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McE -42052 FMS Tutorial- I 27.8.2019 (Tue)
Sr.No. Questions Marks
1. Four machines belong to a GT machine cell. Machine 1 and machine 2 are identical and 10
are used to feed machine 3, which is the main machine in the cell. The output of machine
3 feeds into machine 4. The cell is set up to produce a family of 5 parts (A, B, C, D and
E). The operation times for each part at each machine are given in the following table.

The products are produced in the ratio 4:3:2:2:1. If the hours worked per week are 35,
determine how many of each product will be made by the cell? What are the utilization
of the main machine and the utilization of the cell?
2. A GT cell consists of 5 machines. The from–to data for the machines are as follows: 10

( i ) Determine the logical sequence of machines according to/from ratios

(ii) Construct a flow diagram
(iii) Where do the parts enter cell and exit the cell? How many parts in each place?
3. In order to determine the number of vehicles required to meet the demand for a 10
particular automated guided vehicle system. The system must be capable of making 60
deliveries per hour. The following are the data of performance characteristics of the
Vehicle velocity = 50 m/min.
Average distance traveled per delivery = 150 m
Pick up time = 0.45 min.
Drop off time = 0.45 min.
Average distance traveling empty = 100 m
Traffic factor = 0.8

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Determine the number of vehicles required to meet the demand of delivery. Also
determine the handling system efficiency?
4. The oval of a top-driven carousel track has a length = 70m and width = 5m. The speed 10
of the carousel = 80 m/min. There are 150 carriers around the carousel and each carrier
has 6 bins suspended from it. For a single direction carousel and a bidirectional carousel,
compare how long it take it takes to retrieve 20 parts from the carrier if each part is in
different storage bin and random storage is used in the carousel. Also determine the
spacing between carriers and carousel. The handling time associated with retrieval is 20
5. A mechanized storage carousel has a length of 40 m and a width of 4.5 m. The velocity 10
of the carousel is 60 m/min., and the part handling time at the unload station is 0.40 min.
Compute the average time to retrieve a part from the system:
(a) Assuming that the system revolves in a single direction
(b) Assuming that the system revolves in both direction

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