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Lesson 5

Types of
Speech Style
Speech Style
refers to the distinctive way of communicating. It
consists of a particular pattern of linguistic,
vocal, and nonverbal behaviors. Speech style refers
primarily to the manner one communicates than
the meaning of communication.
Types of
Speech Style
1. Intimate
It is a style among intimate members of a
family or friends that do not need a complete
language with a clear articulation.
2. Casual
It is the most common speech style used
among friends and coworkers. Jargon, slang, or
the vernacular language are used.
3. Consultative
This style is the standard one. It is best used
for business and professional relationships.
4. Formal
This style is used in formal settings.
Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.
5. Frozen
It is the most formal speech style
that is usually used in formal contexts such as
speech for state ceremonies, court proceedings,
and religious rituals.
Exercise 1. Identify the type of speech style
appropriate for the following situations.
1. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
2. giving last-minute instructions to players
3. delivering campaign speeches
4. delivering a speech at the UN Summit
5. delivering news reports
6. talking and laughing about memorable experiences
7. communicating while playing sports
8. having a one-on-one conversation with a loved one
9. delivering an oratorical speech
10. leading a prayer before meal
Exercise 1. Identify the type of speech style
appropriate for the following situations.
11. reading school policies
12. talking to a superior
13. reading pledge of allegiance to the flag
14. talking to a stranger
15. inquiring at a hotel

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