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NAME: ________________________________________ SECTION: _____________

1. Which type of roof shape uses a knee wall as part of its structural frame?
a. Shed roof b. Gable roof c. Gambrel roof d. Hip roof
2. The term for a material installed over a roof membrane to prevent wind uplift and shield the membrane from sunlight.
a. Ballast b. Topping c. Batten d. Coping
3. Which among the following trusses has no vertical web?
a. Belgian truss b. Howe truss c. King truss d. Pratt truss
4. Where a rafter is provided with eaves, what will be the cut at the underside of the rafter to bear on the top of the wall
below it?
a. Cheek cut b. Seat cut c. Bird’s mouth d. Top cut
5. The roof member that supports the rake overhang.
a. Soffit b. Jack c. Lookout d. Spandrel
6. When a gable or hip roof is not provided with a ceiling joist, what alternative structural element is provided to
maintain stability for the rafters?
a. King post b. Knee wall c. Ridge beam d. Collar beam
7. A structure protruding through the plane of a sloping roof usually containing a window & having its own smaller roof.
a. Attic b. Bay c. Dormer d. Lookout
8. A vertical pipe for conducting water from a roof to a lower level.
a. Downspout b. Gutter c. Riser d. Scupper
9. The exposed vertical face of an eave.
a. Fascia b. Gutter c. Header d. Stringer
10. A rafter in a rake overhang.
a. Cripple b. Lookout c. Jack rafter d. Fly rafter
11. A roof consisting of two oppositely sloping planes that intersect at a level ridge.
a. Gable roof c. Gambrel roof
b. Hip roof d. Mansard roof
12. A membrane roof assembly in which the thermal insulation lies above the membrane.
a. Inverted roof c. Roof sheathing
b. Interstitial ceiling d. Underlayment
13. A shortened rafter that joins a hip or valley rafter.
a. Jack rafter b. Fly rafter c. Cripple d. Lookout
14. A short wall under the slope of a roof.
a. Collar c. Knee wall
b. Bird’s mouth d. Parapet
15. The sloping edge of a steep roof.
a. Eave b. Rake c. Soffit d. Shed
16. The horizontal edge at the low side of a sloping roof.
a. Soffit b. Rake c. Gutter d. Eave
17. The underside of a horizontal element of a building, especially the underside of a roof overhang.
a. Soffit b. Rake c. Gutter d. Eave
18. Roofing tile having S-shaped cross section laid so the downturn of one overlaps the upturn of the next in same course.
a. Mission tile b. Pantile c. Spanish tile d. Arris tile
19. Which of the following insulating materials for low-slope (flat) roofs is fire resistant and therefore compatible with
hot bitumens (asphalt)?
a. Polystyrene foam board c. Polyurethane foam board
b. Polyisocyanurate foam board d. Perlitic board
20. A trough formed by the intersection of two roof slopes.
a. Gutter b. Hip c. Ridge d. Valley
21. Which kind of roof is most appropriate for using shingles?
a. Gable roof b. Flat roof c. Steep roof d. Shed roof
22. A roof membrane laminated from layers of asphalt-saturated felt or other fabric, bonded together with bitumen.
a. Built-up roof b. Flat roof c. Inverted roof d. Fluid-applied roof
23. A strip of material with a sloping face used to ease the transition from a horizontal to a vertical surface at the edge of
a membrane roof.
a. Coping b. Cant strip c. Wood curb d. End flashing
24. Which of the following is not a roof membrane?
a. Coping b. Flashing c. BUR d. Roofing sheet e. Shingles
25. What is the primary purpose of roofing?
a. To protect from water and external physical elements. d. To protect from air infiltration.
b. To protect from thermal gain. e. Any of the above
c. To protect from moisture or water vapor.
26. Which of the following wood roof systems has ceilings customarily left exposed?
a. Double roof b. Plank and beam roof c. Rafter roof system d. Trussed rafter roof e. Truss roof

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