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remember TO BUY- didn't forget

remember BUYING - remember that you bought something..

stop TO BUY - purpose (why?)

stop BUYING - don't do now

try + to + base verb

무언가를 하려고 노력하거나 시도합니다.

try + verb-ing


try + to + base verb

= something is difficult, but you are making an effort to do it

어떤 것은 어렵지만, 당신은 그것을 하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

= I try to solve Math problems although it's very difficult.

try+ verbing

= trying something as an experiment, especially as a possible solution to a problem

실험으로서, 특히 문제에 대한 가능한 해결책으로서 무언가를 시도합니다.

= My father tole me to try solving my problem by myself because it is very simple.

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