Practicalno: 1 Introduction To Database: Data

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Data is defined as a collection of meaningful facts which can be stored and processed by computers for humans. In other words, it is basically a collection of unorganized facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, processing by humans or some automatic means such as computers, ATMs. In simple words DATA is raw hand information collected by us. Data may be in the form of characters, text and code numbers. Data are the facts from which all information can be drawn. Example of data are phone numbers, prices, costs etc. In terms of computing, data is defined as collection of facts that has been translated into the form that is more convenient to analyze or to do further calculations. Data can be represented in the form of : a) Instructions in computers language which can either be numeric, alphabetic or alphanumeric. b) Images, pictures, video segments, multimedia and animated data.

Information is defined as the processed data which help us in making decisions. It is the intelligent form of data. For example paychecks, timetable, bills, reports, receipts, printed documents etc. The information is maintained by arranging data into a meaningful form. For example, the marks obtained by the students and their roll numbers from the data and their report card is the information which helps us to make decisions, which student stood at what rank in the class. In simple words we can say that information is a processed form of data or in other words, organized collection of data is called Information. Information is basically heavily dependent on Data. It is organized form of data. Information is necessary for the people of the modern world because without proper information, it is very difficult to survive in the modern world. For example if we want to gather some information, the various sources from where we can gather information is Internet, Newspapers, Radio, Magazines, Journals etc. In fact, it is impossible to think life without information. The whole world depends upon how quickly the information is conveyed from one person or place to another. The information gathered must be meaningful, accurate and clear. It should convey to the point and relevant information. Information should reach at proper time so that proper action should be taken along with. The data is often intermingled with the information.

Database is a collection of information in a structured way. We can say that it is a collection of a group of facts. Your personal address book is a database of names you like to keep track of, such as personal friends and members of your family. This chart contains required details about each student. There are six pieces of information on each student. They are Roll No, Name, Date of birth, Sex, Address and Subjects. Each piece of information in database is called a Field. We can define field as the smallest unit in a database. Each field represents one and only one characteristic of an event or item. Thus there are six fields in this database. ROLL NO 9721001 NAME Subrat Das DATE OF BIRTH 21.05.1980 12.06.1981 SEX ADDRESS M M SUBJECTS

C36, Sector 2, Pol Sc, Eco, Bhubaneswar Orissa History, Eng, Hindi At/Po. Burla, Sambal Pur A31, Pilani, Rajasthan Phy, Chem, Biology, Eng, Hindi Pol Sc, Eco, History, Eng, Hindi

Aditya 9721002 Bhoi 9732012 Madhu Jain Ahmad Ali C. Suresh




Phy, Chem, 12A, Sheikh Sarai-I, Biology, Eng, New Delhi Hindi 96, Malviya Nagar, Bhopal Pol Sc, Eco, History, Eng, Hindi




Reduced data redundancy. Reduced updating errors and increased consistency. Greater data integrity and independence from applications programs. Improved data access to users through use of host and query languages. Improved data security. Reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs.

Facilitated development of new applications program.


Database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design. Substantial hardware and software start-up costs. Damage to database affects virtually all applications programs. Extensive conversion costs in moving form a file-based system to a database system. Initial training required for all programmers and users.


A database is a very well organized collection of data so as to be able to carry out operations such as instructions, deletion, updation and retrieval. So a data base needs to be managed using some software package which is known as DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. In simple words DBMS is a collection of programs which act as an intermediator between the user and the database. Since database can be of small size like database maintained in a small organized or huge ones like database of large organizations, so there are different types of DBMS ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes.

Controlling data redundancy. Elimination of inconsistency. Better services to the users. Flexibility of the system is improved. Integrity can be improved.

Confidentially, privacy and security is reduced. Cost of using DBMS is high. Threat of data integrity. Enterprise vulnerability. Complexity of backup and recovery.

A data warehouse (DW) is a database used for reporting. The data is offloaded from the operational systems for reporting. The data may pass through an operational data store for additional operations before it is used in the DW for reporting. A data warehouse maintains its functions in three layers: staging, integration, and access. Staging is used to store raw data for use by developers (analysis and support). The integration layer is used to integrate data and to have a level of abstraction from users. The access layer is for getting data out for users. This definition of the data warehouse focuses on data storage. The main source of the data is cleaned, transformed, catalogued and made available for use by managers and other business professionals for data mining, online analytical processing, market research and decision support (Marakas & OBrien 2009). However, the means to retrieve and analyze data, to extract, transform and load data, and to manage the data dictionary are also considered essential components of a data warehousing system. Many references to data warehousing use this broader context. Thus, an expanded definition for data warehousing includes business intelligence tools, tools to extract, transform and load data into the repository, and tools to manage and retrieve metadata.

Data warehouses tend to have a high query success as they have complete control over the four main areas of data management systems:

Clean data Indexes: multiple types Query processing: multiple options Security: data and access

However, there are considerable disadvantages involved in moving data from multiple, often highly disparate, data sources to one data warehouse that translate into long implementation time, high cost, lack of flexibility, dated information, and limited capabilities:

Data owners lose control over their data, raising ownership (responsibility and accountability), security and privacy issues. Long initial implementation time and associated high cost. Adding new data sources takes time and associated high cost. Limited flexibility of use and types of users - requires multiple separate data marts for multiple uses and types of users. Typically, data is static and dated.

Data mining, a branch of computer science, is the process of extracting patterns from large data sets by combining methods from statistics and artificial intelligence with database management. Data mining is seen as an increasingly important tool by modern business to transform data into business intelligence giving an informational advantage. It is currently used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection, and scientific discovery. The related terms data dredging, data fishing and data snooping refer to the use of data mining techniques to sample portions of the larger population data set that are (or may be) too small for reliable statistical inferences to be made about the validity of any patterns discovered. These techniques can, however, be used in the creation of new hypotheses to test against the larger data populations.

Marking/Retailing : Data mining can aid direct marketers by providing them with useful and accurate trends about their customers purchasing behavior. Based on these trends, marketers can direct their marketing attentions to their customers with more precision. Banking/Crediting : Data mining can assist financial institutions in areas such as credit reporting and loan information.

Law enforcement : Data mining can aid law enforcers in identifying criminal suspects as well as apprehending these criminals by examining trends in location, crime type.

Privacy Issue Security issues Misuse of information/inaccurate information


This section describes how to create Access tables. 1. By clicking the Table tab on the left hand side, you will find Access provides three ways to create a table for which there are icons in the database window. o Create Table in Design view will allow you to create the fields of the table. It allows you to define the fields in the table before adding any data to the datasheet. This is the most common way of creating a table and is explained in detail below. o Create table by using wizard will walk you through the creation of a table. o Create table by entering data will give you a blank datasheet with unlabelled columns that looks much like an Excel worksheet. 2. Double-clicking on Create table in Design view displays the Table Design screen where you define fields for your table. The screen is divided into two parts: a top pane for entering the field name, data type, and an option description of the field, and a bottom pane for specifying field properties.

3. Every table consists of fields. For each field, specify the name of the field, the type of data, and any description needed to determine what data the field

contains. Pressing the Tab key moves the cursor from one column to the next in the Table Design screen. You can select the data type from the drop-down list in the Data Type column as shown in the below figure.

4. Each table in your database should have a primary key. A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record in the database. In a database of book collection, there might be two books with the same author so author is not a good primary key. However, every book has a unique call number, so call number would be a good choice for a primary key. To set the primary key for your table, hightlight the key field and choose Primary Key from the Edit menu.

5. When the primary key is set, you should find a little key icon next to the field name on the left side.

6. As a final step, the table must be saved. Pull down the File Menu to choose Save. A dialogue box will pop up where the name of the new table should be specified. Access gives a default name such as Table1 or Table2. Simply type over this default name with the name of the table. For this example, name the table Book_Info, then click OK.

6. At this point, the new table has been created and saved. Switch back to the Access main screen by pulling down the File menu and choosing Close. This will close the Design View for the table and display the Access main screen. Notice that the new Book_Info table appears below the Table tab.

Adding and Deleting Fields to Tables:

Even the best planned database will sometimes require you to add or delete a field in the Design View. To add a new field, select the row you want to insert above and choose Row from the Insert menu. If you need to delete a field, select the row containing the field and choose Delete Row from the Edit menu. You can also move fields in the table design. Select the field you want to move by clicking on its row. A black triangle will appear to indicate the field is selected. Then, drag the field to the new location. Cautions to Modifying your Table Design Structure:

Backup your table before you make any modifications to it. Deleting a field will delete the records in the field. If you delete a field and that field is used in any of your forms, queries or reports, you must also delete that field from these other documents. Renaming a field will have the same effect on a table as deleting the field. Resizing a field (making it smaller) may truncate the data in your forms or reports.

Entering and Editing Data:

1. After you have defined fields in the table, you can enter data. Highlight the table and choose Open from the database window menu bar. This displays a

grid with field names across the top and a row for each record of the database as shown in the below figure.

2. To enter data, simply click the mouse in the field you want to enter and type a value. Press the Tab key to move from field to field. When you are in the last field of a record, pressing the Tab key automatically creates a new record for you.

3. The table in the below Figure is shown in Datasheet View. Use the Datasheet View to add, delete, and move records.

4. To save the new data, pull down the File menu and choose Save. 5. To navigate to other records in the table, use the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen:

Sorting and Finding Records:

Two of the most common database tasks are sorting records and searching for records that meet a particular condition. Fortunately, both of these operations are easy to perform while viewing the table datasheet.

Sorting Records To sort records by a particular field, select the field you want to sort. From the Records menu select Quick Sort then choose either Ascending or Descending order. Access quickly sorts the records by the selected field. Finding records If you want to locate a record that contains a certain name or date use the Find command on the Edit menu. Type the search string in the Find What box and click Find First. Access will highlight the first record that contains the search string.

Table Relationships:
To prevent the duplication of information in a database by repeating fields in more than one table, table relationships can be established to link fields of tables together. Follow the steps below to set up a relational database: 1. Click the Relationships button on the toolbar: 2. From the Show Table window (click the Show Table button on the toolbar to make it appear), double-click on the names of the tables you would like to include in the relationships. When you have finished adding tables, click Close.

3. To link fields in two different tables, click and drag a field from one table to the corresponding field on the other table and release the mouse button. The Edit Relationships window will appear as shown in below Figure . From this window, select different fields if necessary and select an option from Enforce Referential Integrity if necessary. These options give Access permission to automatically make changes to referential tables if key records in one of the tables are deleted. Check the Enforce Referential Integrity box to ensure that the relationships are valid and that the data is not accidentally deleted when data is added, edited, or deleted. Click Create to create the link.

4. A line now connects the two fields in the Relationships window as shown in the below Figure. Note the symbols "1" (indicating the "One" side) and the infinity symbol (indicating the "Many" side) on the relationship. Close the

relationships screen and select Yes to save the changes to the Relationships layout.


The Find command is used to locate a particular record or records according to field values but sometimes it may be useful to view a whole subset of records in a table. A filter can be used to achieve this. Filters are not as powerful as queries, which will be covered later in this document. However they can be saved with a table, form or query and applied as needed when any of these objects is reopened. There are several filter methods:

Filter by Selection: The fastest and easiest of the three filter commands. Simply find and select the value you want to use as the filter criteria, and then use Filter By Selection to find all records with the selected value. Filter by Form: Here you type your filter criteria into a blank form that contains all the field names in the table. Works well if you have more than one criteria. Advanced Filter/Sort: The most powerful and complicated filter method. Creating an advanced filter is really not any different from creating a query. Filter for Input: If we want to type in your search criteria and are focusing on just one field, use filter for input.

Right click in the any field to display a shortcut menu. Click the filter for: text box and type the word we are looking for. Press the enter key.

Filtering by Selection:

The table is filtered so that only records that have "WA" in the Region field are displayed.

Find the field value on which you want to base the filter. Right-click the field value and select filter by selection from the shortcut menu. OR

Click the field value, then click the filter by selection button on the toolbar. . . To filter excluding the selection:

Right-click the field value you want to exclude and select filter excluding selection from the shortcut menu. To remove a filter:

Right-click the filtered table and select remove filter/sort from the shortcut menu. OR

Click the remove filter button on the toolbar.

Filtering by Form:

Click the filter by form button on the toolbar. Click the empty text box below the field you want to filter, click the dropdown arrow and select the value you want to use to filter the records. Repeat step 2 for each additional field you want to use to specify additional filter criteria. If you want to use or criteria, click the or tab at the bottom of the screen to specify the additional filter criteria. Click the apply filter button on the toolbar. the

Creating an Advanced Filter:

A close-up of the Design grid.

The most powerful filter is the is so powerful that you can think of it as a baby query. In fact, the procedure for creating an Advanced Filter is virtually the same as it is for creating a simple query. The problem with Advanced Filters is that they can be difficult to set up the first few times especially if you're new to Access. Select records filter advanced filter/sort from the menu. Double-click each field you want to include from the field list. OR Drag the field from the field list onto the design grid. In the design grid, enter any desired search criteria for the field in the criteria row. Click the sort box list arrow for the field and select a sort order (optional). Click The Apply Filter Button On The Toolbar.

A query is simply a question you ask a database. How many books are written by a certain author? Who wrote a book in a certain year? Queries select records from one or more tables in a database that match the criteria you set. They can be viewed, analyzed, and sorted on a common datasheet. The resulting collection of records, called a dynast (short for dynamic subset), is saved as a database object and can therefore be easily used in the future. The query will be updated whenever the original tables are updated. 1. To construct a query, Click on the New button in the database window as shown in below Figure . Choose Design View, click OK.

2. In the Show Table dialogue box as shown in below Figure, you will be asked to choose a table/tables for the query. Select the tables you want to query and click Add.

3. Add fields from the tables to the new query by double-clicking the field name in the table boxes or selecting the field from the Field and Table drop-down menus on the query form as shown in below Figure . Specify sort orders if necessary.

4. Enter the criteria for the query in the Criteria field. The Expression Builder can also be used to assist in writing the expressions in the Criteria field. 5. After you have selected all of the fields and tables, click the Run button on the toolbar to execute the query. Below Figure shows the query result: records that match the criteria you set.

6. Choose Save from the File menu to save a query for later execution.

Forms generally serve to define screens with which to edit the records of a table or query. In this we will see how to create a form, and how to operate it for the editing of records and changing its design. To create a form we need to position ourselves in the database window with the Form object selected, if we then click on the button a window opens with the various ways we have to create a formDesign view opens a blank form in design view, and we then need to incorporate the various object that we would like to appear in it. This method is not used much as it is easier and faster to create an autoform, or to use the wizard and afterward modify the design of the created form to adjust it to our needs. We will see ahead in this unit how to modify the form design.

Form wizard uses an a wizard that guides us step by step in the creation of the form. Auto form consists of automatically creating a new form that contains all the data from the source table. According to the type of form that we select (columnar, tabular,...) the form will present the data in a distinct way, when we click on one of the options, a sample will appear on the left side with the way in which the data will be presented with this option. E.g Auto form: columnar presents one record on a screen, meanwhile Auto form: tabular presents all the records on one screen and every record in a row.In order to use this function we first need to fill out the Choose the table or query where the object's data comes from: with the name of the source. This will be the only data to introduce, and once introduced we select the kind of auto form and click on OK button, and Access does the rest.

Chart Wizard uses a wizard that guides us step by step in the creation of a graphic. Pivot table wizard uses a wizard that guides us step by step in the creation of dynamic table. The Form's wizard To start the wizard we can do it as describe in the last point, or a faster way would be from the Database window with the Forms object selected, by double clicking on the Create form using wizard option.

The first window of the wizard appears:

In this window we are asked to introduce the fields to include in the form. Firstly we select from the Table/Queries box the table or query that we are going to get the data from, this will be the form source. If we want to extract data from various tables it would be better to first create a query to obtain this data and then select this query as the form source. Next we will select the fields to include in the form by clicking on the field and then the button or simply double click on the field.

If we selected the wrong field click on the from other selected fields list.

button and the field will be removed

We can select all the fields at the same time by clicking on the all the fields at once using the button .

button or deselect

Next we click on the Next> button and the window seen in the following example will appear...

In this screen we select the data distribution within the form. By selecting a format it will appear on the left side the way it will be seen in the form. Once we have selected the distribution of our choice click Next and the following window will appear:

In this screen we select the forms style, we can select between the various defined styles that Access has. By selecting a style it will appear on the left side as it will in the form. Once we have selected a style of our choice we click on the Next button and the last screen of the forms wizard will appear.


Reports are designed specifically to be printed and shared with other people. You can create a report in several ways, ranging from easy to difficult. An Auto Report, the simplest possibility, takes all the records in a table and provides a summary that is ready to print. The Report Wizard, an intermediate possibility, is still simple to use but requires more decisions on your part to select the fields and the structure of the report. Creating a Report with the Report Wizard: The Report Wizard offers a good compromise between ease-of-use and control over the report that is created. With the Report Wizard, you can build a report that uses multiple tables or queries. You can also choose a layout and format for the report. Follow these steps to create a report with Report Wizard: Open the database containing the table or query on which you want to report. Click the Reports icon in the database window. In the Reports pane of the database window, double-click Create Report by Using Wizard to start the Report Wizard see the below figure. The first wizard screen enables you to choose the fields to include in the report.

From the Tables/Queries drop-down list, select a table or query from which you want to include fields. Click a field in the Available Fields list, and then click the Add > button to move it to the Selected Fields list. Repeat this step to select all the fields you want, or click Add All >> to move all the fields over at once.

For a report using fields from multiple tables, select another table or query from the Tables/Queries list and repeat step 5. To build the report from more than one table, you must create a relationship between the tables. When you finish selecting fields, click Next to continue. On the next wizard screen, Access gives you the option of viewing the data by a particular category of information. The wizard provides this option only when you build a report from multiple tables. For example, if you have a report that includes fields from a Customer table, a Products table, and an Orders table, the information in the report can be organized either by customer, product, or order information see the below Figure . For example, if you organize the report by customer, each section of the report will be by customer. If you want the report to be viewed from the perspective of your product line, you will organize it by product. Select the viewpoint for the data from the list on the left of the wizard screen; then select Next to continue.

On the next wizard screen, you can further group records in the report by a particular field. To group by a field, click the field and then click the > button. You can select several grouping levels in the order you want them. Then click Next to move on. The wizard asks whether you would like to sort the records in the report see the below Figure . If you want to sort the records by a particular field or fields (you can sort by more than one field, such as by last name and then first name), open the top drop-down list and select a field by which to sort. From the drop-down lists, select up to four fields to sort by, and then click Next.

On the next wizard screen, choose a layout option from the Layout section. When you click an option button for a particular layout, the sample in the box changes to show your selection. In the next wizard dialog box, choose a report style. Several are listed; click one to see a sample of it, and then click Next when you're satisfied with your choice. On the last wizard screen, you're asked for a report title. Enter one into the Report text box, and click Finish to see your report in Print Preview.



(Submitted for the partial fullfilment of the degree of Masters in Business Administration)

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Harshpreet Singh (Lect. In Management)

SUBMITTED BY: Shafali Arora MBA 2nd semester



(Submitted for the partial fullfilment of the degree of Masters in Business Administration)

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Harshpreet Singh (Lect. In Management)

SUBMITTED BY: Gaurav Sandhal MBA 2nd semester



(Submitted for the partial fullfilment of the degree of Masters in Business Administration)

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Harshpreet Singh (Lect. In Management)

SUBMITTED BY: Rohan Sharma MBA 2nd semester



(Submitted for the partial fullfilment of the degree of Masters in Business Administration)

SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Harshpreet Singh (Lect. In Management)

SUBMITTED BY: Rajeev Bhardwaj MBA 2nd semester


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