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Auditory: 35%
Visual: 45%
Tactile: 20%


Naturalist: 84%

Musical: 81%

Verbal /Linguistic: 66%

Intrapersonal: 84%

Logical/Mathematical: 97%

Interpersonal: 72%

Bodily/ Kineshetic: 81%

Visual/ Spatial: 84%

1-What does your learning style and intelligence(s) say about you?

My learning style tells me that mi best learning style is visual. This means that I can learn more
quickly by looking at things. However, I am not very good at studying by a tactile learning style.
My learning intelligence tells me that I am a very logical and mathematical person but that I also
have a very high naturalist, intrapersonal and visual/ spatial intelligence.

2-What sort of tools/strategies can you use to learn or study? Include at least 2 that can better
you’re learning or studying.

I can use the mind map strategy. This means, that I read all the unit and understanding and after I
take out the main ideas and I start making a mind map. This mind map can also include pictures
or drawings for better understanding of the unit.

Another way to learn is by having someone else next to you. This way if you don’t understand
something you can ask it to your partner. And after reading everything you can start making
questions one to each other to see if you’ve learned and understood the unit.

3-Do you agree with the information provided about your learning style and intelligence(s)? Why
or why not?

Yes, I really agree with the learning style. Because I know that the best way for me to study is to
see things and memorize them. The second-best learning style was auditory, and this is also a
thing that influences my studies. If someone is explaining something I can remember it later.

And I agree with my learning intelligence. There were somethings that I knew I was good at such
as, mathematical, and logical intelligence because I’m good at those exercises. But other I didn’t
know if I was good or bad at them so know I understand better how my intelligence is.
4-How do your V.A.T. and Gardner results differ? How are they alike?

In the Gardener results they show how I’m good at visual and spatial intelligence with an 84%.
Moreover, the VAT test shows how my best learning style is visual. This shows how I’m good at
looking at them and memorizing them. My second-best Gardener result is auditory and, in the
VAT, says that I’m good at musical intelligence. This also shows that I’m good at it.

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