English Plus 1 Tests

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Diagnostic test Test A

Listening 5 Write the months in the correct places. (4 marks)

August July March May November
1 1.01 Listen and choose the correct words.
(10 marks) January, February, March, April,
The students are in class 1B / 1C / 1A. (1) _______________, June, (2) _______________,
1 Carla / Emma / Luke is from Mexico. (3) _______________, September, October,
2 Mrs White is a(n) nice / boring / interesting
(4) _______________, December.
3 Luke’s desk is near the window / under the
clock / next to Carla’s desk.
Language focus
4 Luke’s books are on his desk / under his chair /
6 Complete the sentences. Add an apostrophe (’)
in his bag. or ’s. (10 marks)
5 Carla’s desk is next to Emma’s / Luke’s / Mrs
This is David’s book. (David / book)
White’s desk.
These are the boys’ DVDs. (the boys / DVDs)
1 These are _______________. (the students /
Vocabulary chairs)
2 This is _______________. (Tom / ruler)
2 Match the adjectives with the opposites.
(6 marks) 3 These are _______________. (the girls / pens)
1 good a expensive 4 This is _______________. (Joanna / book)
2 nice b boring 5 This is _______________. (the teacher / bag)
3 cheap c bad
4 popular d small 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
5 interesting e unpopular box. Do not use one of the words. (10 marks)
6 big f difficult my her his its our their your
7 easy g horrible
My name is Kasia. I’m thirteen.
3 Complete the crossword with classroom 1 This is my teacher. _______ name is Mr Brown.
objects. (6 marks)
2 You don’t sit next to the window. _______ desk
P is near the door.
E N 3 This is my classroom. _______ door is red.
2 3
W N C 4 Josh and I are brothers. _______ dad is a
teacher at this school!
P T 5 The girls’ books aren’t on the desks. _______
books are on the shelves.
D T R 8 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
Will and I are here. Will is with I / me / them.
6 1 Tim and Sophie are here. Tim is with she / him /
2 Martin is with my brothers. Martin is with they /
them / their.
4 Complete the missing days of the week.
(4 marks) 3 Mrs White is in the classroom. Ben and I are in
the classroom. Mrs White is with us / our / we.
Monday, Tuesday,
4 You aren’t in Gina’s class. Gina isn’t in a class
1 W_______________,
with our / you / your.
2 T_______________,
5 I’m in class A. You’re next to me / I / my.
3 F_______________,
4 S_______________, Sunday.
Diagnostic test Test A

9 Complete the sentences with the affirmative and aren’t big green boring door Ireland is
negative forms of be. (5 marks) isn’t small
They’re in my school. ()
Dara is from Ireland.
1 You ______ in my English class. ()
1 Dara’s sister _______________ in Dara’s class.
2 My ruler ______ white. ()
2 Dara’s class is _______________.
3 Lola and I ______ cousins. ()
4 I ______ French. () 3 Her teacher isn’t _______________.
5 He ______ my dad. () 4 Dara’s desk is near the _______________.
5 Mr O’Grady’s chair is _______________.
10 Write questions using be. Then write true
short answers. (10 marks)
your bag / red Communication
Is your bag red? No, it isn’t.
12 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.
1 you / a student (10 marks)
And what’s this in English? How do you say
2 your books / on your / desk ‘buch’ in English? How do you spell that? It’s
_________________________________________ It’s a Sorry, can you say that again?
3 your best friend / from Spain
_________________________________________ A How do you say ‘buch’ in English?
4 you / fifteen years old B I think it’s ‘book’.
_________________________________________ A (1) ____________________________________
5 English classes / difficult
B Yes, it’s ‘book’.
A (2) ____________________________________

B B-O-O-K.
A Thanks. (3) _____________________________
11 Read the text. Then complete the sentences on the
right. Use five of the words. (10 marks) B (4) ________ ruler. Where’s your ruler?

A (5) ________ in my bag.

My name’s Dara, and I’m twelve. My family and I Writing
live on a small island in Ireland. There are 360
people on the island! 13 Complete the table. Then write five sentences
There is one school on the island. I’m in class 1B, about yourself. (10 marks)
but my sister’s in a different class. In 1B, there are Your name
twelve students and one teacher. It isn’t a very
big class! The teacher’s name is Mr O’Grady. Your age
He’s a good teacher, and he’s really interesting.
Your city
In my classroom, there are twelve chairs and
twelve desks. My desk is near the door and Mr Your favourite
O’Grady’s desk is in front of the board. His chair book
is different. It’s green, but our chairs are black.
Mr O’Grady’s favourite colour is green! It’s a nice Your favourite TV
classroom. There are posters on the walls and programme
books and DVDs on the shelves.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Diagnostic test Test B
Listening 5 Write the months in the correct places. (4 marks)

August July March May November

1 1.01 Listen and choose the correct words.
(10 marks) January, February, March, April,
The students are in class 1B / 1C / 1D. (1) _______________, June, (2) _______________,
1 Luke / Carla / Emma is from Mexico. (3) _______________, September, October,
2 Mrs White is a(n) interesting / nice / boring
(4) _______________, December.
3 Luke’s desk is under the clock / next to Carla’s
desk / near the window. Language focus
4 Luke’s books are under his chair / in his bag /
6 Complete the sentences. Add an apostrophe (’)
on his desk.
or ’s. (10 marks)
5 Carla’s desk is next to Mrs White’s / Emma’s /
This is Mark’s dictionary. (Mark / dictionary)
Luke’s desk.
These are the boys’ DVDs. (the girls / CDs)
1 This is _______________. (Rosa / desk)
2 These are _______________. (my friends /
2 Complete the crossword with classroom chairs)
objects. (6 marks) 3 This is _______________. (the teacher / ruler)
P 4 This is _______________. (Tom / bag)
E N 5 These are _______________. (the boys / pens)
2 3
7 Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. Do not use one of the words. (10 marks)
her his its my our their your
B My name is Bethany. I’m twelve.
D T R 1 Tess and I are sisters. _______ mum is a
teacher at this school!
D K 2 The boys’ books aren’t on the shelves. _______
books are in their bags.
3 This is my teacher. _______ name is Mr White.
3 Match the adjectives with the opposites.
(6 marks)
4 You don’t sit near the door. _______ desk is
next to the window.
1 big a horrible
2 cheap b boring 5 This is our classroom. _______ door is black.
3 nice c small
8 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
4 popular d bad
Josh and I are here. Josh is with I / me / them.
5 interesting e unpopular
1 Mrs Brown is in the computer room. Ben and I
6 good f difficult
are in the computer room. Mrs Brown is with us /
7 easy g expensive
our / we.
3 Complete the missing days of the week. 2 You aren’t in Beth’s class. Beth isn’t in a class
(4 marks) with our / you / your.
Monday, 3 I’m in class 2D. You’re next to me / I / my.
1 T_______________, 4 Tom and Anna are here. Tom is with she / him /
2 W_______________, Thursday her.
3 F_______________, 5 Claudia is with my friends. Claudia is with they /
4 Saturday, S_______________. them / their.
Diagnostic test Test B
9 Complete the sentences with the affirmative and aren’t red board boring door is isn’t
negative forms of be. (5 marks) Scotland small
They’re in my school. ()
Mary is from Scotland.
1 You ______ in my English class. ()
1 Mary’s brother _______________ in Mary’s class.
2 My ruler ______ is white. ()
2 Mary’s class is _______________.
3 Lola and I ______ cousins. ()
4 I ______ French. () 3 Her teacher isn’t _______________.
5 He ______ my dad. () 4 Mary’s desk is near the _______________.
5 Mr Stevenson’s chair is _______________.
10 Write questions using be. Then write true
short answers. (10 marks)
you / a student Communication
Are you a student? Yes, I am.
12 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.
1 your pen / blue (10 marks)
And what’s this in English? How do you say
2 you / thirteen years old ‘porte’ in English? How do you spell that? It’s
_________________________________________ It’s a Sorry, can you say that again?
3 your books / in your / bag
_________________________________________ A How do you say ‘porte’ in English?
4 your teacher / from the UK B I think it’s ‘door’.
_________________________________________ A (1) ____________________________________
5 DVDs / expensive
B Yes, it’s ‘door’.
A (2) ____________________________________
B D-O-O-R.
A Thanks. (3) _____________________________
11 Read the text. Then complete the sentences. Use
five of the words. (10 marks) B (4) ________ notebook. Where’s your notebook?
A (5) ________ on the shelf.
My name’s Mary, and I’m twelve. My family and I Writing
live on a small island in Scotland. There are 440
people on the island! 13 Complete the table. Then write five sentences
There is one school on the island. I’m in class 1A, about yourself. (10 marks)
but my brother’s in a different class. In 1A, there Your name
are twelve students and one teacher. It isn’t a
very big class! The teacher’s name is Mr Your age
Stevenson. He’s a good teacher, and he’s really
interesting. Your city
In my classroom, there are thirteen chairs and Your favourite
thirteen desks. My desk is near the door and Mr book
Stevenson’s desk is in front of the board. His chair
is different. It’s red, but our chairs are black. Mr Your favourite TV
Stevenson’s favourite colour is red! It’s a nice programme
classroom. There are posters on the walls and
books and DVDs on the shelves.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Diagnostic speaking test
About you
1 Talk about yourself.
 What’s your name?  Where’s your desk in the classroom?
 Are you fourteen years old?  Talk about one of your friends. What’s his / her name? How old is he / she?
 What’s in your bag?  What’s a popular TV programme in your country?

Photo description
2 Describe the photos.
Photo A
 What room can you see in the photo?  Where are the books? Are they big or small?
 How many students are there?  Is the lesson interesting or boring?
 Where’s the teacher?

Photo B
 What room can you see in the photo?  Are the students’ desks big or small?
 How many students are there?  What other things can you see?
 What is on the desks?
Unit 1 Vocabulary page 8 Test A
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

cycling sport photography animals books

1 I love taking photos. I’m really into ________________.

2 My favourite ________________ is football.
3 I hate ________________. I haven’t got a bicycle!
4 I really like the Harry Potter ________________.
5 My favourite ________________ are dogs and cats.

2 Complete the hobbies and interests.

1 I’m into c__ __ __ __ __ __ __ on the internet.
2 I don’t like w__ __ __ __ __ __ __ TV.
3 I really hate computer g__ __ __ __.
4 I love m__ __ __ __ __ __ friends.
5 I’m interested in m__ __ __ __ __ __ arts, like karate.

Unit 1 Language focus page 11 Test A

1 Write sentences or questions using the correct form of have got.
1 I / a computer (ü) ________________________________________________
2 you / a pet (?) ___________________________________________________
3 we / a dog (û) ___________________________________________________
4 I / a camera (û) __________________________________________________
5 Tom / dictionary (ü) _______________________________________________

2 Complete the sentences. Write about, of or by.

1 I’ve got an interesting book __________ martial arts.
2 He’s got a poster __________ his favourite football team.
3 We’ve got CDs __________ Beyonce and Dizzee Rascal.
4 Sara has got a photo __________ her grandparents.
5 They’ve got a DVD __________ animals.
Unit 1 Vocabulary page 12 Test A
1 Find the odd one out.
1 hip hop music guitar director
2 mouse webcam singer computer
3 player cinema swimming team
4 group programme TV actor
5 internet sport website laptop

2 Complete the sentences. Write hobby and interest words.

1 A d__ __ __ __ __ __ plays the drums.
2 I like going s__ __ __ __ __ in the mountains in winter.
3 I don’t like watching science f__ __ __ __ __ __ films.
4 Our football team has got an important m__ __ __ __ today.
5 I don’t really like c__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ music, like Beethoven and Mozart.

Unit 1 Language focus page 13 Test A

1 Complete the questions with the words in the box.

How old What When Where Who

1 ‘_____________ is your pen?’ ‘It’s in my bag.’

2 ‘_____________ is your favourite singer?’ ‘Beyonce.’
3 ‘_____________ is your brother?’ ‘He’s ten.’
4 ‘_____________ is your mum’s birthday?’ ‘It’s in May.’
5 ‘_____________ is your favourite sport?’ ‘Football.’

2 Complete the questions. Use an interrogative pronoun and the correct verb form.
1 ‘__________________ (be) your favourite actor?’ ‘Zac Efron.’
2 ‘__________________ (be) dinner?’ ‘At seven o’clock.’
3 ‘__________________ (be) your favourite groups?’ ‘Black Eyes Peas and Coldplay.’
4 ‘__________________ (be) your parent’s names?’ ‘Tom and Mary.’
5 ‘__________________ books __________________ (you / have got)? ‘Ten.’
Unit 2 Vocabulary page 19 Test A
1 Match 1–5 with a–d. One letter matches two numbers.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 sports a gallery
2 art b centre
3 car c station
4 shopping d park
5 bus

2 Complete the places.

1 We watch films in a c__ __ __ __ __.
2 My parents work in an o__ __ __ __ __.
3 I often read books in the l__ __ __ __ __ __.
4 There are lots of trees and flowers in the p__ __ __.
5 We have dinner in a r__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

Unit 2 Language focus page 21 Test A

1 Complete the questions. Use Is there or Are there, and a or any.
1 __________________ supermarket near here?
2 __________________ factories in your town?
3 __________________ river in the city centre?
4 __________________ good shops near your school?
5 __________________ cheap cafés here?

2 Write sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of There is / are.

1 (loads of restaurants ü) _________________________________________________
2 (a river û) ____________________________________________________________
3 (three factories û) ______________________________________________________
4 (only one hospital ü) ___________________________________________________
5 (one or two parks ü) ___________________________________________________
Unit 2 Vocabulary page 22 Test A
1 Match the adjectives 1–5 with the opposites a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 friendly a noisy
2 quiet b ugly
3 clean c old
4 pretty d dirty
5 modern e unfriendly

2 Choose the correct words.

1 The people in my town are very friendly / modern / quiet. Everyone always says ‘hello’.
2 This part of the city is dangerous / safe / dirty at night. Don’t go there after 8 p.m.!
3 This building is very old / friendly / modern. It’s just one year old!
4 The streets are very quiet / pretty / noisy at 9 a.m. There are a lot of cars!
5 The park is very dirty / clean / ugly and pretty.

Unit 2 Language focus page 23 Test A

1 Write the comparative form of the adjectives.
1 old – _____________________
2 hot – _____________________
3 pretty – _____________________
4 interesting – _____________________
5 bad – _____________________

2 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives and than.
1 The USA is _____________________ the UK. (big)
2 French is _____________________ English. (easy)
3 The sports centre is _____________________ the library. (exciting)
4 The restaurant is _____________________ the café. (good)
5 The art gallery is _____________________ the museum. (far)
Unit 3 Vocabulary page 29 Test A
1 Write the countries for the nationalities.
1 Polish – P_________________
2 Spanish – S_________________
3 Chinese – C_________________
4 Australian – A_________________
5 British – t_______ U_______

2 Complete the sentences. Write nationalities or languages.

1 He’s from Berlin. He’s __ __ __ __ __ __.
2 She’s from Rome. She speaks __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
3 I’m from Tokyo. I speak __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
4 They’re from Rio de Janeiro. They’re __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
5 Elodie is from France. She’s __ __ __ __ __ __.

Unit 3 Language focus page 31 Test A

1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple affirmative.
1 My sister ____________ emails. (write)
2 Molly and Darren ______________ French. (speak)
3 Zak ______________ to school. (go)
4 My brother ______________ Mandarin. (study)
5 I ______________ sport. (like)

2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative.

1 My sister _________________________________________________________
2 Molly and Darren ___________________________________________________
3 Zak _____________________________________________________________
4 My brother ________________________________________________________
5 I ________________________________________________________________
Unit 3 Vocabulary page 32 Test A
1 Choose the correct words.
1 He goes / gets up at 8 a.m. on Sundays.
2 I do / make exercises before school.
3 They have / break dinner at 6.30 p.m.
4 She gets / goes to bed late.
5 We watch / see TV every night.

2 Complete the sentences. Write one of the adverbs in one of the gaps.

always usually often sometimes never

1 I ___________ am ____________ bored in English classes. They’re really interesting! (x)

2 He ___________ reads ____________ books. He loves reading! (++)
3 Azra ___________ plays ____________ football after school, but not every night. (+)
4 I ___________ have ____________ juice at breakfast. I drink it every morning. (++++)
5 My dad ___________ is ____________ tired after work. His job is really difficult! (+++)

Unit 3 Language focus page 33 Test A

1 Complete the questions and the short answers. Write do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
1 ‘_________ you go to school on Saturday?’ ‘No, I _________.’
2 ‘_________ she play football?’ ‘Yes, she _________.’
3 ‘_________ we do homework every night?’ ‘No, we _________.’
4 ‘_________ you live in a city?’ ‘Yes, I _________.’
5 ‘_________ your brother like sport?’ ‘Yes, he _________.’

2 Complete the questions. Use the present simple.

1 ___________________________ (how / Zara / travel) to school?
2 ___________________________ (how often / your dad / cook) dinner?
3 ___________________________ (where / they / go) after school?
4 ___________________________ (what time / Phil / have) a break?
5 ___________________________ (what music / you / like)?
Unit 4 Vocabulary page 39 Test A
1 Match the animals 1–5 with the categories a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 human a bird
2 fly b mammal
3 crocodile c reptile
4 falcon d fish
5 shark e insect

2 Write the animals.

1 An o__ __ flies at night.
2 A s__ __ __ __ hasn’t got any legs.
3 A b__ __ __ is a big, brown mammal.
4 An e__ __ __ __ __ __ __ is a grey animal with big ears.
5 A b__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ flies from flower to flower.

Unit 4 Language focus page 41 Test A

1 Complete the sentences. Use affirmative present continuous forms.
1 I ______________________ to school. (walk)
2 Whales ______________________ in the sea. (swim)
3 The dog ______________________ under the table. (sleep)
4 We ______________________ emails. (write)
5 Juan ______________________ the guitar. (practise)

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form of the verbs.

not run wear not climb change not feed

1 She ______________________ a red T-shirt.

2 I ______________________. I’m walking.
3 They ______________________ the birds any bread.
4 The chameleon ______________________ colour.
5 The bear ______________________ the tree.
Unit 4 Vocabulary page 42 Test A
1 Choose the correct words.
1 ‘Is the falcon fighting / digging that bird?’ ‘Yes, it is. It’s protecting its chicks.’
2 ‘Are the humans feeding / eating the bears?’ ‘Yes. They’re giving them fish.’
3 ‘Am I catching / playing with your dog?’ ‘Yes. He loves ball games!’
4 ‘Where is the owl hiding / helping?’ ‘In that tree!’
5 ‘What is that man hunting / building?’ ‘A house.’

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

catching digging eating hiding protecting

1 The cat is ________________ its breakfast. It’s having meat and milk.
2 The small frog is ________________ under the rock. It doesn’t want the snake to see it!
3 Oh no! The dog is ________________ a hole in the garden!
4 The parent seals are ________________ the baby seals. They’re attacking the shark.
5 The bear is ________________ fish in the river to eat.

Unit 4 Language focus page 43 Test A

1 Complete the questions. Use the present continuous.
1 ___________________________ (what / the animal / do)?
2 ___________________________ (where / the bears / go)?
3 ___________________________ (the big fish / protect) the smaller fish?
4 ___________________________ (you / watch) a nature programme on TV?
5 ___________________________ (the whale / swim) in the sea?

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous.
1 I __________________________ to school every day. (walk)
2 Matt __________________________ dinner at the moment. (have)
3 The seals __________________________ on the beach now. (sit)
4 We __________________________ our homework in the library. (often / do)
5 They __________________________ French on Tuesdays. (usually / study)
Unit 5 Vocabulary page 49 Test A
1 Choose the correct words.
1 We’ve got a football match / homework this afternoon. I hope we win!
2 We’re studying computers in our ICT / chess class.
3 I’m writing numbers for my maths / music homework.
4 I’ve got dance exam / practice after school.
5 The test / match is really difficult. There are fifty questions!

2 Complete the subjects and after-school activities.

1 We’re acting in d__ __ __ __ class.
2 I’m painting a picture in a__ __ class.
3 We’re learning about France in our F__ __ __ __ __ class.
4 I love learning about different countries in g__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
5 I’m quite tall, so I’m good at playing b__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

Unit 5 Language focus page 51 Test A

1 Write A (ability) or P (permission) for the sentences.
1 I can run fast. ____
2 You can’t go to the cinema tonight. ____
3 We can wear jeans if we want. ____
4 He can sing really well. ____
5 You can’t eat food in class. ____

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of can.

1 Callum _______________________ pasta. (cook )
2 I _______________________ TV tonight. (watch )
3 Help! We _______________________! (swim )
4 _______________________ to the party? (you / come)
5 Yes, we _______________________.
Unit 5 Vocabulary page 52 Test A
1 Match the words 1–5 with the definitions a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 water a a dessert for hot weather
2 apple b a popular food from Italy
3 ice cream c a drink
4 meat d a fruit
5 pasta e for example chicken or beef

2 Complete the food and drink words.

1 We often eat c__ __ __ __ with a burger.
2 Lemonade is a f__ __ __ __ drink.
3 I often eat b__ __ __ __ with soup.
4 I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat any meat or f__ __ __.
5 B__ __ __ __ are green vegetables.

Unit 5 Language focus page 53 Test A

1 Complete the text. Write a, an or the.
I live in (1) __________ small, friendly town.
My favourite place in (2) __________ town centre is Gino’s.
Gino’s is (3) __________ Italian café.
I often buy (4) __________ drink or some ice cream there after school.
(5) __________ ice cream at Gino’s is amazing!

2 Choose the correct words.

1 There aren’t many / some good cafés in my town.
2 We’ve got any / some drinks and snacks for the party.
3 I don’t eat many / much junk food.
4 I never eat any / some meat.
5 My mum always eats a lot of / much vegetables.
Unit 6 Vocabulary page 59 Test A
1 Match the jobs and the definitions.

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___

1 actor a this person works in a hospital
2 doctor b this person fixes cars
3 mechanic c this person paints pictures
4 artist d this person visits new places
5 explorer e this person works in plays or films
2 Complete the sentences. Use five of the jobs.

king waiter firefighter farmer chef musician

1 A _____________________ cooks food.

2 A _____________________ tries to keep us safe. It’s a dangerous job.
3 A _____________________ works with animals like cows, sheep and chickens.
4 A _____________________ plays an instrument, for example a guitar.
5 A _____________________ rules a country.

Unit 6 Language focus page 61 Test A

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of was or were.
1 Shakespeare and Chekhov wrote plays. They ______________ writers.
2 Columbus travelled to new places. He ______________ an explorer.
3 Beethoven wrote music. He ______________ a chef.
4 Elizabeth I and Henry VIII ruled Britain. They ______________ inventors.
5 Marlon Brando was in many films. He ______________ an actor.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of there was or there were.
In 1950 ...
1 ______________ any DVD players.
2 ______________ a train station in London.
3 ______________ an internet café in Paris.
4 ______________ some shops in New York.
5 ______________ any Harry Potter books.
Unit 6 Vocabulary page 62 Test A
1 Write the past simple affirmative form of the verbs.
1 name __ __ __ __ __
2 listen __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 prefer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4 establish __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5 invade __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.

changed crossed discovered invented travelled

1 We ___________________ the river in a tiny boat.

2 George Stephenson ___________________ the train in the nineteenth century.
3 The chameleon ___________________ colour from green to brown.
4 They ___________________ to the USA on holiday.
5 People first ___________________ silver around 3000 BC!

Unit 6 Language focus page 63 Test A

1 Write the past simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs.
1 like () ___________________
2 play () ___________________
3 chat () ___________________
4 arrive () ___________________
5 listen () ___________________

2 Complete the sentences.

in in the yesterday ago last

1 They explored the country ____________ fifteenth century.

2 She stayed with us ____________ week.
3 I called her ten minutes ____________.
4 We lived there ____________ 2009.
5 I listened to music ____________.
Unit 7 Vocabulary page 69 Test A
1 Match 1–5 with a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 I ran a part in a competition.
2 We took b a goal.
3 He scored c a game.
4 She broke d a race.
5 We played e a record.

2 Complete the sports.

1 Rafael Nadal is a t__ __ __ __ __ player.

2 I’ve got a new bicycle. I love c__ __ __ __ __ __.
3 S__ __ __ __ __ is a great sport to do in the mountains in winter.
4 I’m interested in cars. I really like m__ __ __ __ racing!
5 C__ __ __ __ is a great game. You play it with black and white pieces.

Unit 7 Language focus page 71 Test A

1 Write the past simple affirmative form of the verbs.
1 make ___________________
2 buy ___________________
3 think ___________________
4 build ___________________
5 take ___________________

2 Complete the sentences. Use past simple affirmative or negative forms.

have not win play not write not drink

1 I _____________________ any juice at breakfast this morning.

2 We _____________________ tennis yesterday.
3 Maria _____________________ any emails this morning.
4 They _____________________ dinner at 7 p.m.
5 He _____________________ the race. He lost!
Unit 7 Vocabulary page 72 Test A
1 Find the odd one out.
1 beard moustache clothes hair
2 short straight green curly
3 tall red blonde dark
4 fat average build slim average height
5 brown green blue fair

2 Complete the sentences.

1 My hair isn’t short. It’s very l________________.
2 I’ve got brown hair and blue e ________________.
3 Josie isn’t tall. She’s very s________________.
4 My grandmother wears g________________ to help her see.
5 My dad isn’t short. He isn’t very tall, but he’s q________________ tall.

Unit 7 Language focus page 73 Test A

1 Complete the questions and the short answers. Use the past simple.
1 ‘_________ they _________ (buy) any clothes in town?’ ‘Yes, they _________.’
2 ‘_________ Jess _________ (eat) any chips last night?’ ‘Yes, she _________.’
3 ‘_________ we _________ (win) the football match?’ ‘No, you _________.’
4 ‘_________ he _________ (watch) TV on Friday?’ ‘No, he _________.’
5 ‘_________ I _________ (phone) you last week?’ ‘Yes, you _________.’

2 Complete the questions. Use the present simple.

1 _________________________ (where / we / go) on Sunday?
2 _________________________ (who / you / meet) yesterday?
3 _________________________ (what / she / do) last night?
4 _________________________ (what time / they / have) lunch?
5 _________________________ (how / he / travel) to school?
Unit 8 Vocabulary page 79 Test A
1 Complete the equipment words.
1 We sleep in a t__ __ __.
2 I carry my clothes in a r__ __ __ __ __ __ __.
3 We cook on a s__ __ __ __.
4 I protect my head with a h__ __ __ __ __.
5 We talk to friends on a satellite p__ __ __ __.

2 Complete the imperatives.

not swim have wear not run not talk

1 Walk! ____________________!
2 Don’t eat crisps! ____________________ a sandwich!
3 It’s rainy. ____________________ waterproof clothes!
4 ____________________ in the river. It’s dangerous!
5 Be quiet! ____________________!

Unit 8 Language focus page 81 Test A

1 Choose the correct words and expressions.
1 We’re going to take / taking a tent.
2 I aren’t / am not going to sleep in a sleeping bag.
3 Is / Are he going to stay with you?
4 Eloise isn’t go / going to wear sunglasses.
5 They aren’t going / are going not to swim.

2 Complete the sentences, questions and short answers. Use the correct form
of be going to.
1 My grandparents ________________________ to Brazil. (travel )
2 I ________________________ use a rope. (use )
2 Jacek ________________________ any trees. (climb )
4 ________________________ any animals? (they / see)
5 No, they ________________________.
Unit 8 Vocabulary page 82 Test A
1 Write the adjectives for the nouns.
1 snow – _________________
2 wind – _________________
3 fog – _________________
4 cold – _________________
5 storm – _________________

2 Choose the correct words.

1 It’s usually very hot / heat / ice / icy in summer.
2 Take an umbrella! It’s very sun / sunny / rain / rainy.
3 There’s a big, grey hot / heat / cloud / cloudy in the sky.
4 There isn’t much cloud / cloudy / sun / sunny in winter. It’s very dark!
5 Be careful! The streets are ice / icy / rain / rainy today. Walk slowly!

Unit 8 Language focus page 83 Test A

1 Complete the predictions. Use the correct form of will or won’t.
1 It _____________________ tomorrow. (rain )
2 I _____________________ you every day. (see )
3 Alex _____________________ famous. (become )
4 Our team _____________________ the match. (win )
5 They _____________________ the record. (break )

2 Write the short answers for the questions.

1 ‘Will we get lost?’ () ‘________________________’
2 ‘Will it be a hot summer?’ () ‘________________________’
3 ‘Will the bears attack us?’ () ‘________________________’
4 ‘Will Mark be at the party?’ () ‘________________________’
5 ‘Will your sister go to university?’ () ‘________________________’
Unit 1 Vocabulary page 8 Test B
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

sport art music books animals

1 I’m interested in ________________. My favourite artist is Leonardo da Vinci.

2 I’m not into ________________. I haven’t got any pets.
3 I love ________________. I listen to it every day, and I play the guitar.
4 I really like ________________, especially The Lord of the Rings.
5 My favourite ________________ is basketball.

2 Complete the hobbies and interests.

1 I like w__ __ __ __ __ __ __ TV.
2 I’m into meeting f__ __ __ __ __ __.
3 I’m not interested in martial a__ __ __, like judo.
4 I love chatting on the i__ __ __ __ __ __ __.
5 I don’t like c__ __ __ __ __ __ __ games.

Unit 1 Language focus page 11 Test B

1 Write sentences or questions using the correct form of have got.
1 Beth / a red bag (ü) ______________________________________________
2 he / a pen (û) ___________________________________________________
3 Tim and Ellie / a cat (û) ____________________________________________
4 we / a new teacher (ü) ____________________________________________
5 they / bicycles (?) _________________________________________________

2 Complete the sentences. Write about, of or by.

1 The teacher has got a cool poster__________ London.
2 I’ve got a book __________Stephen King.
3 She’s got a photo __________ class 1B.
4 Have you got a book _______________ sport?
5 Bradley has got the new CD__________ Shakira.
Unit 1 Vocabulary page 12 Test B
1 Find the odd one out.
1 webcam film laptop computer
2 music hip hop drummer website
3 mouse skiing match sport
4 cinema director team science fiction
5 swimming guitar classical singer

2 Complete the sentences. Write hobby and interest words.

1 We’re in a pop g__ __ __ __. There’s a singer, a guitar player and a drummer.
2 My favourite TV p__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is about music.
3 Zac Efron, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon are American a__ __ __ __s.
4 I love writing e__ __ __ __s on my computer.
5 There are eleven p__ __ __ __ __s in a football team.

Unit 1 Language focus page 13 Test B

1 Complete the questions with the words in the box.

Who When How many Where What

1 ‘_____________ DVDs have you got?’ ‘Twenty.’

2 ‘_____________ is your birthday?’ ‘It’s in June.’
3 ‘_____________ is your favourite colour?’ ‘Red.’
4 ‘_____________ is your favourite sports star?’ ‘Cristiano Ronaldo.’
5 ‘_____________ are you from?’ ‘Poland.’

2 Complete the questions. Use an interrogative pronoun and the correct verb form.
1 ‘__________________ (be) your favourite hobby?’ ‘Football.’
2 ‘__________________ (be) your favourite singer?’ ‘Rihanna.’
3 ‘__________________ (be) your books?’ ‘Under the desk.’
4 ‘__________________ (you / have got) music classes?’ ‘On Wednesdays and Fridays.’
5 ‘__________________ (be) her sisters?’ ‘Fifteen and eighteen years old.’
Unit 2 Vocabulary page 19 Test B
1 Match 1–5 with a–d. One letter matches two numbers.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 car a station
2 shopping b park
3 train c gallery
4 art d centre
5 sports

2 Complete the places.

1 Students study in a s__ __ __ __ __.
2 I live in a f__ __ __.
3 They have lunch in a c__ __ __.
4 My dad works in a f__ __ __ __ __ __.
5 There are lots of doctors in a h__ __ __ __ __ __ __.

Unit 2 Language focus page 21 Test B

1 Complete the questions. Use Is there or Are there, and a or any.
1 __________________ art galleries in the city?
2 __________________ French restaurant here?
3 __________________ interesting buildings there?
4 __________________ mountains near where you live?
5 __________________ big park in your town?

2 Write sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of There is / are.

1 (only one river ü) _____________________________________________________
2 (two car parks û) ______________________________________________________
3 (a supermarket û) _____________________________________________________
4 (loads of cafés ü) _____________________________________________________
5 (a sports centre û) ____________________________________________________
Unit 2 Vocabulary page 22 Test B
1 Match the adjectives 1–5 with the opposites a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 dirty a pretty
2 ugly b modern
3 old c quiet
4 dangerous d clean
5 noisy e safe

2 Choose the correct words.

1 The city is very quiet / clean / noisy at 4 a.m. There aren’t many cars or people!
2 This part of the city is very dirty / pretty / clean and ugly. I don’t like it.
3 The people in my town are safe / noisy / unfriendly. No one says ‘hello’ or smiles.
4 This part of the city is very old / safe / dangerous. I never feel scared here.
5 This is a very noisy / pretty / modern village. It’s beautiful!

Unit 2 Language focus page 23 Test B

1 Write the comparative form of the adjectives.
1 safe – _____________________
2 big – _____________________
3 exciting – _____________________
4 good – _____________________
5 far – _____________________

2 Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives.

1 The café is _____________________ the restaurant. (friendly)
2 The beach is _____________________ the city centre. (beautiful)
3 French homework is _____________________ English homework. (difficult)
4 Australia is _____________________ Canada. (hot)
5 Books are _____________________ TV programmes. (interesting)
Unit 3 Vocabulary page 29 Test B
1 Write the countries for the nationalities.
1 Canadian – C_________________
2 Italian – I_________________
3 Japanese – J_________________
4 American – t_______ U_______
5 French – F_________________

2 Complete the sentences. Write nationalities or languages.

1 Xian’s from Beijing. He’s __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
2 I’m from Madrid. I speak __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
3 She’s from the UK. She’s __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
4 He’s from Australia. He speaks __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
5 They’re from Warsaw. They’re __ __ __ __ __ __.

Unit 3 Language focus page 31 Test B

1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple affirmative.
1 I ____________ TV after school. (watch)
2 My mum ______________ pasta. (make)
3 Brad ______________ his books. (carry)
4 Helen and Mark ______________ to music. (listen)
5 Mr Scott ______________ English. (teach)

2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 in the negative.

1 I _______________________________________________________________
2 My mum _________________________________________________________
3 Brad ____________________________________________________________
4 Helen and Mark ___________________________________________________
5 Mr Scott _________________________________________________________
Unit 3 Vocabulary page 32 Test B
1 Choose the correct words.
1 I go / get home at 3.00 p.m.
2 They always watch / see TV on Sunday night.
3 We do / have a break at 11 a.m.
4 Bethany does / makes her homework in her bedroom.
5 My little sister doesn’t get / go to school.

2 Complete the sentences. Write one of the adverbs in one of the gaps.

always usually often sometimes never

1 He ___________ has ____________ a sandwich at lunch. He has one every day! (++++)
2 The city ___________ is ____________ noisy at 9 a.m. There are lots of cars! (++)
3 I ___________ have ____________ lunch at home. I always have it at school. (x)
4 We ___________ play ____________ video games after school, but not every night. (+)
5 Our break ___________ is ____________ forty minutes. Sometimes it’s shorter. (+++)

Unit 3 Language focus page 33 Test B

1 Complete the questions and the short answers. Write do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
1 ‘_________ Tom listen to hip hop music?’ ‘Yes, he _________.’
2 ‘_________ they like swimming?’ ‘Yes, they _________.’
3 ‘_________ your mum work in a factory?’ ‘No, she _________.’
4 ‘_________ you have lunch at school?’ ‘Yes, I _________.’
5 ‘_________ your friends go skiing every winter?’ ‘No, they _________.’

2 Complete the questions. Use the present simple.

1 ___________________________ (where / your grandparents / live)?
2 ___________________________ (how / your parents / travel) to work?
3 ___________________________ (how often / Marco / play) the guitar?
4 ___________________________ (what sports / she / play)?
5 ___________________________ (what time / you / go) to bed?
Unit 4 Vocabulary page 39 Test B
1 Match the animals 1–5 with the categories a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 shark a bird
2 snake b mammal
3 owl c reptile
4 butterfly d fish
5 seal e insect

2 Write the animals.

1 A f__ __ __ jumps and swims, and it eats flies.
2 A s__ __ __ __ __ has got eight legs.
3 A w__ __ __ __ is a very big mammal that swims.
4 A c__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is a reptile. It can change colour.
5 A p__ __ __ __ __ is a bird. It can be blue, red or green!

Unit 4 Language focus page 41 Test B

1 Complete the sentences. Use affirmative present continuous forms.
1 He ______________________ the mountain. (climb)
2 We ______________________ to school, because we’re late! (run)
3 Erika ______________________ dinner. (make)
4 I ______________________ on the internet. (chat)
5 The students ______________________ English. (speak)

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form of the verbs.

practise not swim not work think not sit

1 I ______________________ about my summer holidays at the moment!

2 She ______________________ next to Mikael in class today.
3 Clare ______________________ the guitar.
4 The frog ______________________ in the river.
5 My parents ______________________ in the office today.
Unit 4 Vocabulary page 42 Test B
1 Choose the correct words.
1 ‘Is the seal protecting / fighting the baby seals?’ ‘Yes. The shark is dangerous!’
2 ‘Why is your dog playing / chasing the cat?’ ‘He doesn’t like cats!’
3 ‘Is the frog catching / hiding insects?’ ‘Yes. Frogs love eating flies!’
4 ‘What is the parrot eating / feeding?’ ‘Nuts and fruit.’
5 ‘Is that woman helping / hunting the bird?’ ‘Yes. She’s giving it food and water.’

2 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

building feeding fighting hunting playing

1 My sister is ________________ the birds. She’s giving them some bread.

2 The men are ________________ a new house.
3 The dogs are ________________. They don’t like each other.
4 My little brother is ________________ with the cat. They’re having fun!
5 The tiger is ________________ the deer. It wants to catch it and eat it.

Unit 4 Language focus page 43 Test B

1 Complete the questions. Use the present continuous.
1 ___________________________ (who / help / the animals)?
2 ___________________________ (why / the birds / fly) north?
3 ___________________________ (what music / I / listen) to?
4 ___________________________ (the dog / run) in the park?
5 ___________________________ (the crocodiles / eat) any food?

2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the present continuous.
1 At the moment, the dog __________________________ in the garden! (dig)
2 We __________________________ to the zoo. (never / go)
3 I __________________________ my pets every day. (feed)
4 The animals __________________________ now. (sleep)
5 Natasha __________________________ exercises in the morning. (often / do)
Unit 5 Vocabulary page 49 Test B
1 Choose the correct words.
1 I’m revising ‘je suis, tu es’ for my French match / homework.
2 I’ve got tennis test / practice on Tuesdays.
3 The exam / practice is really difficult. There are twenty maths questions!
4 We’re playing sport in our PE / ICT class.
5 We’ve got a basketball exam / match this afternoon. I hope we win!

2 Complete the subjects and after-school activities.

1 We’re doing salsa and ballet in d__ __ __ __ practice.
2 I play the guitar in m__ __ __ __.
3 I love playing f__ __ __ __ __ __ __. My favourite team is Bayern Munich.
4 We’re learning about kings and queens from the past in h__ __ __ __ __ __ class.
5 I’m studying animals and plants in my s__ __ __ __ __ __ class today.

Unit 5 Language focus page 51 Test B

1 Write A (ability) or P (permission) for the sentences.
1 You can’t watch TV this evening. ____
2 I can swim for 500 metres. ____
3 We can go to bed late tonight. ____
4 Paulo can’t dance. He’s terrible! ____
5 She can play football and basketball. ____

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of can.

1 We _______________________ jeans to school. (wear )
2 Karina _______________________ really well. (sing )
3 I _______________________ very fast. (run )
4 _______________________ to the cinema tonight? (you / go)
5 No, I _______________________.
Unit 5 Vocabulary page 52 Test B
1 Match the words 1–5 with the definitions a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 egg a a type of food we get from chickens
2 bean b a brown snack food
3 nuts c a type of junk food we often eat with chips
4 rice d a popular food in China and India
5 burger e a vegetable

2 Complete the food and drink words.

1 I always put c__ __ __ __ __ on my pasta.
2 I usually drink orange j__ __ __ __ for breakfast.
3 A__ __ __ __ __ are green fruit.
4 I usually eat a s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ for lunch.
5 I often eat ice c__ __ __ __ in summer.

Unit 5 Language focus page 53 Test B

1 Complete the text. Write a, an or the.
My favourite restaurant is (1) __________ Indian restaurant called Zaika.
(2) __________ food at Zaika is amazing.
My favourite dish is chicken massala. It’s (3) __________ hot dish, and it’s delicious!
My best friend is (4) ___________ vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat chicken massala.
But she loves (5) ___________ restaurant, because it’s got a very big vegetarian menu!

2 Choose the correct words.

1 He never eats many / much sweets.
2 Sorry, I haven’t got some / any more crisps.
3 Many Italian people eat a lot of / many pasta.
4 I’ve got some / any fruit in my bag.
5 I don’t eat many / much ice cream in winter. It’s too cold!
Unit 6 Vocabulary page 59 Test B
1 Match the jobs and the definitions.

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___

1 nurse a this person works in a café
2 waitress b this person works in a school
3 hairdresser c this person works in an office
4 teacher d this person works in a hospital
5 businesswoman e this person cuts hair
2 Complete the sentences. Use five of the jobs.

queen inventor mechanic artist explorer builder

1 An _____________________ paints pictures.

2 An _____________________ thinks of new ideas.
3 A _____________________ rules a country.
4 A _____________________ makes houses, hospitals or schools.
5 A _____________________ fixes vehicles like cars and buses.

Unit 6 Language focus page 61 Test B

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of was or were.
1 Beethoven and Mozart wrote music. They ______________ musicians.
2 Muhammad Ali was a famous sports star. He ______________ a farmer.
3 Marilyn Monroe and James Dean acted in films. They ______________ writers.
4 Victoria I and Elizabeth I ruled Britain. They ______________ queens.
5 John Lennon sang in The Beatles. He ______________ a singer.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of there was or there were.
In 1920 ...
1 ______________ some cafés in Venice.
2 ______________ any laptops.
3 ______________ a park in London.
4 ______________ any hip hop musicians.
5 ______________ a mobile phone shop in Prague.
Unit 6 Vocabulary page 62 Test B
1 Write the past simple affirmative form of the verbs.
1 cross __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2 invent __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 discover __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4 change __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5 travel __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

2 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box.

established invaded listened named preferred

1 The Romans ___________________ a new town here and built many new buildings.
2 Napoleon ___________________ Russia in 1812.
3 We ___________________ to hip hop music yesterday evening.
4 They ___________________ Italian food to American food. They loved pasta!
5 We ___________________ our dog ‘Millie’.

Unit 6 Language focus page 63 Test B

1 Write the past simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs.
1 live () ___________________
2 stop () ___________________
3 walk () ___________________
4 climb () ___________________
5 dance () __________________

2 Complete the sentences.

yesterday ago in last in the

1 They discovered the country a thousand years ____________.

2 We travelled to India ____________ 2010.
3 He watched TV____________.
4 They invaded the city ____________ twelfth century.
5 Louise called me ____________ week.
Unit 7 Vocabulary page 69 Test B
1 Match 1–5 with a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 We lost a the game. We were very happy!
2 I beat b him at chess.
3 She took part c the match. We were very sad!
4 We won d the record.
5 He broke e in the competition.

2 Complete the sports.

1 Tiger Woods is a famous g__ __ __ player.

2 I love s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ in the river in summer!
3 Ice-h__ __ __ __ __ is a great sport to play in winter.
4 People do a__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ in the Olympic Games. They run or jump.
5 V__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is a team sport. It’s a bit like basketball.

Unit 7 Language focus page 71 Test B

1 Write the past simple affirmative form of the verbs.
1 eat ___________________
2 meet ___________________
3 beat ___________________
4 write ___________________
5 know ___________________

2 Complete the sentences. Use past simple affirmative or negative forms.

not lose read not watch prefer not take

1 We _____________________ the match. We won!

2 I _____________________ the hip hop band to the rock band. They were better.
3 They _____________________ TV last night.
4 Robin _____________________ part in the competition.
5 She _____________________ this book last night.
Unit 7 Vocabulary page 72 Test B
1 Find the odd one out.
1 blue fair brown green
2 tall average build short average height
3 long short blue curly
4 red blonde dark slim
5 glasses rulers beard moustache

2 Complete the sentences.

1 My uncle isn’t slim. He’s very f________________!
2 I’ve got long, d________________ hair. It isn’t fair.
3 She’s got beautiful, green e________________.
4 My sister isn’t tall. She isn’t very short, but she’s q________________ short.
5 My hair isn’t curly. It’s s ________________.

Unit 7 Language focus page 73 Test B

1 Complete the questions and the short answers. Use the past simple.
1 ‘_________ Jack _________ (make) dinner last night?’ ‘Yes, he _________.’
2 ‘_________ I _________ (watch) that film with you?’ ‘No, you _________.’
3 ‘_________ Stacey _________ (go) to bed early?’ ‘No, she _________.’
4 ‘_________ the girls _________ (buy) any new clothes?’ ‘Yes, they _________.’
5 ‘_________ we _________ (answer) all the questions correctly?’ ‘No, you _________.’

2 Complete the questions. Use the present simple.

1 _________________________ (who / she / visit) yesterday?
2 _________________________ (what / you / drink) for breakfast?
3 _________________________ (where / they / travel) last summer?
4 _________________________ (why / you / phone) me last night?
5 _________________________ (what time / the train / arrive)?
Unit 8 Vocabulary page 79 Test B
1 Complete the equipment words.
1 We use a t__ __ __ __ to see in the dark.
2 Wear w__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ clothes when it’s rainy.
3 Use insect r__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ to protect yourself from flies.
4 Wear g__ __ __ __ __ if you want warm hands!
5 I’m wearing s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ to protect my eyes.

2 Complete the imperatives.

use not be not feed go not eat

1 You’re walking the wrong way! ____________________ north!

2 It’s your exam tomorrow. ____________________ late!
3 It’s nearly lunch. ____________________ those crisps!
4 ____________________ the crocodiles any food. They’re dangerous!
5 It’s very hot and sunny. ____________________ sunscreen!

Unit 8 Language focus page 81 Test B

1 Choose the correct words and expressions.
1 Are / Am they going to go swimming?
2 My brother isn’t go / going to stay in a hotel.
3 I am not going / am going not to take lots of books.
4 We’re going to eat / eating Brazilian food.
2 Josie are / is going to call me on the satellite phone.

2 Complete the sentences, questions and short answers. Use the correct form
of be going to.
1 I ________________________ lots of sunscreen. (use )
2 My friends ________________________ me every day. (visit )
3 The weather ________________________ very nice! (be )
4 ________________________ on a stove? (Owen / cook)
5 Yes, he ________________________.
Unit 8 Vocabulary page 82 Test B
1 Write the adjectives for the nouns.
1 ice – _________________
2 sun – _________________
3 rain – _________________
4 cloud – _________________
5 heat – _________________

2 Choose the correct words.

1 It’s very cold / coldy / fog / foggy when it’s snowing.
2 There’s lots of rain and dark clouds when there’s a snow / snowy / storm / stormy.
3 It’s very fog / foggy / wind / windy today. It’s very difficult to see!
4 Look at those trees! There’s a very strong cold / coldy / wind / windy today.
5 We often go skiing when there’s snow / snowy / storm / stormy on the mountains.

Unit 8 Language focus page 83 Test B

1 Complete the predictions. Use the correct form of will or won’t.
1 Natasha _____________________ an explorer. (become )
2 I _____________________ lost. (get )
3 These students _____________________ on the expedition. (go )
4 The weather _____________________ cold. (be )
5 The animals _____________________ us. (attack )

2 Write the short answers for the questions.

1 ‘Will Nick visit Japan?’ () ‘________________________’
2 ‘Will we see any tigers?’ () ‘________________________’
3 ‘Will it be snowy tomorrow?’ () ‘________________________’
4 ‘Will you have any children?’ () ‘________________________’
5 ‘Will Keira become famous?’ () ‘________________________’
Unit 1 test
Computers: mouse, (1) e____________,
Listening (2) w____________
1 1.02 Listen and tick () the interests that Sport: (3) t____________, (4) m____________
you hear. (8 marks) Music: (5) d____________, (6) g____________,
animals  sport  (7) s____________
art  music  TV and cinema: (8) a____________,
watching TV  books  (9) d____________, (10) f____________

2 Complete the sentence. Write one of the

interests from exercise 1. (2 marks) Language focus
Matt’s favourite activity is __________________.
6 Choose the correct words. (8 marks)
Vocabulary She ’s / ’ve got a good camera.
1 They ’s / ’ve got a dog.
3 Find five interests in the word snake. Write the 2 Has / Have he got an interesting hobby?
words. (5 marks)
3 I hasn’t / haven’t got a pet.
4 She hasn’t / haven’t got a computer at home.

7 Complete the questions and answers with has,

have, hasn’t or haven’t. (8 marks)
music Have you got a computer? No, I haven’t.
1 _______________ 4 _______________ 1 ___________ he got a cat? Yes, he ___________.
2 _______________ 5 _______________ 2 ___________ she got a blue bag?
3 _______________ No, she ___________.
3 ___________ you got homework?
4 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
Yes, I ___________.
He likes art. He’s really into photography /
programmes. 4 ___________ they got tickets?
1 I don’t like chatting / watching on the internet. No, they ___________.
2 I hate martial arts / sports. 8 Choose the correct words. (8 marks)
3 I love meeting friends / games. a programme about / by sport
4 I like watching books / TV. 1 a poster by / of a football player
5 I’m really into computer arts / games. 2 a book about / of pets
5 Find words about computers, sport, music, 3 a CD of / by my favourite group
TV and cinema in the word square. Write the
words. (10 marks) 4 a photo about / of my house

d w e b s i t e m d 9 Complete the table with this, that, these or

those. (6 marks)
s i a f i l m a o m
here there
i t g r o u p c u n
this boy that boy
n h m a t c h t s t
(1) _________ animals (4) _________ animals
g m e m a i l o e e (2) _________ cat (5) _________ cat
e d r u m m e r n a (3) _________students (6) _________ students

r d i r e c t o r m
Unit 1 test

10 Complete the questions. (10 marks) Communication

12 Complete the words. (10 marks)
How many How old What
When Where Who A Hi, Josie. How are things?
B Not bad. How are you, Zeke? (1) T_ _ _ is Eric.
How old is she? She’s thirteen. He’s from Germany.
1 H_________________ pets has she got? A Hello, Eric. Good to (2) m_ _ _ you. What
She’s got two. (3) p_ _ _ of Germany are you from?
2 W_________________ is her favourite hobby? C I’m from Berlin, in Brandenburg. It’s a great
She likes reading. place for art. Are you (4) i_ _ _ art?
A Yes, I love it! See you (5) l_ _ _ _ then, Eric.
3 W_________________ is her birthday?
It’s on Saturday.
4 W_________________ is her favourite actor?
It’s Orlando Bloom. 13 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
5 W_________________ is she from? They like art and / or music.
She’s from London. 1 I have got a TV and / or a computer.
2 Have you got any brothers but / or sisters?
Reading 3 He has got 50 CDs and / but he hasn’t got a
11 Read the text. Then answer the questions. Write favourite group.
the names. (10 marks) 4 I like hip hop but / and I don’t like classical
Lucy (x2) Lucy and Hasan
Lucy, Hasan and Tom Tom Tom and Hasan 5 Have you got a dog but / or a cat?

Who likes meeting friends? Tom 14 Look at the information. Then write about
1 Who are Tom’s friends? ________________ Johnny Depp. Use the questions to help you.
(5 marks)
2 Who likes sport? ________________
3 Who likes computer games? ________________ Johnny Depp – famous actor

4 Who has got DVDs? ________________ home Kentucky, USA

5 Who likes watching films? ________________ pets dogs – 2

dogs’ names – Red and Blue

Friends and hobbies interests books, music

favourite book – no
My name’s Tom. My favourite hobby is meeting favourite group – The Clash
friends. My friends are Hasan and Lucy.
1 Where is Johnny Depp from?
Hasan and I both like sports, especially football
and basketball. When we haven’t got any 2 How many pets has he got?
homework, we play basketball after school. 3 What are his pets’ names?
Hasan’s brothers are really good at this sport.
When they’ve got time, they play with us. 4 What are his interests?

Lucy isn’t into sport. She prefers playing 5 Has he got a favourite book or group?
computer games or watching TV, and she’s got
a hundred DVDs. She’s mad about films, but she
hasn’t got a favourite actor or actress. She loves Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
them all! Hasan and I like films, too, especially _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
science fiction films. But our favourite films are Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
about sport! Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 2 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.03 Listen. Where does Molly want to go?
6 Complete the sentences with is, isn’t, are or
Write New York or Chaves. (2 marks) aren’t. (4 marks)
_________________________________ There is a shop near here. ()
1 There ___________ a library. ()
2 Listen again and write N (New York) or C 2 There ___________ a factory. ()
(Chaves). (8 marks) 3 There ___________ any restaurants. ()
modern N 4 There ___________ some cafés. ()
1 quiet ____________
2 old buildings ____________
7 Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.
3 expensive ____________ (4 marks)
4 pretty ____________
There is a car park near here.
5 museums ____________
1 There isn’t ___________ office.
6 dangerous ____________
2 There aren’t ___________ hospitals.
7 not exciting ____________
3 There are ___________ shops.
8 big ____________
4 There is ___________ supermarket.

8 Complete the questions with Is there a / an or

Vocabulary Are there any. (10 marks)
3 Complete the places with the words. (4 marks) Is there a restaurant here?
1 __________________ parks in this town?
centre (x2) park station (x2)
2 __________________ café near here?
bus station 3 __________________ library near your house?
1 train _______________ 4 __________________ music shops?
2 sports _______________ 5 __________________ art gallery?
3 car _______________
9 Write the correct comparative form. (10 marks)
4 shopping _______________
friendly – friendlier

4 Match the places with the things or people. 1 old – o __ __ __ __

(6 marks) 2 pretty – p __ __ __ __ __ __ __
1 park a students 3 dangerous – m __ __ __
2 school b art
d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 cinema c trees, flowers
4 supermarket d books 4 bad – w __ __ __ __
5 art gallery e water, boats 5 good – b __ __ __ __ __
6 river f food
10 Complete the sentences with the comparative
7 library g films
form of the adjectives. (8 marks)

5 Choose the correct opposites. (10 marks) This building is older (old) than that building.
friendly – dirty / noisy / unfriendly 1 This town is ___________ (safe) than that town.
1 pretty – ugly / old / dangerous 2 Cycling is _______________________ (difficult) in
2 modern – noisy / clean / old big cities.
3 dangerous – safe / pretty / modern 3 The museum is _____________________________
4 clean – pretty / dirty / ugly (interesting) than the shopping centre.
5 quiet – safe / dangerous / noisy
4 That shop is _____________ (far) from my house
than this house.
Unit 2 test

11 Complete the sentences with by or on. (4 marks) Communication

The coast is about two hours by coach. 13 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)

1 Paris is two hours _______ plane. A Can / Do / Am I help you?

B I (1) want / like to visit Brighton. (2) How /
2 Murcia is 30 minutes from here _______ the train.
Where far is it from here?
3 The city is two hours _______ car. A Brighton is about two hours from here (3) on /
4 My house is ten minutes from here _______ foot. by bus.
B How (4) many / much is a return ticket?
Reading A It’s twelve pounds. It’s cheaper (5) than / that
12 Read the text. Then write true or false for the the train.
sentences. (10 marks)
The Mall of America
14 Write the adjective in the correct gap. Only write
The Mall of America is a really big shopping the adjective in one of the gaps. (5 marks)
centre in the USA. It’s bigger than any shopping
This is an old building ______. (old)
centres in Europe!
1 This is ______ a ______city. (big)
The shopping centre is 390,000m2. It has got
seven floors and 52 shops. There are fourteen 2 This is a ______ place ______. (nice)
cinemas and twenty restaurants. 3 There are some ____________ museums
There aren’t any hotels at the Mall, but it has got ____________ here. (interesting)
a train station and a bus station. There are some 4 This is a ____________ really ____________
hotels in the city of Minneapolis. The city is
street. (dangerous)
about thirty minutes from the shopping centre.
5 The park ______ is a very ______ place. (quiet)
My name is Beth, and my family lives in
Minneapolis. We’re really into shopping, and
15 Look at the information. Then write about York.
the Mall is our favourite place! Use the questions to help you. (5 marks)

The Mall of America is in the USA. true
1 There are bigger shopping centres in Europe. location north of England
_____________ London – three hours / train

2 There are 52 shops on one floor. things in York art galleries – 3

_____________ a lot of old buildings
big parks – 0
3 There are places for watching films at the Mall.
river – 1
_____________ airport – 0
4 There are hotels in Minneapolis, but not in
good things interesting, clean, pretty
the Mall.
_____________ 1 Where is the city?
5 Beth really likes the Mall. 2 How far is it from London?
_____________ 3 What kind of things are there / aren’t there in the
4 What kind of place is York?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 3 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.04 Listen to a radio programme about
5 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
people’s daily routines. Write true or false for
the sentences. (10 marks) They read / reads books.

Yumi usually gets up at 6.30. true 1 You speak / speaks Mandarin.

1 Yumi doesn’t do any exercises before school. 2 Mrs White teach / teaches our class.

_______ 3 We like / likes school.

2 Yumi goes to school on Sundays._______ 4 My brother study / studies Japanese.

3 Leandro is from Brazil. _______ 5 I write / writes emails.

4 Leandro hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. 6 Write the negative present simple form of the
_______ verbs. (10 marks)

5 Leandro always makes breakfast. _______ I don’t listen (not listen) to classical music.
1 Sara ________________ (not play) football.
Vocabulary 2 Hasan ________________ (not read) comics.
3 I ________________ (not like) homework!
2 Choose the correct words. (4 marks)
4 My mother ________________ (not go) to work at
People speak French in Canada / Canadia / the weekend.
5 You ________________ (not use) a dictionary in
1 People speak Spanish in Span / Spain / Espain. every class.
2 People speak German in Germania / Aleman /
Germany. 7 Complete questions 1–4 with do or does. Then
match 1–4 with the answers a–e. (8 marks)
3 People speak Mandarin in Mandarina / China /
Do you like reading? 
4 People speak Italian in Italy / Italie / Italia.
1 __________ he go to this school? 
2 Where __________ they live? 
3 Write the nationalities. (6 marks) 3 How often __________ Ellie do exercises? 
Poland – Polish 4 __________ the girls speak German? 
1 the USA – A __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2 Brazil – B __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ a She does them every day.
3 China – C __ __ __ __ __ __ b Yes, I do.
4 Japan – J __ __ __ __ __ __ __ c No, they don’t.
5 Australia – A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ d They live in the USA.
6 the UK – B __ __ __ __ __ __ e No, he doesn’t.
4 Match 1–6 with a–f to make sentences. (10 marks) 8 Number the adverbs of frequency in order, 1–5.
1 We go to a up at 7 a.m. (4 marks)
2 We go b bed at 10 p.m. sometimes 
3 We do c a break. always 1
4 We get d to school. often
5 We have e TV. never 
6 We watch f our homework. usually 
Unit 3 test
9 Order the words to make sentences. (8 marks)
11 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
always / I / my homework / do box. (5 marks)
I always do my homework.
doing hate like loves mind you
1 He / reads / English books / sometimes
A What do you like doing after school?
__________________________________________ B I really (1) __________ playing computer games.
2 often / They / football / play They’re fun. I (2) __________ watching TV. It’s
__________________________________________ boring! What about (3) __________?
3 are / late / We / usually A I don’t (4) __________ playing computer games. I
__________________________________________ think they’re OK sometimes. But my sister
(5) __________ playing them!
4 never / It / boring / is
Reading 12 Write sentences. Use the correct punctuation
10 Read the text. Then complete the sentences. and capital letters. Use the bold letters and lines
Use some of the words in the box. (10 marks) to help you. (5 marks)
my level of english is good_
EUROVISION My level of English is good.
Eurovision is a big music competition. Groups 1 we study italian at my school_
and singers write new songs for the competition. __________________________________________
Then they play their music on a TV programme. 2 his best friend is sofia_
People watch the programme at home and they __________________________________________
say if the groups are good or bad. Many groups 3 the usa_ canada and australia are big
are very good.
People from different countries play music in __________________________________________
Eurovision, and there are British, Spanish, 4 mr brown speaks german and spanish_
German, Italian, Greek and Polish singers. A lot
of people use their own languages, but some
people prefer singing in English. 5 they read books_ watch films and write emails_
Eurovision is very popular around the world.
The competition is for European countries, but 13 Look at the information about Ben’s class. Then
people in the USA, Australia and Japan watch write about Ben and his class. Use the
Eurovision on TV, too! questions to help you. (5 marks)

Students: 25 – everybody is from Canada

big books Italy China good Japan
Languages people study: Spanish (25)
language old Poland small the USA
Languages people speak: English (25),
French (16), Arabic (3), Chinese (1)
Eurovision isn’t a small music competition.
1 Groups and singers don’t sing _________ songs. 1 What nationality is Ben?
2 People from __________ and __________ sing in 2 How many students are there in his class?
the competition.
3 What language do they all study?
3 People from __________ and __________ watch
4 What language does every student speak?
the competition, but they don’t sing in it.
5 What other languages do students speak?
4 People sing in English or their own __________.
5 A lot of the groups are really __________.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 4 test
5 Complete the sentences with the verbs. (3 marks)
Listening play protect build feed
1 1.05 Listen to a radio programme about Older seals protect the young seals from
Whipsnade Animal Park in England. Then
dangerous sharks.
choose the correct answers. (10 marks)
1 Humans ______________ houses.
1 What animals do Pippa and Alan talk about first?
2 They _____________ the hungry birds with insects.
a elephants b lions 3 People often ______________ with dogs in the
2 What are the lions doing? park. Many dogs like running after balls!
a looking for food b sleeping
3 What is in the aquarium? Language focus
a fish b sharks 6 Complete the sentences with the words. (10 marks)
4 What animals does Pippa prefer? aren’t (x2) ’m (x2) ’m not (x2) ’re
a butterflies b spiders (x2) ’s (x2) isn’t (x2)
5 What does Alan say about parrots? You’re () reading but you aren’t () writing.
a They’re horrible. b They’re noisy. 1 She ____________ () listening to music but
she ____________ () singing.
Vocabulary 2 I ____________ () watching TV.
2 Match 1–7 with the descriptions a–g. (6 marks) I ____________ () doing homework.
1 fly a It swims and eats fish. 3 They ____________ () reading but they
2 chameleon b It’s a small insect. ____________ () studying.
3 elephant c It likes the night. 4 My gran ____________ () eating lunch with us
4 owl d It’s a noisy bird. but she ____________ () having dinner here.
5 seal e It hasn’t got any legs. 5 I ____________ () walking to school.
6 snake f It changes colour. I ____________ () running!
7 parrot g It’s big and grey.
7 Write the -ing forms of the verbs. (8 marks)

3 Complete the words for animals. (5 marks) We’re talking on the phone. (talk)
1 We’re __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the fish. (feed)
An animal that hasn’t got any legs: a snake.
2 My mum is __ __ __ __ __ __ dinner. (make)
1 A small green animal: a fr __ __.
3 The bird is __ __ __ __ __ __ in the tree. (hide)
2 A man or a woman: a hu __ __ __.
4 Two dogs are __ __ __ __ __ __ __. (run)
3 A big animal in the sea: a wh __ __ __.
5 My dad is __ __ __ __ __ __ __. (work)
4 An animal with eight legs: a spi __ __ __.
6 Whales are __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. (swim)
5 A pretty insect: a butt __ __ __ __ __.
7 Some animals are __ __ __ __ __. (die)
4 Complete the sentences. Write the animals in 8 I’m __ __ __ __ __ __ __ emails. (write)
the correct places. (6 marks)
The frog is hiding from the owl. (frog / owl) 8 Complete the questions. Write am, are or is and
the -ing form of the verbs. (10 marks)
1 The _________________ is hunting the
Where are they going? (go)
_________________. (fish /crocodile)
1 Who ____________ he ____________ for? (look)
2 The _________________ is catching the
_________________. (fly / spider) 2 ____________ she ____________? (sleep)

3 The _________________ is chasing the 3 ____________ I ____________ breakfast? (make)

_________________. (little bird / falcon)
Unit 4 test
4 What ____________ you ____________? (watch) 12 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
5 Why ____________ the bus ____________? (stop) A Hi, Emily. It’s / Here’s Nick.
B Hi! What (1) are / do you doing (2) at / in the
9 Write S (present simple) or C (present moment?
continuous) for the time expressions. (4 marks)
A I’m at the theme park with Philippa.
usually S
B Cool! Are you having a good
1 every day ______ 3 now ______
2 at the moment ______ 4 always ______ (3) time / moment?
A Yes, it’s fun! We can meet later if you
10 Choose the correct forms. (8 marks) (4) enjoy / want.
I ’m usually walking / usually walk to school. B OK. (5) Give / Make me a call. Bye for now!
1 At the moment, he has / ’s having breakfast.
2 They ’re playing / play football every day. Writing
3 She always helps / ’s always helping her parents. 13 Match 1–6 with a–f to make sentences. (5 marks)
4 The animals sleep / are sleeping right now. 1 They’re running because a he’s hot.
2 They’re eating because b it’s night.
Reading 3 I’m revising because c I’ve got exams.
11 Read the text. Then complete the sentences. 4 He’s swimming because d they’re hungry.
Write one word in each gap. (10 marks)
5 He’s sleeping because e I like this song.

ELEPHANTS 6 I’m listening because f they’re late.

Whales are bigger than all the animals in the

sea, but elephants are bigger than all the 14 Write about crocodiles. Use the information and
the questions to help you. (5 marks)
animals on the land. There are elephants in India
and Africa. African elephants are bigger than
Indian elephants.
Habitat: rivers in Asia, Africa, America, Australia
Elephants usually eat fruit and plants, and they
Food: fish (usually), small animals, birds
love drinking and playing in water. Elephants
aren’t usually dangerous animals. Humans are a Appearance: usually 5–6 metres long
lot more dangerous than elephants! Danger: often attack animals and humans
Problems today: some people hunt them, they
Some people enjoy hunting elephants. These
people kill between 10,000 and 20,000 make them into shoes and bags
elephants every year. At the moment, safari
parks are protecting some of the elephants, so 1 Where do crocodiles live?
they don’t become extinct. 2 What food do they catch?
3 How big are they?
Whales are bigger than all the animals in the sea. 4 How dangerous are they?
1 Elephants live in Africa and _______________. 5 What are some people doing? Why?
2 Elephants drink _______________.
3 Humans are more ______________ than elephants.
4 Humans _______________ thousands of Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
elephants every year. _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
5 _______________ parks are good because they Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
protect the elephants.
Unit 5 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.06 Gabi is at a summer school. Listen to 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
her conversation with her friend, Aarón. Then can and the verb. (12 marks)
answer the questions. (10 marks)
0 I can swim really well. (can  / swim)
Does Gabi like the summer school?
1 She _________________. She’s great!
Yes, she does.
1 Has Gabi got maths classes? _______________ (can  / sing)

2 Does Aarón think the school is interesting? 2 You _________________ my phone. It’s OK.
_________________ (can  / use)
3 Does Gabi start classes at nine o’clock? 3 No, you _________________ to the cinema.
_________________ You’ve got lots of homework! (can  / go)
4 Can Gabi play the guitar really well? 4 The children _________________. They’re only
_________________ three years old! (can  / read)
5 Are the students having fish and chips for 5 ___________ he ___________fast, or is he slow?
dinner? _________________ (can ? / run)
6 ___________ I ___________ a computer game?
Vocabulary No, sorry. It’s dinner time! (can ? / play)
2 Complete the crossword with activities in and
out of school. (14 marks) 5 Look at the sentences in exercise 4. Which
1 2
sentences are about ability, and which are about
C S permission? Write the numbers. (6 marks)
D Ability: 0, _____, _____, _____
4 Permission: _____, _____, _____
B 6 Choose the correct word. (10 marks)
There’s a / an / the art gallery near my school. I
6 sometimes go to (1) a / an / the art gallery when I’ve
got homework for art class. There’s (2) a / an / the café
P in the gallery. I usually buy (3) a / an / the drink there.
Clues (4) A / An / The café is really nice, and it isn’t
1 a game (5) a / an / the expensive place!
2 you study biology and chemistry in this class
3 you act and watch plays 7 Complete the table with the words. (4 marks)
4 an activity you do with music
5 a sport any many a lot of much some
6 you use computers in this class
+ countable nouns
7 you do exercise in this class any
(1) ____________
OR + uncountable nouns
3 Match 1–7 with a–g. (6 marks) (2) ____________
1 fish a a very cold food
(3) ____________ + countable nouns only
2 ice cream b Italian food
3 pasta c salmon, sardines + uncountable nouns
(4) ____________
4 fizzy drinks d potatoes, broccoli only
5 vegetables e oranges, apples
6 sandwiches f cola, lemonade
7 fruit g popular food at lunch
Unit 5 test
8 Tick () the correct sentence in each pair. (8 marks)
There’s any rice.  2 What about tomorrow then?
There are a lot of sandwiches.  a Sounds good. b Yes, I can.
1 We haven’t got many vegetables.  3 You can’t watch TV tonight.
We have got much fruit.  a Because? b Why not?
2 There isn’t many cheese.  4 Are you busy tomorrow?
There is some meat.  a No, sorry. b No. Why?
3 We haven’t got any fruit.  5 Text me later, OK?
We have got much crisps.  a OK. b Good.
4 There are some pasta. 
There is some rice.  Writing
11 Complete the sentences with the words.
Reading (5 marks)

9 Read the text. Then choose the correct words. maths and French beef and chicken
(10 marks) snakes and frogs chess pop and reggae
tennis and golf
They play sports, for example tennis and golf.
Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, USA, is
an interesting school. Every day, students there 1 I’m interested in animals, like _______________ .
do their favourite activities. If students hate 2 We study many subjects, such as ___________ .
maths, they don’t study it. They go to a different
class! 3 I don’t like meat, for example _______________ .
4 He loves music, like _______________________ .
When they aren’t in class, students can check
emails in the ICT room, or they can play an 5 She likes playing games, such as ___________ .
instrument or go to drama practice. They can
also walk or play sports in the school garden. 12 Look at the information. Then write about Tim’s
There is always something to do! school. Use the questions to help you. (5 marks)
There are some rules. Students can’t do
Tim’s school
anything dangerous in school, and they can’t
stay at home every day! But many students are
School day: 9.00–3.30
very happy. Sudbury is a popular school!
Subjects: maths, English, Spanish, history,
geography, PE (favourite subject!), science
Sudbury Valley is an American / British school. Lunch: canteen – healthy food, like salads and
1 Students can / can’t study the subjects they like. pasta (NO chips or burgers!)
2 The school has / hasn’t got a place where After school activities: football (Tuesdays and
students can use computers. Saturdays), chess (Wednesdays)
Rules: don’t use mobile phones in class
3 In their free time, students can do sport, drama
and art / music.
1 When does school start?
4 Students can / can’t go outside the school
building. 2 What subjects does Tim study? What is his
favourite subject?
5 Lots of students really like / hate the school.
3 What food do the students eat at lunch?
Communication 4 What activities are there after school?
5 What can’t students do at school?
10 Choose the correct answers. (10 marks)
1 Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
a Sorry, I can’t. b That’s a pity.
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 6 test
Listening 5 Complete the sentences with the past simple
form of the verbs. (3 marks)
1 1.07 Listen to a radio programme about
We travelled (travel) to Italy.
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Tick ()
1 She _________________ (name) her cat Azul.
the people you hear. (10 marks)
2 He _________________ (discover) electricity.
actor  king 
3 I _________________ (prefer) the countryside.
farmer  scientist 
writer  queen 
Language focus
singer  inventor 
6 Complete the questions and answers with was,
football player  teacher  wasn’t, were or weren’t. (18 marks)
Where were you yesterday?
1 I _______________ at the sports centre. ()
2 Complete the definitions. Write words from the
2 We _______________ at the shopping centre. ()
word square. (5 marks)
3 Where _______________ I last night?
4 You _______________ at home. ()
O D R B U I L D E R 5 Your sister _______________ at the cinema. ()
C M U S I C I A N H 6 _______________ he with you at lunch?
7 Yes, he _______________ with me. ()
8 No, I _______________ alone. ()
9 His friends _______________ with him. ()
7 Complete the sentences with there was, there
A scientist studies science. were, there wasn’t or there weren’t. (6 marks)
In 1900 … there was a train station in my city.
1 A d___________________ works in a hospital.
1 __________________ computers.
2 A b___________________ makes new houses.
2 __________________ an internet café in my town.
3 A m___________________ plays music.
3 __________________ hospitals.
4 An a___________________ is good at art.
5 An e___________________ visits new places. 8 Complete the table with the correct past simple
form of the verbs. (4 marks)
3 Match 1–6 with a–f. (5 marks)
1 actor a he / she works in a school Past simple affirmative Past simple negative
2 teacher b he rules a country
travelled didn’t travel
3 chef c he works in films
(1) _________________ didn’t invent
4 writer d he / she makes new things
5 king e he / she writes books played (2) _________________

6 inventor f he / she cooks food (3) _________________ didn’t arrive

stopped (4) _________________

4 Complete the past simple forms. Write -d or
-ed. (7 marks)
invented 4 establish _______ 9 Write the past simple form of the verbs. (8 marks)
She really liked (like) the horror film. ()
1 cross _______ 5 live _______
1 They _________________ (walk) home. ()
2 listen _______ 6 change _______
2 The chameleon _________________ (change)
3 invade _______ 7 explore _______
colour. ()
Unit 6 test
3 He _________________ (discover) anything. () Communication
4 I really _________________ (like) Madrid. () 12 Match the questions 1–5 with the replies a–e.
(10 marks)
10 Complete the sentences. (4 marks)
1 What was Buenos Aires like? 
ago last in in
2 Were you on your own? 
1 They invaded the city about 500 years ________. 3 What about the shops? 
2 He was a king ________ the fifteenth century. 4 Was the weather good? 
3 We played football ________ weekend. 5 How was the exam? 

4 They travelled to Australia ________ 2009. a No. I was with my family.

b Yes, it was brilliant. It was really sunny!
Reading c They were amazing.
11 Read the text. Then answer the questions. e It was terrible! The questions were really difficult.
(10 marks) d It was a really cool city.
Where are there many places with unusual
names? In the UK. Writing
1 Where is a village named after an animal? 13 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
In ______________. She started school three months ago / now.
2 Which place in Britain has got a very short 1 It’s a popular city today / yesterday.
name? ______________ 2 He lived here in / in the 2007.
3 When were the Romans in a village in Wales? 3 This was a popular town in / in the 1960s.
______________ ago. 4 They lived here in the sixteenth time / century.
4 What was the name of this village about 160 5 We moved there nine years last / ago.
years ago? ______________
14 Look at the information. Then write about New
5 How many letters are there in the name of the York. Use the questions to help you. (5 marks)
village now? ______________
New York
THE SMALL VILLAGE WITH THE Location: east of the USA
BIG NAME Name: named after York, a city in England
Many British places have got unusual names. In Population: in 1900s, about 3.5 million – now,
England, you can visit Dog Village and World’s about 8.5 million
End! The name of one village in Scotland has only People: New Yorkers
got two letters: Ae But a village in Wales has got a Famous people: 50 Cent (musician), Al Pacino
really difficult name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyll- (actor)
1 Where is New York?
This village is very old. Romans lived there about
2,000 years ago! In the 1850s, the name of the 2 Why was it named New York?
village was Llanfair, and it was a very small, quiet 3 What was the population in the 1900s? What is
place. People in the village wanted more visitors, the population now?
so they changed the name. They invented an
interesting new name, with 58 letters! Now, 4 What are the people there called?
thousands of people visit the village every year. 5 What famous people live in New York?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 7 test
(2) long / short hair. He cuts it every month. He’s
Listening got (3) fair / dark hair. It’s nearly black. He’s got
1 1.08 Listen to Josh and Lara talk about a (4) glasses / a moustache. He uses them for
game. Then choose the correct answers. reading.
(10 marks)
1 When did Lara buy the game? Language focus
a last week b a few weeks ago 6 Complete the sentences using the past simple
2 What hobby does Lara prefer? form of the verbs. (8 marks)
a football b computer games I played (play) tennis yesterday.
3 What colour is Lara’s team? 1 Ronaldo ___________________ (become) very
a blue b red famous.
4 How many games did Lara win on Saturday? 2 We ___________________ (visit) my
grandparents at the weekend.
a three b five
5 What meal did Lara eat in front of the computer 3 My brother ___________________ (have)
lunch with us.
4 They ___________________ (build) a new school
a breakfast b lunch
in my town.
Vocabulary 7 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple
2 Write the past simple forms. form of the verbs. (12 marks)
(5 marks) (not score / not win)
scored – scored We didn’t win the game.
1 play – p__ __ __ __ __ They didn’t score a goal.
2 win – w__ __
(not find / not watch)
3 run – r__ __
1 Kris ________________ his phone under the
4 lose – l__ __ __ desk.
5 break – b__ __ __ __ 2 We ________________ a good film last night.

(make / explore)
3 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
3 They ________________ the new country.
1 break / take a record
4 You ________________ a birthday cake.
2 run / score a goal
3 play / take part in a competition (not listen / not become)

4 lose / break a game 5 The group ________________ famous.

5 beat / win someone in a game 6 She ________________ to hip hop music.

4 Write hair, height or build. (6 marks) 8 Complete the sentences using the past simple
question forms. (12 marks)
curly hair
Did you listen to music last night?
1 tall __________ 4 blonde __________
1 Where ________ they ________ lunch? (buy)
2 red __________ 5 slim __________
2 What ________ you ________ in town? (do)
3 fat __________ 6 straight __________
3 ________ they ________ Poland? (invade)
5 Choose the correct words. (4 marks) 4 ________ he ________ the game? (invent)

My dad is quite tall / short – he’s 1.85 metres. 5 Who ________ she ________ in town? (meet)

He’s (1) slim / fat – he likes eating! He’s got 6 ________ you ________ the teacher any
questions? (ask)
Unit 7 test
9 Order the words to make questions. (8 marks) Communication
the team / lose / the match / did 11 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
Did the team lose the match? A Hi, Lucy. Did you had / have a good weekend?
1 who / you / in / at the party / did / see B Not (1) very / really. I went shopping with my
__________________________________________ mum on Saturday. What (2) about / for you?
2 go / what time / to the cinema / did / you A I (3) go / went to a theme park.
__________________________________________ B (4) That’s / It’s cool. Was it good?
__________________________________________ A Yes. Fantastic!
3 you / did / make / dinner / yesterday B Did you do (5) anything / something else?
__________________________________________ A I met some friends on Sunday. It was fun.
4 he / become / a / did / when / famous artist
__________________________________________ Writing
__________________________________________ 12 Choose the correct phrases. (10 marks)
1 I love tennis. I also love / love also football.
2 He plays the guitar. He plays also / also plays
10 Read the text. Then write true or false. (10 marks) the piano.
3 Wendy is tall. She is also / also is slim.
GAME SHOWS 4 We eat burgers. We eat also / also eat chips.
Game shows are very popular television 4 The dog is small. It also is / is also noisy!
programmes in many countries. On a game
show, people play games or answer questions. 13 Write a short text about Pau Gasol. Write three
One famous show is Who wants to be a paragraphs. Use the information in the table.
Millionaire? This show started in Britain in 1998, (5 marks)
but it also became popular in the USA, Spain and
The first TV game show was in 1938. It was a
British show called Spelling Bee. The presenter Description
was a man called Freddie Grisewood. He had Height: 2.13 metres
short, dark hair and glasses. Freddie asked Hair: curly, brown
people on the show to spell different words. The
person with the most correct words won. The Paragraph 2, Career
game was very easy!
started basketball – at school
turned professional - sixteen years old
Many people like game shows. true
1 People watch Who wants to be a Millionaire? in Paragraph 3, Trophies
more than one country. _____________ won the Spanish League trophy with Barcelona –
2 Who wants to be a Millionaire? is older than 2001
Spelling Bee. _____________ won a silver medal at the Olympics with Spanish
3 People watched Spelling Bee about forty years team – 2008
ago. _____________
4 The star of the show had blonde hair. ____________
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
5 Winners on the show were good at spelling.
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 8 test
Listening 5 Complete the sentences with the words. (3 marks)

1 1.09 Listen to a radio programme about a cloudy hot snowy storm

new wildlife expedition. Then write true or false.
(10 marks)
When it’s snowy, some people go skiing.
The expedition starts on Wednesday. false
1 It’s 42°C! It’s very _______________.
1 They’re going to go to China. ____________
2 It can be dangerous when there’s a big
2 Last year, they saw three pandas. ____________ _______________.
3 They’re going to take eight tents. ____________ 3 When it’s very _______________, the sky is grey,
4 It’s going to be hot. ____________ not blue.
5 Their cameras are very expensive. ____________

Language focus
6 Write affirmative imperatives. Use one of the
2 Match 1–5 with a–e. (4 marks) verbs. (10 marks)
1 satellite a clothes Eat healthy food. (eat / drink)
2 sleeping b phone 1 ___________ up early! (go / get)
3 insect c bag 2 ___________ lots of sunscreen. (use / put)
4 waterproof d kit
3 ___________ your parents. (call / talk)
5 first aid e repellent
4 ___________ your homework! (make / do)

3 Complete the equipment words. (6 marks) 5 ___________ a goal! (win / score)

We wear gloves on your hands.

7 Write negative imperatives. (8 marks)
1 We use a st__ __ __ to make dinner when we’re
Don’t buy it. (buy)
1 ____________________ the water. (drink)
2 We use a to__ __ __ to see in the dark.
2 ____________________ the animals. (hunt)
3 We sleep inside a t__ __ __ when we’re
3 ____________________ in the river. (swim)
4 ____________________ to her. (listen)
4 We wear he__ __ __ __ s to protect our heads.
5 We use a m__ __ or a co__ __ __ __ __ to find out 8 Choose the correct forms. (10 marks)
where we are. I ’m going to / going to walk.
1 She ’s going / ’s going to take photos.
4 Choose the correct adjective form of the nouns.
(7 marks) 2 We ’re no / aren’t going to go to school.

rain – rainey / rainy 3 You ’re going to / ’s going to catch fish.

1 fog – fogy / foggy 4 My sister doesn’t / isn’t going to go.

2 cold – cold / coldy 5 He ’re going to / ’s going to use the phone.

3 ice – icey / icy 6 Elena isn’t going to / ’s going not to visit us.

4 storm – stormy / stormey 7 They ’re going to / ’m going to sleep in a tent.

5 heat – heat / hot 8 It going to / ’s going to be rainy.

6 sun – sunny / sun 9 The animals not / aren’t going to eat our food.

7 wind – windey / windy 10 I aren’t / am not going to make dinner.

Unit 8 test
9 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the
correct forms of will or won’t. (12 marks) 11 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
I think I will see lots of animals. (see ) about why can’t don’t good sure
1 I think the weather ________________ rainy. (be )
A I’m hungry! Why (1) ____________ we go to the
2 I think we ________________ fun. (have )
3 He ________________ lost. (get )
4 I ________________ the satellite phone every B We (2) ____________ do that. It’s really
day. (use ) expensive. Let’s find a café.
5 __________ they __________ the match? (win)
A I’m not (3) ____________ about that. How
Yes, they ___________. ()
(4) ____________ going to my house? We can
6 __________ you __________ tomorrow? (visit)
No, I ___________. () make sandwiches.

B OK. That’s a (5) ____________ idea.

10 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers.
(10 marks)
12 Write sentences with so. (5 marks)
she’s going to China / she’s learning Mandarin.
She’s going to China, so she’s learning
Hi, I’m Nick, and I’m a scout! The Scout Mandarin.
Association is a club for boys and girls. There
are nearly 4000,000 scouts in the USA, and more 1 he’s very friendly / he’s popular
than 400,000 scouts in the UK. ___________________________________________
This weekend, my scout group is going to go to 2 it was 2.30 / they had lunch
north Wales. We aren’t going to stay in a hotel!
We’re going to stay in tents in the mountains. It’s
often rainy in the mountains, but I hope it will be 3 she was good at chess / she won
sunny this weekend! We’re going to go for long ___________________________________________
walks, and make our own dinner on stoves in
the evenings. We’re going to cook lots of rice 4 it was 11.00 / we went to bed
and vegetables. We won’t eat any burgers! ___________________________________________
5 I’m tired / I’m going to sit down
1 How many British scouts are there?
a about 4000,000 b about 400,000
2 Where is Nick going to sleep this weekend? 13 Imagine you are going to go on your ideal holiday
a in a tent b in a hotel next month. Write about what you are going to do.
Use the questions to help you. (5 marks)
3 What is the weather usually like in north Wales?
1 Where are you going to go?
a rainy b sunny
2 When are you going to go there?
4 What food is Nick going to eat?
3 What is the weather going to be like there?
a burgers b rice
4 What equipment are you going to take?
5 What is the text mainly about?
5 What are you going to see and do?
a a camping holiday
b the history of the scouts

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 1 test
Listening 4 I like visiting music w___________s on the

1 1.02 Listen and tick () the questions that computer.

you hear. (3 marks) 5 I love watching science fiction f____________s.
How many TVs have you got? 
What’s your favourite programme?  Language focus
Are you into films?  )
5 Complete the sentences with the affirmative (
) form of have got. (8 marks)
or negative (
Have you got any hobbies? 
Lucy hasn’t got () a camera.
2 Write true or false. (7 marks) 1 My dad _________________ () a blue car.
1 Matt’s favourite hobby is watching TV. _____ 2 Jo and Si _________________ () two children.
2 Matt has got five TVs. _____ 3 Matt _________________ () a pet.
3 Matt watches TV for five hours a day. _____ 4 I _________________ () a computer at home.
4 Matt hasn’t got a favourite programme. _____
6 Write questions with the correct form of have
5 Matt doesn’t like soap operas. _____
got. Then write the short answers. (8 marks)
6 Matt doesn’t like reading. _____
he / a hobby? ()
7 Matt has got two pets. _____
Has he got a hobby? No, he hasn’t.
1 your parents / a new car? ()
Vocabulary ________________________? Yes, _________.
3 Complete the sentences with the words. 2 she / a laptop? ()
(10 marks)
________________________? Yes, _________.
art animals arts books chatting cycling 3 you / a bike? ()
games meeting sport watching
________________________? No, _________.
1 I like ______________ friends. 4 the classroom / a computer? ()
2 He’s an artist. He’s really into ______________. ________________________? No, _________.
3 We like ______________ on the internet.
7 Complete the phrases with the words. (6 marks)
4 I like the Harry Potter ______________.
5 Dogs and cats are ______________. about by of
6 Her favourite ______________ is football. 1 a book _____________ computers
7 I like ______________. I have got a new bike. 2 a photo _____________ a dog
8 I don’t like ______________ TV. 3 a CD _____________ Shakira
9 Karate and judo are martial ______________.
8 Complete the dialogue with the words. (8 marks)
10 I hate computer ______________.
that these this those
4 Complete the words. (10 marks)
You write an email on a computer. A Hi, Sarah. Who’s your friend?
1 I’m a d____________ in a pop group. I play the B (1) _____________ is Paul. He’s from Hull.
drums. A Hull? Where’s (2) _____________?
2 I like classical music but I don’t like B It’s in East Yorkshire, im England.
h____________ h____________. A Right. (3) _____________ are cool trainers, Paul.
3 There are eleven players in a football B Thanks! I wear (4) _____________ trainers every
t____________. day.
Unit 1 test
1 How many brothers has Hasan got?
9 Complete the questions for the answers.
Use five of the words. (10 marks) __________________________________________
2 What hobbies has Lucy got?
How old How many What
When Where Who __________________________________________
3 Who hasn’t got brothers or sisters?
1 _______________ is she? She’s fifteen.
2 _______________ are you from? I’m from Cardiff.
4 Has Lucy got a favourite film?
3 _______________ DVDs have you got?
I’ve got 25.
5 What films do Hasan and Tom like?
4 _______________ is the football match?
It’s on Friday. __________________________________________
5 _______________ is that boy? He’s my brother.
Reading 11 Complete the words. (10 marks)
10 Read the text. Then answer the questions on the A Hi, Jon. How are things?
right. (10 marks) B Not bad. How are you, Ellie? (1) T______ is
Peter. He’s from the USA.
Friends and hobbies A Hello, Peter. Good to (2) m________ you. What
Hi. My name’s Tom, and I’m thirteen. I haven’t (3) p________ of the USA are you from?
got brothers or sisters, but I love meeting C I’m from Nashville, in Tennessee. It’s a great
friends. My friends’ names are Hasan and place for music. Are you (4) i________ music?
Lucy. A Yes, I love it! I’ve got to go now. See you
Hasan and I both like sports. We like football (5) l_________ then, Peter.
and basketball, but our favourite sport is
swimming. When we haven’t got homework,
we go swimming after school. Hasan has got
two brothers. They’re really into sport too, 12 Complete the sentences with the words. (5 marks)
and they’re very good at basketball. They’re
in the school team! and (x2) but (x2) or
Lucy isn’t into sport. Lucy and her sister like
playing computer games, but Lucy’s favourite 1 I’ve got two sisters __________ I haven’t got
hobby is watching DVDs. She’s got a hundred brothers.
DVDs and she’s mad about films. She hasn’t 2 She’s into football __________ skiing.
got a favourite film, but her favourite actor is
Orlando Bloom. 3 He’s got two dogs __________ a cat.

Hasan and I also like films, especially science 4 Do you prefer sport __________ watching TV?
fiction films. But our favourite films are about 5 I like hip hop __________ I don’t like rock music.
13 Write a letter to your friend about a person in
your family. Use the ideas to help you. (5 marks)

Paragraph 1: Introduction. What is the name and

age of the person? Where is he / she from?
Paragraph 2: Has he / she got pets? What are
his / her interests?
Paragraph 3: Ask your friend two questions
about his / her family. Think about: number of
brothers and sisters / names / ages / pets.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 2 test
3 safe – d ________________
4 dirty – c________________
5 quiet – n________________
1 1.03 Listen and choose the correct answers.
(10 marks)
1 Molly wants to go to _____. Language focus
a Chaves b New York c York
4 Look at the table. Then complete the sentences
2 Molly says that New York is _____. with There is a(n), There isn’t a(n), There are
a modern b pretty c expensive some or There aren’t any. (12 marks)

3 Molly’s Dad likes Chaves because _____. sports centre –  art gallery – 
a he’s interested in the museums restaurant –  park – 0
bus station – 0 factory – 
b it’s got interesting buildings
c it’s only 50 kilometres from their town 1 ____________________ sports centre.
4 Molly doesn’t like travelling by _____. 2 ____________________ restaurants.
a bus b train c plane 3 ____________________ bus station.
5 The conversation is mainly about _____. 4 ____________________ art gallery.
a life in big cities 5 ____________________ parks.
b famous city buildings 6 ____________________ factories.
a holiday destinations
5 Complete the questions and short answers.
Use the correct forms of there is or there are.
(8 marks)
Are there any shops? Yes, there are.
2 Complete the sentences with some of the words.
(10 marks)
1 ________________ a hospital in this city?
No, ________________.
bus cinema flat gallery hospital
library office park restaurant school 2 ________________ an interesting museum here?
shopping station Yes, ________________.
3 ________________ any sports centres where you
1 We watch films in a ________________. live? No, ________________.
2 There are shops in a ________________ centre. 4 ________________ any good CDs in this shop?
3 We live in a ________________ above a shop. Yes, ________________.
4 There are trains in a train ________________.
5 Business people work in an ________________. 6 Write the comparative forms. (8 marks)
6 There are teachers in a ________________. 1 old _______________________________________
7 We eat nice food in a ________________. 2 interesting _________________________________
8 There are books in a ________________. 3 pretty _____________________________________
9 There are trees in a ________________. 4 big _______________________________________
10 An art ________________ has got lots of pictures. 5 good _____________________________________
6 bad ______________________________________
3 Write the opposites. (10 marks) 7 expensive _________________________________
pretty – ugly 8 far _______________________________________
1 friendly – u________________
2 old – m________________
Unit 2 test
3 The Mall is a very quiet shopping centre.
7 Complete the sentences. Use comparative
forms. (8 marks) __________________________________________

1 Badtown is _____________________________ 4 The Mall is about half an hour from Minneapolis

by plane.
Greatplace. (bad)
2 Badtown is ________________________________
5 Beth is from Minneapolis in the USA.
Greatplace. (dangerous)
3 The people in Greatplace are ________________
_____________ the people in Badtown. (friendly)
4 Greatplace is ______________________________
10 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
Badtown. (exciting)
A Can / Do / Am I help you?
8 Complete the sentences. (4 marks) B I (1) love / want / like to (2) visit / meet / go
1 It’s two hours __________ the coach. Liverpool. (3) Which / How / Where far is it?
2 The beach is an hour __________ car. A Liverpool is (4) about / by / of two hours (5) for /
3 It’s five minutes __________ foot. of / from here (6) by / on / with bus.
4 It’s about 30 minutes __________ the train. B How (7) many / loads / much is a return ticket?
A It’s ten pounds. It’s cheaper (8) than / for / that
Reading the train. Here are (9) a / any / some timetables.
B Great. Thanks (10) very / really / a lot of much.
9 Read the text. Then write true or false for the
sentences. Correct the false sentences.
(10 marks) Writing
11 Order the words to make sentences. (5 marks)
THE MALL OF AMERICA 1 expensive / an / restaurant / It / is
The Mall of America is a really big shopping
centre in the north of the USA. It’s bigger than all
of the shopping centres in Europe! There are 40 2 I / modern / towns / prefer
million visitors a year. __________________________________________
The shopping centre is 390,000m . It has got 3 is / This / town / quiet / a
seven floors and 52 shops. There are also
fourteen cinemas and lots of cafés and __________________________________________
restaurants. It’s a noisy place, but it’s clean, 4 These / dangerous / are / very / streets
modern and friendly.
The Mall hasn’t got any hotels, but there’s a train 5 some / There / pretty / are / here / houses
station and a bus station next to it. The city of
Minneapolis is about thirty minutes from the __________________________________________
Mall by train. There are a lot of shops in the city,
too! 12 Write about a town, city or village near you. Use
the ideas to help you. (5 marks)
My name’s Beth, and my family lives in a flat in
the city centre. We’re really into shopping, and Paragraph 1: What is the name of the place?
the Mall is our favourite place! Where is it? How far is it from your home?
Paragraph 2: What kinds of buildings are there /
1 There are some bigger shopping centres in Europe. aren’t there in this place?
__________________________________________ Paragraph 3: What are the good and bad things
about this place?
2 There are some cinemas in the Mall.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 3 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.04 Listen to a radio programme about 5 Write the present simple form of the verbs.
people’s daily routines. Then answer the (18 marks)
questions. (10 marks) 1 I ______________ (know) a lot of English words.
1 Where are Yumi and Leandro from? 2 He ______________ (study) Italian.
__________________ and __________________ 3 Her friend ______________ (not do) her
2 What time does Yumi often get up in the homework every night.
summer? __________________ 4 We ______________ (not speak) German.
3 What does Yumi like doing on Sundays? 5 They ______________ (not like) big, modern
6 My sister ______________ (watch) a lot of TV.
4 Does Leandro ever study at the weekends?
7 Rosa ______________ (not go) to my school.
8 My father ______________ (teach) history.
5 What does Leandro always do?
9 You ______________ (not listen) to hip hop or
classical music.

Vocabulary 6 Write present simple questions. Then match

questions 1–7 with the answers a–g. (14 marks)
2 Complete the table with nationalities. (7 marks)
1 how often / you / do / exercises 
Country Nationality ___________________________________________
the USA (1) ____________________ 2 your brother / like / sport 
Poland (2) ____________________
Australia (3) ____________________
Canada (4) ____________________
3 you / go / to bed / after 11 p.m. 
Brazil (5) ____________________
Germany (6) ____________________
4 what time / Scott / have / dinner 
Japan (7) ____________________ ___________________________________________
5 the girls / go home / after school 
3 Complete the sentences with languages or ___________________________________________
nationalities. (3 marks) 6 Carla’s mum / work / in a factory 
1 People speak _____________ in France. ___________________________________________
2 Most _____________ people speak Mandarin. 7 what languages / they / speak 
3 She comes from the UK. She’s _____________. ___________________________________________

4 Complete the sentences with verbs. (10 marks)

a Yes, they do.
1 They w___________ TV every Friday night.
b No, he doesn’t.
2 She doesn’t g___________ to school.
c Every day.
3 We always h___________ a break at 11 a.m.
d Yes, she does.
4 I never g___________ up early at the weekend.
e At 6.30 p.m.
5 The students d___________ their homework at
f English and Italian.
the library.
g No, I don’t.
Unit 3 test
9 Write true or false for the sentences. (4 marks)
7 Rewrite the sentences with adverbs of
frequency. (8 marks) 1 Musicians sing famous old songs in the
competition. _________
always often never sometimes usually
2 Some people from the UK play in the
He walks to school. (****) competition. _________
He always walks to school. 3 Most singers prefer to use English. _________
4 Eurovision has also got American and Japanese
1 I do my homework before dinner. (***)
fans. _________
2 Those boys are late for school. (**) Communication
10 Complete the dialogue. (5 marks)
3 She gets up at 6 a.m. (*)
A What do you like doing after school?
B I really (1) e__________ playing computer
4 Maths is easy. (x) games. They’re fun. I (2) h__________ reading.
__________________________________________ It’s boring! What (3) a__________ you?
A I don’t (4) m__________ playing computer
Reading games. I think they’re OK sometimes. But my
sister (5) l__________ playing them!
8 Read the text. Match three of the questions to
the paragraphs 1–3. There is one extra question.
(6 marks) Writing
a When is Eurovision?  11 Write sentences. Use the correct punctuation
b Who sings in Eurovision?  and capital letters. (5 marks)
c Where is Eurovision popular?  i speak good english I speak good English.
d What is Eurovision?  1 we study french at my school
2 his best friend is maria
1 Eurovision is a big music competition. 3 the usa canada and australia are big countries
Groups and singers write new songs for the
competition. Then they play their music on a
TV programme. People at home watch the 4 mrs black speaks spanish and german
programme and they say if the groups are __________________________________________
good or bad. Many groups are very good. 5 they read books watch films and write emails
2 People from different countries play music __________________________________________
in Eurovision, and there are British, Spanish,
German, Italian and Polish singers. Most 12 Write about a typical school day. Use the ideas
groups sing in their own languages, but some to help you. (5 marks)
people prefer singing in English. A very
famous Eurovision group is Abba. Abba are Paragraph 1: What time do you usually get up /
Swedish, but they sing in Swedish or English. have breakfast / go to school?
Paragraph 2: What do you usually do at school?
3 Eurovision is very popular around the What languages do you study? Are these
world. The competition is for European languages easy or difficult?
countries, but people in the USA, Australia
Paragraph 3: What do you usually do in the
and Japan watch Eurovision on TV or on the
internet! About five million people in 140
countries watch the programme.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 4 test
them. But seals are very fast! Bigger seals
Listening (5) __________________ the small, young seals.
1 1.05 Listen to a radio programme about
Whipsnade Animal Park in England. Then Language focus
choose the correct answers. (10 marks)
4 Complete the sentences with the present
1 What animals do Pippa and Alan talk about first? continuous form of the verbs. (18 marks)
a elephants b bears c lions
not do not have listen sleep swim
2 What are the lions doing?
a looking for food b sleeping c running They’re listening to music.
3 What is in the aquarium? 1 The boys ______________________ in the sea.
a fish b whales c sharks 2 She ______________________ her homework.
4 What does Alan say about parrots? 3 I ______________________ dinner at home.
a They’re horrible. c They’re noisy. 4 The dog ______________________ in its bed.
b They’re pretty.
not change not eat run not study watch
5 What is the conversation mainly about?
a a visit to a zoo c animals in danger 5 The chameleon ______________________ colour.
b the best places to see wild animals 6 I ______________________ TV.
7 We ______________________ French.
Vocabulary 8 The players ______________________ fast.
2 Answer the questions. Write an animal, bird or 9 I ______________________ pizza.
insect. (10 marks)
1 What animal is small, green, and good at 5 Write present continuous questions. (10 marks)

jumping? A f__________________. 1 what / the bear / hunt

2 What animal is big and grey and has got big __________________________________________

ears? An e__________________. 2 the humans / sleep

3 What animal in the sea is bigger than all the __________________________________________

other animals? A w__________________. 3 where / the bird / fly

4 What brown bird flies very fast? __________________________________________

A f__________________. 5 the bus / stopping

5 What animal catches flies and has got eight __________________________________________

legs? A s__________________. 6 why / the mouse / hide

3 Complete the text with the verbs. (10 marks)
6 Complete the sentences. Use the present
catch feed hunt play protect simple or present continuous. (12 marks)
exercise go have
It’s summer in Seal Island, near South Africa. Seals jump not speak usually / get up
swim and (1) __________________ fish with their
1 At the moment, we ___________________
mouths. Some seals eat the fish, and some seals
(2) _________________ fish to their babies for
2 Right now, I ___________________ Spanish.
dinner. The baby seals stay on the beach and
3 I ___________________ late at the weekend.
(3) __________________ games with each other.
4 On Mondays, I ___________________ to school
The sea is a dangerous place. Sharks often on the bus.
(4) __________________ seals and try to catch
Unit 4 test
5 At the moment, the frog ___________________ Communication
from tree to tree. 8 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
6 He ___________________ at the sports centre A Hi, Nick. It’s Philippa.
every day.
B Hi! What (1) _____________ you doing
(2) _____________ the moment?
A I’m at the theme park with Emily.
7 Read the text. Then read the questions and
B Cool! Are you (3) _____________ a good time?
complete the answers. (10 marks)
A Yes, it’s fun! We (4) ______________ meet later if
ELEPHANTS you want.
B OK. (5) ______________ me a call.
No animals are bigger than whales, but
elephants are bigger than all other animals on A Sure. Bye for now!
the land. There are elephants in India and
Africa. Indian elephants are a bit smaller and
they’ve also got smaller ears!
Elephants eat fruit and plants, and they love 9 Order the words to make sentences. Use the
water. When they’re drinking at a river, they present simple form of the verbs. (4 marks)
often play in the water! They live for about 50 to hungry / fish / be / The / very / bear / it / catch /
60 years in the wild, and about 80 years in safari because
parks. Elephants sometimes attack smaller
The bear catches fish because it is very
animals or humans, but they aren’t usually
dangerous. Humans are a lot more dangerous! hungry.
People hunt and kill between 10,000 and 20,000 1 because / dangerous / I / they / crocodiles / not
elephants every year. like / be
Many people think elephants are interesting, __________________________________________
intelligent animals, and they want to help them.
At the moment, safari parks and zoos are
protecting some elephants. There are 90 2 drink / be / they / The / because / animals /
elephants in British zoos! thirsty / water
1 How big are African elephants? They’re __________________________________________
________________________ whales, but they’re
________________________ Indian elephants. 10 Think of an animal or a bird and write about it.
Use the ideas to help you. (6 marks)
2 What do elephants do when they’re at a river?
They __________________________, and they Paragraph 1: Where does the animal or bird
also _____________________________________. live? What does it look like? How big is it?
3 How dangerous are elephants? They aren’t Paragraph 2: What does the animal or bird do?
What does it eat? Do other animals hunt or eat
_______________________ dangerous but they it?
sometimes ____________________________. Paragraph 3: Why is this animal or bird
interesting? (Is it friendly, noisy, dangerous or
4 Why are some humans dangerous? Some
pretty?) Do you like it? Why? / Why not?
humans are dangerous because _____________
5 How is the UK helping elephants? It’s got

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 5 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.06 Gabi is at a summer school. Listen to 4 Complete the sentences. Use can or can’t and
the verbs in the box. (12 marks)
her conversation with her friend, Aarón. Then
write true or false. (10 marks) go play read run speak sit swim
1 Gabi is studying English, history and art. 0 I can run really fast. ()
__________ 1 She _________________ for 500 metres in the
2 Aarón thinks summer school sounds interesting. pool. ()
__________ 2 You _________________ on this chair. No one is
3 Gabi hasn’t got any classes in the afternoon. using it. ()
__________ 3 No, you _________________ to the cinema.
You’ve got lots of homework! ()
4 Gabi is really good at playing the guitar.
4 The children _________________ long books.
They’re only three years old! ()
5 Gabi is having pizza and chips for dinner.
5 ___________ he ___________ five languages?
Yes, he ____________!
6 ___________ I ___________ a computer game?
Vocabulary No, sorry, you ____________. It’s dinner time!

2 Complete the sentences with five of the words.

5 Look at the sentences in exercise 4. Which
(10 marks)
sentences are about ability, and which are about
geography dance drama ICT permission? Write the numbers. (6 marks)
maths science Ability: 0, _____, _____, _____
Permission: _____, _____, _____
1 We use computers in an ______________ lesson.
2 My sister really loves ______________, especially 6 Complete the text. Write a, an or the. (10 marks)
ballet and flamenco.
There’s an art gallery near my school. I sometimes
3 In today’s ______________ class, we’re go to (1) _________ art gallery when I’ve got homework
studying plants. for art class. There’s (2) _________ café there. I usually
4 In our ______________ class, we’re studying buy (3) _________ drink. (4) _________café is really
Shakespeare. nice, and it isn’t (5) _________ expensive place!
5 I’m studying ______________ because I’m really
interested in numbers. 7 Complete the sentences with the words.
(6 marks)
3 Complete the sentences with food or drink
aren’t isn’t lot many much is
words. (10 marks)
1 We drink orange or tomato j___________. 1 There isn’t ____________ cheese and there
2 When it’s hot, I eat i___________ c___________. ____________ any pasta.
3 An apple is a type of f___________. 2 They haven’t got ____________ sweets and there
4 He doesn’t eat m___________, like chicken ____________ many nuts.
or beef. 3 We’ve got a ____________ of fizzy drinks and
5 We can eat different v_________________ there ____________ some milk.
in salads.
Unit 5 test

8 Choose the correct words. (6 marks) Communication

1 In China people drink a lot of / many / any tea. 11 Choose the correct answers. (10 marks)
2 He doesn’t eat much / many / some cheese. 1 Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
3 Vegetarians don’t eat many / some / any meat. a Sorry, I can’t. c That’s a pity.
4 There aren’t many / much / some ice cream shops
b No, I’m not.
in north America, because it’s often very cold!
2 What about tomorrow then?
5 It’s very healthy to eat some / any / much fruit a I want to. c Yes, I do.
and vegetables every day.
b Sounds good.
6 I never eat any / some / much tomatoes.
3 You can’t watch TV tonight.
a Because? c Why not?
b Can I?
4 Are you busy tomorrow?
9 Read the text, ignoring the gaps. What is the text a No, sorry. c Oh no.
mainly about? Choose a, b or c. (2 marks) b No. Why?
a students’ favourite subjects 5 Text me later, OK?
b a special kind of school a OK. c Good.
c studying in the USA b Yes, I text.

Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, USA, is Writing

an unusual school. Do you hate maths? (1) ... 12 Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas.
They go to another class, such as history or (5 marks)
science! At Sudbury, students can choose which
subjects they want to study. 1 She likes healthy food, for example ___________
_________________________________________ .
If students don’t want to go to any classes, it isn’t
a problem. There are lots of other activities at 2 I’m into sports, such as ____________________ .
Sudbury. (2) ... Some students play instruments, 3 I study many subjects, like __________________ .
and some go to the ICT room. (3) ... They can’t
leave the school, but they can walk or play 4 He’s got a lot of hobbies, for example _________
sports in the school garden. It’s never boring at _________________________________________ .
this school!
5 We do activities after school, like _____________
There are a few rules at Sudbury. Students can’t
_________________________________________ .
do anything dangerous, and they can’t stay at
home every day! (4) ... It’s a popular school!
13 Write about your ideal school. Use the ideas to
help you. (5 marks)
10 Match the gaps in the text 1–4 to the missing
sentences a–d. Write the numbers. (8 marks)
Paragraph 1: What subjects can you study at
a But students are usually very happy at Sudbury. this school? What after-school activities can you
 do? What are your favourite subjects and
activities? Why?
b At Sudbury, if students hate maths, they don’t
Paragraph 2: What time is lunch at this school?
study it.  What can you eat and drink?
c For example, some students go to drama Paragraph 3: Are there any rules at this school?
practice.  Is there anything students can’t do?
d In that room, they can check emails or play
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 6 test
Listening 4 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple
affirmative form of one of the verbs. (8 marks)
1 1.07 Listen to a radio programme about 1 Zoe _____________ (name / change) her dog Ben.
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Then
complete the summary. Write a word or a 2 I _____________ (travel / invade) to Canada.
number in each gap. (10 marks) 3 She _____________ (cross / discover) a new café
in town.
Edinburgh is a popular city. (1) ______________ million
4 They _____________ (explore / invent) the city.
people visited it last year. Many famous people lived here.
Sean Connery was born in (2) ______________, but he 5 He _____________ (invade / invent) the radio.

moved to (3) ______________. 6 We _____________ (establish / cross) the river in

a boat.
J.K. Rowling invented some ideas for Harry Potter
when she was in a (4) ______________ in Edinburgh. 7 Mathi _____________ (change / discover) the
colour of his hair.
Mary I was queen of Scotland from (5) ______________
8 I _____________ (prefer / establish) the museum
to (6) ______________. There were (7) ______________
to the art gallery.
Scottish queens and more than (8) ______________ kings.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the (9) ______________.
His father was a (10) ______________ in Edinburgh.
Language focus
5 Write sentences or questions and short answers
Vocabulary using the correct form of was or were. (10 marks)
Picasso / from Spain ()
2 Complete the definitions with seven of the
words. (7 marks) Picasso was from Spain.
1 Shakespeare and the Beatles / from the UK ()
actor doctor explorer mechanic scientist ___________________________________________
king queen teacher waitress
2 J.K. Rowling / a farmer ()
1 A _______________ studies science. ___________________________________________
2 An _______________ works in films. 3 Columbus and Vasco de Gama / chefs ()
3 A _______________ is a man. He rules a country. ___________________________________________
4 An _______________ visits new countries. 4 France and England / part of Rome (?)
5 A _______________ helps people in hospital. ___________________________________________
6 A _______________ is a woman. She works in a ____________, they ____________. ()
café or restaurant. 5 Muhammad Ali / a football player (?)
7 A _______________ works with cars. ___________________________________________
____________, he ____________. ()
3 Complete the definitions with the correct form of
the words. (5 marks)
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
1 A _______________ builds houses and other There was or There were. (10 marks)
buildings. (build) 100 years ago …
2 A _______________ plays an instrument. (music) 1 __________________ a café in my town. ()
3 A _______________ writes books. (write) 2 __________________ any parks. ()
4 An _______________ paints or draws. (art) 3 __________________ two shops. ()
5 An _______________ makes new things. (invent) 4 __________________ any cars. ()
5 __________________ a library. ()
Unit 6 test
7 Complete the sentences using the past simple a Early history of the village 
form of the verbs. (16 marks) b Why did they change the name? 
live not listen not play invade c Places with interesting names 
d Popular place names 
1 The Romans _________________ Germany. e What is the village like today? 
2 The boys _________________ football. f Why is one Welsh village unusual? 
3 I _________________ to music last night.
4 They _________________ in a very big house.
10 Complete the questions with the past simple of
not like invent stop not travel
be. Then match the questions 1–5 with the
5 You _________________ the big, dirty city! replies a–e. (10 marks)
1 What _______ Tokyo like? 
6 The bus _________________ at the station.
2 _______ you on your own? 
7 They _________________ a lot of new things.
3 What about the shops? _______ they good? 
8 He _________________ to France.
4 _______ the weather good? 
5 How _______ the exam? 
8 Complete the sentences with time expressions.
(4 marks) a No. I was with my family.
1 Marilyn Monroe died __ __1962. b Yes, it was brilliant. It was really sunny!
2 I lived there two years __ __ __. c Yes, they were amazing.
d It was terrible! The questions were really difficult.
3 We played tennis __ __ __ __ weekend.
e It was a really cool city.
4 He invented it __ __ the sixteenth century.
Reading 11 Complete the sentences with five of the words.
9 Read the text. Then match headings a–f with (5 marks)
paragraphs 1–5. There is one heading that you
ago in today century last the time
do not need. (10 marks)
1 We travelled to the USA ___________ 2008.
BIG NAME, SMALL VILLAGE! 2 This was a popular place in ___________ 1900s.
1 Many British places have got unusual names. In 3 They invaded in the fifth ___________.
England, you can visit Dog Village in the south and 4 It’s a big city ___________.
World’s End in the north! The name of one village
in Scotland has only got two letters: Ae! 5 She visited us about three years ____________.

2 But one village in Wales has got a really difficult 12 Write about the area where you live. Use the
name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwll- ideas to help you. (5 marks)
llantysiliogogogoch! This is longer than all the
other place names in Europe.
Paragraph 1: What is the name of your area? Is it
3 This Welsh village is very old – Romans lived
big or small? Where is it?
there about 2,000 years ago.
Paragraph 2: Describe one interesting place in your
4 In the 1850s, the name of the village was area. What do you know about its history?
Llanfair, and it was a very quiet place. People in the Paragraph 3: What interesting people lived in your
village wanted more visitors, so they changed the area? What did they do?
name. They invented a more interesting new name,
with 58 letters!
5 Today, 3,000 people live in the village, but Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
thousands more tourists visit every year. It’s _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 7 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.08 Listen to Josh and Lara talk about a 5 Complete the sentences with the past simple
game. Then choose the correct answers. form of the verbs. (12 marks)
(10 marks)
eat go listen make see travel win
1 When did Lara buy the game?
a last week b a few weeks ago c this week You went to bed early last night.
2 What does Lara like playing? 1 He ______________ dinner for his family.
a football b computer games c all sports 2 I ______________ the chess game!
3 What colour is Lara’s team? 3 She ______________ him at the library.
a blue b red c green 4 I ______________ to music last night.
4 How many games did Lara win on Saturday? 5 They ______________ lots of chips.
a none b five c three 6 We ______________ to France by train.
5 What does Lara think about the game?
6 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 4. Use the
a She is really enjoying playing it. past simple negative form. (12 marks)
b She wants to stop playing it. You didn’t go to bed early last night.
c She doesn’t mind playing it sometimes. 1 __________________________________________
2 __________________________________________
Vocabulary 3 __________________________________________
2 Write the past simple forms. 4 __________________________________________
(5 marks)
5 __________________________________________
played – played
6 __________________________________________
1 score – s____________
2 win – w____________ 7 Complete the questions using the past simple
form of the verbs. Then match them with the
3 run – r____________
answers. Write a–f in the boxes. (10 marks)
4 lose – l____________
Did you have (you / have) a sandwich for lunch? 
5 break – b____________
1 __________________ (she / play) golf? 
3 Match 1–6 with a–f. (5 marks)
2 What time _______________ (you / meet) Jo? 
1 run a someone in a game
3 What _________________ (he / watch)? 
4 Where _________________ (she / go)? 
2 win b part in a competition
5 _________________ (I / lose) the game? 
3 score c a race
4 break d a match a No, you won!
5 beat e a record b He watched a horror film.
6 take f a goal c No, I had a salad.
d She went to the cinema.
4 Complete the description with five of the words.
(10 marks) e At three o’clock.
f No, she didn’t.
average beard fair glasses green quite

The woman had (1) ______________ eyes and 8 Write questions for the answers. Use the correct
form of the bold verbs. (6 marks)
(2) ______________ hair. She was
1 __________________________________________?
(3) ______________ tall, and (4) ______________
No, they didn’t find their friends.
build. She had (5) ______________.
Unit 7 test
2 __________________________________________? Communication
She travelled to Poland on holiday. 10 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
3 __________________________________________? A Hi, Alexa. Did you have a good weekend?
We got up at half past seven. B Not (1) r___________. I went shopping on
Saturday. What (2) a___________ you?
A I (3) w___________ to the music festival.
B (4) T___________ cool. Was it good?
9 Read the text. Then write true or false. Correct
the false sentences. (10 marks) A Yes. Fantastic!
B Did you do (5) a___________ else?
A I went to a party on Sunday. It was fun.
Game shows are very popular television
programmes. One famous British show is Who Writing
wants to be a Millionaire?. On the show, people
answer a number of questions. The questions 11 Write sentences with the word also in the right
are easy at first, but they become more difficult. place. (10 marks)
Between 1998 and 2008, fifteen players won the
top prize of £1,000,000! This show became My cousins are nice. They / are / funny
popular around the world, and people played My cousins are nice. They are also funny.
the game in countries like the USA, Spain and 1 I like music. I / like / sport
The first ever TV game show was in 1938. It was
2 He plays tennis. He / plays / football
a British show called Spelling Bee. The presenter
was a man called Freddie Grisewood. He had __________________________________________
short, dark hair and glasses. Freddie asked 3 I am tall. I / am / slim
people on the show to spell words. The person
with the most correct words won. The show __________________________________________
wasn’t very exciting because the game was 4 We eat burgers. We / eat / chips
really easy!

1 More than twenty people won a million pounds in 5 The town is small. It / also / quiet
a British game show. __________________________________________
12 Write a profile about you. Use the ideas in the
2 Some Spanish people played Who wants to be a paragraph plan. (5 marks)
Paragraph 1: Introduction (general information
about you, for example, your full name, how old
3 Who wants to be a Millionaire? is older than you are, where you were born)
Spelling Bee. Paragraph 2: Description (What do you look
__________________________________________ like?)
Paragraph 3: Last weekend (What did you do?
4 The presenter of the first TV game show had Who did you meet? What did you eat?)
black or brown hair.
5 Spelling Bee was quite difficult.

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 8 test
Listening 5 Complete the sentences with four of the words.
(8 marks)
1 1.09 Listen to a radio programme about a
new wildlife expedition. Then write true or false. cloud / cloudy ice / icy rain / rainy
Correct the false sentences. (10 marks) sun / sunny storm / stormy

The expedition starts on Friday. true 1 In winter, when it’s ______________, the roads
1 They’re going to go to China. can be dangerous.
___________________________________________ 2 A ______________ can be white, black or grey. It
2 Last year, they saw three pandas. sometimes brings rain.

___________________________________________ 3 When it’s ______________, many people go to

the beach and eat ice cream!
3 They’re going to take eight tents.
4 A ______________ can be dangerous. The sky is
very dark, and it’s also often windy and rainy.
4 It’s going to be hot.
___________________________________________ Language focus
5 Their cameras are quite expensive. 6 Complete the imperatives with four of the verbs.
___________________________________________ (8 marks)

eat listen speak take walk watch

Listen to the music.
2 Complete the equipment words. (6 marks)
1 ______________ this food.
We use a satellite phone to talk to friends.
2 Don’t run! ______________.
1 We sleep inside a t___________ when we’re
3 ______________ waterproof clothes.
4 ______________ this programme.
2 We use a s___________ to make dinner when
we’re camping. 7 Rewrite sentences 1–4 in exercise 6 in the
negative form. (8 marks)
3 We use a t___________ to see in the dark.
Don’t listen to the music.
4 We wear h___________s to protect our heads.
1 __________________________________________
5 We use a m___________ or a c___________ to
2 __________________________________________
find out where we are.
3 __________________________________________
3 Complete the sentences. Use four of the words. 4 __________________________________________
(4 marks)

bag clothes kit phone repellent 8 Complete the sentences using the correct form
of going to. (12 marks)
1 Use insect _____________ to protect yourself I am going to go home. (go )
from flies and mosquitoes. 1 I _______________________ dinner. (make )
2 Wear waterproof_____________ when it’s rainy. 2 We _______________________ tonight. (study )
3 I helped the boy with my first aid _____________. 3 Matt _______________________ us. (visit )
4 He sleeps in a sleeping _____________. 4 They _______________________ TV. (watch )

4 Write the opposites of the words. (2 marks) 5 ________ it ______________ tomorrow? (rain)

1 cold (noun) ________________ Yes, it ___________ ()

2 cold (adjective) ________________ 6 ________ I ______________ cold? (be)

No, you ___________. ()
Unit 8 test
3 What is the weather usually like in this part of
9 Write sentences, questions and short answers Wales?
using the correct form of will or won’t. (12 marks) a rainy b sunny c stormy
Chris / lost (get) Chris will get lost. 4 What food isn’t Nikki going to eat?
1 Keira / on the expedition (go) a burgers b rice c vegetables
__________________________________________ 5 What is the text mainly about?
2 they / in tents (not sleep) a what it’s like to be a scout
b the history of the scouts
c a camping holiday
3 I / any animals (not see)
__________________________________________ Communication
4 we / lunch in the park (have)
11 Complete the dialogue with five of the words in
__________________________________________ the box. (10 marks)
5 the weather / sunny / on Friday / ? (be)
about can’t don’t good will sure right with
A I’m hungry! Why (1) ____________ we go to the
Yes, __________________.
6 you / a famous pop star / ? (become)
B We (2) ____________ do that. It’s really
No, __________________.
expensive. Let’s find a café.

Reading A I’m not (3) ____________ about that. How

10 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers. (4) ____________ going to my house? We can
(10 marks) make sandwiches.
B OK. That’s a (5) ____________ idea.
Hi, I’m Nikki, and I’m a scout! The Scout Writing
Association is a popular club for boys and girls.
There are nearly 4000,000 scouts in the USA, 12 Complete the sentences. Use so and the
and more than 400,000 scouts in the UK. Around phrases in the box. (5 marks)
20,700 of those are girls.
he speaks French I ate we use torches
This weekend, my scout group is going to go to I’m staying in they drank water
the Welsh mountains. The teachers have got
small tents, but my tent is large – six scouts are 1 I was hungry ____________________________.
going to sleep in it! It rains a lot of time in the 2 It’s raining ______________________________.
mountains, and it’s sometimes stormy there, too,
but I hope it will be sunny this weekend! 3 He’s from France ________________________.

It’s going to be fun! We’re going to go for long 4 They were thirsty ________________________.
walks, and make dinner on stoves. We’re going 5 It’s dark ________________________________.
to cook lots of rice and vegetables. We won’t
have any junk food, like burgers! 13 Imagine you are going to go on your ideal
holiday next month. Write about what you are
1 How many British scouts are there? going to do. Use the ideas to help you. (5 marks)
a about 4000,000 c about 400,000
Paragraph 1: Where and when are you going to
b about 20,700 go? What is the weather going to be like?
2 Where is Nikki going to sleep this weekend?
Paragraph 2: What are you going to take on
a in a small tent c in a hotel holiday? Why?
b in a big tent Paragraph 3: What are you going to do?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 1 test
(3) ______________ in the pool, and she also likes
Listening football. Her favourite football
1 1.02 Listen to the programme. What is Matt’s (4) _______________ is Manchester United. Her
favourite hobby? Complete the sentence. favourite football (5) ______________ is Cristiano
(2 marks)
Ronaldo. She also likes watching
Matt’s favourite hobby is _______________________.
(6) ______________ at the cinema. Her favourite
2 Write true or false for the sentences. Then (7) ______________ is Zac Efron, and her favourite
correct the false sentences. (8 marks)
(8) ________________ is Steven Spielberg. She
1 Mark has got five TVs.
often uses a computer to visit music and sport
(9) ________________s, and she also likes writing
2 Matt watches TV for five hours a day.
(10) ________________s to friends.
3 Matt loves reading. Language focus
6 Write sentences with have got. (8 marks)
4 Matt has got two pets.
1 he / an interesting hobby ()
2 they / bikes. ()
3 Complete the sentences about hobbies and
interests. (6 marks) 3 you / a pet ()

1 I hate _______________ TV. __________________________________________

2 I’m really into _______________. I’ve got two 4 Becky / this DVD. ()
bikes! __________________________________________
3 I like chatting ______ ______ internet.
7 Write questions and short answers. Use the
4 I love ______________. My favourite artists are correct form of have got. (12 marks)
Picasso and Andy Warhol. Julia / a dog ()
5 I don’t like martial _______________. Has Julia got a dog? Yes, she has.
6 I’ve got a really expensive camera. I really like 1 they / laptops ()
4 Complete the sentences. Give an example for 2 Mark / this CD ()
the bold words. (4 marks)
SuperMario is a computer game.
3 we / a big TV ()
1 ______________ is a sport.
2 A/An ______________ is an animal.
4 she / a webcam ()
3 ________________ is my favourite book.
4 My favourite kind of music is _______________.
8 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)
5 Complete the text. Write music, sport, cinema or
1 Has he got this book ____________ sport?
computer words. (10 marks)
2 I’ve got a photo ____________ the football team.
My sister is really into music. She likes hip
3 Have you got a poster ____________ this group?
(1) ______________ and pop music. Her favourite
4 I’ve got the new CD ____________ Rihanna.
(2) ______________ are Kasabian and the Kaiser
5 It’s a very funny film ____________ animals.
Chiefs. She’s also interested in sport. She loves
Unit 1 test
9 Write questions for the answers. Use My friends
interrogative pronouns. (10 marks)
Hi. My name’s Tom, and I’m thirteen. I haven’t got
1 __________________________________________
brothers or sisters, but I love meeting friends. My
I’m from the UK. friends’ names are Hasan and Lucy. We’re
2 __________________________________________ all students at Rossett High School and we live
in York.
She’s got twenty DVDs.
Hasan and I both like sports. We like football
3 __________________________________________ and basketball, but our favourite sport is
My birthday is on 11th May. swimming. When we haven’t got homework, we
go swimming after school. Hasan has got two
4 __________________________________________
brothers. They’re really into sport too, and
My favourite food is pizza. they’re very good at swimming. They’re both in
5 __________________________________________ the school team!

He’s ten years old. Lucy isn’t into sport. Lucy and her sister like
playing computer games and listening to music,
10 Complete the dialogue with this, that, these or but Lucy’s favourite hobby is watching DVDs.
those. (5 marks) Lucy’s mad about films, and she’s got a hundred
DVDs! Apart from watching films, she also likes
A Look at (1) ____________ photos here. My reading books about famous Hollywood stars.
sister’s really good at photography. She hasn’t got a favourite actor or actress. She
B Wow, they’re brilliant. I really like loves them all!
(2) ____________ one here. Hasan and I also quite like films, especially
A Hmm. I prefer (3) ____________ one on the really exciting science fiction films. But our
wall over there. favourite films are about sport!
B Oh yes, (4) ____________’s good. Who are
(5) ____________ people there in the photo?
A They’re my aunt and uncle. Communication
12 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
Reading A Hi, Jo. How are things?
11 Read the text on the right. Then answer the B Not bad. How are you, Elliot? (1) ________ is
questions. Write complete sentences. (10 marks) Megan. She’s from the UK.
1 How many friends has Tom got? A Hello, Megan. Good to (2) ________ you. What
(3) ________ of the UK are you from?
C I’m from Edinburgh, in Scotland. It’s a great
2 Where is Lucy from? place for art and the theatre. Are you
__________________________________________ (4) ________ art?
3 Who is in a swimming team? A Yes, I love it! See you (5) _________ then,
__________________________________________ Megan.

4 What interests has Lucy got?

__________________________________________ 13 Write a letter to your friend about a person in
your family. Ask your friend questions about
5 What films does Tom like? his / her family. Make sure that you use and, but
__________________________________________ and or correctly. Write about 80–100 words.
(10 marks)

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 2 test
Listening 4 Complete the sentences with places and
adjectives. (8 marks)
1 1.03 Listen and choose the correct answers.
1 I’m a student at this s___________. I’ve got lots of
(10 marks)
1 Molly wants to go to _____. friends here because the students are very
a New York b Chaves c York f___________.
2 Molly says that New York is _____. 2 My mum works in this building. Her
a pretty b expensive c modern o___________ is a grey and boring room. It is
3 Molly’s dad likes Chaves because _____. very u___________!
a he’s interested in the museums 3 This sports c___________ is one year old! It’s a
b it’s got interesting buildings really m___________ building.
c it’s only 50 kilometres from their town. 4 There are lots of cars and buses near the bus
4 Molly doesn’t like travelling by _____. s___________. It isn’t quiet. It’s a very
a plane b bus c train n___________ place!
5 The conversation is mainly about _____.
a life in big cities Language focus
b famous city buildings 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of There is or There are. Add a, an, some or any
c holiday destinations
where necessary. (14 marks)
There aren’t any swimming pools. ()
1 _______________________ cafés. ()
2 Complete the sentences with places in a city. 2 _______________________ school. ()
(6 marks)
3 _______________________ factories. ()
1 We eat food in a r______________.
4 _______________________ flats. ()
2 They live in a f______________ in a tall building.
5 _______________________ office. ()
3 There are books in a l______________.
6 _______________________ shops. ()
4 P______________ have got lots of trees and
flowers. 7 _______________________ pretty buildings. ()
5 Some people work in f______________ in 6 Write questions and short answers. (12 marks)
industrial areas.
Are there any swimming pools? ()
6 There are loads of pictures in an No, there aren’t.
a______________ g______________.
1 _______________________ hospital? ()
3 Write the opposites of the adjectives for _______________________
describing places. (6 marks)
2 _______________________ old buildings? ()
1 ugly – __________________
2 safe – __________________
3 _______________________ schools? ()
3 friendly – __________________
4 clean – __________________
4 _______________________ park? ()
5 noisy – __________________
6 old – __________________
5 _______________________ flats? ()
6 _______________________ exciting film on at the
cinema? ()
Unit 2 test
7 Write sentences. Use the comparative form of
suitable adjectives. (8 marks)
A train ticket costs €5. A bus ticket costs €10.
The bus is more expensive than the train. The Mall of America is a really big shopping
centre in the north of the USA. All the
1 The north park is pretty. The south park is ugly.
shopping centres in Europe are smaller than
The south park __________________________ this mall! There are 40 million visitors a year.
The shopping centre is 390,000m2. It has got
2 The city is very dangerous. The town isn’t very
seven floors and 52 shops. Apart from shops,
dangerous. The town _____________________ there are fourteen cinemas, twenty
________________________________________ restaurants and lots of cafés. It’s quite a noisy
3 The café is good. The restaurant is bad. place, but it’s clean, modern and friendly.
The café ________________________________ In the centre of the Mall, there is a theme
________________________________________ park and an exciting aquarium. The aquarium
4 I think English is very difficult, but French isn’t has got lots of fish – and dangerous alligators
difficult. I think French ____________________ and sharks!
________________________________________ The Mall hasn’t got any hotels, but there is a
railway station and a bus station next to it.
8 Complete the sentences. Choose by or on and The city of Minneapolis is about thirty
complete the travel words. (8 marks) minutes by train from the shopping centre.
It’s 20 minutes by / on train. There are some hotels in the city centre.
1 It’s an hour by / on the b___________. My name’s Beth, and my family and I live in
Minneapolis. We’re really into shopping, and
2 It’s two hours by / on p___________.
the Mall is our favourite place!
3 It’s about 50 minutes by / on c___________.
4 It’s five minutes by / on f___________.
Reading 11 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
9 Read the text on the right. Then write true or A Can I help you?
false for the sentences. Correct the false
sentences. (8 marks) B I (1) w___________ to (2) v___________ Leeds.
How (3) f___________ is it?
1 There are some bigger shopping centres in
A Leeds is (4) a___________ fifty minutes (5)
f___________ here by bus.
B How (6) m___________ is a (7) r___________
2 The Mall is a very quiet shopping centre. ticket?
__________________________________________ A It’s six pounds. It’s cheaper (8) t___________ the
3 There are some interesting animals in the Mall. train. Here are some timetables.
__________________________________________ B (9) G___________. (10) T___________ you very
4 The Mall is about half an hour from Minneapolis much.
by plane.
__________________________________________ Writing
12 Write about a town, city or village near you.
10 Do you want to visit the Mall? Why? / Why not? Make sure you put the adjectives in the correct
(2 marks) place in your sentences. Write about 80–100
___________________________________________ words. (10 marks)

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 3 test
Language focus
5 Complete the sentences with the present simple
1 1.04 Listen to a radio programme about daily form of the verbs. (10 marks)
routines. Then complete the sentences. Write
one word in each gap. (10 marks) go have play study teach walk

1 Yumi is from _____________ and Leandro is from

I go to Petersfield School.
_____________. 1 Mrs Smith is a teacher. She __________________
2 In the _____________ Yumi gets up at six o’clock, our class.
but at other times she usually gets up at 2 You __________________ football on Saturday.
_____________. 3 Zara __________________ dinner with her family
3 She likes _____________ late on Sundays, but she every evening.
doesn’t ____________ ____________ ____________ 4 This student __________________ English, maths
on that day. and history.

4 Leandro ____________ ____________ 5 We __________________ to school every day.

____________ a lot. He doesn’t _____________ at

6 Complete the sentences. Use the negative
weekends. present simple form of five verbs. (10 marks)
5 He doesn’t _____________ making breakfast and
carry speak go like read watch
dinner, because his family is very _____________.
1 They _________________ TV after school.
Vocabulary 2 She _________________ to this school.
2 Complete the countries. Then write the 3 We _________________ Cola. It’s horrible!
nationalities. (8 marks) 4 Marco _________________ English.
Country Nationality 5 You _________________ comics every day.
the USA American
7 Write sentences. Use the present simple and an
1 Chi_________ _______________________
adverb of frequency. (8 marks)
2 Ger_________ _______________________
she / get / up at 7 a.m. (****)
3 Pol_________ _______________________
She always gets up at 7 a.m.
4 Aus_________ _______________________
1 he / walk / home (***)
3 What is your nationality? What languages do
you speak? (2 marks) 2 that girl / be / late for school (**)
______________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________ 3 I / do / my homework / at the library (*)
4 Complete the text. Write present simple verbs 4 Spanish lessons / be / boring (x)
(10 marks)
On Monday, I (1) ____________ up at seven
o’clock. I (2) ____________ breakfast with my family, 8 Write present simple questions. (6 marks)
then I (3) ____________ to school on the bus. In the 1 what time / school / on Monday (start)
evening, I (4) ____________ my homework. I usually ___________________________________________
(5) ____________ to bed at around 10 p.m. 2 your best friend / football (like)
Unit 3 test
3 you / often / to bed / after 11 p.m. (go)
1 Eurovision is a big music competition in
4 you and your friends usually / to school (walk) Europe. Singers in the competition are all
___________________________________________ older than sixteen years, and groups are
5 your dad / in a factory (work) smaller than seven people. Musicians write
new songs for the competition. Then they play
their music on a TV programme. People at
6 how often / you / exercises (do) home watch the programme and they say if
___________________________________________ the groups are good or bad!
2 People from different countries play music
9 Write answers to questions 1–6 in exercise 8. in Eurovision, and there are usually British,
Use your own ideas. (6 marks) German, Italian and Polish singers. Spain has
1 _______________________________________ got a group in the competition every year!
2 _______________________________________ Most people sing in their own languages, but
some people prefer singing in English. A very
3 _______________________________________
famous Eurovision group is Abba. Abba are
4 _______________________________________ Swedish, but they usually sing their popular
5 _______________________________________ song ‘Waterloo’ in English!
6 _______________________________________
3 Eurovision is very popular around the
world. The competition is for European
Reading countries, but people in the USA, Australia
and Japan watch Eurovision on TV or on the
10 Read the text on the right. Match three of the internet! About five million people in 140
questions to the paragraphs 1–3. There are two countries watch the programme.
extra questions. (6 marks)
a When is Eurovision?  Communication
b Who sings in Eurovision? 
12 Complete the dialogue. (5 marks)
c Where is Eurovision popular? 
d Why is Eurovision popular?  A What do you like doing after school?
e What is Eurovision?  B I really (1) __________ reading comics. They’re
fun. I (2) __________ watching TV. It’s boring!
What (3) __________ you?
11 Write true or false for the sentences. Then
correct the false sentences. (4 marks) A I think comics are OK – I don’t (4) __________
reading them sometimes. But my brother
1 Musicians sing old songs in the competition.
(5) __________ reading them! I usually prefer
reading science fiction novels.
2 Some people from the UK play in the
___________________________________________ Writing
3 Most singers prefer to use English.
13 Write about a typical school day. Describe what
you usually do before school, at school and
4 Eurovision has also got American and Japanese after school. Include information about any
fans. languages you study at school or use at home.
___________________________________________ Use the correct punctuation and capital letters.
Write about 80–100 words. (10 marks)

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 4 test
Listening Language focus
1 1.05 Listen to a radio programme about
) and negative (
5 Write affirmative ( ) sentences,
Whipsnade Animal Park in England. Then and questions (?). Use the present continuous
answer the questions. Write complete form of the verbs. (12 marks)
sentences. (8 marks)
1 What are the lions doing? get make read
change run watch
2 What is in the aquarium? 1 () chameleon / colour
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
3 What does Alan say about parrots? 2 () she / up early
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
4 What is the conversation mainly about? 3 (?) you / this book
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
2 Write down two more animals that you hear. 4 () dogs / very fast
(2 marks) __________________________________________
lions, butterflies, frogs, elephants, sharks, 5 () she / dinner
whales, fish, ______________, _______________
6 (?) they / a programme about animals
3 Answer the questions. Write a bird, animal or
insect. (10 marks)
6 Look at the information about a zoo. Then write
1 Which big, green or brown reptile lives near questions and answers. (8 marks)
rivers in hot countries, and is very dangerous?
Twelve o’clock at the zoo
A ____________________
2 Which bird flies at night and catches insects and butterflies fly
mice? An ____________________ (1) baby elephants play
(2) polar bears swim – in the pool
3 Which animal can be a man, woman, girl or boy?
(3) crocodiles eat – very hungry!
A ____________________ (4) owls sleep
4 Which animal has got eight legs and eats flies?
A ____________________ (butterfies / fly ) Are the butterflies flying?
Yes, they are.
5 Which big white animal lives at the Arctic and eats
1 (baby elephants / play) ___________________
seals and fish? A polar ____________________
4 Complete the sentences. Write animal behaviour __________________________________________
verbs. (10 marks) 2 (where / polar bears / swim) _______________
1 The mother birds p______________ the baby __________________________________________
birds from dangerous animals.
2 We f______________ our dog twice a day.
3 (why / crocodiles / eat) _____________________
3 Animals f______________ when they’re angry.
4 Small birds h______________ from falcons.
5 Cats c______________ mice to eat.
4 (owls / hunt) ______________________________
Unit 4 test
7 Complete the sentences with the present simple ELEPHANTS
or present continuous form of seven of the
No animals are bigger than whales, but
verbs. (14 marks)
elephants are bigger than all other animals on
use go escape listen make the land. There are elephants in India and
play study walk wash Africa. Indian elephants are a bit smaller, and
they’ve also got smaller ears!
1 We _________________ football every day.
Elephants eat a lot of fruit and plants – they eat
2 She _________________ French at the moment. between 100 and 300 kilograms every day.
3 Right now, I _________________ dinner. They also love water. When they’re drinking at
a river, they often swim and play in it, too!
4 They never _________________ to English music. Elephants live for about 50 or 60 years in the
5 The student _________________ a dictionary in wild, and about 80 years in safari parks. They’re
class today. very intelligent, and they can memorize lots of
information. Elephants sometimes attack
6 I _________________ to bed late at weekends. smaller animals or humans, but they aren’t
7 We usually _________________ to school. usually dangerous. Humans are a lot more
dangerous! People hunt and kill between 10,000
8 Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas. and 20,000 elephants every year.
(6 marks) Many people think elephants are important,
1 Today, I __________________________________ fascinating animals and they want to help them.
At the moment, safari parks and zoos are
2 I usually __________________________________
protecting some elephants from hunters. There
3 At the moment, my teacher _________________ are 90 elephants in British zoos!

10 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
9 Read the text on the right. Then answer the
questions. Write complete sentences. (10 marks) A Hi, Fabio. (1) _____________ Chrissie.
B Hi! (2) _____________ (3) _____________ you
1 How big are African elephants?
doing (4) _____________ the moment?
A I’m at the aquarium with Zoli.
B Really? (5) _____________ you
2 What do elephants do at rivers?
(6) _____________ a good time?
A Yes, it’s fun! We (7) ______________ meet later
___________________________________________ (8) _____________ you want.
3 How dangerous are elephants? B OK. (9) ______________ me a call.
___________________________________________ A Sure. Bye (10) _____________ now!
4 Why are humans dangerous? Writing
11 Write about a bird, reptile or insect. Write about
___________________________________________ where it lives, what it looks like and what it
5 Where are ninety elephants living at the does. Say why it is interesting, and include at
least two sentences with because. Write about
80–100 words. (10 marks)
___________________________________________ Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 5 test
5 chicken, beef and pork ____________
Listening 6 bananas, oranges and apples ____________
1 1.06 Gabi is at a summer school. Listen to 7 the main ingredient in paella and risotto (this
her conversation with her friend, Aarón. Then food is also very popular in China) ____________
write true or false. Correct the false sentences.
8 an orange or apple drink ____________
(10 marks)
9 a yellow food (we make it with milk)
1 Gabi is studying art, history and English.
10 a very cold food that many people eat in summer
2 Aarón thinks summer school sounds interesting.
____________ ____________
3 Gabi hasn’t got any classes in the afternoon.
Language focus
5 Complete the sentences. Use can or can’t and
4 Gabi is learning to play the piano. suitable verbs. (12 marks)
0 I can run really fast. ()
5 Gabi is having burgers and salad for dinner.
1 He _________________ for 500 metres in the
__________________________________________ swimming pool. ()
2 You _________________ on this chair. No one is
Vocabulary using it! ()

2 Complete the sentences with subjects or 3 No, you _________________ to the cinema.
activities. (5 marks) You’ve got lots of homework! ()
1 People play _________________ with black and 4 The children _________________ long books.
white pieces. They’re only three! ()
2 In _________________ classes, you can learn 5 ___________ she ___________ any hip hop
about countries and places. songs? Yes, she ___________. She’s great!
3 You need to be good at jumping and throwing a 6 ___________ I ___________ a computer game?
ball to play _________________. No, sorry, you ___________. It’s dinner time!
4 Actors and actresses are good at
6 Look at the sentences in exercise 5. Which
sentences are about ability, and which are about
5 In _________________ classes, students do sport permission? Write the numbers. (1 mark)
or exercise. Ability: 0, _____, _____, _____
Permission: _____, _____, _____
3 What are these people’s favourite subjects?
(5 marks) 7 Write about one thing you can do and one thing
1 Kate is really interested in numbers. ___________ you can’t do. (4 marks)

2 Ali is good at computers. ___________ I can play the piano really well. ()
3 Paula loves Dalí and Picasso. ___________ 1 _______________________________________ ()

4 Tom really wants to live in France. ___________ 2 _______________________________________ ()

5 Laura loves studying the past. ___________

8 Complete the text. (5 marks)
4 Write the food or drink words. (10 marks) There’s an interesting museum near my school. I
1 a drink with no colour ____________ sometimes go to (1) _________ museum when I’ve got
time. There’s (2) _________ café there. I sometimes
2 potatoes, carrots, asparagus ____________
buy (3) _________ sandwich. (4) _________ café isn’t
3 the main ingredient in omelette ____________ (5) _________ expensive place – and the food is really
4 cola and lemonade ____________ ____________ nice!
Unit 5 test
9 Write the correct form of There is or There are
and any, some, much, or many. (10 marks) AN UNUSUAL SCHOOL
1 __________________ water in Karina’s fridge, but Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, USA, is
there isn’t a lot of water. an unusual school. Do you hate maths? (1) ...
2 __________________ meat in the fridge. She They go to another class, such as history or
doesn’t eat meat. science!
3 __________________ apples. Karina has got two Students at the school can study a lot of different
apples. subjects, like science, history, geography and
4 __________________ bread. There is some art. Students can choose to do homework, but
some prefer not to do any! If students don’t want
bread, but Karina needs to buy some more.
to go to any classes, it isn’t a problem. There are
5 __________________ tomatoes. Karina has got lots of other activities at Sudbury. (2) ... Some
some tomatoes, but there are only two or three. students play instruments, and some go to the
ICT room. (3) ... They can even make their own
10 Write four sentences about things you lunch in the canteen. (4) ... Some students prefer
do or don’t eat or drink. Use your own ideas, healthy salads! Students can’t leave the school,
and include the words in brackets. (8 marks) but they can walk or play sports in the school
garden. There is always something to do!
(many) I don’t usually eat many sweets. I try
to be healthy! There are a few rules at Sudbury. Students can’t
1 (a lot of) __________________________________ do anything dangerous, and they can’t stay at
home every day! (5) ... It’s a popular school!
2 (much) ___________________________________
3 (some) ___________________________________
__________________________________________ 12 Complete the questions and answers. (10 marks)
4 (any) _____________________________________ 1 ‘Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?’
__________________________________________ ‘S_________, I c_________.’
2 ‘A_________ you b________ tomorrow?
Reading ‘No. Why?’
3 ‘What about tomorrow then?’
11 Read the text on the right. Then match the gaps ‘S_________ g_________.’
in the text 1–5 to five of the missing sentences
4 ‘You can’t go out tonight.’
a–f. There is one extra sentence. Write the
numbers. (10 marks) ‘W_________ n_________?’
5 ‘Text m________ l_________, OK?’
a But students are usually very happy at Sudbury.  ‘OK.’
b At Sudbury, if students hate maths, they don’t
study it. 
c For example, some students go to drama
practice.  13 Write about your ideal school. Write about the
d In that room, they can check emails or play school subjects, the after-school activities, the
food at lunch and the school rules. Give
games.  examples using for example, like or such as.
e The writer thinks that the school isn’t popular Write 80–100 words. (10 marks)
with all the students.
f Pizza and pasta are the favourite meals. 

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 6 test
Language focus
4 Write questions and answers with the past
1 1.07 Listen to a radio programme about simple of be. (10 marks)
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Then the Beatles / from (England)
complete the summary. Write a word, year or Where were the Beatles from? They were
number in each gap. (10 marks)
from England.
Edinburgh is a popular city. (1) ______________ million
1 Orville and Wilbur Wright (inventors)
people visited it last year. Many famous people lived
Sean Connery was born in (2) ______________, but he
moved to (3) ______________. 2 Ferdinand I / a British king ()
J.K. Rowling invented some ideas for Harry Potter __________________________________________
when she was in a (4) ______________ in Edinburgh. __________________________________________
Mary I was queen of Scotland from (5) ______________ 3 Leonardo da Vinci / from (Italy)
to (6) ______________. There were (7) ______________ __________________________________________
Scottish queens and more than (8) ______________ __________________________________________
kings. 4 Monet and Picasso / musicians ()
Alexander Graham Bell invented the (9) ______________. __________________________________________
His father was a (10) ______________ in Edinburgh. __________________________________________
5 Andy Warhol / famous (in the 1960s)
Vocabulary __________________________________________
2 Complete the text with words for people or past __________________________________________
simple verbs. (16 marks)
5 Write sentences with There about the year 1600.
Elizabeth I was the (1) q_____________ of England Use the ideas in the box. (12 marks)
from 1558 to 1603. She was the daughter of the
an airport in New York trains chairs
(2) k_____________, Henry VIII. Many interesting a river in Paris schools DVD players
people lived in England in the sixteenth century.
1 __________________________________________
The famous (3) w_____________, William
2 __________________________________________
Shakespeare, wrote many plays. Martin Frobisher
3 __________________________________________
(4) ex_____________ new places, like the Arctic, and
4 __________________________________________
Sir Walter Raleigh (5) cr_____________ the Atlantic
5 __________________________________________
Ocean and (6) tr_____________ to America. Some
6 __________________________________________
explorers stayed and (7) es_____________ new
English towns and villages there. Some people also 6 Look at Pilar’s diary last week. Then write past
simple sentences. (8 marks)
think Raleigh and his men (8) d_____________
potatoes in America and brought some back – there Mon. visit friends () Th. (3) use the computer
weren’t any potatoes in the UK before then! Tu. (1) listen to music Fri. (4) play tennis ()
3 Complete the sentences with jobs. (4 marks) Wed. (2) watch TV
1 Jamie Oliver is a British ________________ . He
cooks food on TV. On Monday, she didn't visit friends.
2 Jimi Hendrix was a ________________. He 1 __________________________________________
played the guitar. 2 __________________________________________
3 Picasso was an ________________. Guernica is a 3 __________________________________________
very famous painting by Picasso.
4 __________________________________________
4 Newton and Einstein were famous _____________.
Unit 6 test
7 Complete the text with the correct form of ten of a Who lives in the village today? 
the words in the box. (10 marks) b What do visitors do? 
ago invade live not live on listen c Places with interesting names 
travel not use in in the study last d Early history of the village 
e Why did they change the name? 
(1) _________________ week, we f Popular place names 
(2) _________________ British history at school. g Why is one Welsh village unusual? 
The Romans (3) _________________ Britain about
9 Why is the Welsh village in the text special?
2,000 years (4) _________________. Some of them (2 marks)
(5) _________________ in Roman villas in England _________________________________________
and Wales, but they (6) _________________ in _________________________________________
Scotland. William I (7) _________________ to Britain
(8) _________________ 1066 and became king. Communication
He made the French language very popular. Most 10 Complete the questions and replies with the
people in the south of England (9) _________________ past simple of be. Then match the questions 1–5
with the replies a–e. (10 marks)
English (10) _________________ twelfth century. They
used French! 1 What _______ Budapest like? 
2 _______ you on your own? 
Reading 3 What about the shops? _______ they good? 
8 Read the text. Then match headings a–g on the 4 ________ the weather good? 
right with paragraphs 1–6. There is one heading 5 How ________ the exam? 
that you do not need. (6 marks)
a Yes, they ________ amazing.
SMALL VILLAGE, BIG NAME! b It ________ terrible! The questions ________
1 Many places have got unusual names. In
really difficult.
England, you can visit Dog Village in the south and
World’s End in the north! The name of one village c It ________ a really cool city.
in Scotland has only got two letters: Ae! d No, I ________. I ________ with my family.
2 But one village in Wales has got a really difficult e Yes, it ________ brilliant. It ________ sunny!
name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwll-
llantysiliogogogoch! This is longer than all the
place names in Europe. Writing
3 This Welsh village is very old – people lived in 11 Write about the area where you live. Describe
the area about 10,000 years ago, and there were some of the places in your area and give
Romans in the village about 2,000 years ago. information about some of the interesting
4 The village didn’t always have a long name. In people who lived there. Make sure you use time
expressions correctly. Write about 80–100
the 1850s, its name was Llanfair, and it was a very
words. (10 marks)
quiet place. People in the village wanted more
visitors, so they changed the name. They invented
a more interesting new name, with 58 letters!
5 Today, 3,000 people live in the village, but
thousands more tourists visit every year.
6 Many tourists photograph the sign at the train
station. It’s 14.5 metres long!

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 7 test
Listening 5 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each
gap. (6 marks)
1 1.08 Listen to Josh and Lara talk about a
1 He was 1.78 metres tall. He was average
game. Then choose the correct answers.
(8 marks) ______________.

1 When did Lara buy the game? 2 His hair was not orange. We usually call this hair
colour ______________.
a last week b a few weeks ago c this week
2 What does Lara like playing? 3 She ate healthy food, so she was average
a football b computer games c all sports
4 My gran can’t see very well, so she wears
3 How many games did Lara win on Saturday?
a none b five c three
5 Hagrid in Harry Potter is very hairy! He’s got long
4 What does Lara think about the game? hair, a _____________ and a _____________.
a She is really enjoying playing it.
b She wants to stop playing it. Language focus
c She doesn’t mind playing it sometimes.
6 Complete the text with the past simple form of
2 Answer the questions. (2 marks) the verbs. (20 marks)
1 What does Lara’s favourite player look like?
buy not eat go lose not make meet
_______________________________________ ___
play see not watch win
2 Do you enjoy playing games like this? Why? /
Why not? Yesterday it was my friend Rebeca’s birthday. I
_______________________________________ ___ (1) ___________________ her some video games
_______________________________________ ___ from a computer shop. She really liked them,
so we (2) ___________________ them in the
Vocabulary afternoon. I (3) ___________________ and Ana

3 Complete the sentences with the past simple (4) ___________________, so she was very happy!
form of the verbs. (10 marks) Her mum (5) ___________________ dinner that night,

take score play beat run lose because we wanted to go out to celebrate. We
(6) ___________________ to a great new restaurant,
Last summer, I played basketball every Friday.
and we (7) __________________ any boring food like
1 The players weren’t very good, so they
salad – we had pizza and ice cream! After that, we
____________ the match.
(8) ___________________ some friends at the cinema.
2 Last year, I ____________ part in a swimming
We (9) ___________________ a horror film, because
Ana hates horror, but we (10) ___________________
3 My dad ____________ a race for charity. He
wasn’t very fast, but he wasn’t last! a science fiction film.

4 My favourite player ____________ three goals!

7 Write suitable questions for the answers. Use
5 I played chess with Zeke, and I ____________ the words and past simple verbs. (10 marks)
him! He wasn’t very happy. How many medals did they win?
Four medals. (they / win)
4 Write the opposite adjectives. (4 marks)
1 __________________________________________
1 tall _____________ 3 fair _____________
Football. (he / play)
2 slim _____________ 4 curly _____________
2 __________________________________________
No, they went to France. (they / Italy)
Unit 7 test
3 __________________________________________
Game shows are very popular television
Hip hop. (she / listen) programmes. One famous British show is Who
4 __________________________________________ wants to be a Millionaire? On the show, people
answer questions. The questions are easy at first,
At two o’clock. (we / arrive) but they become more difficult. Between 1998
5 __________________________________________ and 2008, fifteen players won the top prize of
£1,000,000! People also played this show in many
No, he preferred comedy films. (he / horror)
different countries, such as the USA, South Africa
and Japan.
8 Write questions with the past simple. Then write
your own answers. (10 marks) The first ever TV game show was in 1938. It was a
British show called Spelling Bee. The presenter was
1 you / any magazines / yesterday (read)
a man called Freddie Grisewood. He had short,
___________________________________________ dark hair and glasses. Freddie asked people on
___________________________________________ the show to spell words. The show wasn’t very
exciting because the game was really easy!
2 your mum / dinner / last night (make)
In many modern game shows, like The X Factor,
people try to win prizes and become famous by
___________________________________________ singing. The musician Noemi didn’t win first prize
on the Italian version of the show. But her music
3 where / you / on holiday / last year (go)
became very popular! Noemi is slim, with long,
___________________________________________ brown hair. She first appeared on TV when she was
___________________________________________ a baby!

4 what / your parents / you / for your birthday (buy)

___________________________________________ Communication
___________________________________________ 10 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
5 what / you / yesterday evening (do) A Hi, Val. Did you have a good weekend?
___________________________________________ B (1) ___________ really. It was a bit boring. What
___________________________________________ (2) ___________ you?
A I (3) ___________ to the theme park.
Reading B (4) ___________’s cool. Was it good?
9 Read the text on the right. Then write true or A Yes. Fantastic!
false. Correct the false sentences. (10 marks)
B Did you do (5) ___________ else?
1 More than twenty people won a million pounds in
A I went to the beach on Sunday. It was fun.
a British game show.
__________________________________________ Writing
2 Spelling Bee is older than Who wants to be a
11 Write a profile about you. Use the paragraph
Millionaire?. plan and write about 80–100 words. Use the
__________________________________________ word also at least twice. (10 marks)
3 Spelling Bee was quite difficult.
Paragraph 1: Introduction (general information,
__________________________________________ such as name, age, nationality, family, etc.)
4 Noemi won The X Factor in Italy. Paragraph 2: Description (what you look like)
Paragraph 3: Last weekend (what you did, etc.)
5 When Noemi was very young, she was on TV.
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
__________________________________________ _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 8 test
Listening Language focus
4 Write imperatives giving advice to someone who
1 1.09 Listen to a radio programme about a wants to be healthy. (8 marks)
new wildlife expedition. Then write true or false.
Correct the false sentences. (10 marks) (sport) Play sport.
1 They’re going to go to China on Saturday. 1 (water) ________________________________
___________________________________________ 2 (sweets) _______________________________
2 Last year, they saw three pandas. 3 (exercises) _____________________________
___________________________________________ 4 (video games / every evening)
3 They’re going to stay for six months.
4 They’re going to take eight tents. 5 Write one sentence with be going to and one
imperative. (16 marks)
it / hot / today – use / sunscreen
5 They’re also going to take food, water, torches,
stoves and books. It’s going to be hot today. Use sunscreen.
___________________________________________ 1 we / not go / to the café at lunch tomorrow –
bring / sandwiches
2 it / be / cold / at night –
2 Write equipment words for the definitions. not forget / a warm sleeping bag
(12 marks) __________________________________________
On an expedition you use this ... __________________________________________
1 to make dinner: a ____________. 3 you / have / a test / tomorrow – not watch / TV
2 to call your friends: a satellite ____________. __________________________________________
3 if you are ill: a first aid ____________. __________________________________________
4 if you don’t like insects: insect ____________. 4 I / not help / you – use / a dictionary
5 to find out where north is: a ____________. __________________________________________
6 to see at night: a ____________. __________________________________________

3 Complete the sentences. Use the noun or 6 Write predictions about the future. Use will or
adjective form of some of the words. (8 marks) won’t and suitable verbs. (8 marks)
shops / more expensive
cloud cold fog heat snow storm wind
Shops will be more expensive.
When it’s foggy, people in cars can’t see where 1 I / in the USA
they’re going.
1 The sky is grey. It looks very _______________.
2 next summer / very hot
2 There isn’t much _______________. The trees
aren’t moving.
3 my best friend / me / tonight
3 It’s really _______________! I need an ice cream
and some water. _______________________________________

4 There’s a lot of _______________ on the 4 my family and I / camping / next year

mountains. We can go skiing there! _______________________________________
Unit 8 test
7 Make questions. Use all of the words in the right 1 How many British scouts are there?
order. Then write your own answers. (8 marks)
a about 20,700
you / are / going / on / to / Friday / play / football
Are you going to play football on Friday? b about 4000,000
No, I’m not. I’m going to watch TV. c about 400,000
1 at / will / rain / weekend / it / the 2 What is the weather usually like in north Wales?
___________________________________________ a stormy b rainy c sunny
___________________________________________ 3 What food isn’t Nikki going to eat?
2 is / to / your watch / TV / tonight / going / mum a vegetables b rice c burgers
___________________________________________ 4 What is the text mainly about?
___________________________________________ a what it’s like to be a scout
3 pop singer / become / a / famous / will / you b a camping holiday
___________________________________________ c things to do in north Wales
9 Do you think that the scouts will have a good
4 are / go / to / school / tomorrow / going / to / you time in Wales? Why? / Why not? (10 marks)

Reading Communication
8 Read the text. Then read the questions on the 10 Complete the dialogue with suitable words.
right and choose the correct answers. (10 marks) (10 marks)

A I’m hungry! Why (1) ____________ we go to the

A WELSH ADVENTURE Italian restaurant?
Hi, I’m Nikki, and I’m a scout! The Scout B We can’t do that. It’s too far away!
Association is a popular club for boys and girls. (2) ____________ find a shop.
There are nearly 4000,000 scouts in the USA,
and more than 400,000 scouts in the UK. Around A I’m not (3) ____________ about that. How
20,700 of those are girls.
(4) ____________ going to my house? We can
This weekend, my scout group is going to go to cook pizza.
the mountains in north Wales. We aren’t going
to stay in a hotel! The teachers have got small B OK. That’s a (5) ____________ idea.
tents, but my tent is large – six scouts are going
to sleep in it! It rains a lot in the mountains, and
it’s sometimes stormy there, too, but not very Writing
often. I hope it will be sunny this weekend! 11 Imagine you are going to go on your ideal
We’re going to take stoves, too, and make our holiday next month. Write about where you are
own meals. We’re going to cook lots of rice and going to go, the weather, what equipment you
vegetables. We won’t have any junk food, like are going to take and what you are going to do.
burgers. Use at least two examples of so, and write about
80–100 words. (10 marks)
It’s going to be fun! We’re going to go walking,
climbing and cycling. On the last day, we’re
going to go canoeing!

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Unit 1 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about your hobbies and interests. 3 Describe the photos.
 What are your favourite free-time activities? Photo A
 Are you interested in sport? What sports do you  Describe the room in the photo. Is it nice? Why?
like? Why?  Find these things in the room and say where they
 What’s your favourite kind of music? are: a poster, a computer, a guitar.
 Have you got any pets? Tell me about them.  What other things can you see in the room?
 Do you prefer playing computer games or  What do you think this person’s hobbies and
chatting to friends on the internet? Why? interests are? Why?
Photo B
Role play  Describe the room in the photo. Is it nice? Why?
 Find these things in the room and say where they
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
Then practise the dialogue. are: comics, posters, a CD player.
 What other things can you see in the room?
Are you into ... See you later.
Where are you from?  What do you think this person’s hobbies and
What part of England are you from? interests are? Why?
Good to meet you. That’s cool.
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
A Hi, I’m [your name].
 Do you like the hobbies and interests in the
B (1) _______________________________________ photos?
A And you. (2) _______________________________  What things have you got in your room?
B I’m from England.  Which room do you prefer, A or B? Why?
A (3) _______________________________________
B I’m from Manchester. I’m a Manchester United
fan. (4) ___________________________________
A Yes. [give more information]
B (5) _____________________. See you later, then.
A Yeah. (6) _________________________________

EXTENSION Imagine you meet for the first

A Say hello and give your name.
B Respond.
A Say you are happy to meet B and ask where B
he / she is from.
B Respond with the country.
A Ask what part of the country B is from.
B Respond and ask what A is into.
A Respond.
B Say goodbye.
Unit 2 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about your town or city. 3 Describe the photos.
 Where do you live? Photo A
 Is your town / city old or modern?  Describe the city in your photo.
 Are there any tall buildings?  Do you think it is a nice city? Why?
 Are there any parks?  Are there houses or flats? Describe them.
 How many cinemas are there in your town / city?  Are they in the city centre? Why? / Why not?
 Is there a big shopping centre? Where is it?
 What other places are there in your town / city? Photo B
 Describe the city in your photo.
 Do you think it is a nice city? Why?
Role play
 Are there houses or flats? Describe them.
2 Complete the dialogue in a train station with the
expressions. Then practise the dialogue.  Are they in the city centre? Why? / Why not?

How far is it Thanks very much. EXTENSION Answer the questions.

How much is a return ticket?  Compare the two photos.
I want to visit York. Is there a bus to York?
 Which city is more modern?
A Hello. Can I help you?  Which do you think is nicer to live in? Why?
B Yes, (1) ___________________________________  Is your city similar to the cities in the photos?
(2) __________________________________ from Compare your city to the cities in the photos.
A It’s about two hours from here on the train.
B OK. (3) ___________________________________ A

A It’s £55.
B (4) _______________________________________
A Yes, there are buses. They’re cheaper than the
B Great. (5) _________________________________

EXTENSION Imagine you want to visit a city

and you ask for travel information. Your partner
works at the train station.
A Say hello.
B Say hello and ask if you can help A.
A Ask how far it is to the city.
B Respond.
A Ask the price of a return ticket.
B Respond.
A Ask if there is a train.
B Say yes – quicker than the bus.
A Say thank you.
Unit 3 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about countries and languages. 3 Describe the photos.
 What is your nationality? Photo A
 What languages do you speak?  Where do you think these people are?
 What languages do you study at school?  Who do you think the man is?
 Are there any students with different nationalities  Do you think the boy goes to school? Why?
in your class? Where are they from?  How many days a week do you think he studies?
 Do you ever listen to songs in different  Describe what you think his daily routine is.
languages? What languages?
 What is your favourite country? Why do you Photo B
like it?  Where do you think these children are?
 What season do you think it is? Why?
 What do you think the children do on the bus?
Role play
 Where do you think this bus goes?
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
Then practise the dialogue.  Describe what you think the children’s daily
routine is.
Do you like watching films?
I love playing football. EXTENSION Answer the questions.
I don’t mind going to football matches.
 How are the children’s daily routines different in
What do you like doing at the weekend?
the two photos?
What about you?
 Which routine do you prefer? Why?

A (1) ______________________________________  Compare your own daily routine with your partner’s.
Compare what time you get up, what time you have
B (2) ______________________________________
dinner, what time you go to bed, etc.
It’s my favourite sport!
(3) ______________________________________
A (4) ______________________________________
But I hate playing sports!
B (5) ______________________________________
A Yes. I love going to the cinema! I often go to the
cinema on Saturday.

EXTENSION Imagine you talk to a new student

in your class. Talk about things you like and
don’t like doing.
A Ask what B likes doing after school. B
B Say one activity you like doing and why. Ask B if
he / she likes doing this activity.
A Respond.
B Ask if B likes watching TV.
A Respond and say how often you do this activity.
Unit 4 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about animals. 3 Describe the photos.
 Do you like animals? Have you got any pets? Photo A
 What’s your favourite animal? Why?  What animals can you see in the photo?
 Which animals hunt for food?  What are they doing?
 Which animals swim in water?  How do chameleons usually catch their food?
 Which animals fly in the air?  How do insects usually escape?
 Which animals are dangerous? Why?  Do you think the insect is escaping now? Why?

Role play Photo B

 What animals can you see in the photo?
2 Complete the phone dialogue with the
expressions. Then practise the dialogue.  What are they doing?
 How do bears usually catch their food?
Are you having Fine Give me a call.
 How do fish usually escape?
Really? They’re really cool.
What are you doing  Do you think the fish is escaping now? Why?

A Hi, it’s [your name]. EXTENSION Answer the questions.

B Hi. How are you?  Compare the animals in the photos. Which ones
A (1) ___________, thanks. Listen, (2) ___________ swim, and which ones fly? Which animals run
fast, and which jump?
____________________________ at the moment?
 Do you think a chameleon is more interesting
B I’m at the zoo.
than a bear? Why?
A (3) ___________ What are you looking at?
 What is your favourite animal in the photos?
B I’m looking at the elephants. (4) ______________ Why?
_______________________ A
A (5) ____________________________ a good time?
B Yeah, it’s really good fun. We can meet later, if
you want.
A OK, great! (6) ______________________________
B Sure. Bye for now.

EXTENSION Imagine you are chatting to a

friend on the phone.
A Say hello and give your name.
B Ask how A is.
A Respond and ask what B is doing.
B Respond.
A Ask if B is having a good time.
B Respond and suggest that you meet later.
A Agree.
B Say goodbye.
Unit 5 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about activities in and out of school. 3 Describe the photos.
 What is your favourite subject at school? Why? Photo A
 What classes have you got at school today? Is  Describe the photo. Where are they? What are
today a good day for you? they doing?
 What sports do you do at school? What activities  Describe what the girls are eating.
do you do out of school?  Do you think these girls are healthy? Why?
 Can you play any musical instruments? How
often do you practise? Photo B
 What are the school rules? What things can you  Describe the photo. Where are they? What are
do? What things can’t you do? they doing?
 Do you think you have a healthy diet? Why?  Describe what the students are eating.
 Do you think these students are healthy? Why?

Role play
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
 Which lunch is more like your usual lunch?
Then practise the dialogue.
 Which lunch do you prefer? Why?
Are you busy? I can’t if you want to come  What is your favourite school lunch?
Sounds good. That’s a pity. Why?
 What are the students wearing in the two photos?
A Hi, [name]. Do you want to go to the cinema  Can you wear jeans to school?
after school?
B No, sorry, (1) ______________________.
I’ve got a history exam tomorrow.
A Oh, right. (2) ______________________ What
about Saturday? (3) ______________________
B No. (4) ______________________
A Some of us are meeting in town and going for a
pizza (5) ______________________.
B (6) ____________________ I must go now. Text
me later, OK?
A OK. Bye.

EXTENSION Imagine you are making plans for B

today and the weekend.
A Invite B to come to the cinema after school.
B Say you can’t and explain why.
A Ask if B is busy at the weekend.
B Tell A you aren’t busy.
A Tell B what you are doing at the weekend and
invite him / her.
B Accept or refuse the invitation.
Unit 6 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about names and places.
3 Describe the photo.
 What’s your first name? What’s your surname?
 Have you got a nickname? What is it?
 Look at the person in the photo. What was her
 Talk about a famous person from the past. Who job?
was this person? What was his / her job?
 Where do you think she lived in the past?
 Talk about something that happened a long time
 Where do people who do this job live now?
ago, and say when it happened.
 What do you think she ate in the past?
 Talk about a party or event that you went to. What
was it like? Who was there? Was there food? Was  What about people who do this job now?
there music? Were there many people?
 Look at the person in the photo. What was her
Role play job?
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.  How do you think she travelled in the past?
Then practise the dialogue.
 How do people who do this job travel now?
good to be back Great, thanks.  What do you think she did in her free time in the
I travelled to Paris My favourite place was past?
was your weekend was really cool
 What about people who do this job now?
A Hi, [name]. How was your trip?
B (1) _____________________________ I visited my EXTENSION Answer the questions.
grandparents, and then  What good things were there about life in the
(2) _____________________________. past?
A Really? What was Paris like?  What problems were there in the past?
B It (3) _____________________________. The  Do you think you prefer modern life, or life in the
past? Why?
museums were amazing. (4) _________________
____________________________ the Eiffel Tower.
A Well, it’s good to see you again.
B Yes, it’s good to be back. How
(5) _____________________________?

EXTENSION Imagine you meet a friend after

a trip.
A Ask B about his / her trip.
B Respond.
A Ask B about his / her favourite thing / place on
the trip.
B Respond, then ask A about his / her trip.
A Respond.
B Ask A about his / her favourite thing / place on
the trip.
A Respond.
B Say you are happy to see A again.
Unit 7 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about yourself. 3 Describe the photos.
 Describe yourself and a member of your family. Photo A
 What games do you like playing?  Describe the photo. What can you see?
 What games did you play as a child?  Do you think children play this game now?
 Do you prefer playing sports or watching them? Why? / Why not?
Why?  Describe the people in the photo.
 What did you do last weekend?  Did you play games like this when you were
 When did you last see a film at the cinema? What younger?
film did you see?
Photo B
 Describe the photo. What can you see?
Role play  Do you think children play like this now? Why? /
Why not?
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
Then practise the dialogue.  Describe the people in the photo.
 Did you play games like this when you were
Why don’t you come with us
do on Saturday evening younger?
I bought a new computer game
I went to the cinema. It was brilliant.
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
Did you have a good weekend?
 Do you like the games in the photos?
A Hi. (1) ________________________________
 Which one do you prefer? Why?
B Yes, thanks. I went shopping in town and
 Do you think games in the past were better than
(2) ________________________________. modern games? Why?
A Oh, yes? And what did you (3) ______________ A
B (4) ________________________________
I saw the latest Harry Potter film.
A Oh, was it good?
B (5) ________________________________
(6) ________________________________ next
A Sure, why not?

EXTENSION Imagine you are talking about last B

weekend with a friend.
A Ask what B did last weekend.
B Respond.
A Ask if it was good.
B Respond, then ask what A did last weekend.
A Respond.
B Ask if it was good.
A Respond.
B Invite A to come with you next time.
Unit 8 speaking test
About you Photo description
1 Talk about the weather and travel. 3 Describe the photos.
 What’s the weather like today? Photo A
 What was the weather like yesterday?  Describe the photo. What are they going to do?
 Do you like travelling to new places? Why? /  What do you think the weather is going to be
Why not? like? Why?
 Do you like sleeping in a tent? Why? / Why not?  What equipment do you think they are going to
 Where do think you will travel in the future? take?
 What things are you going to take with you when  What do you think is the most important thing
you next travel? they are going to take? Why?

Photo B
Role play  Describe the photo. What are they going to do?
 What do you think the weather is going to be
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
like? Why?
Then practise the dialogue.
 What equipment do you think they are going to
let’s ask That’s a good idea. take?
What are we going to do? What’s the matter?
 What do you think is the most important thing
why don’t we find
they are going to take? Why?
A (1) ________________________________________
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
B I think we’re lost. I can’t find this street on the
map.  Which expedition do you think will be more fun?
A (2) ________________________________________
 Which expedition has got more equipment? Why?
B Well, (3) ___________________________________
 Think of one more thing to take on each
a taxi? Then we can ask the driver.
A I’m not sure about that.
B Well, (4) __________________________ someone.
A OK. There’s a woman over there. Let’s ask her.
B (5) ________________________________________
Excuse me!

EXTENSION Imagine you are in London with

a friend and you think you are lost.
A Ask B what is wrong.
B Say that you think you are lost.
A Ask what you can do. B
B Make a suggestion.
A Say you’re not sure, then make a different
B Agree with A’s suggestion.
End-of-term test 1
4 I like meeting / chatting / watching on the
Listening internet.

1 1.10 Mark is on holiday. Listen to his

5 In cities, lots of families live in factories /
conversation with Elena. Then write true or offices / flats.
false. (10 marks)
Elena studies English at a language school. true Language focus
1 Mark thinks Elena’s English is good. __________
5 Choose the correct words. (7 marks)
2 The museum is three or four minutes by bus.
I haven’t got any CDs by / of Franz Ferdinand.
1 She always has / has always dinner at home.
3 The museum is a modern building. __________
2 He do / does his homework after school.
4 Mark and Elena both like art. __________
3 Is this / these man in the photo your dad?
5 The city is in Brazil. __________
4 It’s five minutes by / on bus.

Vocabulary 5 Karen’s / Karens’ bag is green.

6 There are / aren’t any shops here.
2 Circle the word or phrase that is different.
(10 marks) 7 These boys are older that / than those boys.
desk teacher chair art
6 Complete the sentences using the correct
1 Japanese Polish Canada Australian affirmative () or negative () forms of be or
2 popular interesting noisy nice have got. (6 marks)
3 shark whale parrot fish It is nice. (be )
4 sleep go to bed hide get up 1 I __________________ a dog. (have got )
5 music sport insect art 2 We __________________ bikes. (have got )
6 pretty unpopular ugly dirty 3 I __________________ a student. (be )
7 pen notebook bag exercise 4 You __________________ my friend. (be )
8 office hospital shelf library 5 He __________________ a camera. (have got )
9 bus station plane train 6 My mother _________________ Spanish. (be )
10 player team mouse match
7 Rewrite the sentences using the negative form.
(6 marks)
3 Write the opposites. (5 marks) I’m doing exercises. I’m not doing exercises. 
popular – unpopular 1 There is a park.
1 interesting – b __ __ __ __ __ There ___________________________________
2 old – m __ __ __ __ __ 2 My sister studies Mandarin.
My sister _________________________________
3 easy – d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 They’re running fast.
4 cheap – e __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ They ____________________________________
5 safe – d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
8 Complete the questions with the words. (5 marks)
4 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
How old How many What Who
He is from Chinese / China / Mandarin. When Where
1 My mum’s favourite group / team / player is
The Beatles. What are your hobbies? Reading and music.
2 We always do / go / have a break in the morning. 1 __________________ pets have you got? Two.
3 People build / dig / make homes to live in. 2 __________________ is the bear swimming? In
the river.
End-of-term test 1
3 __________________ is he? That’s my cousin.
4 __________________ is the exam? Tomorrow.
The Kaiser Chiefs are a British group from
5 __________________ are they? They’re twelve. Leeds, in the north of England. The group plays
pop and rock music, and it’s quite popular in
9 Write the comparative form of the adjectives. Europe and America. The group’s favourite
(6 marks) place is Ibiza!
The fly is smaller than the spider. (small) There are five people in the group. They all
1 TV is ________________ than books. (boring) really like playing and watching football, and
2 Parrots are _______________ than owls. (noisy) the name ‘The Kaiser Chiefs’ is also the name of
3 The restaurant is ________________ than the a football team in South Africa.
café. (good) The singer’s name is Ricky Wilson. Apart from
music and sport, he also likes watching TV
10 Choose the correct words or phrases. (8 marks) programmes and films. His favourite films are
the Harry Potter films! He’s also very good at art.
A Hi, Jake. What / Which are you doing?
B Hi, Ava. Right now, I (1) do / ’m doing my
French homework. I (2) study / ’m studying Communication
French every night! (3) Do you like / Are you
12 Complete the questions. Use five of the words.
liking French? You do not need one of the words. (10 marks)
A I don’t mind it. I (4) ’m usually / usually am
quite good at it, I think. I’m lucky. My mum is a are being can do enjoy having is
teacher, and she (5) teach / teaches French!
‘Do you enjoy reading?’ ‘Yes, I do.’
How (6) many / much questions are there?
1 ‘___________ you spell that?’ ‘B-U-S.’
B There (7) are / is ten, and they’re really difficult.
2 ‘How ___________ things?’ ‘Not bad.’
Can you help me?
3 ‘How much ____________ a single ticket?’ ‘£5.’
A OK. I (8) come / ’m coming to your house right
4 ‘What ____________ you like doing?’ ‘Playing
5 ‘Are you ____________ a good time?’ ‘Yes.’
11 Read the text on the right. Then choose the Writing
correct words. (10 marks)
13 Look at the information about a friend. Then
Leeds is a city in the north / middle / south of write about her. Use the questions to help you.
England. (10 marks)
1 The Kaiser Chiefs really like Ibiza / Leeds /
Name: Nina Bardem
Family: mum, dad, two brothers, one dog!
2 The group has got three / four / five people.
Interests: cycling, books, animals
3 ‘The Kaiser Chiefs’ is also the name of Ricky’s Town: lots of old buildings, nice beaches
favourite team / a South African team / Languages: speaks French; studies English and
a British team. Spanish
4 Everybody / One person / Two people in the
group likes football. 1 What is your friend’s name?
5 Ricky really likes watching films / reading books / 2 How many brothers and sisters has she got?
watching programmes about Harry Potter. 3 What are her interests?
4 What places are there in her town?
5 What languages does she speak and study?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-term test 1
Listening Language focus
1 1.10 Mark is on holiday. Listen to his 4 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
conversation with Elena. Then complete the 1 We am / are / is students here.
sentences. Use the clues to help you. (10 marks)
2 Is that / these / this your sister over there?
1 Elena studies __________ at a language school.
3 It’s an hour by / of / on the coach.
(a language)
2 The museum is three or four minutes on 4 Today’s homework is worse more / than / that
yesterday’s homework.
__________. (a travel expression)
5 Here are my brothers. Here are my brothers /
3 The museum is next to the __________. (a place)
brother’s / brothers’ friends.
4 The museum is a big, __________ building.
6 I always / often / never play football. I hate it!
(an adjective)
7 It am not / aren’t / isn’t here.
5 Mark and Elena both really like __________.
8 There aren’t a / any / some computer games.
(an interest)
9 Hi, Ana. That / These / This is my friend, Ximo.
Vocabulary 10 I’ve got a book about / by / on art.

2 Complete the sentences. (15 marks)

5 Complete the sentences using the correct forms
1 There are a lot of shops in a shopping
of be or have got. (10 marks)
c__________. She has got loads of DVDS. ()
2 We read books in a l__________.
1 I ____________________ thirteen years old. ()
3 Canadian people live in C__________.
2 Pietr ____________________ any pets. ()
4 I am a student at this s__________. 3 We ____________________ students. ()
5 A d__________ plays the drums.
4 ____________________ (you) American?
6 The teacher writes on the b__________.
5 ____________________ (he) a ruler?
7 There are a lot of buses at a bus s__________.
8 I like c__________ to friends on the internet. 6 Complete the questions. (5 marks)
9 A s___________ is a reptile. It hasn’t got any 1 ‘W___________ is your favourite colour?’ ‘Red.’
legs. 2 ‘H___________ ___________ brothers and sisters
10 This place isn’t clean. It’s very d__________. have you got?’ ‘Two.’

11 I’m from Poland. I’m P__________. 3 ‘W__________ are you going?’ ‘I’m going home.’

12 My favourite a__________ are cats and dogs. 4 ‘H__________ __________ are you?’ ‘I’m ten.’

13 I usually h___________ dinner at 6 p.m. 5 ‘W___________ ___________ do you get up?’

‘At 7 a.m.’
14 We look at w__________ about sport on the
7 Write the comparative form of the adjectives.
15 Older birds f__________ food to the baby birds. (5 marks)
1 pretty ________________
3 Write the opposites. (5 marks) 2 bad ________________
1 cheap – _______________ 3 exciting ________________
2 noisy – _______________ 4 big ________________
3 dangerous – _______________ 5 good ________________
4 interesting – _______________
5 pretty – _______________
End-of-term test 1
8 Write sentences. Use the present simple or the
present continuous. (10 marks)
1 he / study / French / every day
The Kaiser Chiefs are a British group from
__________________________________________ Leeds, in the north of England. The group plays
2 the seals / swim / in the water / right now pop and rock music, and they are quite popular
in Europe and America. The group’s favourite
__________________________________________ place is Ibiza! They like it because it’s quiet
3 I / usually / go / home / after / school there, and the local people are very friendly.
__________________________________________ There are five people in the group. They all like
4 she / not write / any emails / today playing and watching football, but they aren’t in
a team. The name ‘The Kaiser Chiefs’ is also the
__________________________________________ name of a football team in South Africa!
5 we / not get up / early / at the weekend The singer’s name is Ricky Wilson. Apart from
__________________________________________ music and football, he likes watching TV
programmes and films. His favourite films are
the Harry Potter films! He’s also very good at art.
Reading He does not speak many languages, but
9 Read the text about the Kaiser Chiefs. Then he knows one or two French and Spanish words.
choose the correct answers. (10 marks)
1 What place do the Kaiser Chiefs prefer? Communication
a Leeds
10 Complete the questions. (10 marks)
b Ibiza
‘Do you enjoy reading?’ ‘Yes, I do. I love it!’
c the USA
1 ‘How do you s___________ that?’ ‘B-U-S.’
2 What do the Kaiser Chiefs like doing? 2 ‘H___________ are things?’ ‘Not bad.’
a visiting South Africa 3 ‘How much is a s____________ ticket?’ ‘£5. A
b playing football in a team return ticket is £10.’
4 ‘What do you like d____________?’ ‘I like playing
c watching football matches
sport and watching TV.’
3 What does Ricky like doing?
5 ‘Are you h____________ a good time at the
a watching Harry Potter films skatepark?’ ‘Yes, it’s fun!’
b watching Harry Potter programmes
c reading Harry Potter books Writing
4 What is Ricky good at? 11 Write about a friend. Use the ideas to help you.
a art and languages (10 marks)

b languages and football

Paragraph 1: What is his / her name? What are
c art and singing his / her interests?
5 What is the text mainly about? Paragraph 2: Where does he / she live? What
places are there in his / her city, town or village? Is
a the group’s interests this place old, quiet, big, exciting, pretty or friendly?
b being famous Paragraph 3: What is his / her nationality? What
c the group’s songs languages does he /she speak or study? Does
he / she read English books, watch English films
or listen to English music?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-term test 1

Listening 10 The library is 100 years old. The museum

is twenty years old. The museum is more
1 1.10 Mark is on holiday. Listen to his
conversation with Elena. Then answer the __________________ than the library.
questions. Write complete sentences. (10 marks) 11 I love _________________ to friends on the
1 When does Elena study English? internet.
12 He usually _________________ to bed at
10 p.m.
2 How far is the museum? 13 Frogs ________________ flies and eat them.
_________________________________________ 14 The Amazon is a long __________________.
3 What is the museum next to? 3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
_________________________________________ (6 marks)
_________________________________________ 1 My favourite hobbies are ________________ and
4 What is the museum like?
2 Some dangerous animals are ________________
and ________________.
3 Every Monday morning, I ________________ and
5 What do Mark and Elena both like?
4 In my classroom, there is ________________ and
there are ________________.
5 I speak ________________ and _______________.
Vocabulary 6 Near my house / flat, there is ________________
but there aren’t any _______________.
2 Complete the sentences. (14 marks)
1 There are buses at the bus _______________.
2 This DVD isn’t cheap. It’s very ______________. Language focus
3 He’s from France. He’s French. I’m from the US. 4 Complete the sentences. (8 marks)
I’m _______________.
1 This is a photo _____________ my family.
4 She loves ________________ arts, like karate and
2 This isn’t my bag. _____________ is my bag,
judo. over there.
5 A __________________ is a noisy bird. Many of 3 It’s about two hours _____________ the plane.
these birds are red, blue or green! 4 There _____________ any shops here.
6 We play tennis and swim in a sports 5 This bag is smaller _____________ that bag.
__________________. 6 We like programmes _____________ sport.
7 I really like __________________ music, like 7 _____________ you like those paintings, over
Mozart and Beethoven. there? No, I prefer _____________ paintings
8 Most people in China speak __________________. here.
9 We _________________ a break at 11 a.m.
End-of-term test 1
5 Write sentences. Use the correct affirmative, 7 Write sentences. Use the present simple or the
negative or question form of be or have got. present continuous. (8 marks)
(8 marks) 1 the seals / in the water / right now (swim)
how old / they (?) How old are they? _________________________________________
1 you / any DVDs (?) _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 2 she / any emails / today (not write)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
2 she loves football but she / a favourite team () _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 3 I / always / home / after / school (go)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
3 there / any parks in this town () _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 4 we / early / at the weekend (not get up)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
4 Martin / twelve () _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 5 the players / at the moment (run)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
5 Sorry, but I / any books about animals () _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 6 Ali / often / his homework / at the library (do)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
6 they / from Brazil or Argentina (?) _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 7 I / TV / every Saturday (watch)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
7 Bethany loves animals. She / three cats () _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 8 the students / at school / today (study)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
8 I / hungry because I / any food () _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 8 Write questions for the answers. Look at the
bold words to help you choose the correct
interrogative pronouns. (10 marks)
6 Write comparative sentences. Use your own When is your birthday?
ideas. (6 marks)
My birthday is on Saturday.
(big) New York is bigger than Paris.
1 _________________________________________
1 (pretty)
I usually go to bed at 10 p.m.
2 _________________________________________
She’s talking to her brother.
2 (interesting)
3 _________________________________________
I’ve got 100 books.
_________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________
3 (good) He’s fifteen years old.
_________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________
_________________________________________ I’m going to the cinema.
End-of-term test 1
Reading Communication
9 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers. 10 Complete the questions. (10 marks)
(10 marks)
‘Do you like cycling?’ ‘Yes, I do. It’s great!’
1 Where is the place the Kaiser Chiefs like best?
1 ‘Are you __________________ a good time at the
a the USA b the UK c Spain
beach?’ ‘Yes, we are. It’s fun.’
2 What do the Kaiser Chiefs like doing?
2 ‘How do you __________________ that?’ ‘B-O-O-
a watching football matches
b visiting South Africa
3 ‘__________________are things?’ ‘Not bad.’
c playing football in a team
3 What does Ricky like doing? 4 ‘How much is a __________________ ticket?’
a reading Harry Potter books ‘£10. A single ticket is £5.’

b watching Harry Potter films 5 ‘What do you like__________________?’ ‘I like

c watching Harry Potter programmes watching TV and reading books.’

4 What is Ricky good at? 6 ‘I like tennis. What __________________ you?’

a singing and art ‘Yes, I love tennis.’

b languages and football 7 ‘__________________ are you doing at the

c art and languages moment?’ ‘I’m reading.’

5 What is the text mainly about? 8 ‘What __________________ of the USA are you
a being famous from?’ ‘I’m from Florida.’

b the group’s interests 9 ‘How __________________is Krakow from here?’

c the group’s songs ‘It’s about an hour on the train.’

10 ‘How do you say ‘sedia’ __________________

English?’ ‘I think it’s ‘chair’.
The Kaiser Chiefs are a British group from
Leeds, in the north of England. The group plays Writing
pop and rock music, and it’s quite popular in
Europe and America, where they have a lot of 11 Write about a friend. Write about his / her
fans. They play in a lot of different countries. interests, his / her city, town or village, and
Their favourite place is Ibiza in Spain! They like the languages that he / she speaks. Write
it because they think it’s quiet there, and the about 80–100 words. (10 marks)
local people are very friendly.
There are five people in the group. They all
really like playing and watching football, but
they aren’t in a team. The name ‘The Kaiser
Chiefs’ is also the name of a football team in
South Africa. The group thinks that playing
football is more difficult than playing music!
The singer’s name is Ricky Wilson. Apart from
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
music and football, he also likes watching TV _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
programmes and films. His favourite films are
the Harry Potter films! He’s also very good at Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
art. He does not speak many languages, but he Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
knows a few French and Spanish words.
End-of-term speaking test 1
About you Photo description
1 Talk about yourself. 3 Describe the photos.
 What do you like doing in your free time? Photo A
 Describe your daily routine on Saturday.  Describe the city. What things can you see?
 What’s your favourite animal? Why?  What are the people doing?
 Is your town / city old or modern?  What do you think people do in their free time in
 What things are there in your town / city? this city?
 What languages do you speak?  Do you think this is a nice place to live?
Why? / Why not?
 What are you doing today?

Photo B
Role play  Describe the town. What things can you see?
2 Complete the dialogue at a train station with the  What are the people doing?
expressions. Then practise the dialogue.
 What do you think people do in their free time in
Can you spell that How far is it this town?
How much is Is there a bus  Do you think this is a nice place to live?
Why? / Why not?
A Hello. Can I help you?
B Yes, I want to go to Brighton.
EXTENSION Answer the questions.
(1) ______________________ from here?
 What are the good things about the two towns?
A It’s about an hour on the train.
 What problems do you think there are in the two
B (2) ______________________ a return ticket? towns?
A It’s £46.  Which town do you prefer? Why?
B That’s expensive. (3) ______________________ to
A Yes, there are buses from the bus station on
Humboldt Street.
B Humboldt Street? (4) ______________________,
A Yes, it’s H-U-M-B-O-L-D-T.
B Great. Thanks very much.

EXTENSION Imagine you want travel

information to Brighton. Your partner works
at the train station.
A Say you want to go to Brighton and ask how far it is. B

B Respond.
A Ask about the price of a return ticket.
B Respond.
A Ask about buses to Brighton.
B Tell A the address of the bus station.
A Ask B to spell part of it.
B Spell the address.
A Say thank you.
End-of-term test 2
Listening Language focus
1 1.11 Listen to Paul and Lucy talking about a 5 Choose the correct words. (8 marks)
photo. Then answer the questions. Write Yes or There was / were a very old building here.
No. (10 marks)
1 My brother is / are going to study at this school.
Do the people in the photo look happy? Yes
2 We haven’t got any / some maps in our
1 Was it cloudy in Morocco? _________ rucksacks.
2 Has Dino got fair hair? _________ 3 Twilight is a book by Stephenie Meyer. A / The
3 Did Dino’s family travel to Morocco? _________ book is very popular.
4 Is Paul into chess? _________ 4 I think it will rain / raining tomorrow.
5 Is Dino going to visit Paul next week? _________ 5 I took part in the race ago / last year.
6 They build / built this museum in 1898.
Vocabulary 7 There isn’t many / much milk in the fridge.
2 Write the past simple form of the verbs. (6 marks) 8 He cans / can swim really fast.
invade invaded
6 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple
1 run __ __ __ form of the verbs (10 marks)
2 beat __ __ __ __ We walked to school. (walk)
3 establish __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1 They _________________ to Portugal. (go)
4 score __ __ __ __ __ __ 2 We _________________ basketball. (play)
5 explore __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 3 He _________________ about ideas for his
6 lose __ __ __ __ homework. (think)
4 My dad _________________ in the factory.
3 Choose the correct words. (6 marks)
(not work)
It’s going to be cold / rainy / icy tomorrow, so
5 Alice _________________ a sandwich for lunch.
we’re taking waterproof clothes.
(not have)
1 She’s got blonde / blue / fair eyes.
2 We took / made / won the football match. 7 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in
the boxes. (11 marks)
3 I drink juice / meat / crisps.
4 When it’s foggy / hot / snowy, we go skiing. there was were weren’t
5 We learn about places in our geography /
A Were there many old buildings there?
maths / science lessons.
B No, there (1) ____________ a lot of old buildings,
6 Mechanics / Businessmen / Firefighters work
with cars and other machinery. but (2) ____________ (3) ____________ an
interesting art gallery.
4 Complete the table with the words. (8 marks)
am don’t take to
beard eyes inventor map moustache
musician queen stove torch
A I (4) ____________ going (5) ____________ travel
to the Amazon rainforest next week.
appearance equipment people
B Wow, that sounds fantastic!
beard (6) ____________ lots of sunscreen.
(7) And ____________ lose your equipment!
End-of-term test 2
ago did live lived
Next month I’m going to visit Manchester in the
UK. Manchester is sometimes called ‘the Capital
A (8) ____________ Queen Elizabeth I
of the North’ in Britain because it’s a very big,
(9) ____________ in England in 1800? important city. It’s a really popular place for
B No, she (10) ____________ in England about tourists. Last year there were 912,000 visitors!

400 years (11) ____________. My parents are going to visit the museums, but
there’s only one place I really want to see – the
8 Rewrite the sentences in the negative. (3 marks) Old Trafford Football Stadium! Manchester
United is one of my favourite teams – I like Inter
The singer became rich. Milan, too. David Beckham played for
The singer didn’t become rich. Manchester United between 1992 and 2003, and
1 We will be famous. in 1999 he won the Footballer of the Year award!
__________________________________________ My favourite player is Lionel Messi. He doesn’t
2 Katie can go to the zoo. play for Manchester.
3 I’m going to read a book tonight. Communication
11 Choose the correct words. (10 marks)
9 Order the words to make sentences and 1 ‘What did you did / do at the weekend?’
questions. (8 marks)
‘I gone / went shopping.’
going / they / to / read / aren’t / books
2 ‘Why aren’t / don’t we find a taxi?’
They aren’t going to read books.
‘That’s a good / right idea.’
1 lose / map / your / don’t
3 ‘How / What was the party?’
‘It was brilliant / horrible. I had a great time!’
2 the / inventor / where / from / was / ?
4 ‘Are you busy at / on Saturday?’
3 can / laptop / use / I / your / ? ‘No / Yes, I’m not.’

__________________________________________ 5 ‘How about / Let’s phone Sara.’

4 didn’t / become / famous / the musician ‘I’m not sure / right about that.’
Reading 12 Write about your birthday. Use the questions to
10 Read the text on the right. Then write true or help you. (10 marks)
false. (10 marks) 1 When was your last birthday? How old were you?
Manchester is a small city. false 2 Who did you celebrate your birthday with?
1 Over 900,000 people visited the city a year ago. 3 What did you do?
4 What did you eat?
2 The writer’s mum and dad aren’t interested in
5 What are you going to do on your next birthday?
museums. _____________
3 The writer only likes one football team.
4 David Beckham played football for a Manchester Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
team for eleven years. _____________ _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
5 David Beckham is the writer’s favourite player. Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
_____________ Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-term test 2
Listening 3 Complete the words. (12 marks)
1 He hasn’t got curly hair. He’s got
1 1.11 Listen to Paul and Lucy talking about a
s_______________ hair.
photo. Then read the questions and complete
the answers. (10 marks) 2 Cola and lemonade are f_______________ drinks.
3 He wasn’t tall or short. He was average
1 What was the weather like on Paul’s holiday?
It was ____________________________ every day.
4 Use a first a_______________ kit if someone
2 What does Dino look like?
needs help.
He’s got ______________________ and 5 Sir Isaac Newton discovered new things about
______________________. science. He was a s______________.
3 What’s Paul’s favourite interest? 6 When it’s s______________, there are dark
He’s into ______________________. clouds, and it’s often rainy and windy.

4 When can Lucy play chess with Paul?

She can play chess with him Language focus
4 Choose the correct words. (6 marks)
5 Why is Dino coming to visit?
1 I’ve got some / any / many milk.
He wants to ______________________.
2 They invaded 10,000 years ago / last / century.
3 ‘Can you swim?’ ‘No, I can / can’t / don’t.’
Vocabulary 4 We saw a dog. A / An / The dog was lost.
5 There isn’t any / a / some bread.
2 Complete the crossword. (8 marks)
6 They established the town at / in / on 1456.
1 2 3

5 Complete the dialogue using the correct past

simple form of be. (12 marks)
4 5
A (1) __________ there a king in England in 1600?
6 B No, there (2) __________ a king, but there
(3) __________ a queen.

A (4) __________ there any libraries in 1600?
B Yes, there (5) __________ some libraries, but
there (6) __________ many books.

6 Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use

the correct form of can, the past simple, be
1 the past simple of make going to or the imperative. (10 marks)
3 some men have a ... and a moustache Can (I can run fast)
4 a subject where you study computers
1 Lorna / play the guitar ()
5 you use this to see at night __________________________________________
7 the past simple of travel 2 you / sit / here ()
past simple (We loved the film.)
2 a person who is good at painting and drawing
3 he / live / here / ten years / ago ()
3 a type of hair colour, like fair
6 the noun form of hot 4 they / not invent / anything new / last week ()
End-of-term test 2
going to (She’s going to go camping.) THE CAPITAL OF THE NORTH
5 they / get up / early / tomorrow () Next month I’m going to visit Manchester.
__________________________________________ Manchester is sometimes called ‘the Capital of the
6 you / travel / to Australia / next year () North’ in the UK because it’s a very big, important
__________________________________________ city. (1) ... Last year, 912,000 tourists visited it!
My aunt and uncle live in Manchester. (2) ... It’s
Will (It will be cold.)
only about four kilometres from the city centre,
7 I / become / very famous / in the future () which is great. (3) ...
__________________________________________ My parents are going to go sightseeing, but
8 she / break / the record / next month () there’s only one place I want to see – the Old
__________________________________________ Trafford football stadium! Manchester United is
one of my favourite teams. (4) ... David Beckham
Imperative (Sit down!) played for Manchester United for eleven years.
In 1999 he won the Footballer of the Year award!
9 drink / clean / water ()
My favourite player is Lionel Messi. (5) ... He’s an
__________________________________________ Argentinean footballer.
10 eat / any / unusual food ()

7 Write the questions for the answers. (12 marks)

Where are you going to go on holiday? 9 Complete the questions and suggestions.
I’m going to go to Vienna on holiday. (10 marks)
1 __________________________________________ 1 ‘What did you ____________ at the weekend?’
No, I’m sorry, you can’t go out tonight.
‘I went shopping.’
2 What ______________________________________
2 ‘Why ____________ we find a taxi?’
My brother is going to study maths.
‘I’m not sure about that.’
3 __________________________________________
No, Daisy didn’t win the race. 3 ‘____________ was the party?’
4 __________________________________________ ‘It was brilliant!’
No, it won’t be foggy tomorrow. 4 ‘____________ you busy on Saturday?’
5 __________________________________________ ‘No, I’m not. Why?’
Yes, I can swim really well. 5 ‘How ____________ buying a map?’
6 What ______________________________________
‘That’s a good idea. Let’s buy one now!’
I did my homework yesterday evening.

10 Write an email to a friend about what you did at
8 Read the text on the right. Then complete gaps the weekend, and what you’re going to do next
1–5 with sentences a–f. There is one sentence weekend. Use the ideas to help you. (10 marks)
that you do not need. (10 marks)
a It’s a popular place for holidays.  Paragraph 1: What did you do? Where did you
go? Who did you meet? What did you eat?
b They started playing there in 1910. 
Paragraph 2: What are you going to do next
c He doesn’t play for Manchester!  weekend? Where are you going to go? Who are
d It’s near all the shops and attractions.  you going to meet? What are you going to eat?
e Their flat is quite small, so we’re going to stay in
a hotel. 
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
f I also like Inter Milan. 
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-term test 2
Listening Vocabulary
1 1.11 Listen to Paul and Lucy talking about a 3 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple
photo. Then correct the sentences. (5 marks) form of six of the verbs. (6 marks)
1 Paul was on holiday in Poland. beat name run lose explore invent
___________________________________________ take break travel
___________________________________________ 1 They __________ Africa and discovered new
2 Dino has got fair hair and glasses. birds and animals.
___________________________________________ 2 I __________ part in the school sports
3 We __________ to Japan last year.
3 Dino is from Morocco.
4 The football player __________ really fast!
5 The team were sad because they __________
the match.
4 Lucy thinks Dino looks quiet.
6 They __________ the new city ‘New York’.
___________________________________________ 4 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)
5 Dino is going to visit Paul next week. School activities
___________________________________________ 1 In ______________ lessons, we learn about
___________________________________________ numbers and shapes.
2 I want to be an actor, so I go to ______________
2 Listen and again and answer the questions.
Write complete sentences. (5 marks)
1 Why does Lucy like the photo? Weather
3 It’s 42ºC! It’s very ______________.
4 It’s going to be ______________ tomorrow, so
take some waterproof clothes.
2 What was the weather like?
___________________________________________ Describing people
5 He wasn’t fat or slim. He was average
3 Who can Lucy see in the photo?
6 She didn’t have long hair. She had
______________ hair.
4 How are Paul and Dino different? Jobs
7 He invents new things. He’s an _____________.
8 J.K. Rowling is a ______________. Her most
famous books are the Harry Potter books.
5 Why is Dino going to stay with Paul in the
summer? Equipment
___________________________________________ 9 When it’s sunny, people use ______________.
___________________________________________ 10 On an expedition, people make dinner on a
End-of-term test 2
5 Answer the questions. Write complete 8 Write questions for the answers. (10 marks)
sentences. (4 marks)
1 ___________________________________________
1 What kind of hair have you got?
I’m going to go to the beach tomorrow.
2 What is the weather usually like in winter? 2 ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Yes, there were some students in the café.
3 ___________________________________________
Language focus ___________________________________________

6 Complete the text with the past simple form of No, it won’t be cold tomorrow.
six of the verbs. (6 marks) 4 ___________________________________________

not be buy go not play not score ___________________________________________

watch win not do I can swim for 500 metres.
Yesterday I (1) ________________ to a basketball 5 ___________________________________________
game at our school. I (2) ________________ in the
game because I’m not very good at basketball, but
Yes, I bought some DVDs when I was in town.
I (3) ________________ the others play instead.
It (4) ________________ a boring game – our team 9 Write questions using the correct form of the
was great! We (5) ________________ the game. The words in brackets. Then write your own
answers. (8 marks)
players on the other team (6) ________________ any
where / you / on holiday (going to / go)
Where are you going to go on holiday?
I’m going to go to Canada.
7 Write about what Elena did yesterday, and what 1 what / sports / you (can / play)
she’s going to do tomorrow. (8 marks)
visit / some friends
2 who / you / this evening (going to / see)
She visited some friends.
1 make / dinner ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
2 not do / her homework 3 what / weather / like / tomorrow (will / be)
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Tomorrow ___________________________________________
3 study / for two hours 4 what / you / last night (do)
4 not watch / TV
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
End-of-term test 2
10 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 12 Read the text again and find words that mean:
(8 marks) (2 marks)
1 Do you want to get good marks at school? 1 people on holiday, travellers:
Don’t _____________________________________ t________________
2 My dad can ________________________________ 2 visiting interesting places on holiday:

but he can’t ________________________________ s________________

3 100 years ago, _____________________________

13 Are Johnny and his family going to get lost in
___________________________________________ Manchester? Why? / Why not? Answer with a
4 There wasn’t much _________________________ complete sentence. (2 marks)
11 Read the text. Then complete gaps 1–6 with
sentences a–g on the right. There is one Communication
sentence that you do not need. (6 marks)
14 Complete the questions and suggestions. Then
choose the best words or expressions to
THE CAPITAL OF THE NORTH complete the replies. (10 marks)

Hi! I’m Johnny. Next month I’m going to visit 1 ‘What did you ____________ at the weekend?’
Manchester, in the north of England. Manchester ‘I did / was / went shopping.’
is sometimes called ‘the Capital of the North’ in
2 ‘Why ___________ we find a taxi?’
the UK because it’s a very big, important city. (1)
... Last year, 912,000 tourists visited it! ‘I’m not sure / right / good about that.’
My aunt and uncle live in Manchester. (2) ... It’s 3 ‘__________ was the match?’
only four kilometres from the city centre, which ‘It was terrible / rubbish / brilliant! We won!’
is great. (3) ... We’re going to buy a map, so we
don’t get lost! 4 ‘____________ you busy on Saturday?’
‘No, I’m not. Why? / What for? / Really?’
My parents are going to go sightseeing, but
there’s only one place I want to see – the Old 5 ‘How ____________ buying a map?’
Trafford football stadium! Manchester United is ‘That’s a good idea. Can’t we / Let’s / Why
one of my favourite teams. (4) ... They’re great,
don’t us buy one now!’
David Beckham played for Manchester United
for eleven years. In 1999 he won the Footballer of Writing
the Year award! (5) .... That person is Cristiano
Ronaldo. He’s a Portuguese footballer who 15 Write an email to a friend about what you did at
the weekend, and what you’re going to do next
played for Barcelona. (6) ...
weekend. At the end of the email, ask your
friend questions about his / her weekend. Write
a It’s really near all the shops and attractions.  about 80–100 words. (10 marks)
b I also like Inter Milan. 
c Their flat is quite small, so we’re going to stay in
a hotel. 
d I think he’s better than Beckham!  Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
e It’s a popular place for holidays. 
f They started playing there in 1910.  Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
g But he isn’t my favourite player. 
End-of-term speaking test 2
About you Photo description
1 Talk about yourself. 3 Describe the photos.
 What do you study at school? What’s your Photo A
favourite subject? Why do you like it?  Describe the weather in the photo.
 Describe a member of your family? What does  Imagine you were on holiday at the place in the
he / she look like? photo. Who did you go with?
 What did you do yesterday evening?  Where did you stay and what sort of food did you
 What are you going to do in the summer eat?
holidays?  Did you enjoy the holiday? Why? / Why not?
 Where do you think you will live when you’re
older? Why? Photo B
 Describe the weather in the photo.
Role play  Imagine you were on holiday at the place in the
photo. Who did you go with?
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
Then practise the dialogue.  Where did you stay and what sort of food did you
How was I went to it’s good to be back
 Did you enjoy the holiday? Why? / Why not?
That’s a good idea. was it like why don’t we

A Hi, [name]. (1) ____________________ your trip? EXTENSION Answer the questions.
B It was really good.  Describe the weather today.
A Where did you go?  What’s your favourite type of weather? Why?
B (2) ____________________ London.  Is the weather important when you go on
A What (3) ____________________? holiday?
B It was very exciting, but the weather wasn’t very  What problems can weather cause around the
nice, so (4) ____________________ now.
A Well, (5) ____________________ meet later, and A
you can tell me all about it?
B (6) ____________________ Let’s meet at the café
A OK. Bye.

EXTENSION Imagine you meet a friend after

a trip.
A Say hello and ask B about his / her trip.
B Respond.
A Ask B where he / she went.
B Respond and tell A about the food, then ask A
about his / her trip.
A Respond.
B Ask A where he / she went.
A Respond and tell B about the weather, then
suggest that you meet later.
B Suggest a place and a time to meet.
End-of-year test 1
4 The explorer discovered / crossed / invented a
Listening new kind of animal.
5 She needs help to see, so she’s got beards /
1 1.12 Listen to a radio quiz. Then complete the
glasses / programmes.
sentences. Write Maya, Dan or Maya and Dan.
(10 marks) 6 After school, I go to dance / match / website
Maya feels good about the show. practice.

1 ______________________ studied every day 7 It’s a good idea to take a first-aid map / bag / kit
last month. on an expedition.

2 ______________________ is English. 8 There are usually a lot of vegetables in a

cheese / nut / salad.
3 ______________________ answered the question
about television.

4 ______________________ won ten points. Language focus

5 ______________________ didn’t revise much 5 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, have
got or has got. (8 marks)
My pen is new.
1 He ________________ a moustache.
Vocabulary 2 I ________________ interested in animals.
2 Find the odd one out. (7 marks) 3 The students ________________ a good teacher.
tent stove torch milk
4 Those girls ________________ German.
1 library seal office flat
2 see fog ice wind 6 Choose the correct forms. (16 marks)
3 Mandarin Poland Japanese French At the moment, I listen / ’m listening to music.
4 long noisy blonde fair 1 Do you meet / Are you going to meet friends
5 drama catch protect dig at the cinema tomorrow?
6 group drummer guitar firefighter 2 I usually do / ’m usually doing my homework
7 queen scientist geography ruler after dinner.
3 He can / does come to the party.
3 Match 1–6 with a–f. (5 marks) 4 This book is more interesting / interestinger
1 go a a football match than that book.
2 do b to school 5 What is he doing / does he do right now?
3 win c a goal 6 I think the festival going / will be very popular.
4 get d an animal
7 There aren’t much / many animals in the zoo.
5 score e exercises
6 hunt f up early 7 Complete the text using the past simple form of
the verbs. (8 marks)
4 Choose the correct words. (8 marks) Last summer, my family and I went (go) to London.
I’m really interested in martial arts / games / We (1) ____________ (visit) a lot of interesting old
sport. buildings, and we (2) ____________ (have)
1 We use a ruler / clock / compass to find out traditional British food for dinner, like fish and chips!
what time it is.
We (3) ____________ ____________ (not go)
2 We play tennis at a sports centre / office / shopping, because we (4) ____________ (be) very
3 A mouse / heat / falcon is a kind of bird.
End-of-year test 1
8 Complete the sentences with the words. BEAR GRYLLS, ADVENTURER!
(8 marks)
Bear Grylls is a TV presenter and an explorer.
He was born on 7th June, 1974, in England, and
that there these this than
his parents named him Edward. When he was a
child, people called him Bear because he was
Look at that beautiful butterfly over there!
big and noisy, like the animal!
1 Do you like ____________ trainers? I bought
Bear loves travelling. For one television
them yesterday. programme, Bear travelled to some dangerous
2 ____________ was a very big building here places, such as very hot or very cold countries.
in 1700. He didn’t take any food or equipment! On the
programme, Bear caught and ate snakes,
3 Hi, everyone. ____________ is my brother, Neil. alligators, tree frogs and spiders. He hated
4 The whale is bigger ____________ the shark. eating the spiders! For future programmes, he’s
going to take his own food – and a stove!
many much what how
5 ____________ are you going to do on holiday?
10 Complete the mini-dialogues with the
6 Have you got ____________ DVDs? expressions. (10 marks)
7 There isn’t ____________ water here. What’s the matter, Harry How was your weekend
8 ____________ old is the city? Do you want to go into town on Saturday
Are you into cycling How far is it from here

Reading 1 A _______________________________________?
B No, sorry, I can’t.
9 Read the text on the right. Then answer the
questions. Write Yes or No. (10 marks) 2 A _______________________________________?
B Yes, but I’m not very fast!
Does Bear Grylls visit different countries?
3 A _______________________________________?
B I’m really tired.
1 Did Bear have a different name when he was 4 A _______________________________________?
born? B It’s about twenty minutes on the train.
____________ 5 A _______________________________________?
2 Was Bear a quiet child? B It was fantastic! I went to a zoo on Saturday.
3 Did Bear use a lot of equipment on the TV
programme? 11 Imagine you are staying at your friend’s house
for the week. Write an email to your parents. Use
____________ the questions to help you. (10 marks)
4 Does Bear always enjoy eating unusual food? 1 Who is your friend and where does he / she live?
____________ 2 What did you do yesterday?
5 Is Bear going to be in any TV programmes in the 3 What are you doing now?
future? 4 What are you going to do tonight?
____________ 5 Are you having a good time? Why? / Why not?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-year test 1
5 Complete the sentences. (7 marks)
Listening 1 I do e___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ like running
and jumping every day.
1 1.12 Maya and Dan are doing a radio quiz.
Listen. How many quiz questions do Maya and 2 After January it is F___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
Dan answer correctly? (2 marks)
3 In my classroom, you can see clouds and sky
Maya answers ____________ quiz question(s).
through the w___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
Dan answers ____________ quiz question(s).
4 An e___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is a big, grey
2 Complete the sentences about the quiz. (8 marks) animal.
1 Maya is American and Dan is ____________.
5 We often read books in a l___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
2 Maya didn’t study much ____________.
6 Yesterday, I s___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a goal.
3 A Scottish man invented ____________.
7 An i___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is a person. He or
4 James Cook explored Australia in ____________.
she makes new things.

Vocabulary Language focus

3 Complete the crossword. (7 marks) 6 Complete the email with the present simple,
present continuous or past simple form of the
verbs. (20 marks)
2 6 5
How are (be) you, Zahib? I’m on holiday at the
moment. I (1) _________________ (like) getting up
3 7 late every day, but that’s the only good thing
about this holiday. I (2) _________________ (not
have) a good time at the moment!
Last week, it (3) _________________ (be) rainy
4 every day. We (4) _________________ (not walk)
to the beach, and we (5) _________________
Clues (not play) any sport. We (6) _________________
1 In China, people speak C______.
(stay) in, and we (7) _________________ (eat) a
2 After February it is M______.
lot of food!
3 Tokyo isn’t a very old city. It’s quite m______.
4 The opposite of ‘boring’. Right now, I (8) _________________ (write) to you
5 September, October and November are months on my dad’s laptop. What (9) _________ you
in the season of a______. _________ (do) right now? (10) ________________
6 You use a m______ to find out where you are.
(be) it sunny where you are?
7 We study Van Gogh and Monet in a______.
4 Write the opposites of the adjectives. (6 marks)
1 short – t______________ 7 Choose the correct words or phrases. (7 marks)
2 fair – d______________ 1 There aren’t any / much / some shops here.
3 noisy – q______________ 2 Do you like those / this / that photo, over there?
4 interesting – b______________ 3 I’ve got a CD about / of / by my favourite group.
5 clean – d______________ 4 We saw her five minutes ago / last / today.
6 hot – c______________
End-of-year test 1
5 We go to school by / on / in foot.
6 They invaded in the / in / at the twelfth century.
Bear Grylls is a British TV presenter and an
7 Walk! Not run! / You don’t run! / Don’t run! explorer. His real name is ‘Edward’. When he
was a child, people named him ‘Bear’ because
8 Complete the questions with three of the words. he was quite big – and he wasn’t very quiet!
(3 marks) Luckily, he was also much friendlier than a bear!
At school, Bear was good at languages,
How Where Which Who
especially French, and he loved PE. But his main
1 _____________ are you going to go after school? interest was geography.
I’m going to go home. Bear climbed Mount Everest in 1998, when he
2 _____________ can we travel to the city? was twenty-three, and in 2003 he explored the
icy Arctic. In 2007, Bear made a TV programme.
We can go by bus.
On the programme, Bear travelled to hot,
3 _____________ sports do you like? dangerous deserts and forests with only a
Football and basketball. camera. He didn’t take any food, drink or tents!
On the programme, Bear ate snakes, alligators,
flies and frogs. He hated eating the insects! On
9 Write the answers. (10 marks) future programmes, he’s going to take his own
1 Were there any cars in 1700? () food – and a stove!
2 Can Oli go to the party? () Communication
11 Complete the questions. (10 marks)
3 Who is she going to text? (her mum)
__________________________________________ 1 ‘D_________ you w_________ to go into
4 What do you think the weather will be like town on Saturday?’ ‘No, sorry, I can’t.’
tomorrow? (cloudy) 2 ‘A_________ you i_________ cycling?’
__________________________________________ ‘Yes, but I’m not very fast!’
5 What did they do last Saturday? (run a race) 3 ‘W_________ the m_________, Harry?’
__________________________________________ ‘I’m really tired.’
4 ‘H_________ f_________ is it f_________ here?’
‘It’s about twenty minutes on the train.’
10 Read the text on the right. Then choose the
correct answers. (10 marks). 5 ‘W_________ d_________ you come to the party
tonight?’ ‘OK. Why not?’
1 What was Bear like when he was young?
a quiet b small c friendly
2 What was his favourite subject?
a French b geography c PE 12 Imagine you’re staying at your friend’s house
3 When did he go to a very cold place? for the week. Write an email to your parents. Use
the ideas to help you. (10 marks)
a 1998 b 2003 c 2007
4 What food didn’t Bear like very much? Paragraph 1: Who is your friend? Where does
a flies b alligators c frogs he / she live? What are his / her family like?
5 What is the text mainly about? Paragraph 2: What did you do yesterday? What
are you going to do tomorrow?
a the life of an explorer
Paragraph 3: What are you doing now? Are you
b some dangerous places to visit
having a good time? Why? / Why not?
c TV nature programmes

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-year test 1
Listening Vocabulary
1 1.12 Maya and Dan are doing a radio quiz. 2 Complete the sentences with suitable words.
Listen to the first part of the programme. Then Write words beginning with the letters. (5 marks)
answer the questions. Write complete It was very hot and sunny yesterday, so we all
sentences. (10 marks)
used sunscreen.
1 Where is Maya from?
1 Picasso was a famous ____________. He painted
__________________________________________ many pictures.
__________________________________________ 2 We ____________ up at seven o’clock every day.
2 Where is Dan from? 3 It’s often very ____________ in the mountains in
__________________________________________ winter. The white mountains look very pretty,
__________________________________________ and they’re a great place for skiing.

3 Why does Maya think she’s going to win? 4 He’s from Japan, so he speaks ____________.

__________________________________________ 5 I found a really good ____________ on the

internet. It was all about animals.
4 Why can’t Maya answer the first question?
3 Write the words. (10 marks)
1 the opposite of ‘clean’ – ___________
5 What did John Logie Baird invent?
2 the opposite of ‘fair’ (hair) – ___________
3 the opposite of ‘boring’ – ___________
6 Who answers the question about James Cook?
4 if you like taking a lot of photos, you’re interested
in this –___________
7 Which country did James Cook explore and
5 a game of football is a football ___________
when did he explore it?
__________________________________________ Activities
__________________________________________ 6 fish, sharks and whales all do this! – ___________
8 How many points have Dan and Maya got? 7 you must ... your homework after school! –
__________________________________________ ___________
__________________________________________ 8 the opposite of ‘win' – ___________
9 What does the presenter think about Dan and
Maya? Places
__________________________________________ 9 doctors work in this place for sick people –
__________________________________________ ___________
10 What is the presenter going to do next? 10 there are a lot of shops in this building –
__________________________________________ ___________
End-of-year test 1
4 Complete the sentences. (5 marks) 7 Complete the text with the present simple,
present continuous or past simple form of
1 She’s got long blonde ______________ and the verbs. (10 marks)
blue ______________.
be not do (x2) eat go have got
2 When it’s rainy, it’s a good idea to wear
live play study not be
3 He likes going to the ________________ to watch Hi! I’m Jess, and I (1) _________________ in London.
films. Her favourite films are science At the moment, I (2) _________________ anything
________________ films. interesting. Right now, I (3) _________________ for
4 ______________ is the seventh month of the my exams. We (4) _________________ exams next
year. It’s in the season of ______________. week! Right now, my brother (5) _________________
5 What time do you usually ______________ computer games. I (6) _________________ very
______________ bed? happy – he’s really noisy!
I (7) _________________ any homework last
Language focus weekend, because it (8) _________________ my
birthday! My family and I (9) _________________ to
5 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each
a really nice restaurant, and we
gap. (10 marks)
(10) _________________ Italian food.
1 We went to Paris ______________ the coach.
2 Have you ______________ any hobbies?
8 Write the questions. Then write the answers.
3 I like ______________ to hip hop music. (10 marks)
4 There aren’t ______________shops on this they / the match (lose) ()
street. There are only two shops. Will they lose the match? No, they won’t.
5 ______________ is your favourite colour? 1 Tessa / a drink (can / have) ()
6 We visited her three days ______________. __________________________________________
7 We are students. This is ______________ __________________________________________
teacher. He teaches us French.
2 there / any computers in 1500 (be) ()
8 Do you like these paintings? No, I prefer
______________ paintings, over there.
9 They built this house _______________ the
3 who / they / tomorrow (going / meet) (aunt)
nineteenth century.
10 Is there ______________ milk in the fridge?

6 Complete the sentences using suitable 4 what / it / like / later (will / be) (cloudy)
affirmative past simple verbs. (10 marks) __________________________________________
1 The football team were happy because they __________________________________________
_____________ the match. 5 what / she / yesterday (do)
2 I _____________ this CD yesterday. It was €10. (take part / a cycling competition)
3 We _____________ to London last year. __________________________________________
4 Phoebe _____________ a sandwich for lunch. __________________________________________
5 After two years, the singer ________________
rich and famous.
End-of-year test 1
Reading 10 Find the adjectives in the box in the text. Then
match them to the definitions. (5 marks)
9 Read the text on the right. Then choose the
correct answers. (5 marks). sporty fascinating freezing scary disgusting
1 What was Bear like when he was young?
1 really interesting: ________________
a small
2 frightening (making you feel worried):
b friendly
c quiet ________________
2 What was his favourite subject? 3 very cold: ________________
a French 4 horrible: ________________
b PE
5 good at activities like football and running:
c geography
3 When did he go to a very cold place?
a 1998
b 2003 Communication
c 2007
11 Complete the questions. (4 marks)
4 What food didn’t Bear like very much?
1 ‘W__________ d__________ you come to the
a alligators
b frogs party ________________tonight?’ ‘OK. Why not?’
c flies 2 ‘A__________ you i__________ swimming?’
5 What is the text mainly about? ‘Yes, but I’m not very fast!’
a some dangerous places to visit 3 ‘H__________ f__________ is it f__________
b TV nature programmes
here?’ ‘It’s about ten minutes on the bus.’
c the life of an explorer
4 ‘W__________ the m__________, Rosie?’
‘I’m really thirsty.’
Bear Grylls is a British TV presenter and an 12 Write questions for the replies. (6 marks)
explorer. His real name is ‘Edward’. When he
was a child, people named him ‘Bear’ because 1 ‘_________________________________ football?’
he was quite big – and he wasn’t very quiet! ‘I don’t mind playing football, but I prefer
Luckily, he was also much friendlier than a bear! basketball.’
At school, Bear was good at languages,
2 ‘______________________________ weekend?’
especially French, and he loved PE, because he
was very sporty. But his main interest was ‘On Saturday I’m going shopping, and on
geography. He thought that learning about Sunday I’m going to the beach.’
different countries was fascinating. 3 ‘____________________________________ own?’
Bear loves travelling and adventure sports, like ‘No, I wasn’t. I was with my mum and dad.’
climbing and paragliding! He climbed Mount
Everest in 1998, when he was twenty-three, and
in 2003 he walked across the ice in the freezing Writing
Arctic. In 2007, Bear made a TV programme. On
the programme, Bear travelled to dangerous 13 Imagine you’re staying at your friend’s house
and often very scary deserts and forests with for the week. Write an email to your parents. Say
only a camera. He didn’t take any food, drink or what you did yesterday and what you’re going
tents! On the programme, Bear ate snakes, to do tomorrow. Ask your parents questions
alligators, flies and frogs. He hated eating the about their week. Write about 80–100 words.
(10 marks)
insects – he said they were disgusting!

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-year speaking test 1
About you Photo description
1 Talk about yourself. 3 Describe the photos.
 What have you got in your school bag? Photo A
 What are your favourite hobbies?  Who can you see in the photo? What are they
 What did you do yesterday evening? doing?
 What do you usually do at the weekend?  What food are the people eating?
 What are you doing next weekend?  Choose one person and describe him / her.
 What are you going to do in the summer holidays?  Do you think this family has got a healthy diet?
Why? / Why not?

Role play Photo B

2 Complete the phone dialogue with the  Who can you see in the photo? What are they
expressions. Then practise the dialogue. doing?
Are you busy? Bye for now a good time  What food are the people eating?
I don’t mind if you want to come  Choose one person and describe him / her.
Sounds good.
 Do you think this family has got a healthy diet?
A Hi, [name]. Where are you? Why? / Why not?
B I’m at the sports centre at the moment.
A Are you having (1) ________________________? EXTENSION Answer the questions.
B Yes, I’m going to play tennis soon. I love tennis –  Do you prefer to eat at the table or watching TV?
it’s fun. Do you like tennis? Why?

A Well, (2) ________________________ watching it,  Describe a typical evening meal for you.
but I hate playing.  Do you think you have got a healthy diet? Why? /
Why not?
B Well, what are you doing on Saturday?
(3) ________________________ A
A No. Why?
B Some of us are going for a pizza in town
(4) ________________________.
A (5) ________________________ I love pizza!
B OK. Give me a call later.
A OK. (6) ________________________.

EXTENSION Imagine you are chatting to a

friend on the phone.
A Say hello, then ask where B is.
B Respond.
A Ask what B is doing.
B Respond, then ask A if he / she likes this activity.
A Respond, then ask if B is busy on Saturday.
B Tell A you aren’t busy.
A Invite B to go somewhere with you.
B Accept the invitation and say goodbye.
End-of-year test 2
Listening 3 Complete the activities. (6 marks)
1 1.13 Listen to a conversation between Daily activities
Megan and Sam. Then choose the correct We have dinner at 6 p.m.
words. (10 marks)
1 We g__ to b__ __ at 10 p.m.
Sam is doing his history / geography
2 We d__ ex__ __ __ __ __ __ __, like running and
jumping, every morning.
1 Megan bought something / didn’t buy
anything new yesterday. Animal behaviour
2 Sam’s favourite actress has got dark / fair hair. 3 The parent birds p__ __ __ __ __ __ the baby
3 Sam doesn’t like computer games / horror birds from dangerous animals, like snakes.
films. 4 Owls c__ __ __ __ __ mice and frogs to eat.
4 Megan’s sister is really nice to Sam / Megan.
5 Megan’s eating / isn’t eating meat tonight.
5 I p__ __ __ football and tennis.
6 I want to s__ __ __ __ a goal in the match.
4 Chose the correct word for the definition.
2 Complete the crossword. Write words that (6 marks)
match the clues. (8 marks) a reptile: a snake / falcon / ruler
1 2 3 4
P T T M 1 a small animal: an elephant / a whale / a spider
2 a kind of musician: a drummer / guitar / song
5 6
3 something you use with a computer:
a bird / mouse / helmet
K 4 a school subject: cycling / history / queen
F 5 a food: meat / juice / storm
8 6 you use this to find out where you are:
a drama / rucksack / compass

H Language focus
5 Match 1–6 with a–f. (5 marks)

Across 1 a photo a foot

2 you sleep in this on an expedition 2 we go there by b three years ago

5 you can have dinner in this place 3 a book c of my family

8 your teacher writes on this in your classroom 4 they lived here d next month

9 the noun form of hot 5 I’m going there e about sport

Down 6 he goes there on f bus

1 a place with trees and flowers in a city

3 the past simple form of ‘travel'
4 you study numbers in this school subject
6 if you aren’t tall or short, you’re ______ height
7 the adjective form of ‘fog’
End-of-year test 2
6 Choose the correct words. (28 marks) 3 One of the students in the film is interested in

Dear Ewan, sport. _____________

4 At the end of the film, Troy doesn’t like Gabriella.
How / What are you? I’m on holiday at the
moment! This week, I (1) ’m staying / stay with
5 Vanessa Hudgens doesn’t want to sing again.
(2) any / some good friends. They live near the
beach, and they both love (3) swim / swimming.
We (4) go / are going every day!
Yesterday, we (5) go / went into town. We
High School Musical is a very popular American
(6) see / saw a great museum, and we visited
film. Fans first watched it as a television film in
loads of shops too, but I (7) don’t buy / 2006, and they saw High School Musical II in
didn’t buy anything! 2007. In 2008, High School Musical changed. It
became a feature film at the cinema! It’s now
Tomorrow, we (8) go / are going to go to a
also a book and a video game.
nature park. It (9) has / is having got a lot of
High School Musical is a story about two school
interesting animals. I hope it will (10) be / being a
students with very different interests. Troy plays
sunny day, so they’re all outside! I’m going in the basketball team, but Gabriella’s into
(11) take / to take a camera, so you can see maths and science. But they both love pop
(12) me / my photos when I get home. music and dance and, in the end, they become
good friends.
(13) Where / What are you doing at the moment?
The actress Vanessa Hudgens (Gabriella) loves
(14) You write / Write soon! Love, Scarlet xxx
singing. She’s a musician as well as an actress!

7 Complete the sentences using the comparative

form of the adjectives. (3 marks) Communication
He is older (old) than me. 10 Complete the mini-dialogues. (10 marks)
1 Tokyo is ____________________ (big) than Paris. A How do you say ‘tisch’ in English?’
2 This book is __________________________
I (1) t__ __ __ __ it’s ‘table’.
(interesting) than the film.
B Do you (2) e__ __ __ __ dancing?
3 The shopping centre is ____________________
(noisy) than the park. I don’t (3) m__ __ __ dancing, but I hate
8 Complete the sentences using the correct form C Was your weekend (4) g__ __ __?
of can or can’t. (4 marks)
No. It was (5) t__ __ __ __ __ __ __!
I can swim. (swim )
1 He ______________________ fast. (run ) Writing
2 The animal ______________________. (jump )
11 Write about today. Use the questions to help
3 ____________ you ____________? (swim) you. (10 marks)
4 No, I ____________. () 1 What time did you get up?
2 What did you do before you went to school?
Reading 3 Which classes have you got today?
9 Read the text on the right. Then write true or 4 Who are you going to / did you meet at lunch?
false. (10 marks) 5 What are you going to do after school?
High School Musical is a film from the USA. true
1 In 2007, people saw the film at the cinema. Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
2 Today, people can read about High School
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
Musical. _____________
End-of-year test 2
Listening Language focus
1 1.13 Listen to a conversation between Megan 4 Complete the text using the affirmative () or
and Sam. Then write true or false. Correct the negative () present simple or past simple form
false sentences. (10 marks) of be. (6 marks)
1 Sam is doing his homework. Hi, I’m Jo. This (1) _______________ () my school,
__________________________________________ and these (2) _______________ () my friends, Rachel
2 Megan bought a new DVD last week. and Gareth. Rachel (3) _______________ () in my
__________________________________________ class this year, but we (4) _______________ () in the
3 Sam doesn’t like horror films. same class last year. Gareth (5) _______________ () a
__________________________________________ student at this school last year. Last year, he
(6) _______________ () a student in London!
4 Sam really likes Megan’s brother.
5 Complete the dialogues using the present
5 Megan is having pasta for dinner.
simple, present continuous or past simple form
__________________________________________ of the verbs. (18 marks)

do meet watch
A What (1) _______ you _______ at the moment?
2 Complete the sentences with ten of the words. B Right now, I (2) __________________ TV. After
(10 marks)
dinner, my sister and I (3) ____________________
invaded changed cheap factory guitar kit
friends at the cinema.
king notebook bird mouse repellent break
win start (x2)
1 My sister _____________ the colour of her hair
A What time (4) ____________ the match
from brown to red.
____________ yesterday?
2 My dad works in a _____________.
B It (5) __________________ at 12.00. It was a
3 I always use insect _____________ on holiday.
good game. Our team (6) ___________________!
4 When you do your work on a computer, you
sometimes use a _____________. not go go play
5 In class, you usually write in a _____________. A Where (7) __________ he usually __________
6 This CD isn’t expensive. It’s very _____________. after school?
7 We usually have a _____________ at 11 a.m. B On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
8 French soldiers _____________ Britain in 1066. he (8) ____________________ basketball at the
9 I’m in a pop group. I play the _____________. sports centre. He (9) ____________________ to
10 Ferdinand I was a famous _____________. the sports centre on Mondays and Fridays.

3 Complete the sentences. (10 marks) 6 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative
form of the adjectives. (4 marks)
1 Many d_____________ work in hospitals.
1 New York _________________________________
2 Bears sometimes c_____________ fish in rivers.
Rome. (modern)
3 My brother has got a lot of hair! He’s got a beard
2 She ______________________________________
and a m_____________.
her sister. (pretty)
4 It sometimes snows in the season of
5 In Japan, people speak J_____________.
End-of-year test 2
7 Write sentences. (6 marks)
go / to bed Go to bed! High School Musical is a very popular American
film. Fans first watched it on TV in 2006, and
1 not swim / in / the river they saw High School Musical II in 2007. In 2008,
__________________________________________ High School Musical changed. It became a
feature film at the cinema! It’s now also a book
be going to and a video game.
2 I / not make / dinner / tonight High School Musical is a story about two school
__________________________________________ students with very different interests. Troy
plays in the basketball team, but Gabriella’s
into maths and science. But they both love pop
will music and dance and they become good
3 they / not visit / us / this summer friends. Of course, they also get great roles in
the school musical!
The actor Zac Efron (Troy) became very
__________________________________________ popular after the first film. Lots of fans called
him, so he changed his telephone number!
8 Complete the questions for the answers. (6 marks) Vanessa Hudgens (Gabriella) loves being
famous. She really enjoyed singing in the film,
1 ___________________________ at the campsite?
so she’s now a singer as well as an actress!
No, he can’t stay at the campsite.
2 _________________________________ you from?
I’m from Australia. Communication
3 _______________________ in your town in 1900?
10 Complete the mini-dialogues. (10 marks)
Yes, there were some cafés in my town in 1900.
A How do you say ‘tisch’ in English?’
Reading I (1) t_____________ it’s ‘table’.
B Do you (2) e_____________ dancing?
9 Read the text on the right. Then answer the
questions. (10 marks) I (3) d_____________ m_____________

1 When did High School Musical become a film for dancing, but I hate singing!
the cinema? C Was your weekend (4) g_____________?
__________________________________________ No. It was (5) t_____________!
2 What hobbies does Troy like?
__________________________________________ Writing
3 Who takes part in a musical? 11 Write about today. Use the ideas to help you.
___________________________________________ (10 marks)

4 Why has Zac got a different phone number Paragraph 1: What time did you get up? What
today? did you eat for breakfast?
__________________________________________ Paragraph 2: Which classes have you got
today? What is your favourite class? Why?
5 What are Vanessa’s jobs?
Paragraph 3: What are you going to do after
__________________________________________ school? Who are you going to meet?

Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40

Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-year test 2
Listening Vocabulary
1 1.13 Listen to a conversation between Megan 3 Write the opposites of the adjectives. (5 marks)
and Sam. Then write true or false. Correct the 1 fair (hair) – ________________
false sentences. (10 marks)
2 expensive – ________________
1 Sam is doing his homework.
3 tall – ________________
4 hot – ________________
5 safe – ________________
2 Megan bought a new DVD last Saturday.
__________________________________________ 4 Complete the sentences. (9 marks)
1 Cola and lemonade are fizzy __________________.
3 Sam doesn’t like horror films.
2 An ___________________ is good at painting and
3 We always ___________________ a break at
4 Sam really likes Megan’s brother.
11 a.m.
4 June, July and August are months in the season
of ___________________.
5 Megan is having chicken and rice for dinner.
5 People in Japan speak ___________________.
6 She isn’t tall or short. She’s average
7 It’s a good idea to take insect
2 Listen again and answer the questions. (5 marks) ___________________ on holiday.
1 What subject is Sam studying? 8 I’m really interested in ___________________
__________________________________________ arts, like karate and judo.
__________________________________________ 9 I love watching motor ___________________
2 Who is Jaime King? competitions like Formula 1 on TV. The cars are
__________________________________________ really fast!
3 What does Sam want to do? 5 Write words for the definitions. (6 marks)

__________________________________________ 1 This month comes after January.

__________________________________________ ___________________
4 When is Megan’s sister going to visit? 2 You use this to make dinner on an expedition.
__________________________________________ ___________________
__________________________________________ 3 This is the noun form of ‘hot’.
5 What time is Sam going to see Megan? ___________________
__________________________________________ 4 This animal has got eight legs.
__________________________________________ ___________________
5 This person plays or writes music.
6 Potatoes, carrots and peppers are all kinds of
End-of-year test 2
Language focus 8 Write sentences. Use the present simple or past
simple form, or be going to. Add extra words
6 Write sentences. Use the correct present simple when necessary. (12 marks)
or past simple form of be, and add a, an, any or Yesterday
some. (8 marks)
1 he / buy / new clothes
Now ...
there / library / here ()
2 we / not travel / Italy
There is a library here.
1 there / internet café / near here ()
__________________________________________ Today

__________________________________________ 4 you / not be / interested / athletics

2 there / music shops / in town (?)
5 she / usually / go / school / 9.00
In 1900 ...
6 they / not watch / TV programmes
3 there / restaurants / here ()
7 you / run / race
4 there / factory / in the city centre (?)
__________________________________________ 9 Write the questions for the answers. (6 marks)
__________________________________________ 1 _______________________________________
7 Complete the sentences using the present I’m from Canada.
simple or present continuous form of four of the
verbs. (8 marks) 2 _______________________________________
catch go listen play read study feed
No, you can’t go to the cinema.
1 She never ________________________ maths on 3 _______________________________________

Tuesdays. _______________________________________?
Yes, there were some birds in my garden.
2 Right now, I _______________________ to hip

hop. 10 Answer the questions using your own ideas.

Write full sentences. (6 marks)
3 The frog _______________________ flies at the
1 What do you usually do on Saturday?
moment. _______________________________________
4 We _______________________ volleyball every _______________________________________
weekend. 2 What did you eat and drink yesterday?

3 What countries do you think you will visit in the

next ten years?
End-of-year test 2
Reading 2 How are Troy and Gabriella different?
11 Read the text. Then complete the sentences.
(5 marks)
3 Why has Zac got a different phone number now?
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL __________________________________________
High School Musical is a famous American film. __________________________________________
Fans first saw it on TV in 2006, and they saw High 4 What are Vanessa’s jobs?
School Musical II in 2007. In 2008, High School
Musical changed. It became a feature film at the __________________________________________
cinema! It’s now also a book and a video game. __________________________________________
High School Musical is a story about two school 5 Why was Vanessa’s CD called V?
students with very different interests. Troy plays __________________________________________
in the basketball team, but Gabriella’s into
maths and science. But they discover that they __________________________________________
both love pop music and dance and they
become good friends.
The actor Zac Efron is Troy in High School
Musical. Zac was very popular after the film. Lots 13 Complete the mini-dialogues. (10 marks)
of fans called him every day, so he changed his
A Do you (1) ______________ acting?
telephone number! Zac prefers acting to
singing, and he wants to be in more films. I don’t (2) ______________ acting, but I
The actress Vanessa Hudgens was Gabriella. (3) ______________ dancing. I’m terrible!
Vanessa really enjoyed singing in the film, so
B How do you (4) ______________ ‘perro’
she’s now a singer as well as an actress! She
named her first CD V after the first letter of (5) ______________ English?’
her name.
I think (6) ______________ ‘dog’.
C What was Paris (7) ______________?
1 In 2006, people watched ____________________ It was great! It was really beautiful.
_________________________________________ . D (8) ______________ don’t we find a taxi?
2 People can now read _______________________ I’m (9) ______________ sure
_________________________________________ . (10) ______________ that. Taxis are
3 Troy is a basketball _________________________ expensive!
_________________________________________ .
4 Troy and Gabriella are both interested ________ Writing
_________________________________________ .
14 Write about today. What did you do this
5 Zac’s favourite interest ______________________ morning? What are you doing now? What are
_________________________________________ . you going to do later? Is today a good day or a
bad day? Why? Write about 80–100 words.
(10 marks)
12 Answer the questions about the text. Write
complete sentences. (5 marks)
1 What did High School Musical fans do in 2008?
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
_______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
__________________________________________ Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100
End-of-year speaking test 2
About you Photo description
1 Talk about yourself. 3 Describe the photos.
 What things are there in your town or city? Photo A
 What lessons have you got at school today? Do  Where are the people in the photo? What are
you like these subjects? Why? / Why not? they doing?
 What rules has your school got?  What is the room like?
 What are the meals like at your school? Describe  How many students can you see?
a typical lunch. Is it healthy? Why? / Why not?
 Describe the teacher. What is he doing?
 What did you do last weekend?
 Is this classroom like your classroom?

Role play Photo B

 Where are the people in the photo? What are
2 Complete the dialogue with the expressions.
Then practise the dialogue. they doing?
 What is the room like?
Do you want to come? How do you spell that?
 How many students can you see?
How far is it That’s a good idea. Why don’t you
 Describe the teacher. What is he doing?
A Hi, [name]. Do you know any good restaurants?
 Is this classroom like your classroom?
B There’s the new Italian restaurant in town.
(1) ___________________________ go there? EXTENSION Answer the questions.
A Cool. I love Italian food.  Which classroom is more like yours?
(2) ___________________________ from here?  Do you think students work better in the first or
B It’s about twenty minutes on the bus. second classroom? Why?
A Great. What’s it called?  Does modern technology help you to learn
better? Why? / Why not?
B It’s called ‘Fratellis’.
A (3) _______________________________________
B F-R-A-T-E-L-L-I-S. It’s really good.
A Thanks. We’re going to go on Saturday evening.
(4) _______________________________________
B Yes. (5) ___________________________________

EXTENSION Imagine you are talking to a friend

about a restaurant.
A Ask if B knows a good restaurant.
B Tell A about a restaurant in town (say what type).
A Tell B you like that type of food, then ask if the
restaurant is far. B

B Respond.
A Ask the restaurant’s name.
B Respond.
A Ask B to spell it.
B Spell the restaurant’s name.
A Ask B to come with you on Saturday evening.
B Accept.
Diagnostic test 1.01 Unit 2 test 1.03

C = Carla, L = Luke, E = Emma M = Molly, D = Molly’s dad

C Hello. Is this class 1C? D Where do you want to go on holiday, Molly?

L Yes, it is. Are you the new student? M Oh, New York! It’s a great city. It’s big and
C Yes. My name’s Carla, and I’m twelve. I’m from modern, and it’s got loads of museums.
Mexico. D But New York’s a bit dangerous, and it’s really
L Hello Carla! I’m Luke, and this is my friend, expensive. What about Chaves, in Portugal?
Emma. It’s quieter and prettier, and there are lots of
E Hi Carla! 1C is a good class. interesting old buildings.
L Yes. It isn’t boring! Our teacher is called Mrs M But it isn’t very exciting! And it’s only 100
White, and she’s very nice. kilometres from our town!
C Oh, good! Is this my desk, under the clock? D Yes, that’s good ... I don’t like planes! Is there a
L No, that’s my desk. Those are my books under bus there, do you think? Buses are cheaper
the chair. than trains.

E This is your desk, near the window. My desk is M But Dad, New York is better than Chaves, and I
next to your desk. hate buses!

C Great, thanks!

Unit 3 test 1.04

Unit 1 test 1.02

P = Presenter, Y = Yumi, L = Leandro

P = Presenter, M = Matt P Hello, Yumi. Tell us where you’re from.

P Today’s programme is about TV addicts. Matt is Y Hi! I’m from Japan. I usually get up at six thirty,
fifteen, and he really likes television! Matt, how but in the summer I often get up at six o’clock! I
many TVs have you got? exercise for an hour, then I go to school. In the
evenings, I go to a language school. I study a
M We’ve got three in our house. I watch TV for
lot, but I don’t go to school on Sundays. I like
five hours every day.
sleeping late on Sundays!
P Five hours! What’s your favourite programme?
P Thanks, Yumi. And where are you from,
M I haven’t got one. I’m mad about all TV Leandro?
programmes, but especially soap operas.
L Oh, hi. I’m Brazilian. I never study at the
P Apart from watching TV, have you got any weekends! I help my parents a lot, because I’m
hobbies? older than my brothers and sisters. I always
M No, I haven’t. I haven’t got pets, I’m not make breakfast, and I sometimes also make
interested in reading books or listening to dinner. I don’t mind it. We’re a very happy
music, and I’m not into sport. I’m a bit boring, family!
really. I just love TV!

Unit 4 test 1.05 Unit 6 test 1.07

P = Pippa (presenter), A = Alan (from the P = Presenter, A = Agnes, W = William,

Animal Park) E = Ewan, H = Hasan

P Today, we’re at Whipsnade Animal Park. At the P Today, we’re in Edinburgh, in Scotland.
moment, we’re looking at two very dangerous Edinburgh is a very popular city. Thirteen
animals – lions! million people visited it last year! Many famous
A Yes, lions are dangerous when they’re looking people lived here.
for food. But right now, they’re sleeping, so I A The James Bond actor, Sean Connery, was
think we’re safe! born here. He loves Scotland, but now he lives
P Phew – I’m not very good at running! What in Spain.
other animals are here? W The writer J. K. Rowling lived in the city. She
A Oh, loads! We’ve got big animals, like invented many of the ideas for her Harry Potter
elephants, bears, crocodiles ... and smaller books in an Edinburgh café!
animals, like frogs and snakes. There’s also an E Mary I was a famous Scottish queen, and she
aquarium, which hasn’t got any sharks or often stayed in the city. She ruled Scotland from
whales but it’s got lots of fish. But I think my 1542 to 1567. There were 31 Scottish queens,
favourite place is the butterfly house. and more than 40 kings!
P Yes, they’re very pretty ... not like spiders. H The inventor of the telephone was born in
They’re horrible! Now, tell me about ... Edinburgh. Alexander Graham Bell was the son
[noise of parrots squawking] Goodness ... what of a teacher at an Edinburgh school.
was that?
A Oh, that’s the parrots! They’re very noisy.
Unit 7 test 1.08

J = Josh, L = Lara
Unit 5 test 1.06
J Hi Lara. What are you playing?
A = Aarón, G = Gabi
L Oh, hi Josh. It’s called ‘Football Champion’. I
A Hi Gabi, it’s Aarón. How’s summer school? bought it a few weeks ago.
G Oh, hi Aarón. I’m having a great time! J But you hate sport!
A Which subjects are you studying? L Yeah, usually ... but it’s different on the
G English – I’ve got a lot of English classes! But
I’ve got a few lessons on history and art, too. J So who are you?
A Sounds boring to me ... L Who ...? Oh right. You mean who am I in the
game? That’s my team – the ones in blue. You
G Oh, it isn’t that bad! We go to classes between
see that man at the front, with the curly hair and
nine o’clock and one o’clock, but in the
the beard? He’s my favourite player.
afternoon we can do anything we like. This
afternoon I’m playing the guitar with my friend, J So, are you winning?
Juan. L Umm, maybe not this time. But I won three
A But you can’t play guitar! matches on Saturday!
G No, but Juan’s teaching me ... He’s really good! J Three matches? How often do you play this
Anyway, I must go. It’s nearly time for dinner, game?
and it’s my favourite food tonight – fish and L A lot! It’s really addictive. Yesterday I played for
chips! five and a half hours! I even had lunch in front
A OK ... Call me later, after dinner! of the computer.

Unit 8 test 1.09 End-of-term test 2 1.11

P = Presenter, S = Salma L = Lucy, P = Paul

P We’re talking today about an amazing new L This is a good photo. Everyone looks happy!
wildlife expedition. Salma, where are you P Yes, we were on holiday in Morocco. The
going? weather was amazing. Hot and sunny every day!
S Well, next Friday, we’re travelling to the Chinese L There’s your mum, your dad, and your brother
forests. We want to study some very special ... but who’s this boy, the one with dark hair and
bears – pandas! If we can find any, that is! glasses?
P Really? P Oh, that’s my cousin Dino, from Madrid. He was
S Oh, yes. Last year, we went for three weeks, there with his family – we all stayed at the same
but we only saw one panda! hotel.
P But you’re going to stay for longer this time ... L He looks nice ...
S Yes, six months. It’s a big expedition! Eight of P Yeah, he’s OK. He’s quite quiet, though, and
us are going, so we’re taking four tents, and lots we’ve got really different interests. I’m mad about
of equipment. sport but he’s more into books – and chess!
P Such as ...? L I love chess!
S Well, sunscreen, because it’s going to be hot ... P Well, you can play a game with him next month,
and stoves, and lots of food and water. Oh, and if you like! He wants to practise his English, so
cameras, of course, for photographing the bears. he’s going to stay with us over the summer.
Very expensive ones, so we mustn’t lose them!

End-of-year test 1 1.12

End-of-term test 1 1.10
P = Presenter, M = Maya, D = Dan
M = Mark, E = Elena
P Welcome to Top Marks! Today, we’ve got
M Umm ... excuse me. Do you speak English? Maya, from the USA, and Dan, from England.
E Yes ... well, a bit. I study it at a language school Maya, are you ready?
in the evenings. M Yes! I studied every day last month, so I feel
M Your English is really good. good about the show. I think I’m going to win!

E Thanks! P Well, let’s see if you’re right! First question.

Who invented the television?
M I’m new here, and I don’t know the city. Do you
know where the museum is? M Ermm ... oh, no! I didn’t revise much science ...

E Yes, it’s really near! It’s about three or four P Over to you then, Dan. Can you answer?
minutes on foot. Do you see the railway station, D Yes! It’s John Logie Baird. He was from Scotland.
over there? P Right! You’ve got ten points. Next question.
M Yes, I see it ... Who explored Australia in 1770?
E Well, the museum is that big, old building next M Oh, I know this one! It was James Cook.
to it. I go there a lot, because I’m really into art. P Great answer! Ten points to you, too. Well,
M Me too! Has the museum got any Peruvian art? you’re both very good at this, so I’m going to
E Loads! Well, this is Peru! ask a more difficult question ...

End-of-year test 2 1.13

M = Megan, S = Sam

M Hi Sam, it’s me. What are you doing at the

S Oh, hi Megan. I’m doing my geography
homework. It’s really boring!
M Well, do you want to watch a DVD? I bought a
new one yesterday. It’s a horror film, and it’s got
that actress you like, with the blonde hair ...
Jaime King.
S Hmmm ... The thing is, I’m not really into horror.
Do you want to play computer games instead?
M Yeah, OK. I can watch the film with my sister.
She’s going to visit next weekend.
S Cool! I like your sister – she’s really friendly.
M Hmmm .... Not to me, she isn’t! Anyway, about
tonight ... Come for dinner, at seven. We’re
having burgers and chips.
S Hmm, sounds good! See you then!

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