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The Westminster School, Dubai

Year 6
Subject : MSC Revision Worksheet 4 Date: Nov 22

Topic: Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Mesopotamia

Answer the following:

1. What is the reason of a civilization settling near a river?

Ans: All ancient civilizations settled beside river valleys as rivers
provided them with drinking water, fertile soil for growing crops, river
water for transport and trade.
2. Write how flood benefitted as well as caused a threat for the people of
Ans; flood benefitted people: Flood water deposited fertile soil which
were good for growing crops.
Threat: if flood was too high, it destroyed farms, houses and crops.
Dirty flood water gave birth to parasites which caused diseases like
3. Why is the Narmer palette famous?
Ans: The Narmer palette shows the picture of King Narmer defeating
an enemy of Egypt. He was the first king to rule whole of Egypt and
begin the dynasty system.
4. Mention 2 reasons why people preferred river valleys.
1. Fertile soil for growing crops
2. River water for fishing , transportation, drinking
5. Explain why Egypt was called the gift of Nile?
Ans: Same answer as the benefits
6. How did the Zhou kings rule their empire?
Ans: The Zhou dynasty had a feudal system of government. The king
and the state ministers had the highest position. The king divided his
land among his relatives , who were termed as Lords but final decision
was taken by the king.

7. What lead to the development of economy in Ancient China?

Ans: Discovery of coins lead to the growth of market economy. Coins
were used for trading and exchange of commodities.
8. Why were the Oracle bones important for the Shang dynasty?
Ans: When the Shang rulers faced any problem, they wrote their
decisions on different Oracle bones. When the bones were taken near
the fire, they cracked. The decision which fell on the crack was
considered as final. The decisions taken show the nature of problem
the faced.
9. How did the peasant farmers and merchants become rich?
Ans: The peasant farmers worked for the Lords and in turn were
protected by them. Their wealth came from selling the crops they
Merchants became rich from trading.
10. Describe the coins of ancient China.
Ans: Early coins were made up of seashells. Metal coins were made in
shape of things which were used daily. Later on they produced round
coins with a hole in the centre to hold them together.
11. Why did the Sumerians domesticate animals?
Animals were used for carrying loads; milk, meat. Hides and skin; and
also to pull the plough in the fields.
12. How did Society become complex?
Ans: With growing of crops and domestication of animals, population
increased. Increased population demanded more food which gave rise
to trading and different classes of people.

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