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wi if ng 3 = A en AC EM rill hewn Poe aceteaci BUI Tord THE WEED CREED ‘Now York running community is challenging long-held perceptions about theuse of eannabisin society andits place in oursport ON THE COVER Photography: Paula ‘hal Richards Pre Pas Vie Owens knows nly too well. She did it and sot ‘a World recordin the process P50 From ting your tlt P60 break to pertecton, to smiling wien the going gets tough, herls whet you need to know oud } rota) Weir not hore to take the fun flavour out of fod, seat well fel good and run beter font all of lite was so easy There are legends and then there's Emil Zétopak Ce od Po Build speed the easy way with this expert plan, No matter what distance you rn, high-intensity traning willhelp you perform better We tested and tasted 100 products to find the best for fueling and recovery ‘OCTOBER 2022 RUNNEREWORLD.COM/UK 005 Fuel for every goal, delivered to your door ‘of protein Sweet chil salmon with cauliflower rice Choose from four nutritionally optimised meal plans to take the stress out of eating well. . Fuel wont womenshealthfuel. comy, ” - =o. mF Rave Run Helm Crag, Lake District ‘im A Runner Horrible Histories author Torry Deary Hour Power Men and women exerci bettar at diferent times of the day Running - In Reverse Research sys go fast, then go long Gut Call Dont mess witha good diet. Your body likes consistency ‘Small Wonslors Focus onthe ‘mini-goals, not the big race PIT Hos! Of Fortune Meaatrkars ‘may have stronger bones Positive Pressure How to get ‘more women tothe start ine ilurpiys Lore le your best aca just 8 matter of time? 5 ‘Your World Your lttars 3 un, Repest Meet the runner who ran 22 S0Ks in 22 days “Tony Tal Paul looms hard lessons on his ist ultra ‘The Flamingo Disries Lisa's dag remind her what running is about Pes P90 Poe PS Peo ‘Ask Jo Our resident Olympian, so Pavey, hts some sage advice for runners combining cardio work and resistance traning yythm And Grit Coach Cory con dealing with disappointment when a race dosen't go t plan ‘The Swing OF Things How to use the kttlebl to help you become a fester runner ‘The Spice Is Right Four great Caribbean recipes with surprising benefits for your running ‘Age Appropriate Hereishow te change your cet asthe years 0 by to ensure you continue te perform st your bost Watch And Learn We take four time reviewing and rating (GPS run-tracking watches Ups And Downs Tha magical but brutal Highland Fling Ura Route Races We guide you round the Grest South Run Stil Going Strong The history ofthe lee of Wish Marathon Includes very fast ghost runner Dates For The Diary Great races for youto try this month a WE'RE FIRST FOR NEW GEAR Fornews and reviews onthe latest shoes, tech, apparel and accessories, visit Here's what'shot on thesiteright now “ RATING SPIKES Whether youre ‘ontrack or ‘eross-county, the ight pair of spikes can hl you go faster. RUN TOTHE BEAT ‘Our selection of the best heart rate-tracking| straps, watches snd headphones forstaying in the zone. e WILD NIGHTS OUT Wo pick 2of the mat useful bivwy bogs for fostpacking sdventuree snd multi-day races. ‘OCTOBER 2082 RUNNEREWORLD.COM/UK 005 eee atone Poiana RUNNER'S TG) Andy Dixon OE MACKLE Dsputy tor RICK PEARSON Soir Ear [BEN HOBSON Seooutve ter igs SIENNY BOZON Deputy Dig! Ettor CARLY LEVY Virion Dractor’ ‘ieToRIA RUDLAND Group Cnet Sub Esters Production tor [MATT BLACKWELL Deputy Cnet Sub Estor AMES BROWN Deputy Cie! Sub Etor IRRIANNON JENKINS Sb tor IRTEY VERMA Su Esto, NATHALIE BATES Av Eto (malas) RERECCA BROLE Eder SADE GOOPER-COLLNS tor BETRA MANLEY-LEAGH Sein At Eder SESSICA WEDe At aor SOPHIEBROWN Oscar FLORENCE OGRAM Designer RACHAEL CLARK Photographic Distr Ena Pare Brecon SHANALYNGH Ptr Ede SALLY PRICE Retreeauch ‘DAVID ALM, RICHARD ASKWITH, HOWARD ‘CALVERT, TOM CRAGGS, STEPHEN GLENNON, -MARTURANA WINDERL, RENEE MCGREGOR, ‘SAM MURPHY, JO PAVEY, SAMANTHA REA. SIMON HORNE iter C20 Heart UK| MATT HAVES Chl Inertial Brand Ofer SURINDER SAMMONS Chet People Cnr [AUSON FORTH Ovector of PRA Communiatont STEVEN MILES Croup rnd Orwctor CONNIE OSBORNE Estora urnessDrector ROMAIN METRAS Business Satay Doctor MATT HLL Dig! Devlopment Drector DENISE DEGROOT Haus of Tre FIM ROSENBERG Hoad of Foes & Drink KELLY WARWELL Hood of Ertartanant Teshraoay UISABHATTT Hea Of Regina [NATASHA BAILY Clans Grector Heath LEEBAILEY cient Diector Seauty (CHRIS HEALY Chort rector Fehon (rst coe) (008 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK OCTOBER 2922 WILL VILE Director of Cormac Poston [MAIREAD GLEESON Art Giro rnd Cart SUSTINE ROUGE a tasers 'SEEMA UMAR Digi! Marhating COM Director BEN BOLTON Head of PR & Communatons CALUM FORBES PRt.Communcavone anager Heaths Wales MADOLYN GROVE Had Everts, Op &Dsvery MICHELLE PAGLIARULO Events Priore [ALICE MATTHEWS Evans Parraraip Manager ‘CONNIE FITCH Everts Parinorhp Man JONATHAN WRIGHT Preside, Hest Mogens ntmation ‘MST CLAIR BODDEN SVP/Goba Esto {Rbrand Distr ‘CHLOE ORIEN Gob! Edt rand Director Spa, Sweden, US ‘hanes esti eh 08835 EDITOR’S LETTER 801010 MY mountain 26.2, the 6D Marsthon in La Plagne, ranco,a few weeks ago Tewas everything was expecting - stagueringly beautifuland, at times, untremitingly beta ‘The first 13 miles were pretty smuchall upwards; twas too steep todo anything but walk. Tet thinking, got tohalfway and it will got easier. Bu, fanything, the downhills hurt more; it was usta different setof muscles (and ay big toes) getting pounded with added gravity. The whole thing took over six Ihours butt didnt fee thatlong. There was always something to keep me inthe moment, whether it ‘was pushing tothe next peak, trying not tori ‘over a tre root of marvelling atthe ridiculous views. The whole experience has whetted my appetite for racing again, which i just as well, sve gotthe London Marathon comingup fst Poranyone with aracein the diary, we round vp the best race-day tips from runningalumnion page 30 In our Sports Nutrition Awards (page 7), wwesclectthe 24 best energy and recovery products tofuel your efforts, while you'l find your perfect ‘raining aid - whatever your race or budget - in ‘our GPS watch test (page 80). Finally, we explore ‘the legacy ofthe legendary Czeehoslovakrunner Emil Ztopek on the 100th anniversary of is birth (page 50)-Zitopek absolutely lved to compete, ‘but not at al costs, and was true ambassador for camaraderie and sporting values ‘ANDY DIXON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF @RWaed_Andy CONTRIBUTORS wv AVIDALM RICHARD ASKWITHE ‘Thowritorand Trerunnor writer and longtimarunnerhas author ody We Wweittenforthelikesof Diet: Zetopak, GQandMen'sJoumal. _Olympieagend ToCold Hemaetscurcoverster — WerHeracelebrates inhisnatveBrockiyn __thelastinglegacy toleamaboutatresh _ofhiston/tgreatost pproachtorunning runner Discoverhow ‘andeommunityand Zétopekshowedthe ‘sks: le Moinstream ‘worl that Vets Running Ready To (Great, Friendship Gothigh?onp3e. |sGreatoren p60. Ca TC ca Timing is everything When's the best time to exercise? The answer may depend on your gender IEROSNGATARY ME of day is bonefcial~ although wore personally against the 3am interval session - but is there an optimal time to train? A now study, published in Frontiers In Physiology, found thet women burned more body fat during morning ‘exercise, whereas evening exercise counted ‘more fr men. The researchers had 30 men and 26 women follow # fitness programme ‘of stretching, sprinting, resistance and ‘endurance training ove a 12-week period. “Tho subjects blood pressure, body ft, -strongth,flexbiity and aerobic power wore recorded throughout. The results suggest ‘that women looking te reduce ft around ‘their middle and lower ther blood pressure should exercise inthe moming. Men, on ‘the other hand, were abe to improve thei Uupper-body strength as effectively whether ‘they exercised in the morning or evening. "Nonetheless, evening exercise was found ‘tobe “desl for men interested in improving heart and metabolic heslth, as well ag ‘emotional wellbeing, sid researchers. Ua Cee ae TS ‘OCTOBER 2008 RUNNERSWORLD.COMAIK 008 AN Listen And Download Now! ) FITNESS ‘Tables listing the best towns and cities for runners in England and Wales are bound to be Controversial. But this one is at least backed by data including aie quality, frumber of running trails, traillongth and trail rating Jn each location ~ to arrive at an overall score", um seo 00 BA CHESTER BO CHETENNAM 72.6 a 71.8 ALA Fast things first What happens if you go fast before you go long? TRADITIONALLY, endurance programmes prescribe «2 period of ‘bate building’ before a shorter peaking potiod of quickor, mor intonse running. The idee is that you bull a stesdy foundstion of endurance before subjecting your body tothe rigoure of speedwork. But what f you turned convention on its heod and started withthe speedy stuff? Thet’s what ‘8 new systematic review int reverse peri tried to find out. ts conclusion? ‘Use of reverse poriodisation likely induces similar improvements mun mode! in shorter events. So, for runners targeting, sy, 8 be lit aif ce. Ov le PB, the longer distances, ‘wher body composition is important for performance traditional periodisation may elet more favourable Improvements in body composition. 70.9 uF 70.2 woke 69.4 alotONE 69.3 68.6 BARNSLEY 67.0 avsrie.o pears to not. When researchers looked at runners who ‘competed in a 50K, 80K Secrets of success When it comes to marathon and sub: on distances, cardia fitness and running economy are key to succers, But is the same true for ultre-distance events? A new study in the International Journal Of Sports Physiology And Performance suggests that cardio fitness was only a good predictor two distances. At 160K, meanwhile, researchers ‘conclided thst lees traditional messures might come into play Performanes in longer- distance races appears to be less influenced by ‘and 160K race, they found for success in the shorter such physiological parameters, they ‘concluded, Team GB 28-hour runner Robbie Britton agroes: ike to still 200 cardio fitness potential. Whether you reach that potential on race day can be down to 8 whole host of factors, such as fuelling, pacing, psychological skills and, sometimes, good old- fashioned luck.” No arm done How important is arm ‘swinging? A now study" asked people to sprint for 30 seconds with either normal arm movement or ther ame strapped ‘2s ther chest. The difference in speed? Only 16%. An older study found that no arm swing increased energy consumption by just 3%*. What does it mean? Keep swinging, but don't obsess over it- its probably not that important. ‘OCTOBER 2022 RUNNEREWORLD.COM/UK Ott ~ é AIAN lee ee RESEARCH PANEL You'll have the opportunity to: > Take part in product tests > Have your say on all things running and more > Enter prize draws Learn more at and sign up today I> = Have ~~ a meal plan B Running long distances does strange things to Suddeny, hell, while Marmite and c’chease sandwiches ar the stuf ofthe gods. ‘A new study, published inthe Journal Of The Intemational Society OF Sports Nutrition, looked into this phenomenon and provides some solutions races often find they can't tolerate the foods they'd planned to eat. Thus, they Consumed 50% less of these snacks in the final sixhoure ofthe race. How do they avoid grinding toahalt? They're good at switching to other, Unplanned fuels. f running a 24-hour race isn't on your bucket list why ever not?), a mealy ‘oral remains: have a secondary food option, incase you can no longer stomach your frst The best times to eat before a run are four hours (main meal) and 20 minutes (snack), according to data from fitness- tech brand Supersapions. NUTRITION ees eee RT ge Gr oan anes Pert ra = ; incur: Bu hwo esi aioe sealant yes beets eee Ee Borereie aa ees eer Perea or yy one ety Separators nes em ed pene eee Ce a eee a aero coe a enema eee fr Superfood Buyer = immune- boosting GMO- free Tiler as compiled tstot heath burzwordstsbe | Recovery veryot ersare ‘iw of thom: Detox A term invented by the ad industry, rarely used by scientists, The immune system, if otherwise healthy, cannot be boosted. Countless controlled studies agree that GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are safe. Misleading or vague language used to make a claim easier to defend. Detox ~ the liver and kidneys do this, and there is nothing that a coffee enema can contribute to the process. OCTOBER 2008 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK O13 JEANS FOR one we Hee a This September, why not organise a Jeans for Genes day with your school, workplace or community, to help raise vital funds to support families with life- altering genetic conditions in the UK. This year we're asking - what’s your perfect partner to your jeans - is your favourite band t-shirt, Hawaiian shirt or bunny ear up? How do you wear yours? Sign up for your free fundraising pack today Jeans for Genes © 2022 Jeans for Genes Campaign. Alll rights reserved. Registered Company Number 13179606. Registered charity number 1194407 BB a (= eeceericomonrnans eras emereeeee eer magic (oy emcermreeentinrtnnd peace Co ere eensaarhlicanr epee Se See gt eae eee iy ee aaa ee ae acs Easy does it "Start slow, finish fasts not only a good tactic for distance racing ~ it's also a recipe for long-term success. A new study ‘explored whether an early focus on one sport yielded better results than a mate diverse approach. Researchers concluded that slow and steady does indeod win the race: Excess childhood adolescent specialised practice may hinder athlete’ long-term development’ An early start and focused, specialised practices ‘sulted in ‘short-term junior-age athletic succes’. But it was ‘multi-sport practice’ and gradual progress that led to success ‘as an adult. There’ a lesson here for parents, but also those who start runing later i fe. It pays to play the long game. MIND*HEALTH ‘Two of the best period-monitoring ‘apps for runners ‘add-ons ‘A-comprehonsive app that explains each of the menstrual-cycle phases, what to expect symptom: iva and how to adjust your training accordingly. R| ) Free, with Uy Psic-for Y ad-ons Developed by experts in femle physiology, this app trecks menstrual cycen, taining, ‘wellbeing and heath {lin one space. How to fight mental fatigue When youre mentally ‘exhausted, physical tasks ‘become harder, Studios have shown that things such as lack of sleep increase your ato of presived exertion how hard you think you're ‘working. But how ean we ‘decrease mental fatigue? ‘Anow systomatic review" coffers answers ~ some more / | surrising than others. The Ff | biggest ones are cateine before traning, listening to ‘music and ‘trinsic’ owards (ie, pay-off of some kid). Ioretinly, researchers ited certain odoure (ikaly smeling sls) as having ‘mentally revving ofect ~ but wed suggest you stick to the coffe and tunes ‘OCTOBER 2028 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK O16 Pee OUTDOOR COLLECTION amazoncouk | 21° next | swayfaircouk DINING SETS | BAR SETS | SIDE TABLES | PATIO CHAIRS | CHAISE LOUNGES | FIRE PITS INJURY Hail the heel strike Far from being a dirty All in the word, heelstriking may have bone- ankles strengthening benefits Older runners, particularly thos 70 and above, should focus on cone building ankle strength to decrease the chances of injury. A new study found thet ‘ankle joint movements ‘wore remarkably reduced due to ageing, and impact absorption was further shown on the ankle joint as ‘age increased!, You can improve heslsriking is seen a affliction, present ony inthe unskilled amateur. But the ‘evidence tale diferent story. Fest, a study nto eel eid heres tr or eee a Pee “strikers. Now, another study has found that healtriking {forcos and loading rates might ld stronger bones, as they ae predictive of increased bone mineral density at the hip and spine. This led researchers ‘to conclude, ‘Rearfoot striking runners seem to make impact and braking forces that (Calf-time \ team talk ( How torecover fromacalfinjury ‘Most runners have been affected IF injury at some point i in thelr running career. In a new 2 _ereate loading conditions sud, 20 clntes i that are advantageous. up with these recovery strategies: : days: consider cross-training with swimming or eyeting on ae rnon-running days. “sraqerriucky (02/ Avoid ‘plodding’ longer fcr runs: too much ofthe slow, long stuff was an aggravator. (05/ Don't add distance and speed on consecutive days: Knee force | a How much force doos running put through = ingl-lag alt thekoecompered withothertipedal A. oncolot actvitios? Anew study came up with some = Ti (05, Don't increase your weekly newer Its worth noting that just becoure 2s 9° t00 fast overshooting fan activity puts force through the knee, thats with excessive volume i big no. otto sayfs bad forthe knee. Because 067 Avoid sudden changes in ‘uning’s nt bad for your knees, regardless ~ TNE | condition: such es footwear or of what your uncle Stove maintains wane SG running surface. ‘Activity ‘OCTOBER 2022 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK OFF are eres UT oe ey tT Ta te go da JRACE Rm See pe 3 NT) oe, Bc) : 4 ne 5 i ‘THERE'S NO SHORTAGE of filde = innorth Wales. They're probably all uch ofamuchnessif you're sheep. But when you have something specificin mind in Vie Owens’ ase, the female world record for furthest distance un barefoot in 24 hours finding the right one is very tricky ‘The local rugby club sid no. A public park in her town, Denbigh, ‘would likely too disruptive for the locals. Even the lidingclub sid no, Aespite the fact that they would surely be above their field most of the time Finally, foal farmer who followed theron Instagram provided one that would be perfect, before withdrawing atthe lst minute due to rotation, His B-Feld wasless ideal Tewas not the underfootng had planned for, Iewascattle-trd, the ground was hare not fat and tricky to barefoot on, says Owens, Nevertheless, on 2 June 2022,a day that, in true Welsh style, ranged from extreme heat to torrential ain sbe ran around its (0.9-mile lop 106 times, hitting 24 ‘WAS ON THE FLOOR CRYING AT ONE POINT’ ‘hours midway through her 107¢h lap ~arecord distance of 96.32 mils. Along the way there were issues ‘with her leftankle, because the people at Guinness insisted she do the whole ‘thing without changing direction, and excruciating groin cramp inthe later stages. ‘Every time I stopped, Teoulda't ‘move. was literally onthe flor rying atone point. Thad tstartmoving forwards again for itt startrcleasing, and that was intensely painfal? Instead of celebrations anda well- ‘earned est the nextday, Owens ran ‘the distance that would have taken her tothe magic 100-mile mark, hitting her one-year run streak of running every day atthe same time, Her journey ino the world of ‘extreme challenges has been @ ‘relatively short one. Now 35 atleast she thinks she's 35 she was brought ‘upasa Jehovah's Witness and never celebrated her birthday, she only took ‘up running in 2016. Follawinga break inher relationship, she experienced depression that left her unable to move her legs at times, which her doctor blamed on emotional stress, (« *) ‘half marathon, By the end of the following year, was doing 1 200- mil ultra and never looked back? Inthe absence of official races during 2020, she joined the trend for chasing fstes known times and achieved ane forthe Monarch’s ‘Way. That's 625-ile journey from Worcestershire co Sussex via Bristol that follows King Charles I's retreat from defeat atthe Battle of Worcester in 1661, took her 13 days, 13 hours snd 38'minstes, That soundsa lot ‘more interesting than 106 laps ofa wet ‘Welsh field, f we're honest, so why switch to sucha repetitive challenge? ‘Tye got toa stage where Thavea good idea of what my body i capable ff Tknow what my physical points. Tknow how far Tean go, she explains. ‘But what's my mental point? We have alittle field whete we grow our own, ‘veg Is about 0.06 fa mileand Ih loop ie with no headphones in, nothing tosee, nothing todo, fr 30 miles. ‘That's my mental training, getting sy mental strength up’ Plenty of mental strengeh is reaqired for her day-to-day life homeschooling her sw children; caring for @nd running with) her younger brother, who has brain damage; working a day jb in online marketing: and buildinga strong ‘business producing colourful running clothing called We Run Bright. At thesame time, she's puting inthe mileage that has ed ther completing extraordinary challenges such asthe 185-mile King Offa's Dyke Race (twice) snd the 250-mile Lon Las route down the length of Wales. twas aftr finishing as second ‘woman inthe Chester 100 in 2088 that she threw her traditional shoes in the bin. was getting blisters, hotspots, sores thought, "Tm not doing this ‘omyselfany more," She now helps onganise the virtl running group Barefoot Grew sk aid has evangelised shout the method at the National Running Show in Birmingham, “There ae alot more barefoot runners than you realise shesays. “Having this online community has shown alot of people that they'e not on their own, You'te not the town \weirdoif you're into this. Tes rally natural thing todo? VicOwensisasponsoredathlet ith Fanci Activewear. Follow her on nstagram aehohappyrunnerne VIC OWENS’ STIPSFOR BAREFOOT BEGINNERS = FIND SOFT GROUND “isounds ‘obvious, but dont pick the sravel path that ‘youspeed along in your shoes for ‘un. Do itinyour garden, ‘meadow or park, wherever ‘thers sot frase fs fine to doit somewhere ies and build ‘up from there” Pick uP YOUR FEET ‘When you run in shoes, you push ofand thats ‘fiction. Do that barefoot and ‘you'llose some thin, You should bo hitting tho ground withthe ‘midfoot. Dont heeletrike when ‘you're barefoot = twust me, you wont ket Leave your EGO BEHIND “Younsed to drop ailexpectations. Youre stil, running, but its ‘wtallycitfrent =yourblance, ‘your git, how youland. tts ‘mental overload. “Thebits in your oot that talk to ‘the brain have been blocked by shoos. Your bran will go, "Whoa ‘OCTOBER 2092 RUNNERSWORLD.COMMIK O18 AN EQUAL FOOTING ‘SheRaces is aiming to make the racing experience more welcoming and positive for female runners ‘SOPHIE POWER made headlines {n2018 when a photograph ofher breasteedingher baby midway through the 106-mile Ulra-Traildy Mont-Blane (UTMB) went viral. The world was rightly in awe of someone who could do one ofthe toughest footraces going jusethree months after givingbirch ‘Bur one of the reasons Povser chose odo sois because the UTMB didn’t allow runners to defer their places due to preynaney and she had already Tost her place back in 2014 forthe same season, Had she not taken port that year, she would have had ogo through ‘lengthy proces of requalifying. The ‘UTMBisnotthe ony race tohave had this policysthe Boston Marathon also doesn allow deferral for pregnancy. ‘But the problem of negative racing experiences for women isa much broader one - and its something hat Powers hoping to address with the SheRaces campaign ts aim istomake the racing experience ~ from sign-up toresults amore welcoming nd positive one for female runners ‘We havea minority of women on ‘the start line, particularly as races go longer? says Poser, ‘So, we should be doing everything we ean to help women sgetthere, because there's something special about racing... Weer that competition and sense of achievement? “The Shelaces campaign focuses fon three areas. The frstisan equal ‘opportunity co race; that is getting more women on the start line. The pregnancy poicyis part oft, but alot, ofitis in the marketing of the race. “When you se pictures of only athletic white men on che startling, it sends outa certain message’ says Power ‘Te second partis the experience ‘on race day. That's che shires (which recalled unisex but are made for men) and safer; too. Tn ultras, that could be buddy up oF looking at how you're sing to get home ii’ late at night or early in the morning’ says Power ‘The third partis respecting female competition ‘When results came out, ‘they should sepaeate men from women, sowe can easily see our podium, says Power. And, of course, there should be ‘equal prize money and number of ge categories offered; she adds Tesnocjust che races that need to change, says Power its brands as wel. ‘don't think t's enough to talk about ‘being pro-motherhood and pro-women? says Power. "They have to help women they have to give us kits that fitand use the powerthey have in sponsorship to make aces equitable for women Some ace organisers are already doinga grea job Power highlights the Lakeland 50 100 series, whichis ‘weighting its ballot towards women to inerease participation, thers, though, have some way togo."A company su as Threshold, which putson Race co the Stones, charging £25 to defer a place, even fyou're pregnant =a time ‘whe lot of women don’ fel they can spend money on themselves’ says Power. But the London Marathon has been listening, recently extending its pregnancy policy to include Good for ‘Age and Championship places.‘T'm delighted that the London Marathon hhas now putin place fll and fair pregnancy deferral policy’ says Power ‘Asfor what the everyday runner «ean do? "We want you to call out races (Gn che brands that sponsor them) that aren't valuing women equally says Powe. ‘Share your experiences ofthe best and worstraces over at, so that we can help ‘other women vote with thelr fect i i Murphy’ Lore By SAM MURPHY WHY RUNNING YOUR BEST COULD BE ALL ABOUT TIMING ran our club's SK time trial ast night. After adecent spell of training, ‘Iwas cautiously hopeful of aquicker time than my previous clocking ‘wo months ago. But to my chagrin, I crossed the line a full minute slower. Granted, there was a headwind on the return legof the ‘out-and-back route, bt seem to recall itbeing pretty breezy last time, too and some of my fellow runners still managed to post PBs. Ofcourse, there could he myriad factors behind my disappoincing performance: hydration level, air temperature, energy intake, S}\ physical ~and even mental ~ fatigue... Buc started thinking about one in particular the time of day. The previous time trial took place at am ona Saturday morning = yesterday's, 630pmona Wednesday evening. ‘There’ heen a wealth of research on howr‘cireadian rhythm’ - the natural fluctuation in everything from sugar metabolism to muscular power, body temperature to hormone levels over a 24-hour period - affects the body's response to exercise. On paper, yesterday's run should have yielded the superior result che weight of evidence suggesting that athletie performance peaks in the evening®. In one study, published in The Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research, researchers examined how participants performed in a high-intensity workout scheduled for different times throughout the day ‘Their maximal power ourput was highest at 6pm. ‘Butas wells circadian rhythms, you each have your own ehronotype (& natural inclination towards being perky or sluggish at differen times of the day). Ths, too, ems to play a role in how you fare in morning-versus-evening ‘workouts. For example, while levels of the tress hormone cortisol are naturally higher when you wake up research suggests that morning types experience far THE TAKEAWAY. Givan that most races happen in ‘the morning, right ows re at aieadvantage when it comes torunning at thee peak performance. But you can scclimatise to rly morning workouts by ‘gradually introducing ‘thom in your race bull-up. Try to precede ‘these run with an earlier night ‘than utval, 20 you dori fool 100 fatigued. uccious use ‘of caffeine on waking up ‘ight help you less elevation after an early workout (both immediately postexercise and ‘up toan hour later) chan evening types, suggesting ther chronotype leads them to perform better at this ‘ime'. Indeed, studies show that when the time of your exercise chimes with your chronotype you feel a lower rate of perceived exertion and fatigue! Conversely, your rate of perceived ‘exertion rises when you're obliged toexercise at your non-preferred time. One study found that morning exercisers rated a workout more challenging when they had todo it inthe evening, compated with theit ‘usual time of day. Judging by my’ death-rattle breathing lastnight, I suspeet this is what happened, Luckily for me, most races begin in the morning, so my decades-long preference for early workouts usually stands me in good stead Intriguingly, despite the scientific evidence supporting better athletic performance inthe evening, research suggests that elite endurance athletes ~ineluding distance runners, cyclists and triathletes ~ are more likely to be “morning” types, though it's not clear whether thisis by choice or necessity ‘But what ifyou have more of noeturnal disposition? Well Ifyou hhave an important morning ace in the diary, introduce some crack-of- {dawn runs into your schedule: the aforementioned study from The Journal OfSerength And Conditioning Research found that adaptations to training ae greatest when athletes train at the time of day they've become most accustomed to. T suppose I could do the same: persevere with those tough evening ‘workouts to prep fora future 6.30pm ‘ime trial, Hmmm. Fllslep oni murphy.coak ‘OCTORER 2082 RUNNERSWORLD.COMMK O21 Ss 2 INMINGTHROUGHTHENGES un ory orn, The wo Mylo swing lange ve buses coyeatson Stn tan Iwas completely unfit, having ulramarethons and even ‘done no exercise since playing the South African Comrades hockey st university For my Marathon Butit is my dally fire fory into the word of _habitof puting on my hose running, challenged myself and going out that has been torunbetween two lampposts s ifesaver Despite being hie outeragentowale 7Sandwithahpthst Evertlythedaycome probaly need replacing wen decided war arumer lel puten my ring shoes pei peverrephetaiogl rep epeye drs Cg framing oes Having Netrunning now: Just walking Genet Spent hat considered avest got Bit am sil uning. Cae amount of monoy, | mad ‘And ifs isnormal pfs ‘commitmentto go outfora _Clodagh Springer [BEGINNERS AREWINNERS | fami, friends and work IWojustread the September | colleagues, Group 3~ and issue of RW and there 290m — | one or wo individual in tobequiteafew stories | partcular-neverlet me bout getting stared with | forget thay were thera, ead running and how difcutt | for whenover felt could put ‘was to gatintot. The words | trainer to road agsin. They ‘of comfort would offertoa | continue to encourage evary hewcomar are, EVERYONE | week with the biggest laughs starts atthe begionng.’ After | and thankful hearts, never Secleewvearaerbeoe | lenny ice Desay tone ecg Silke | aieneeconag @ this: “Embrace bei _group! | am very blessed. beginner: Frustrating as | Jo Lyross Itean sometimes be, the rly days of running ar alo some ofthe most Leconbodintad ‘exciting and rewarding, _| {Hevs boon wing ea ‘more hosithly and found ‘the food recommended to (GROUP THERAPY halo bone hel Bone THE COMEBACK QUEEN I wanted to markthe one | building pyramid’ in the Back in 2020, in the middle of lockdown, | was diagnosed ee eal me = ‘i : Bndreconetructon surgery | extremely hlpulin giving with breast cancer. been running fora fw years prior to Cowon ue ‘my diagnosis, but having cancer fired up something inside mmyamazing db, Royston | Ineedt include to help Cf me and running started playing @ more important role Runners. One yer en, ime develop ahesktier in my journey. My surgeon advised me not to run until after felowing the our sugery | Many 5o, oven : andeightweekrecovey, | tuning 08K once awock ‘had finished radiotherapy. However, midway through lek gnnmragaouns’ pee nih linen radiotherapy and six weeks after major surgery, | put on thefieldsagainwth my | trytohave Grockyoshurt two sports bras and went fora un. Sic weeks after that, increible Group3~the | strawberies and Kw fut {ran a half marathon and go a PB ve since run the mortwceungigond || fou tres smi Manchester Marathon, achieved aK and a 5K P and eee ere ‘am training for my first ultramarathon. Its a shame it took immenes spportofrmy | Poul Skier a cancer diagnosis for me to take my running seriously, but it's changed my life for the better and now I know I can ‘conquer whatever challenges lie in front of me. want Jo Hammond laden imate sla for transforming a cancer diagnosis into Email reason to fully embrace your life and running. _ ‘Twitter and Facebook AT HS ee CU Lil rg wanted to try runing toseeift would help my rmantal heath did Fe never looked back, sm pillfee and have run SKs to marathons Lee Wiking “Honesty, buggy runing Thechance to exercise swith ne need for childcare Four years and two kids inst stila regular and hopey runner ‘My husband and my hilren” Dima Chakra ‘ied todo “Yoga the ide version of yoga on Weybulo (020105 kde! “TV programme). Wel two. halt ereed moves anda dad stuckon the floor ater, it ‘was time stop funding ‘the local pizza shop and start running “Vaminspited by ethetes or runner see doing ovents Tike the London Marathon forthe Great North Run” "My inspiction to run was trying toteach my onto Fides bike and | couldnt. wanted to beable to do scion with ny eanne Powell ‘Tha ate dane Tomlinson. Shean marathons while ‘terminally with cancer. ‘She has inepired many ‘take up runing. ‘in 1978, my PE teacher took sto large laying fold and told us to ron ‘round it Unt that dy, Tahated PE, but heard ‘the teacher shout, “Go cn, Heneywel, youl be 2 champ one day mil runing 44 yar lator - tnd loveit more than ever” David Honeywell ‘SHOWUS APICOF YOU ‘AND YOUR RUNNING PAL "Me and Caroline = truly marvellous Me and Jn tt). Doing a Couch to Sk ‘rend, although sometimes shes more fe adil sergeant programme with our runing group led {ste become iflong fiends ary! Marshal! (Michelle Shepherd ‘My dad, Christopher Beesley. We've My hubby -heruns at twice my speed been running together fr 36 year. but ways comes back or me” "Now hls 70, ean fray best i Suzi dones Rebecoa Day a sta rts) SECOND-HAND RUNNING SHOES? ‘OCTOBER 2082 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/K 025 "Based on a Twitor pol of 387 votes BY THE NUMBERS KIRSTEN BEVERLEY- WATERS IN AUGUST 2021, KIRSTEN BEVERLEY-WATERS, 'ANON-BINARY RUNNER FROM MAINE, US, BEGAN A SERIES OF LONG HIKES TO CLEAR ‘THEIR HEAD. “My wife called chem my “spiritual walkabouts"? says Kirsten, who works aa fitness coach and motivational speaker. On the first of these outings, they covered 35 miles; soon after, an idea ‘was horn, T wanted tod something postive for the [LGRTQ+ community, so looked up the record for ‘most consecutive SOK,’ says Kirsten finding that itwas 21. ‘Twanted something that pushed me outside my comfort zone, and in turn pushed the conversation outside people's comfort zones’ In doingso, they raised money for The Trevor Projet, the world’s largest suicide prevention and erisis, intervention organisation for young LGBTQ+ people. 1100km 3OLB Weight of Kirsten bag, wich included a GoPro and battery charger, as they hnadto document the runs tohave the record ratified TOK Number of blisters. “My foot actually feel great!” Every 45 seconds inthe US, a youth betwoon ‘the ages ofS and 25 will contemplate or take ‘actions towards suicide NumaeR OF DAYS KIRSTEN ‘STRUGGLED WITH THEIR UTRITION. "COULDNT KEEP ANY FUELIN EXCEPT ICELOLLES, WATER, EAND ALITTLE ‘OFFLECTROLYTES' Mw NUMBER OF SKS KIRSTEN ‘Arunner wit strong ant-LGBTQ+ ‘COMPLETED ‘eolingsjoined Kirsten for one run CONSECUTIVELY “They came away from it saying they a Dee had a different perspective. We're peat nota gong to agree, but we should be abe torespect one another’ Tonky Tall: BY PAUL TONKINSON (#) MY FIRST ULTRA REVEALS SOME HARD BUT NECESSARY TRUTHS reparation forms isla, the Race tothe Stones 100K had been pathy at best. njuries meant there had been no slid ring block - essentially, L was lefewitha three-week schedule, What could possibly 0 wrong? Bizarrely, stil had hope The plan was, or ach sm day, coas'to30km, then digi forthe lst 20.Have laugh and meet some nice people. ining up [RRR «the start, Ieould barely contain myself Hooke ike anultrarunne! [was wearing a hydration vest and had ‘Maton. Turns out this wouldnt be enough. “The frst 1okm was spent recording with my podcast mate, Rob. He taken a different approach tome ~ he'd actually prepared. He run witha backpack, practised fueling done back-to-back long ras, researched the course. done oe 22-mile un in che ast hee year, in which ate es patos. ‘Weranat about 10-minute-mile pace laughing singing going past people \who seemed tobe runningso slowly. They smiled as we sauntered pat. see tang ofthem again ater. Between I0krn and 20km fell in witha group of blokes around my age. We were like a human locomerive and made good progress tothe next station a about 22km. Twas feeling okay, thirsty ire but mentally buoyant. chomped half banana, got some pretzels and set offint the third stage, or sie wll become known ~the great unravelling ‘The course got hard, hilier andthe sun was unrelenting Iwas sufering and becoming dehydrated. 1 hadn't bothered caryinga water badder, and somewhere along the way Hosta wate bottle. alfa litre of water between stations just wast’ euttingit By the time hit the third station, was ames. ted. Practie ‘walking. You wall walk more than you think, Have afew long training un! walks, This ie peychological preparation ‘asmuch a anything. Know your voy Forget preconceptions ‘bout what you've ot basic fitness, this is primarily 9 ‘mental est youdon't know ‘your why youl struggle. In the toile, I noticed an alarmingly deep redness to my urine. Blood?! {chatted to medica staff for awhile. ‘They said Tneeded to drinka lot ‘more, gave me salt and asked me if wanted to stop. Isaid no. walked the lst nine miles of the day almost entirely. was broken and busted. Many truthshitme. First, ‘my innate optimism can render me an idiot 1 had reckoned that running thesheer time you spend on your feet requires a totaly different mindset knowledge, stubbornness and, more profoundly, an understanding of why you're doingit, You need a ‘meaningful why’ for these events = having a laugh just wasnt enough, ‘The whole thing reminded me of ‘ny first marathon, the way it broke sme so completely but, once all hope had gone, some joy eame in. ‘The people I met were incredible ~ the guy who stopped to give me salt tablets, spectators who offered ‘me water when L realy needed it, ‘wo chatty women from Witney Runners who were so gentle, funny and inspiring, Iewas an ineredible event, the atmosphere throughout fantastic. And base camp was heaven = misc, morris dancing, anlimited food. A perfect setting that, alas, hnadtoTeave, There would be no day ‘wo for me. In my condition, tjust felt too dangerous. So I packed my rucksack, soaked it up and sdled off I's good tobe humbled, to learn, toface reality. 'm determined to train hard forthe next one. To really engage, find my why" and line up ‘onsold ground, Paulisa stand-up comedian and co-host ofthe Running Commentary podenst. His book 26.2 ee T Happinessisoutnow ‘OCTOBER 2089 RUNNERSWORLD.COMAK 025. INTRODUCING THE Good Housekeeping BEAUTY ICONS BOX We are delighted to present the Good Housekeeping Beauty Icons Box; an edit of timeless favourites and the new discoveries we know you will love, in celebration of Good Housekeeping’s 100th anniversary and our first ever Beauty Icons awards. This limited-edition collection s 15 beauty stars worth an incredible £428 ant urs for just a : : BUY YOUR EXCLUSIVE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BEAUTY ICONS BOX NOW AT HEARSTMAGAZINES.CO.UK/GH-ICONS-RW The Flamingo Diaries BY LISA JACKSON RUNNING IS FREE, BUT SO PRECIOU hhisyear was supposed to be The Year of the Marathon ‘Comeback - after along period ofnot running marathons ‘due othe pandemic and my husband Graham's terminal illness, intended to run two in his honour. Life had other plans, however. A back injury, sciatica and the stress of helping Graham fight his cancer battle eulminated in my ‘chiropractor advising break from running. When I tried to start training again, Tstil felt asf was ploughing through cookie dough, which had me worried. Then | spoke to my brother, who told me he'd experienced the same, claiming it was side effect ofhis Covid booster shot. When reflected om it, 1, too, hadn't been the same, with achingjoints and extreme fatigue fr several months after my jab. ‘Then I flew to South Africa to visit my 83-year-old father, who Thadn’t seen since the pandemic began, and spoke to his carer, Thabani, an athletic young man inhi early thirties. Tused to run for an hour at Sam every day, butsince Thad my booster, I've just felt 90 tied. he told me. I'm the opposite of an anti-raxxer, but 1 did wonder if was coincidence that the three of us reported the same thing Being able to ‘blame’ the Covi jab and notlaainess or age made me fee lot better, so resolved to get ack in the saddle gently: My dads running regime, realised, was agreat place to start, He's been a runner since childhood and was cross-country champion at university I didn'tinberit his fast-twiteh muscle fibres, but his ove ofrunning undoubtedly rubbed offon me, so Iwas delighted when he invited me on his daily run, habit he's kept up for over 70 years ‘When I was younger, Dad found ithard to run with me 3s my pace was so sedate. Now, however, he's finally slowed down enough for us to be comfortable WORDS TO GIVE ‘YOU WINGS “The most precious things in ite are not ‘those you get for money The words of theoretical physicist Albert Einstein are ‘especially true ‘of running Ws not only free, butaccossible ‘and health more precious forthat. S companions, and soat Sam every morning of my two-week stay, held knock-on my bedroom door and rouse sme forarun. On Saturdays there was, sn added incentive when we were joined by Thabani'seute-as-a-kitten sixyearold daughter Bothibele "You Took.. wonderful said othibele with a tothless grin as she spotted my flaming Flan tights. 'Sodo you" Isaid, complimenting her Iollipop-patterned leggings and tutu. ‘The complex in KwaZulu-Natal where my dad lives ie serin manicured grounds and would be a perfect spot for runningbut for three things: it’s very hilly, the traffie at 8am is hellish despite the fact that mast residents are pensioners) and you have tobe okay ‘with monkeys, snakes and giant frogs. ‘One morning, we spotted Thembi, another of my dad's carers, We called ‘out and she ignored us I thought she hnad headphones on, but when we got closer she left the road and serambled down the grass verge, emerging few seconds later clutching an avocado, “Lthought you were blanking us? | puffed, but now I know you didn't leven see us ~ you were mesmerised by ‘hac avocado. Thembi chuckled. "Oh yes, Inever waste a free-range avo!” ‘Aswe oiled up the hill, keeping an eye out for sakes and speedingcars, pondered Thembis words, Much like free-range avs, runningis free, i's Aeliious once you've stopped) and is somethingso preciousit should never beallowed to go towaste.For70 years ay dad has known chis,and I'm {grateful he's passed the wisdom to me. Lisulsthe thor of tro bestelting Travel Secknessand Trove Agents contain chapters about runing and hhavebeen released as audiobooks ‘OCTORER =0¢2 RUNNERSWORLO.COM/UK 027 C2 i} | I SETS eS) GREAT REASONS TO GET THE DIGITAL EDITION Now you can enjoy your favourite magazine wherever and whenever you want. With our digital editions for iPad and iPhone, you can stay up to date even when you are on the move! Get digital today benefit from: (| Searchable content across all your downloaded issues © Your choice of viewing mode to make reading as easy as possible © Instant access to the latest issue even when you're away from home + Interactive content with live links to websites, emails and phone numbers NOW ON EVEN MORE DEVICES! ae Nook #zinio kobo Z kobo TOP RACE TIPS Whether you're racing a 5K or an ultra, use the wisdom of seasoned racers and the knowledge of running experts to help you perform at your best and squeeze every inch of joy from race day ILLUSTRATION: TOMMY PARKER ‘OCTOBER 2022 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK O31 ©)l=2 ll “fthe race matters to you, i's vital to gointo itwitha fresh, rested, excited mind, not one ‘wearied from travel, work. and life stresses. Factor in your responsibilities so they {don get in the way and get your race logisties done as early as possible. Tike toring-ence some time to ‘wateh a film or read a book (ideally not above running) ‘few hours before the race Also, ban yourself from social media entirely? Darnian Hall, record Breaking ulerarunner and the author of InItFor The Long Run 02 = sRace-day nerves canplayhavor ‘wth your toilet helps me empey my insides before the start. When arrive, seope out where the toilets are in relation tothe start line, as it's important to allow enough time to get into your start pen but don't visit the loo so-arly that you need to go ‘second time, With this in ‘mind Istart queuing early, with the goal of doing ‘number one and two bout 10 minutes before the gun. Ifyou time this right, you'l fel relaxed and raring run. Lisa Jackson, author of ‘Running Made Easy and Your Pace Or Mine? 03-04 ‘However great ‘ PF thepace you've trained for. After building upto that pace lock into thesplits you know from your race-pace sessions ‘Also, smile, relax and enjoy the atmosphere. ‘Nick Anderson, Saucony coach “aking Q min Pern Sion te site neat fearon etd en icon iat ey opeee la poet, 07 trict Q. Site ae Sooner Se ee iy eet rreananseiaa” | weaiarae See seenmecae™ | Ste See | oe Olympic marathoner negative thoughts around Sanath Samos | see hhard training, how strong 08-09 mana or nations ‘wane this and thinking $ iiave sgned about how good it wi look atthe route | Foclafter the race 10 ‘map or, ideally, aad - avideo of the race if the aoe eer oe organisers produce one. | lOns-ftel uit. In short, wanting toquitis inevitable, but uittingis optional. Of course, sometimes Ijust uit. Tha's fine too. ‘Stephen Glennon, serial Ie useful to see clearly what you're goingto face and where the ough and easier sections are on the course, as wells the water stations, cheering points and such lke. Ulta aera ‘andonracemorning | 17 don’thold back on the ‘think mental anti-chafing cream. preparationis Generously daub on key to running anypartsofyourbody | wellom race day. I's where your kitmightrub, | important tobe in control especially you'll be ‘of your nerves, not put too running fora few hours, | much pressure on yourself, Ifr'mwearinga running | bute prepared for what belt laden with gelsand | lies abead. find it useful drinks, this mighe tug tovisualise how much sore than usual, so 1 its going to hurt that always lather some cream | way, r'mexpectingit where it might digin. when iteomes? Adrian Monti serial racer | Georgia Tindley, fand RW contributor ‘Merrell athlete (082 RUNNERSWoRLO.COMMUK OCTOBER 2022 12 ‘Afyou're running 26.2, embrace the positive split While negative splits are an effective elite level racing strategy, the vast majority ofus willrun four hest marathon asightly positive Reaching halfway with buffer allows foraitle late-in-the-race slowing, rather than asking your body torun the second hnalf faster than the first? Rick Pearson, RW senior editor 13 § ==. aaa 14 bout the mind, Zone in on your “why” Experience has shown me its this “why” ‘hats the difference between afinish anda DNF. Is this “why” chat has tobe eleartoyou when you're hitting that wall. ‘Whats your reason to continue? Make it personal, ‘emotional, purposeful. For sme, it'salways about my ids, my grandkids and ‘my community. Keep your why" lose by and you can achieve greatness on the day - whatever your perception ofthat may be Sabrina Pace-Humphreys, tltrarunner and author of Black Sheep sup tig qa sea Soon ie ah oe na ‘During the race ‘even when you're pushing the pace -keep telling yourself torelax. This helps me to calm my breathing and feel relaxed and in control, even if Tam hurting” Jen Bozon, RW deputy digital editor is done. Allthae’s Ieftis for you to do your best. Don’ fll nto the trap ‘of comparing yourself with ‘others, worrying about previous times or thinking about people's expectations, ‘You cant change your ‘raining, shave your nutrition ready, havea plan and remember thacrace day isthe best partof the whole runningexperience” Robbie Britton, coach, GBultrarunner and author (of 1001 Running Tips TOP RACE TIPS | ‘Arunner once told me his pre-race routine included cutting his fingernails and toenails. | do that to this day. The weight-saving is iscule, but the marginal gains are psychological.” Jonny Muir, ultrarunner and author of The Mountains Are Calling mi 19-20 “Ifind the most QB taetateingtenn > doromaximise race day is get myselfinto therright headspace. The day before, lay out my kit and visualise every aspect ofrace day - waking up, breakfast, arriving atthe ‘ace, warming upand then ‘the race iself. [picture myself relaxed but focused, Drtsing my targets and saving my energy forthe tough spotsin the race, when [need it most. OF | Cou this easier if yout ve done all the training! also takea moment to ‘remind myself constantly tobe grateful for ru and, aboveall, enjoy it. Tesasimple pleasure. aul Tonkinson, comedian, RW columnist and sub-3:00 ‘marathoner ‘Race your own race, Keeping 0 your plan and ignoring others around you who might be going off faster than seems sustainable isthe key tokeeping your food and water down, and giving your best performance, James Elson, race director of Centurion Running: B= Al I Daring 3 marathon, [try tominimiseany unnecessary energy expenditure in the first haa. This means not dodging and weaving tomake up timeifit's crowded inthe First few rile, tryingto maintain asconsistenta paceas possible, not jumping over curbs, running the tangents atsharp corners soas not toslow down by hugging ‘hem too tightly trying to follow the painted racing Tine if possible (0 as not torun more than the distance) and planning sy move early when approaching water stations often avoiding the first part, where everyone tends obunch up so I don't hhave to break my stride by boeing forced to dodge other runners, Allo these things costa litle energy and you'll need to save as much ofthat as you can for the final few miles? Andy Dixon, RW editor-in-chief 23 “Afyou're feeling nervous in the lead-up toarace, ‘trytoremember the positives. Write down three things that have gone ‘well up to tha point, such asa good training session, ‘working outa nutrition strategy that is ideal for you or just some really enjoyable runs you've done inrecent months. When we set nervousbeforearace ‘we tend to think quite negatively, remembering the phantom niggles and dwelling on the things that Inaven't gone quite rightin ‘training. Write down those three things and you'll have positive houghts, tocatry into the race” Kate Carter, running coach, masters circuit ‘competitor and sub-3:00 ‘marathoner ~w ‘createa banging playlist for the big day. Music has always helped me to push through those tough moments when I start to flagand desperately ned ‘motivation boost. Just make sure you've picked tunes thae will keep your mood up and your pace ontrack” ‘Matilda Egere-Cooper, founder of Fly Girl Colleetive “To get yourself g inthe mood, doa Tight loosence ram theday before the event. ‘hen, on race day, complete some dynamic mbiliy rece whet et wake Span get ago bresktast inyou atleast two hours bere you sar riining Take care oot to overda yer ee pe as Un yourein danger ot fatiguing your oy before therace en begins ‘Mer that the inal ep istoviseaise postive tutcome abd enjoy i ‘Tim Benjamin chief product officer at With tnd former Team GB ‘lyme sprinter (054 RUNNERSWORLO.COM/UK OcTONER 2022 “Get several good Gis Teading upto therace and dowt do any last-minute prep theday before this vwlllead to anxiety and Poor sleep. Ensure vow fave a routine that et the race, ify need te up atéam on rae day, become used to getting up a 6am. “Foratleast afew days before race day, eat breakfast at the same me as you will need to before the event. This helps to get the guts ‘working so you ean open your bowels before you start racing - particularly important for ultras. “Ten minutes before therace,retie your shoelaces. Laces ean become loose, so always sgivemine a final tie to sgt them to just the right tension, and I tuck the bows under the laces in front to stop them coming undone. Sabrina Verjee, record- breaking ultrarunner ‘and author of Where There's Hill reese ere 33-37 Five tips for going long on the trails from Jonathan Albon, The North Face athlete, trail running world champion and Ultra Skyrunning world champion Pace yourself:‘S0 much damage can be eaused to your performance and enjoyment ofarace by starting too hard. Stay relaxed, use your watch to halp control your pace and/or heart rate and let others go if you feel tha staying with them willbe too much for you. uel from the very start: ‘Putting fuel in the tank from ‘he word “Go" (oreven before) will have abigimpacton your energy levels in the race. Tike to take a gel five minutes before the start and then follow astrict fuelling strategy, using the alarm function on smiy watch to keep me on track? ike before you need t “Most trail races include scetions of uphill where it's more efficient to hike than torun. Accept this and hike steeper hills before fatigue forces you to walk them? ‘Keep your focus: ‘Ifyour mind wanders, you may start ‘coasting and injuries can ‘happen, such as twisted ankles. ‘To avoid this, Ibreak my race down into sections, usually using aid stations as breakers, ‘so 'm focused on runningone section ata time as best ean’ ‘Smile when the going gets tough: ‘This can help you relax and make an unpleasant experience slightly more ‘manageable, Atsome pointin your race, it might fe! lke the ‘world is ending. Smile or even Jaugh lite, even ifiemeans you are laughing atthe ridiculous situation you've got yourself into” TOP RACE TIPS 38 42-43 14 45-46 ‘Aamuch as 300 “Engagein some “ifthe are ‘Acoupl ofitems Gmc & resection pccmaiors | feria da fete before the sce. Fnning oor housekeeping: ‘hemos common retson targettimeyusethem. | frst done tie your Practise running ingot runner stuggleon race Ketbestre poston | thodlaestoo ght. You race-doy est any Say poor pacing Look Yourselfalitieway back — | willwantyour shoo tebe tekrac ution and brekatyour taining foyoucanseethe fegbut | snug but do motbe tempted Sony anything es Getermine tease emoteaughtintheerush_ | toorerdoyour lacing onthe diy Not only docs pacing plan-In parcels, Tightbehindthe pacer | thinking you wile this keep the nerves Pan torwhat the fist Goniorger. yor chip ine | vale second 303 abaya limite the isk eo sm shou feel ike, Starts whenyoucrossthe | | havetostopand rele ofnishaps uring te race? aly mtheraceyoucan tino, Keep theigginsight | halfway through he race ‘Ab Woolston, Salomon being faster than your andyovllsave youre | Youle far more than arming Team GRahite boas ready fr and yee tnndrofmentalonergy and | afewseconds ify fect felsensy de wofreshegs incesantwristchecking, | xartto thro solo and adrenalin. soyoucanfoctsanform, | thatthe sound ke the Brawthingandthe aceline | heutbet of lovestrick “Ensure you're primed to ahead. You'll also stop cartoon wok perform by practising yourself setting out to0 fast Epreace waraap and paricularyvaluablein | “Second fyousweat-and hotel or friends hoa, ‘ution your traf, iarathone-andhavea | youdo~abat will help ‘hey might not have your that you can repeat on target to reelin when you | stop it from cascading ‘nual pre-race breakfast, face day. This should make yourfinal push? | into your eyes. Better yet, sobringyour own include physical work such doe Mackie, itwill prevent your sweat ensure you eaneat the low-intensity running, ivdepaty editor from dragging sunsereen Same prerace ul your Gris and strides, done in swith te Tha stuff stings body is used to, aspecific order, but may. like chillies. And tastes ale involve some mental much, much worse? scant race, apply processes and mantras, anti-chafe eream on your fuse orevenprticaar toesto reduce the chance emeplstogrir ALT] ofblistrs. And even fi trea erin eising llr feel cool slather on some iascpacanncaal . suncree soo oe fd ysis outnes “When race day arrives, teoussasneerete oe ite tine to celebrate: spss ringer “Tom Craggs, oad You've worked hard to foward Calvere, running manager i ttt 9 rmning manger prepare for this day. You are ‘and RW contributor ‘You needto listen & towhat your body needs, whether iesrestor loosening up. The day before Lseethe tall world recordin Kingston, Jamaica in 1975, Tha jst Finished 23 hours offing with four layover. 1 id eee fast 600s, jogged a SK and then rana 4410 mile That isn dea, butt knew that was sluggish and needed to doa shake-out Tha said 1 don't recommend putting inthatkind of workout the day before abigrace? Filbert Bayi, former mile WRholder and author of atch Me If You Can ready. Don’t overthink it. Enjoy the simplicity of running, smile when it’s hard and just keep moving your feet. Your brain is incredibly powerful, so if there are ever moments when you doubt yourself during the race, pick a positive mantra and put it on repeat. | usually go with, “This is fine. You're fine. Everything is fine.” Courtney Dauwalter, ultrarunner, Hardrock 100 Champion and SunGod ambassador << ‘OCTOBER 2089 RUNNERSWORLD.COMAIK 035. 3 MAINSTREAM RUNNING 0g THAI RICHARDS IS CREATING A NEW KIND OF RUNNING COMMUNITY WITH A RADICAL MISSION: TO DESTIGMATISE THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT WEED AND WELLNESS BEATRICE RICHARDS LEANS OVER THE TAPE AND CRANES HER NECK. IT'S TNOVEMBER 2021, AND SHE'S STAKED OUT A SPOT ON THE CORNER OF LAFAYETTE AND BEDFORD AVENUES IN BROOKLYN, JUST PAST MILE 9 OF THE NEW YORK CITY MARATHON. HER SON, THAI, SHOULD BE ALONG ANY SECOND. Beatrice wasn't always therefor Thai, She had him a 16; by 23, she was working long hours a the post office. As a single mum, Beatrice was determined to make a good life for herself and her son, ‘That meant finishing college and holding down ajob, sometimes sore than one. le meant sacrifices, Beatrice lef for work early, leaving ‘Thai to get himself to school. Often he stayed home. Still, Beatrice always believed in her son. Life could be hard, but he was strong, Beatrice holds up a sign: Hey Mr Rager, referring to Rage ‘& Release, the eannabis-centred lifestyle community Thai founded in 2017, The group meets up often to meditate, do breachwork, share meals and run the streets of Brooklyn, Beatrice was furious ‘he irsttime she caught Thai with weed, He insisted that she had nothing to worry abot. Inher other hand, Beatrice holds her phone ready to take a photo as Thai runsby. The moments significant. In his ate teens and early twenties, Thai could have easily landed in prison or been killed Instead, at the age of 30, he's the literal face ofthe 2021 New York City Marathon, But starring ina major ad campaign isn't the kind of influence that motivates Thai His focus is more intimate, With Rage {€ Release, he has created space for a community ta coalesce around ‘8 common interest in running and using cannabis not to zone ou, bbutto be present and talk about physical and mental health, Butthis is more than story about running and cannabis. I's about a mother and ason, and the memory of father who never had the chance tobea dad. I's about creating something new out ofthe ‘material that’s all around you, simply by recognising a need and forming a community 1 by ost and finding your way, and doing iton your own terms against the odds e's about resilience ‘© > GROWING PAINS ‘THAI AND HIS FRIEND WANTED To sHOOT HOOPS, but they didn't havea ball, Thai spent his childhood shuttling hetween Brooklyn housing projects, but on this day he was livin, ‘one ofthe most murderous blocks in Brookly was afield not too far away where they'd dump He and his friend went inside to get abal. Down narrow hallway they eached his friend's apartment. Inside, the bathroom ddoor was open; the bos’s father was siting onthe toilet, with a thick, rubber tourniquet strapped around his bicep, plunged into a vein in is forearm. They found a ball outside, He was seven years old Beatrice may oF may not have known where Thai was, It was jst, like, know my mom loves me and my family loves me, but there wasn too much engagement, he says. For Thai, family was sn assemblage of cousins, grandparents aunts and uncles. Thai's father, Henry, did alot of things. He was a hustler’ says Thai. He cut hair, fixed ears, was a great student and athlete. He did what a mistook Henry forthe friend, ‘who was notorious for robbin’ shit), Thai says. ‘They both of in, dark skin, braids’The shop owner shot Henry inthe heart He died i Thai learned to take care of himself; he had no choice, From the age of seven, he was riding Greyhound buses upstate to Ithaca to visit his uncle alone! always been comfortable ust moving around by myself he says, ‘moving forward in my ‘By age 10, Thai decided he'd had enough. On 1 September 2001, he was at school in Brooklyn when two planes flew into the World ‘Trade Center. His teacher wheeled a television into the classroom and Thai sat and watched the billows of smoke, the charred bits of office paper floating down like confetti, the streams of people coming over the Brooklyn Bri I gotta get up out of herey he says, Beatrice’ sister, kim, had village 50 miles away covered in ash ‘Loas like, man, recently moved to Greenwood Lab and Thai asked ifhe could go and ‘And so, a lack kid from eas Bi in white suburbia, Greenwood Lal know the suburbs. Either you're doing sports or you're doing drugs oryu're doing both, Thai says. By th time he reached middle school, most of Tha’ friends had discovered cocaine, then opioids, and eventually heroin, © > FRESH PERSPECTIVE sand himself living ne bt dull "You 5 ORHEROIN. Notafter what red; heneeded something and eventually discovered Ihe seen inthe projets, But e fl is He started running around the town nearby Harriman State Park, a 47,500-acre wooded preserve with Takes, beaches and miles and miles of hiking trail, “Running through the woods changed my perspective immediately says That, sho fs fe 4in and moves with the poise ofa dancer. ‘The nature, the fresh ar, the rocks, just ike, you know, dipping and diving over roots and just being immersed in nothing ese “Thai liked that he could run alone; he liked being in motion. He didn't see himselfas a runner, hough. His future was basketball He idolised NBA greats Regge Miller and Ray Allen, and he knew he had to run if he wanted tobe great, Reggie Miller always sai if you can outrun your opponents you ean always score thing with Ray Allen. So,1 was ike, want Thai knew that his friend George onthe high-school team smoked weed, so one day, he decided to join him. teas sahazy, beautiful spring day. "You had the trees, fresh aie, the Take was right there..che vibe wasso pleasant,Thai says ofthat first THAI SAYS experience smoking cannabis. He remembers that they shot some hoops before leaving to go back to George's house: George's family hhad everything. ‘There's chess, there's Scrabble, there's drums, Thai sas. "You didn’ just goto George's house to smoke. You smoked and you were productive, you did something: By his early teens, Tha believed he could gosll the way and become a probesketbal player one day So, he decided to start cross-country running for fitness and one September afternoon, just before the bus departed forthe first race ofthe year, Th ‘ducked behind the school to stoke a joint. Then he hopped on the bus, joked with his teammates and arrived at the course “Thai did afew drill, strode out and toed the line, A the sound ‘ofthe gun, he flew across the open field, his spikes ehuraing up lumps of dirt, and took the lead. For the next five kilometres, not fone runner passed him, It was just him, his breath, his rhythm He won the race in 17.02, '‘And Iwas like, I don think lever want torum sober again, he says, his eyes sparkling at the memory CLOUDY ISSUE CCAKNARINOIDS, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF eBp, have been on the World ‘Anti-Doping Agency's (WADAY banned substances list since 2004, alongwith EPO (erythropoietin, steroids and cocaine. Margaret Haney, a professor of neurobiology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, where she also diets the Cannabis Research Laboratory has described WADAYS evidence to justify the ban as ‘extraordinarily weak’ I's anecdotal at best and moralistic at worst raising a number of questions about how exactly cannabis improves ‘performance, In fact, 2011 WADA paper elaims that while eannabis could have a postive effect on sports performance, using the drug. can also slow reaction times, decrease coordination and impair psychomotor activity - which are some of the reasons the agency uses to defend the ban, as cannabis may be ‘harmful athletes. Last summer, the isue gained international attention when US sprinter Sha’Carri Richardson was given a month's suspension after a positive test for THC, the primary psyehoactive compound inccannabis,ac the US Olympic Trials, where she won the 100m in 1086 seconds, Iteost her her place atthe Tokyo Olympics eliciting cacophony of support and derision from the public Im September 2021, WADA announced it would review its ban bon cannabinoids, In doings, the governing body will have to define exactly what performance-enhaneing’ means. Yes, cannabis ‘might make an athlete fee good, but that’s not the same thing as ‘performance-enhaticin’ as we typically understand the term, In 2018, the University of Colorado published a study of 605 athletes who se cannabis, just over 80% reported that while they heir performance, itdid inevease ther ise more enjoyable. If that makes {did noe fel ieimprove motivation and made exe cannabis a performance enhancer, then why not anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, none of which are on WADAS list? CChris Barnicle isa former professional long-distance runner with a half-marathon PB of 62 minutes. He began using cannabis atschool now 35, hesays that having alitle weed before a run “YOU HAVE TO FOCUS ON BLACK AND BROWN COMMUNITIES BECAUSE WELLNESS IS TOTALLY OUT OF REACH FOR THEM,’ ‘makes him ‘feel ike Superman. Not that have so much speed, or that Ym flying, bttharall the negative thoughts just sor of disappear: Barnicle equates cannabis to something else he consumes daly coffe, ‘Caffeine will get my heart rate up, and cannabisisgoingto mute allthe doubt and turn that into positivity’ he says. Unlike many substances on WADA’ list, such as HGH (human growth hormone) ses bone mass and boosts testosterone, which builds abis causes no physiological or biclogieal changes in the body. But, Barnicle says, ‘Its going to enhanee, for a certain person, that positivity, chat we you need as an athlete to he unstoppable ‘BROKEN DREAMS BASKETBALL SCOUTS SOON HAD THEIR EVES ON THA. His future as the next Regie Miller was coming into focus. Ie was toe a dream come true until irbecame a dream deferred, then a dream nravelled. Thais ‘mum decided he should move back to Brooklyn, The way Beatrice remembers it, Kim had a new boyfriend who didn’t want Thai around, Aer six years of learning to fit into mostly white community to the hood,’he says, got people telling me, you sound ikea white dude Thai sank into depression, He stopped playing basketball. Ie was too hard t stand out in New York and he didh’'t have an established shai ad to relearn how to fit into a flack one, “Whe I come b support system and connections like he did upstate. He kepe running, buthedidn’t ow any other runners in Brooklyn, They were all way older or way whiter. Usually both, He started cutting class, Going from a small school where his teachers looked out fr him, .one ‘with enormous elasses where Tai fle anonymous, was “huge culture shoek’ he says "Ie was difficult for me co find my groove. ‘He missed getting lost in thought on long runs through the woods. "lewas lke, I got to figure out myselfas a Black person and asa human being overall, Running helped me fee like I had control lover something’ Cannabis helped, co, he says. Itmade him more {ntrospective, He began to think about his past, and how to square that with his aspirations forthe future, ‘It's really hard as young Black men and young Hlack women to find balance, he says, when yout have ta constantly think about all the struggle of your environment and then the traumas you grew up with, “The relationship between cannabis and mental heath is tough topin down. The plantcontains more chan 100 eannabinoids, whose various combinations and concentrations create a huge range of effects, and not all are psychotropic. This makes it impossible ro analyse cannabis aa singular substance orto issue categorical ‘truths about its use, Some stxles suggest itean be an effective ‘treatment for depression, anxiety, ost-traumati stress disorder, borat least exacerbates, those very conditions. In 201, Jonathan even opioid addiction, while others have hypothesised th I Stes, apsychologist specialising in addietive and psychiatric disorders, wrote a round-up of the current research for Scientific “American, titled Is Cannabis Good Or Bad For Mental Health? The answer, according to the literature, ean be summarised ass UCAS “Thai started meditating, Sometimes, he'd cut class and goto tai chi At night, he'd smoke weed and run loops in Prospect Park, a526-sere fasis in Brooklyn, where it was less likely he might run into trouble, He says he was stopped by the police often enough ast was, always for something he hadn't done, just fr fitting the profil: 6f in, 145¢ Bib. Black, He had to ply isa, especialy if he was earrying weed TURNING POINT ‘CANNAGIS WAS DECRIMINALIGED IN NEW YORK IN 1977, bt that never rcant it was legal i simply meant having litle wouldn't result in jail time, at least not until che third offence. But you could still get, Arrested, and the arrests almost always fell long racial lines. The [New York City Police Department statistics from 2020 show that lack and brown people represented 94% ofall arrest for cannabis possession in New York City (NYC), despite the fat thar white people use cannahis at roughly the same rates as other groups, according to data from the American Civil Liberties Union. Every time Thai was earrying alittle weed, he was gambling with his future. Once you havea record, things get hard; he says [New York legalised recreational ennnabis for adults aged 21 and older in Mareh 2021, but the law has its Himits: ies aerkme to possess more than ehree ounces (85g), and anything over eight ounces (around 226g) isa felony, punishable by upto four years inprison. The penalties get harsher as quantities increase “To this day, Thai has no record. Call itluck, or maybe providence. Inhis ate teens, he started selling enough weed to be charged with a felony ifeaught. Ie was a way to make eash and ensure his own product was natural and clean, Synthetic weed was flooding the ‘market, sending people to hospital, o into psychosis and seizures Dealing was never Thai's sole hustle. At18, he started going on adel eating calls; he signed with an agency, booking jobs with [ike and Adidas, He supplemented hisincome with eatering and security gigs He worked at some of New York's most exelusive clubs sometimes, he sold weed to their clientele, Stl, he struggled to find place to live, He erashed with friends or girlfriends often in the same housing projects he grew up in In November 2012, just after Hurricane Sandy tore through NYG, Thai setup adeal to sell ahalf pound 2268) to someone he dida’t know well, He led Thai into a large apartment building ‘with multiple entrances, amaze of hallways and emergency exis Thai’ pulse was steady. He'd been in lots of empty hallways with strangers, exchanged many bundles of cash for weed. He rarely felt intimidated, He had six inches on most guys and, if he had to, could outrun just about anyone Allofasitdden, ‘wo other homies popped out of nowhere Thai says, One pressed gun into Thai's temple, Running wash’ an option They took the weed and lft, Street value: $1,800 (around £1,500). Thai was angry but not at those whol rabbed him. "allowed someon to have my life their hands, nd that made me truly uncomfortable he says. felt ike I had humiliated my own set He resolved to pay his supplier back and to find anew path. He knew ‘where this one might lead, He didn't want to wind up lke his father {And running, as always, was his rock. Ie was the ‘only way that P've been able to.cope’, he says, rmay have even saved his life ‘ANEW PATH “THAI WENT FULL THROTTLE WITH NIKE, Soon, he wasn shop windows, and after that, working atthe flagship store. ‘That's where Lmet ‘most af the running community, he says. Between modelling, catering and security, Thai made good money, and ie was al legit too. But he stil struggled to meet the tough criteria that NYC ‘OCTOBER 2C2® RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK O41 landlords require in order to rentoutan partment. ‘Then, in 2015, he landed Nike modelling gig that paid $10,000 (around £8,300) for a week's work, ‘enough to ay down two months’ rent, plus double the security and he finally managed torent an apartment 2 friend, This move afforded him ebitof stability inan otherwise chaotic life ‘He began training forthe New York City Marathon. He'd applied through the lottery but didn't get in, so he bought bib online and ran under someone else's name, He finished in 2:50, a stunning. ‘ime for someone of Thai's size, buteelebrations were short-lived. Notlong after that race, Thai and his roommate hada falling out, He was back on the streets. Thai’ fitness took hit I's hard to maintain a healthy diet, regular sleep and consistent training when you have nowhere to live. tut he stil wanted to rn his hometown marathon, and in 2016, after not getting in through the lottery again, he bought nother bi online. This one, he soon found out, was counterfeit: ‘an official spotted iin the stare pen and the New York Road ‘Runners (NYRR) banned Thai from races for the next ro years But Thai didnt need NYRR to run, What he did need was a community of like-minded people, and he wasn’t finding itin ‘the New York running scene. He knew that he wasnt alone ‘Rage & Release started small Initially, it was just a few people meeting up to run, meditateand smoke some weed, not ‘necessarily in that order. In its first couple of years twas aside projeet for Thai and though he knew he'd landed on something, hae didn’ realise its potential. That all changed in 2017, however, ‘when he first met Kenisha (Kenny) White. Kenny had come to ‘THE “POWERFUL BLACK MAN” IS TRENDY RIGHT NOW,’ HE SAYS. ‘| KNOW I’M A TOKEN’ [New York from Virginia two years prior fora three-day vsitand never left She met Thai through running, which she took up just ater she first moved tothe cty.‘T always used to say Td only ran if was being chased,’ she jokes. Thal shared his vision for Rage & Release and the people be wanted itto serve, Thais modelling and security wor had introduced him ra hncuries he'd never knovrn grossing up. For him, that was the core ofthe problem. "You have to focus on Black and brown communities, because wellness is cotally out of reach for them he says. Kenny had extensive experience managing brand activation and projets fora number of companies, including The North Face and Red Bull. She had some ideas and joined Rage & Release asco-founder. She created a website and set up an Instagram account. They wrote business plan and got serious. Thai's side project was becoming s mission, ‘The vibe ata Rage & Release run is relaxed. Asrunners wait forthe lights to change, a few take turns doing pull-ups on awalk sign. Thai might drop 0 che pavement for some press-ups. Along, the way, he'll retrieve a joint from behind his ea, fick a lighter, take a pull and resume running. ‘Alteran easy jaunt, the group will convene ina vacant lt in Crown Heights. Rows of exereise mats line the rectangular space, ‘makeshift urban sanetuaty nestled int a strip of auto-repair shops and repurposed garages, Thai will lead a progeamme of postrun stretching, deep breathing and meditation before sharing the rest ofthe joint with whoever wants to partake. Leadership comes naturally to Thai, Ronald Peet, who started running with Rage & Release in June 2020, says he was ‘completely ‘esmerised’ the first time he saw Thai, He looked like a superhero and had the energy ofa teddy bear’ be says. As central as running is to Rage & Release, Thai says i's only apiece of their grand plan. They want to open aspace in central [Brooklyn tobe accessible to lower-income neighbourhoods sich as East New York and Brownsville. They've begun curatingart exhibitions, holding meditation cieles and developing programmes ‘around cannabis and wellness education, They've even organised dinner partes with private chefs that pair different cuisines in the same meal, They eal the dinners Bang Bangs and like many things in Thai’ life, he says they were inspived by the multicultural stew af Guyana, where his mother's family eome from. Thai says he hopes thatthe Bang Bangs wll help to inspire deeper, more intentional engagement with food ~ not unlike his approach to eannabis.‘Consumption is what humans do: consti, constme, consume, constme, he says. But we get so caught up in the mainstream that we don't even know what's 00d for us any more "None of the dishes atthe last Bang Bang were infused with cannabis, though ie’ usually present at Rage & Release events Thomas Llaurado, who has gone on more than 20 Rage runs, says that big part of what Thai does is give everyone the space tashape the experience as they wish, Although cannabis is always weleomed, Thomas says, its never pushed on anyone, @> PLAYING THE GAME ‘we Day STARTS OUT oR, but by a perfec, golden afternoon, Thai has invited sme over toh place fr tea, He lives ina tidy ‘apartment with Kenay, his cousin CJ, his Aunt Boo and two shi taus. I was blessed {enough that everyone in our house now has the right paperwork and ereditscores he says ‘We've made plans to go for arun frst, cup oftea and alitle sativa, a strain of eannabis known for its energising, uplifting effects perfect way to prepare body and mind, As Isp on the warm herbal concoction Thai has prepared, we share a jointand talk about the provenance of the weed we're smoking rom a small, organie fem upstate). tll him about Barniele's beiefin cannabis’ ability to mate self-doubt, and Thai nods. also say that while I've used cannabis ‘myself since high school and started running a 23, 've never once sun high, He nods again and smiles. He'sheard that one before ‘hai puts on a playlist of 1970s Nigerian Funk and 1990s hip-hop, ‘channelled through a speaker in his backpack, 1 asc him what pace he’ planning, ‘Seeing as I'm just waking up, 73057 he says. And we set off through the streets of Brooklyn Immediately, my 46-year-old body feels lighter than it normally does atthe start ofa run, We cover the first mile in just under eight ‘minutes, then 6:40, then 6:13, We dida’ttalk about speeding up ithappened organically all into step with Thai's cadence ashe ‘uides us, wordlessly, through che leafy blacks of Clinton Hill ‘over the Manhattan Bridge and into Lower Manhattan, While it doesn’t fel easier than any other run acthe sare pace, it clicks Lifferenly | fel in harmony with myself, with Thai, with the city, We seem to simply float through ial. ‘On the train back to Brooklyn, we talk about organisations sch as NYRR tryingto capitalise on Thai's image. Hesays he's happy to play the game. need to eat, too” he says, but he's not naive, “The ‘powerful Black man” is trend right now, Thai says.‘T know T'm token’ We also discuss declarations of supporting the community” that have become fashionable in corporate messaging, about how lot ofits just opportunistic woke-washing. ©» STRIDING FORWARDS: BEATRICE PEERS DOWN LAFAYETTE AVENUE. A smattering of runners ‘morphs into dozens, then hundreds, then thousands, She is looking for just one, Although Fd come to watch the marathon with Kenny, meeting Beatrice and seeing her proudly wave her Flagin support of her son, is aweleome surprise. Thal inherited her eyes, honest and kind, ler smile, warm and broad, Her demeanour, calm and direct, Beatrice isn't surprised Thai is such a talented runners she ran track herself, Nori she surprised hy what he's doing with Rage & Release, Ambition runs in the family. Beatrice pu herself through school when Thai was litle, ‘earning a business degr at Kingsborough Community College and later taking courses at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Ater working the past 20 years at New York's notorios Rikers Island jail, she's about toretire as. eaptainin the corrections department, She says she always knew, even when she first caught Thai with weed, thache wouldn't land there, He’salways known his limit, she says. He's always been smart. ‘And what about Rage? love it she says. just hope he ean set the word out, get some more investment. She doesnt know 1'm writing this article, Tashavn's too modest, she says, using the name she gave him at birth, He hasnt told her Suen, Thai Flies past us, mere ines from the kerb, He knew that Beatrice and Kenny would be there so got as clase as possible. Beatrice whoops as she holds her sign high and snaps A photo, Thai pumps his fist in the ai and gives Kenny a quick high five, then eruiseson to Hedford Aventie The sub-3:00 pace group follows close behind, noe that That is paying attention. He doesn’t need a pace group. He has his rhythm. Hell ultimately finish in 3:08, exactly what he'd predicted Later that day, Thai posts a photo on Instagram of himself smoking 8 joint, wearing his post-race poncho, along with the caption, “The stigma around cannabis as we know is changing yearly due toscience and ms like me who showease anything’ possible withthe right lifestyle e's not what you do, i’s how you doi On the Tuesday after the race, Thai lights a small bundle of sage and weleomesa group of around 30 to Rage. He says a blessing for everyone who ran New York and leads the group in some breathwork andl warm-up exercises, Then, he ells them the route of the easy three-mile loop, walks outside, lights aoint and starts run, (OCTOBER 2088 RUNNEREWORLD.COM/UK 045 TRIED AND TESTED amazin nutrition hacks! (FOR RUNNERS WHO LOVE FOOD) WERE NOT HERE TO PUSH PROHIBITIVE, MONOTONOUS MEAL PLANS IN A BID TO (MEET SHORT-TERM HEALTH GOALS, FAR BETTER, WE THINK, TO FLL UP ON THE FARE THAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD AND WILL POWER BODY AND SOLE IN THE LONG RUN, TO THAT END, WE'RE SERVING UP A MONTH'S WORTH OF SMART NUTRITION TIPS FROM THE LATEST SCIENCE AND MOST FLAVOUR-FILLED COOKBOOKS FILL UP ON FUEL BETTER o2 05 ‘SCORE YOUR SIX A DAY KNOW YOUR ONIONS “SQ, ‘Think you eat plenty. They're a top source AE of fruit and veg? Work cof immunity-boosting ac inne more portion. antcridants, butrot OG Sp People who ate the most that easy on the eye. “ae + emcee ee Cote ey next few tips... 06 OR JUST ROAST GROW YOUR OWN THOSE ONIONS WHOLE If you're bored of the seg ry Romer Tn cooxeoLeTucE sree ener ‘oven till tender (about stir-fry or ome ‘add the leaves of 4a head of iceberg lettuce, ‘Toss, then add 1 sliced garlic clove, soya sauce, fish sauce, rice vinegar, black pepper and toasted sesame seeds. Cook till charred; serve. 4hre). Remove, let cool ‘and peel off any burnt bits. Douse with more 2, then serve. ooking At Home by Dovid Chong and Priva Keisha 04 68 MACRO-DoSE eles va er ut Pour bag of spinach if you know what to do with them. Try ‘adding @ handful to your shake - they're heart-healthy, but also contain natural cls that ‘make your smoothie that bit smoother, ays dietitian Dr Chris Mohr. into a large oiled wok ‘on a medium-high heat. Cook till wilted, about 2 mins. Season with salt, black pepper and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Serve with your choice Of protein and some tasty grains or flatbreads. 09-13 ’ Bae gs Ontysxot « oye us get our Ta er recommended » nas 4 Here are five Quick dessert Pod power Pre-gymsnack — Onthe go smote Bethe |e aM (046 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK OCTOBER 2922 \ Y S —_ HARNESS PUFA POWER PUFAs (polyunsaturated, fatty acids) have been ‘shown to be protective against cardiovascular disease via reducing inflammation (among ‘other things). To get your fil, load up on walnuts, sunflower seeds and salmon. 16 EATTHE eal ‘OF THE) RAINBOW Greens are grest, but people who regularly ate from the full colour peppers and apples “had @ 20% lower risk of cognitive dectine ‘compared with those who didrit, found @ 2021 study published in the journal Neurology. 7 FRUIT-IFY YOUR SALAD This recipe hits the ‘sweet spot on the colour scale, On a baking ‘ay, roast 115g salami (chopped and sliced) in 200°C oven till erisp 40 t0 20 mins). Ina bowl, add 1 cantaloupe (chopped), 80g pickled chillies (iced) with ‘cured olives (chopped). ‘Top with the salami. Big Little Recies > 18-22 ASMARTER WAY TO ADD FLAVOUR Dinner tasting blander than a thrice-discounted ready meal? Mix things Lp with health-boosting taste-onhancers. Cumin seeds ‘These bring savoury emokiness. loom whole feeds in hot oll ae 8 fragrant base for curios, Chaat masala tangy, funky and fruity spice blond. Try ton fult ‘oF boiled potatoos, or with ‘lmond butter on Asafoetida Cooked in fat, this spice adds a pungent, savoury taste, A dash boosts the flavour of onions and garlic, UPGRADE, ‘YOUR BLENDER For soups, sauces, ‘smoothies or purees, the Ninja 2-in-1 came ‘out top in our testing, Its Auto-i@ tech offers three handy preset programmes to tick off most needs. And most importantly, its ‘easy to clean, t00, } 4 | Furtkake ange of A dried Japanese ‘mix avalable in @ varieties, Try a» Ce ae Szechuan peppercorns ‘Thoy'e spicy, ina numbing way ~ and fantastic sprinkled over ‘cubed cucumber (048 RUNNERSWORLD.COM/UK OCTOBER 2022 POWER UP YOUR MICROWAVE 4 No more don't have time to cook’ excuses. Ina large glass bow, microwave 4509 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (8 to 40 mins). In pan, cook seme onion’ ‘and garlic in oil (1 min). ‘Add 2 rashers of bacon (chopped); cook til crisp (Sto 5 mins). Add @ big handful of spinach and the chicken (Cut into pieces), then ‘600k for 5 mins. Cooking At Home TIP THE PROTEIN SCALES FUEL BETTER 26 ) 4 =f RETHINK WHAT ‘COUNTS’ ‘AS A SERVING OF FRUIT ‘OR VEGETABLES Work in these options, says Dr Mohr: 909, lives, 110g salsa, 110g tomato sauce, ‘glass vegetable j a handful of raisins fine COMES THESUN A twist on sunflower seeds: roast with oil, salt ‘and seasoning (brown sugar, chil, cumin, cinnamon) and eat as, a snack or a topper for soups, salads and noodles. 27 IFVOU'RE THINKING "SALMON AGAIN’. Try salmon porchotta Season 2 skn-on salmon fillets with salt. Mix tsp black papper, tsp crushed fennel seeds, Toerle clove (minced), 1 isp chopped rosemary, the zest of lemon and 2 tbsp olive ol, Add the fish, skin sie down, to large, hot, eled pan and top with the mic Gril i juley, about 6 mins 28 HITTHE SAUCE ‘An easy way to odd flavour. Here's David Chang's favourite savoury mix: ina bowl, add a glug of soya sauce, plus a sweetener (sugar, agave syrup, honey), ‘ pureed apple (or, some pineapple juice), a drizzle of toasted sesame ol, afew garlic cloves (mined), some ginger powder and Black pepper. Add salt ifrneeded, then the meet, and get cooking Cooking At Home az 30 DON'T FORGET TO ENJOY YOUR FOOD For Dr Moby, that means a purposeful weekly trip to the doughnut shop with hie daughters and homemade pizza every Friday night. ‘I don’ have “cheat met he says, ‘My di healthy, and it isn't _Flavour-Enhaneot R devoid of joy, either ‘OCTOBER 2082 RUNNEREWORLD.COM/UK 049, a ictory is great; friendship is greater To mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of history's greatest runner, we celebrate alife anda legacy that remain timely and vital. Beyond the medals and the records, Emil Zatopek still shows us what truly matters in sport and in life WORDS BY RICHARD ASKWITH (050 RUNNERSWORLD.COMMKOCTORER 2022 Brussels, nearly ‘July, around 400 runners took partin ‘rather unusual 5K ace ts distinctive feature was that na fone ran more than 2.5km, Instead, runners competed as two-person teams, in duo race whose purpose, according to the organisers, was to symbolise friendship. "Not ust any friendship, buta particular fone, between two long-dead athletes: Emil iopek, the Czechoslovak four-time Olympic ‘champion and, many believe, the grestest ‘runner of the 20th century, and bis closest rival, the Frenchman, Alain Mimoun, The Gzech and French ambassadors tothe EU formed one ofthe slower teams, Afterwards, atthe same Trois Tilleuls stadium where in1954 Ztopek became the first runner to break the 29-minute barrier for 10,000m, they spoke ofthe friendship between their nations, But the star ofthe show was Email Zatopek, and, specifically, his uniquely ienerous-hearted approach to running ‘The same weekend, nearly 800 miles away {na Moravian backwater on the Czech border ‘with Slovakia, amonths-long programme tomark the centenary of Zitopek’s birth continued with aconcert, and a race in his hometown of Kopfivnice. The programme culminates on 17 September, two days before ‘itopek’sbirthday, withthe annual 22.3km ‘ace in his honour ~ fom his birthplace to his lastrestingplae in Roznov pod Radhodtéen. Here, too there's anemphasisthis year on friendship, withthe option ofrunningin either two- or three-person teams CCutto England and, on the same day, ‘Thames Valley Harriers are launching a new event in Zitopek’s honour. The main race is a5K, butthere are also shorter races for younger age groups. Money raised by the ‘event, which begins at the Linford Christie Stadium in Wormwood Serubs, will go cowards anew Zéopek Athletic Fellowship {ofund the development of young athletes from disadvantaged communities in the area. But again, thisis nt just about sport; the organisers hope ‘to support and ignite the sporting and personal atributes that Zitopek represented in young, talented athletes that sttive to follow in his footsteps. In France, the musical Cotrir based on bestselling novel about Zétopek,has been playing o packed houses for months. Is the ‘man, noc the medals, thae draws them in. In the US, the great and good of the running ‘world have been gathering for special sereenings of Zétopek, David Ondéek’s smulti-award-winning feature film about Zitopek’s life, which has broken box-office roeords inthe Czech Republic buthas not yet been launched to English-speaking audiences, (The stars, Vielay Newland Martha Isova, were starters forthe Brussels duo race) As forthe Ztopek:10, Australia’s ‘most prestigious 10,000m race, that was ran forthe sist time athe Lakeside stadium in Melbourne earlier this yea, “Zitopek isnt the only runner to have hnad arace or two (ra stadium) named after him, but ehere is something unique sbout ‘he warmth and enthusiasm with whieh, century ater his birth the world still remembers him. No doubs this has something todowith his sheer stature as an athlete: in 2013, Runner's World named him the greatest ‘runner ofall time, He set 18 world records, ‘won four Olympic golds (@hree of them ina ‘unique distanee-running treble in 1952) and revolutionised the sport with his pioneering training methods. But thats nor where the warmth comes from, nor the enthusiasm, What matters about Emil Zitopck is not shat he di, but how he did i Perhaps you remember. For runners of ‘my generation, i's ard not to. He was the patron saint of ur sport, an athlete whose charisma permeated the fabric of mid-20th- century life, justas Muhammad Ali's did a decade or so later. We know that Zétopek’s five Olympic medals (the ather was silver) barely hint at his dominance or his inspiring personality But for others too young to have absorbed his legend, here's high-speed ‘summary. Emil Z4topek was hora in poverty jn 922. He had no particular giftfor speed, ‘but was bullied into running asan t-year-old working na sweatshop-cum-factory under ‘Nazi occupation, found he was quite good atit and decided to make himself better. Guided only by his own determination and inventiveness, he developed a system of high-volume, high-intensity interval training that noone else had dreamed of - and which many people considered robe mad, Ie-worked, Atthe 1948 London Olympics, 25-year-old Zétopek won gold inthe 10,000m so emphatically thatthe timekeepers became confused by all the lapped and relapped runners and recorded times only forthe first eight finishers. A lapse of concentration

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