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Student: Nguyễn Quỳnh Hương

Q1. (50 points) A coffee business involves operating expenses of A=$4,984

each month and cost of B=$6 per pack of coffee produced. The selling
price of each pack is C=$8.
(a) Obtain the revenue function and the total cost function. 
(b) What is the minimum number of packs of coffee that must be sold in
order to make a profit?

a. R(x) =8x
C(x) = 4,984 + 6x
b. R(x) – C(x) > 0
 R>C
 8x > 4,984 +6x
 2x > 4,984
 X > 2492

Q2.Determine the time necessary for P=$11,722 to F=$42654 if it is

invested at interest rate R=5% compounded: 

a) annually; b) monthly;  c) daily; d) continuously.

a. N = 1
F = P.(1 + 5%/1)^t
 F/P = (1 + 5%/1)^t
 T=
b. N = 12
F = P.(1 +5%/12)^t
 F/P = (1 +5%/12)^t
 T=
c. N = 365
F = P.(1+5%/365)^t
 F/P = (1+5%/365)^t
d. N = e
F = P.e^Rt
 F/P = e^Rt
 42654/11,722 = e^Rt
 3.63879884 = Rt
 T ~ 0.727759768

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