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Real Time Questions

1. What is Functionality?
2. Which testing is performed first from sanity & smoke?
3. What are the attributes of market, limit, stoploss, fill & kill, Ioc orders?
4. Role of middle office.
5. Tell me the major functionalities of your application on which you
perform testing.
6. Tell me one blocker defect (Show stopper defect) from your project.
7. What is blocker defect (Show stopper defect)?
8. What are the different defect statuses?
9. What are the test case statuses after execution?
10.How you decide priority of test cases?
11.How you decide priority & severity of defect?
12. Suppose I give you user stories but no one is there from our team to help
you then how you will perform testing?
13. What are the test case design templets?
14.What are the test plan templets?
15.What are the defect templets?
16. What are the contents in your daily status report?
17. How to log the defect in HP-ALM tool or defect logging procedure in
you ALM tool
18. What is test policy & test strategy?
19.What is TRM?
20. What are the advantages or benefits of test case design techniques?
21. Give me one example of each from the following – BVA, ECP, State
Transition, Error guessing.
22. Suppose you raised valid defect but developer reject your valid defect
then what will you do?
23. What are the precautions tester should taken while raising the defect?
24.On which stock exchanges you work for your client?
25. What is your working time?
26. What is your client application name?
27. Tell me about your second project which is mentioned in your project.
28.Are you performed security & performance testing?
29.Do you heard about load runner & j-meter if yes tell me about this tools?
30.What is alpha & beta testing?
31. What is your daily routine?
32. Hoe much you rate yourself out of 5?
33.What is end to end testing?
34. What are the levels of testing?
Real Time Questions
35. What are the sdlc models?
36. Are you interacting with your client & what is the frequency of
interaction with client? Where you interact with your client (on which
37. When you raised last defect & which defect you raised last?
38.Hoe many defects you raised in your whole testing carrier?
39.What are the challenges you are facing in your whole testing carrier?
40.Suppose you have 100’s of test cases for execution but you have less time
than what will be your approach?
41. When you prepare forward traceability matrix & backward traceability
42. What is the exact test case review means?
43.Do you know about Indian trading?
44. What is RCA?
45. What is your carrier goal?
46. Suppose in our application one about tab is there & this tab is not
working then what is the priority & severity of that defect
47. If you’re the employee of third-party company then why you mention
MNC’s in your CV
48. What is your client Email id?
49.Scenarios for elevator?
50.Scenarios for Pen?

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