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Grain has been carried aboard ships for thousands of years.

As one of the major items

in the maritime market, it attracted attention because of its importance and the special
problems it presented. The tendency of grain, when carried in its bulk natural state, to shift
within the cargo space of a ship, moving in a seaway, represents a potential hazard to vessel
and crew. Consequently, the problems raised by such carriage are often the subject of
national requirements and international agreements
The term Grain covers wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, barley, pulses, seeds and
processed forms thereof, whose behavior is similar to that of grain in its natural state.
The term “pulses” includes edible seeds for such leguminous crops as peas, beans or
lentils. Nuts such as peanuts in the decorticated form are included. However, undecorticated
(unshelled) forms are not included.
Preparing a Ship for Loading Grain
The requirements do not apply to processed grains such as flour or soybean meal.
CLEANLINESS. It is essential that all spaces intended for grain be thoroughly clean
(i.e. free of previous cargo residues and other contaminants, free of odor and free of loose
rust or paint scale). Particular care must be taken to clean the overhead beams, ledges and
the underside structure of steel hatch covers.
BILGES. Bilges and/or drain wells must be cleaned and then securely covered with
burlap or other suitable material which is grain-tight but not watertight. Bilge suctions and
sounding pipes must be clear. Tween-deck scuppers must be made grain-tight.
MOISTURE. Compartments in which grain is to be loaded should by dry.
Consideration should be given to wooden structures, such as ceiling landing pads, bilge
limber boards and grain fittings, where water may become trapped in or behind the
INFESTATION. A thorough inspection of the grain compartments should be made for
any sings of insect or rodent infestation. This applies particularly to vessels which have
previously carried grain cargoes. Any indication of infestation will be cause for rejection by
government inspectors or their representatives, who may then require fumigation or
extermination prior to acceptance.
The grain regulations predicated on cargo spaces being as full as possible and well
trimmed. Constant supervision and inspection by ship’s officers is required to ensure that
this is done. Proper trimming can be ascertained by frequent sighting through trimming
hatches and access manholes. When loading dusty cargoes, it may be necessary to interrupt
loading periodically to allow the dust to settle sufficiently to inspect the trimming. When
trimming machines are used, the throwing distance should be kept to a minimum. Poor
trimming is difficult and expensive to correct.


Bulker “DANHIL” 2021-09-24
Port of Loading: SANTOS
Porf of Discharging: NINGBO
Cargo: Soya Beans in bulk ; Quantity: 77304,0 mt


11070,0 11070,0 11070,4 11070,4 11070,4 10976,4 10976,4

Ta = 13,60 m Tm = 13,75 m (HOGGING) Tf = 13,80 m

Loading Sequence:
1-st Step – Hold # 2 up to 50% ; Hold # 6 up to Quantity in Compliance with Cargo Plan ;
2-nd Step – Hold # 1 and Hold # 5 up to Quantity in Compliance with Cargo Plan ;
2-nd Step – Holds ( # 3 ; # 4 ) up to Quantity in Compliance with Cargo Plan ;
3-rd Step – Hold # 2 Quantity in Compliance with Cargo Plan ; Hold # 7 up to Quantity in Compliance with Cargo

Master of the M/T „DANHIL“ _______________ Approved by Charterer: _______________

SOLAS Chapter VI previously titled “Carriage of Grain” is now titled “Carriage of

Cargoes”. At the 59-th session in May 1991, MSC adopted amendments to SOLAS Chapter
VI Part C Regulation 9 (resolution MSC.23[59]) to make the International Code for the Safe
Carriage of Grain in Bulk mandatory. The Grain Code became effective January 1, 1994.
The Grain Code is available to the public from IMO as publication 240-E.
Information in printed booklet form shall be provided to enable the master to ensure
that the ship complies with Grain Code when carrying grain in bulk on an international
The Document of Authorization and associated data (including the Grain Loading
Booklet) may be drawn up in the language of the issuing country but, if that language is
neither English nor French, the text shall include a translation into one of those languages.
A copy of the Grain Loading Booklet and any associated plans shall be maintained on
board the ship in order that the Master, if so required, can produce them for inspection and
use by appropriate authorities at the ports of loading.
Grain Loading Booklet shall contain:
Hydrostatic Properties
Stability Cross Curves (Pantacarenas)
For Stability Calculation for Ships with Grain Cargo:
The Table or Curves for Determination of Volumetric Heeling Moments Mv
The Table or Curves for Determination of the Maximum Allowable Heeling Moment
The vessel should have on board a Document of Authorization, issued by the
Administration of the country of registry or by an agency authorized to issue such
documents on behalf of that Administration.
The document should accompany and refer to the approved Grain Loading Booklet
which is provided to enable the Master to meet the requirements of the International Grain

Table X. All Weights and their Vertical Centre of Gravity from Stability Information Booklet‘s Tables

Vertical Upseting
Vertical Centre of Heeling Moment
Moment due to Grain Shift
The Place of Load The Weight Gravity
Pi VCGi Mzi Mvi
(metres) (tons * metres)
( tons ) m4

Grain Cargo (Soya Beans)

HOLD #1 10976,4 12,88 141376 10310
HOLD #2 10976,4 12,88 141376 10310
HOLD #3 11070,4 12,85 142255 10150
HOLD #4 11070,4 12,85 142255 10150
HOLD #5 11070,4 12,85 142255 10150
HOLD #6 11070,0 12,85 142250 10000
HOLD #7 11070,0 12,85 142250 10000
∑Mzi =
Total 77304,0 ∑Mvi = 71070

Vertical Upseting Moment of Inertia

Vertical Centre of of Free Surface of
The Place of Load The Weight Gravity Liquids
Pi VCGi Mzi Mjxi
( tons ) (metres) (tons * metres) (tons * metres)

Heavy Fuel Oil (IFO)

Fuel Oil Tank 1271 15,18 19294 810

Fuil Oil Tank
1238 14,87 18409 935
Total 2509 37703 1745

Maritima Gas Oil (MGO)

Diesel Oil Tank 206 16,33 3364 103

Total 206 3364 103

Fresh Water
Drinking Water
127 18,95 2407 85
FW Tank (P) 223 18,95 4226 128
FW Tank (S) 96 18,97 1821 32
Total 446 8454 245


Light Ship 15958 11,81 188464


Constant 297,0 13,05 3876

∑Mzi =
∑Di = 96589 ∑MXj = 2093

Vertical Centre of Gravity

KG = VCG = (ΣMZi + ΣMXj) / D = (1187421 + 2093) / 96589 = 12,31 m
Metacentric Height
GM = KM – VCG = 18,87 – 12,98 = 5,89 m.
The Height of metacentre KM = (T.KM) = 18,87 m. found from Stability Information
Booklet Hydrostatic Table if Displacement D = 82589 t
Calculation of Static and Dynamic Stability
GZi = KNi – VCG * sinϴ
ΣGZi = GZ0 + 2GZ10 + 2GZ20 + … GZn
∆Θ = 10/2 = 0,17444/2 = 0,0873 rad

Table X. Static and Dynamic Stability calculation

Angle of Pantakorenas
sin θ VCG* sin θ GZi ∑GZi GZd
Heel (θ) KNi

0 0 0,00 0 0 0 0
5 0,087 1,071 1,562 0,491 0,491 0,043
10 0,174 2,142 3,224 1,082 2,064 0,180
20 0,342 4,210 6,404 2,194 5,340 0,466
30 0,500 6,155 9,390 3,235 10,769 0,940
40 0,643 7,915 11,810 3,895 17,899 1,562
50 0,766 9,429 13,032 3,603 25,397 2,217
60 0,866 10,660 13,411 2,751 31,751 2,772
70 0,939 11,559 13,241 1,682 36,184 3,159
80 0,985 12,125 12,722 0,597 38,463 3,358

Fig. X. Static and Dynamic Stability Curves. Grain Stability

Source: Personal Drawing

From Dynamic Stability Curve found Maximum Dynamic Upseting Moment

GZdin. = 1,80 m.

If D = 96589 t , Tm > 12,0 m. ; 250 > LOA > 220 m. from Stability Information Booklet
found Dinamic Upseting Moment from Squal Mdin.Sq, and Rolling range Θr

Mdin.Sq. = 25000,0 t.m. ,

Rolling Range Θr = 18,0º

The Lever GZdin.Sq. = Mdin.sq / D = 25000,0 / 96589,0 = 0,26 m.

Weather Criterion

K = GZdin. / GZdin.Sq. = 1,80 / 0,26 = 6,92 > 1

Table X. Calculated Stability Criteria

(According to the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, the following Criteria are mandatory for Passenger
and Cargo Ships )
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than A 0º - 30º > 0,055
1 0,055 metre-radians up to 30° angle of heel. meter-radians
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than A 0º - 40º > 0,090
2 0,09 metre-radians up to 40° angle of heel or the angle of downflooding if meter-radians
this is less than 40°. 1,359

The area under the righting curve between the angles of heel of 30° and A 30º - 40º > 0,030
3 40° or between 30° and the angle of downflooding if this angle is less than meter-radians
40°, should not be less than 0,03 metre-radians. 0,513

The righting lever GZ should be at least 0,20 m at an angle of heel equal GZ30º = 3,72
4 to or greater than 30°.

5 (The maximum righting arm GZmax should occur at an angle of heel Θmax = 41º
preferably exceeding 30° but not less than 25°. GZ max. = 3,95 m.

6 The initial metacentric height GM should not be less than 0,15 m. GM = 5,59 m.

7 Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion) K not less than 1 K = 6,92

SOLAS Chapter VI Part C Regulation 9 (resolution MSC.23[59]) to make the International Code for the Safe
Carriage of Grain in Bulk mandatory
8 The angle of heel due to the shift of grain shall not be greater than 12 ̊ or
in the case of ships constructed on or after 1 January 1994 the angle at Θv = 9º < 12º
which the deck edge is immersed, whichever is the lesser
9 In the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area between the heeling
arm curve and the righting arm curve up to the angle of heel of maximum AR = 0,946 > 0,075
difference between the ordinates of the two curves, or 40 ̊ or the angle of
flooding (Ѳ1), whichever is the least, shall in all conditions of loading be
not less than 0,075 metre-radians

Grain Stability Control if the Ship has not Curves or Table for Determination of the
Maximum Allowable Heeling Moment
Volumetric Heeling Moments Mv
With the grain in a ship loaded symmetrically and the grain surface(s) leveled, the
center of gravity of the grain mass in on the centerline and the ship should be upright. A 7.3
specifically requires the ship to be in an UPRIGHT CONDITION before proceeding to sea.
Since the weather, sea, and even operating condition of the ship cannot be fully predicted for
the entire duration of a voyage, it is possible that, in spite of the precautions which have
been taken, the grain will shift. If this occurs, the center of gravity of the grain mass will
move off the centerline of the ship and the distance it moves multiplied by the weight of the
shifted grain will create a VOLUMETRIC HEELING MOMENT (Mv) , which will cause
the ship to list.
The magnitude of this moment depends upon three factors; the angle of shift, the
internal geometry of the ship (i.e. the shape of the space into which the grain shifts), and the
weight of the grain.
Once the Volumetric Heeling Moment Mv has been determined, the response of the
ship to this moment (i.e. the resultant angle of heel and the amount of reserve stability
remaining) depends upon the hydrostatic properties of the ship with the actual displacement
and vertical center of gravity. The Code prescribes the following requirements in these
1) The angle of heel due to the shift of grain shall not be greater than 12 ̊ or in the case
of ships constructed on or after 1 January 1994 the angle at which the deck edge is
immersed, whichever is the lesser;
2) In the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area between the heeling arm
curve and the righting arm curve up to the angle of heel of maximum difference between the
ordinates of the two curves, or 40 ̊ or the angle of flooding (Ѳ1), whichever is the least, shall
in all conditions of loading be not less than 0,075 metre-radians; and
3) The initial metacentric height, after correction for free surface effects of liquids in
tanks, shall be not less than 0,30 m.
Volumetric Heeling Lever due to Grain Shift
λo = ∑Mvi / (SF * D) = 2046,13 / ( 1,47 * 3976,93 ) = 0,35 m.
SF – Stowage Factor of Corn
λ40º = 0,8 * λo = 0,8 * 0,35 = 0,28 m.
The angle of heel due to the shift of grain Θv shall not be greater than 12 ̊
In the picture of Static and Dynamic Stability Curves I graphically found that the
angle oh heel due to the dhift of grain Θv = 9,0º < 12º
The Residual Area AR
AR = 0,5 * [( 2π / 360º) * 31,0º)]* 3,5 = 0,946 > 0,075 meter-radians

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