Confirmation Laminated Glass 2020-06-02

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Sika Services AG ⋅ Tüffenwies 16 ⋅ 8048 Zürich ⋅ Schweiz KONTAKT

Werner Wagner
To whome it may concern Market Field Manager Facade,
Fenestration, Insulating Glass
Telephone: +41 58 436 5406
Mobile: +41 79 278 4552

Zürich, 02.06.2020


Laminated safety glass consists of at least two glass panes and one or more organic interlayers of PVB
(Polyvinyl butyral), EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate) or ionoplast. The quality and durability of laminated glass
is strongly influenced by the following factors:
▪ Type and quality of the interlayer
▪ Adhesion between the interlayer foil and glass
▪ Glass roughness and glass edge quality
▪ Waviness in case of tempered glass
▪ Thickness of interlayer
▪ Lamination process parameters, e.g. pressure, temperature curve, and process duration
▪ Autoclave maintenance conditions (cleanness)
▪ Purity of washing water
▪ Interlayer edge quality, originally processed (“autoclaved”) or cut after lamination
▪ Etc.

In general, the organic interlayers mentioned are more or less sensitive against variations of these factors
but also against environmental and chemical influences. Comprehensive tests performed by ift
Rosenheim determined that all types of adhesives applied on the edges interact with the interlayers
(PVB, EVA or ionomer) used to manufacture laminated glasses. The effects of such interaction, e.g.
discoloration, formation of bubbles and delamination, often become apparent years later. Therefore, Sika
performs generic compatibility tests including accelerated aging of specimens in order to evaluate the
extent to which adhesive can be applied to the edge of laminated glass. These samples of laminated glass
shall be preferably made by the supplier of the interlayer.

Sika generally conducts tests based on the specifications of ift-guideline DI-02/1 “The usability of sealants
– Test of material in contact with the edge of laminated glass and laminated safety glass”. In these tests,
a bead of adhesive (approximately 10 ─ 15 mm thick) is applied to rectangular laminated glass specimens
both on a so-called autoclaved edge and cut edge. After curing of the adhesive (at 23 °C and 50 % r.h. for

Tüffenwies 16 ∙ 8048 Zürich ∙ Schweiz
Telefon: +41 58 436 40 40 · Fax: +41 58 436 46 55 ·
DATUM 02.06.2020

2 weeks, unless otherwise specified), the specimens undergo 21 weeks of accelerated aging (high
temperature, humidity).
After this storage period, following items are determined:
▪ whether defects were observed and if so, which type (discoloration, partial delamination, bubble
▪ edge length affected in percentage of the total length;
▪ average depth of penetration of the observed defect (measured from the glass edge);
▪ maximum depth of penetration of the observed defect.

As these visible boundary effects at the glass edges depend heavily on the manifold factors mentioned
above, it is almost impossible to produce test samples representative to the glass panes used in the
project. This fact and the duration of these conclusive compatibility tests make a compatibility testing on
a project base impracticable.

Sika cooperates closely with the renowned interlayers suppliers and performs generic compatibility tests
with laminated glass produced by the interlayer supplier in order to minimize process effects as much as
possible. Compatibility results are available on request.

Adhesion tests on laminated glass

Not only the quality and durability of the finished laminated glass but also its surface properties depend,
amongst many other factors, on the maintenance and cleanness of the autoclave. A lack of maintenance
can cause plasticizer deposition on the glass surface which is difficult to remove and that can influence
the formation of the adhesion negatively.

If the laminated safety glass is made of clear float glass a test regime on a project base does not make
sense as it is impossible to produce representative samples for adhesion tests. As a consequence, this
requests an appropriate quality control during the facade production, such as frequent adhesion tests on
suitable samples and deglazing. For sure, coated or edge-deleted glass samples shall be sent to Sika for
adhesion tests before start of the facade production.

For further questions please feel free to contact us.

Tüffenwies 16 ∙ 8048 Zürich ∙ Schweiz
Telefon: +41 58 436 40 40 · Fax: +41 58 436 46 55 ·
DATUM 02.06.2020

Best regards,

Werner Wagner Julia Endress

Market Field Manager Facade, Fenestration, Marketfield Engineer - Façade/Insulating Glass
Insulating Glass

Legal Note:
The information contained herein and any other advice are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products
when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's recommendations. The information only applies
to the application(s) and product(s) expressly referred to herein. In case of changes in the parameters of the application, such as changes in
substrates etc., or in case of a different application, consult Sika's Technical Service prior to using Sika products. The information contained
herein does not relieve the user of the products from testing them for the intended application and purpose. All orders are accepted subject to
our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.

Tüffenwies 16 ∙ 8048 Zürich ∙ Schweiz
Telefon: +41 58 436 40 40 · Fax: +41 58 436 46 55 ·

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