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Old Furniture Shop Management System

(Websites & Web Application)

Project Supervisor

Ma’am Rubab Zahara

Submitted By

Faiza Farzand Roll No: 1226

Session 2019-2023

Department of Computer Science

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur RYK (campus)


This is to certify that Faiza Farzand has worked on and completed his Software
Project at the Department of Computer Sciences & IT, The Islamia University of
Bahawalpur (Rahim Yar Khan Campus) in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the degree of BSCS in Computer Sciences under my guidance and supervision.

In our opinion, it is satisfactory and up to the mark and therefore fulfills the
requirements of BSCS in Computer Sciences.

Supervisor / Internal Examiner

Rubab Zahra


Department of Computer Sciences

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Rahim Yar Khan Campus


External Examiner/Subject Specialist



Accepted By:


(For office use)


In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creation,
The Compassionate, the Merciful,
King of Judgment-day!

You alone we worship, and to you alone, we pray for

Guide us to the straight path
The path of those who you have favored,
Not of those who have incurred your wrath,
Nor of those who have gone astray.

I want to dedicate this project to my beloved parents and my teachers. It’s

only due to their prayers that we are at this stage and successfully
performing our duties. I also want to say thanks to my respected

Ma’am Rubab Zahra because of their efforts I am at the last stage of my

destination. I will never forget my dearest Friends and seniors who
encourage me at every step of this project.

I am grateful to almighty ALLAH, the Most Gracious, Merciful, and Beneficent

WHO helps me in every field of life. By HIS grace I have been able to complete
this project successfully.

I am thankful to my supervisor Rubab Zahra whose guidance is always with

me whenever I found myself in difficulty. She always encouraged me, and his
guidance helped me to complete this project.

I feel proud to be the daughter of my parents, whose consideration boosts

my morale to get higher education. Their prayers enable me to reach this stage and
complete this project. I heartily express my thanks to my loving brothers and
sisters for their love and care. I am much thankful to my friends for their co-
operation and help.

My appreciations also go to all the people who participated by sharing their

precious views and suggestions about steganography in digital images. Thanks a
lot for all the time and effort they have given me, without their co-operation, I
would not be able to do such stupendous work.

This Documentation is about the Furniture Shop. This is a Furniture shopping

location. by which clients can put points of interest of furniture and can seek it, can
be individual from the website, purchase furniture and see other connected
furniture of different design. Client can see furniture detail from wherever through
the web and buy it with an installment from a Credit card.

During this document preparation I am guided by my kind, respected, and

experienced teacher Ma’am Rubab Zahra who helped me a lot to refine my project
and its concern document. He with his knowledge and experience told me about
the art of designing the system.

During this process, I studied the present system and got information about this
system by studying the existing documents, and reports they prepared. Based on
this information I tried my level best to fulfill the needs by designing the system.
Finally, system development was done under the guidance of my respected
I has chosen to build a Old Furniture Shop Management System, it would be fully
dynamically. Website & Web Application Where users can Buy ans Sell Online
Furniture; also Customers will automatically notify by email and can read updates
from Status. It would be a complete web application from which customers can
sign up for their accounts. The administrator can purchase, sell, add, update, and
delete records and also generates reports.

New system kya hn vo btna

Phr btna hn existing system kun kun s hn

Vo kya functionality de rhe hn

Or enhanced kya kr ri ho
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Scope...........................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Overview......................................................................................................................................6
1.4 Source..........................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms............................................................................................................7
2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Technologies used.......................................................................................................................7
2.2 Application overview...................................................................................................................7
2.3 Design languages.........................................................................................................................7
2.4 System environment....................................................................................................................7
2.5 Assumptions................................................................................................................................7
2.6 General Constraint.......................................................................................................................8
3 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................................................8
3.1 Architectural Design....................................................................................................................8
3.1.1 Web Architechture:.............................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Block diagram:.....................................................................................................................9
3.2 Decomposition Description..........................................................................................................9
3.2.1 Class diagram.....................................................................................................................10
3.2.2 State diagram.....................................................................................................................12
3.2.3 Use case.............................................................................................................................13
3.2.7 Sequence diagram.............................................................................................................25
3.2.8 Activity diagram.................................................................................................................26
4 DATA DESIGN.....................................................................................................................................27
4.1 Data Description........................................................................................................................27
4.2 Data Objects..............................................................................................................................27
4.3 Complete ER diagram................................................................................................................28
4.4 Data Dictionary..........................................................................................................................28
5 COMPONENT DESIGN........................................................................................................................29
6 HUMAN INTERFACE DESIGN..............................................................................................................30
6.1 Overview of User Interface........................................................................................................30
6.1.1 Log in.................................................................................................................................30
6.1.2 Registration........................................................................................................................31
6.2.1 Order from.........................................................................................................................32
The introduction of Software Design Discription Document (SDD) of Old
Online Furniture Shop is to provide the entire overview of this system. In
which we describes it purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations,
references and overview. The aim of this documentation is to gather and
analyze the information of this system complete in detail or in depth inside
that what of functionalities this provide and what requirements are required.
The detailed requirements of this system are provide in this documentation.

Old Online Furniture Shop is a web application Software to mechanize a

wide range of operations in the Furniture Shop/ Showroom. The reason for
this product is to deal with the Furniture Items in the shop/ Showroom. For
the most part, it incorporates request preparing, Sale/Purchase, Stock
Administration, and records administration. We built up this product to keep
up records of offers, buy and staff records. We attempt to grow such sort
web application which is giving the mechanization on any kind of the
Furniture Shop/ Showroom. An online furniture shop that allows users to
check for various furniture available at the online store and purchase online.
The project consists of list of furniture products displayed in various models
and designs. The user may browse through these products as per categories.
If the user likes a product he may add it to his shopping cart. Once user
wishes to checkout he must register on the site first. He can then login using
same id password next time. Now he may pay through a credit card or cash
on delivery. Once the user makes a successful transaction he gets a copy of
the shopping receipt on his email id. Here we use .net framework to make
the entire frontend. The middle tier or code behind model is designed in c#.
And sql serves as a backend to store furniture lists and inventory data Thus
the online furniture shopping project brings an entire furniture shop online
and makes it easy for both buyer and seller to make furniture deals.

Online Furniture Shop is a web application Software to mechanize a wide

range of operations in the Furniture Shop/ Showroom. The reason for this
product is to deal with the Furniture Items in the shop/ Showroom. For the
most part, it incorporates request preparing, Sale/Purchase, Stock
Administration, and records administration. We built up this product to keep
up records of offers, buy and staff records. We attempt to grow such sort
web application which is giving the mechanization on any kind of the
Furniture Shop/ Showroom.

The principal assurance of Software Design Documentation (SDD)
is plan all prerequisite they are expected to the proposed framework. it
help the coder or software engineer to pampering all necessities of
outline. SSD used to characterize the limitation that will be used as a part
of the system. SDD is used in the framework to test the analyzer to help
use any test strategy. SDD is used to characterize the structure of the
The name of venture is Furniture shop/ Showroom. The goal of this
venture is to make and actualize a site for the Furniture shop. The site
will be used primarily by understudies. The Website will empower
customer to make and keep up individual anchored account, glance
through the webpage of Furniture shop database for course readings, and
make anchored online Visa purchases/Money down. Applicant will
likewise have the capacity to contact site heads. The site makes obtaining
reading material snappier, less demanding, and more helpful.

The rest of the area Software Design Documentation (SDD)
contains all data about the proposed framework. The SDD of the store's shop
management framework is sorted out in succession. Segment two depicts are
generally portrayal of Furniture shop administration framework. Area three
contains engineering outline of the framework. It also provides the client
perspective of the furniture.

Definitions and Acronyms

SDD: software design documentation
DFD: Data Flow Diagram.
PHP: Personal Home Page.
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
CSS: Case Cascading Style Sheet
CFD: Context Flow Diagram
IDE: Integrated Development Environments
SQL: Structured Query Language
GUI: Graphical user interface.
IP: Internet protocol

Technologies used
 PHP will be utilized as a part of the framework for improvement
condition. We utilized MySQL for database.
 PHP will be utilized as server side and other, for example, html, CSS,
java content, is utilized customer side.
Application overview
The primary objective of use to gives advantages to the client. This
application empower client to shopping of Furniture on the web. The
product outline improvement of venture is single record. The essential
reason for Furniture shop administration framework is to give data about
various types of Furniture’s.

Design languages
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used for model or construction
of the system UML is used for system design as user point of view

System environment
This application is design to work on all type of window operating

The user must have a browser and internet connection to visit the site
and get the benefit of the site.
General Constraint
The site must be utilized neighborhood server to store information in database.
MySQL server is utilized for database operation. Php is utilized for backend server
site coding. Bootstrap is utilized for front end.

Process Model:
Agile Methodology is a people-focused results-focused
approach to software develepoment that respects our rapidly changing world.its
centered around adaptive planning, self organization, and short delivery times. Its
flexible, fast, and aims for contineous improvements in quality, using tools like
scrum and extreme programming.

The most popular and common exapmples are Scrum, extreme
prgramming(XP), Feature Driven Develpoment(FDD), Dynamic System
Developement Method(DSDM), Adaptive Software Development(ASD), Crystal,
and Lean Software Development(LSD). Teams generally pick one or two methods


Architectural Design
Register another part to give a greater number of rights than a
basic client of the site. Enlist client additionally share any data about
various Furniture’s frame which the diverse gets many advantages. After
Registration the record of the client will be put something aside for later
client. Records are utilized to Log in Register client. It additionally gives
to buy Furniture on the web, costs of various organization Furniture’s and
home conveyance. The client chooses a Furniture which he/she needs and
fill the frame which gives the fundamental data about clients and client
pay their installment after home conveyance.

Web Architechture:

Internet, Web Application, Web Server and Database are

used in Furniture shop site. Desktop computer or Laptop
connects with internet using TCP/IP.
Use case
Use case 1 .login.
Use case 2.Register new member.
Use case 3.change password.
Use case Furniture.
Use case type.
Use case operating system
Use case 7.price range
Use case 8.add Furniture.
Use case 9.delete Furniture.
Use case 10.customer view detail.
Use case 11.order.
Use case Furniture
Use case 13.home delivery.
Use case
Use Case Diagram for Customer
Actor System
Precondition If the user have an account login system.
Post condition User successful log in
Description User can access their account.
Actor action System Response
Users click the login from. 2) System display log in from.
User enter name and password 4) System process login successful or not.

Actor System
Precondition System display registration from
Post condition System process for new customer register.
Description New user registers in the system.
Actor action System response
1) Costumer clicks the registration from.
2) Customer enters the name, email and System display registration from.
password. System check the customer enters the correct
User enters the correct data system display
message the costumer successful register.

Use case Diagram for Admin

Actor System
Pre-condition Admin must have product and product id.
Post condition System process and add the product in
Description Admin can be new adding product in system.
Actor action System response
1) Admin click the add item bottom. 2) System display add item from.
2) Admin enters the item name and id. 4) System check the product already avails in
5) System process and add item in database and
display massage to admin item successful enter.
Actor System
Precondition User must have product name and to view the
detail product.
Post condition System process.
Description System provides product detail.
Actor action System response
User selects the product. System provides the detail.

Admin Side
Admin Product Management

Admin Category Management

Use case for User
Actor System
Precondition System display from for reset password.
Post condition System process change password.
Actor action System response
1) User click the reset from. 2) System display reset from.
1) User request for change password. 4) System receive old password for reset password.
5) If the user enter correct old password the display
message password change successful.
Actor System
Precondition User select range of price.
Post condition System process select range price avail in
system or not.
Description If user range product avail in system Furniture
display otherwise display message your range
Furniture not avail in the system

Actor action System response

1) User selects range of price. 2) System checks user avail here.
3) If user range Furniture avail in system
Furniture display otherwise display message
your range Furniture not avail in the system

Actor System
Precondition User must have an account to order the
Post condition System response to user.

Description User orders the Furniture .system process the

avail in system here or not.
Actor action System response
1) User clicks the order from. 2) System displays the order from.
3) User enters the name of Furniture want to 3) System check the Furniture avail or not.
order. 4) If Furniture avail in the system display

Actor System
Precondition User must have an account to purchase.
Post condition System display response.
Description Customer purchase the furniture item.

Actor action System response

1) User click the purchase from. 2) System display purchase from.
3) User fill from. 4) System check user fill all filed or not.

User Cart Management

User Account Management

Activity Diagram
Data Flow Diagram

Entity Relation Diagram

Block Diagram
Decomposition Description
Register strategy is utilized to enlist new part and login
used to get to his/her record. Just Register clients are login into their
records, in light of the fact that lone those individuals sign in, who have
enroll account there to get data about Furniture. Client of the site can get
the information or data about the distinctive Furniture composes
alongside their installment. Client additionally remark underneath the

Class Diagram
Complete Class Diagram
State Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram for Customer Login
Admin Add new Diagram
Data Description
In Furniture shop management system is use MySQL database for
store data .Php is used to back end to store data .Php is used retrieve data
from database server.
Data Objects
Id: To uniquely identify each admin in database.
Name: Indicate the name of admin.
Age: Indicate the age of admin.
Address: Show the address of admin.
E-mail: E-mail of admin used to interact with system.
Phone Number: Phone number is used for communication with admin.

Id: To uniquely identify each user in database. .
Name: Indicate the name of user.
Age: Indicate the age of user
Address: Show the address of admin user
E-mail: E-mail of admin used to interact with system.
Phone Number: Phone number is used for communication with user.
Name: it identify name of Furniture.
Price: it identify price of Furniture.
Id .id uniquely identify of Furniture.
Order id: identify odder id
Date and time: identify order date and time.
Customer name: identify name of customer.

Bill id. It identify id of bill.
Bill name: it identify bill name.
Customer name. it identify name of customer.

Complete ER diagram
Data Dictionary
Parameter Type of parameter
Id: Int….
Name String…..
Age Int……
Address String…….
Email String…..
Phone Int……..
Parameter Type of parameter
Id: Int……
Name String…….
Age Int……
Address String……
Email String…..
Phone Int……
Parameter Type of parameter
Bill id. Int…..
bill Name String……
Customer name String……..
Parameter Type of parameter
Name String……..
Price Int…...
Company name String….
Model String…….
Component Design
Overview of User Interface
Log in
Firstly user open the side log in display .User enter the
password and id if the user log in successful the home page display
after log in the site see detail about the Furniture such
price ,specification ,incoming Furniture etc.log in page as will display,
incoming Furniture etc.log in page as will display.
The package was designed in such a way that future
modifications can be done easily. The following conclusions can be deduced from
the development of the project.

Automation of the entire system improves the efficiency

It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to be better when

compared to the existing system.It gives appropriate access to the authorized
users depending on their permissions. It effectively overcomes the delay in

Updating of information becomes so easier.

System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.

The System has adequate scope for modification in future if it is necessary.


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