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Joanna Mae T.

Mangubat ED110

1. What are the behaviour of excellent teachers?

- Teachers have different positive attitudes and behaviors in order for them to be
called excellent.
One of it is having the power to influence his/her students to become
confident at all times. This will make them both – the student’s and the teacher’s
life easier, and could bring out the students to their comfort zone.
Another one is being prepared. The teacher needs to become prepared of his
every lesson in order for him to teach his students well about the lesson. Based
from experience, there are times that I am lazy to prepare my lessons so
sometimes I am not that confident enough to face my students and I feel like I
couldn’t teach them well and failed to do my role as their instructor.
Practicing self-reflection is another one. I believe that even if we are in the field
of teaching, we should continue to evaluate ourselves for our own growth. We
should continue to examine our attitudes towards our students, our co-teachers;
we should be improving our practices, assess our effectiveness and our
accomplishments. Without the tendency to assess your own abilities, you may
continue to plan and teach on the basis of unexamined assumptions; and remain
unaware of your biggest strengths and weaknesses.
Also, being deeply devoted to his/her line of work. He makes every effort to
help her students improve not only their intelligence but also their character and
life skills because she is fully aware of the enormous influence she has on them.
The teacher’s dedication to the students in particular is unwavering; however, it
cannot be identified as it remains deeply etched on young minds and its effect is
all-pervasive. Her rewards lies on the knowledge that her work is impressionable
with a far-fetched reach that go beyond simply “imparting knowledge.”

2. If all of the stakeholders are positive about the curriculum

implementation, do you think, curriculum change or development will
succeed? Why? Or why not?
- The success or failure of curriculum depends on the people working for its
implementation. Olivia (2005) identified this people as curriculum workers.
Basically, they are the ones who makes the curriculum work depending on how
they are going to implement it and ensure that their plan is well executed and
all the members of the curriculum are working individually and collaboratively
to fulfil their roles and duties. At any level of curriculum implementation,
curriculum workers, through their expertise, creativity, and dedication, make
sure that the curriculum is implemented as planned. They cannot do this in just
one sitting, what they do is that they plan, they spend effort, time, and execute
it base on their roles.

3. “Is the teacher’s life a series of planning, implementing, and evaluating?

Will this improve teaching? Why?
- The teacher’s roles as implementers of the curriculum are very crucial because
they’re the ones who execute the plan and in order for them to do that, it is
through their expertise, creativity, and commitment that any curriculum success
is attributed. If they couldn’t and didn’t follow the rules regarding on the
implemented curriculum, it may be one of the factors why the curriculum won’t
be effective.
Every day, teachers are given teaching loads to teach different subjects. Base on
my experience, almost all of the teachers teaches not just one but may subjects,
and in all that many subjects, they have different preparations to be made.
Teachers develops lesson plans, unit plans, yearly plans, and syllabi for each
subjects they teach. Those are the steps that the teachers make in order for them
to teach the students well. They prepare instructional materials, which they will
be using inside the classroom so that the students can easily comprehend what
the teachers are teaching, they also select methods and strategies that they will
be using to effectively teach the students which depends on the teacher. So in
every teacher, they uses different methods and strategies which they think is
best needed for students, the teachers also assess student’s progress so they can
keep track of the students record if they have learned something based on the
approach the teacher have used
Their educational background, educational philosophy, teaching styles, and
personality affect the implementation of the curriculum. These are the things or
the factor to consider in implementing the curriculum and these factors have a
big contribution as to whether the curriculum is a success or not.

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