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Day-wise Plan for Tableau Training

Getting Started with Tableau working with Tableau

         Tableau Introduction and Products
         Tableau Features & Advantages
         Installation of Tableau Desktop/Public
         Interface of Tableau (Layout, Toolbars, Data pan
e, Analytics pane etc)
         Working with workbook data and Worksheet  Day 1 – 4 Hours
         How to create data visualization using Tableau fe
ature “show me”
         Exploring Tableau File Types
         Dimensions vs Measure
         Understanding Green and Blue Pills
         Top Chart in Tableau
         Create Hierarchy
Data Preparation
         Connecting to different Data Source
i.            Excel
ii.            CSV
iii.            SQL Server
         Live vs Extract Connection
i.            Difference Live and Extract  Day 1 – 2 Hours
ii.            Refreshing Extract
iii.            Refreshing Live
iv.          Data Source Editor
         Data Interpreter: Clean Dirty Data
         Data types
         TWB vs TWBX
Basic Data Visualization/Graph
         Pivot table and Heat Map
         Highlight Table, Bar Chart
         Line Chart, Area Chart  Day 2 – 3 Hours
         Pie Chart, Scatter Plot
         Word Cloud, Tree Map
         Other Basic charts
Advance Data Visualization/Graph
         Bar Chart
i.            Stacked Bar Chart
ii.            Bar in Bar Chart
iii.            Combo Chart
         Line Chart  Day 2 – 3 Hours
i.            Single Axis
ii.            Dual Axis
         Dual Axis Chart
i.            Line
ii.            Bar
iii.            Lollipop Chart
iv.            Donut
v.                Animated Graph/Motion Graph
         Other Advanced Chart
Building View Advance Map Option
         Explain latitude and longitude
         Default location/Edit locations
         Symbol map & Filled Map  Day 3 – 2 Hours
         Map Layer
         Image in map
         Map option
Sort and Filter Data
        Sorting
        Various types of Filter
         Top & Bottom N Filter
 Day 3 – 2 Hours
Grouping Data/Dynamic Representation
         Groups
         Sets
         Parameters
         Bins
Advanced Filtering and Action on worksheet and
         Action Filter on Worksheet & Dashboard
i.            Filter
ii.            Highlight
iii.            Go to URL  Day 3 – 2 Hours
iv.            Go to Sheet
v.            Set Action
vi.            Parameter Action
         Hover, Select, Menu
Advanced Data Preparation
        Union / Joins
i.            Inner  Day 4 – 2 Hours
ii.            Left
iii.            Right
iv.            Outer
         Continuous and Discrete data
         Working with Dates
         Create calculated Fields
         Manipulating Text – left and right function  Day 4 – 3 Hours
         Table Calculation
i.            Running total
ii.            Percent
iii.            Percent total
iv.            Year over Year Growth
         Level of Details (LOD)
i.            Include
ii.            Exclude
iii.          Fixed
Dashboard Design & Story Creation
         Dashboard Formatting
         Canvas Selection
         Tiled Object, Floating Object
 Day 4 – 1 Hours
         Summary Box
         Chart Titles and Captions Day 5 – 1 Hours
         Adding Image and Text
         Adding Shading
         Adding Separator Lines
         Dynamic Chart Title
         Information Icons
         Creating a Story
Sharing Your Dashboard
         Publishing to PDF
         Exporting to Pivot Table and Images
         Exporting Packaged workbooks
         Tableau Reader  Day 5 – 1 Hours
         Tableau Online
         Tableau Server
         Tableau Public
         Publishing to Tableau Server
Dashboard Projects
         Financial Analysis Dashboard Day 5 – 4 Hours
         HR Analysis Dashboard (Note
- 3-4 Case Studies would be
         Market Analysis Dashboard
covered along with
         Tourism Analysis Dashboard previous training topics
         New Business Analysis Dashboard - 1-2 Case Studies would be
covered in 4 hours
         Banking Sector Analysis - Small example based
         Issue & Bug reporting Analysis learning would happen on
         Population Trend Analysis additional 2-3 datasets)
         Covid’19 Analysis


1. We would provide datasets from online/free/ open sources.

2. Example datasets –

a. HR Dataset (MySQL based), csv based

b. Transaction Dataset of items – Market Basket Analysis

c. SuperStore dataset – Retail Industry

d. Stock Data – Finance

e. Covid Data

f. Customer Feedback – Sentiment Analysis (TF-IDF)

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