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1- Where is The most common site of fracture of the

A. Medial end.
B. Lateral end.
C. Midpoint of the clavicle.
D. Junction of the medial two-thirds and the
lateral third.
E. Junction of the lateral two-thirds and the medial
2- Which of the following nerves is related to the surgical
neck of the humerus?
A. Radial nerve.
B. Axillary nerve.
C. Ulnar nerve.
D. Median nerve.
E. None of the above.
3-The glenoid cavity articulates with the head of the
humerus by a:
A. Fibrous articulation.
B. Cartilaginous articulation.
C. Plane synovial articulation.
D. Ball and socket synovial articulation.
E. Hinge synovial articulation.
4- A shoulder separation, which involves the lateral end of
the clavicle sliding onto the superior aspect of the acromion,
would most likely result from damage to:
A. The costoclavicular ligament
B. The sternoclavicular ligament
C. The coracoclavicular ligament
D. The glenohumeral ligament
E. The coracoacromial ligament
5-The radial groove of the humerus is closely related to the
following structure:
A. Axillary artery
B. Radial nerve
C. Ulnar artery
D. Basilic vein
E. Ulnar nerve
6- A79 year old woman fell and fractured a carpal bone that
articulate with pisiform ,which of the following bones was
most likely fractured?
A. Capitates
B. Lunate
C. Triquetral
D. Trapezium
E. Trapezoid
7- Which one of the following muscles is not attached to the
medial border of the scapula
A. Levator scapulae.
B. Teres minor.
C. Serratus anterior.
D. Rhombideus minor.
E. Rhomboideus major.
8-The back of the medial epicondyle of the humerus is
related to the:
A. Radial nerve.
B. Axillary nerve.
C. Ulnar nerve.
D. Median nerve.
E. None of the above.
9- The axilla contains all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Axillary artery.
B. Axillary vein.
C. Trunks of the brachial plexus.
D. Fat.
E. Tail of the breast.
10- One of the following is a branch of the second part of the
axillary artery:
A. Lateral thoracic artery.
B. Anterior circumflex humeral artery.
C. Posterior circumflex humeral artery.
D. Superior thoracic artery.
E. Subscapular artery.
11-The anterior wall of the axilla is formed by all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. Pectoralis major.
B. Teres major.
C. Pectoralis minor.
D. Subclavius.
E. Clavipectoral fascia
12-The primary ventral roots of the brachial plexus is …..
A. Emerge from between the middle and posterior
scalene muscles
B. Are formed from spinal levels C7 toT3
C. Do not give rise to any nerve directly
D. Form the trunks of the brachial plexus
E. Combine to form cords of the brachial plexus
13- The usual number of branches of the medial cord of the
brachial plexus:
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
E. 5.
14- The usual number of branches of the lateral cord of the
brachial plexus:
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
E. 5
15- In the injury of the radial nerve, the deformity is called:
A. Winging of the scapula.
B. Claw hand.
C. Ape hand.
D. Wrist drop.
E. Policeman’s tip position.
16- Paralysis of the serratus anterior muscle causes:
A. Winging of the scapula.
B. Claw hand.
C. Ape hand.
D. Wrist drop.
E. Policeman’s tip position
17- Which of the following statements regarding adduction
of the digits of the hand is INCORRECT?
A. The palmer interosseous muscles are the sole
adductors of the digits
B. The lumbricle muscles produce adduction of
the digits
C. There are two muscles that produce adduction
of the thumb
D. All of the adductors of the digits take at least
part of their attachments from metacarpal bone
E. Adduction of the digits will be affected by
carpal tunnel syndrome
18- What is the root value of the long thoracic nerve?
A. C5.
B. C6.
C. C7.
D. C5, 6 & 7
E. C5, 6, 7 & 8
19- The trapezius muscle is supplied by the:
A. Cranial accessory nerve.
B. Spinal accessory nerve.
C. Long thoracic nerve.
D. Dorsal scapular nerve.
E. Thoracodorsal nerve
20- Which of the following muscles is not a rotator cuff
A. Supraspinatus.
B. Infraspinatus.
C. Teres minor.
D. Teres major.
E. Subscapularis.
21- All the muscles attached to the bicipital (intertubercular)
A. Abduct the arm (shoulder joint).
B. Adduct the arm.
C. Medial rotation of the arm.
D. a and c.
E. b and c.
22- What is the actions of the latissimus dorsi?
A. Flexes the arm.
B. Abducts the arm.
C. Laterally rotates the arm.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
23- Regarding the biceps brachii, one the following
statements is INCORRECT:
A. Has long head attached to the supraglenoid
B. Has short head attached to the tip of the
coracoid process.
C. Has a tendon inserted into the deltoid
D. It flexes the elbow joint.
E. It is powerful supinator of the extended elbow
24-The cubital fossa is bounded by the:
A. Pronator teres .
B. Brachioradialis.
C. Coracobrachialis.
D. Biceps tendon.
E. a and b only.
25- The following muscles are innervated by the median
nerve EXCEPT:
A. Pronator teres.
B. Pronator quadratus.
C. Flexor pollicis longus.
D. Opponens pollicis.
E. Adductor pollicis.
26- Which of the following Structure crossing superficial to
the flexor retinaculum ?
A. Median nerve.
B. Ulnar nerve.
C. Flexor digitorum superficialis.
D. Flexor pollicis longus.
E. None of the above.
27- The distal row of the carpal bones consists of:
A. Scaphoid.
B. Lunate.
C. Triquetral.
D. Pisiform.
E. None of the above
28- What is the nerve supply of thenar muscles?:
A. Median nerve
B. Radial nerve.
C. Ulnar nerve.
D. Axillary nerve.
E. Deep radial nerve
29- The lesser tuberosity of the humerus gives attachment to
A. Supraspinatus.
B. Infraspinatus.
C. Teres minor.
D. Teres major.
E. Subscapularis.
30-Regarding The brachial artery:
A. Bifurcates opposite the neck of the humerus.
B. Is deep throughout its entire course.
C. In the cubital fossa, it lies medial to the
biceps tendon.
D. The median nerve crosses in front of the artery
from the medial to the lateral side.
E. Profonda femoris artery one of its branches

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