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the bureau of chemistry, which investigates methods proposed

Mairey, L'Afrique au debut du XXe siecle (Paris, 1906);

by Alphonso; it was first reoccupied by Spanish colonists from

surface. It has been calculated that the average daily

Africa. But no overt act had warned Europe of what was

1894 the British government agreed to the South African

establishing such a control. At the time the position of

communication between the Danube and the Rhine.

contract. Thus the state was justified in the claim to

framed the constitution of Massachusetts that was adopted in

into which Phrygia was divided in the military reorganization

France. Between this mountain chain and its spurs, which

over the promulgation by Pius IX. of the dogma of papal

state, its natural productions, its topography, geography and

contains two elements, Negroid and Malayo-Indonesian.

On the sex division, 935,305 were in 1905 males, and 879,321

function. In the simplest case, that of uniform translation,

customs (ed. Lunemann, 1811). Both works are valuable for the

of Greek metrical art. In its best examples it gives

See also Courteault, Une Idylle au XVIIIe siecle, Mlle.

exhaustion was effected, to sustain the enormous pressure,

Mountain systems.

Fuorcla Tasna (Ardez to Ischgl), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,374

The earlier stages of the southern movement must have

literature deals with it; there exist scientific societies

suppression of individuality and the lack of initiative and

title of Cosmographia Ethici, written in barbarous Latin,

as in others, to the Court of Appeal, and from thence to

1893 18 93 1901 1 1

appear that, whereas only 11% of British 520,000 agricultural

his majority in 1805, he married on the 28th of July Catherine

In Fucaceae an apical cell is situate at the surface of the

air, and when in January 1879 Stanley left Europe as the

commercially, being a mixture of the pure crystalline material

L=KV2Secosa, or the factor may be taken direct from the

channel between the larger lake and Dweru. The accurate

jealousies among the Arabic and non-Arabic subjects of the

a Greek alphabet, whether directly or indirectly, that the

When it is sought to consider algae with a view to the

A man of rare intelligence, a fearless horseman and an eloquent

the means for further building, and for a largely increased

work with good illustrations. For the beginnings of the

Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,236,768

``Agricultural Holdings in England and Abroad,'' by Major

N1. Fucus vesiculosus, young oogonium.

the statue in the Louvre (from the Villa Borghese), which

winter. During the summer they require plenty of water,

R.M. Royal Marines, Resident Magistrate.

together, it was at the instigation of Baalis, king of Ammon,

it is used in the sense of ``offering'' (Luke xxi. 5), it

3. Circulars, sent in quantities to specific classes of

dress. Previous to the session of 1890-1891, the royal speech

stood the temple of Jupiter Latiaris, where the annual festival

perfect fluid, its fundamental property of elastic reaction

the sea-level, throughout the year. They are not used

altar. In the subsequent history of Lot and the destruction

iodide, and this has occasionally been used with great

adopted by authors are often transposed forms, more or less

brought Alexander into fresh broils. In 336 Philip was

horse's mane and a slender neck. Although the figure of the

9th duke of Bedford, and Arthur, who sat for a generation in

bullet occurred in 1883, when Major Rubin, director of the

course of a stream; any snag, projection or dam, impeding the

may arise by the simultaneous division of the contents of a

enlightened patrons of learning, and became AElfric's faithful

from a knowledge of the velocity of radiation and of its

Paul (cf. Sir W. M. Ramsay, St Paul the Traveller and Roman

nave, sometimes in the middle of the church, and sometimes

required by a ruler who would devote himself to organization,

$401,872). It has been estimated that in the same period

hornblende. A larger list of minerals has been obtained

Vtertainspitze . . . . . . . . 11,618 Habicht. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,758

itself (1) over exposed parts, as face and hands; (2) wherever

name Ala-tau also enters into the designation of (6), a range

1861. On the 19th of April President Abraham Lincoln declared

weathered pebbles in the drift of Lichfield in Staffordshire.

Dulhane, consolidating and enforcing these reforms, which

Twelve''--has proved itself by tokens of Divine approval,

73,022 in 1901 (the area of Alberta being then slightly

The sheets meet in pairs along three lines which themselves

large currents can easily be passed through this perfectly

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