Acp English Class 1

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Subect: English

Month No. of Pre Chapter/

working knowledg Content
days e/
to be

1. Activities mentioned
Throughot Ongoing in Throughout the Year Segment, are to be conducted on regular basis everyday.
the year
APRIL,MAY 21 Bridge Course
Session 1- 6 (Week-1)
1. /s/ and /a/ sounds
2.Number names
3./t/ and /p/ sounds
4.Story-Rani's first day at school
5. Raz book- He runs
6. /i/ and /n/sounds
JUNE 25 Bridge Course
Session 7-14 ( week 2, week 3: 1,2
seesion )
1.Self potrait- Happy me
2.Finger family
3./k/and /h/ sounds
4.Sight words- I,My,He
5./c/ and /e/ sounds
6/r/ and /m/ sounds
7. Story-What is your name?
8. Raz level A book- My


JULY 24 Bridge course
Session 14-24 (week 3:3-6 and week 4 and
week 5:1,2 sessions),
1.Sight words- She,We,You
2.Raz level A book- Mom and I
3./d/ and /g/ sound
4. /I/ and /o/ sound
5./j/ and /z/
sounds 6.
Sight word -Said
7. Story - The river (british council)
9./q/ sound
10.Hand wash-Hygiene
11./c/ and
12. /d/ sounds
AUG 20 Bridge course
Session 25-47 ( week 5:2-5 sessions,
week 6 ,week 7, week 8 ,and week 9:1-4
sessions )
1.Sight words - A,Be,Is
2. Sight word- Where
3.Near and Far away
4.Story- The red raincoat
5.Raz book -Going
away 6. /ie/
and /or/ sounds
7.Sight words- The,Me,Do
8. Sight word- Little
9. Sight word-what
10.Sight word- Up
11.Story -The mango tree
12. /oi/ sound and
Feelings 13./oo/ sound
and Sight words-Many and Few
Sentence dictation and Sight word -This
/w/ and /y/ sounds
16. /u/ sound and Story-I want
that one 17. Seosons
18. /ou/ and /ar/ sounds
19. Dictation and /sh/
sound 20.Sight
words- So,No, Come 21.
Sight word- Make
22 . Professions
23. Identify sentences, words.
24. /ch/ sound and Raz book-Chip
the Chimp
25. mp/ - words and Raz Book -
Falls 26. Sight words- through
and Move
Bridge Course
Session 48-59 (week 9 last two
sessions and week 10 ,week 11: 1-4
sessions )
1. I have a pet-Rhyme
2. Sight words -They, All and
Here 3./ue/ and /ay/ sounds
4. Story book - Jake and Gail ,go
to Spain.
5. Sight word-Important and
/nk/ sound
6. Story book -Grand slam
tennis 7.Sight Word -Use and Goes And
Story book -Senses
8. Fruit song and learning
colours 9.Thank you note writing
10. Stories - It's play time
and Rainbow sambhar
11./ee/ and /ea/
sounds and Rhyme _ Clean up song
word- Over And Book - Polly gets out

SEP 25
OCT 18 Bridge course
Session 60-72 ( week11 last two sessions
and Week 12 ) And, Ch-1 from text book
1. Sight word- Take
2.Book -Caretakers
word-.Everywhere-, Song - Shapes are
everywhere and
Book- I looked everywhere
4. Story books- It is School time and The
old clock's new hand .
5./tr/ sound and Story- Each will get
6. Story -The peacock and
the crane:understanding the
story,plot,charecter etc
7. Rhyme -Wee Willy winky and
Story - Too big too small,
8. Word scramble, match
sentences with pictures and word search.
Gulmohar new book started here :
Ch-1: Meet my
family 1.Sentence
completion, 2.
Grammer- Common nouns-boy,goat,
Regular plural pronouns-horses , boats,
Words- Family
Speaking -Talk about yourself,
Writing- match to make complete

Ch-2 Asma's House
3.Lliterary appreciation-
setting Grammer: Proper nouns -
Mary,M onday,Mumbai, Amul,
Articles- a,an Words- parts of
a building
Listening-while listening task Writing-
sentence completion
Ch-3 : A walk to the River
1. true or not true
2. wh-questions
3.literary appreciation-setting
Grammer: Pronouns- he,she,it,they
Words-naming things Listening/Speaking-
spot differences, Writing - describe a
DEC 25 CH-4 : Grandma's vegetable garden,
1.sentence completion
3.literary appreciation-theme,plot
Grammer: Pronouns-I,we,you
Words- word assosiation
task, Writing- repeat a
CH-5 Daisy the cow
1. reorder
2. wh-question
3.literary appreciation -
resolution in plot.
this,that,these,those, Words- animal
Listening- while listening task, Writing-
sentence completion

CH-6 Bedtime
1. sentence completion
3. literary appreciation-
Grammer-verbs or doing
words- walk,eat
Words-1. action words
2. parts of the
Speaking - description of a day , Writing-
reorder words
CH-7 The kite
2. wh-questions
Grammer- adjective
and describing words
action words ,
word family
Listening- while listening task,
Writing- description.

JAN 23 CH-8 Sam and Mama Heron

1. reorder
3. literry
appreciation- plot analysis, Grammer- the
simple present tense, Words- 1. feeling
words, 2.
Writing- describe an object.
CH-9 Pets day
1. match .
2. wh-
questions ,
3. literary appreciation- characterisation
and setting
Grammer -
1. is/is not / isn't
2. has/have
1.animal homes
2. antonyms
Listening- while
listening tasks. Writing- reorder sentences

CH-10 The king's drum

1. text search
2. match
3. literary
appreciation- plot development

Grammer- pepositions of place -

1. word
2. action words
Speaking- talk about animals,
Writing- describe
an animal
FEB 23 11. Jijo and Elly
1. reorder
2. sentence
3. literary appreciation- plot analysis
1. can/
2. and
Words- 1.animals and
their babies
Speaking- talk about family

Writing- describe a scene

12. Champa's fruit basket
2. wh- questions
Grammer- the
present progressive tense
Listening- while listeni g tasks
Writing- describe a person
13 Keep the beach clean
1. T/NT
3. literary appreciation-
characterisation;plot development,
Grammer- the simple past tense Words-
1. names of places
2. names of things.
Speaking- picture talk
Writing- recount



be conducted on regular basis everyday.

1.Name letter-sounds and identify vocabulary words

with the correct beginning sound
2. Understand the story and identify the key details
in a story
3. Use pictures and words to read a book
1.Name letter-sounds and identify vocabulary
words with the correct beginning sound
2. Understand the story and identify the key
details in a story
3. Use pictures and words to read a book
4. Describe the key details in the story
‘What is Your Name’?
5 Describe the main idea and the key details
of the rhyme ‘House Song
’6.. Recall the sight words and make sentences
with We, You, She 7 Name
letter sounds and identify vocabulary words with
the correct beginning sound.

1. Name letter sounds and identify vocabulary

words with the correct beginning sound
Use the sight words
to read a RAZ book Teacher will hold a ‘soap’ in
her hand and ask the students “What is this?
What do we do with it? Why do we do this?”
Note: As the students share their responses, focus
on the words ‘clean’ and ‘germs’.
1. Name and illustrate the words with ‘ie’ and ‘or’
2. Identify the sight words and use the words The,
Me and Do in a sentence
3. Name the words ‘little’ ‘what’ ‘up’ and identify
it in a sentence
4. Write the CVC word and draw a picture of the
word from the /a/ and the /e/ family.
1. Name and use the words ‘move’, ‘thing’ and
‘through’ to read sentences.
2. Name the sound of ‘sk’, ‘ch’ and ‘mp’ and use
the sound to read words in sentences.
3. Identify the words ‘they, all, here’ and read
sentences with them
4. Describe the main idea, characters and key
details in the story ‘Food Monster’.
5. Complete a sentence appropriately with
vocabulary words
1. Name and use the words ‘everywhere’, ‘time’
and ‘each’ to read sentences.
2. Recall the previously learnt sounds, actions and
3. Describe the main idea, characters and key
details in the story ‘Too Big Too Small’.
4. Compose a story.
5. Recite the ‘Wee Willie Winkie’ rhyme with
actions TEXTBOOK
1. Describe the key details, main events and
setting in the story
2. Complete the story using the appropriate
words from the blank
3. Identify and use the Common Nouns
appropriately in the sentence
4. Identify and use Singular and Plural Nouns
appropriately in the sentence.
5. Compose a message about oneself and their
family members.

1.Use some describing words(adjectives)

2. Identify the different parts of a house.
3. Use picture clues to sequence the story.
4. Identify and use proper nouns.
5. Complete sentences using the correct words.
6. Define the articles (a, an) and its usage
• Describe the key details in the lesson ‘A Walk to
the River’
• Use descriptive words accurately in a sentence.
• Identify Pronouns and use it in a sentence.
• Describe a given picture with the accurate
vocabulary words.
• Describe a picture (Oral) accurately.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary
• Describe the key details in the lesson
‘Grandma’s Vegetable Garden’

• Create a grammatically correct sentence.

• Identify Pronouns and use it in a sentence. (I,
You, We)
• Use ‘am’ and ‘are’ accurately in a sentence.
• Classify the objects appropriately.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary
• Describe the key details in the lesson ‘Daisy, the
• Identify the animal sounds and use them
• Use of ‘this’ and ‘that’ appropriately in a
• Use of ‘these’ and ‘those’ appropriately in a
• Observe the picture and write a few lines about
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary

• Describe the key details in the lesson ‘Bedtime!’

• Identify and use the action words and

appropriately in a sentence.
• Rearrange the words and make a complete
• Understand the topic and describe/ write a few
lines about it.
• Describe a topic using describing words.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary
1. Describe the characters, setting, events and
main idea in the story.
2. Sequence the story accurately
3. Use possessive nouns accurately in a sentence
4. Use possessive adjectives accurately in a
5. Compose text for the pictures
6. Use vocabulary words in sentences

• Describe the key details in the chapter ‘Sam and

Mama Heron’.
• Identify and use the emotion words
appropriately in a sentence.
• Identify and use opposite of the given word
appropriately in a sentence.
• Identify and use simple present tense
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary
1. Describe the main idea, settings, characters and
key details from the story.
2. Use prepositions accurately to make sentences
which make sense.
3. Use the appropriate ‘animal movement’ word
to describe animal movement.
4. Create a Frayer’s Model for each vocabulary
words in the lesson.
5. Create a ‘character sketch’ using key details
about the character from the story.

• Describe the key details in the chapter ‘The

King’s Drum’.
• Identify and use prepositions appropriately in a
• Identify and use the action words.
• Create a graphic organiser for an animal and
write few lines about it.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary
• Describe the key details in the chapter ‘Jijo and Elly’.
• Identify the use of ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ appropriately
in a sentence.
• Identify the use of ‘and’ in a sentence.
• Speak about animal babies and their characteristics.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
• Describe the key details in the chapter ‘Champa’s
Fruit Basket’.
• Identify and use the present continuous tense in a
• Compose a paragraph based on a picture.
• Identify and use synonyms appropriately.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
• Describe the key details in the chapter ‘Keep the
Beach Clean’.
• Identify and use simple past tense in a sentence.
• Compose a paragraph based on the prompts given.
• Describe the given picture orally.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
Curriculum Planning
Teachers Activity

Read the RAZ books Note: Encourage students to identify

objects in their environment to help them remember the
letter-sound better and build their vocabulary. For
example: /s/ - spoon, /p/ - pot…

• Write the number name of the number of letters in your

first name
• Make /s/ and /t/ objects with dough/clay
• Create a letter scrapbook and paste real life objects/draw a
picture for words
• Read the storybook
Step 1: Teacher will show the students the cover page
and ask the students “What do you think his name is?
will play the ‘House Song’ once without singing along.
The second time, teacher will reduce the volume, sing
along with the video and do the actions.

Step 1: Teacher will tell the students “Today, we are

going to read a story about a little girl called Bunty. She
didn’t like doing something. Let’s find out about what
she liked and disliked”.
Teacher will show the students a CVC word and ask
the student to ‘tap the word on his/her hand’ as
well as make the action for each letter sound and
say the word aloud.

For example: peg – Students will “Say /p/ with a

finger near their lip, /e/ with the action of breaking
an egg and /g/ while moving their hands in a
circular motion”. Then, teacher will ask the whole
class to stretch out their arms and tap out the
sounds of the words by tapping their left hand to
three different parts of the arm. After every word,
teacher will ask them “What does the word mean?”

Note: If students don’t know the meaning, show

them a real object to demonstrate the meaning or
an action. 5-7 students will be asked in turns.
Word List: can, fan, man, pan, van, beg, leg, peg.
Share a video recording of the rhyme and the ‘food
diary’ with local food in different shapes.

Unscramble and Make a Sentence: Teacher will ask

the students to unscramble the word and make a
sentence with the word.

oryu ekma os
elli this hwat

Note: Any 4-5 students will be asked. For example:

oryu – your – Where is your father going? These
words can be put on a slide (one word on one slide
or flashcards can be used)

Note: After this activity, introduce or recap the

Online classroom norms, where a word or a picture
of the norms or the rules to be followed in the
classroom can be put up. Like ‘raise hand’ and a
picture of the ICON for raise hand.
The teacher will show the students a video ‘Family
Finger Song’ and ask the students to watch the
video carefully
Teacher will show the students an image and
ask them the question: Teacher will show the
students some finger puppets and narrate the
summary of the story.
“Hello everyone meet Ravi’s family. This is Ravi’s
father. He is reading a book. this is Ravi’s mother.
She is painting a picture. Meet his grandma and
grandpa. They are playing with his pet cat Toffee.
This is Ria, Ravi’s sister who is very naughty”.
Note: Create a finger puppet for the following
family members – mother, father, grandfather,
grandmother and a pet cat.
Step 2: Teacher will show the students the
animated video of the story ‘Meet My Family’ from
the OBS website ONLY.
Step 3: Teacher will ask any 4-5 students the
following questions:
a. Who opened the door? Answer : Ravi opened the
door .
b. What is Ravi’s Father doing? Answer : Ravi’s
father is reading a book.
c. Who is Toffee? Answer s : Toffee is Ravi’s pet cat.
d. What do you call your grandparents? Answer:
Teacher will accept all responses for this question
like dada , dadu…
Step 4: Teacher will show the students images and
ask the students the following questions after each
Teacher will ask the students to complete the
Exercises on Page No. 3 in the textbook. And if they
do not have the textbook, only answers may be
The teacher will show the students a video ‘House Song’
and ask the students to watch the video carefully.
After watching the video, teacher will ask few students
some questions: Teacher will show some images and ask
the following questions Teacher will show the animated
story from the OBS website ONLY.
Teacher will do a picture
recall Teacher will ask the students to complete the
exercises on page 10 in the textbook.
Note: Teacher will do the recall through key words and
pictures on flash cards or by preparing the white board
whatsoever is available.
Teacher will show images and ask the questions Teacher
will show the animated story from the OBS website
Teacher will recall the story by asking the students to
rearrange the sentences in chronological order. :
Teacher will show the students how not to
answer a question. For Example: Abu or Kapil and uncle
meet Abu. After showing the students the incorrect way
of answering, Show the students the correct format of
answering. Answer: Kapil and his uncle met Abu on the
Teacher will ask the students to draw their favourite
vegetable or fruit in their notebook and colour it.
Teacher will unmute 5-6 students and ask them to share
a few lines about their favourite object.
Example: My favourite vegetable is brinjal. It is purple in
colour. It has small black seeds. Its oval in shape. I love
eating brinjal curry with chapatti at breakfast time.

Note: Teacher will share few speaking prompts on the

slide: Step 1: Teacher will show the animated story from
the OBS website ONLY.
Step 2: Teacher will show the students real vegetables
and ask the students to identify the vegetables which
grandma asks Asha to collect for hot soup.
Note: Please show the students the following vegetables
(Onion, Green Peas, Tomato, Coriander, Brinjal, Potato
and carrot) and ask them to name the vegetables and
pick out the vegetables which grandma asked Asha to
Step 3: Teacher will narrate the summary of the story
with expression and intonation. “Grandma tells Asha to
bring some vegetables from the garden. Asha takes out
the big basket and she brings green peas and purple
brinjals. Grand ma asks Asha to bring carrots so that
they can prepare hot soup. Asha looks for carrots
everywhere but she doesn’t find any. Grandma tells
Asha to look carefully. Asha again goes to the garden
and this time her pet cat Fluffy accompanies her. Fluffy
roams in the garden and starts digging the ground and
they both find big orange carrots.”
Step 4: Salad Making: Teacher will ask the student to
choose any four vegetables to create their vegetable
salad. Students will take turns and label the four
vegetables used to create the salad.
Note: The vegetables will be diced, boiled and kept aside
prior to the class. During the class students will combine
the four vegetables and season the salad with pepper,
Teacher will play the poem, show images and ask
students questions about it. Teacher will ask the
students to complete the exercises A and B on page 35 in
the textbook.
Teacher will ask any2-3 students two questions from the
text book:
1. Which animals does Jim likes?
Answer: Jim likes the little black goat, the noisy hens and
the gentle sheep.
2. Complete this sentence.
Answer: Jim is afraid of Daisy because she stares at him
and makes a loud noise.

Step 1 :Teacher will show the animated chapter from

the OBS website ONLY.
Step 2: Teacher will do a picture recall.

Teacher will ask a few questions to the students and ask

them which part of the day do they do that particular
activity .
Teacher will show the students, the images and ask
Teacher will ask the students to complete the
exercise A found on page 43 in the textbook.
Worksheet: Reading Comprehension question and
answers.Teacher will share an interactive maze with the
students and ask any 2-3 students in turns, to use
direction words like ‘top, bottom, up, down, right, left’
to help the teacher guide the space ship back to Earth.

Note: Screen will be shared and the teacher will ask any
2-3 students to help her navigate the spaceship in FOUR
LEVLS ONLY. There are more levels, but the teacher can
stop after 4 levels.

Worksheet: Use the possessive nouns and adjectives


Worksheets: Sequence the story.

Frayer’s Model: Create a Frayer’s Model in the notebook

for the vocabulary words.

from Teacher will ask any2-3 students two questions the

text book
Teacher will ask the students to complete
Exercise B found on page 59.
Comprehension questions: Students will read and
answer factual questions about the text.

Worksheet: Use prepositions accurately in the blanks.

Character Sketch: Write a character sketch for Shere

Khan, Mother Wolf and Self.

Frayer’s Model: Create it for vocabulary words.

Worksheet: Look at the animals and fill in the blanks

with movement words

Teacher will ask ALL the students to identify the

describing word and write a sentence using the word.
After this, teacher will ask 4-5 students to share their

Eat Suzy Brown

Kind Thinking On
Telangana Tasty Pizza
Running Fast Smart

For Example: Fluffy has soft brown fur.

Dictation: Teacher will ask the students to write the
following words:

1. Mouse deer
2. Beehive
3. Looking after
4. Beat
5. Scold
6. Attack
7. Sting
8. Cool
9. Safe
10. Angry

Teacher will show the animated chapter video from the

OBS website only
Teacher will ask the students to arrange the following
sentences in correct order.
1. Dr. Anand gives Elly some medicines.
2. Jijo sees Elly lying in the mud.
3. Jijo looks after Elly.
4. Elly gets well and is able to walk and run.
5. Mother elephant and father elephant is happy to see
6. The Keepers take Elly to the camp.
2,6,3,1,4 and 5

Step 3: Teacher will summarise the story using finger

Note: (Puppets can be made for the characters using
chart paper or ice cream sticks.)
Teacher will ask the students to solve the riddles Step
1: Teacher will show the animated poem from the OBS
website ONLY.
Step 2: Teacher will enact the story using flashcards and
real fruits (if available).
Teacher will ask 4-5 students to help her
arrange the following images in correct order.
Teacher will ask the students to complete the exercise B
found on page 99 in their notebook and also write about
‘Trip to my Friend’s Place’.
Teacher will play the beach song and ask the students to
listen to it carefully. After this teacher will ask the
following questions:
Teacher will ask ALL the students to complete the
writing exercise found on page 110.
Gifted Students: Students will write a paragraph using
these three words: Train, Hat, Saturday.
Average Students: Students will read the given
paragraph and give an ending to the story.

1. Name some objects you see on the beach. Answer:

Shells, sand (Variable) Step 1: Teacher will show the
animated poem from the OBS website ONLY.
Step 2: Teacher will prepare puppets of children and
introduce the characters to the students.

2. Why do people go to the beach? Answer: People go to

beach to play in the water during the summer season;
build sandcastles with family & friends… (Variable).
3. Can you name a beach that you have visited? /Can you
name a beach you know about and the city it is located
in? Answer: Anjuna Beach, Goa. (Variable).
Curriculum Planning
Students Activity Teaching Learning Material/ Multiple
21st century skills Intelligence
Educational Tools/Technology

Create a Scrapbook – Take an unused/half-used book. • Pre-work: Find an object which begins
Write the letter Ss and Aa. Stick any 2 real life objects with the /t/ and the /p/ sound and keep it
which begin with the /s/ and the /a/ sound. If no real ready for class.I. Jolly Phonics:
objects Note: Ask students to share images of their
scrapbook with the teacher. Teacher will check if the a. Jolly Phonics:
object stuck/drawn begins with the /s/, short /a/, /t/ or /p/
sound along with the spelling of the word. v=euxN7LGOoLc
Note: All the songs of the letters in this
available, then draw any 2 pictures each. link. Play only one song at a time based
on the lesson plan.
Note: b. Letter Ss: Vocabulary Video:
a. Gifted Students: Encourage them to write the complete
spelling of the word. v=wOgPNCTYTAI (Note: shoe, ship and
b. Average Students: Encourage them to use invented shirt have the /sh/ sound not the /s/
spellings for vocabulary words. sound. Inform the students)
c. Below Average Students: Encourage them to label c. Letter Aa:
words with the correct beginning sounds.
Note: Offline Activity Note: Angel, Ape are not the /a/ sound.
Inform the students.
d. Letter Tt:
e. Letter Pp:
f. Letter Ii:
Note: Mute the video and the teacher will
say the /i/ sound and the words.
g. Letter Nn:
h. Letter Cc:
Note: Mute the video and the teacher will
say the /c/ sound and the words.
i. Letter Kk:
Encourage students to name the objects in different a. Pre-work: Recall the different
spaces in the house and connect the words from names that you call your family
the book to their daily life. members (For example: Instead of
Grandpa, you might call him dadu)
Encourage students to look for local animals and b. What is Your Name: (Readalong)
write about them in their sentences.
c. Whiteboard.fl:

Students will be asked to create a poster in their a. (or any interactive
notebook, using one title and one picture explaining board app)
the positive effect of handwashing. Students will share b. Dictation: Pencil and Paper
images of their posters with the students. Teacher will (important for word dictation)a. Pre-
check if the title and the picture match with each work: Ask students to find any 2
other. Also, the spellings written will be checked. objects each from the house which
begins with the /b/ and the /f/ sound.
b. (or any other
c. Jolly Phonics Songs: Letter Bb:
v=bMns7nj3kjQ and Letter Ff:
d. Vocabulary Videos: Letter Bb:
v=YxcwTR__WJU and Letter Ff:
Word Web – ie and or vocabulary words a. (or any interactive
board app)
Make sentences and word collages b. Dictation: Pencil and Paper
(important for word dictation)
Read the book and make sentences with ‘little’ and c. Pre-work: Teacher will send a voice
‘what’ note saying the sound to the student
and ask them to find one object in the
Comprehension: Make text-to-self connection and house which makes the /ie/ and the
answer the question /or/ sound. The object needs to be
brought to class and placed beside the
student. For e.g. tie, corn…
d. PPT – with ‘or’ and ‘ie’ words (or –
born, corn, horn, short, torch, storm,
form, cork) (ie – die, tie, pie, cried,
spied, lied, fried, flies, tries)
e. Homework: Ben Lost the Camp List
(for parents to read to the students)
f. SPELD Book: Abracadabra (with ‘ie’
words to read during class)
g. Jolly Phonics Songs: IE:
v=GzDimrhVZhA and OR -
h. Vocabulary Words: IE -
v=esc6yoAU5yU and OR -
Word Web: Create a word web for sk, ch, and mp a. PPT – with images, sentences,
words examples as mentioned in the lesson
Make Sentences: Use sight words and create b. Pre-work for Teacher – Make story
sentences flashcards
c. Apply (for Below Average Students
Worksheet: Complete the sentence using words which ONLY) -
make sense
d. Closure Activity -
e. Differentiated Worksheet: Gifted and
Average Students (send different kinds
of worksheet as specified in the APPLY)
Textbook Exercise: Complete the question and Materials Required:
answers from the textbook.
a. Pre-work for Students: Draw one
Worksheet: Identify the common nouns in the images family member on each finger of your
and in the environment. hand. (Check Additional Materials
Folder for Image Reference)
Worksheet: Create the plural forms of the nouns and b. Pre-work: Teacher will share the
identify if the nouns are singular or plural. Chapter PDF + YouTube Voice Over and
ask the students to read and listen to
Textbook Exercise: Complete the key details about the story before coming to class.
myself using sentence frames from the textbook and c. Hook: Family Finger Song:
record an audio. d. Pre-work for Teacher for the Teach:
Finger Puppet: Make 1 set of finger
Frayer’s Model: Illustrate the meaning of new words puppets for the following characters
using the meaning, opposite and sentence given in the (mother, father, grandfather,
Frayer’s Model. grandmother and Toffee)
e. Teach: Animation Video from the
OBS website.
f. PPT – Read through the lesson plan
carefully and prepare the slides.
g. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
the students before the lesson along
with the YouTube Voiceover and ask
them to learn the spellings of the
words and use the picture clues for

Textbook Exercise: Complete the question and write a. Hook : House Song
the answer from the textbook. :
Textbook Exercise: Complete the sentence using b. Pre work: Teacher will share the
articles ‘a’ or ‘an’. Make sentences using Chapter PDF + YouTube Voice Over and
Articles ‘a’ and ‘an’. ask the students to read and listen to
the story before coming to class.
Treasure Hunt Activity: Find, paste and label the c. Teach: Animated video from OBS
object. website.
d. PPT: Read through the lesson plan
Textbook Exercise: Complete the exercises in the carefully and prepare the slides.
textbook of word puzzle and sentence completion. e. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
the students before the lesson along
Video Recording: Draw and sequence the pictures and with the YouTube Voiceover and ask
share the video clip of the narration of the story. them to learn the spellings of the
words and use picture clues for
Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. . Pre-work: Teacher will share the
YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the poem
Worksheet: Read the sentence and identify the (without the exercises) home two days
describing word. prior to the class.

Worksheet: Look at the picture and write a describing . Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with the
word. students prior to the lesson and ask the
students to learn the spellings and
Written activity: Write the pronoun and draw the meaning of the words. In any one of
object/ person. the classes do a word building activity
using these words.
Audio Visual activity: Describe the picture orally and
send the video. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully and
prepare the slides accordingly. Today,
Create a Frayer’s Model (only draw the image) for the we are going to learn about words
mentioned vocabulary words which name a person, place, animal or

Material Required:
a. Teach: Common Nouns Song:
v=JkE8vV5DNhk (Video from YouTube
website to be downloaded)
b. Pre work for teacher: Teach: Where
do I belong game: Teacher will prepare
flash cards for different categories of
nouns or show students a picture on a
slide for each category (Person, Place,
Animal and Thing)
c. Pre work for students (Teach):
Teacher will ask the students to bring
an object to the class.
d. PPT – Please prepare a PPT based on
the flow of the lesson.
e. Closure Activity:
Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. . Pre-work: Teacher will share the
students will be asked to read one sentence at a time YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the
and fill in the blank with the correct pronoun from the lesson (without the exercises) home
word bank. The word bank with the words needs to be two days prior to the class.
put up on the slide. Teacher will solve the first
example . Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with the
students prior to the lesson and ask the
Differentiated worksheet. students to learn the spellings and
meaning of the words. In any one of
Create a Frayer’s Model (only draw the image) for the the classes do a word building activity
mentioned vocabulary words using these words.

PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully and

prepare the slides accordingly.

. Pre - Work: Salad Making: Any four

vegetables diced and boiled along with
salt and pepper to season.
1. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
and prepare the slides accordingly
2. Guided Practice:
3. Apply: Differentiated Tasks :
Gifted Students: Make sentences using
key words.
Average Students: Re-arrange the
words to make a complete sentence.
Below – Average Students: Re-arrange
the words to make a complete
sentence in the game ‘ Falling Clouds’.
Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. a. Pre-work: Teacher will share the
YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the poem
Draw and write about the actions you would do to (without the exercises) home two days
support Animal Welfare. prior to the class.
b. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
Picture Composition: Observe the picture carefully and the students prior to the lesson and ask
write a few lines on it. the students to learn the spellings and
meaning of the words. In any one of
Complete the a story using ‘this’ and ‘that’. Also, fill in the classes do a word building activity
the blanks with ‘this’ and ‘that’. using these words.
c. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
Create a Frayer’s Model (only draw the image) for the and prepare the slides accordingly.
mentioned vocabulary words. d. Hook: Farm Animal Song :
Today, we are going to identify the
different animal sounds.
Material Required:
k. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
and prepare the slides accordingly.

l. Teach: Identify the animal sound:

m. Closure:

n. Prior Knowledge:

Leopard sound :
Crow sound:
Text book exercises: Complete the text book Material Required:
exercises.Teacher will ask few students to share their a. Pre-work: Teacher will share the
homework. Feedback will be shared about the YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the
accuracy of the content, grammatical construction of lesson (without the exercises) home
the sentences and the correct spellings of words. For two days prior to the class.
rest of the students, teacher will share the answer key b. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
for self-assessment with the support of the parent. the students prior to the lesson and ask
Differentiated Worksheets. the students to learn the spellings and
Bubble Maps. meaning of the words. In any one of
Composition: Understand the given topic and write a the classes do a word building activity
few lines on it. Create a using these words.
Frayer’s Model (only draw the image) for the c. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
mentioned vocabulary words and prepare the slides accordingly.
Material required:
Teacher will put the story sequence cards in random a. Pre-work: Send the YouTube voice
order and ask any 4-5 students sequence the story inover + PDF version of the story home
the correct order. As the student selects a sequence(without the exercises) and ask the
card, ask them “Why?”, in this way they will students to read the chapter before
remember the sequence of the story. coming to class.
b. Hook Game -
Note: Copy-paste images on a slide and number them.
As the students suggest the correct order, create a c. PPT – Go through the lesson plan
table like this and write the number. carefully and prepare it with images,
d. Chapter Video – Use the video
‘Animation – ‘Nani walks to the park’
from the OBS website ONLY.
e. Story Summary Flashcards: Main
characters of the story (cutouts) + real
objects to symbolise the lane. (Lane of
Treasures – showpieces, Lane of
Happiness – milk in a glass, Lane of
Mischief – point to the students, Lane
of Dreams – books in your hand, Lane
of Friendship – picture of your friend
and you and Lane of Magic – flower
petals/flowers in hand

Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. Material Required:
1. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
Differentiated Worksheets. and prepare the slides accordingly.
2. Hook: Feelings and Emotions Song -
Create your own tulip flowers and record a few lines
about it. v=eMOnyPxE_w8
3. Teach: Emotions-
Create a Frayer’s Model (only draw the image) for the
mentioned vocabulary words. v=69ZhNfdaRtw
Material Required:
Teacher will ask the students to complete the a. Pre-work: Send the Chapter Voice
exercises as follows: Over and Vocabulary Sheet 2-3 days
Gifted Students: Exercise A + Exercise B from the prior to the class
textbook +Online Game (to re-arrange the sentences
in the correct order with the prepositions)
Average Students: Exercise A + Exercise B from the
Below – Average Students: Exercise A + Write only the
name of the preposition shown in Exercise

Note: Teacher will ask specific students to share

images of their homework. Feedback will be given
about the sentence construction for the sentences
created and the appropriate use of prepositions in the
fill in the blanks. For the rest of the students, answer
key will be shared and students will be asked to self-
check with parent support.

1. Pre-work: Teacher will share the

Text book exercises: Complete the comprehension YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the
exercise. chapter (without the exercises) home
two days prior to the class.
Differentiated Worksheets – To identify the action 2. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
verbs and make sentences with the verbs. the students prior to the lesson and ask
the students to learn the spellings and
Worksheets – Identify the prepositions and make meaning of the words. In any one of
sentences using them. the classes do a word building activity
using these words.
Create a graphic organizer for a snow leopard and 3. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
compose a paragraph with the key details. and prepare the slides accordingly.

Create a Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words and

record the reading of the lesson.
Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. a. Pre-work: Teacher will share the
YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the
Worksheet: Create sentences using ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ chapter (without the exercises) home
with and without sentence frames. two days prior to the class.
b. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
Worksheet: Create sentences using ‘and’. the students prior to the lesson and ask
the students to learn the spellings and
Create a graphic organizer with the key characteristics meaning of the words. In any one of
of an animal. the classes do a word building activity
using these words.
Create a Frayer’s Model (only draw the image) for the c. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
mentioned vocabulary words. and prepare the slides accordingly.
Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. a. Pre-work: Teacher will share the
YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the
Written Work: Student will write a few lines about trip chapter (without the exercises) home
to my friend’s place’. two days prior to the class.
b. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
Worksheets – Identify synonyms and make sentences, the students prior to the lesson and ask
match synonyms with antonyms and draw a picture the students to learn the spellings and
corresponding to the synonym. meaning of the words. In any one of
the classes do a word building activity
Worksheets: Create sentences and write the present using these words.
continuous form of the verb. c. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
Compose a Graphic organizer and write a paragraph and prepare the slides accordingly.
about the given picture.

Create a Frayer’s Model

Text book exercises: Complete the text book exercises. a. Pre-work: Teacher will share the
YouTube Voice Over + PDF of the
Worksheet: Compose sentences, fill in the blanks and chapter (without the exercises) home
match the tense verbs appropriately. two days prior to the class.
b. Vocabulary Sheet: Share this with
Worksheet: Compose a paragraph using key words, the students prior to the lesson and ask
give an alternate ending to the paragraph of a story. the students to learn the spellings and
meaning of the words. In any one of
Record a video about ‘A visit to the Beach’. Students the classes do a word building activity
can use real objects while they are speaking. using these words.
Create a Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words and c. Hook: Summer Time Song-
record the reading of the lesson.
d. PPT: Read the lesson plan carefully
and prepare the slides accordingly.
e. Closure Activity: Pete The Cat at the
Class -1
Learning Outcomes Assessment/ Special Budget
Blooms Taxonomy Evaluation Events /
*(to be evaluated) Almanac

STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO : Teachers can use

recognise the different
means mentioned
/s/ and /a/ sounds for the
2.Number names assignments and
3./t/ and /p/ sounds use them for
4.Start reading assessments as
5. will know some new words well.
6. /i/ and /n/sounds
Note: There will
regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.
Students will be able to : Teachers can use Cost of
1.Self potrait- Happy me emotions the different stationery
2.Finger family means mentioned mentioned in
3.can recognise /k/and /h/ sounds for the TLM.
4. can know about Sight words- I,My,He assignments and
5./c/ and /e/ sounds use them for
6/r/ and /m/ assessments as
sounds 7. Story- well.
What is your name? 8. can read
Note: There will
regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.

Teachers can use Internet

the different
means mentioned
Students will be able to :1. Name letter sounds and for the
identify vocabulary words with the correct assignments and
beginning sound use them for
2. assessments as
Use the sight words to read a RAZ book Teacher well.
will hold a ‘soap’ in her hand and ask the students
“What is this? What do we do with it? Why do we Note: There will
do this?” regular Check for
Note: As the students share their responses, focus (CFUs) during the
on the words ‘clean’ and ‘germs’. online class.
Students will be able to : teachers can use
1. Learn Sight words - A,Be,Is the different
2. Sight word- Where means mentioned
3.Near and Far away for the
4.Can read assignments and
a new level book 5.can read use them for
assessments as
6.recognise /ie/ and /or/ sounds well.
7 learn new .Sight words- The,Me,Do
8. Sight word- Little Note: There will
9. Sight word-what regular Check for
10.Sight word- Up Understanding
11.Story -The mango tree (CFUs) during the
12. /oi/ sound and Feelings online class.
13./oo/ sound and Sight words-Many and Few
14. Sentence
dictation and Sight word -This
15. /w/ and /y/ sounds
16. /u/ sound and Story-I
want that one 17. Seosons
18. /ou/
and /ar/ sounds
19. Dictation and /sh/ sound
20.Sight words- So,No, Come
21. Sight word- Make
22 . Professions
23. Identify sentences, words.
24. /ch/ sound and Raz book-Chip
the Chimp
25. mp/ - words and Raz Book -Falls
26. Sight words- through and Move
Students will be able to: Teachers can use books the different
2.learn new Sight words - means mentioned
They, All and Here 3./ue/ and /ay/ for the
sounds assignments and
4. Story book - Jake and Gail ,go to use them for
Spain. 5. assessments as
Sight word-Important and /nk/ sound well.
6. Story book -
Grand slam tennis Note: There will
7.Sight Word -Use and Goes And Story book - regular Check for
Senses Understanding
8. Fruit song and learning colours (CFUs) during the
9.Thank you note writing online class.
10. Stories - It's play time and Rainbow
11./ee/ and /ea/ sounds and Rhyme _ Clean up
12.Sight word- Over And Book - Polly gets out
Students will be able to
learn new 1. Sight word- Take
2.Book -Caretakers
3.Sight word-.Everywhere-, Song - Shapes
are everywhere and Book- I looked everywhere
4. Story books- It is School time and
The old clock's new hand .
5./tr/ sound and Story- Each will get
6. Story -The peacock and the
crane:understanding the story,plot,charecter etc
7. Rhyme -Wee Willy winky and
Story - Too big too small,
8. Word scramble, match
sentences with pictures and word search.

Students will be able to

:1.Use some describing words(adjectives)
2. Identify the different parts of a house.
3. Use picture clues to sequence the story.
4. Identify and use proper nouns. 5.
Complete sentences using the correct words.
6. Define the articles (a, an) and its usage
Students will be able to :Describe the key details in
the lesson ‘A Walk to the River’
• Use descriptive words accurately in a sentence.
• Identify Pronouns and use it in a sentence.
• Describe a given picture with the accurate
vocabulary words.
• Describe a picture (Oral) accurately.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
Students will be able to : Describe the key details in
the lesson ‘Grandma’s Vegetable Garden’

• Create a grammatically correct sentence.

• Identify Pronouns and use it in a sentence. (I, You,
• Use ‘am’ and ‘are’ accurately in a sentence.
• Classify the objects appropriately.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
Students will be able to :• Describe the key details
in the lesson ‘Daisy, the Cow.’
• Identify the animal sounds and use them
• Use of ‘this’ and ‘that’ appropriately in a
• Use of ‘these’ and ‘those’ appropriately in a
• Observe the picture and write a few lines about it.

• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words

Students will be able to : Describe the key details in : Check for

the lesson ‘Bedtime!’ Understanding:
• Identify and use the action words and Teacher will do
appropriately in a sentence. regular checks for
• Rearrange the words and make a complete understanding
sentence. during the class.
• Understand the topic and describe/ write a few
lines about it.
• Describe a topic using describing words.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words
Students will be able to: Teachers can use Cost of
1. Describe the characters, setting, events the different stationery
and main idea in the story. means mentioned mentioned in
2. Sequence the story accurately for the TLM.
3. Use possessive nouns accurately in a sentence assignments and
4. Use possessive adjectives accurately in a use them for
sentence assessments as
5. Compose text for the pictures well.
6. Use vocabulary words in sentences
Note: There will
regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.

Students will be able to : Describe the key details in Teachers can use
the chapter ‘Sam and Mama Heron’. the different
• Identify and use the emotion words appropriately means mentioned
in a sentence. for the
• Identify and use opposite of the given word assignments and
appropriately in a sentence. use them for
• Identify and use simple present tense assessments as
appropriately. well.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
Note: There will
regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.
Students will be able to: Describe the main idea, Teachers can use Cost of items
settings, characters and key details from the story. the different mentioned in
2. Use prepositions accurately to make sentences means mentioned TLM.
which make sense. for the
3. Use the appropriate ‘animal movement’ word to assignments and
describe animal movement. use them for
4. Create a Frayer’s Model for each vocabulary assessments as
words in the lesson. well.
5. Create a ‘character sketch’ using key details
about the character from the story. Note: There will
regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.

Students will be able to :• Describe the key details Teachers can use
in the chapter ‘The King’s Drum’. the different
• Identify and use prepositions appropriately in a means mentioned
sentence. for the
• Identify and use the action words. assignments and
• Create a graphic organiser for an animal and write use them for
few lines about it. assessments as
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words. well.

Note: There will

regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.
Students will be able to : Teachers can use Dance Cost of items
• Describe the key details in the chapter ‘Jijo and the different Drama/ Role mentioned in
Elly’. means mentioned play TLM.
• Identify the use of ‘can’ and ‘cannot’ for the
appropriately in a sentence. assignments and
• Identify the use of ‘and’ in a sentence. use them for
• Speak about animal babies and their assessments as
characteristics. well.
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words.
Note: There will
regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.
Students will be able to : Ask all the 0 0
Describe the key details in the chapter ‘Champa’s students to share
Fruit Basket’. the images of their
• Identify and use the present continuous tense in a homework with
sentence. the teacher.
• Compose a paragraph based on a picture. Feedback will be
• Identify and use synonyms appropriately. shared about, if
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words. the answers are
written in
sentences using
accurate spellings
and content from
the story. For the
benefit of the
other students,
teacher will also
share the answer
key with the
Students will be able to : Teachers can use 0 Stationary for
• Describe the key details in the chapter the different mind maps
‘Keep the Beach Clean’. means mentioned and
• Identify and use simple past tense in a sentence. for the worksheets.
• Compose a paragraph based on the prompts assignments and
given. use them for
• Describe the given picture orally. assessments as
• Use the Frayer’s model for the vocabulary words. well.

Note: There will

regular Check for
(CFUs) during the
online class.

Annual Exam
CBSE Trainings:
Multi-disciplinary approach
Art integration with Sr. No. and
name as per checklist / CBE / EL
English and EVS to be integrated.

Language structures linked with

each activity.

Thank You card instead of

Birthday card.

Integrated with English, Art.

Language structures linked with
each activity.

Integrated with English, Music.

Language structures linked with
each activity.

Integrated with English, Gujarati.

Instead of Chart, classification on
display board.

Data interpretation
Integration with Math.

We get...I eat/ take...Food
helps..We should....
Integration with English

Use structure - He will/ she will

Integration with English.
Integration with Dance

Hands on activity of plantation.

Integration with Dance
Using phonetics to help students
write spellings.

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