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Identify five (5) processes of cost planning in the construction industry

i. Inception
• This is a stage where a client expresses his intention to build a building,
provides administrative organization and appoints an architect and other
consultants if necessary. The cost is also discussed at this stage but as long as
there are still changes to the client's needs, an estimate of the project cannot
be fixed.

ii. Feasibility/ viability

• The architect and the consultants will study the client's needs. The design team
should cooperate in giving suggestions and advice to the client so that the best
possible decision can be made. This stage is very important in determining the
feasibility and profitability of a project.

iii. Outline Proposal

• The general approach on the design, layout and construction method is
determined at this stage in order to gain approval from the authority concerned.

iv. Scheme Design

• The main purpose of this stage is to complete the client's brief and decide on
proposal that include planning arrangement, appearance, construction method,
specification and cost

v. Detailed Design
• This is an important stage whereby all final decisions are made on each
problem. The complete design of each building part and component or any
other factor related to a building is produced. Plans will be completed and
several detailed drawings are produced.

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