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Independent Reading Schedule

For this quarter, you will choose a book of some sort. Your book must be age and reading level appropriate, but beyond
that, you are free to choose any book that interests you! Each week, you will be required to demonstrate that you have
kept up with the reading demand by completing several tasks. The tasks will be different depending on the type of book.
There are tasks for narrative designs (this could be fiction or nonfiction) and informative designs. Each week’s tasks will
be posted in the Independent Reading Folder on Schoology. Tasks can be completed early, but cannot be accepted late.

Each week’s task will be worth 10 points. You will be graded based on completion and work quality. See the rubric

10 – Excellent 8 - Average 5 – Poor Quality

The assignment is completed Some tasks are incomplete and/or the The assignment is incomplete and/or
according to directions. Answers are answers are adequate but not the answers are insubstantial and lack
thorough, sophisticated, and thorough. depth.

Weekly Task Breakdown

Week 1: Select a book (it can fiction or nonfiction) Due April 13

 Narrative Task: Provide information about the book and justify your choice *In-class time will be
 Informative Task: Provide information about the book and justify your choice

Week 2: Begin Reading Due April 20

 Narrative Task: Exposition and Predictions *In-class time will be

 Informative Task: Provide an introduction of the topic covered within the text

Week 3: Continue Reading Due April 26

 Narrative Task: Identify various narrative elements *Must be completed as

 Informative Task: Identify various nonfiction elements

Week 4 Due May 4

 Narrative Task: Research a nonfiction article that connects to your story *Must be completed as
 Informative Task: Read a short narrative that connects to your topic

Week 5 Due May 11

 Narrative Task: Finish Book and evaluate the text *Must be completed as
 Informative Task: Finish Book and evaluate the text
Week 6 Due May 18

 Narrative Task: One Pager Assignment *Must be completed as

 Informative Task: One Pager Assignment

Week 1 Independent Reading Task

Book Title: ____________________________________________

Author: _______________________________________________

Lexile Level: __________________

Page Count: __________________

Why do you believe this book is appropriate for your reading ability?


How does this book meet your interests?


Categories: Select the appropriate classifications for your book.

1) ____ Fiction or ____ Nonfiction

2) ____ Narrative or ____ Informative

Genre: the style of the text, determined by format, content, and technicalities. Below, choose the appropriate genre for
your book.

Narrative Genres:

____ Science Fiction ____ Fantasy ____ Fairy Tale ____ Horror/Thriller

____ Action/Adventure ____ Romance ____ Comedy ____ Mystery ____


Informative Genres:

____ Biography /Autobiography ____ Historical ____ Scientific ____ Political ____ Other

Week 2 Independent Reading Task – Narrative

Exposition is the beginning of a story where details emerge to set the scene for the resulting plot events

Setting: What is the location? What time (year, season, historical period, etc.) does it take place? What is the culture or
society like?


Characters: Consider only the most important characters below

Character’s Name Description including important traits

Main Conflict: The issue, problem, or obstacle that drives the story forward

Description of Conflict Type of Conflict

Early Events: Summarize important early plot moments

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Predictions: An educated guess about how events will unfold or what will happen later in the story.

Prediction: Prediction: Prediction:

Evidence to support guess: Evidence to support guess: Evidence to support guess:

Week 2 Independent Reading Task - Informative
Topic: The topic of a text is the main element or elements (thing, person, event, object, occurrence, idea, etc.) around
which the entire text revolves

Text Topic(s):

How is this topic introduced to the reader? Essentially, explain how the author begins their discussion about the topic.

Organizational Structure: Any pattern by which information is organized – Cause and Effect, Chronological, Problem
and Solution, Sequence, Descriptive, Compare and Contrast

What organizational pattern does this book follow? How do you know? Is this the structure you would have chosen for
the topic?


Credibility (Ethos): How trustworthy and informed the author appears

Do you consider this author reliable and credible? ____ Yes ____ No

Why do you consider them either credible or not credible?


How does the author attempt to establish their credibility?


Week 3 Independent Reading Task - Narratives

Main Characters: Consider no more than three characters for each category. Explain why they fulfill that role in the story.

Protagonist: The main character(s) with whom readers Antagonist: The character(s) or obstacles that present a
connect and sympathize challenge for the protagonist(s)

________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Point of View: The perspective from which the text is written, Consider only narration – not character dialogue.

Type: 1st 2nd 3rd Limited 3rd Omniscient 3rd Objective

Evidence: Find three moments in the text that reflect this POV – quote them directly from the text

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose: Entertain Specific Purpose: ________________________

Targeted Audience: Describe the demographic of readers the author seems to be writing for. Consider age, social class,
experiences, culture, etc.

How do you know this is the targeted audience?


Figurative Language: Find at least three examples of different types of figurative language.

Type: Type: Type:

Example: Example: Example:

Important Plot Events: You can continue the summary where you left off during the Week 2 tasks.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Week 3 Independent Reading Task - Informative

Bias: Any preferences the author has that clearly influence the text.

Is bias evident throughout the text? ____ Yes ____ No

Everyone is biased in some way. Likewise, all texts are influenced by bias even if they appear objective. What bias do
you think the author may have regarding the subject matter or topic?


Purpose: Inform

Specific Author’s Purpose/Goals: Why do you think this author wrote this specific text? What did they want to inform the
reader about? What was their goal?


Targeted Audience: The demographic of readers the author seems to be writing for. Consider age, social class,
experiences, culture, etc.

How do you know this is the targeted audience?


Logos: The use of logic to convince or persuade readers Pathos: The use of emotional appeals to convince or
persuade readers
General Uses: General Uses:

Specific Example: Specific Examples:

Is it effective? Is it effective?

Surprising Details: Summarize three new things you have learned

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Week 4 Independent Reading Tasks - Narrative

Find a nonfiction article that connects to any topic within your story. Consider the article according to the following

Shared topic between story and article: _________________________________

Article Title: ______________________________________________________________

Article Author: ____________________________________________________________

Source Information (URL):

Summarize the article:


Is this source reliable? ____ Yes ____ No

Is the author credible? ____ Yes ____ No

How does this author establish their credibility/ethos?

Text Structure: Consider the overall structure even though certain paragraphs may deviate.
Compare & Contrast Problem & Solution Cause & Effect Descriptive Chronological

Bias: Any preferences the author has that clearly influence the text.

Is bias evident throughout the text? ____ Yes ____ No

Everyone is biased in some way. Likewise, all texts are influenced by bias even if they appear objective. What bias do
you think the author may have regarding the subject matter or topic?


Week 4 Independent Reading Task - Informative

Find a narrative text that connects to your topic. This can be a poem, story, novel, children’s book, movie, TV show,
videogame, etc.

Shared topic between book and paired text: ________________________________

Type of Text: ______________________________

Title: _______________________________________________________________

Author: ______________________________________________________________

Source Information (URL):

Summarize the text:


General Narrative Elements

Characters: Consider Protagonist:

only the most important
characters in the text Antagonist:

Conflict: The issue, Type: ___________________

problem, or obstacle Description:
facing the protagonist

Point of View: The Type:

perspective from which
the text is written, Evidence (direct quote):
Consider only narration –
not character dialogue.

Setting: Consider the

time, place, culture,
society, etc.

Figurative Language: Type:

any language that is not
literal. Examples: Example:
metaphors, similes,
hyperbole, personification,
idiom, etc.
Week 5 Independent Reading Task (Narrative and Informative)

Central Message or Theme:


Review: A review of any text, product, service, etc. includes two main sections.

1) Summarize the text (one paragraph)


2) Evaluate: Provide details to explain whether it was good or bad (one paragraph)


Recommendation: Who do you believe would enjoy, appreciate, or benefit from reading this book? Why?

Important Quotes: Choose two quotes from the text that resonate or have a profound impact. Note the page number.

Week 6 Independent Reading Task - Narrative

Your final task is to incorporate some of the important components you have considered over the past five weeks. You
will develop a one pager (a detailed and descriptive poster) incorporating all of the following elements. Consider how
you can visually incorporate all aspects to make the page organized, neat, informative, and logical.

Required Elements:

 Title, Author, and Lexile Level (Week 1)

 Description of setting that includes time, place, and social/cultural description (Week 2)
 One paragraph summary (Weeks 5)
 Two important quotes with page number indicated (Week 5)
 Star rating and evaluation (Week 5)
 Three symbolic images with captions explaining symbolic meaning (New task)


Below, there is space to plan out your one pager. Consider this a rough draft. It can be as specific or general as you like.
This task is NOT required for the assignment, but will undoubtedly be helpful.
Your final draft must be completed by hand on a regular 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper. Ensure your final copy is neat,
visually-appealing, and engaging (consider using color to spice things up!).

Week 6 Independent Reading Task - Informative

Your final task is to incorporate some of the important components you have considered over the past five weeks. You
will develop a one pager (a detailed and descriptive poster) incorporating all of the following elements. Consider how
you can visually incorporate all aspects to make the page organized, neat, informative, and logical.

Required Elements:

 Title, Author, and Lexile Level (Week 1)

 Author’s Credibility: Describe and provide evidence (Week 2)
 Author’s Bias: Note potential bias and support with evidence (Week 3)
 One paragraph Summary (Week 5)
 Two Important Quotes (Week 5)
 Star Rating and Evaluation (Week 5)
 Two images that connect to the central topic (New task)


Below, there is space to plan out your one pager. Consider this a rough draft. It can be as specific or general as you like.
This task is NOT required for the assignment, but will undoubtedly be helpful.
Your final draft must be completed by hand on a regular 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper. Ensure your final copy is neat,
visually-appealing, and engaging (consider using color to spice things up!).

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