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Developmental age- age which they function

Oral Anatomy Lecture Reviewer emotionally, socially, based on how the teeth are being
Module 2
Oral Anatomy
Development and Eruption of the Teeth *Once the tooth is developed the least thing that can
affect the development of the teeth are environmental
factors such as:
-physiological indicator or chronological age of juveniles
(to assess tooth dev. in affecting the environmental
-dental age
-we are studying this development to find out how the *Tooth eruption can be altered when they are erupting,
teeth develop from prenatal to postnatal factors are:
Forensic Dentistry- branch of dentistry that involves the 1) malnutrition can alter tooth eruption
application of dental knowledge to study the human 2) oral diseases particularly in the jaw bone
remains of a person or patient involved in an accident 3) other factors are tooth loss or early loss of teeth due
or crimes; to find the records of this person to trauma, lack of food, lack of nutrients that can
Demography- statistical study of human population influence the dental age assessment
particularly for public health and community dentistry;
used by government and private authorities
Anthropology- evolution and diversity of human body
-paano nagmula; ex. homodont, dinosaurs
-an answer to a question abt evolution
Paleontology- fossils; science and the forms of life
existing in the former geology period

6 weeks of intrauterine life- first evidence of formation

of teeth
Apposition- positioning of teeth
Development- associated with growth; advancement; Attrition- wearing down of the occlusal surface of the
refers to the events and stages involved in the teeth; pudpod
formation of teeth. Exfoliation- means “shedding”; natatanggal nalalaglag,
Eruption- or emergence; the tooth emerges through the to fall out
gum tissue; act of a tooth moving occlusally and
becoming visible in the mouth
Calcification- organic framework of the tooth;
hardening of teeth; calcium and phosphorus salt
present in the teeth and some small vessels present in
the tooth
Dental Age- assessed in two methods:
1) Eruption of primary and permanent dentition
2) Radiographic or radiologic assessment of the
calcification of crowns and development of
roots when seen on the x-ray
Chronological age- pertains to the actual age or the
date of birth of a child

3 germ layers: -Looks like a horse-shoe shape which corresponds to
1) Ectoderm- outer part the future position of the dental arches
2) Mesoderm- middle layer -Primary epithelial band will be the future dental
3) Endoderm- inner layer arches or the basal bone and it results due to the
Cells of each of those germ cell layers differentiate into change in the orientation of the plane of cleavage of the
other tissues or embryonic stuff dividing cells.
* Ectoderm will give rise to the nervous system and to 2 subdivisions:
the epidermis (skin) Vestibular Lamina
*Mesoderm gives rise to the muscles and other Dental Lamina
connective tissues in body
*Endoderm gives rise to the gut or intestine found
inside the body and many other internal organs
Oral Stomodeum- or primitive oral cavity lined by
stratified squamous epithelium called Oral Ectoderm

2 holes = the nose

Ung pink ung future dental arch (primary epithelial band)

foregut yung nasa gitna na line; prang esophagus..

oral ectoderm yung opening banda tas bucco paryngeal
membrane yung parang nagbblock ng opening.
ectoderm connects with the endoderm of foregut
1) 1st phase- it will act as a primordium for the
ectodermal portion of deciduous teeth at 8
on the 27th day of gestation the
2) 2nd phase- initiation of successor of deciduous
membrane ruptures so there’s a direct contact bet. the
teeth by successional dental lamina
outside environment tas it establishes a contact in
3) 3rd phase- initiation of the permanent molars
connection with the foregut

A. Konti palang yung cells

B. Thickening of superficial layer; dumadami na

C. Invaginated= Dental lamina- there are
formation of teeth going on in that area

Dental lamina – where the tooth develop/ the

deciduous teeth are being housed; has 10 round ovoid
Vestibular bands- grow deeply into the mesenchymal of bulges and that bulges will become the future
premature jaws separating the lips and the cheeks from deciduous teeth= called the primordia of enamel organ
the tooth forming regions. Dental Papilla- cells that will form into a pulp and into a
Vestibules- space between cheeks and teeth; where the dentin
vestibular lamina grows *san galing ang pulp at dentin? Sa dental papilla. Anong
*iba-iba ang shape ang binubuo ng tooth germ, may cells? Sa dental papilla. Anong germ layer? Dental
parang incisor, canine, bicuspid, molars; all these came papilla.
from the tooth germ *san galing ang dental papilla, what layer did it came
from? Endoderm
Dental sac- will turn into a cementum and periodontal
ligament; came from endoderm

Dental Lamina- where the teeth are being developed

Vestibular Lamina- spaces where the cheeks and the
lips are located

42-48 days-
55-56 days- bud stage; deciduous incisor, canine, &
molar are being developed -characterizes by a shallow invagination that form bud
14th week- bud stage will become bell stage wherein the into a cap stage
deciduous teeth will look like a bud stage in the
formation of the permanent teeth
18th week- nadedevelop na yung deciduous teeth sa
loob ng tyan ng mother
Ameloblast- the cell-forming cells to form an enamel
32nd week- dentin and functional ameloblast for the
permanent teeth; pag nabuo na yung deciduous teeth,
sa 32th week ng gestation ay nabubuo na rin ng
ameloblast ang formation ng permanent teeth 2 stages:

Early bell stage- histodifferentiation; cells acquire their
functional assignment and the odontoblasts are
differentiated from mesenchymal cells with the
formation of dentin
Late bell stage- during morphodifferentiation
*enamel will become bell-shaped
*differentiation of epithelial cells are essential for
differentiation of epithelial odontoblasts and initiation
of dentin formation= future DEJ (dentino-enamel
junction) which will form the crown that is being *prang napuputol na pinaghawakan nyang dental germ
established (makikita natin yung DEJ when the epithelial layer= incapable of further growth
cells are being differentiated into different epithelial

Hertwig epithelial root sheath (HERS)- can be seen

mainly on the root portion of the tooth; always
associated with the formation of the root; proliferation
comprises of the:
Stratum intermedium- layer essential for enamel ODE- outer dental epithelium
formation IDE- inner dental epithelium
Ameloblast- cell responsible for formation of enamel *when they meet with one another, that will become
Anastomose- cord-like; buhol-buhol the future cervical area/ cervical line/ neck of the
Cervical loop- will form a sheath called the hertwig
which molds the shape from the neck of the tooth to
the root. (function of hertwig)

Membrane performativa- basement membrane

separating the epithelial dental organ and dental papilla;
which is also the odontoblast which will form the future
DEJ (dentino-enamel junction)

Epithelial rests of molassez- are root sheaths that broke

up into small strands of epithelium—continued din by
Cementum- responsible for lengthening the root
*the dental sac that differentiates into cementoblasts
which lay cementum over the outer surface of the
dentin to form a root portion and at the same time,
those cementoblasts will continue to grow to become
the outer surface of the dentin

Enamel Pearls- variations that can be found on the root
particularly on the root of the molars; extra formation Tooth formation can be divided into 11 stages by
of enamel on the root; can be seen on the furcation of NOLLA’s
the root of the tooth
Sheath – is folded first at future CEJ into a horizontal
plane and this becomes the future epithelial diaphragm

Initial Calcification- where the tooth is being developed

and calcified,, after this there will be an eruption- when
the crown is completed (Crown completion) it will start
emerging into the gum,, when 2/3 of the root is being
completed, lalabas na yung tooth sa gum tissue. (Root
completion). Hindi pa mapoposition ang tooth sa gum if
the root is not totally completed.


kasi dinagdag ung absence of crypt)

-initiation (dental lamina)

-morphogenesis (bud stage, cap stage, bell stage –early
and late, and so on and so forth)
-eruption of tooth on the gums
-positioned on the right location on the gum area

-hardening through the elements of calcium and

phosphorus salts

Stage 8- the tooth will come out already in the gums

kasi 2/3 of root is completed

*Boys’ teeth erupt earlier two weeks than the girls’ (sa
*Girls’ teeth will erupt earlier than the boys’ pag
permanent dentition
*Acc. to some authors, Maxillary first molars erupt
earlier than the mandibular 1st molars in deciduous
*Deciduous Maxillary canine will come out in 19 months
and then deciduous mandibular canine in 20 months

Nasa wheeler’s book daw ito^ page35

Read yung nasa book!!

Developmental spacing/ Physiologic spacing-

separation or spaces of the deciduous teeth at 5 yrs. old
needed to accommodate the spaces for the coming out
of permanent teeth; not diastema (space bet. teeth
particularly permanent t. caused by early loss of teeth
due to trauma or carries= abnormal occlusion = braces)

*all the deciduous teeth erupt atleast 6 months to 30

months (lahat na ng deciduous teeth nakalabas –
postnatal life)
*2-3yrs old- complete deciduous teeth nakalabas
*normally pag pinanganak bata, walang ngipin
nakalabas sa gums pero in some circumstances:
Natal teeth- pag lumabas ang bata by birth may ngipin
na sa baba (deciduous mandibular incisors)
*Root forms after the enamel is completed; hindi
magbubuo ang roots pag hindi pa completed ang
5 months- boy’s deciduous mandibular incisors will
come out; mauuna si boy bago si girl for a few weeks
-Tas after 5 months ulit, susunod yung deciduous
maxillary central incisors

4) Mandibular Lateral I.
5) Maxillary first molar
6) Mandibular first molar
7) Maxillary canine
8) Mandibular canine
9) Mandibular 2nd molar
10) Maxillary 2nd molar

We call the first molar (larger than other deciduous

teeth)= the 6-yr. molar ( kasi yan yung unang-una na
lumalabas sa bibig ng bata to become a mixed dentition
6 weeks of intrauterine life (initial calcification of tooth
occurs in womb of mother), 6 months (1st tooth- central
mandibular incisors will come out), 6 years (1st
permanent- 6 yr molar^^)
*before the permanent central incisors erupt, the
deciduous central incisors must exfoliate
*through the process of gravity magfforward yung
tumubong permanent incisor sa likod ng deciduous
*once the permanent tooth is forming, what happens to
the deciduous tooth= Resorbed
Resorption – napupudpod na yung root ng deciduous

*mainly, the location of permanent incisors and canines

are located behind the roots of deciduous teeth
*lingual to the roots of the deciduous incisors are the
follicles of developing permanent incisors
*whereas the developing premolars are located
Important columns (memorize!!): 1st, 2nd, 5th approximately by the bifurcation of the deciduous roots.
*First evidence of calcification and eruption

1) Mandibular incisor
2) Maxillary incisor
3) Maxillary lateral I.

*pag ang ngipin sumungaw na sa gum tissues, give 2.5
to 4 years for root completion

Need braces:
-di nagresorb deciduous (prolonging deciduous teeth
onto the jaw)

Minimum number of lobes formation is 4

Coalescence- union or fusion of lobes to become one
What unites the 2 lobes are the developmental grooves

Lobes will become cusps


Physiology- means “function”

1st, 2nd, 4th columns lang memorize!!

(calcification + eruption) important

Facilitate prehension (canine) 2) It relates to masticating of food by providing the
Trituration of food= masticating of food (premolars and desired stimulation and exercise to the
molars) periodontium and cleaning the surfaces of teeth
3) To relate the jaw (upper and lower), phase in
occlusal forces (the teeth are in occlusion; in
contact to one another), by governing the
angulation of the teeth (how the teeth are
angulated; how they are aligned), and the
stability (the long life of the teeth in dental
Omnivorous- dentition in which involves masticating arches)
both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food Secondary Factors:
1) Cusp form (if pudpod na, di na masyado
2) The proportion measurement of crown and root
3) Root anchorage and angulation of teeth to the
*Alignment and Contact- anatomic alignment of the
teeth and their relationship to the rest of masticatory
Occlusion- when upper and lower teeth meet one *Occlusal contact - when the teeth in mandibular arch
another in a functional way come in contact with the maxillary arch in any
Malocclusion- malpositioned; deviation functional relation

Interdental papilla/ gingival/ interproximal papilla

Interdental Papilla- gum tissues occupy the
interproximal space
How the interproximal space is being formed- formed
by alveolar process as the base, sides are proximal
surfaces of the adjacent teeth, apex will be the area of
contact bet. the two teeth
Where can you find COL? What is COL?
Clinical crown- exposed root if gingival line is not Gum in between the two teeth; in the middle of
aligned with the cervical line. interproximal area; COL is a curvature gingiva
Resided gums

<- COL
What is cervico-enamel ridge / cervical ridge?
-found on the buccal surface of deciduous teeth near
cervical line; buldgeness next to the gum; curvature
seen on the crowns of cervical third above cervical line
Primary factors:
1) It relates in masticating of food w/o damaging
the supporting tissues

*incisal edge is centered to the apex or end of the root
*root is wider than the width of cusp to cusp Curve of Wilson (Side to side curve)- mediolateral
measurement/ curve; imaginary curve from cuspal
teeth of molars buccally to the other buccal tips of the
other molar. Lower teeth is basis/base to find out the
curve of Wilson, gives prominence of the buccal cusp
and bringing them a heavy occlusal contact in the buccal
cusp working side

Compensating curves- curve of maxilla compensate on

the curve of the mandible; cusps and the incisal edges
compensate to the location of edges and occlusal
surface of occlusing teeth
Curve of Monson- a combination of the Curve of Spee
and Curve of Wilson; curve of occlusion in which each
cusp in incisal edge touches a segment of a surface of a
sphere of 8 inches/20.32cm in diameter considering the
glabella (noo banda); shape of inverted cone on a cup

Bonwill equilateral triangle- 1899, a dentist named

Bonwill measured from his patient/skeleton from
central incisors to the condyles is 4 inches/ 10.16 cm
both right and left and lastly from center of condyle to
the other center of condyle is also 4 inches/ 10.16 cm

Bunodont- refers to a tooth-bearing conical cusp

Lophodont- cusps in line
Isognathous- means equally jaws ex. pig;
*we humans belong to anisognathous (unequally jaw)
applies in domestic mammals lower dental arch is
Curve of Spee (Anteriorposterior C of OP)- by Von Spee; narrower than upper.
from cusp tip of cusp of canine up to the last cusp tip of Selenodont Molars- crescent-shape cusp
last molar; established the occlusal alignment of the
teeth as projected into the median plane

*two teeth that do not meet occlusally two adjacent
teeth = maxillary third molar and central incisor

Triangular geometry

Ex. humans, apes

Canine- self-cleaning tooth

-all proximal surfaces of anterior teeth
-mandibular posterior teeth proximally
-the rest and (maxillary posterior teeth proximally)


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