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Training and Doping in Sports 10 “The sad thing about doping is how much it obscures our appreciation of greatness.” —Malcolm Gladwell spocts training plays a very important role in every sport. Iti an integral part of an athlete’ daily routine. {cis something that an athlete has to do over and over until he/she is retired. Sports training allows the ody t0 improve skill levels and build motivation, ambition and confidence. It also enables the athletes co increase more knowledge of their sport. It also improves mental strength of an athlete as it helps in improving concentration and increases self-esteem {Sometimes in order to improve the performance athletes prefer unethical methods to enhance their performance. Doping is persistent is sue for athletes in the world, hundreds of athletes are founct using performance enhancing substances. But the regulatory bodies are keeping a very strict watch and are not allowing even a small breach of code. Mganing and Concept of Sports Training In archaic period, ports training denotes the procedure of preparation of some tasks.\It is changed these days; spon waining can extend for months and years together for preparation of some ass. Professionals in sports eTicine, sports biomechanics understand that sports training is chelly practicing physical exercise. There sre various types of training in sports such asLincrval, strength, technical and tactical trainings Sports taining is the focused. process of all-round physical conditioning almed at preparation for the performance in sports. It includes sport training and competitions, speci nutrition, special rehabilitation Peatments, assessment of performance capacity and psychological factor. Iti the method andLregula proces caved over 3 Tonger uation and is base-on the scientific facs and sucessful practices. Spor training is the sportsmen's basic form of preparation. Definition of Sports Training The definitions mentioned below can give a better idea about sports training: According to Martin Sports training is a planned. ‘and controlled process for achieving a goal, yhanges in complex sports, motor performance ability to act and behaviour are ‘made through measures of content, method of organization, According to Marwejew Sports training is the basic form of preparation of portman) According to Schnadel, Sports training is a scientific base and pedagogically organised process which plan a systematic effect on performance ability and performance readiness aims at sports perfection and Performance improvement as well as content in sports competition. Teoining ond Doping in Sports Sports training is a pedagogical pro based on scientific principles Aiming at Preparation of sportsman for higher performance in sports con foe Sports ain ed on the scientific principles, Traini skills by s ings also based on the scientific principles. Training can help i acquiring required sills by, tmennasuenthace the mindset ro conquer wil also playa decisive role in the Performance of a sportspersy, inciples of Sports Training Principle of Formulating Training on the Basis of Prognostic Performance andj of sports training is vo achieve high performance; therefore, a structure of an should form dhe base of preparation of training. All che aims, methods anid measures orien phases of training are to be derived from the performance analysis of a Sportsperson. Performance struct mation of other factors such as motor development, age, training stage, 0 determines the training structure. lytical sports performanes tute is an petiodization, etc., and jt ~ Principle of Continuity of Training: Training is a continuous process and if there is a period of discontinuity then it hampers the progress made. Studies have shown that any type of discontinuity in the sports training reduces the physiological capacities ofthe athletes, accept but it should not remain steady. fit temains steady, then the - For the consinucus improvement of sills, the taining losd shove 5. Principles of Rest and Recovery: Continuous trainin, body needs rest to regenerate. When we give our bo While making the training schedule, we should m, training activities, B Puts body under pressure and gets tired. Our dy proper rest it becomes healthier than before ake sure to allocate proper time for rest between 6. Principle of Individual Differences: Every person has different somato several exercises differently. We have our own strengths and weaknesses, be designed by taking the below points into consideration: \- Fast ewitch muscle fibres recover quicker than slow twitch muscle fibres, li, Smaller muscles heal faster than the larger muscles, 1H. Fast or explosive movements need more time to recover than slow movements 7. Principle of Progression: According to this principle, we should not increase overload rapidly, it may lead to muscle damage. An increased overload can cause exhaustion too fast and may lead to some injury. ing-down: A proper warm-up is required before any intense physical activity as i increases the blood flow and Prepares the muscles for high intensity work-out. y Proper cool down is also much required after intense physical activities ag i helps in cransferring blood back to the vital organs from the muscles, 9. Principle of Specificity: According to this principle, if we train ‘on a specific part of our body it helps in devcloping that part of our body. Implying this principle in an athlete’ life, i he performs an exercise or skill again and again then he will ger better at it. Example, A swimmer need to-train by swimming regularly in order to get better at it 128 A Textbook of Physical Education ~ x! a Break... he blanks. 1. sports eraining is the basic form of preparation of ove be web lou e cased overload can cause exhaustion t00 fax" nd may lead co some use. me C rake pilin © >, An iner 3, Smaller muscles heal flee than the larger muscles. 4. Fascor explosive movements need more time to recover than $000 _ movements &, According to the principle of overload, the load on our body should be Max © than the d that our body can accept but it should not remain steady. normal loac uférming-UP and Limbering-down Warming-uP \yarming-up is hgmain sport element for any sport raining period, itis the basis for any athlete's performance vsing any sport activity oF competition. Warming” is crucial and plays active role in preparing the player to perform the dynamic exercises during the sport. The performance of a player is enhanced when the muscles oer body have taken sufficient amount of warm-up before the game. Most of the trainers, particularly in football, prefer classical training for warming-up. Researchers have found that enhancement in sport activity roetbe accomplished using other sports events activities, particularly athletics field to warm up. \Warming-up exercises should mainly focus on type of exercises, me duration and exact period of time to do before the competition. If warming-up exercises are not dane properly, it will have a bad impact on an individual’s health during a sport activity. Types of Warm-up 1 Passive Warming-up:(Pgssive warm-up helps in increasing the body temperature withour performing - any major physical activity. The body temperature is increased through external means, for example. by wearing heavy clothes, steam bath, through hot drin = etc. The benehit of passive warm-up is that it does hot take energy in the process of warming-up. Passive warming-up is not enough and active warming-up is really necessary for making muscles ready for the competition or sport. (Pe hetive Warming-up: Active warming-up involves variou: hysical activities. The activities involve in categorized into ‘active warming-up helps muscle in getting toned. However, the active warming-up two following categories: — -a-Géneral Warming-up: Athletes perform general warming-up_in all. the_types of spore activities. Activities such as jagging, stretching, jumping, calisthenics, etc. ‘The flexibility of muscles and joints is enhanced by the warming-up Sctivities involved in general warm-up. The duration of these activities varies aecording to the nature of task to be performed. ~ ABC Specific Warming-up:'The activities involved in specific warmingsut 2 directly linked to the activity that is to be performed later on. “These exercises vary OD. “the basis of sport to be played. For cxample, a basketball player mainly practices for some throws and shots before the competition, the fielders practice catching before fielding. This type of activities helps in improving, coordinative abilities. Several warming-up activities performed according to the sports are mentioned below: Training and Doping in Sports 129 LL — (i) Badminton: Bending (sideways, forward, backward), body twisting exercises, ete di) Basketball: Jumping, dribbling, dodging, layup shots, free throws, shooting, etc. (iii) Hockey: Dribbling, passes, hits, scoop, rotation of stick, etc. Methods of Warming-up General Method _3Togging: Slow cunning for several minutes can increase the body temperature. The duration can vay according to the age of the individual involved in the activity. It should be started slowly and gradually ee! should be increased. * Exercises: After jogging, simple exercises are to be done from the relaxed position. The category of exercise should increase from simple to complex. 3-Sttiding: Strides should be performed for not more than 50 metres, Stretched out steps should be taken with knees going high. Body should be in lean position and arms in’ running position. About 4 to 8 reps should be performed. Stretching: Stretching is crucial during warm-up activities. Flexible muscles are the stronger ones. It nts injuries. ae During these sprint, ics required to cover a distance of 25 to 30 metres. Multiple repetitions e recommended depending on the age and sex of the individual involved in the activity. a with Warm Water Taking shower is used as a warming-up method for swimming, water polo and diving. Warm-up through Massage This method was widely used by wrestlers in India to get warmed-up. It is not that much in use these days, Warm-up by Hot Drinks Tcis not considered as one of the best methods for warming-up and it has been discarded by the expers, Warm-up through Sunbath Sunbathing can be used as a method for warming-up. Ic is not being used in most of the sports. Warm-up through Steam Bath Steam bath can be used to warm-up the body, bu this method is not in use these days. Importance of Warming-up ~ 1 Increases the Body Temperature: Warm-up exercises increase body temperature that helps in getting our body ready for the competition. It also helps in improving the performance. Ifa sports person isnot involved in proper warm-up before any vigorous activity it might result in tearing of muscle fibres. 2 Increases the Metabolic Rate: Metabolic rate is increased through warm-up exercises, When the cor seamperature rises, the metabolic rate increases. About 0.5 degree increase in body temperature results in 7% increase in metabolic rate. More energy is produced with the higher metabolie tate A Increases the Speed of Nerve Impulses: ‘The speed of nerve impulses is improved through warm-up ~ _ exercises that helps in improving the reaction time of an athlete. 130 A Textbook of Physical Education — x1 ; ca the Speed of Muscles: Warming-up results in carrying the blood ro muscles that Helps 7 ‘ 4.12 Te speed of muses during any sports activity or competition oe s Anxiety: Before any activity for competition, an athlete might feel nervous that can result into elopment o! anxiety. A proper warm-up activity can help in removing the anxie! and it increases ie dev P B ty motivation. «, Decrease® the Viscosity of Muscles: The level at w! _h the muscles meet demands is known as muscle Deere. Synovial fluid secretion and muscle lubricavion prevent muscle from tearing off. Warming-up vise exercise increases viscosity of the muscle. It catises the body to lubricate and prepare the muscle byes forthe pressure that you are about to put on the muscle or muscle groups. gcreases Flexibility: Proper warm-up exercises are designed in a manner so that they help in increasing * the flexibility of an athlete. It helps in reducing the chance of having an injury. ag Hoecese Strength Proper warm-up exercises helps in increasing the st teers y some other method of warming-up. che igth of an athlete. It cannot be © g/ncreases Explosive Power: Warm-up exercises also helps in developing explosive power. Ie’ scientifically proven that warm-up helps in improving speed and strength and explosive power is entirely dependent pon speed and strength. Improves Coordination: Warm-up exercises helps. in improving. nieurormuscular_coordinavion For meiple, a boxer warms-up before the actual march so that during the match he can have proper sSordination and can land his punches accurately. / improves Specific Skills: Warm-up exercises based on the specifications helps in improving the skills related to the game, which results in an improved performance. Armproves Reaction Time: Proper warm-up exercises helps our muscles to contract with 3 fet speed. Tr helps in reducing che reaction time, and it also results in an improved neuromuscular coordination. increases the Speed of Transfer of Oxygen to Tissues: ‘Warming-up exercises improves the speed of transfer of oxygen to the tissues. It is , done becaus proves the blood flow to muscles(by dilating the small blood vessel}, “The functional condition of muscle is improved when the oxygen supply is increased to it. we warm-up LécPicips in Avoiding Injuries: The muscles are toned up properly and the possibility of having a cramp is reduced significantly. It is done due to warm-up exercises the reaction time of an athlete is improved and the reaction speed is also faster in comparison to an athlete who has not done a proper warm-up. also lasercor reorcapee | Reduces the Blood Lactic Acid: The muscle temperature affects the heart rate and oxygen consumption by our body. Warm-up exercises helps in increasing the muscle temperarure which means a higher consumption of oxygen and an improved heart rate is noticed. 1 results in reduction of blood lactic acid. Guiding Principles of Warming up “The guiding principles of warming up are as following which may assise in the implementation of the best perforgaances: ows to Complex: ‘This principle says that simple exercise or activity must be done at the beginning of warming up, followed by complex exercise. The essence of the exercise must not redundantly complex, otherwise, it will to debilitation and reduce the performance at the competitive stage. f Training and Doping in Sports AE Exercise for all Parts of the Body: This principle signifies that ae a Benes oe 7 hall pats ofthe body. It must focus for making use ofeach part ofthe body. For instancss Poser ny exercise nor only for their arms but also for other parts of the body. must be Incorporated: Stretching and loosening exercises avoig gis full potential. Stretching and Loosening Exercises injuries and increase flexibility. They also Pepare the body for usin an Enough to raise Body Temperature: The extent of warming up must be sufficiently intnsig so mise che body temperature, It must be devoid of debiltation. This technique is very conducive fr mature sportspersons. “Age and Sex Specific: ‘The capability of warming uy intensity and cime for warming up must be more for fact that man needs a longer time period of training in comparison to wom p depends on age and sex criteria. The extent of boys than girls of the same age. Its an important an, This must always remain in mind. 6, Activity or Sports Specific: Warming up must aim at increasing the_efficiency which are needed in a be on the basis of the activity or sports and the movements specific activity or sports. Therefore, it must and a footballer may practice for especially for them, For example; a boxer must practice punching, backward running to strengthen the calf muscles. 7. Warming up Should be Time Accurately: Warming up must be of a time duratio: and stops 5 minutes before the real competition. ‘This is to make sure the recovery time. This time i duration should remain the same approximately cach time) Amateur athletes are suggested not to use the same amount of applied by matured athletes because it will generate tiredness. in of 15-20 minutes Limbering-Down Limbering-down (also known as cooling down or warming-down) is an easy exercise which is done after a more intense activity. Ir helps the body to gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state. Cooling down an involve a slow jog or walk, depending on the intensity of : can be used with lower intensities. Cooling down allows the heart rate'to return to its resting rate. Limbering down may reduce izziness for professional or serious athletes and vocal performers after strenuous workouts. Professionals are not able to conclude as to whether the process actually reduces delayed onset muscle discomfort. In the procedure of cooling down, stretching is a very important factor. Stretching enables the muscles to make elasticity. Stretching Exercises for Limbering-Down Hamstrings: Raise one leg directly above the hips while laying down on your back. Hold your calf and press the heel towards the cciling and pull your leg back. Switch the other leg and repeat the procedure 2. Chest: Stand straight and interlace your fingers behind the back. Lift your chin towards the ceiling and straighten out your arms, “ 3. Quadriceps: Pull your left leg in to your lefe glute while lying on your right side. Feel the stretch in the front of your thigh. Switch over to the next leg and repeat the procedure. 132 A Textbook of Physical Education ~ XI > npytest ight leg ov cures: Crs your right leg over to your left bent knee whi © Your ae while holding the back of your aah pa on your back Now, bring the lef seeing the legs. » ly press your right knee wide. Try it by ortance of Limbering-Down smP F Waste Products: Duri i s/he wal o| ucts: During a sport activity or competition, waste products such as lactic acid 10} ric acid, phosphate, sulphates, carbon dioxide, ; sea parking of muscles in our body. es the body of an athlete. They hinder psrances in the body of athletes. a the Body Te 2 i educes the Body ‘emperature: The body temperature of an individual gets increased during the ici ina Spo! ion. Limberi ticipation in a sport oF a competition Limbering-down activities helps in bringing down the body Cros reducing the accumulation of these enpe Dizziness: Limbering- eth . } Reduces ai a e es im a down activities plays a very major role in reducing the chances of dizzines ae odd + ahi i lood is collected into the legs and feet during, the strenuous exercises pecause the blood aa legs are expanded and when the exercise is suddenly stopped the heart rate reduces abruptly causing dizziness and fainting. Proper limbering-down reduces the heart rate slowly td does not let blood pool in the legs and feet. 4 fecreases Adrenaline Level in Blood: The level of adrenaline in the blood is increased during the participation in sport activities Proper limbering-down activities helps in decreasing the adrenaline level ip the blood which results in normalizing the blood flow. (Helps in Returning the Heart Rate to Initial Stage: The heart rate js increased during the sport activities or competition and it does not return to Its initial stage immediately. ‘The physical condition of the athlete is responsible for the normalization of the heart rate. Static stretching exercises should be ‘formed to initiate the cool down process Kieron Oxygen Supply: There is a lack of amount of oxygen during intense activities. Proper cooling, down helps in restoring the supply ‘of oxygen to muscles which helps in faster recovery. 7, Alps Recovering the Stiffness of the Muscle: Proper limbering-down activities helps in relaxing 7 the muscle speedily. It helps in the straightening of muscle fibre vad brings the muscles to normal position. Take a Break State True and False. 1. Passive warm up helps in increasing the body temperature without performing any major physical activity- Te Proper limbering down activities helps in relaxing the muscle speedily. a— . There is a lack of amount of oxyge" during intense activities. the blood is decreases during the participation in sport activities. . The level of adrenaline in nse exercises. rae wR Cooling down can involve fast running and inte Training and Doping in SPOS | Skill. Techniques and Style Meaning of Skill Skill can be defined as the ability wy do something well, usually gained through training o1 experience Skill peed practice and experience to do well Skill can abso be defined as the ability and capacity acquired through cautious, organized and continuous smoothly carryout comples activities, There are skills in every are ayguired through lots of training and continuous efforts. example. a Yorker delivery in eticket, a serve in badminton, serve in volleyball. ote Classification of Skills Every gport has rts own techniques and methods, If an individual wants to excel in that particular sport then he has ro master those techniques through proper training, practice and experience, Generally, we cannot lassity skills clearly bur they can be placed on a continuum, Several types of continuum are described here: |. Environmental Influence Continuum: The environmental influence continuum deals with a range of skills labelled open to dose & Open skills: These arc mainly perceptual as they are not under control and have no clear beginning or end. For example, in soccer and hockey performance can be affected under many circumstances. b. Closed skills: These are mainly habitual and take place in a stable predictable environment. In closed skills, sportsperson have a clear beginning and end, these are not affected much by environment. For cxample, serving in volleyball or squash, soccer penalty. + Ceeninwsty Continwam: The continuity continuum involves discrete, serial and continuous skills. «Skills char consist of a mumber of discrete elements linked together such as hop, step and jump in the triple jump arc linked into one movement are serial skills. Skills chat cannot be split up very easily into subroutines such as a dribbling in hockey are continuous skills Skulls having dear beginning and end such as taking a penalty kick at soccer are defined as discrete shcills 5. Muscular Involvement Continuum: The muscular invoh daills ‘ment continuum deals with gross and fine & Gross shills are those that use large muscle movements and do not have precise movements such as weight liftang 1b. Fine skills are chose that use small muscle movements and include complex precise movements such as darts and snooker 4 Pacing Continaum: The pacing continuum deals with self-paced and externally paced skill & Self-paced skills arc she skills in which the player has contol over the movements, for example, 2 tennis serve A Textbook of Physical Education XI ally paced skill are the skill in which , typed sin which the environment has more control, for example, block involey jsation Continuum: 20) a satis Mh Jw organisation aresimple nd havea very low organisational structure ‘The subroutines 50% Sk . sas lend 0 be dstte and can be practised separately. For example, swimming, b skills with high organisation have a complex organisational structure. The subroutines of these skills are dosely linked and cannot be practised separately. They require concentration to be performed 1 gesuly. For example, ple val. pifeary Continuum: 6 ' + simple skills ate caighforvard sls, They have ver ev subroutines, They need low concentration ep engatve att by the payer, For example, walking, x lls are complicated skills requiring alot of concentration or practice. The complexity of these skills is different for different individuals. Complex skills require a large number of subroutines arp areimerinked, Some ofthem may be abil and can be learned, the practice and the training “Fee the ease with which the performer performs the sil Fo example, a gymnastic tumble. 5, Compl Continuum: All the skill have elements ofall the lasifiatons. For example, a player playing 7, TheSkall ced by weather conditions which makes it an open skill glfnay be a cosed sl but a cies it affect characteristic. Meaning of Technique According co Collin’ dictionary A technique 4 particular method of doing an activity usually a method that involves practical ski Technique is the ability to perform a physical task or it can also be described as the way of performing ‘kl We should always make sure that during taining youns athletes, technique must always come first There are different meanings of technique even when the sports same, For example, athletics (for explosive strength, the technique must provide the capacity of producing a strong and concentrated impulse just at the determinant phase of execution. A skill is performed by using @ single technique or 2 combination of techniques. Different techniques are there and sportspersons select them on the basis of their level, which suits them the ros, according to the requirement based on rules. Meaning of Style Sais drved fom a Latin word Si’ Stlecanbe defined asthe characteristics or elements combined and Serie paraalat and consisnt esas. Hach APOE” due wo their specific particular psychic oh and biological capacities realizes the technique in @ Mert way whichis further defined as che style, Training and Doping in Sports Koncept and Classification of Doping Concept of Doping als 10 improve Doping can be defined ay the use of prohibited substance oF methods to impr areal sports performanes. It can ako be defined ay use of drugs for inrving sens of athletes and performance, lis methoxls and substances ean harm the health of athlete a sometimes they can be fatal, The word ‘doping’ is mainly used in the field o! Spo. 8 sportypenon can involve in doping in order to gain a competitive he wont doping is widely used by bodies that control. various events, According to all the international sports organizations, the use ¥) any substance t enhance performance is immoral, and therefore prohibited. (ov sloping authorities state that performance-enhancing drugs goes against the spint of sport ng © |OC Doping is the use of any method or substance that might harm the athlete, in a guest r0 gain an unfair advantage over his/her fellow competitors. »an on performance enhancing substances is really necessary because it protects the athletes from unfai vantage availed by the athletes who use such substances in order to enhance their performance. ‘scorcing to WADA Doping is defined as the occurrence of one or more of the anti-doping rule violations set forth in Article 2.1 through Article 2.8 of the code. © «© the anti-doping rule violations by WADA, fan athlete breaks one o more anti-doping rule joned below; then it is considered as doping. Presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in an athlete's sample. +. Use or attempted use by an athlete of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. Evading, refusing or failing to submie to sample collection. +. Any combination of three missed tests and/or filing failures, as defined in the International Standard for ‘suing and Investigations, within a 12 month period by an athlete in a registered testing pool. 5. Tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping control, ©. Possession of prohibited substances and prohibited methods, Trathcking or attempted trafficking in any prohibited substai or prohibited method, ministration or attempted administration to any athlete in-competition of any prohibited method or prohibited substance 5. Association by an athlete or other per subject to the authority of an Anti-doping Organization in 4 professional or sport-related capacity with any athlete Support person who is serving a period of ineligibility : Classification of Doping Doping can be defined as the following wo types: 1. Performance. enhancing substances 2. Physical Methods 136 A Textbook of Physical Education - xt fo perform 1 ince-Enhancing Substances ggmulants: These ate the drugs thar speed-up the cent efemaswellas heat fate reathingrateand blood presure 5 ie steer ee energy and decrease che apatite of an individ. They help in improving an individual's mood and increase brain active. wa Make etson more avake and alert They eet competitiveness and increase heart rate. — Anabolic Steroids: Some athletes take steroids that stimulate the growth of muscles and assis athle ape witha fister covery such teoids are known ss anabolic toils They ihe mute rao eg haath ke a anole tris ar eee ree ere . snramuscular injection. ; ally or by Peptide Hormones: Peptide hormones are responsible for the circulation of the blood: “These are the sabstances which are produced by glands in our body. They increase the production of red-blood cells wp results in increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. They also improve the growth of vases Peptide hormones such as crythropoietin, human growth hormones and insulin are prohibited. Beta-2-Agonists: ‘These drugs reduce signs and symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary {eeae by allowing the patient co breathe more ‘casily, When an athlete takes these drugs, they increase the pulmonary function by allowing more onyee" 0 ‘each blood. It increases the capacity of an athlete during activities that require high enerBy ved makes the recovery faster. These drugs are mostly found in asthma inhalers. _ Narcotics: Narcoties are the drugs that acts such as morphine, a constituent of opium they bind with spac or more opioid receptor subtypes and gives 2 feling of eeduced pain. Athletes use narcotics in order oe cease te pain induced through taining oF injury S that they can train fora longer period. These drugs acc as performance enhancers and the Beeld Anti-Doping Agency prohibits narcotics, because of this reason the treatment of athletes becomes complicated according to standard medical procedures. ‘Common examples besides morphine are codeine, oxycodone and hydrocodone. Diuretics: Diuretics are not considered as performance enhancing drugs buc athletes use iin such a way char its use is prohibited. These drugs are used to remove fluids from the body. Athletes use this drug (0 ios weight rapidly so that they can come into desired weight category. Sporspetsons associated with

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