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Short Term Engagement Plan


FUN ACTIVITIES AND The icebreaking session is the one where people find themselves comfortable. The multiplayer games, quizzes, and board
games will engage employees to remove their stress in an isolated culture. The rewards for achievers will be cherry on the cake
in these activities. The employees can entertain their family or children in this activity, making it more fun and exciting. Meme
SESSIONS war, short video making, etc. are the other activities we can carry in this technological-driven world in this remote work culture.

COMMUNICATE The feeling and thinking of employees define their relationship with the organization. It is important to communicate with them.
The best way is to conduct periodic surveys about what motivates them. What changes do they need in the remote culture?
Their ideas in getting recognized and appreciated in this remote culture. To better deal with any situation, it is important to
ENGAGING FUN understand the employee insights about the working culture and the changes needed to keep them productive and motivated.

A BODY ESPECIALLY FOR The main plan is to create a virtual culture to build a team they are excited about. The weekend binge-watching the stand-up
comedy from any employee/artist will be a boost to this initiative. The virtual gathering with celebrities or artists will help them
to enhance their hobbies or interest. Interactive magic shows or plays are the keys to keeping them engaging with one another.
SHOWS OR CONCERTS It will provide a platform for the employee to showcase their hidden talent in remote scenarios.

HEALTH AND WELLNESS Physical and mental health has become a priority in this challenging time. It is important to check with the employee about
their health in this isolated work environment. The health application will help keep periodic check-ups of employees' health
with health tasks that they can take from their comfortable place. The counseling session from health experts will address
their issues and keep them active with updates about their health and wellness.

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