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Đề thi online kỳ trước

1. Summarize the text using your own words (80 – 100 words)
Shopping online is becoming more and more popular. Although there are some
disadvantages, Ibelieve that the benefits often outweigh them. There are two
disadvantages to shopping online. First,the problem of internet fraud, in which
hackers can take your credit card information and money.Second, you cannot
examine what you're buying. On the other hand, shopping online also has
someadvantages. The first advantage is that buyers can compare products and
prices on a website. Second,they can shop whenever and wherever they want.
Third, the products of internet companies are usuallycheaper.
2. According to the writer, although there are some disadvantages to internet
shopping, the convenience often outweighs drawbacks. Do you agree with the
writer’s views? Why? Why not?
I agree with the writer's views that despite the many disadvantages of shopping
online, thebenefits often outweigh them. First, because online stores open at all
hours of the day and night, youcan buy products whenever and wherever you want.
You may also simply track your order, check yourdelivery status, and cancel
transactions. Second, you can compare costs and find a better offer,discounts,
coupons... in multiple stores. Third, shopping online saves you time. You can shop
anywherewithout having to travel or wait. Fourth, online store products’ are always
various in terms of style,material, and color... So, you are free to purchase whatever
you want. You can also purchase in otherparts of the country and around the world.
Finally, you can easily know important information aboutproducts before buying.
You may also read reviews and comments from customers who have boughtthe
product before making a decision
Question 2: Write a passage of 250 words (font Time New Roman 12) on the
following topic: If you are HR manager of a company, what should you do to deal
with non-work activities at the workplace?
Employees working individually during work time is becoming more common, reducing
workefficiency and risking the company's success. If I'm an HR manager, here are a few
ways to reducenon-work activities.Firstly, I will inform staff that they are not permitted
to work privately during working hours,such as surfing the internet, chatting, shopping
online, etc. If someone breaks the rules, they will bepunished. Depending on the severity
and frequency of the violation, the company may issue a warning,a salary deduction,
suspension, or dismissal.Secondly, I'll assign employees to specific tasks. I'll ask them to
report on a regular basis and tomeet the targets set for each period (day, week, month,
etc.).Thirdly, I would suggest improving the quality of the company's facilities. Because
some issues,such as bad lighting, a narrow room, uncomfortable seating area, noise,
temperature,... will also affectemployees' concentration and productivity.Finally, as an
HR manager, I aim to pay careful attention to each of my small actions in order toset a
good example for my employees.I suggested the best measures to deal with non-work
activities at the workplace. I hope that itwill help increase employee productivity and
work efficiency
1.What kind of person are you ? What’s the right job for you ?
2.What would you do about the activities ( 54 minutes gossiping, 16 minutes flirting,
14 minutes surfing the net,….)
3.What are advantages and disadvantage of e shopping ?
Pros and cons
Online shopping, sometimes also referred to as e-shopping is a modern technique of
buying products by making use of the internet. A wide variety of things are available in
the online market. You can easily purchase them with the help of your mobile phones,
laptops, tablets, etc.
Online markets are blessings for working people who follow busy schedules. People who
do not want to waste time by going to the markets; they can easily buy products online.
You can sit on the sofa while making any purchase. However, online shopping does not
restrict you with their timings. They are open all the time on all the days of the week. All
you need to do is a few clicks on your mobile phone and the product is at your home.
But it can raise several security related issues. Doing payment online requires more
attention and care. Because of this reason, many people set their foot back from online
shopping. Online shopping sometimes disappoints you by delivering wrong or damaged
products. In fact, the long wait for product delivery is not suitable for urgently required
items. While shopping online, many sites apply delivery charges on the products; hence
you need to pay an extra amount. Online shopping is not suitable for the purchase of many
products as you cannot check the actual quality of the product. Seeing only pictures is
sometimes not sufficient to make choices.
Online shopping offers huge advantages to their customers. The dependency of people on
online shopping is increasing day by day . There are two advantages to shopping online
• Flexibility: Online shopping is a flexible way of purchasing products. There is no
time bound in an online market. Whenever you are free, you can scroll down for
your favorite items and order them.
• Big savings: You can save your fuel, energy, as well as the time when opting to
online shopping. No need to move anywhere, just move your fingers.
Shopping online is becoming more and more popular. Although there are some
disadvantages, I believe that the benefits often outweigh them. There are two
disadvantages to shopping online
• Security: The main fear people experience while shopping online is security. If not
taken proper precautions, you can easily be the victim of online fraud. Payment and
privacy are other concerns associated with the online market.
• Difficult to return: If you are not satisfied with the product, you can return them
but the process is not that simple. Some sites do not even offer an exchange or
return policy.
Today the number of people who shop online is comparatively high. The growing trend
of online shopping has turned many people towards purchasing things online. However,
many still prefer to go to physical shops to buy things. Among online shopping and offline
shopping, people can choose the way that suits them better.
4. Which of these are the three most important of for you in your situation ?
Today, there are very many caree for people to choose. Many people choose jobs not only
to earn living but also to do their dream. Personally, I would like to become a
teacher.There are many reasons why I think the work off teachers both interesting and
hopeful. First of all, as a teacher, I can learn more and more thing. Especially, if i teach
history or English,jor example, | have to read many book to make my teaching lesson
more interesting repareing my teaching lesson will give me a lot of pleasure.
Secondly, the work of teachers makes me sympathetic and considerate towards others. I
am very helpful to my pupils who need advice and guidance, and not critical fofr those
who commit offences for mistake out of ignorance or necessity. Thus, this job helps me
to speak and conduct myself with confidence and dignity which earn me the respect and
admiration of others. To sum up, there are many interest and benefit of teacher

3. Explain to him/ her about your industry study ?

4. Description of the future job ?

• A Marketer, or Marketing Professional, is responsible for working with other

marketing staff to develop unique campaign ideas to market a company’s products,
services or overall brand identity. Their duties include completing market research
to identify target audience demographics or reviewing previously successful
marketing campaigns, working as part of a team to accomplish tasks by set
deadlines and making adjustments throughout marketing campaigns to achieve
better engagement from consumers. A Marketer works with other members of a
sales or marketing team to plan, execute and monitor a successful marketing
campaign. Their duties and responsibilities often include: Collaborating with sales,
marketing, advertising, product design and product development team members to
planning promotional marketing campaigns


1. You want to set up a company to develop and produce a new type of MP3
player. What diffrrent do you need employee ?
2. Advantage and disadvantage of e – commerce ?
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of electronically buying or
selling of products on online services or over the Internet. With all the diversity
and benefits, e-commerce business globally has enjoyed strong growth an become
a trend in recent years. However like all business models, e-commerce has
advantages and disadvantages. There are several benefits of e-commerce. Firstly,
e-commerce saves time for a customer. Imagine you need to buy a product, instead
of having to spend time and effort going to the store to buy them, now you just
need to use a technology device with an internet connection. The second one is
retail with no geographical or time limits. Apparently in e-commerce, you have no
limits in what countries to sell, you can sell 24/7. Everything depends on your
intentions and resources. Finally, lower costs of store maintenance. Running a
brick-and-mortar store isa rather expensive activity: rent of the facility, the utility
bills, insurance and salary for your staff. With an e-commerce website, you do not
need to pay for a physical location. You also will require fewer staff members.
Apart from numerous advantages, there are certain disadvantages that make e-
commerce not suitable for every one or any kind of business. To begin with, online
storesprovide detailed product description but customers at any way cannot see or
feel the item before purchasing. As a result, they can not make sure whether the
description lies or not. In addition, there are some security issues. Sometimes a
customer needs to register at the website to complete an order. And due to the
increased frequency of hacker attacks, they are reluctant to submit their name, last
name, address, email address and other private data to an online store. With the
above list of advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce, I think you will be able
to decide whether to start an online business or not
3.How to manage of time ?
Time manegament
Time is a priceless asset. The time, once lost, cannot be reclaimed and reused ever.
That is why we must harness the time available in such a way, to get the most
benefit out of it. Success only approaches when a person utilizes his/her time
suitably and efficiently. The skill of time management will make more goals
oriented and help one realize dreams. The first thing that one can do is to make a
list of daily activities. It should include even the activities one doesn’t consider
necessary. Next, decide on the priority levels of every activity based on its urgency.
The most important ones like arriving on time, brushing, bathing, studying etc.
should be on top and the least ones like watching TV, chatting etc., may be left out.
Now, one should decide on the time duration one is going to spend on each activity
and stick to it. For example, if one decides to self-study for five hours every day,
then one must stick to this decision
Manage of time
People begin university with already busy lives with important commitments or
priorities in addition to study. Successfully managing your priorities and
commitments requires an organised approach to both time and task management.
Some tips to manage of time effectively. How to manage your time
Make a list of all the task, the decided if their deadline is urgent or not.
Prioritize the most important task
As finish a task, cross it off your list
When you complete a task, move on. Don’t be a perfectionist
Concentrate on the task you are doing. Don’t be distracted by email and text
Find a take place to work that suits your working style
What do think is the best one? Why ?
3. Wirte a web page for your school ?
1.Description of a memorable journey
Last summer, my family and I were lucky enough to travel to Nha Trang for 2 weeks.
The resort was so amazing that it is absolutely an ideal destination for every summer. We
enjoy lying on the beach to sunbath every morning or during the afternoon. We also love
the cuisine there, most of the food are marine species including crabs, shrimps, or cuttles.
My siblings and I can also play in an entertainment park near there with a wide range of
games. The staff there were very helpful, they instructed us in details and supported us as
much as possible. They also warn us to bargain when shopping in the souvenir stores and
remember not to buy any products from the hawker. The local people were very friendly
and amazing. When we got lost inside the city, they would show us the way carefully.
They can even drive you to your hotel if they are not busy. There is a group of volunteers
there to support foreign tourists so don’t hesitate to contact them if you meet any
difficulties during your trips. In conclusion, this destination was so amazing and the most
memorable holiday I have ever had.
2.Qualities for a business hotel
- Business trip
Today it is very simple to work away from home during a business trip. To provide you
with some important aspects, we have selected the most important characteristics of an
excellent business hotel. First of all, Accessible conference rooms,Business travel is often
associated with customer dialogues, pitching ideas to current customers, and participating
in international conferences. For this reason business travelers favor hotels that offer
accessible conference rooms and meeting spaces in various sizes. Secondly, Working space
The best business hotels ensure that their guests enjoy a pleasant stay while working away
from home. When we are talking about working, productivity is an important aspect. In this
context, an excellent business hotel offers an effective working space. This includes a
comfortable, well-lit desk with high-quality office material such as sufficient opportunities
to power outlets. The extensive offer of free and fast WiFi is also an absolute must for the
perfect working space.
Favorite sport, popular sport, employment opportunities in sport
1.Favorit sport
Football is my favorite sport. It is also a famous sport all over the world. By playing
football, we can keep our body strong, fit and flexible, to play football is a good exercise
and good for health. It needs a spacious ground. The number of players needed for this
game is twenty-two. There are two groups. Each group has eleven players. Each group
has a goalkeeper. There is a center from where the play starts with the referee. He has the
power to comment on right or wrong. The players have to maintain the rules of the sport.
If any player disobeys him, he is disqualified and comes out of the playground. When the
goal is scored supporters’, joy knows no bound. Exciting claps are seen when a goal is
scored. This play at first originated in England. Then it spread almost every nook and
corner of the world. Its popularity is increasing day by day.
2. Popular sport
I guess among many sports, football is the most popular sport in my country. It is
widely played around the year and young people mostly like to play this game. There
are many reasons for the popularity of this game. In the first place, in football, size is
not as important as in basketball, wrestling or rugby, so anyone with skill can play it. It
needs a vast array of techniques because it is a fast-paced game. In the second place,
rich and poor can enjoy playing football for it needs little equipment. That is why many
people choose to play football as their favorite pass time. Particularly, in the past 10
years, with privatization of football clubs, considerable growth has been visible in its
popularity among different age groups. We play in the Football World cup and that is
why people pay more attention to this game than many other games once played in our
country. A standard football match has two teams and each team has 11 players on their
side. However, in our country children play even streets and they do not strictly
maintain the number of players in each team.
3. Employment opportunities in sport

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