling wherein each individual is

chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance,

or probability, of being selected (Shantikumar, 2018). The researchers’ participants

were at Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus.

On the Pilot Study, the researchers selected 10 respondents from ABM 11, but

that’s not the case for the actual survey. Using the Slovin’s Formula, the researchers

were able to find out the number of sample size for the actual survey.

Slovin’s Formula: n = N/(1+Ne2) where: n is the sample size, N is the population

size and e is the margin of error to be decided by the researcher.


N = 78 (population); and e = 10% (error)

n = 78/(1+78[0.1]2)

n = 43.82 or 44

Strand Number of Students Sample Taken

ABM 11 46 22

ABM 12B 32 22

TOTAL N = 78 n = 44

Therefore, there’s a total of 44 respondents for the two selected sections: ABM

11 and ABM 12B. As the actual survey went, the 4 selected respondents were not

there, only 40 participants responded.

According to Geckoboard (n.d.), a ‘good’ margin of error depends on the level

of accuracy you need. While a 5% margin of error is fairly common, it can fall anywhere

from 1% to 10%. Anything over 10% is not recommended. The margin of error can

typically be increased or decreased by adjusting the sample size of your survey.

Therefore, the researchers used 10% margin of error to adjust the sample size.

Data Gathering Procedure (Pilot Study)

In order to gather data, a researcher must conduct a survey. But first, the

researchers have to validate by conducting pilot study. The researchers initially made

a letter and gathered the preliminary number of students of ABM 11 and selected 10

students from the said section. In data gathering process, the researchers started off

by greetings to the teacher-in-charge in ABM 11 at the time of 10:30 am and asked to

excuse their time to conduct the pilot study. The researchers informed the teacher-in-

charge about the objective of the research study and asked permission by the letter

signed by the school principal. As a result, the teacher-in-charge allowed the

researchers to conduct the pilot study

Similar to what the researchers did to the teacher-in-charge, the researchers

started off by the greetings to the possible respondents, introduced their selves,

research title, and its objective. The researchers randomly selected 10 students from

ABM 11. The other members of the research distributed a 3-paged survey: the

informed consent, the demographic profile and the 30 survey statements. The

researchers instructed clearly on every pages of the questionnaire and informed that

every information that they gave will be kept confidential as said momentarily at the

informed consent. When the respondents were finished answering, the researchers

checked on every page if some questions were left unanswered. Before departing, the

researchers showed gratefulness to the respondents and finally acknowledged the

teacher-in-charge. Therefore, there was no conflict and division about conducting the

pilot study and the researchers are ready for the actual survey.

Data Gathering Procedure (Actual Survey)

The researchers initially conducted the pilot study before proceeding to the

actual survey. With the help of pilot study, the researchers become more aware of the

conflicts that they will face in the preparation for actual survey. Like what the

researchers did in the pilot study, they prepared the revised questionnaires together

with the consent forms. The researchers did the simple random sampling in selecting

respondents and their subject teacher gave the list of students in ABM 11 and ABM

12B where the actual survey was executed. The researchers then selected 20

students for the two sections with the total of 40 respondents. Before the day of the

actual survey, the researchers informed the teachers-in-charge of each class.

On the day of the actual survey, which was January 16, 2020, the researchers

firstly conducted on ABM 11 class on their second subject. The researchers started

off by the greetings, introducing their selves, informing about the research title and its

objective. They also informed the possible respondents on how they would select their

respondents which is simple random sampling. They called the 20 respondents to

stand up and went to the other side of the class.

The researchers introduced the 4-paged survey for the respondents as the

other members the survey questionnaires: the letter signed by their subject teacher,

the informed consent, the demographic profile and the 25 survey statements for the

actual survey. The questions given by the researchers should not be left unanswered

and informed about the confidentiality of their answers. The respondents then started

to answer and also asked minimal question. When the respondents were finished, the

researchers checked every page if there’s a question left unanswered. The

researchers finally showed gratitude to the respondents and acknowledge the teacher-

in-charge for that class in that period. As soon as the other cohort finished conducting

their survey to ABM 12B, the researchers went to that class and immediately started

conducting their survey. It was the same procedure like the researchers did on ABM

11 class.

All in all, it was quite an experience for the researchers. The researchers

validated from the pilot study and become aware of the conflicts that they will

encounter for the actual survey. The survey went well and was smoothly conducted.

Therefore, the researchers are ready for accomplishing their whole research study and

determining the conclusion.

Data Gathering Procedure (Interview)

For the qualitative part of this study, the researchers conducted an interview

that took place at ABM 12A at Pasay City North High School -Tramo Campus. The

researchers conducted a focus group discussion for a simultaneous for the two

participants. The researchers presented the letter of consent for their awareness for

the whole interview and asked if they are comfortable in the environment. The roles of

the members are as follows: the interviewers, Danica Marie Escarez and Mark

Gonzales; Audiographers, Menchie Sena and Kate Mesias; Videographer, Jerome

Sigue; Documentation and for jotting down the notes, Anarose Gayon. The

researchers asked questions that is connected to the research question 4: How do

you feel about the lack of ethics as an ABM student? The participants answered the

questions honestly and really interpreted it in a good way. The Interview lasted for

about 30 minutes. The interviewers finally acknowledged the participants’ cooperation

and momentarily told the confidentiality of their response.

Ethical Considerations

With the use of the informed consent, the researchers were able to momentarily

state that every answer given by the respondents will be kept confidential and in

private. The researchers gave an opportunity to the respondents by being available

and open to all questions by the respondents. Therefore, the respondents’ concerns

about privacy became clear.

Statistical Treatment

For the research questions no. 1 and 2, the researchers used weighted mean

score. For the research question no. 3, the researchers used Pearson’s r to measure

the relationship of two variables.


Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM Students-Respondents

in terms of their Age

Age Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

16-20 40 100

11-15 - -

21 above - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

respondents in terms of their age for the research entitled, “Importance of Business

Ethics between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be

seen in table 1 that most ABM students were under the age of 16-20 years old with a

frequency of forty (40) and a percentage distribution of 100.

This implies that all of the ABM students’ respondents included in this research

study are youth whose age range is between 16 to 20 years old.

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM Students-Respondents

in terms of their Gender

Gender Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Male 20 50

Female 20 50

Others - -

Total 40 100

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students-

respondents in terms of their gender for the research entitled “Importance of Business

Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can also

be seen in table 2 that both male and female respondents have a frequency of twenty

(20) and a percentage distribution of 50. This research study about the Importance of

Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers in ABM students’ perception has

a total frequency of forty (40) or 100%. However, no respondents specified their

gender identity from the category.

This data suggests that there is an equal number of male and female among

the ABM students-respondents.

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM Students-Responses

in terms of their Religion

Religion Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Roman Catholic 35 87.5

Iglesia ni Cristo 2 5

Born Again Christian 1 2.5

Islam 1 2.5

Others (MCGI) 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students-

responses in terms of their religion for the research entitled, “Importance of Business

Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perception. It can be seen

in table 3 that majority of ABM students are Roman Catholic with a frequency of thirty-

five (35) and percentage distribution of 87.5. On the other hand, Born Again Christian,

Islam and Members Church of God International (MCGI) attained the lowest frequency

of one (1) and a percentage distribution of 2.5.

This implies that there are more Roman Catholic respondents compared to the

other religion. This reflects that their beliefs, customs and tradition in certain a religion

can affect their response to the survey statements.

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM Students-Respondents

in terms of Grades

Range of Grades Frequency Percentage (%)

85-89 22 55

90-94 7 17.5

80-84 5 12.5

95-100 4 10

75-79 2 5

74 and below - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students-

responses in terms of their grades for the research entitled, “Importance of Business

Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be

seen in table 4 that majority of ABM students had a range of grade of 85-89 that

attained the highest frequency distribution of twenty-two (22) and percentage

distribution of 55. On the other hand, some respondents had a range of grade of 75-

70 that attained the lowest frequency of two (2) and a percentage distribution of 5.

This data suggest that majority of ABM student-respondents had a grade

ranging 85-89 that is satisfactory as a student. This reflects that ABM students are

capable of reviewing a business enterprise in terms of Business Ethics with all of their


Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution among ABM Students-Respondents

in terms of their Buying Behavior

Buying Behavior Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Price-sensitive 30 75

Brand-sensitive 10 25

Total 40 100

Table 5 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students-

respondents in terms of their buying behavior for the research entitled “Importance of

Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It

can also be seen in table 5 that majority of the respondents are price-sensitive that

attained the highest frequency of thirty (30) and a percentage distribution of 75. On

the contrary, some respondents are brand-sensitive that attained the lowest frequency

of ten (10) and a percentage distribution of 25.

This implies that most of the respondents are conscious enough to buy a

product based from its price. It can be seen that the ABM students-respondents are

managing their money properly and will positively affect their response.

Research Problem 1: What is the ABM students’ perceptions for buyers in business


Table 6. Weighted Mean and Rank among ABM Students’ Perceptions for Buyers

Category Statement Weighted Verbal Interpretation Rank

1. I always check first if the product is 1.3 Highly Agree 1
reliable (15)
2. I approach a salesperson nicely (12) 1.4 Highly Agree 2
3. I always check first if the product is 1.4 Highly Agree 2
safe (14)
4. I always consider the benefits of the 1.6 Somewhat Agree 4
purchased products (5)
5. I mostly buy things that I want (1) 1.7 Somewhat Agree 5
6. I always spend my money for 1.8 Somewhat Agree 6
necessary expenses (2)
7. I ask for the warranty of the purchased 1.8 Somewhat Agree 6
products (13)
8. I can control my temper when an 1.9 Somewhat Agree 8
employee of a business enterprise made
a sudden mistake (9)
9. I always reply when a salesperson 1.9 Somewhat Agree 8
greets or approaches me (10)
10. I am gladly take surveys from any 2.2 Somewhat Agree 10
business enterprise (7)
11. I am afraid to ask questions to 2.8 Somewhat Disagree 11
salesmen (3)

Table 6 shows the weighted mean and rank among ABM students’ perceptions

for buyers. Statement no.15 (I always check first if the product is reliable) attained the

highest mean score of 1.3 with the verbal interpretation of ‘Highly Agree’ which ranked

first. Moreover, statements no. 14 and 12 (I approach a sales person nicely and I

always check first if the product is safe) attained the second highest mean score of 1.4

with the verbal interpretation of ‘Highly Agree’ which ranked second. On the other

hand, statement no. 11 (I am afraid to ask questions to salesman) got the lowest mean

score of 2.8 with the verbal interpretation of ‘Somewhat Disagree’ which ranked 11 th.

This implies that Statement 15, “I always check first if the product is reliable”,

shows that buyers based from ABM students’ perceptions were making sure of the

longetivity of a product. This also shows that ABM students’ observation for buyers

are significant when reviewing a business enterprise.

Research Problem 2: What is the ABM students’ perceptions for sellers in business


Table 7. Weighted Mean and Rank among ABM Students’ Perceptions for Sellers
Category Statement Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I always have a respect towards my 1.2 Highly Agree 1
superiors (26)
2. I always greet my customers (16) 1.4 Highly Agree 2
3. I always follow the principles of 1.4 Highly Agree 2
communication when I am dealing with the
customers (17)
4. I handle my employee’s / colleagues very 1.4 Highly Agree 2
well (19)
5. I always smile to the customers (21) 1.4 Highly Agree 2
6. I value the feedback of the customer (24)
7. I always prioritize the customers safety 1.4 Highly Agree 2
8. I assure that every customer are well- 1.4 Highly Agree 2
accommodated (30)
9. I have a good relationship between my 1.5 Highly Agree 9
colleagues / employees (22)
10.I make sure be always accessible to the 1.5 Highly Agree 9
customers (28)
11. I am responsive to the needs of the 1.6 Somewhat Agree 11
customers (20)
12. I can control my emotions towards a 1.6 Somewhat Agree 11
customer (23)
13. I am punctual on work (25) 1.7 Somewhat Agree 13
14. I sometimes accidentally make my 2.5 Somewhat Agree 14
customer uncomfortable (29)

Table 7 shows the weighted mean and rank among ABM students’ perceptions

for sellers. Statement no. 26 (I have a respect towards my superior) attained the

highest mean score of 1.2 with the verbal interpretation of ‘Highly Agree’ which ranked

first. Moreover, Statements no. 16, 17, 19, 21, 24 ,27 and 30 (I always greet my

customers, I always follow the principles of communication when I am dealing with the

customers, I handle my employees / colleagues very well, I always smile to the

customers, I value the feedback of the customer, I always prioritize the customers

safety, and I assure that every customers are well-accommodated) attained the

second highest mean score of 1.4 with the verbal interpretation of ‘ Highly Agree’ which

ranked second. On the other hand, statement no. 29 (I sometimes accidentally make

my customer uncomfortable) got the lowest mean score of 2.5 with the verbal

interpretation of ‘Somewhat Agree’ which ranked 14th.

This implies that statement 26 (I have a respect towards my superior) shows

that sellers based from ABM students’ perceptions are still practices business ethics

particularly being respectful to their consumers. This also shows that ABM students’

observation for sellers are crucial when judging or reviewing a business enterprise.

Table 8. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 1: “I mostly buy things that I want “

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 17 42.5

Agree 16 40

Disagree 6 15

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 8 shows frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 1: “I most buy things that I want” for the

research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers:

ABM Student’s Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 8 that most of the respondents

answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of seventeen (17) and percentage

distribution of 42.5. On the contrary, one respondent answered strongly disagree with

a frequency of one (1) and percentage distribution of 2.5.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers show more

interest to the things that they want to purchase. In this manner, sellers are taking

advantage to produce more products that most people don’t need.

Table 9. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 2: “I always spend my money for necessary


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 19 47.5

Strongly Agree 14 35

Disagree 7 17.5

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 9 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 2: “I always spend my money for

necessary expenses” for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Student’s Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 9 that most of the respondents answered agree with the highest frequency of

nineteen (19) and percentage distribution of 47.5. On the contrary, seven respondents

answered disagree with a lowest percentage distribution of 17.5. However, no

respondent answered strongly disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers tend to buy

things based from their necessity. This reflects that most buyers are practical on the

things that they purchase.

Table 10. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 3: “I am afraid to ask questions to the


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Disagree 17 42.5

Agree 12 30

Strongly Disagree 8 20

Strongly Agree 3 7.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 10 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 3: “I am afraid to ask question to

salesman” for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 10 that

most of the respondents answered disagree with the highest frequency of seventeen

(17) and percentage distribution of 42.5. On the contrary, there are three respondents

who answered strongly agree with a lowest percentage distribution of 7.5

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers had a courage

to ask the salesman for their concerns.

Table 11. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 5: “I always consider the benefits of the

purchased products”

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 19 47.5

Agree 19 47.5

Disagree 2 5

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 11 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 5: “I always consider the benefits of

the purchased products” for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 11 that majority of ABM students strongly agreed and agreed to this survey

statement” with the highest frequency of nineteen (19) and percentage distribution of

47.5. On the contrary, there are two respondents who answered disagree with a

lowest frequency of two (2) and percentage distribution of 5. However, no

respondent strongly disagreed to this statement.

This implies that most of the ABM students-respondents considered the

benefits of the purchased products that they buy. This reflects that sellers must fulfill

the customer’s satisfaction for their consumers.

Table 12. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 7: “I am gladly take surveys from any business


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 24 60

Disagree 11 27.5

Strongly Agree 4 10

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 12 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 7: “I am gladly take surveys from any

business enterprise” for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between

the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 12

that most of the respondents answered agree with the highest frequency of twenty-

four (24) and percentage distribution of 60. On the other hand, some respondents

answered strongly disagree to this statement with the lowest frequency of one (1) and

percentage distribution 2.5.

This implies that the majority of the respondents perceived that buyers are

taking surveys to improve the business enterprise in terms of business ethics.

Table 13. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the ABM Students’ Responses

for Buyers to the Survey Statement 9: “I can control my temper when an

employee of a business enterprise made a sudden mistake”

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 22 55

Strongly Agree 12 30

Disagree 4 10

Strongly Disagree 2 5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 13 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 9: “I can control my temper when an

employee of a business enterprise made a sudden mistake” for the research entitled,

“Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’

Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 13 that most of the respondents answered agree

with the highest frequency of twenty-two (22) and percentage distribution of (55). On

the other hand, some of the respondents answered strongly disagree to this statement

with a lowest frequency of two (2) and a percentage distribution of 5.

This implies that based form ABM students’ perceptions, buyers have a self-

control when an employee of a business made a sudden mistake. This reflects that

buyers are considerate when dealing with clumsy employees and signifies ethical


Table 14. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 10: "I always reply when a salesperson greets

or approaches me"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 18 45

Strongly Agree 14 35

Disagree 7 17.5

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 14 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 10: "I always reply when a salesperson

greets or approaches me" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 14 that most of the respondents answered agree with the highest frequency of

eighteen (18) and percentage distribution of 45. On the contrary, there is only one

respondent who answered strongly disagree with a lowest percentage distribution of


This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers appreciate the

greetings of employees and replies back to them as a result. This reflects that both

buyers and sellers are approachable to each other in terms of business ethics.

Table 15. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 12: "I approach a salesperson nicely"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 26 65

Agree 14 35

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 15 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 12: "I approach a sales person nicely"

for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the

Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 15 that most of the

respondents answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of twenty-six (26)

and percentage distribution of 65. On the contrary, some respondents answered agree

with a lowest frequency of fourteen (14) and percentage distribution of 35. However,

no respondents answered disagree nor strongly disagree.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers are more open

when approaching a salesperson in a nice and proper way.

Table 16. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 13: "I ask for the warranty of the purchased


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 18 45

Agree 17 42.5

Strongly Disagree 4 10

Disagree 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 16 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 13: "I ask for the warranty of the

purchased products" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 16 that most of the respondents answered strongly agree with the highest

frequency of eighteen (18) and percentage distribution of 45. On the contrary, there is

only one respondent who answered strongly disagree with a lowest percentage

distribution of 2.5.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers are quite

interrogative when considering a product for them to purchase. Buyers are meticulous

enough that shows their practicality.

Table 17. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 14: "I always check first if the product is safe"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 29 72.5

Agree 9 22.5

Strongly Disagree 2 5

Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 17 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 14: "I always check first if the product is

safe" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers

and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 17 that most of

the respondents answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of twenty-nine

(29) and percentage distribution of 72.5. On the contrary, some respondents answered

strongly disagree with a lowest frequency of two (2) and percentage distribution of 5.

However, no respondents answered disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers are conscious

for their own safety. This is to make sure that every buyer must be aware of the content

of a product that they buy to prevent accidents.

Table 18. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Buyers to the Survey Statement 15: "I always check first if the product is


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 29 72.5

Agree 11 27.5

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 18 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for buyers to the survey statement 15: "I always check first if the product is

reliable" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers

and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 18 that most of

the respondents answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of twenty-nine

(29) and percentage distribution of 72.5. On the contrary, some respondents answered

agree with a lowest frequency of eleven (11) and percentage distribution of 27.5.

However, no respondents answered strongly disagree nor disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers examine the

products based from its effectiveness to make sure that the products produced can be

used for a long time.

Table 19. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 16: "I always greet my customers"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 26 65

Agree 14 35

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 19 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 16: "I always greet my customers" for

the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the

Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 19 that most of the

respondents answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of twenty-six (26)

and percentage distribution of 65. On the contrary, some respondents answered agree

with a lowest frequency of fourteen (14) and percentage distribution of 35. However,

no respondents answered disagree nor strongly disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers tend to have

a good impression from their customers because of their greetings.

Table 20. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 17: “I always follow the principles of

communication when I am dealing with the customers"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 25 62.5

Agree 14 35

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 19 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 17: "I always follow the principles of

communication when I am dealing with the customers" for the research entitled,

“Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’

Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 20 that most of the respondents answered

strongly agree with the highest frequency of twenty-five (25) and percentage

distribution of 62.5. On the contrary, only one respondent answered strongly disagree

with a lowest percentage distribution of 2.5. However, no respondents answered

disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers have good

interpersonal skills when dealing with its customers.

Table 21. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 19: “I handle my employees/colleagues very


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 23 57.5

Agree 17 42.5

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 21 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 19: "I handle my employees/colleagues

very well" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 21 that

most of the respondents answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of

twenty-three (23) and percentage distribution of 57.5. On the contrary, some

respondents answered agree with a lowest frequency of seventeen (17) and

percentage distribution of 42.5. However, no respondents answered disagree to this


This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers tend to show

leadership when handling its employees. This reveals that businesses practice the

good employer-employee relationship, generally the business ethics.

Table 22. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 20: “I am responsive to the needs of the


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 22 55

Strongly Agree 18 45

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 22 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 20: "I am responsive to the needs of the

customers" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 22 that

most of the respondents answered agree with the highest frequency of twenty-two (22)

and percentage distribution of 55. On the contrary, some respondents answered

strongly agree with a lowest frequency of eighteen (18) and percentage distribution of

45. However, no respondents answered strongly disagree nor disagree to this


This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers are more likely

provide all the needs of the customers whether for services or goods. This can develop

a good relationship between the buyers and the sellers.

Table 23. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 21: “I always smile to the customers"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 26 65

Agree 13 22.5

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 23 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 21: "I always smile to the customers" for

the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the

Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 23 that most of the

respondents answered strongly agree with the highest frequency of twenty-six (26)

and percentage distribution of 65. On the contrary, one respondent answered strongly

agree with a lowest percentage distribution of 2.5. However, no respondents answered

disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers are quite

presentable to their consumers and their smile brings positive environment in a


Table 24. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 22: “I have a good relationship between my


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 22 55

Agree 18 45

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 24 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 22: " I have a good relationship between

my colleagues/employees" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 24 that most of the respondents answered strongly agree with the highest

frequency of twenty-two (22) and percentage distribution of 55. On the contrary, some

respondents answered agree that attained the lowest frequency of eighteen (18) and

percentage distribution of 45. However, no respondents answered disagree nor

strongly disagree to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers have a good

relationship among its employees that signifies a better workplace and reflects rapport

in a business environment.

Table 25. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 23: “I can control my emotions towards a


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 21 52.5

Agree 17 42.5

Disagree 1 2.5

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 25 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 23: "I can control my emotions towards

a customer" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 25 that

most of the respondents answered strongly agree that attained the highest frequency

of twenty-one (21) and percentage distribution of 52.5. On the contrary, some

respondents answered both strongly disagree and agree that attained the lowest

frequency of one (1) and percentage distribution of 2.5.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers show self-

control to its own customer to avoid unfortunate events and maintain good

relationships to the buyers in terms of business ethics.

Table 26. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 24: “I value the feedback of the customer"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 25 62.5

Agree 15 37.5

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 26 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 24: "I value the feedback of the

customer" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 26 that

most of the respondents answered strongly agree that attained the highest frequency

of twenty-five (25) and percentage distribution of 62.5. On the contrary, some

respondents answered agree that attained the lowest frequency of fifteen (15) and

percentage distribution of 37.5.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers show proper

and good behavior towards their superior that signifies good employee-employer


Table 27. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 25: “I am punctual on work"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 23 57.5

Strongly Agree 15 37.5

Disagree 2 5

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 27 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 25: "I am punctual on work" for the

research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers:

ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 27 that most of the respondents

answered agree that attained the highest frequency of twenty-three (23) and

percentage distribution of 57.5. On the contrary, some respondents answered

disagree that attained the lowest frequency of two (2) and percentage distribution of

5. However, no respondents strongly disagreed to this statement.

This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers were

committed and was driven by motivation to come as early as possible on work. This

reflects that there’s likely chance for a better relationship in a workplace and to its


Table 28. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 26: “I have a respect towards my superior"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 32 80

Strongly Agree 8 20

Disagree - -

Strongly Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 28 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 26: "I have a respect towards my

superior" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers

and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 28 that most of

the respondents answered agree that attained the highest frequency of thirty-two (32)

and percentage distribution of 80. On the other hand, some respondents answered

strongly agree that attained the lowest frequency of eight (8) and percentage

distribution of 20. However, no respondents strongly disagreed nor disagreed to this


This implies that majority of the respondents observed that employees in a

business enterprise practices business ethics by being respectful that has an

advantage for a better business environment and better relationship to buyers.

Table 29. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 27: “I always prioritize the customer's safety"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 26 65

Agree 13 32.5

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 29 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 27: "I always prioritize the customer's

safety" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers

and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 29 that most of

the respondents answered strongly agree that attained the highest frequency of

twenty-six (26) and percentage distribution of 65. On the other hand, only one (1)

respondent strongly disagreed to this statement that attained the lowest percentage

distribution of 2.5. However, no respondents disagreed to this statement.

This implies that based from the ABM students’ perceptions, sellers always

prioritize the safety of their customers and signifies that sellers still practices proper

business ethics.

Table 30. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 28: “I make sure to be always accessible to the


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 22 55

Agree 18 45

Strongly Disagree - -

Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 30 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 28: " I make sure be always accessible

to the customers" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics Between

the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in table 30

that most of the respondents answered strongly agree that attained the highest

frequency of twenty-two (22) and percentage distribution of 55. On the other hand,

some respondents agreed to this statement that attained the lowest frequency of

eighteen (18) and percentage distribution of 45. However, no respondents strongly

disagreed nor disagreed to this statement.

This implies that based from the ABM students’ perceptions, sellers make

themselves available to their customers at all cost that shows the significance of

business ethics.

Table 31. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 29: “I sometimes accidentally make my

customer uncomfortable"

Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Agree 24 60

Disagree 11 27.5

Strongly Disagree 4 10

Strongly Agree 1 2.5

TOTAL 40 100

Table 31 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 29: "I sometimes accidentally make my

customer uncomfortable" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 31 that most of the respondents agreed to this statement that attained the highest

frequency of twenty-four (24) and percentage distribution of 60. On the other hand,

only one (1) respondent strongly agreed to this statement that attained the lowest

percentage distribution of 2.5.

This implies that the ABM students-respondents observed that some sellers

made their customers to feel uncomfortable towards them. This signifies that some

businesses should be conscious enough for the customers sensitivity.

Table 32. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of ABM Students’ Responses for

Sellers to the Survey Statement 30: “I assure that every customers are well-


Responses Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Strongly Agree 26 65

Agree 13 32.5

Strongly Disagree 1 2.5

Disagree - -

TOTAL 40 100

Table 32 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of ABM students’

responses for sellers to the survey statement 30: "I assure that every customers are

well-accommodated" for the research entitled, “Importance of Business Ethics

Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions”. It can be seen in

table 32 that most of the respondents answered strongly agree that attained the

highest frequency of twenty-six (26) and percentage distribution of 65. On the other

hand, only one (1) respondent strongly disagreed to this statement that attained the

lowest percentage distribution of 2.55. However, no respondents disagreed to this


This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions, sellers were likely to

provide goods and services for a better customer relationship. This reflects that

businesses were still practices business ethics for their business.

Research Problem 3: Is there a significant relationship in ABM students’ perceptions

between the buyers and the sellers in business ethics?

Table 33: Relationship between the ABM Students’ Perceptions for Buyers and

Sellers in Business Ethics

ABM students’
perceptions for buyers Pearson’s r Sig Value Interpretation Decision
and sellers
Business Ethics 0.771 < .001 Significant Reject
Relationship Ho
Legend: if the p-value is <0.05, reject the null hypothesis, there is a significant relationship. If the p-
value is >0.05, accept the null hypothesis, there is no significant relationship.

Table 33 shows the relationship between the ABM students’ perceptions for

buyers and sellers in business ethics. The data reveals that ABM students’ perceptions

for buyers and sellers have a computed Pearson’s r value of 0.771. The data reveals

that null hypothesis is rejected and there is a significant relationship between the

buyers and sellers in ABM students’ perceptions as determined by the sig value of

<.001 which is lesser than the p-value of 0.05.

This finding implies that there is a positive connection that exist among the

variables; that when there is an increase in the ABM students’ perceptions for buyers,

there is also an increase in the ABM students’ perceptions for sellers in terms of

business ethics.

Research Problem 4: How do ABM students feel about the lack of ethics in a business


Table 34: ABM Students’ Perception about Business Ethics

Interview Protocol Verbatim Response Theme

What do you think about Participant 2 answered, Rapport

business ethics as an ABM “So, for me business
Student? ethics it is a relation
between buyers and
sellers and you need to
deal it in a good way for
your buyers or sellers.”

Table 34 shows the participant’s response on the interview protocol “ What do

you think about business ethics as an ABM Student?”. Participant 2 answered “So, for

me business ethics it is a relation between buyers and sellers and you need to deal it

in a good way for your buyers or sellers”. Rapport emerged based from the

participant’s response.

Rapport is a mutual relationship between the buyers and the sellers in terms of

business ethics.

Table 35: ABM Students’ Observation for Buyers Practicing Business Ethics

Interview Protocol Verbatim Response Theme

How do you observe as Participant 1 answered, Practicality and Safe

an ABM student the “Ahm- the buyers’ Guarding
buyers practicing practices in business
business ethics? ethics they-, Ahm-, they
check first the quality and
Ahm- the- they are buyers
that ahm- for ano- first
they think of their needs
before they buy of their
wants and some are

Table 35 shows the participant’s response on the interview protocol “How do

you observe as an ABM student the buyers practicing business ethics?”. Participant 2

answered “Ahm- the buyers’ practices in business ethics they-, Ahm-, they check first

the quality and Ahm- the- they are buyers that ahm- for ano- first they think of their

needs before they buy of their wants and some are practical”. Practicality and Safe

Guarding emerged based from the participant’s response.

Practicality is having a good sense of judgment in buying a product, considering

its quality and benefits while Safe Guarding is being cautious about the product that

the buyers buy from a business enterprise.

Table 36: ABM Students’ Observation for Sellers Practicing Business Ethics

Interview Protocol Verbatim Response Theme

How do you observe as Participant 1 answered, Satisfaction and

an ABM student the “Ahm, the sellers, Ahm, Affordability
sellers practicing Should- mali- should
business ethics? provide the customer
satisfaction and what
customers’ needs and
they should have a good
quality product for enable
for the customer to have
benefits with it.”, while
Participant 2 answered,
“So, as- as a seller, you
need to be sure their
product is good quality
and the- and the price is
affordable for the buyers.”

Table 36 shows the participant’s response on the interview protocol “How do

you observe as an ABM student the sellers practicing business ethics?”. Participant 1

answered, “Ahm, the sellers, Ahm, Should- mali- should provide the customer

satisfaction and what customers’ needs and they should have a good quality product

for enable for the customer to have benefits with it.”, while Participant 2 answered,

“So, as- as a seller, you need to be sure their product is good quality and the- and the

price is affordable for the buyers.” Satisfaction and Affordability emerged based from

the participant’s response.

Satisfaction is a fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs of the buyers

while affordability is the availability of the product that is affordable to the customers

and able to meet the buyers purchasing power.

Table 37: ABM Students practicing Business Ethics as a Buyer

Interview Protocol Verbatim Response Theme

How do you practice Participant 1 answered, Good impression and

business ethics if you are "Ahm, for buyers, I look Effectiveness
a buyer as an ABM for the quality of the
Student? product and for its
affordability of course and
I am more practicality and
I also look for how the
employee in kind of store
ahm, treat their
customers" while
Participant 2 answered,
“As a buyer, so for me- for
me, I'm going to ano to, to
know the if- if I'm going to
buy the in- in online
shopping I'm going to
reviews the- the
comments in other buyers
that it is- if the quality of
product or not.”

Table 37 shows the participant’s response on the interview protocol “How do

you practice business ethics if you are a buyer as an ABM Student?”. Participant 1

answered, "Ahm, for buyers, I look for the quality of the product and for its affordability

of course and I am more practicality and I also look for how the employee in kind of

store ahm, treat their customers". Good impression and Effectiveness emerged based

from the participant’s response.

Good impression is the presence of the sellers and its employees by showing

how they treat their consumers in terms of product and services. Some of buyers is

looking for a good impression of a seller for them to stay loyal on their product.

Effectiveness shows the reliability and feedbacks from the reviews given by the


Table 38: ABM Students practicing Business Ethics as a Seller

Interview Protocol Verbatim Response Theme

How do you practice Participant 1 answered, Commitment and Security

business ethics if you are “: In providing satisfactory
a seller as an ABM and also, I give them an
Student? extra- ahm extra product
like discounts and ahm,
some freebies [cough] if
they buy a lot of products
from me and I also serve
them a good serve.” while
Participant 2 answered,
"So, if I am a seller, I'm
going to assure that my
product is— is safe from
my buyers and its good
and affordability for

Table 38 shows the participant’s response on the interview protocol “How do

you practice business ethics if you are a seller as an ABM Student?”. Participant 1

answered, " So, if I am a seller, I'm going to assure that my product is— is safe from

my buyers and its good and affordability for them." Commitment and Security emerged

based from the participant’s response.

Commitment is being able to meet the expectation of the buyers by giving extra

benefits to have a good relationship. Security is considering the safety of the

customers by being trustworthy and making a good product and services.

Research Problem 5: What type of application program will be formulated based from

the findings of this research?

DATASK – An application program

Using the app called “Appsheet”, the researchers were able to make an

application program for reviewing a business enterprise ethically. Here are some

screenshots of the app:

By stating the users’ feelings, opinions and suggestions, the business that

was reviewed can improve their services and their way of business venture to be

successful economically and as a provider to every household.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

This study sought to analyze the importance of business ethics between the

buyers and the sellers based from ABM students’ perceptions. This is an explanatory

sequential mixed-method and correlational research design that surveyed 40 ABM

students recruited from Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus. The findings

were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The findings of the study are as follows:

Majority of the respondents are 16-20 years old (f=40; 100%), Roman Catholic

(f=35; 87.5%), have a grade ranging between 85-89 (f=22; 55%), price-sensitive (f=30;

75%), and an equal number of male and female (f=20; 50%).

Using the research made instrument for the quantitative part of this research,

ABM students were able to make a judgment for buyers practicing business ethics.

Statement 15 (I always check first if the product is reliable) attained the highest

weighted mean score of 1.3 with the verbal interpretation of ‘Highly Agree’ which

ranked first. Most of the respondents strongly agreed to the statements 14 and 15 “I

always check if the product is safe and I always check if the product is reliable” (f=29;

72.5%), statement 12 “I approach a salesperson nicely” (f=26; 65%), statement 5 “ I

always consider the benefits of the purchased products” (f=19; 47.5%), statement 13

“I ask for the warranty of the purchased products” (f=18; 45%), and statement 1 “I most

buy things that I want” (f=17; 42.5%). Moreover, most of the respondents also agreed

to the statement 7 “I am gladly taking surveys from any business enterprise” (f=24;

60%), statement 2 “I always spend my money for necessary expenses” (f=19; 47.5%),
statement 10 “I always reply when a salesperson greets or approaches me” (f=18;

45%), and statement 9 “I can control my temper when an employee of a business

enterprise made a sudden mistake” (f=33; 55%). However, also, most of the

respondents disagreed to the statement 3 “I am afraid to ask questions to the

salesman” (f=17; 42.5%).

In ABM students’ perceptions for sellers, statement 26 (I have a respect

towards my superior) attained the highest weighted mean score of 1.2 with the verbal

interpretation of ‘Highly Agree’ which ranked first. Most of the respondents strongly

agreed respectively to the statements 16, 21, 27, and 30 “I always greet my customers,

I always smile to the customers, I always prioritize the customer’s safety, and I assure

that every customers are well-accommodated” (f=26; 65%), statements 17 and 24 “I

always follow the principles of communication when I am dealing with the customers

and I value the feedback of the customer” (f=25; 62.5%), statement 19 “I handle my

employees/colleagues very well” (f=23; 57.5%), statements 22 and 28 “I have a good

relationship between my colleagues/employees and I make sure to be always

accessible to the customers” (f=22; 55%), statement 23 “I can control my emotions

towards a customer” (f=21; 52.5%). Moreover, most of the respondents also agreed

to the statement 26 “I have a respect towards my superior” (f =32; 80%), statement 29

“I sometimes accidentally make my customer uncomfortable” (f=24; 60%), statement

25 “I am punctual at work” (f=23; 57.5%), and statement 20 “I am responsive to the

needs of the customer” (f=22; 55%).

The findings on the themes emerge from the analysis of the data are as follows:

1. ABM Students’ Perception about Business Ethics

1.1 Rapport

2. ABM Students’ Observation for Buyers Practicing Business Ethics

2.1 Practicality

2.2 Safe Guarding

3. ABM Students’ Observation for Sellers Practicing Business Ethics

3.1 Satisfaction

3.2 Affordability

4. ABM Students practicing Business Ethics for being a Buyer

4.1 Good impression

4.2 Effectiveness

5. ABM Students practicing Business Ethics for being a Buyer

5.1 Commitment

5.2 Security


This research study entitled, "Importance of Business Ethics Between the

Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’ Perceptions" shows the relationship of the

buyers and the sellers based from ABM students’ observation that practices business

ethics. Moreover, the researcher concludes that there is a significant relationship

between the buyers and the sellers based from ABM students’ perceptions in

practicing business ethics.

The researchers therefore conclude that majority of the respondents highly

agreed to the statement “I always check first if the product is reliable”. This reveals

that based from ABM students’ perceptions, buyers examine the products based from

its effectiveness to make sure that the products produced can be used for a long time.

Additionally, the researchers also conclude that majority of the ABM student-

respondents answered somewhat disagree on the statement " I am afraid to ask

questions to salesmen". This implies that based from ABM students’ perceptions,

buyers had a courage to ask the salesman for their concerns.

In addition, the researchers therefore also conclude that majority of the ABM

Students answered highly agree on the statement "I have a respect towards my

superiors". The study further reveal that based from ABM students, they observed that

employees in a business enterprise practices business ethics by being respectful that

has an advantage for a better business environment and better relationship to buyers.


From the analysis of present study, the researchers want to present the

following recommendations:

For Students, who come and encounter everyday stores and businesses. This

may help them to be aware of ethical practices and be respectful at the services of the

company. By the use of the research output, which is an application program, it can

be a way of reviewing a business enterprise in terms of business ethics.

For Business Person, who daily practices ethics and should meet the

customers satisfaction. This can help them to encourage the future business person

and improve their manners towards the customer needs and wants. By the use of the

application program, it can be beneficial for them to receive a feedback from

consumers in improving their business enterprise in terms of business ethics. Buyers

based from ABM students’ perceptions, are looking for a quality, affordability, and an

impressive impression from the employees.

For Future Researchers, who can use this research study as their basis of their

research in business ethics. This may help them to support their ideas about the

importance of business ethics between buyers and sellers in ABM students’

perceptions. The researchers recommend to use this research study to come up with

more ideas from ABM students’ perceptions-response for gathering a stronger data.


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Shantikumar, S. (2018). Methods of sampling from a population. Retrieved from:

Svensson and Wood. (2008). A model of business ethics. Retrieved from:

November __ 2019
Pasay City National High School

Assistant School Principal

Dear Ma’am:
We, the graduating students of Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management, COHORT
4 ABM 12A, is presently conducting a research study entitled “Importance of Business Ethics
Between the Buyers and Sellers in ABM Students’ Perception” as part of the requirement in
Practical Research

The objective of this research study is to identify the issues and challenges experienced by
ABM students of Pasay City North High School in a business enterprise. This research study
will enable us to have a great understanding of the ABM students’ situations and
circumstances they are facing in a business enterprise.

In this regard, the undersigned request the approval of your good office to conduct the Pilot
Study on November 2019.

Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement with this request.

Respectfully yours,

Danica Marie B. Escarez

Ana Rose G. Gayon
Mark Sherwin A. Gonzales
Kate Ashley O. Mesias
Menchie A. Seña
Jerome Kim A. Sigue


Raymond M. Fernandez, EdD

Research Teacher

Assistant School Principal


School Principal
November 2019

Dear Respondents:


We are Cohort 4 of Grade 12A Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) from
Pasay City National High School. We presently conducting a research study entitled,
“Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and Sellers in ABM Students’

The objective of this research study is to identify the issues and challenges
experienced by ABM students of Pasay City North High School in a business
enterprise. This research study will enable us to have a great understanding of the
ABM students’ situations and circumstances they are facing in a business enterprise.

In this regard, the undersigned request the approval of your good office to conduct the
Pilot Study on November 2019.

Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement with this request.

Respectfully yours,

Danica Marie B. Escarez

Ana Rose G. Gayon
Mark Sherwin A. Gonzales
Kate Ashley O. Mesias
Menchie A. Seña
Jerome Kim A. Sigue


Raymond M. Fernandez, EdD

Research Teacher
Informed Consent

November 2019

For the research respondent,

By signing this consent form, I _______________________, confirmed that I have

read the objective of the research study and the opportunity to ask questions. I
understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw from this
research activity at any given time. Moreover, I voluntarily agree to participate to this
research activity without coercion and with full awareness that my identity will be kept
confidential at all times.

Signature of the Respondent

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and Sellers in ABM
Students' Perception
Instruction: Please indicate your answer for the demographic data below by putting
a (✔) at the appropriate box.
How old are you? Range of Grade

11 - 15 Business Math grade (for Grade 11)

16 – 20 Entrepreneurship grade (for Grade 12)

21 and above 95 – 100

90 – 94
What is your gender?
85 – 89
80 – 84
75 – 79
Others: ___________ (please specify)
74 and below
Prefer not to say

What is your religion? Buying Behavior

Roman Catholic Price-sensitive (you look for lower price
despite the brand)
Born Again Christian
Brand-sensitive (you are committed to the
Iglesia ni Cristo
brand despite the high price)

Others: ___________ (please specify)

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and Sellers in ABM
Students' Perception
Direction: Below is a list of statements dealing with your perspective in a business enterprise
pertaining to business ethics. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree by putting a
(✔) in each statement.

1- Strongly Agree 2- Agree 3- Disagree 4- Strongly


Research Survey Statements 1 2 3 4

For Buyers:
1. I mostly buy things that I want.
2. I always spend my money for necessary expenses.
3. I am afraid to ask questions to salesman.
4. I always get nervous when I take an order to a
5. I always consider the benefits of products that I buy.
6. I once make a "scene" inside a marketplace.
7. I gladly take surveys from any business enterprise.
8. I am very straightforward to salesman to give
9. I can control my temper when an employee of a
business enterprise made a sudden mistake.
10. I always answer when a salesperson greets or
approaches me.
11. I just ask questions to a salesperson for fun.
12. I approach a salesperson nicely.
13. I ask for the warranty of the product that I buy.
14. I always check first if the product is safe.
15. I always check first if the product is reliable.
For Sellers:
1. I always greet my customers.
2. I always follow the principles of communication when I
am talking to the customers.
3. I always get rude to my customers.
4. I handle my employees/colleagues very well.
5. I answer nicely to the confused customers.
6. I always smile to the customers.
7. I have a good relationship between my
8. I can control my emotions towards a customer.
9. I am gladly taking feedbacks from a customer.
10. I come on time on work.
11. I have a respect towards my superior.
12. I always prioritize the customer's safety.
13. I make sure be always accessible to the customers.
14. I sometimes accidentally make my customer
15. I make sure to connect to every customer that I had.
The Pilot Study was conducted at ABM 11 class.
January 2020

Dear Respondents:


We are Cohort 4 of Grade 12A Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) from
Pasay City National High School. We presently conducting a research study entitled,
“Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students’

The objective of this research study is to identify the issues and challenges
experienced by ABM students of Pasay City North High School in a business
enterprise. This research study will enable us to have a great understanding of the
ABM students’ situations and circumstances they are facing in a business enterprise.

In this regard, the undersigned request the approval of your good office to conduct the
Pilot Study on November 2019.

Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement with this request.

Respectfully yours,

Danica Marie B. Escarez

Ana Rose G. Gayon
Mark Sherwin A. Gonzales
Kate Ashley O. Mesias
Menchie A. Seña
Jerome Kim A. Sigue


Raymond M. Fernandez, EdD

Research Teacher
Informed Consent

January 2020

For the research respondent,

By signing this consent form, I _______________________, confirmed that I have

read the objective of the research study and the opportunity to ask questions. I
understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw from this
research activity at any given time. Moreover, I voluntarily agree to participate to this
research activity without coercion and with full awareness that my identity will be kept
confidential at all times.

Signature of the Respondent
Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM Students'
Direction: Below is a list of statements dealing with your perspective in a business enterprise pertaining
to business ethics. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree by putting a (✔) in each

1- Strongly Agree 2- Agree 3- Disagree 4- Strongly Disagree

Research Survey Statements 1 2 3 4

For Buyers:
1. I mostly buy things that I want.
2. I always spend my money for necessary expenses.
3. I am afraid to ask questions to salesman.
4. I always get nervous when I take an order to a
5. I always consider the benefits of the purchased
6. I once make a "scene" inside a marketplace.
7. I am gladly take surveys from any business enterprise.
8. I am very straightforward to salesman to give
9. I can control my temper when an employee of a
business enterprise made a sudden mistake.
10. I always reply when a salesperson greets or
approaches me.
11. I just ask questions to a salesperson for fun.
12. I approach a salesperson nicely.
13. I ask for the warranty of the purchased products.
14. I always check first if the product is safe.
15. I always check first if the product is reliable.
For Sellers:
1. I always greet my customers.
2. I always follow the principles of communication when I
am dealing with the customers.
3. I always get rude to my customers.
4. I handle my employees/colleagues very well.
5. I am responsive to the needs of the customers.
6. I always smile to the customers.
7. I have a good relationship between my
8. I can control my emotions towards a customer.
9. I value the feedback of the customer.
10. I am punctual on work.
11. I have a respect towards my superior.
12. I always prioritize the customer's safety.
13. I make sure be always accessible to the customers.
14. I sometimes accidentally make my customer
15. I assure that every customers are well-accomodated.
The Actual Survey was conducted at ABM 11 and ABM 12B.
Qualitative Research Question: How do ABM students’ feel about the lack of
ethics in a business enterprise?
1. Greediness 14. Interpersonal Skills
2. Practicality 15. Discourtesy
3. Shyness 16. Leadership
4. Low self-esteem 17. Good Manners
5. Satisfaction 18. Confidence
6. Immaturity 19. Rapport
7. Gathering Data 20. Consideration
8. Honesty 21. Commitment
9. Self-control 22. Good Behavior
10. Approachable 23. Safe Guarding
11. Security 24. Availability
12. Effectiveness 25. Insensible
13. Good Impression

Mabaquiao Jr, N. (2007). The Place of Ethics in Business, 36(1),14-26.Retrieved
Focus Group Discussion

Interviewer/s: Danica Marie Escarez and Mark Sherwin Gonzales

Interviewee/s: Shrine Mirriam Guinto (participant 1) & Angelou Delos Reyes (participant 2)

Date of Interview: February 13, 2020

Start Time of Interview: 8:32 a.m.

End Time of Interview: 8:46 a.m.

Location of the Interview: PCNHS - Room CB201

Interview Topic: How do ABM students feel about the lack of ethics in business enterprise?

----------------------------------START OF THE INTERVIEW (PART I)-------------------------------------

Sherwin: Hello, so, good morning to both of you. So, we are the Cohort 4 of ABM 12A so let-

Sherwin: Okay, we are the Cohort 4. I am Mark Sherwin A. Gonzales.

Danica: I am Danica Marie Escarez, your interviewer.
Sherwin: And the videographer, Mr. Sigue and the Audiographer Ms. Mesias.
Danica: And Gayon for documentation and Seña for recording. So, our research
entitled will be "Importance of business ethics between buyers and sellers in ABM
student perception"
Sherwin: Before we start, we have our informed consent.
Danica: And it states that all of your answer will be kept confidential.
Sherwin: So, let's start our first question is;
Danica: So, the first question, what do you think about the business ethics in your
own experience?
Guinto: Pardon
Danica: What do you think about business ethics based from your own experience or
observation, anything word?
Guinto: Ahm, it is somehow a rule and relationship between the buyer and seller.
Angelou: For me, business ethics, it is all about the what- what are you-, what- ahhh,
what your relationship between your-, your buyers, and what-, what are the rules and
regulations, rules that you need to do in a proper way.
Danica: So, it’s all about rules and regulation between the buyers and sellers.
Danica: So, for the second question, how do you observe as an ABM student the
buyers practicing business ethics? So, its more on the buyers.
Angelou: Again?
Sherwin: If you buy some product have you practice your- if you buy product how
you practice business ethics?
Angelou: Can you please loud your voice?
Angelou: So, for me, if I'm going to buy a product in other- in other- in- in store so I'm
going first to- to determine the quality of product if its good or not.
Sherwin: So, you are more on the quality, not in the product?
Angelou: Also, the price I'm going ahm, also the price.
Danica: The same as price and quality. It’s part of it. How about you?
Guinto: Ahm, when I buy, I'm- I'm more on practicality and I do search the quality of
product. Same as her.
Danica: Your observing the review of the products.
Guinto: Yes.
Sherwin: Before you buy that. So, the third question is….
Danica: How do you observe as an ABM student the sellers practicing business
Sherwin/Danica: So, it’s more on sellers.
Guinto: Again?
Danica: And how you perceive as an ABM student? So the question for number 3,
How do you observe as an ABM student the seller practicing business ethics?
Guinto: Ahm, I observe that their ahm-, the sellers are ahm-, they taking good care
their buyers and they- they are an-, ahm, have an interpersonal skill so that they can
gain more seller and ahm, they also think how their product will benefits their sellers.
Sherwin: So,
Danica: So your- you perceive that its all about the benefits of the customers or the
Guinto: Yes
Danica: Ahmm next, as an ABM students how do you practice business ethics if you
are a buyer and seller? How do you practice?
(Laughing while answering)
Angelou: Uhmmm pa—
Guinto: Me?
Danica: Yeah.
Guinto: For me ahm, ahm, for me if I am a buyer or seller [Laugh] tito... [Laugh]
Pardon [Laugh]
Danica: As an ABM student, how do you practice business ethics if you are a buyer
and seller?
Guinto: As an ABM student and as a seller ahm I'm-, I'm manage ay- No, I mean
[Laugh] I mean ahm, as a seller ahm, [Cough] first I observe what the product is and
how does the product will benefit me ahm, I am not more on ahm, let's say branded
like that but more on the quality of the product and as a buyer ay mali [Laugh] ayoko
na [Laugh]
Angelou: Natatawa ko sa inyo
Guinto: Ikaw muna, Ikaw muna
Angelou: So, for me as a-, as an experience for selling the product, so for me I am
going to- ay I am going to, to ahm ensure that my product is ahm, affordable and it is
good for my- my buyers and it is good for them.
Sherwin: So- so if you are a buyer?
Danica: How about if you are a buyer? What do you consider as a buyer?
Angelou: As a buyer, so for me- for me, I'm going to ano to, to know the if- if I'm
going to buy the in- in online shopping I'm going to reviews the- the comments in
other buyers that it is- if the quality of product or not.
Danica: It’s about effectiveness.
Sherwin: So that`s all and thank you for cooperation for our interview for today. So
again, we are the Cohort 4 of ABM 12A. So, I am Mark Sherwin Gonzales together
Danica: Danica Marie Escarez
Sherwin: -the interviewer and the video recorder, Jerome Sigue and Audio recorder
Mesias and Sena and the facilitator, Gayon and thank you for cooperation.
Danica/Sherwin: Thank you.
Danica: The answer will be kept confidential.
(Shake Hands)
Angelou/Guinto: Thank you.
------------------------------------END OF THE INTERVIEW (PART I)--------------------------------------
Interviewer/s: Danica Marie Escarez and Mark Sherwin Gonzales
Interviewee/s: Shrine Mirriam Guinto (participant 1) & Angelou Delos Reyes (participant 2)
Date of Interview: February 14, 2020
Start Time of Interview: 12:19 p.m.
End Time of Interview: 12:30 p.m.
Location of the Interview: PCNHS - Room CB201
Interview Topic: How do ABM students feel about the lack of ethics in business enterprise?

--------------------------------------START OF THE INTERVIEW (PART II)--------------------------------

Sherwin: Hello, so, good morning to both of you. So we are the Cohort 4 of ABM 12A so let
me introduce our my co-researchers. I am Mark Sherwin Gonzales together with-
Danica: I'm Danica Marie B. Escarez, your interviewer today.
Ana: -and I'm Ana Rose Gayon, I will going to write that all your answers.
Kate: I'm Kate Ashley Mesias the recorder.
Menchie: Menchie Seña for Audio Recorder.
Sherwin: -and the videographer is Jers Sigue so...
Danica: So, our research title will be ‘Importance of Business Ethics Between The Buyers
and Sellers in ABM students perception’
Sherwin: So, before we start, I will give you the Inform Consent the all of your answer will be
kept confidential.
Danica: Yes.
Sherwin: So, Let's start for 1st question.
Danica: So, our main question will be how do ABM students will about the lack of ethics in
business enterprise. For number 1 what do you think about business ethics as an ABM
Sherwin: Miss Guinto.
Guinto: Ahm, business ethics is importance between relationship of the buyer and the seller
because it is the principles or ABM—somewhat rules in their transaction or interaction with
each other.
Angelou: So, for me business ethics it is a relation between buyers and sellers and you need
to deal it in a good way for your buyers or sellers.
Danica: So, for number 2 how do you observe as an ABM student the buyers- the buyers
practicing business ethics. So, how do you observe as an ABM student the buyers practicing
business ethics?
Guinto: Ahm- the buyers practices in business ethics they-, Ahm-, they check first the quality
and Ahm- the- they are buyers that ahm- for ano- first they think of their needs before they
buy of their wants and some are practical.
Sherwin: So, how do you observe as an ABM student the buyers practicing business ethics?
Angelou: For me as a buyer, ahm-, first I need to reviews the-, the comments of other buyers
if their- if their products is- is good in quality or their price is low and it is affordable to your
Sherwin: So, you reviewing the feedback of the other customer in that particular product.
Angelou: Yes.
Sherwin: So, if you know that, that particular product is ahhh- its ok and that is good to other
consumer what will you do?
Angelou: It is good again.
Sherwin: It is good to its affordable and it is the quality is good.
Guinto: It has good comments, good reviews.
Sherwin: It- it has a good comment.
Angelou: What I am going to do-
Sherwin: Yes.
Angelou: So, I'm going to buy then, and I'm going to trust to their- ano their product so-
Danica: Yes, it is about the trustworthiness of the product-
Angelou: Yes.
Danica: -or services
Danica: So, for number 3, How do you observe as an ABM student, the sellers practices in
business ethics?
Guinto: Ahm.... Ako ba muna?
Sherwin: Yes miss Guinto.
Guinto: Ahm, the sellers, Ahm, Should- mali- should provide the customer satisfaction and
what customers needs and they should have a good quality product for enable for the
customer to have benefits with it.
Danica: So in what way do they- do the sellers practicing the-, practice the satisfaction of the
products that they need?
Guinto: They- they- they serve- they serve their ahm, their they serve. They serve the their
ahm they always smile to their [Hahaha]. They always smile to their [Hahaha] tih, wag
kayong magulo beh.
Angelou: Be, alis na lang kayo be.
Guinto: Beh, wag kayong magulo.
Guinto: They always smile to their customers and they- Give ahm, [hmmm] a freebies and
they serve at their their customers at they very good quality.
Danica: How about you?
Angelou: Can you please, repeat the question?
Danica: How can you observe as an ABM students the sellers practices business ethics?
Angelou: So, as- as a seller, you need to be sure their product is good quality and the- and
the price is affordable for the buyers.
Danica: So in what way do the sellers show the affordability of the sellers, for the buyers?
Angelou: If the- ahm, if the- product [Sigh] Can you please repeat the question?
Danica: In what way do the sellers show the affordability of their product?
Angelou: If-, if-, if-, if a, if your price is- is low.
Danica: So, if they are, their product is low price what would be the-, what would be the
impact of the consumers?
Angelou: So, the buyers will came to your- ahm, to buy your product so because it is
affordable for them.
Sherwin: So, our last question.
Sherwin: So, the last question is, as an ABM student, how do you practice business ethics if
you are buyers or if you are a buyer?
Angelou: So, as a buyer and or sellers?
Danica: For buyers please.
Angelou: Ahm, for buyers
Sherwin: Yes, ms. Guinto?
Guinto: Ahm, for buyers, I look for the quality of the product and for its affordability of course
and I am more practicality and I also look for how the employee in kind of store ahm, treat
their customers.
Danica: So its like other people that shows bus- shows business ethics.
Guinto: Yes.
Sherwin: You?
Danica: How do you practice business ethics if you are a buyer as an ABM student?
Angelou: If-, if I am a buyer
Danica: So, as an ABM student, again how do you practice business ethics for buyers?
Angelou: So if I am a buyer I am going to- to know my needs if the product is my
Danica: necessity
Angelou: Yah
Angelou: it is necessity and also ahm
Danica: So, do you practice business ethics if your a seller?
Sherwin: Ms. Guinto.
Guinto: In providing satisfactory and also, I give them an extra- ahm extra product like
discounts and ahm, some freebies [cough] if they buy a lot of products from me and I also
serve them a good serve.
Danica: That service will be fair on your consumers, so how about you?
Danica: So, if you are a seller how do you practice business ethics as an ABM student?
Angelou: So, if I am a seller, I'm going to assure that my product is— is safe from my buyers
and its good and affordability for them.
Sherwin: So, you are more on the quality of the product.
Danica: So, you make your product affordable for the customer.
Angelou: Yes.
Sherwin: For that, ahm, thank you for your cooperation with us, thank you miss Guinto and
miss Angelou.
Danica: So, your answers will be kept confidential.
Sherwin: So, thank you again. So, we are the Cohort 4 of ABM 12A. So, thank you.
Danica: Thank you!
(Shake hands)
-------------------------------------END OF THE INTERVIEW (PART II) ------------------------------------
Informed Consent

February 2020

For the research respondent,

By signing this consent form, I _______________________, confirmed that I have

read the objective of the research study and the opportunity to ask questions. I
understand that my participation is voluntary and I am free to withdraw from this
research activity at any given time. Moreover, I voluntarily agree to participate to this
research activity without coercion and with full awareness that my identity will be kept
confidential at all times.

Signature of the Respondent
A Focus Group Discussion at ABM 12A
2624 Dimasalang St., Pasay City
0921 625 5299

2016 - Present
Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus
Accountancy, Business, and Management 2018

2014 – 2016
Governor Ferrer Memorial National High School - San Francisco Annex
General Trias, Cavite

2007 – 2014
Colegio De Francesca
General Trias, Cavite


2007 - Present
Consistent Honor Student since Primary School

NCIII in Bookkeeping
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)

Champion in English Essay Writing – English Month 2018
Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

Champion in Filipino Essay Writing – Filipino Month 2018
Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus


Jul 2019 – Mar 2020

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM
Students’ Perceptions
Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D. - Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

In making this research study, it revealed my potential capabilities as a leader by

recognizing the best abilities of my co-members and address the deficiencies within
this research study. With the guidance of our research advisor, we were able cope
up with the difficulties academically and personally as a group.
2642 A.Bonifacio St, Bangkal Makati City


SECONDARY (Senior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City
(2018-2020 On Going)

SECONDARY (Junior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City

PRIMARY Bernabe Elementary School

Pasay City

Rafael Palma Elementary School

Pasay City




Jul 2019 – Mar 2020

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM
Students’ Perceptions
Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D. - Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

My experience in this research study is quite difficult because some of the chapters
are not easy to do, but by the help of Dr. Raymond M. Fernandez, it became easier
to understand and come up with new ideas to this research study.
2462 Tramo St, Pasay City


SECONDARY (Senior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City
(2018-2020 On Going)

SECONDARY (Junior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City

PRIMARY Padre Burgos Elementary School

Pasay City




Jul 2019 – Mar 2020

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM
Students’ Perceptions
Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D. - Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

This research study made me realize that all efforts are all worth it. Spending time,
lack of sleep and spending money to finish this research study. I experienced that
research is difficult to comprehend.
113 Emma St., Pasay City
0905 082 9646

2018 – 2020 - Present
Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus
Accountancy, Business, and Management 2018

2014 – 2018
Pasay City North High School – Tramo Campus
Tramo St. Barangay 57 Pasay City

2007 – 2014
Epifanio Delos Santos Elementary School
Pasay City


2014 - Present
Consistent Top Achiever Student since Grade 7-10

NCIII in Bookkeeping
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)

Consistent Honor Student 12- 3rd Quarter
Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

Best in TLE in Grade 9 -1st to last Quarter


Jul 2019 – Mar 2020

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM
Students’ Perceptions
Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D. - Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

My experience in making this research study is mixed with struggling and at the
same time, it’s quite amusing. On my part of this research study, I struggled to come
up with ideas to contribute. But, with the help of our research teacher, it became
10 L.Leonardo St., Pasay City


SECONDARY (Senior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City
(2018-2020 On Going)

SECONDARY (Junior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City

PRIMARY Padre Burgos Elementary School

Pasay City


2016 – Present
Consistent Honor Since Grade 9 – Grade 12

NCIII in Bookkeeping
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)


Jul 2019 – Mar 2020

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM
Students’ Perceptions
Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D. - Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

My experience in conducting this research study I have difficulties in writing some

implication in the chapter 4 because I’m not quite familiar in the table. It improve my
capabilities as a person because with the help of my co-researchers it became easy.
330 Taylo St., Pasay City


SECONDARY (Senior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City
(2018-2020 On Going)

SECONDARY (Junior High School) Pasay City North Tramo- Campus

Tramo st. Barangay 57 Pasay City

PRIMARY Heneral Pio Del Pilar Elementary School

P.Binay Street, Barangay San Isidro,
Makati City
(2008 - 2014)


2018 – Present 2016 - 2017

With Honor Top 3 in the class

NCIII in Bookkeeping
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)


Jul 2019 – Mar 2020

Importance of Business Ethics Between the Buyers and the Sellers: ABM
Students’ Perceptions
Raymond M. Fernandez, Ed.D. - Pasay City North High School - Tramo Campus

It was an best experience to conduct an research study despite of all the difficulties
on doing and understanding all the chapters.

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