Mac16 Y5 Eng p1

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NAME: _____________________________ MARKS: ___________________


1. This paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.
2. You are required to answer all questions in both sections.
3. Each question in Section A is followed by four options, A, B, C, and D.
4. For each questions, choose only one answer.

[20 marks]
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1 The girls _________ a movie in the cinema 4 __ cat is hiding under the table. __ cat
now. is black in colour.

A is watching C watches. A The, The C A, The

B are watching D watch. B -- , -- D An, A

2 I _________ to buy the watch 5 To make a pancake, you need ___ egg
just now but it was sold out! and ______ flour.

A want C am wanting A an, some C much, two

B wanted D wants B many, many D two, much

3 She _________ bread and drank milk for

breakfast this morning.

A eat C ate
B eats D is eating

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6 Mr Kee often tells his son to be truthful and not to lie. As the saying goes, _________.

A honesty is the best policy C one good turn deserves another

B a stitch in time saves nine D a friend in need is a friend indeed

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

Choose the best answer for each blank.

My mother wants to visit my aunt. She plans to bring something for _____ (7). Before she
leaves, she prepares a basket of fruits for my aunt. There are apples, oranges _________ (8)
grapes in the refrigerator. First, my mother washes the fruits _________ (9). Then, she
takes a fruit basket and puts a piece of cloth in it. Finally, she arranges the fruits in the

7 A it C him 9 A sadly C happily

B her D them B clearly D carefully

8 A or C but
B and D because

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
10 Your answer for the question is wrong.

A incorrect C unsound
B untrue D incomplete

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11 A Alex and Firdaus have bought some books. These are the boys books.
B Alex and Firdaus have bought some books. These are the boys, books.
C Alex and Firdaus have bought some books. These are the boy’s books.
D Alex and Firdaus have bought some books. These are the boys’ books.

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16



Patriva went to the farmer’s market last Sunday. She went to Uncle John, the __________
(12) to buy some vegetables. Patriva likes to __________ (13) vegetables from Uncle John
because he sells fresh vegetables.
The __________ (14) is also reasonable. Uncle John is very ____________ (15).

12 A butcher C fishmonger 14 A quality C price

B hawker D greengrocer B weight D size

13 A buy C buying 15 A angry C cheerful

B buys D bought B sad D worried

Questions 16 to 20.
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Joo Bee : I received my report card today, Mum.
Mrs Lim : Let me have a look at it. Well, you’ve improved in your position in class.
But I see a red mark for English language. You have to pay more
attention to this subject. You’ve done very badly indeed.
Joo Bee : It’s true, Mum. Our teacher set a very hard paper – the new UPSR
format. Most of us failed in this paper.
Mrs Lim : That’s a lame excuse. Blame yourself for not studying hard enough.
Joo Bee : Ask Tracy, my classmate. She too scored very low marks.
Mrs Lim : All right. From now on you have to read more books on the subject.
Joo Bee : I do read a lot of English books. I do write essays too.
Mrs Lim : Good. I’m happy that you’re trying hard. You’ve done well in Science
and Mathematics.
Joo Bee : They’re my favourite subjects. Can you please sign my report card now?
Mrs Lim : I’ll have to show it to your father first. Let him sign it.
16 Why didn’t Joo Bee do well in her English?
A She did not study hard enough.
B English language is not her favourite subject.
C Her English language teacher set a very difficult paper.
D Her English language teacher did not revise with the class.

17 The phrase ‘lame excuse’ shows that Mrs Lim thinks that Joo Bee ______
A is unable to walk properly.
B needs a lot of help in her English.
(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

C will never pass her English paper.

D is giving a weak reason for her failure.

18 How many subjects did Joo Bee do well in?

A One subject
B Two subjects
C Every subject
D All subjects except English language

19 How do you think Mrs Lim felt when she saw a red mark for English Language in her
daughter’s report card?
A Disappointed C Happy
B Frightened D Angry

20 From the dialogue, we know that ____________

A Mrs Lim signed Joo Bee’s report card.
B Mr Lim will sign Joo Bee’s report card.
C Mr Lim advised Joo Bee to study harder.
D Tracy told Joo Bee to read more English books.

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

[30 marks]
Question 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in
the space provided.
You are welcome, son. Answer:
Happy birthday.



(2 marks)

Do you sell magazines here?



(2 marks)




(2 marks)
I would like to make a
deposit, please.

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

Question 22
Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow.

It is now 10.00 p.m. Chee Seng is alone at home. His parents are away.
They have to sell food at a night market. Chee Seng is watching television upstairs when
he hears a noise. He looks out the window and sees some robbers outside his neighbour’s
house. He quickly dials an emergency hotline number.

Chee Seng: Hello! This is an emergency. There are robbers trying to

break into my neighbour’s house.

Telephone operator: Hold on, please. I will transfer your call to the police.

Policeman: Hello, this is the Taman Pelangi police station.

Chee Seng: Hurry up, please! There are robbers – three of them!
I saw them outside my neighbour’s house. They just broke a
window and climbed in.

Policeman: Please calm down. Speak slowly. What is your name?

Chee Seng: I’m Chee Seng. They are in the house right now. They came
in a van. It is still there at the gate!

Policeman: Please wait. I have to ask you a few questions first.

Question 22
Tick (√ ) the correct answer.

(a) Why does Chee Seng make a call? (1 mark)

He hears a noise upstairs.
He is afraid to be alone at home.
He sees robbers at his neighbour’s house.

(b) During the phone call, Chee Seng most likely feels (1 mark)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c) Write two questions which you think the policeman will ask Chee Seng.

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

(2 marks)
(d) What do you think will happen later? Explain.

(2 marks)
(e) If you were Chee Seng but you didn’t know the emergency hotline number, what
would you do?

(2 marks)

Question 23
Read the programme summary of a television channel and answer the questions that follow.
Subaru Television
Programme Summary: 7 January 2016

6.00 a.m. Morning news

6.30 a.m. Exercise with Sunil
7.00 a.m. Yoga and Meditation for Men
7.30 a.m. Documentary: Nature at Its Best
(This week episode – Pollution of the Sea)
8.30 a.m. Ladies, let’s cook local food with Chef Eli!
10.30 a.m. Horror Movie: Revenge of the Dead
12.00 noon News in English
2.30 p.m. Movie for Children: The Awesome Four
4.30 p.m. World of Sports
6.30 p.m. Chinese Movie: Comedian of Shanghai Town
7.00 p.m. News in Bahasa Malaysia
8.30 p.m. Malay Movie: Hidupan Seorang Permaisuri
9.00 p.m. News in Chinese
10.30 p.m. Game Show: The Amazon Women – daring acts
12.00 a.m. News in English
Transmission Ends
Question 23
Tick (√ ) the correct answer.
(a) If Mr Leonard switches on the television at 10.30 a.m.,
what programme would he watch? (1 mark)
an English documentary
a Chinese movie
a horror movie

b) A programme especially for ladies would be… (1 mark)

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

The Awesome Four

Yoga and Meditation for Men
Ladies, Let’s Cook with Chef Eli!

c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. (2 marks)

List A List B
The television channel starts at of women performing daring acts
to win the game.
People who exercise is a documentary programme.
‘The Amazon Women’ is a game show will watch ‘Exercise with Sunil’.
‘Nature at Its Best’ 6.00 o’clock in the morning.

Write your answers in the space provided.

(d) If you like cooking, what TV programme would you watch? (2 marks)

(e) What do you understand by the term ‘Transmission Ends’? (2 marks)

Question 24 and 25
Study the poster and e-mail below. Answer the questions that follow.


Let’s Keep Fit and Stay Healthy!

25 – 27 July 2016
Keris Community Hall
9.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

Demonstrations GREAT OFFER!

 Yoga
 Martial arts Sign up for martial arts, yoga and
 Healthy cooking dance classes on the spot.
No registration fee! Pay for 9 classes
 Dance
but get 10!

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

Talks Activities (all free)

 Organic food  Medical examination
 Stress management  Blood sugar and blood pressure
 Nutritional counselling
Books on health and organic food items on sale too!

Subject: Health Carnival 2016

Hi Kesha,

Have you heard about the Health Carnival 2016 next month? You must not miss this event!
There will be many activities, talks and demonstrations. There is an offer if you want to
sign up for dance classes. You’ll like this for sure! There’s more information about the
carnival, so I’ll drop by this evening. I'm sure your parents will be interested too. See you


Question 24 and 25
Tick (√ ) the correct answer.
24 (a) The books on sale at the carnival will be about… (1 mark)

healthy cooking
stress management
health and organic food

(b) “You’ll like this for sure!” The word this in the e-mail refers to…
(1 mark)

the Health Carnival

the dance classes
the books

25 (a) “There’s more information about the carnival,

so I’ll drop by this evening.”

Why does Roshni want to ‘drop by’? (2 marks)

(013) Y5-MARCH ’16

(b) Why does Roshni think Kesha’s parents will be interested in the carnival? Give
reasons for your answer. (2 marks)

(c) What ‘great offer’ can one get at the carnival? (2 marks)



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