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PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

REVIEWS Further The Neuroscience of Social
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James K. Rilling1,2,3,4 and Alan G. Sanfey5,6,7
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Department of Anthropology, 2 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

Center for Behavioral Neuroscience and 4 Yerkes National Primate Center, Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322; email:
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Behavior and 6 Behavioral Science Institute,
Radboud University Nijmegen, NL-6500 HB Nijmegen, Netherlands, and
Department of Psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011. 62:23–48 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on trust, reciprocity, altruism, fairness, revenge, norms
September 3, 2010

The Annual Review of Psychology is online at Abstract
Given that we live in highly complex social environments, many of our
This article’s doi: most important decisions are made in the context of social interactions.
Simple but sophisticated tasks from a branch of experimental economics
Copyright  c 2011 by Annual Reviews. known as game theory have been used to study social decision-making
All rights reserved
in the laboratory setting, and a variety of neuroscience methods have
0066-4308/11/0110-0023$20.00 been used to probe the underlying neural systems. This approach is in-
forming our knowledge of the neural mechanisms that support decisions
about trust, reciprocity, altruism, fairness, revenge, social punishment,
social norm conformity, social learning, and competition. Neural sys-
tems involved in reward and reinforcement, pain and punishment, men-
talizing, delaying gratification, and emotion regulation are commonly
recruited for social decisions. This review also highlights the role of the
prefrontal cortex in prudent social decision-making, at least when social
environments are relatively stable. In addition, recent progress has been
made in understanding the neural bases of individual variation in social

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

by both self and other-regarding preferences

Contents (Fehr & Camerer 2007). We encounter these
social decision scenarios on a daily basis: Should
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
I trust this person? Should I reciprocate this
TASKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
person’s trust? Should I treat this person fairly?
Should I punish this person for treating me un-
RECIPROCAL EXCHANGE . . . . . . . . 27
fairly? Should I be deferential to this person?
Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Whom should I learn from, model or imitate?
Reciprocating Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
And should I abide by social norms?
Responding to Breaches of Trust . . . 31
Though made in a unique context, social
Seeking Forgiveness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
decisions appear to share key elements with
individual decisions. Like many decisions,
DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
difficult social decisions involve psychological
Deciding Whether to be Fair . . . . . . . 32
conflict, such as between self-interest and the
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Responding to Unfairness
interests of others as when we decide whether to
and Inequity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
help another at a personal cost. Social decisions
ALTRUISM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
can also involve conflict between short-term
rewards and more distant, but potentially
DECISION-MAKING . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
larger, rewards. Am I willing to endure the
immediate costs of altruism in order to reap the
SOCIAL LEARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
long-term benefits of a sustained cooperative
relationship? Finally, as with individual deci-
INTERACTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
sions, challenging social decisions can involve
SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
conflict between emotion and reason (Frith &
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Singer 2008, Sanfey et al. 2006). Indeed, both
emotion and reason may provide wisdom in
social decision-making. Social emotions often
help us to reach more adaptive decisions than
INTRODUCTION would be possible by reasoning alone (Damasio
The study of decision-making attempts to un- 1994, Frank 1988), as for example when guilt
derstand our fundamental ability to process dissuades us from harming relationships with
multiple alternatives and to choose an optimal selfish behavior. Conversely, the ability to
course of action. Historically, the majority of override social-emotional biases with cognitive
research on decision-making has examined in- control may also be prudent in some circum-
dividual decisions in which we must consider stances, as when suppressing indignation over
purely our own values and preferences in order unfair treatment by a more powerful other.
to select an option. For example, experimental Though social decisions are undoubtedly
participants are often asked to choose between important, the requisite interactive scenarios
monetary gambles or to evaluate a choice-set can be challenging to recreate in the labora-
described in terms of different attributes. How- tory. How then can we experimentally study the
ever, given that we live in highly complex so- neuroscience of social decision-making? What
cial environments, many of our most impor- kinds of tools are available? This article outlines
tant decisions are made in the context of social the current methods that have been employed
interactions, with these decisions additionally in understanding social decision-making and
dependent on the concomitant choices of oth- discusses the empirical findings that are emerg-
ers (Sanfey 2007). These social decisions can be ing from this rapidly growing field. We focus
defined as decisions that affect others as well as in particular on neuroscientific investigations
ourselves and are therefore typically informed of these important questions and provide an

24 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

overview of what is currently understood re- investor) must decide how much of an endow-
garding the neural basis of social decision- ment to invest with a partner (the trustee). Once
making. Though these research questions are transferred, this money is multiplied by some
PD: Prisoner’s
often embedded within the larger field of so- factor and then the trustee has the opportunity Dilemma
cial neuroscience, we limit our focus here to to return money to the investor but, impor-
the neuroscience of decision-making within so- tantly, need not return anything. If the trustee
cial interactions, mostly in the context of inter- honors trust and returns money, both players
active games. Thus, we do not review a large end up with a higher monetary payoff than the
body of important (and potentially relevant) original endowment. However, if the trustee
work within the broader domain of social neu- abuses trust and keeps the entire amount, the in-
roscience, including the neuroscience of moral vestor takes a loss. Thus, the Trust Game mod-
decision-making (Greene et al. 2004, Moll et al. els both decisions to trust and decisions to recip-
2005), theory of mind (Gallagher & Frith 2003, rocate trust. If the investor and trustee interact
Saxe et al. 2004), face processing (Haxby et al. only once during the game, Game Theory
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2002, Todorov et al. 2008), attitudes toward predicts that a rational and selfish trustee will
outgroup members (Eberhardt 2005, Harris & never honor the trust given by the investor. The
Fiske 2006), and the role of the medial pre- investor, realizing this, should never place trust
frontal cortex in social cognition in general in the first place and so will invest zero in the
(Lieberman 2007, Mitchell 2009). transaction. Despite these grim theoretical pre-
dictions, a majority of investors do in fact send
some amount of money to the trustee, often ap-
TASKS proximately half of their endowment, and this
Simple but sophisticated tasks from experimen- trust is generally reciprocated (Camerer 2003).
tal economics, using game theory as a frame- The standard PD game is similar to the
work, have been used to study social decision- Trust Game except that both players now
making in the laboratory, and researchers have simultaneously choose whether or not to trust
in turn employed a variety of neuroscience each other, without knowledge of their part-
methods to investigate the underlying neural ner’s choice. In the PD game, payoffs depend on
systems. Game theory is a collection of rig- the interaction of the two choices. The largest
orous models attempting to understand and payoff to the player occurs when he or she
explain situations in which decision-makers defects and the partner cooperates, with the
must interact with one another (Neumann & worst outcome when the decisions are reversed
Morgenstern 1947). It offers a rich source of (player cooperates while partner defects). Mu-
both behavioral tasks and data in addition to tual cooperation yields a modest payoff to both
well-specified models for the investigation of players, whereas mutual defection provides a
social interaction. The games used have the ad- lesser amount to each. The predicted solution
vantage of being easy for participants to under- to the PD game is mutual defection, a worse
stand, offer quite compelling social scenarios, outcome for both players than mutual cooper-
and are relatively straightforward to adapt to ation, but again, in most iterations of the game,
neuroscientific study, all of which goes a long players exhibit more trust than expected, with
way toward explaining their extensive use in re- mutual cooperation occurring about 50% of the
cent years. These tasks have been used to study time (Camerer 2003). Both the Trust Game and
several aspects of social decision-making, pri- the PD game can also be played as iterated,
marily reciprocal exchange, responses to fair- multiple-round games, though these variants
ness and equity, and altruism and punishment. change both the optimal and actual game strate-
Reciprocal exchange has been extensively gies due to the “shadow of the future” (Axelrod
studied using the Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) and & Hamilton 1981), that is, the effect of poten-
Trust games. In the Trust Game, a player (the tial future consequences on current choices. • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 25

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

The Ultimatum Game (UG) is often used partners, and therefore use of a more ecologi-
to examine responses to fairness. In the UG, cally valid design is justified.
two players must divide a sum of money, with In addition to these classic game theory de-
UG: Ultimatum
Game the proposer specifying the division. The re- signs, a number of more recent studies have em-
sponder then has the option of accepting or re- ployed new and creative paradigms that model
jecting this offer. If the offer is accepted, the other aspects of social decision-making, such
sum is divided as proposed. If it is rejected, nei- as social conformity (Klucharev et al. 2009),
ther player receives anything. The UG there- norm-abiding social behavior (Spitzer et al.
fore models decisions about resource allocation 2007), revenge and altruistic punishment (de
on the part of the proposer, as well as responses Quervain et al. 2004, Singer et al. 2006), and
to fairness and inequity in the responder. If peo- reputation management (Izuma et al. 2008).
ple are motivated purely by self-interest, the These approaches offer some interesting vari-
responder should accept any offer, and, know- ants on the questions tackled by the standard
ing this, the proposer will offer the smallest tasks. Overall, the full complement of tasks out-
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nonzero amount. However, once again, this lined here is providing researchers with use-
game theoretic prediction is at odds with ob- ful experimental scenarios with which to ask
served behavior across a wide range of societies questions regarding the neural basis of social
(Henrich et al. 2005), with both fair offers and decision-making, and their results are discussed
rejections of unfair offers often observed. Thus, below.
people’s choices in the UG do not conform to a
model in which decisions are driven by financial
self-interest, and neuroscience has begun to of- NEUROSCIENCE METHODS
fer clues as to the mechanisms underlying these The methods that are being used to probe
decisions. the neural bases of social decision-making in-
Altruism has been modeled using the Dic- clude functional neuroimaging, the study of
tator Game (DG), essentially a simplified ver- brain-damaged neurological patients, transcra-
sion of the UG, in which the second player is nial magnetic stimulation, pharmacologic ma-
a passive recipient of the proposer’s offer and nipulations, genetic association studies, and
therefore cannot reject it. With no material in- studies of psychiatric patients with pathologi-
centive to offer anything, a proposer who offers cal social decision-making, as well as lesion and
a nonzero amount is considered altruistic, and single-cell recording studies in nonhuman pri-
proposal magnitude reflects the degree of altru- mate models of human social decision-making.
ism toward the second player. The majority of current research on the neu-
Both anonymous and nonanonymous ver- roscience of social decision-making is derived
sions of the above games have been studied from functional magnetic resonance imaging
with neuroimaging. Because of their interest (fMRI) studies in which changes in cerebral
in “pure” game play, economists have typically blood flow are imaged as subjects play interac-
emphasized the importance of anonymous in- tive social games inside the MRI scanner. Typ-
teractions to eliminate reputation effects or per- ically, computerized game paradigms are pro-
sonal characteristics of partners that could bias jected onto a screen in the scanner, and subjects
choices. However, psychologists and neurosci- make choices by pressing buttons in response
entists are generally interested in these social to game scenarios. Compared with other func-
factors and how they influence game decisions, tional neuroimaging techniques, fMRI is less
and so they often include known partners as invasive, less expensive, and has good spatial and
part of these experiments. It can also be argued temporal resolution. However, while effective
that humans are evolutionarily unprepared for in identifying brain regions that are involved in
social interactions with completely anonymous social decision-making, fMRI is less effective in

26 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

identifying brain regions that are essential for levels of aggression. Identifying the brain ab-
social decision-making. For this, studies of neu- normalities underlying these disorders can
rological patients are helpful, and tremendous therefore potentially shed light on the neural
insight into the neuroscience of social decision- systems that mediate social decisions. Fur- ventromedial
making has been gleaned from the study of pa- thermore, use of these games can potentially prefrontal cortex
tients with damage to the ventromedial pre- play a valuable role in the assessment of, and rTMS: repetitive
frontal cortex (VMPFC) (Bechara & Damasio intervention in, decision-making styles in these transcranial magnetic
2005, Beer et al. 2003, Damasio 1994, Mah disorders. stimulation
et al. 2004). However, these lesions often span Finally, a large body of research has ex- Neuropeptide: a
large regions of cortex that likely involve mul- amined decision-making at the cellular level molecule composed of
tiple functions, which limits the specificity of in nonhuman primate models using single-cell short chains of amino
acids found in brain
structure-function mapping. Repetitive trans- recording (Kable & Glimcher 2009), and a
tissue that influences
cranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), in which subset of these studies has focused on social neural activity, such as
an oscillating magnetic field is used to induce decision-making in particular (Klein et al. 2008,
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oxytocin and
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

electric current in the brain, enables temporary, Seo et al. 2009). These studies, which normally vasopressin
directed disruption of cortical regions and is a cannot be performed in humans for obvious Ligands: molecules
useful complement to the study of neurological ethical reasons, are an important complement that bind to another
patients in understanding which brain regions to the study of large-scale neural systems in- (e.g., a receptor).
Radioactively tagged
are essential for normal social decision-making. volved in social decision-making in humans.
ligands can be used to
In addition to the above methods, pharma- Below we summarize what has been label neurotransmitter
cological manipulations can inform our knowl- learned in applying these varied methods to receptors for imaging
edge of the neurochemical basis of human social the study of human social decision-making OT: oxytocin
decision-making. Monoamine (e.g., serotonin), (Figure 1a,b).
neuropeptide (e.g., oxytocin), and steroid hor- personality disorder:
mone (e.g., testosterone) levels have all been a personality disorder
experimentally manipulated and tested for ef- RECIPROCAL EXCHANGE marked by a long-
fects on social decision-making in game theo- From a comparative mammalian perspective, standing pattern of
instability in
retic paradigms. The density and distribution one remarkable feature of human social life is
of neurochemical receptors can be imaged with the extent to which we engage in the recipro- relationships,
positron emission tomography (PET), and in- cal exchange of aid with nonrelatives, since, in behavior, mood, and
dividual variation in receptor patterns could nonhuman animals, most altruism is directed self-image
in theory be linked with variation in social toward genetic relatives. Although cooperation
decision-making; however, PET ligands for does occur among nonrelatives, particularly in
many of the receptors of interest are currently social mammals such as lions, meerkats, and
unavailable. Nevertheless, individual variation primates, most examples are best explained by
in the genes that code for neuropeptide re- mutualism, in which both partners gain imme-
ceptors such as oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin diate benefits from their cooperation (Clutton-
(AVP) has been linked with social decision- Brock 2009b). For example, in wild dogs, coop-
making (Israel et al. 2009, Knafo et al. 2008). eration between hunting partners can increase
Many psychiatric conditions also involve their per capita success in catching or defending
deficits in social decision-making. Depressed prey (Creel & Creel 2001). Mutualism differs
patients often withdraw from social interac- from reciprocal altruism, which encumbers net
tions; patients with social anxiety disorder, costs at the time assistance is provided, though
borderline personality disorder, and autism these are then offset by later benefits (Trivers
often incorrectly interpret social interactions; 1971). One significant consequence of a tempo-
psychopaths persistently violate social norms ral delay between receiving and returning help
and selfishly manipulate others; and patients is that natural selection can favor cheating (i.e.,
with conduct disorder can exhibit inappropriate accepting but not reciprocating a favor). It may • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 27

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

be this barrier to the evolution of reciprocal Domes et al. 2007, Kirsch et al. 2005, Petrovic
altruism that accounts for the limited number of et al. 2008, Singer et al. 2008) although not
documented cases among nonhuman animals. in women (Domes et al. 2010), and others
In contrast, reciprocal altruism is pervasive in have shown that OT also increases behavioral
human society (Clutton-Brock 2009a). Indeed, expressions of trust (Baumgartner et al. 2008,
hunter-gatherers like the Kalahari Bushmen, Kosfeld et al. 2005). Thus, trusting another
who have been studied intensively by anthro- person may involve OT-mediated suppression
pologists because they may provide a glimpse of amygdala activity and dampening the ac-
of human nature unconfounded by recent dra- companying fear of betrayal. The adult human
matic environmental changes (Konner 2002), pair-bond is a good example of a cooperative
depend upon reciprocal food sharing for their social relationship between nonrelatives that is
very survival (Lee 1979). based on trust. Therefore, it is of note that OT
mediates pair-bonding in monogamous rodent
species (Young et al. 2005). Similar mecha-
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Trust nisms may be at play in humans, as intranasal

Relationships based on reciprocal altruism OT increases positive communication during
are inherently unstable. Both parties may couple conflict (Ditzen et al. 2009). Thus,
be tempted to act according to short-term social attachment between unrelated adult
self-interests by accepting but then not re- humans may be mediated in part by oxytocin.
ciprocating a favor, and both parties may fear Of course, the neural substrate of the de-
these same selfish impulses in their partner and cision to trust is not confined to subcortical
can therefore be reluctant to risk placing trust. structures. Patients with lesions to VMPFC,
Given this instability, it has been theorized which also include damage to the frontal pole
that the pervasiveness of reciprocal altruism in and the anterior cingulate cortices, exhibit less
humans required the evolution of a suite of psy- trust in the Trust Game (Krajbich et al. 2009).
chological specializations to support it (Trivers Consistent with this finding, an fMRI study of
1971). One such specialization is a willingness the Trust Game reported greater activation in
to take the social risk of helping another the frontal pole during the decision to trust as
despite the possibility of nonreciprocation; compared to the decision to reciprocate trust
in other words, a willingness to trust (#1 in (Krueger et al. 2008). VMPFC patients have
Figure 1a,b). Decisions to trust a previously been said to exhibit “myopia for the future”
unknown partner are strongly associated with (Bechara & Damasio 2005), and the frontal pole
general judgments of facial trustworthiness (van has been implicated in protecting long-term
‘t Wout & Sanfey 2008), and neuroimaging mental plans from immediate environmental
and neuropsychological studies have estab- demands (Koechlin & Hyafil 2007) and in valu-
lished that the amygdala is centrally involved ing future rewards (Kable & Glimcher 2007).
in assessments of trust. Untrustworthy faces One hypothesis is that this region registers the
activate the amygdala in fMRI paradigms, even long-term benefits that could emerge from a
when the judgment is made implicitly (Winston successful partnership, which can help to sur-
et al. 2002), and people with amygdala lesions mount the immediate fear of betrayal associated
have deficits in the ability to appropriately with deciding to trust.
judge facial trustworthiness (Adolphs et al. Decisions to trust should also be based on in-
1998). Thus, it is reasonable to suppose that ferences of others’ trustworthiness—if partners
dampening amygdala activity would increase do not appear trustworthy, whether assessed by
behavioral expressions of trust. Several studies facial features or by knowledge about their past
have now demonstrated that the neuropeptide behavior, we should be wary about interacting
oxytocin (OT) reduces amygdala activity with them. Therefore, trust decisions could be
in male subjects (Baumgartner et al. 2008, expected to engage brain systems implicated in

28 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

theory of mind. Indeed, partner feedback in the short-term social reward associated with mu-
PD game reliably activates several regions that tual cooperation can outweigh the short-term
have been implicated in theory of mind, includ- material rewards gained from cheating. That
ing dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC), is, the subjective utility of mutual cooperation dorsomedial prefrontal
posterior cingulate, and the temporo-parietal can exceed that of unilateral defection (Fehr & cortex
junction (TPJ), with each of these areas engaged Camerer 2007). Functional MRI studies of hu- TPJ:
more when playing with a human than a com- man subjects engaged in Prisoner’s Dilemma temporo-parietal
puter partner (Rilling et al. 2004a). Similarly, or related trust games have shown that recip- junction
another study showed that DMPFC activity is rocated cooperation is associated with activa-
high during the initial stages of building a trust- tion of two brain regions involved in reward
ing relationship but then subsides once trust processing, the caudate nucleus (Delgado et al.
has been established (Krueger et al. 2007), sug- 2005; Rilling et al. 2002, 2004b) and the or-
gesting that this region may be involved more bitofrontal cortex (OFC) (Rilling et al. 2002,
specifically in learning whether someone is 2004b). Moreover, the strength of response in
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trustworthy. This was the conclusion of a recent the caudate predicts the degree of future coop-
study that tracked social prediction errors when eration (King-Casas et al. 2005, Rilling et al.
following a confederate’s advice and found 2002), suggesting that activation of this brain
activity related to social prediction errors in region can positively reinforce cooperation, ei-
DMPFC, superior temporal sulcus (STS), and ther by rendering mutual cooperation immedi-
TPJ (Behrens et al. 2008). Social anxiety disor- ately rewarding or by providing a learning sig-
der is associated with attenuated DMPFC acti- nal after feedback. Either way, evolution may
vation during a trust game (Sripada et al. 2009), have effectively removed the need to delay grat-
perhaps implying that social learning mecha- ification. Although the material payoff from
nisms are short-circuited by the limbic hyper- mutual cooperation may be realized later, the
activity characteristic of this disorder (Etkin & social payoff can be immediate.
Wager 2007), which may lead to prematurely A recent study (Li et al. 2009) suggests that
judging a social stimulus as threatening. the act of being trusted may also be inherently
rewarding. This study focused on activation in
trustees’ brains after they learned that the in-
Reciprocating Trust vestor had transferred money to them. In one
As noted above, in relationships based on recip- condition, investors were allowed to threaten
rocal altruism (#2 in Figure 1a,b) there is an trustees with a financial penalty for nonrepay-
obvious temptation to accept but then not re- ment, whereas in the other condition this was
ciprocate a favor. For example, asking for help not possible. VMPFC was more active when
when moving house but then not returning that trustees received money from the investor with-
favor may be beneficial in the short term but will out sanction threats as opposed to with threats,
quite likely incur long-term costs by discourag- and the magnitude of this VMPFC activation
ing the altruistic from granting future favors. predicted levels of trustee repayment (Li et al.
In other words, reciprocity is important for the 2009). One interpretation of these findings is
maintenance of relationships. Throughout the that subjects anticipate keeping more money
animal kingdom, the bias for immediate grat- when they are not threatened with costly sanc-
ification is strong (Kagel et al. 1995), and in tions compared to when they are. Though there
some cases, this bias prevents the establishment are obvious dangers in assuming that activation
of stable, cooperative relationships with others. of reward regions implies that an act is inher-
However, remarkably frequently, people over- ently rewarding (Poldrack 2006), an alternative
come these biases. What are the motivations for and more interesting possible interpretation is
doing so, and how does the human brain accom- that the act of being trusted in the absence of
plish this? Part of the answer may be that the sanction threats is rewarding in and of itself and • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 29

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

thereby reinforces reciprocation. We presum- VMPFC and insula (see below) may be involved
ably feel a greater social bond with someone in the neural instantiation of these processes.
who does not threaten retribution, and this may If contemplation of defection elicits guilt,
Tryptophan: the
amino acid precursor be a mechanism by which greed is overcome and the decision to defect might be expected to in-
of serotonin may also explain why patients with VMPFC le- volve conflict. Indeed, a recent study showed
Selective serotonin sions are less trustworthy in the Trust Game that breaking a promise to reciprocate trust,
reuptake inhibitor (Krajbich et al. 2009). compared to honoring that same promise, was
(SSRI): a drug that Intriguingly, serotonin may modulate these associated with activation in the anterior cin-
increases serotonin value functions. In both humans and laboratory gulate cortex (ACC) and the dorsolateral pre-
transmission by
animals, experimental manipulation of the sero- frontal cortex (DLPFC) (Baumgartner et al.
blocking synaptic
reuptake tonin system demonstrates that low serotonin 2009), regions consistently implicated in cog-
levels decrease the value of delayed rewards, nitive conflict and cognitive control, respec-
Insula: an island of
cortex buried within steepening delayed reward discounting (Denk tively (Botvinick et al. 2001, Miller & Cohen
et al. 2005, Schweighofer et al. 2008). Lower- 2001, Pochon et al. 2008). These results sug-
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the sylvian fissure

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ACC: anterior ing serotonin levels through tryptophan deple- gest that for most people, breaking a promise to
cingulate cortex tion decreases cooperation by second movers in reciprocate requires cognitive effort, and con-
DLPFC: dorsolateral the PD game, and elevating the levels, through versely that honoring such a promise is our pre-
prefrontal cortex selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) potent response bias. Thus, whether through
treatment, has the opposite effect (Tse & Bond innate, genetic predispositions or through so-
2002, Wood et al. 2006). These effects of sero- cialization, the tendency to reciprocate altruism
tonin may be mediated by VMPFC, as the appears to become ingrained in our biology and
human VMPFC is known to be modulated overridden only with cognitive effort.
by serotonin (Robbins 2000), serotonin ago- Of course, there is significant individual
nists increase VMPFC metabolism (Siever et al. variation in the tendency to reciprocate altru-
1999), and tryptophan depletion mimics the ism, and explaining this variation is an impor-
effects of VMPFC lesions on behavior in the tant challenge for social neuroscience. A recent
UG (Crockett et al. 2008) (discussed below). study classified subjects based on social value
Thus, serotonergic input to VMPFC may pro- orientation, a measure of the tendency to value
mote reciprocity through increasing the value the outcomes of others. The researchers found
of long-term benefits associated with mutual that prosocial participants, who valued the out-
cooperation (Wood et al. 2006). comes of others, exhibited more ventral striatal
An alternative motivation for reciprocal be- activity when choosing to reciprocate compared
havior beyond a reward explanation is that it with when choosing to defect, whereas proself
may be driven by the minimization of potential participants had the opposite profile (van den
negative affect, primarily guilt. That is, the rea- Bos et al. 2009). These findings suggest that
son for cooperation is that we anticipate feeling reciprocating, despite its lower material pay-
guilty if we would not reciprocate generous be- off, may have a higher reward value for proso-
havior. Here again, VMPFC patients are rele- cials, whereas defecting may have a higher re-
vant, as both qualitative observations of their ward value for proselfs. Accordingly, prosocials
social behavior (Koenigs & Tranel 2007) as did in fact reciprocate more often than pro-
well as more formal modeling based on their selfs did. This study also reported a difference
behavior in economic games (Krajbich et al. in activation of the insula as a function of social
2009) suggest that they have impairments in value orientation, whereby prosocials showed
guilt. Thus, the expression of guilt, and perhaps stronger activation when defecting and pro-
more generally the elicitation of emotions based selfs showed stronger activation when recipro-
on imagined outcomes (Krajbich et al. 2009), cating. Thus, defecting may be aversive to pro-
can play an important role in social decision- socials, whereas reciprocating may be aversive
making, and affective processing areas such as to proselfs (van den Bos et al. 2009).

30 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

Finally, the neural correlates of decisions social exclusion (Eisenberger et al. 2003), to re-
about reciprocity can be altered in psychi- ceiving an unfair offer in an UG (Sanfey et al.
atric disorders. For example, the anterior in- 2003), to watching a loved one receive a painful
Visceral: related to
sula of trustees is more active in response to stimulus (Singer et al. 2004). Anterior insula the internal organs of
low as compared to high expressions of trust is also responsive to physically painful stimuli, the body, including the
by investors. However, this differential insula and its activity is correlated with skin conduc- heart, lungs, and gut
response is lacking in patients with border- tance responses (Critchley et al. 2000). These
line personality disorder, which has been in- results and others suggest that the anterior in-
terpreted as suggesting that these patients, in sula is involved in mapping physiological states
contrast to normal controls, fail to register low of the body, including pain, touch, and vis-
levels of trust as a norm violation (King-Casas ceral sensations of autonomic arousal (Craig
et al. 2008). In another study of the iterated PD 2002, Critchley 2005). The right anterior in-
game, the decision to defect was associated with sula, in particular, is thought to be a cortical
activation in ACC and DLPFC, generally inter- station for interoception that may play a role in
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

preted as reflecting conflict and exertion of cog- decision-making by instantiating valenced sub-
nitive effort, but not in individuals who scored jective feeling states (Damasio 1994). Finally,
high on a measure of psychopathic personal- recent fMRI data implicate right anterior in-
ity. These individuals also defected at higher sula in aversive conditioning (Seymour et al.
rates (Rilling et al. 2007), and thus defection 2004). Collectively, these findings suggest that
may only be difficult for those who did not score the anterior insula may be involved in signal-
high on psychopathic personality. ing that a social encounter has differed from
expectations and consequently marking nega-
tive interactions as aversive to help in learn-
Responding to Breaches of Trust ing to avoid such interactions in the future. Al-
In the iterated PD game, as in life, uncondi- though the magnitude of activation in anterior
tional cooperators are vulnerable to exploita- insula does not by itself predict subsequent de-
tion by nonreciprocators (Axelrod 1984) (#3 in fection by the player in future interactions with
Figure 1a,b). Thus, humans have likely evolved the same nonreciprocating partner, correlated
psychological mechanisms to detect and avoid activity (i.e., functional connectivity) between
cooperating with nonreciprocators (Cosmides anterior insula and lateral OFC does. This
& Tooby 2000), which may be related to a more finding is consistent with evidence that lateral
generalized aversion to ‘‘free riders’’ (i.e., those OFC is involved in the evaluation of punish-
who accept benefits without paying expected ing stimuli that may lead to behavioral changes
costs), as suggested by behavioral economics (Kringelbach & Rolls 2004).
experiments in which people often choose to
punish free riders, even when the punishment
is personally costly (Fehr & Gachter 2002). Seeking Forgiveness
In the iterated PD game, cooperation in When cooperation has ruptured, it may often
combination with a partner’s defection (the be beneficial in the long run to try to repair
worst outcome) is associated with activation of it. Indeed, the motivation to reconcile follow-
the anterior insular cortex, which may be a neu- ing conflict seems to be present in many pri-
ral correlate of an aversive response to free rid- mate species (de Waal 2000). In the iterated
ing (Rilling et al. 2008) or of a more gener- Trust Game, repair of ruptured cooperation is
alized response to norm violations (Montague often initiated by a coaxing response involving
& Lohrenz 2007). The anterior insula is in- hyper-reciprocation that encourages increasing
volved in sensing the state of the viscera (e.g., expressions of trust in the investor (King-Casas
heart, lungs, gut) and is activated in response et al. 2008). Interestingly, this response also ap-
to a variety of negative social interactions, from pears to be deficient in borderline personality • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 31

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

disorder (King-Casas et al. 2008). The insula Deciding Whether to be Fair

response to low levels of trust, discussed above,
Those in control of limited resources often
may be part of the neural mechanism support-
face the decision of whether to distribute
ing a decision to seek forgiveness.
those resources equitably or efficiently (#4 in
Finally, it is important to emphasize that the
Figure 1a,b). For example, the salary raise pool
mechanisms discussed here that have evolved to
can be equally divided among employees or
support reciprocal altruism in humans are im-
more can be given to those who have performed
perfect. Humans are often overcome by greed
well in the past. The UG is a useful experimen-
or fear such that sustained, mutually benefi-
tal tool for examining both decisions about, and
cial relationships cannot be realized, or worse,
responses to, fairness and equity. In the Ultima-
may degenerate into a bitter series of defec-
tum Game, most people can be said to be fair
tions. One important challenge for social neu-
in that they will offer a responder more than
roscience is to begin to specify the situations
their own personal minimum acceptable offer.
under which cooperation does not occur. An
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However, this is not the case in VMPFC pa-

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

interesting speculation in this regard is that

tients (Krajbich et al. 2009), who instead show
trade, and later money, both of which imme-
“negative generosity” by offering less than they
diately discharge debts of reciprocity by effec-
themselves demand. Experimentally elevating
tively removing the delay between giving help
testosterone levels in men decreases UG gen-
and receiving payback, may have developed
erosity and also makes them more than twice as
to help circumvent our imperfections in this
likely to exhibit this negative generosity effect
regard (Ridley 2010).
(Zak et al. 2009). These two findings may be re-
lated, as a recent fMRI study has linked testos-
terone with decreased VMPFC activity (Mehta
SHARING AND RESOURCE & Beer 2010). If, as mentioned above, VMPFC
DISTRIBUTION patients have deficits in eliciting emotions based
Another type of social decision that has been in- on imagined outcomes, then both VMPFC le-
tensively studied from a behavioral, economic, sions and experimentally elevated testosterone
and neuroscientific perspective is the decision may interfere with the ability to envision the
of how to distribute limited resources among partner’s emotional reaction to potential offers;
multiple individuals. Like reciprocal altruism, that is, they may impair empathy. In fact, the
this is likely an evolutionarily ancient neces- pathway from the amygdala to the VMPFC is
sity, as both archeological and ethnographic hypothesized to be involved in perceiving dis-
evidence suggest that big game hunting or tress in others and in learning to avoid behav-
scavenging was important in human evolution iors that provoke such distress (Blair 2008), and
(Stanford & Bunn 2001). Decisions about how testosterone may impair the functioning of this
to distribute large kills, the successful hunting pathway (van Wingen et al. 2010). It should be
of which often depended on cooperation among noted, however, that in contrast to the effects
many individuals, have significant nutritional of testosterone on men, testosterone adminis-
and social consequences for group members tration actually increases UG offers in women
and have been intensively studied by anthropol- (Eisenegger et al. 2010). A possible explanation
ogists for decades (Hawkes 1993, Hill & Kaplan is that the effects on generosity in women are
1994). In modern Western societies, decisions actually mediated by estrogen, which testos-
about distribution of resources are equally im- terone may displace from its binding protein
portant, as for example when deciding how to (sex hormone–binding globulin) owing to its
allocate salary raises from a fixed pool of money greater binding affinity (Wallen 2001).
or how medical resources should be divided up In contrast to VMPFC damage and testos-
among patients of differing need. terone administration to men, both of which

32 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

decrease generosity in the UG, intranasal OT divisions even at the cost of decreasing overall
increases generosity (Zak et al. 2007). This find- efficiency. Thus, a version of a somatic marker
ing is consistent with the generally prosocial ef- (Bechara & Damasio 2005) may be at the root
VLPFC: ventrolateral
fects of OT in both humans and other animals of our decisions to promote equity. prefrontal cortex
[although OT also mediates maternal aggres-
sion in rodents and perhaps envy and gloating
in humans (Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2009)]. The Responding to Unfairness
effects of OT and testosterone on UG offers, and Inequity
coupled with their lack of an effect on offers Moreso than any other social decision, the neu-
in the DG that are thought to represent “pure ral basis of the response to unfairness has been
altruism”, suggest that they may be modulat- probed with a variety of neuroscience methods.
ing the ability to both empathize with and pre- An initial fMRI study showed that receiving an
dict the behavior of one’s partner, but in op- unfair compared to a fair offer in the UG was
posite ways (Hurlemann et al. 2010, Zak et al. associated with activation in the anterior insula,
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

2009). that this activation was stronger for offers from

The UG presents a decision about how to al- putative human versus computer partners, and
locate resources between oneself and another, that it scaled to the magnitude of unfairness (#5
but many important social and political deci- in Figure 1a,b). Moreover, unfair offers that
sions involve allocating resources among third were subsequently rejected were associated
parties, sometimes with ambiguity regarding with a stronger insula response than those that
what the morally optimal choice is. An inge- were subsequently accepted, suggesting that
nious recent study used fMRI as participants the magnitude of anterior insula activation in-
made decisions about how to allocate meals fluences the decision to accept or reject (Sanfey
to a group of children living in an orphanage et al. 2003). In a follow-up study, the magnitude
in northern Uganda (Hsu et al. 2008). In ev- of skin conductance responses to unfair offers
ery decision, each of three children began by was also found to predict the likelihood of
receiving 24 meals, with the participant then rejection (van ‘t Wout et al. 2006). Given that
forced to choose between two different decision anterior insula activity is known to correlate
options, each of which involved one or more with skin conductance responses (Critchley
children losing meals. Choices involved decid- et al. 2000), these findings suggest that visceral
ing between equity, in which variance among feedback from the body is driving the rejection
children was minimized but the overall number of unfair offers. The anterior insula has also
of meals donated was lower, and efficiency, in been implicated in empathy (de Vignemont
which the overall number of meals was higher & Singer 2006), perhaps by simulating the
but with greater inequity among children. Ef- somatic state and accompanying feelings of
ficiency was associated neurally with activation another. Therefore, the insula response to
in the putamen. When participants chose the potential inequitable distributions among
more equitable distribution, the amount of in- Ugandan orphans (described above) may
equity reduced by their choice was correlated represent an empathic response that drives the
with activation in the anterior insula, bilaterally. decision to choose in favor of a more equitable
Moreover, participants who showed stronger distribution.
inequity aversion in their decision-making had A later fMRI study (Tabibnia et al. 2008)
stronger responses to inequity in the bilateral replicated this insula finding and also showed
insula. As mentioned above, the anterior insula that activation of the ventrolateral prefrontal
is responsive to aversive social interactions and cortex (VLPFC) was associated with accept-
norm violations. These data suggest that par- ing unfair offers. Given that VLPFC has been
ticipants with a stronger aversive response to implicated in emotion regulation (Ochsner &
inequity may be more likely to choose equitable Gross 2005), the results of a path analysis • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 33

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

suggest that VLPFC contributes to acceptance UG offers (Crockett 2009). The insula receives
of unfair offers by reducing anterior insula– dense innervation from the dorsal raphe
based negative affect. serotonin projection system (Way et al. 2007),
As in the domain of trust and reciprocity, and SSRI treatment, which enhances serotonin
people vary in their response to inequity, and transmission, is associated with reduced ante-
social value orientation explains a portion of rior insula responses to perception of emotional
this variance. When asked to evaluate the desir- stimuli (Arce et al. 2008). Tryptophan deple-
ability of pairs of rewards for both themselves tion, on the other hand, is associated with an
and others, prosocials dislike large absolute dif- enhanced insula response to emotional stimuli
ferences in distributions, whereas proselfs, or (Roiser et al. 2008). Thus, tryptophan depletion
individualists, do not. In prosocials, the magni- may increase UG rejection rates by removing
tude of the differences in distributions is posi- inhibitory influences of serotonin on the insu-
tively correlated with amygdala activation, but lar response to unfair offers. Of course, these
not in individualists. These decisions are not af- effects could also be mediated by VMPFC, es-
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

fected by cognitive load, implying that inequity pecially since, as mentioned above, they mimic
aversion in prosocials is driven by an automatic, the effects of VMPFC lesions (Crockett 2009).
bottom-up aversive response represented in the Withdrawal of serotonin from VMPFC might
amygdala (Haruno & Frith 2010). therefore contribute to increased rejection rates
In addition to fMRI, the neural basis of the by impairing emotion regulation (Crockett
response to unfairness has been investigated 2009) or by decreasing the value of an abstract
in brain-damaged patients. Damage to the monetary reward (Moretti et al. 2009) relative
VMPFC is associated with higher rejection to the immediate social reward of successfully
rates of unfair UG offers (Koenigs & Tranel punishing the unfair proposer (de Quervain
2007, Krajbich et al. 2009), but apparently only et al. 2004, Singer et al. 2006) (see below).
if the payment is abstract and delayed (Moretti Additional pharmacologic studies have ex-
et al. 2009). When payment is immediate and amined the influence of sex-steroid hormones,
concrete (i.e., visible cash is present), rejection such as testosterone, on UG game behavior.
rates of VMPFC patients do not differ from This has been done by examining the effects of
those of controls. Given a role for VMPFC and naturally occurring variation in hormone lev-
frontal pole in representing the value of future els and by specific pharmacological manipula-
or abstract outcomes (Moretti et al. 2009), tions. Men who reject low offers in the UG have
these results have been interpreted to suggest higher salivary testosterone than do men who
that increased rejection rates in VMPFC accept these offers (Burnham 2007), and fol-
patients in the abstract case stem from reduced lowing exogenous testosterone administration,
reward value placed on future payoffs following testosterone levels are positively correlated
acceptance (Moretti et al. 2009). Regardless with UG rejection thresholds (i.e., men with
of the explanation for increased rejection rates higher testosterone reject more easily) (Zak
in the abstract case, it seems clear that the et al. 2009). However, these effects of testos-
VMPFC and/or the frontal pole are important terone do not hold for either pre- (Eisenegger
for decision-making in this single-shot case et al. 2010) or postmenopausal (Zethraeus et al.
where there can be no long-term benefit from 2009) women. As mentioned above, testos-
rejecting an offer. terone has been linked with decreased VMPFC
Pharmacologic manipulations have pro- activity (Mehta & Beer 2010) as well as de-
vided some additional evidence as to the creased amygdala-orbitofrontal coupling (van
mechanisms underlying responses to un- Wingen et al. 2010). Thus, testosterone may
fairness. Experimentally decreasing central increase rejection rates in men through a mech-
serotonin levels through tryptophan depletion anism similar to tryptophan depletion: by im-
is associated with higher rejection rates of unfair pairing emotion regulation or by modulating

34 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

the relative reward value of accepting versus VMPFC patients give less in the DG com-
rejecting. pared with normal or brain-damaged controls
UG responder behavior has also been in- (Krajbich et al. 2009), and given the associa-
Single nucleotide
vestigated using rTMS. Disruption of right, tion between altruism and empathy (Batson & polymorphisms:
but not left, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with Powell 2003), this effect may stem from a deficit genetic variants that
rTMS is associated with decreased rejection in empathy in VMPFC patients. Interestingly, differ in a single DNA
rates of unfair offers in the single-shot UG in contrast to UG offers, neither testosterone base pair
(Knoch et al. 2006, van ‘t Wout et al. 2005). supplementation nor OT self-administration Microsatellite: any of
These results suggest that right DLPFC may affects DG offers in men (Zak et al. 2007, 2009), numerous short
segments of DNA that
be involved in the implementation of fairness providing some evidence for a dissociation be-
are distributed
norms (Spitzer et al. 2007) and in general tween generosity and altruism. In any event, throughout the
demonstrate that DLPFC also plays an impor- if these pharmacologic manipulations do influ- genome, that consist
tant, causal, role in UG decisions. ence empathy, as suggested above, the effects of repeated sequences
Finally, clinical populations have also been do not translate into altered DG behavior. of usually two to five
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

nucleotides, and that

investigated using this task. Autistic children are Despite the lack of an effect of intranasal
tend to vary from one
more likely to accept unfair UG offers than are OT on altruism in the DG, genetic studies have individual to another
controls (Sally & Hill 2006). The UG robustly implicated both the OT and AVP systems in
activates a neural network involved in theory DG behavior. In one study, three of fifteen sin-
of mind processing (Rilling et al. 2004a), and gle nucleotide polymorphisms across the OT
autistic children have impaired theory of mind receptor gene showed significant associations
skills. Autistic children may therefore lack the with DG offers (Israel et al. 2009). Another
ability to perceive the unfair intent behind a low study showed that longer versions of the RS3
offer (Sally & Hill 2006), perhaps due to insuffi- microsatellite repeat element of the vasopressin
cient activation of a theory of mind neural net- 1a receptor gene were associated with increased
work (Frith 2003), and may therefore be less apt AVP mRNA expression as well as larger DG al-
to reject. A similar pattern holds for clinically locations (Knafo et al. 2008). Thus, significant
depressed patients, who also accept more unfair variability in altruistic behavior in the DG is
offers than do controls (Harlé et al. 2010), al- explained by genetic variation in the receptors
though the precise mechanism underlying this that bind AVP and OT.
latter result is still unclear. The ecological validity of anonymous DG
allocations as a measure of altruism is of course
questionable, as in most cases we know some-
ALTRUISM thing about the people or causes that we sup-
One remarkable facet of human social behavior port, and often they know something about
is that people often decide to help others even us. Two recent clever fMRI studies have used
when it comes at personal cost, and when there more realistic paradigms and scanned partici-
is no expectation of receiving any material re- pants as they decide whether to donate endowed
turns (#6 in Figure 1a,b). In experimental set- money to a variety of real charitable organi-
tings, “pure” altruism has been modeled with zations. In one study, both accepting a mone-
the DG. In this game, a player chooses how to tary reward and voluntarily donating money to
allocate a sum of money between themselves a specific charity activated the ventral tegmen-
and another player, in a similar manner to the tal area and the ventral striatum, both compo-
UG, but in the DG the second player is simply nents of the mesolimbic dopamine system (Moll
a passive recipient of the offer and has no re- et al. 2006). In another study, subjects showing
course to punish. Differences between a given stronger ventral striatum activation to manda-
proposer’s Ultimatum and Dictator offers can tory charitable donations were more likely to
therefore be instructive in examining the ef- then voluntarily give to the charity. On the
fect of both altruistic and strategic concerns. other hand, subjects showing stronger ventral • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 35

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

striatum activation to payments to themselves reflect an anticipated reward from presumed

were less likely to later donate to the charity peer approval (Izuma et al. 2009). In the second
(Harbaugh et al. 2007). Thus, the ventral stria- study, subjects were scanned as they received
tum, a mesencephalic dopamine system target feedback from others who had recently eval-
involved in reward processing (O’Doherty et al. uated the subjects based on personality ques-
2004, Schultz 1998), may motivate decisions to tionnaires and a videotaped self-introduction.
voluntarily donate money to charitable orga- Receiving unambiguously positive peer evalua-
nizations. Other brain regions may also be in- tions was associated with activation in the same
volved. In the first of the studies just mentioned, region of the striatum that was also activated
one region—the subgenual cingulate cortex— by monetary reward in a nonsocial task (Izuma
was actually more active when donating to a et al. 2008). Thus, social approval seems to be
cause compared to when accepting a personal rewarding and may motivate norm-abiding de-
monetary reward (Moll et al. 2006). One in- cisions, such as when called upon to help those
terpretation of this finding is that the subgen- in need.
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

ual cingulate cortex represents social attach- Despite these positive incentives for norm-
ment to a cause promoted by a specific charity. abiding behavior, both ethnographic evidence
The same study found that sacrificing money (Sober & Wilson 1998) and behavioral eco-
to donate to a charity activated the VMPFC nomics experiments (Fehr & Gachter 2002)
and frontal pole to a greater extent than did ac- show that some people will only abide by so-
cepting a personal monetary reward (Moll et al. cial norms under threat of punishment. Thus,
2006), a result consistent with the observation sensitivity to the threat of punishment is also
that VMPFC lesions are associated with less al- an important motive for norm-abiding behav-
truism in the DG. ior. In a recent fMRI study (Spitzer et al. 2007),
subjects were imaged while playing two differ-
ent games. In one game, which resembles a DG,
NORM-ABIDING subjects (player A) received a monetary endow-
DECISION-MAKING ment that they could distribute freely between
The establishment of large-scale cooperation themselves and another player (player B). In this
through social norms is a uniquely human phe- game, player B is a passive recipient of player A’s
nomenon (#7 in Figure 1a,b). Social norms are monetary transfer. In the other game, player B
effective in shaping behavior, presumably be- could choose to pay money to financially punish
cause humans are highly sensitive to the opin- player A after having been informed of player
ions and approval of others. Two recent stud- A’s decision. Player A transferred substantially
ies suggest that approval of others is processed more money to player B in the punishment
within the same ventral striatal regions that re- compared with the nonpunishment condition.
spond to a wide range of nonsocial rewards. One Those subjects who showed the largest change
of these studies scanned subjects using fMRI in monetary transfer from the nonpunishment
as they made decisions about whether to do- to the punishment condition also showed the
nate money to charities, as in the above experi- greatest increase in activation of both the lat-
ments, but with the interesting added manipu- eral OFC and the right DLPFC across condi-
lation that in some cases these donations were tions. Lateral OFC is involved in the evaluation
observed by peers. The presence of observers of punishing stimuli that may lead to behavioral
increased both donation rates, albeit minimally, changes (Kringelbach & Rolls 2004), so it may
as well as the ventral striatal response that pre- hold a subjective representation of the punish-
ceded decisions to donate. That the same ven- ment threat that motivates norm-abiding be-
tral striatum region was also active when choos- havior. Activation in DLPFC is consistent with
ing to keep money for oneself in the absence of the rTMS results described above that impli-
peer observers suggests that this activation may cate it in the implementation of fairness norms.

36 Rilling · Sanfey
PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

DLPFC, known for its role in cognitive con- associated with increased activity in the insula,
trol (Miller & Cohen 2001), may be overriding ACC/SMA, and DLPFC (Sanfey et al. 2003),
a prepotent selfish impulse to send less of the and dividing money under threat of sanction
endowment to player B. (and presumably promoting greater conformity
This human sensitivity to social approval is to the norm) is also associated with insula activ-
underscored by the finding that a conflict with ity (Spitzer et al. 2007). Finally, norm violation
group opinion triggers a prediction error sig- accounts may help explain how we remember
nal within putative reinforcement learning cir- partners with whom we interact. In contrast to
cuitry (Klucharev et al. 2009). In this fMRI cheater-detection theories, which posit that we
study, female participants rated female faces for have enhanced memory for partners who de-
attractiveness, after which they were informed ceive us, a recent fMRI study of the UG showed
of the “average European rating” of the face. that memory for partners was actually better
When participants learned that the group rat- explained by whether the partners had deviated
ing differed from their own, activation was ob- from the subject’s initial expectations, irrespec-
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

served in the rostral cingulate zone, along with tive of whether subjects had high or low ex-
deactivation in the nucleus accumbens. Subjects pectations of these partners (Chang & Sanfey
rated the same set of faces again after the fMRI 2009). Violations were also associated with acti-
session, and in some cases adjusted their ratings vation in the insula/ACC/SMA network. Taken
to more closely conform to the group average. together, these results suggest that enforcing a
This conformity was associated with stronger social norm may be associated with this neural
activation of the rostral cingulate zone as well system and that this may play an important role
as stronger deactivation of the nucleus accum- in social decision-making.
bens, consistent with a larger error signal. Fur-
thermore, subjects with a greater tendency to
conform showed greater deactivation of the ALTRUISTIC PUNISHMENT
ventral striatum in response to initial noncon- As we have discussed above, the threat of pun-
formity. Thus, error-related signals in the ros- ishment is an important motive for conforming
tral cingulate and nucleus accumbens alert us to social norms. But to be effective, the threat
when our decisions deviate from social norms must be credible. For most of human history,
and can motivate subsequent conformity. punishment has been meted out privately rather
Social norms, and specifically the expecta- than by legal institutions, and the effectiveness
tions engendered by these norms, may also of such a system in stabilizing social norms is de-
provide an explanation for cooperative behav- pendent on some individuals being motivated to
ior more generally. Research examining the punish norm violators or free-riders despite any
neural basis of deviations from expectation in inherent costs (Fehr & Fischbacher 2003). How
nonsocial contexts, such as oddball detection does the human brain mediate this so-called al-
paradigms, has consistently shown activation in truistic punishment? Two neuroimaging stud-
a network including anterior insula, ACC, and ies of trust and PD games have shown that brain
supplementary motor area (SMA). The same reward regions, including the caudate nucleus
network has been shown to be active when and related structures in the ventral striatum,
there is conflict with a social norm (Klucharev are activated when subjects successfully punish
et al. 2009), when conforming to a norm (Berns others who have previously treated them un-
et al. 2010). This suggests that decisions in- fairly (de Quervain et al. 2004, Singer et al.
volving both trust and reciprocation may in- 2006). In one study, the effect was observed
volve norm compliance, namely the social norm for male but not female subjects, where acti-
that one should both trust others and recip- vation in reward areas in response to punish-
rocate trust that has been placed in oneself. ment of a nonreciprocating partner was cor-
Similarly, rejecting unfair UG offers is related with self-reported desire for revenge • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 37

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

(Singer et al. 2006). In the other study, sub- was not reciprocated by partners with good
jects showing stronger activation of reward ar- reputations, the caudate prediction error sig-
eas were willing to incur greater costs in order to nal of the scanned investors was blunted rel-
punish the cheating partner (de Quervain et al. ative to nonreciprocation by trustees with
2004). Thus, the motive to altruistically punish neutral or bad reputations. Thus, socially
is correlated with, and perhaps causally related learned information can lead to a suppression
to, activation in brain reward systems. of neural mechanisms involved in individual
In most modern societies, judicial institu- reinforcement-based learning.
tions relieve ordinary citizens of the responsi- Imitation and social learning are likely de-
bility for retribution, with punishment meted pendent on a putative mirror neuron network
out by impartial third parties. We might there- including the STS, inferior parietal cortex, and
fore expect third-party decisions about altruis- inferior frontal cortex (Rizzolatti & Fogassi
tic punishment to be more dispassionate than 2007). However, decisions about whether to
second-party punishment in the above studies. rely on social stimuli for learning seem to in-
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However, a recent fMRI study suggests other- volve the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACCg). For
wise (Buckholtz et al. 2008). Here, participants example, ACCg lesions in monkeys abolish so-
were presented with written scenarios in which cial interest (Rudebeck et al. 2006). Additional
they had to decide whether a protagonist should evidence comes from an fMRI study designed
be punished, and if so, to what extent. Consis- to distinguish brain regions involved in so-
tent with previous evidence that DLPFC is im- cial learning from those involved in individual
plicated in penalizing norm violations, DLPFC reward-based learning. Participants were asked
was indeed involved in deciding whether or not to choose which of two stimuli would yield a
to punish based on an assessment of criminal reward and were able to draw on their prior
responsibility. However, decisions about pun- history of reinforcement as well as a confeder-
ishment magnitude were positively correlated ate’s advice in making their decision. Activation
with activity in regions linked with affective in the ACCg reflected the value placed on con-
processing, such as the amygdala. These results federate advice when deciding (Behrens et al.
are consistent with the hypothesis that third- 2008). Thus, the ACCg is involved in valuing
party sanctions are fueled by negative emotions information from others (Behrens et al. 2009).
toward norm violators (Buckholtz et al. 2008). Given the centrality of social learning to hu-
man behavior and the need for individuals to
learn accurate and useful information from oth-
SOCIAL LEARNING ers, the decision of who to learn from or im-
To a much greater extent than other ani- itate is crucial (Henrich & McElreath 2003).
mals, human behavior is shaped by what we Natural selection may favor cognitive capaci-
learn from others (Henrich & McElreath 2003, ties that bias individuals to learn preferentially
Tomasello 1999). We learn complex subsis- from those who are more successful, and one
tence and occupational skills, social norms, and way of inferring success is through the defer-
the specific features of our language from oth- ence or social status individuals receive from
ers. Indeed, social learning (#8 in Figure 1a,b) others (Henrich & McElreath 2003). Access to
often has more influence over our behaviors high-status individuals may therefore be valu-
than individual learning does. For example, an able, as suggested by the observation that mon-
fMRI study involving the Trust Game showed keys will forego food to acquire information
that the prior moral reputation of a social about dominant monkeys (Deaner et al. 2005).
partner can outweigh direct experience in de- In an fMRI study in which participants played a
ciding whether or not to trust the partner reaction-time game with both more highly
(Delgado et al. 2005). Interestingly, when trust ranked players than themselves (individuals

38 Rilling · Sanfey
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who were declared to be better than them at In fact, mentalizing-related neural activity
the game) and less highly ranked players than may play a more significant role in competi-
themselves (individuals who were declared to tive than in cooperative social decision-making.
be worse than them at the game), viewing the In a two-player fMRI study, participants en-
higher-compared with the lower-ranked player gaged in a pattern-completion task either with
was associated with increased ventral striatum the help of another player (cooperation) or
activation, interpreted as reflecting the greater with their interference (competition). Relative
salience of the higher-ranked player (Zink et al. to cooperation trials, competition trials acti-
2008). Thus, the ventral striatum response to vated DMPFC. These results echo those de-
high-status individuals may reflect our motiva- scribed above in which DMPFC activation is
tion to attend to and learn from them. high in early rounds of an interactive game
before trust and cooperation have been es-
tablished but then tapers off in later rounds
COMPETITIVE SOCIAL once trust is firmly in place (Krueger et al.
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A major component of social life, though one Finally, competitive social behavior is often
that has received relatively little research at- motivated by envy. A recent study (Takahashi
tention, are decisions made in competitive et al. 2009) used hypothetical scenarios involv-
social interactions (#9 in Figure 1a,b). A re- ing social comparison to successfully provoke
cent study (Hampton et al. 2008) compared self-reported envy, the degree of which was pos-
three different computational models with itively correlated with activation in the dorsal
respect to their ability to explain subjects’ be- anterior cingulate cortex (dACC). The dACC
havior during a competitive game in which has been linked with social and psychological
employees can “work” or “shirk” and employ- pain, but also cognitive conflict, and the authors
ers can “inspect” or “not inspect.” The model of this paper speculate that the dACC activation
that best fit the data was an “influence learn- represents the conflict between a normally posi-
ing” model, in which players make decisions tive self-concept and the feedback that someone
based on predictions of how their opponents else is superior. Intriguingly, this activation is
will respond to their own prior decisions. In correlated across subjects with the magnitude
contrast to the other two models, this model of the ventral striatum response to a superior
unambiguously involves theory of mind pro- other’s misfortune. So it would seem that those
cessing, demonstrating that mentalizing guides most prone to envy may also be most prone to
decision-making in this game. Subjects who as- take pleasure at another’s bad luck (Takahashi
sumed greater influence over their partner’s et al. 2009).
choices, and who were therefore more strategic,
had stronger activation in DMPFC, consistent
with a large body of studies implicating this re- SUMMARY
gion in mentalizing (see above). Activity in the Although the neurobiological study of social
posterior STS, another putative mentalizing re- decision-making is still in its infancy, there are
gion (Saxe & Kanwisher 2003), corresponded currently enough findings to propose some ten-
to an update signal that captured the difference tative models of how the brain makes social
between the degree of influence expected on a decisions. Clearly, prefrontal cortex plays an
given trial and the actual influence exerted once essential role in social decision-making. The
the outcome had been revealed. Therefore, this VMPFC/frontal pole region seems to be in-
region is involved in learning about the degree volved in valuing the long-term benefits asso-
of influence one has over a partner’s strategy ciated with cooperative relationships and per-
(Hampton et al. 2008). haps also abstract rewards such as helping • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 39

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

anonymous others through charity donations. empathy. Testosterone may have an opposite
This region also plays a role in regulating effect on VMPFC function. OT promotes trust
emotional reactions that could jeopardize val- through decreasing amygdala activity (in men)
ued relationships. Other prefrontal regions and increases generosity and perhaps empa-
are involved in different components of social thy through some as yet unspecified neural
decision-making. DLPFC is involved in exert- mechanism.
ing cognitive effort to override selfish impulses, Though a full discussion is beyond the scope
as when abiding by fairness norms, and VLPFC of this review, it is notable that many of the
is involved in overriding aversive reactions to neural regions described here are also involved
unfair treatment as well as in representing the in aspects of more traditional decision-making,
threat of punishment from others that moti- including valuation, risk assessment, and de-
vates norm-abiding behavior. Finally, DMPFC cision conflict, to name but a few. Future re-
is involved in learning whether someone can be search might fruitfully explore the degree to
trusted as well as in strategizing during com- which social decision-making overlaps with the
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petitive interactions. more fundamental mechanisms employed in in-

However, the neural basis of social decision- dividual decision-making, in order to generate
making is not confined to prefrontal cortex. a more complete model of how people choose
The dACC seems to function as a social alarm and decide.
signal (Eisenberger et al. 2003) that reacts to
social norm violations, as when breaking a
promise, deviating from group opinion, or be- CONCLUSION
ing outperformed by others (i.e., envy). The This review highlights the importance of a net-
anterior insula may also play a role in sig- work of brain regions in decisions that promote
naling norm violations and also mediates in- prosocial behaviors. Areas such as the amygdala
equity aversion, aversive responses to unrecip- and insula can provide important affective bi-
rocated altruism, and motivates decisions that ases to social decisions, and the prefrontal cor-
restore equity. It is additionally involved in em- tex appears to be involved in overriding selfish
pathy and third-party reactions to inequity. The impulses, valuing abstract and distant rewards
ventral striatum, a target of the mesolimbic (like altruism and cooperation), and in gener-
dopamine system, is a final common pathway ating certain prosocial emotions (such as guilt
for both social and nonsocial reward stimuli and empathy). Interestingly, the human pre-
(Montague & Berns 2002). It mediates rewards frontal cortex is larger than that of any other
from mutual cooperation, altruism, and social primate, in terms of both absolute size and rel-
approval and appears to motivate revenge seek- ative to the size of the rest of the brain (Preuss
ing as well as attention to high-status others 2004, Rilling 2006). This may account for one
as models for social learning. The amygdala is of the most distinctive aspects of human social
also involved in aversive responses to inequity life, namely our propensity to cooperate with
and also seems to mediate the fear of betrayal, nonrelatives (Boyd & Richerson 2006). Food
thereby inhibiting trust. sharing, reciprocity, and cooperation among
These neural systems are modulated by nonrelatives are unusual among primates, but
a number of neurochemicals. Serotonin pro- those species that exhibit these behaviors,
motes prosocial behavior, perhaps by augment- such as capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees
ing VMPFC function, which would in turn (Brosnan 2009), have unusually large brains
have several important consequences, such as (and prefrontal cortices) for their body size
placing greater value on the long-term ben- (Rilling & Insel 1999). Although the proso-
efits of cooperative relationships, improving cial behaviors of chimpanzees and capuchin
emotion regulation, and perhaps increasing monkeys are noteworthy and should not be

40 Rilling · Sanfey
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underestimated (Brosnan 2009, de Waal 2008), 2009). The enlarged human prefrontal cortex
humans are remarkable in their degree of re- may therefore explain our special abilities in
liance on reciprocal altruism (Clutton-Brock this regard. Overall, it is clear that the study
2009a), their upholding of fairness norms of the neurobiology of social decision-making is
(including advantageous inequity aversion) growing rapidly, and the current state of knowl-
(Brosnan 2009), and especially their tendency edge as described here seems sure to offer many
to often cooperate with unfamiliar others (Silk interesting avenues for future research.

1. Given that we live in highly complex social environments, many of our most important
decisions are made in the context of social interactions.
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2. Simple but sophisticated tasks from experimental economics have been used to study
social decision-making in the laboratory setting, and a variety of neuroscience methods
have been used to probe the underlying neural systems.
3. Prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in social decision-making, and different regions have
different functions. The VMPFC/frontal pole region seems to be involved in valuing the
long-term benefits associated with cooperative relationships, valuing abstract rewards
such as helping anonymous others through charity donations, and regulating emotional
reactions that could jeopardize valued relationships. DLPFC is involved in exerting cog-
nitive effort to override selfish impulses, as when abiding by fairness norms. VLPFC is
involved in overriding aversive reactions to unfair treatment as well as in representing
the threat of punishment from others that motivates norm-abiding behavior. Finally,
DMPFC is involved in learning whether someone can be trusted and also in strategizing
during competitive interactions.
4. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex seems to function as a social alarm signal that reacts
to social norm violations, as when breaking a promise, deviating from group opinion, or
being outperformed by others (i.e., envy).
5. The anterior insula mediates inequity aversion and aversive responses to unreciprocated
altruism and motivates decisions that restore equity. It is also involved in empathy and
third-party reactions to inequity.
6. The ventral striatum mediates rewards from mutual cooperation, altruism, and social
approval and appears to motivate revenge seeking as well as attention to high-status
others as models for social learning.
7. The amygdala is also involved in aversive responses to inequity and seems to mediate the
fear of betrayal, thereby inhibiting trust.
8. These neural systems are modulated by a number of neurochemicals including sero-
tonin, which promotes prosocial behavior, perhaps by augmenting VMPFC function;
testosterone, which may suppress VMPFC function; and oxytocin, which promotes trust
through decreasing amygdala activity (in men) and increases generosity and perhaps
empathy through some as yet unspecified neural mechanism. • Neuroscience of Social Decisions 41

PS62CH02-Rilling ARI 22 November 2010 8:43

1. The models proposed in this review are based on the relatively limited evidence published
to date and naturally should be considered preliminary. Explicit testing will be required
to fully evaluate these models and to assist in further revision and expansion.
2. Only very few studies have combined fMRI of interactive tasks with pharmacological
manipulations (e.g., Baumgartner et al. 2008). This is an important avenue for future
research that will shed light on neurochemical influences on social decision-making. Al-
though oxytocin is currently being widely studied in this regard, a wide range of other
neurochemicals can be fruitfully employed in this research. For example, neurotransmit-
ters involved in basic learning and reward processes, such as dopamine, can be used to
link higher-level accounts of social behavior to more fundamental cognitive processes.
3. A useful complement to fMRI studies of social decision-making is to make use of the
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Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2011.62:23-48. Downloaded from

increasingly rich variety of formal mathematical models of these behaviors that are emerg-
ing from behavioral economics. These models encourage more specific descriptions of
the social processes and can facilitate neural investigations of these processes.
4. Defining the neural correlates of individual variation in social decision-making is an im-
portant challenge for the field of social neuroscience. This variation might be explained
by variation in genetics, personality, developmental settings, hormone and neurotrans-
mitter levels, or even hormone and neurotransmitter receptor density. For example,
variation in partner preference among monogamous male prairie voles is explained by
variation in expression of the V1a vasopressin receptor. As PET ligands become available
for receptors of interest, it should become possible to relate variation in receptor density
with social decision-making in humans.
5. Although imaging brain function in the context of interactive games has been an im-
portant step toward increasing ecological validity of social neuroscience paradigms, a
further step is to link brain activity in the scanner to real-world social behavior. This
can be facilitated by asking subjects to record social behaviors in diaries or through
experience-sampling methods (e.g., Eisenberger et al. 2007).
6. The emerging discipline of cultural neuroscience raises questions about whether the
models outlined here will generalize beyond the developed Western cultures from which
research participants are typically drawn (Chiao 2009). It will be important to evaluate
cross-cultural variability in these models (Henrich 2010).

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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a Medial view 2
Conflict associated with breaking
promise to reciprocate

7 Error signal when in conflict with social norms

that motivates subsequent conformity
8 Valuing information from others
Learning about
trustworthiness of others (ToM) 1 9 Social pain linked with envy

Strategizing with respect to the influence

of your behavior on partner’s choices 9 3 Aversive response to
unreciprocated cooperation
4 Visceral response to inequity motivating
Valuing long-term benefits 1 5 decisions to restore equity
of cooperative relationships 2 DMPFC
Guilt over not reciprocating 2 2 Reward from mutual cooperation,
especially in prosocials
4 Frontal pole
Empathy for recipient Anterior Ventral
6 T 5HT insula striatum 6 Reward from helping others
Abstract reward from
helping anonymous others 6 VMPFC 5HT 7 Error signal when in conflict with social norms
that motivates subsequent conformity
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Amygdala OT
Reward from mutual cooperation, 7 Reward from social approval
especially in prosocials 2
8 Motivation to learn from high status of others
Emotion regulation 5

1 Trust 1 Fear of betrayal

2 Reciprocating trust
3 Responding to breaches of trust 5 Inequity aversion in prosocials
4 Decisions about sharing
Responding to inequity
b Lateral view 5
6 Altruism
7 Norm-abiding social behavior
8 Social learning
Cognitive effort required to not 9 Competitive social interaction
reciprocate, especially when 2
breaking a promise

Implementation of fairness norms

(overriding selfish impulse 5 Simulating observed
to accept unfair offer) actions of others
Overriding selfish impulse
to violate norm 7
Learning about
DLPFC trustworthiness of others
parietal (ToM)
Aversive response to 3 TPJ
unreciprocated cooperation 5HT
eri l
Visceral response to inequity 4 Infronta
f Anterior Posterior
motivating decisions to restore equity 5 insula
Learning about influence
over others’ behavior
Aversive response to 3
unreciprocated cooperation

Threat of punishment 7
for norm violations

Overriding negative emotional 5

response to inequity

Figure 1
Model of the neural systems that mediate nine different types of social decisions, showing (a) medial and (b) lateral views of the human
brain. Solid lines, surface structures; dashed lines, deep structures; −, inhibitory influences; +, stimulatory influences; arrows, white
matter connections. DMPFC, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; TPJ, temporo-parietal junction; VMPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex;
dACC, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; dACC, dorsal
anterior cingulate cortex; LOFC, lateral orbitofrontal cortex; STS, superior temporal sulcus; 5-HT, serotonin; OT, oxytocin;
T, testosterone. • Neuroscience of Social Decisions C-1

PS62-FrontMatter ARI 15 November 2010 17:50

Annual Review of

Volume 62, 2011 Contents

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The Development of Problem Solving in Young Children:

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A Critical Cognitive Skill

Rachel Keen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Decision Making
The Neuroscience of Social Decision-Making
James K. Rilling and Alan G. Sanfey p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p23
Speech Perception
Speech Perception
Arthur G. Samuel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49
Attention and Performance
A Taxonomy of External and Internal Attention
Marvin M. Chun, Julie D. Golomb, and Nicholas B. Turk-Browne p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p73
Language Processing
The Neural Bases of Social Cognition and Story Comprehension
Raymond A. Mar p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 103
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Causal Learning and Inference as a Rational Process:
The New Synthesis
Keith J. Holyoak and Patricia W. Cheng p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 135
Emotional, Social, and Personality Development
Development in the Early Years: Socialization, Motor Development,
and Consciousness
Claire B. Kopp p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 165
Peer Contagion in Child and Adolescent Social
and Emotional Development
Thomas J. Dishion and Jessica M. Tipsord p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 189

PS62-FrontMatter ARI 15 November 2010 17:50

Adulthood and Aging

Psychological Wisdom Research: Commonalities and Differences in a
Growing Field
Ursula M. Staudinger and Judith Glück p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 215
Development in the Family
Socialization Processes in the Family: Social and
Emotional Development
Joan E. Grusec p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 243
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Delusional Belief
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Max Coltheart, Robyn Langdon, and Ryan McKay p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 271

Therapy for Specific Problems
Long-Term Impact of Prevention Programs to Promote Effective
Parenting: Lasting Effects but Uncertain Processes
Irwin N. Sandler, Erin N. Schoenfelder, Sharlene A. Wolchik,
and David P. MacKinnon p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 299
Self and Identity
Do Conscious Thoughts Cause Behavior?
Roy F. Baumeister, E.J. Masicampo, and Kathleen D. Vohs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 331
Neuroscience of Self and Self-Regulation
Todd F. Heatherton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 363
Attitude Change and Persuasion
Attitudes and Attitude Change
Gerd Bohner and Nina Dickel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 391
Cross-Country or Regional Comparisons
Culture, Mind, and the Brain: Current Evidence and Future Directions
Shinobu Kitayama and Ayse K. Uskul p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 419
Cognition in Organizations
Heuristic Decision Making
Gerd Gigerenzer and Wolfgang Gaissmaier p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 451
Structures and Goals of Educational Settings
Early Care, Education, and Child Development
Deborah A. Phillips and Amy E. Lowenstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 483

Contents vii
PS62-FrontMatter ARI 3 November 2010 10:34

Psychophysiological Disorders and Psychological Dimensions

on Medical Disorders
Psychological Perspectives on Pathways Linking Socioeconomic Status
and Physical Health
Karen A. Matthews and Linda C. Gallo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 501
Psychological Science on Pregnancy: Stress Processes, Biopsychosocial
Models, and Emerging Research Issues
Christine Dunkel Schetter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 531
Research Methodology
The Development of Autobiographical Memory
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Robyn Fivush p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 559

The Disaggregation of Within-Person and Between-Person Effects in
Longitudinal Models of Change
Patrick J. Curran and Daniel J. Bauer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 583
Thirty Years and Counting: Finding Meaning in the N400
Component of the Event-Related Brain Potential (ERP)
Marta Kutas and Kara D. Federmeier p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 621


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 52–62 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 000

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