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Company No .......................................... ..


AN AGREEMENT made the .............. ............. day of .~.~Y.. ................ 20 19 ...... between B.M SERVICES LIMITED of Post
JAMES ...........................
Office Box 21606, Nairobi (hereinafter called the company) and ........................... MUKHWANA MULILO
................................. (he
the Employee)



The Company shall employ the Employee and the employee shall serve th e Company as a
terms and conditions set out thereunder.
.. . ?..9.. . . . . . subject to the

2. DURATION OF EMPLOYMENT . . 01 -Ma -2019

The employment hereunder shall be for a· penod of 3 year contract commen cing on ................. Y..............................................
Renewable based on period of the assignment. The employee shall be on probation for the first 3 months during which
either party can terminate the contract by giving 7 days' notice in writing or pay 7 days in lieu of notice.


If the Employee is offered a further period of employment by the Company at the expiration of the said 1 year then it will only
on the condition that such period of employment shall be subject to the terms and conditions of a new and separate agreement
and shall not in any way be Pegarded as an extension of the previous contract.


The employee shall:-

(a) Undertake such duties and exercise such powe11S as the Company as security Contractors may assign to him at any place
within the Republic of Kenya.

(b) Observe and comply with all regulations and instructions made or given by the Company for the purpose of the efficient .
discharge of such duties.

(c) Confirm to such hours of work as may from time to time reasonably be required of him by the Company.

(d) Devote the whole of his time and attention during working hours to the discharge of his duties and shall not engage in any other
business or occupation directly or •indirectly which in the opinion of the management of the Company may hinder or otherwise
detract from tme satisfactory performance 0f his duties under the Agreement.

(e) P.roduce a certificate signed by a qualified medical officer or practitioner authorizing any periods of absElnce from duty for·
medical reasons.

(f) Shall entitled to one rest day in every period of seven consecutive days.

(g) Not solicit or accept employment in any security capacity whatsoever from any person organization or company who during
the normal term of this Agreement is a client of the company.


(a) The company shall provide the equipment and uniforms required by the Employee for the performance of his duties

(b) The Employee shall pay to the company a deposit against the issue of such uniform and equipment amounting to
Ksh .....3.5.QO.,O.O..... which shall be deducted from his salary in reasonable monthly installments. This deposit shall be
refunded to Employee on the termination of this Agreement subJect always to deduction for any damage or loss accasioned
by neglect.

(c) The employee shall be required to wear boots or shoes provided by the Company at all times when on duty. Such boots
, shoes s~all become the property of the Employee on the payment of Kshs ......... :.-:-;:;:: ............ ... which shall be deducted form
his salary in six equal monthlf instalments.

0. HEMUNl?rM TION ?0,:l1 !.J ()()
(,1) I)in (.;11111p1111y •1111111 pny t<l 1111, f 111ploy1111fl lj//Jhl, 111ilr11y qf l<tili1, .. " ... "" "".. lt ft,·, ,HJ'/ ,1, 1111 1,11 11111> ,,•~ 1 1,,,
ro111rn11y ,11 ny hy low roq11i111d 1)1 p11r1n1t111<1 tn 1nr1lfft r1111hJll,H/ 111 t,11,,1,</ u1111111 tlf·W,1I 1,lf,,111 ,,11ly 111 1,111,11 ,,f 1J1-1wJ1, 1,f
111,BIQ111111111l 0111111 rn111p1111y ·,111,11 y •,r,11 I11 will ,ipply

Ot11rn 11llt1w111wos 1111d w111li p1irfr11111r1d 1111 I 1111,11,, I lnlldrtyt, wI111,,, p11lrl 11111,,, 1111'1<1 p1m, 1,1/IJ1Jrl 11111111 l111(/lllll 111111f, 1,t
w11u11t1 (l-11otol.!Iv11:,n,;111ity '.1r11vl1 'Iii) I J1dn1 l'.ll!:l 1111111y 11, 1Jrir11,lrr1r111I 111111110( fur 11,,, 1i,n111,,,1110 111 (111 1 .1,
(ll) 111 tho ovnnl ot tlllt;l11>11h!,11q11r111t 11dJ111>t11Ir111t l)f 1,r1ln1y t111l110 fill"lll<i '" 111Jtlf1,,rJ 111 w,it/11{j, 1,1J1,/11,djw,tw,nt•, t,J,;111ti:1111
nlfod il'i It Wll'i ·1p111:lf11;r1lly jJIOVlrlrtd (Hl II trtf/11 or 11 11!1 rl(JIIJIHillJfll

(c) ,,f
I 1111I 111pl11y110 1,l111ll 11ntlfy 11111m111pnny In w1lllll{I n( r111y rl11,1;1111ir11 11,y In 11111pr1y1r11111t Iii•, r111r1u111; rn 1v,111111f1i1, 111 1111 1,1

!lllV/Jll dny!l fntltJWl1111 ·1111,11 p11y111n11t. l11 rl11f11111t 11,,, I 111pl11yq11 l1r11. 11/111(11111,r fl f11tlf(l1 r;/111111 "'JIJl/1',I r,11triJ1:111;

f'llrl •,nld t\1 1lnry 1111d nllnw1111crm 1,111111 IJri priyol1I11111111rr1111 11 q11111 11111111rl11y of 1,w,l11;11l1u1d11r ro<111th,

(o) nn llio to1mlnnllo11 rtl 1110 /\{1111111111m1111 l11n c:011cl11r,lo11 nf I ynri, ,if rJ1npl(Jy111<111t, t1111 I 11,r1lr1y<J111,/11111 t,,, p;w/ 1111,m1111:il
l11i111illl oq11lvr1lll11l lo lw1111ty •,I>< wn,klllH rloy11 lin11l1: •,rIi11ry low, 111Iy 1Jndw1,tlon1, 111, 111,, r,1,111pr111; 1ow; b1i r11 1J11irw1 1 1r
p1111nlt1od 1u ,nnlw 1111d p111p111f lo1111tuly (o, nny l1J(J01J1 piJtlorl n( 1111rvic11,
(f) J-
On co,nplollo11 ol 1 y1mr'111,ruvir,n l11n omploy1J1.J r;tloll l)IJ 1J11Uli 1 l1J :1lr iiv,;I nlllJ•1111111,1t ,,f K',11 1,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,J,i 11111iJ1l1!'J/l 11 1

t11t1to1111lnnl bonoflt •,poolfiorl In /(o) .

7. Tl· RMINAl ION or I Ill· ACR"f· Ml2NT ,

(.1) ,r
fllu A1JroonH111t 11ir1y IHJ to,m111nlod fort11 wllll IJy 1110 c:CJrnp,,ny w1H10111 prior nnllm !11 11 l-:,npl1,y,M ;,1i1Jll ,,t flll / 1u11 1: ;..

I. llo fJullty of ,I11y rtcl or 1m1lonlo11 r11nou11ll11n trJ wnc11 nIl:irx1nd1u;f w, riw inlf1<ill In 1i<Jt,ll1J11 1 / 1if 111<1 I mpl 11/rfll,rt / 1,t
(C/\P 2::iu I IIWO n( Konyri .)
II. CC!1111nlt nny norlour; or prmJlatonl t1ronch or t11r, t:o,npriny'•, r11r;ulritIorw nr 11111trw,l1on1,,
Ill. IJocornn of lmnuund mind
Iv. I lo prnvonlod from porfo, mlnn 111:; rJuUm1 by r<Jrrnon tJf Ill htJ:JIU1, lncnpnr.:1ty m;(,1drm1 fJr I/ti I1Jrwl',() ft,r 1w,r11 !11rJrt / 11
concoc:utlvo dnyGof nn :1f.Jor<io11t,J of mor1J t11nn GO wcirklng dnyr; wlU1ln tho p1JrJ(J1J of ltJIJ n!)r<J11rniir1t.

(l>) Th1J ogroomont mny bn tormInntod IJy 1Jllhor of thn prirtlnn l11Jr1Jto (Jiving 1,1 th11 otlJor, qn1J tJ:ilrwJ:11 111or1tt1''1 writt,,n r,,t,,,1;
to !11111 offoc:t or tiy p:1yr11onl ol ;i ollln 0rp1iv;:1lnnf lo ono 1r1onlil'n h:,nlr: :;nl:iry 111 llmJ (JI 'i11t,t1 r,1111,,11, r l111th11r IIJ1; c;r,,r1r1a1 /
nor tho Lmployoo at1nll Ix, uncJ/Jr nny ol1llgollon tn filv0 riny mnnon for t1mnln:ilI11g Hirt ngrn,Jrnr11111mrl1Jr ltW, 'JIJIJ,r,lr111·,,,

{r)) 1hlo l\groomenl ollall lJo crJnotruct<Jd :ind l:Jke '3ffocl In nccorrJanc,l with tho r1Jlwnnl l:Jwo of f<1Jny:1 (tJr :111 fJIJrfil/,1;;, :md 1r1 !110 prc,vlr;IClrn; l)f flw I ,npl0y,n()n t/\ct(::iOo/) rind 1110 l<Gf)rJlnllon of WngrJa :mrl Cnn<J/1/011•1 nf I rnpJr,;wJnh
/\cl (C/\JJ 2'.ill)

(IJ) /\ny cl1 Gpulo IJ( dlffomnG<J r1rlnlng iJIJIW{JIJfl ttirJ pnrtl1m twrotCJ with r1Jfj1lfd lo ltlll lnl1;rpr<JI/Jll(Jr1 {)( U11J lrnpl1m11Jril:Jl1<in ,,t !hr-;.
/\gro0mr,nl durino It~ CCJntln1innco or uron nr nflor llfJ t0nnlr1n1lor1 'llHJll l>/J mf1Jrr0d In r1 llinglrJ mt11tmtcJ1 npfJ11lntw! by u1,,
off1m ()f tho I Hl101ir Cnm,nlarnonnr In nr.cordrmc:q wltl111111 prrJvlalon:i of 1110 A,hllmllon At;t (CAJJ 4H) w1d tf11i mari11i1 <,f
:1ny riwnrd t11orotJy ·;hrill 1)11 :J oondlli 1Jn pm1.:od1Jnl l0 tho rlolit of 1Jltl1m p1Jrty t1J lnollf1Jl•1:Jlly pro,,111JtJiwr> 1n ;J VJlJrl rA law
or otl,orwio(.J.

AS WtTNt•SS th<J l1r1111J uf 1110 d11ly rUJU1orlr1JrJ r<JprooontrJtlv1J (J( tho Co1np1tr1y rind fl irJ hnnd of lh/J I 111pfoy111J th1; ,J:Jy :mtJ y<Jar t111it
11or<Jln lJofrJr1i w r l ~

SIGNr.Dhy: ~

I /)( l)rJd ()11 bolwlf 1,f lh/J Co1npnny

Froshia Kirag u
,,, tho I •r/J!iOflC(J or. :J AV\A-1:, '· , M Tvlv \. t 1....o
SIGN! DIJY: ,-- f Vt o~ 5 1
Tllo l:;1nployr,o r~;·c:-;i;,Kf:t···. r-ri::Ei''\i:i;.{F'"~";i/:trMA
In 1110 pror,rmc,i of; I (10'?>'-1'1
,,-.1,,.Hu,1,,•11•111,1•11,,1,11,1,,,,,u, • .,,,,,,,,,,
(Poruon ()lh1Jr llliln ripouoo of I 1nploy1111 of 11111r1Jrr1p1111y)

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